The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 05, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People,
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
Mrs. George Used went to Port
land Tuesday, t J reside. ,
"Hick" Beltot Washington, U pay
lag a vide to Lis t ro'b-r Oioig", anj
v other rta'.iwtfin Weof ot.
Services at the Congrega l oal
churcb tomorrow. Rut.j -or, moninsr,
. ' The Biole;" evening, "Bus
ela." Plana aot ppecifl a'lona have
bein drawn for a l-tig-iOom that J.juo
Smith U to oulld eh rtly on bia
Ta-npioo Nrm.
' Wa'ter Sha8Crt"Q 1 f-yesterday
for Bo-elurg, whre he has aep'ei
a poitiD a au-nVaat upnt r la n
- Western Uolen cfflue.
8frvlces as usual at the Catholic
church tomorrow c od-ictei bv Bev.
Springer. Mass at 10:30 h. id. ard
evealng service at 7-30.
E. J. Garrow. who i la the raw
mill busloess In Siskiyou county, fjl
if irola, la xpcted In Cirvollis by
Buoday to visit Lis f trolly.
Mr'. Hear Gbrh-r r 'turned
Wfdn"dy from Poitlird whlth-r
aba bad be3D c il'ed by the 111' e of
her daughter, Mrs. Geo. lisue He. ..
. The local Prohibition oratorical
contet will be held In col!e;e chapel
this, Saturd ly eveilot?. Good rri
tlons ard ipeeiil muslj. Everybody
InVlted." - " ' : - .-. ;tA
Charley Carrie came out t ) Cor
vallls Wd lesday from his Fail tie k
hom-. He-mada the trip out
that d i, a distance of nearly or qiite
forty miles, . -.... ...
A Corvalllt- welding UscVdi'el
for next Sun 'a-. It la r-poi toi th-t
a vounflf grocatymau aod a prominent
farmer' daughter are t tales the
leading rolee. 1
The youog people cf Well and
vicinity are preparing to preent la
the Bear future, at Wells and per
haps ap.' o'bfr paints, the drima,
"Down in Maine." (
,, Tha First Spiritual Union of Cor
.' vallls will bold serviooa Sunday la
, Barrett Lvoeum. Doore open at 2-30
Service at 3 p. m. A cordial iuvita-
tlon la extended to a:l.
' i At this week's
After a ten dave' vislr. Mrs. A.'D.
Mrrhoo I-ft yestTdty for be home !
at La-lton. - '
Tbe R-bekabs entertained Thurs
day evening io honor ct Miss Pearl
Blaipioa who Is to I-bv- ehTtly for
Washington for an extended visit.
A. F. Peterson went to Asbland
on bueiaeES. :H hn bH on the crn
s ruction i f a 825,000 eehool house to
be fretted there ibis seaem and b'd
are to be rp?ce i at oece. W. O. Heck
ert U also a bl fder for the contract. .
T. W. Dilly Is lvcovetlog rapidly
from the ti jury to bit back sustained
Saturday by filling from a ladder. He
is able to sit up aod walk about, and
thinks ie will be able by Monday to
oe at Mi place of business.
Miles Lemley, pilot of the river
steamer B-gillator, came' up from
Portland 'WedDeiiay to look . biter
property interests In Corvallls and
py hU taxep. Mr. Lemley was for
merly on the Buth, running to Coi val
lls. : -,.-
Mr. Shoel has purchased the
dwelling In Job's addition occupied
by Mr. H, C. Miller, and will ehortty
move In. Mr. Miller and. family are
to occupy their own h"ue on Eighth
street, aod an making extensive Im
provements upon it.
The Seventh Day Adventlsts will
hoM services at their hall, on South
M -in street, every evening from this
time until the end of next week. Bev.
C. J. Cole will conduct tbn meetlnpa.
A- week from Sunday Mr. Cole bops to
California to attend tbe annual Coast
cocf-rence. . ' ' ; '
Bweburg .Review: Mr". C.
Schmidt and childien, D-te, Alfa.
Ella and Ad lie, acd grandson Cbarlds
Srakb. 'etc Sunday mordlug for Sin
Frtnclsco tog ln M Schmldc and
make th r t'e'r future home. Mr.
Schmidt is now established in the
liqarr business. ?
The debate last Mord ly evening
between the Ferouianandz'agathean
societies U said by those who. beard it
to have been one of the beet that ever
took place at the" college. . Th? eub
j 'ct was an ol 1 one bat the accounts
are that It wis bandied In a masterly
manner. The, subject discussed was.
"Resolved, that Capital Punlshmmt
8hould be Abolished." .
The Lady Maccabees' entertain
ment Wednesday evening was very
much of a succeae,. notwltbstsnding
tbe lartte attendance at the basket
ball came and other counter attrac
tions. A meiitorl lua literary and mu
sical programme was presented, and
tbe rtfr 'thuieDts were superior in ev
ery particular. The after rart of the
evening was piven over . to various
game, some cf which were unusually
entertaining. v
Tbe next debate in tbe series for
the Ga'ch cud takes Dlaos in colleen
raretlng of the 'ohanel a week from next. Mrinriav
oouoty court, Mrs. Hugglos . was! night. It will be between the Amiolt
awardad tbe contract for keepinar theliaas and the Phlladelphlins, aod the
county poor f r a period of two years. ' queetiou is, -Resolved, That the pead
Ihe rate la S3 per week. . I lug pi imary election should be re-
William Chappell and Alfred Mil-' Jeoted' Tft Amicltians have thef-
wr started yesterday for their home
in Alferta. During the past two
months they visited at the . borne of
the termer's I r 'ther, Martin Chappell
vu weaver creeK.
The Thompson cemeit building
Is nearlng oompletloo. It Is so nearly
finished as to enable O. J. Blackleage
. to place a portion of his stock in it.
Mr. Blackledge h to occupy the en
tire lwer fl jor and galleries.
Mrs. James Wilkinson left Thurs
day for Los Angeles, California, to
join ner husband who has been id
Southern California all winter for th
benefit of bis health. Both will re
turn to Corvallls in short time.
E. Walden, who has resided In
Albany since bis recent marriage, "
In Corvallls Weinesday aud Thurs
day on bosloees. The weight of mat
rimonial resposlbllltlej appeirs to
weigh lightly upon him for a person
of his yt are.
Presbyterian strvlce morning
subject, "Where Do We Get Our Eng.
llsh BIblf ?" Evening subject, "Why
Should Kverv Young Man Be a ChiU
tlan? '. The yearly contribution for
flrumive. and their t am Is, Horace
Br Jdle, A. S. Qiels and David Hlrstel.'
Tbe members of thePhiladlpbtan team
has not yet been given out by tbe so
ciety. . '
William Seekler has resumed hU
place as foreman f the Corvallls sec
tion of the S. P. trick, from which he
resigned temporarily to act as f ore
man of, a coQrtiuctlon and repair
(rang about two years ago. He will be
bere until his service? are again re
quired la tbe latter capacity. Cyrus
Bradley, who bad charge of the sec
tion In Mr. Seckler's absence, filled
the pUce with entire satisfaction to
the company.. He at ill has employ
ment on tho section, aod is well up In
the line of promotion.
A "crazy social" will be given by
the Presbyterian Ladles Aid Society
at tbe home of Mrs. John Simpsen,
Friday evening, March 9th. A num
ber of guests from. Salem are expect
ed. A doctor will be in attendance
and all persons found guilty . of being
pel feci lv clothed' and in .their tight
mind, will be fined, not, less than 1
cent nor more than 5 cents. The fol
lowing digestible" articles will be
Feed is low and There is no Grass
Working the Roads . and a. -Call
for Assistances Items -From
Mountain View " :
Other News.
Ocr energetic road supervisor,
Albert Wilson ii out these wet days
digging and opening ditches and
letting the water iff the roads.
With what little money there .will
be at his disposal this year, and
with the ct-opetation of the - far
mers, we look for considerable im
provements under his super vision.
This district having been divided
into three districts makes it con
siderably easi r for the supervisor,
better for the roads end gives beltsr
satisfaction to everybody concerned.
Let every farmer cme forward and
haul gravel on the dollar for dollar
plan, if only' for a day or two. and
n t leave it for a few willing hands
to do it al . This is the only way to
get good road3 without increasing
taxation. - V .,
: Miss Mary Dunlap finished a
very successful five months ' school
at ; Mountain View last Friday.
There is to be a vacation till March
7111, wueu miss jjumap will con
tinue teachiDg tbe spring term of
three months. On Washington's
birthday the afternoon was devoted
to speeches by the childrm appro
priate to the day.. The schoolroom
was nicely decorated and with the
marching discipline of the children
reflec s great credit on the. teachen
The-S: P. R. .R. has beenTdoing
considerable business at Lewisburg
depot this winter, a large quantity
ol dressed calvep, hogs and all kinds
of poultry his s been ehippr'd from
this point by farmers t the Port
land .commission bouses This does
away with ihe old unsatisfactory
way of disposing of produce, ia the
local markets, and u more remun
erative to, the producers...
; ijrain pas maae a very poor
growth in this section this winter
and the constant rain this month
nas been very hard on e.tock of all
kinds, particularly on sheep, as the
grass has been very short and eraio
nas not made sufficient growth to
pasture it. ',' ' ' 'y.'
.v -'-' 'V Progress.
- Cured Consumption. .
Mr. B. Evans, Charwater. Kan., writes:
"My husband lay sick for three months.
The doctors said he had quick consump
tion. We procured a botile of B Hard's
Horehound Syrnp, and it cared him.
That was six years ago and since then we
have always kept a bottle in the house.
We cannot do without it. For roughs
and colds it has no eqnil." 25c, 50c and
fi.oo. Sold by Graham A Wortham. -
Invaluable for Rheumatism.
I have been snffering for the ' past few
years with a severe attack of rheumatism
and fonnd that Ballard's Snow Liniment
was the only thine; that gave "me satis
faction and tended to alleviate my loins.
March 24, 1902. John C Degnan, Kins
nan, Ills.- 250, 50c and $1 00. Sold bv
Graham & Wortham. . -i f
Lumljer and Building I Material
; From now on we will keep in stock a; '
Full Cine of Building Cumber;
We have arranged with the Cartas Lorn- '
ber Co. to handle heir lumber "at Corval- '
v s, lis. , We are now prepared to offer Spe-v-.
cial Prices on a large stock of material. ' . ; '
Gentral Planing jviills & Box ractory.
l urmtor, Entro Noua Clab.
, 176 Warren Avenue,
Chicago, Oct. 22, 1902.
For nearly four years I suffered
from ovarian troubles.. The doc
tor insisted on an oneration 99 t.Vin
Lpnly way to get well. I, however,
sirongiy onjectea to an operation;
My husband felt disheartened as
welTaa I, for home with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best. A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottle of Wineof
Cardni for me to try, and he did so.'
I began to improve inaf ew days and
niyrecovery was veryrapid. With
in eighteen weeks I was another
being.- ' . ... 1 ,, 3
Aire. Stowe's letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female weaknes and bow completely
v ine of Cardni cures that sick
ness and brings health and happi
ness again. , Bo not go on auiEer
ing. ... Go to your druggist today
and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardni. - .
the freedmen and education will be re-, passed. "The staff of life a la goat;
iwiveu at ine mnrnmg service.
W. .0. Heckart wai in town fjr
a few hours Wednesday on buslae-s.
He has just been awarded the coo
tract for building a new residence for
W. W. Calkins, making the third
house of tbe kind he has built for Mr
Galkins in Eugene. Toe new struct
ure Is to cost about $1,600, acd Is for
rental purposes.
Harry Davis has accepted a po
tltlon wltb O. W. Hurd cf Florence,
Mr. Hurd is tbe ' owner of several
steamships, a canuerv and other im
portant Industrie) on Sluslaw Bay.
He owns the eteamtr Koeco whleb
makes trips naw between Taquloa
and Coot. Bay. Mr. Davis left Mon
day to assume bis new duties.
The Weed mercantile buclnow a":
Philomath has changed hands. The
new owners ar Georpra Sc;tt aod M'.
Pugsley, son of A. W. Pugey, who
arrl.ed a couple if years a;i frjm
Idaho. Tbe firm name is to be Scott
& Pugsley. Mr. Weed, who owns
property In the vicinity Is to remain
In Philomath. Tbe deal was negotiat
ed by Henry Ambler.
a tireless worker among women; a
dead beat with' sticks of wood; some
thing to get rid of, and an agent of
a weddioe. Admission 15 cents for
one, or two lira quartf r. Everybody
come. ,
' The Rebekabs and Knights of
Pythias of Corvallls are to pay f ra-
ternal visits to kindred societies
Albany next Friday night. Both
have been Invited by Albany lodges
to make the visit, and each has ac
cepted. The trip Is to be made by
Bpeclal train, and tbe occasion is ex
pected to be widely popu'ar as well
fa pleasant, '
London, March 2. The London
Daily Mail prints a diepatch from
its Shanghai correspondent stating
that tbebelief is growiDg there that
the war will shortly involve China.
The principal Chinese arsenals ara
declared to be taxed tn the r limit
preparing munitions of war, while
the troopa are being placed on a
war looting. The government is
said to have placed large orders for
gutis and supplies abroad.
Gives Health, Visor and Tone.
Hferbin is a boon for. sufferers from an
eamia. By its use the blood is quickly
regenerated and the color becomes nor
mal. The drooping strength is revived.
The languar is diminished. Health, vig
or and tone predominate. New life and
happy activity result Mrs. Bell H. Shir-'
el, Middlesborough, Ills., writes: "I
have been troubled with liver complaint
and poor blood, and have found nothing
to benefit me like Herbone. I hope nev-
In er to be without it. I have wished that
I had known of it in my husband's life
time. 50c. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Dr.Wells. the Albany V S will be at
Fruits livery stables every Friday of
each week. Bring your horses and
have then: examined free of ,charg$. , 1
Philomath Items. '
Mayor Burnap'is building, an ad'
diiion to his hotel. -
Rodell Henkle ia n Portland cn
a txisiness trip. . ..
j ror. u. v. . woite-8 family 18
qn- rantined on account of Bcarleti-
tia..'- ; '
It-nton County Lumber Co. is
ex nting a contract for 5jo,ooo
fei- of lumber. ... "
1,'cal oratorical contest of the
pr i bit ion league was on the even
evening of Match 3d. -
Mia8Letitia Abrams, whose work
i .. , ... .
wh so weu appreciatea . last year
ba returned to take charge of elo
cution at Pnilomath College.
An excellent ' series of revival
meetings closed laet week. A num
ber of new members have united
with each, of the churches as a re
sultof the meetings.
Miss Beulab Henkle is in Port
land taking special work in millin
ery. She is ; preparing to take
charge of the new millinery depait
uaeni of J. E. llsnkle'd store. : -
. Henry Ambler, our popular real
estate man, has taken into partner
ship with bim. Judge Virgil E.
Watter8, of Corvallis. This makes
a happy combination for Judge
Watters is one of the very bestmen
of the county. They will operate
twooliiees. Judge Walters'" will
have charge of the Corvallis office
and Mr. Ambler the Philomath of
fice. Mr. Ambler says- he expects
a large immigration this spring.
Keduced fare for such immigrants
begins March 1. . . , - -An
important transfer of' proper
ty was made by Henry Ambler the
firstj of the week. The ' grocery
store owned bv J. Weed was nur-
chased by Dr. G. A. Scott and A.
W. Pugsley. Dr. Scott is our ex
cellent dentist,7' our popular : city
marshal aod a very 'amiable and
worthy man. Mr.: Pugsley and
family came from the East a few
years ago and have just recently
moved to Philomath. All we know
of him inspires . confidence in his
honor and business ability. The
new firm will be known as Scott
& Pugsley. -- The stock will be in
creased and everything will be done
to pleasantly and successfully -meet
the demands cf the trade.
". ' ' ' - "In-sicse." .
-' . c ? ' . .- . ' .
Real Estate Co.
You have come from the land of ice and
enow, . .
And you dont knowjaat where you want
y 0 go; ; , . ,-s ; (4
You have not yet ran short of cash
And you want to in vest so as. not to
Perhaps your'e a farmer want someone
V ' to Hhow
Where the largest aud best crop9 un
failingly grow . . . . , .,
And tell and assure yon exactly where
Yon will surely be dealt with just and
t , . fair,, .:.... ....
Where they will not try to cheat
.. . ueacyou, ,
If you afe earnestly trying to purchase a
- - home .
Just call at the office of White & Stone.
uu main street. Corvallls, they will be
Always ready and willing to show you
Ifyou would he used very nice acd po-
v lite.
YOa should make the acquaintance of
.', E. E. White. , .
We are certain' to please with the farms
to be shown
i$y our gentlemanly solicitor H. M.
Stone '. . .!..
They will tell you where the best prunes
'. . t, .. grow-- . . .
They have been in the business and
surely, know, ; .. .
Aaa where to -grow fine grain, but if
dairying yon would try
They can tell yon; just where a fine
. i...' ranch to buy. 5 , . "V, .
They do yoW business, deal in city
.-n. lands . . , . - , ;t 1
Antt the renting of bouses is in their
nanus. - .
So when yon come here, a stranger und
' alone,
Just call at the office of White & Stone
Now ia the time to think about
Cbat Pair of eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to.' ' Come
to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee
tbe fit, and 'will be here from 7 to 6 to - i
make good my guarantee. , :
E. S. PRATT, ;
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. ; .' ."' i
January 5, 1904; is the Date
For Opening after the Holidays. '
Cboroufib, orranaigottipiete
Courses in Bookkeeping .Shorthand,5 Tvpewriting Rapid
Calculations, Commercial Law4 jLetter, Writinc; English
Punctuation. , ; ;- , - - . v ...f .. ,'.
I. E. RICH ARD50N, Pres-v
; Corvallis, Oregon.
Willamette Vallej
g Goinpamr
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchanpre Issued payable at all finan
cial centers In United States, Canada
aud Europe.
Principal eorrecpondents.
PORTI,ANr-Imdon St San FrtraciHooBank
jLomicea; uaaadiaa Uiiuk of Commerce.
SAJf FRANCISCO-Irfmdou Sam Fnatk.
' Buk Limited.
NKW TOBK Measrs. J. P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENO London San Frailclnco
Buk Umitnl. .
xTancuoo jsanK umlted.
ot Oregon
Time Card Number 22.
12:45 p. tn
2:00 p. m
6:2o p. m
6:45 a; m
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. .'
r Corvallis.
;,. " arrives Yaqnina.k .,
( .' Returning: -y.o'i
' . Iseaves Yaqutna...
' " t r ....
. Xieaves iorvauis . . . . 1 . . , . 11 ;3o a, m
' Arrives Albany...... .... ..12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit; ' -
Leaves Albany........ 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit.....1.. ., ..12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit...... i;0o p.m
Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m
'Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. . . . -
Train No 2 connects with the S Pttains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. ... .
.For further information apply to
t - ' Edwim Stone,
' ; Manager.
H. H. Cronlse, Ajrent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. -
In the Countv Court of thi. Rtala
for the Oouoty of 3enton..-.
In the matter of the estate of Jnna F. TTl.hor
To Ethel E. Schou. Ida E. Morris, Mi rearet
Fisher, and Bowland Fisher, heirs and devisees
6f Jane E. Fisher, deceased, Greeting:
in the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby cited and required to appear In the
County Court of the stale of Oregon, for the
Cramlv nf Xdntnn .ith. rv. .. . . .
atuorranuui tneuonnty of Benton on Tues- S,T "" i"'""'
day the 8th day of March' 1904, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of that day. then and there to
snow, cause if any exist, why an order of , sale
Miuuia uufc.De maae as prayed tor iln- toe peti
tion ofE. E. Wilson, administrator ot said
estste-of Jane E. Fisher, ueceased, ol the fol
lowing described real property towit:
Begluniiie at a point S; chains east of the
southeast corner of the northwest quarter of
soumeas. quarter 01 section 20, T. 11 ts. K. 5 w.
and run 1 hence ' north 60 chains;. Ihence
east 2.50chnliis: thence north 30 chains; theoce
east to t:ie West line of the donation land claim
of thilip.Mulkey, Not. no. 958 in t. 118. K.,5 w. ;
thence south to a point 9.50 chains south of the
northeast corner of don&Uon land claim of J. C.
itoberts, Not. Ho. same Tp; and K.: theuco
north 26 degrees 36 minutes west 10 2 chnius to
a point 4.75 chains west of eald northeast corn
er of sai.l Koberta claim ; thence west to the
place of beginning. Also lot 10 in section 22,
ana lots 1, 2, 3, 4. and b in section 21 T. 11 s. it.
9 W:, except therefrom the following, beginning
at a point 51) links east of the southwest comer
of &8id lot 5 and run thence north 4.09 chains:
thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 chains; thence
south 4 degrees enst 1.48 chaius to point on
south boundary line of said lot 5 (said point
being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner ot
said lot 5)-thence west on south boundary
line of said lot o. a distance of 10.55 chains to
the -place ot beginning, containing 2:32 acres
more or less. 'Also a strip of land 30 feet wide
running alone the full length of the west si .
of a piece of land containing 17. S3 acres des
cribed as follows: beginning at the N. . corn
er of claim No. 55 T. 11 8. K. -5 run thence
W. 18 chain: thence 8: 9.91 chains; thenc E.
18 chatns; thenee N. 9.91 chains to plaee of be
ginning. All the Above being in Benton coun
ty, state 61 Oregon.' . .
: It beinar the intention to include in the above
descliDtlon all lands described in mnrhraee
given by Jane E. Fisher abd husband -to the
state Land Board, bearing date December 8.
1U00. - ,
And you are further notified that this citation
is serveu upon you, ana eacn 01 you, Dy . pub
licatiou thereof in the Corvallia Times,' news
paper for tour weeks, under an order made by
the Hon. Virgil E' Watters. ju lee of said court
bearing date Februaiy o.h, 1901.
WITNESS, tne Hon, Virgil E. Witters, j-tlirj
of the County Court of the State of Oregon fo;
the County of Benton, with the seal ot suld
Court aOixed this oth day of February, A. D.
1304. '
Attest- ' , VICrrOR P. M05F.S,
''..,. , . . .... Wert. -
.(ie C - ' .
r Proclamation. : :
'Whereas, the" Secretary- of state of
he- State of Oregon has. notified me
n -wriUog . that - pursuant to the ro-1
visions of an act entitled, '-An act making ef.
fective the initiative and refer-aduia proris
lons of 8ecti m 1 of Article IV of the Constitu
tion of the State of Oregon, -and regulating e
lectlom thereunder, and providing penalties for
vjolatlom of provisions of this act." approved
Februaiy 24th, 190S, the State Prohibition Al
liance duly Bled in his office on February .,,
1904, an initiative petition containing 8,816 sig.
natures properly attached thereto and certified
in accordance with law, demanding thit a pro
posed lw, the tenor and effect ol: which is .
hereinafter particularly sec forth, providing
for elections in any county or any - precinct
therein or any subdivision therein or any sub
division of a county consisting of any number
of entire and contiguous products of such coun
ty to determine whether the sale of intoxicat
ing liquors shall be prohibited lu such oounty
or subdivision thereof or any such precinct
and for other purposes as hereinafter .stated
shall be submitted to the legal electors of the
State of Oregon for their approval or rejec
tion attire general election )o be- held on -the
6th day ol June, being the first Monday of June
1904. - . . ...... .
Now theeefore, I, Qeo. B. Chamberlain,
Governor of the State of Oregon, In obedience
to the provisions of said act hereinbefore .first 1
mentioned, do hereby make and issue this
Proclamation to the people of the 8tte ol Ore
gon, announcing that the said state Prohibition
Alliance has Bled sold initiative petition with
the requisite number of signatures thereto at
tached, demanding that thore be submitted to
the legal electors of the Ktate of Oregon for their'
approval or rejection at the regular election to
be held on the 6th dayof June, being tbe first
Monday of June, 1904, a proposed law provid
ing for elections in any county or precinct
therein or any subdivision thereluiw any sub
division of a county consisting of any number
of entire and contiguous preutocts of such
county to determine whether the sale of Intoxi
cating liquors shall be prohibited lu such coun
ty or subdivision thereof.'and for other ' pur
poses connected therewith as hereinafter stat
ed, havirg for its purpose and being briefly of
the tenor and effect following, that is to say:
. A bill to propoke, by initiative petition, a law
providing for any county, or any
precinct therein or any subdivision of a county,
consisting ot any number of entile and con
tiguous precincts of such county, to determine
whether the sale of intoxicating liquors -shall
be prohibited in sucn. county or subdivision
providing - - for the
riling of petitions for such elections and the
form and effect thereof, and for notices of such
elections and for the time and manner of hold
ing and conducting the same; declaring . what
stall constitute a subdivision of the county
within the meaning of this law;, declaring
w&at acts shall and what shall not constitute
a violation of this law; declaring the Kiualiftca
tioua of petitioners and of electors at such el
ection: applying to such elections the prov
isions of Sections 1909, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, i905,
1900, 1907,1908, 1909, 1910. 1911, 1912, and 1975.
of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and
St itutes of Oregon ; providing for printing and
distributing ballots for such elections; pre
scribing tuedulies of public officers In relation
tosuch elections and In relation to the enforce
ment of the provisions of this law; providing
Jor the issuance by tne Coun ty Court of orders
prohibiting the sale - of. -iutoxicating liquors
within cerwin limits aud declaring the duties
of such courts in reference thereto: limiting
the time within which the question of prohib
ltingisucb sale oi intoxicating liquors may
again be subralttedtj-vote in the seme district:
providing penalties and punishment for the
violation of any of the provisions of this law;
providing for the return to any liquor "dealer or
Other KflSOII flf 11 Dmiyirrinnoru amraint ofanv
license fee which he mav hava nAlrt vhnnr
the district in which he shall be engaged in
ou-siness snail be declared to be prohibitum
territory; aud applying to all elections held'
under the Drevbdona of this law eht, "nrnvllnn
of --the general election laws of the state and
declaring certain rules of evidence - applicable
to prosecutions under this Act.
Bona at the Capitol at Salem ' this 10th day
of February, A. D., 1904; .. . ; . 1 ...
Geoeoe E. Chamberlain.
j -.' .Governor."
By the Governor,
F. I, Dl-NBAB, ' t '
. Secretary ol State,. , -1 . -
- (Seal.) '.'"'."".'
. ' .' Ilomeopathist
Office cor 3rd add Monroa eta. . EeaJ
V dencecor '3rd " and Harrison' ete.
' Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
. - to 8 1YM.V Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence '815. '. - " -