-Ml. fcv nl waiter ii ' -if ? Vol. XVII. Noi 3. . CORVALUS, OREGON, MARCH 5. 1901. - B. V. 1RV1HB ". . Xditoraadfroprtaaaav . We are Receiving . 1 .Some of Our . Early ( Shipments " FOB .' . SPRING. Every day Brings New Goods, to . v - . Our Store. , . RIBBONS, SHOES, ; CLOTH I N O, ETC. . ' T-"1 "7 .'rrr.T" ." "V"''1 mj'-1 p. r 'J,'":' THE HOLY GANG AN EVANGELIST ENTERTAIN ED BY A "TAR AND FEATH ER PARTY" IN HELENA, i 1 Oar ad., but our gooda change hands L every day. 'Your money exchanged - M for Value and Quality Jthejidea. fife Big Line Fresli Groceries I Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware ' A large and varied line. Threaten to Barn Every Saloon in ; the City, U Molested Again 1 Leaves the City in a cloeed ' V ' ' Ca-riage Other News, v v Helena, Mont., March 1. A spe cial from Dillon cays: This city haa been simply agog with excite ment over toe "tar and feather'1 par ty given to C. W. Bridewell, evan gelist ot the "Holin?es People," Sunday night by a mob of several hundred angry men. No other hap pening in recent years has caused as much talk, and public sentiment is almost unanimous in upholding the work of the f'tar party." ' ' Many rumors have been circulat ed, one b the effect that if tbV'Ho- ly Rollers'' are subjtct to more at tacks, they will retaliate and burn every saloon in the city.. ;A weal thy woman of this city, who has al ways been a -prominent member of the "Holy People," and who is a relative of i the gospel : exhorter, swore out warrants today- for ix well-known young men of the city, charging malicious mischief. , She is quoted .as saying ...that she will spend $10,000, if necessary, in pros ecuting members of the mob, and confidentially hopes to fill the state prison with residents of bad Dillon. Ibe mob s victim, w he a seen early this morning showed' no ill ef fects of hi9 ' trying experience, and he staled that lie bad ireoonsidered his promise given id the thob -that he would leave towri,- as that prom ise was given under compulsion. and that many of the beBt people of Dillon . promised him protection. and therefore be would not leave until panothe evasgelUitrd4to lake up his work. Nevertheless he was seen leaving the city in -closr ed carriage" this afternoon. His re turn will probably mean a repeti tion of Sunday night's afiair and will probably be. accompanied by violence or even bloodshed. . ; , y Orders Filled Promptly and Com- 1 ' plete. Visit our Store we do the .'. , rest,- ' . ; e. B Rorning New Furniture And Music Store SQTJTH MAIN ST: CORVALLIS, OR. twine and clothing; alone' saves our foreign trade from disaster. Washington, March 1. Senator Ga'lioger today introduced a hill increasing the salaries of executive officers of the government and also of senators1 and members of toe House of representatives. The bill fixes the following ecale: ; President, $75,ooo; vice-president, $15,000.; speaker of the House of representatives, $12,ooor members of tbe. cabinet, $15, 000 each; sena tors and members of the House, $8,000. each. The bill provides that the new salaries shall take effect March 4, 1905. 1 r'-:-- - T:Jr'.i i' v',", Colrimbus, 0., March ' l.--Chas. Dick, 'pf Akron, was today- elected to tbelDnited States senate to suc ceed tbe late Marcus. A. Haana. He was given the solid republican vote of the House and senate, which voted in separate - sessions. The democrats voted for John H. Clark, of Glevelaod.-Tomorrow the House and eeasion meet in joint . session to Canvass the vote. .- !;. ; "-' c- ' New Brunswick, N. J.j March 1. Noah Baby died today in . the Pis- cataway poor bouse,, .where he had been an inmate tor ine past .zu THE WAR. DOMESTIC CONCERNS HAND , CAP THE HAND OF RUSSIA ylN THE. EAST. . , years., ; If he bad lived until 'April J. next, -according to his own state ment, Raby would have been 132 years old. '.'.' V " , . ' .. San'iose, Cal , March 1. Han nibal, an untamed lion,' owned by the Norris fe Rowe's circus, broke loose from his cage this morning and killed a horse which had been hitched to the car in which the lion bad been shipped from ' San: Fran cisco. A Hannibal was recently 00 exhibition at the Chutes in - San Francisco; and was forwarded to Norris & Rowe on ( Monday after hood, " u .tsKi.-.C V'J lno"! L't'ii A trainer was left , to; guard the car last night,' but in his absence tbe king of beasts secured bis liber ty and mede prey on the. defense The war Unpopular Among Some Russian People Students Urge i '7 ; Revolution Vladivostok .-. ' Menaced by Japs . , , Other News. . St. Petersburg, March 3. Gener al Gragomiroff, ex-governor of Kieff, and one of the best posted of ;Rus- : : 1 : 1 1 i uau luiubnrjr e&jjvrw, oik's vwu Hum nioned to the capital by the czar to take part in the deliberations re garding the conduct of the war, and incidentally. to aid in the prepara tion of the plan of campaign. . .. ..This, step on the part of the czar, is regarded as highly significant, in view of the fact that .General Dra gomiroff has severely csiticised Ad miral AlexfefPs policy, .and ha in sisted that the sensible posicy would have been to direct botn the army and navy to evacuate Port , Arthur, and not to have permitted the Jap anese to shut (hem up like rats in a trap. -. Such a retreat, he has main tained, would have been a sensible policy, and ' wold have . pie vented further great disasters to the Rus sian army. .-.. ; - While ; General DragomirofFs published , strictures have been promptly repudiated qy the -gov ernment, 'and hit 'statement .that Port Arthur should be abandoned has been criticised in severe terms by General Kouropatkin and other high army chiefs, it is nevertheless a fact that there is a general feeling that 'Admiral "Alexieff Is ' directly to blame lor tbe disasters that have followed the beginning of hostilities. He is declared to have committed euuh blunders, both of commission 1 1 mi .1 . dyacevd? lioirlHW?M0?r Ah tbehole ,Pftrt Cincinnati, Feb. 25. An Acci dent at the Richmond Street Chris tian Church here 'tonight resulted in ten children being ; seriously burned and others painfully injur ed." - " -'-;'-: -': ' r- '.:;v- The Sunday school-room was crowded with little bojs at an en tertainment, lhe pastor, tbe Rev. Vnon St a offer, was telling fairy stories. To make them realistic he provided a kettle, with salt in the bottom, saturated with alcohoL This was ttt fire to furnish weird lights for the fairy stories. Suddenly a draft struck the stream of alcohol and an explosion followed. All of those seated a- round tbe fire were .burned. The blame for the draught is charged to little girls who had been excluded and who were opening doors tj look I 'Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of . . . ... Goods consisting of . r ; Various Musical Instruments, Bed Lounges and Couches, Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads, Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc. Woven Wire Springs, Good Line of Mattresses, Extension Tables, Center Tables, Go Carts Sideboards, Kitchen Safes, Kitchen Treasuree, . . Dining Chairs, High Chairs, Children's Rockers, and Many Styles of Other Rockers. Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in Window Shades, Curtain Poles. New Line of Wall Paper. Also Sewine Machines, new and second-hand. SAcnnd.hand Pianns S V ior sals and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Gr&niteware left ' C "E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. ee la Z erolf "ui d" -g, Con all s. 0- B. A. CATHEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ofpce, Room 14, First 'National Bank Bnildrag, Corvallis, Or, Office Honrs, 10 to 12 a. to., 2 to 4 P. m. New York World. Using the latet French figures and reckoning the franc at 20 cents we sent France in 1903, $81,779,900 worthof goods Raw cotton, cottonseed oil' and pe Iroleum accounted for much: more than half $4.5,600,000. We sold France of foods, tobacco, copper, wood, hides and ths like $21,ooo,- 000. -Our sales to her of maoufaot ed goods, except some $5,5oo,ooo of machinery; were trivial. - French exports to the United States are led by $13,000,000 worth of silk goods. Manufactured com prise fully three-fourths of the total of $45,ooo,oop. - : : " . Of French imports from allcoun tries hvo-Bixtna are lood and .raw materials her exports of manufac tured articles are over half the total, raw materials a trifle over one-qnar ter. Of our total imports raw ma terials form only a Jittle over one tbird ; of our exports the products of- farms, mines, forests and fisher ies, are over two-thirds, farms alone selling SO per cent.- ; : : - Compared witn. France .we are still "industrially a' crude and back ward nation, - eeliurg mainly raw material and , foods and buying mainly mannfaltured goods The tariff helps, trusts to rob our nwn people., but has failed to devel op commerce. . -h y. , The wholly ubpr btected:' Atoeri can faimer, fleeced -at' -every turn for his tools, pil f"r-jr?v at liberty in the: car, had gorged himself on the carcass of the animal be had killed, and was in a con tented frame of mind a? long as he was left to his slumbers. It was decided by tbe proprietors of the Circus to await the arrival 'of his Ltrainer, . Frank Hall, from San Francisco, before attempting to cage the beast. Hall reached hete on the 11:20 train and, after a struggle, Hannibal was .'forced into his cage and taken to the circus ground. T lhe lion is a young beast of Nu bian blood, and was recently pur chased by Norris & Rowe. He has a record for temper, and has disa bled one man for life and sent V. nother to the hospital 'since coming, into possession of its present own ers. ' " ' ' ' " '- " ; " ' .'-"'!'' Oregon "City, March 1. Maud Russel and Clara Young, two young ladies- residing : .-near :, Wilboit Springs, were attacked bne evening recently near their homes : by a band of . half-starved, coyotes and narrowly escaped. : ; Mies , Russel fortunately was - armed with a rifle, ; with which she dispatched the leader of tbe animals and tbe other quadrupeds were put to night by tbe noise of tbe explosion. The coyotes in the interior of the country have become uuusually troublesome of late, tbe excessive snow in the mountains having de prived them of a source of food sup ply, and they are now foraging to a considerable, extent on the flocks and herds of the farmers, but this is the first instance reported in which they have attacked human beings. . - - Arthur fleeet; and possibly the bl berian squadron now penned up in Vladivostok harbor, must inevita bly be lost io Russia. ' The feeling through Russia is so strong mat tne czar nas . tell con strained to order -Count von Plehve to represB even the patriotic street manifestations. It is held that these demonstrations are not only very often inappropriate, ' inasmuch as they celebrate only imaginary vic tories, but that they are likely , to produce counter manifestations from the revolutionists, especially from the students, who are mem bers of the secret societies than are planning an uprising. it is an acknowledged fact that the police pay rough characters to turn out and shout for the czar and tbe government in order tbat they may call the attention of the higher officials to the "patriotism" of the people, and this fact has aroused the indignation of manv of the more enlightened class.- Many cit izens are not only . disgusted with such artificial and more or lesa - drunken exhibitions, but they ate also opposed to the war, and some of them feel so. strongly i that they have even: ventured to protest, r The. students of the high schools and universities have protested em phatically, against the "royal ad dresees".iB regard to the war, drawn up by the professors who : desire to curry favor with the authorities. Similar protests have been made by the students in the St. , Peters- burg polytechnic snchools and Um engineering institutions. -: Tbe attitude of the pupils of tha nurses school for . women in St. Pe tersburg has caused tbe authorities to close the institution, owing to tha itrength of the anti-war feeling. "tRome, March 3.-The . Aagenzia Liberia has ' received a , dispatch from its correspondent; . at Harbin ' in which the latter states the con ditions are frightful. . .: There is & scarcely of supplies lor the Russian troops already in Manchuria, and those arriving daily carry but scant commissary scores,,,, Many of the troops he declares, are actually suf fering with hunger. . .. ,f..-, The correspondent states that the. Arcric cold is increasing the death. rate1 among the troops until it ie ap proaching ' alarming . proportions. .The officers in charge of the com missary arrangements are. grossly, incompetent, and the "eonfusion ,is. incredible. . ' -, Vladivostok, the correspondent declares, will prove an easy prey to the Japanese. The country between it and Harbin is filled with Chun cbuzes, who are in such force that it would require aa army division to dislodge then). , j The officials knew this,' and will make no at- aempt at present to sepd . reinforce jnente to the. beleaguered peit. - Vienna, March 3. At one of the largest meeti ngs ever held here of Christian Socialists,- a resolution was adopted praying heaven's bless ing upon the Russian arms, and wishing Russia brilliant victory over tbe yellow race. Several mu nicipal councillors and one priest explained to the meeting that the Japanese cause was identical with that of the Jews, aqd consequently all good "Christians",, must, - wish that neiteer the Japanese nor the Jews shall come out of the war with a whole skin. Ruesla they declared, deserves the sympathies of all nations, be-, cause she has been nearest the hearts of tho3e who bate the Jews. Tokio, March 3. It is report ed, that a mile and a quarter of the branch line of the Trans-Siberian railway connecting Vladivostok and Harbin has been deotroyed at a point outside of Min Guma, a town midway between the two terminals. Tbe Japanese agents who per formed this feat also removed the telegraph wire along the line, thus effectively isolating Vladivostok. Drain, Or., Feb. 27. A shooting affray occurred here last eve ning 'in which Frank Hill, a schoolboy, was 6hot in the left thigh " by -Lee " Cannon, - another schoolboy, . tbe ball taking -effect near the base of - the tbigh, and making an ugly and painful, though not necessarily dangerous, wound. The attending surgeon was unable to locate the- bullet. ' - The affair is the culmination of an attempt on the part of several young women, accompanied by a few-young 'men, to punish young Cannon with rotten eggs for alleged defamatory ' ' remarks concerning some of the young women. ;: . . The Best Cough Syrnp. . SM.. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ottawa Co-. Jiansas, writes: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's Korehound Syrup for -years, and that I do not hesitate- to recommend it ag the best cough syrup I h-ave ever used. . 25c, 5oe and fi.ro. .ills Birer tie TTTTT ay Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco- T I . . 1 .1 nne ana tastv cake, the raised na hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. : Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.