The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 17, 1904, Image 4

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At Fairmonnt Big School and Grange
MeetingThe Program.
The parents meeting with the
public school at Fairmonnt next
Saturday February io, will- be a
union affair. . -The schools have
been united with the Grange at this
place. The meeting will therefore
receive the united support of the
Grangers and school . patrons,
which assures a good attendance.
The meeting last year was well at
tended, and a most enthusiastic
meeting was enjoyed by all. Real
izing the interest taken then, the
present meeting will be enthusiastic
and profitable. The Grange Hall
is about half a mile from the north
end of the Albany bridge - on the
river road. The following program
has been arranged: I '
Address, Superintendent G. W.
"Upon Whom Should the Re
sponsilibity of the SchoolRest?" T.
J. Risely, T. B. Williamson, Mrs.
Frank Hall.
'"Compulsory Education in Ore
gon," M. V. Leeper, H.' J. Reese.
Mrs. W. B. Shannon.
"Cause and Remedy for Lack of
Co-operation in Some School Dis
tricts," J. T. Mayberry, J. G. Gib
son. The noon hour will be spent in
an old-fashionedGrange dinner. A
45-minute entertainment will be
given especially for the children by
an Edison phonograph. . The latest j
band selections, solos, etc.. are in
cluded in the numbers to be giveD.
While the meeting is to be held
with the Grange, every one is in
vited to attend.
For Sale.
Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Leghorn
cockrels or eggs.
J. B. Irvine.. CorvaUis.
For Exchange.
A fitie residence in Los Ang-les,
good Jobation, will rent for $30 per
month, value $4000, for improved
firm about tame value. .
J. G. Simpon,
256 1 N. SiehtJ et.
Loa Angeles, Ca!.
Continued from Fiist Page. .
Cbeefoo, Feb. I5. A reliaMeau
thority says that n.ree Russian tor
pedo boats have been sunk by guns
from the fo U. They were mistakeu
for Japanese vessels.
New York, Feb. 12. The Japan
ese troops landed at Gensan are in
tended tooperate with the troops
tbat are now been successfully land
ed at Pingyang, on the opposite
side of the (Jorean peninsula, nays a
World dispatch from Kobe, Japan.
These two forces constitute Japan's
Fecond line of defence against the
Russian-", who are marching "over
the Yalu into Corea.
A first line of defense baa bsen
arranged. It is composed of picked
troops, who are lind up along the
south .bank of the Yalu. It is con
sidered most unlikely tbat this ar
my will reach its destination in
time to intercept the invading Rus
sians. The second line may fail to hold
the invaders, in which case it is ex
pected that a land battle will take
place not far from Seoul.
In any case the Japanese prepara
tions are made with a view of clos
ing in on any body of Russian
troops tbat succeeds in forcing its
way into the intsrior of Corea. Mo
bilization of the army has been ef
fected without hitch. The trans
portation and supplies by means of
the railway from the interior to the
coaet proceed with great precision.
San Francisco, Feb. 12. The Jap
anese residents in this city have de
cided to undertake the work of rais
ing a war fund of $5,000,000 for the
assistance of their country in the
fight against Rus3h. Consul Uye
no presided at the meeting, and he
was electsd to take permanent
charge of the work, appoint com
mittees and supeiintend tha trans
fer of money to the home country.
About 200 cf the most promi
nent residents of the local Japanese
colony attended the meeting. Ma
ny patriotic speeches were made,
and the general sentiment was tbat
if the Japaness are net reeded for
actual fightiog they should contrib
ute everything they possess if neces
sary. San Francisco is expected to
begin the work by tb.9 early raising
of $000,000 to $l,ODo,ooo, and calls
for funds will be made upon the
Japanese in every California city,
in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico,
Colorado Utah, and the movement
will be extended to the eastern
states, where there are many very
many wealthy Japanese, and to
Mexico and to British Columbia.
Each contributor will be permit-
tad to Bay whether the money given
by him shall go into ; the govern
ment war fundthe red-cross fund
or a fund for the Fupport cf widows
and orphan of Jpaoeee soldiers
killed in the war.
Tckio, Feb. I2. It tited cn
good authority bere tbat6",ooo Jap
anese troops have been uaccesEfully
landed io Corea, 'and are dow
O' arching toward Seoul from sever
al pnints.. . " ' '
Al'iiouzh the Japanese guccfssea
dcrFt;the pant wtekhave fired ihepeo
pie with cope with tnthcs asm, acd
victory is bemg celebrated ..the re is
co inclination to minimize the pos
sibility of war. The new?papsrs
are cautioning the country agamtt
tongreatfanguinity,and every tffjrt
is being pot forth to increase the
effectiveness of the : army in thw
a u 3 r n i l.l - T
UflU, auu 1U11 W up lue uwm n -
ready dealt at sea before Russia has
time to recover.
Vienna, Feb.. 12. Dispatches
from St. Petersburg indicate tfca, in
spite of the patriotic demonstra ions
that have been repoited from St.
Petersburg andM iscow, there is a
lack of enthusiasm among the great
masses of pra9antry in' the interior
district?.'. These dispatches say the
revolutionary element of the coun
try is growing most active in the
remote regions arjd tbat there is a
spirit of. dii-content which grows
more dangerous to the government
momentarily. The rebellious
movement is passing beyond the
ro itrol of the police in some diS'
t icts, and an awful revolution sim
ilar to the reian of terror in France
is believed within the bounds of
co8ibilitv. x
A'l of these condiiion?, it Is be
lieved, influenced the Czar through
out the negotiations with Japan on
the side cf peace. It is pointed out
that with the main fiabting body of
the Russian army actively etggsd
in Corea and Minchuria, the Czir
realize 1 that be would beendarger
ed from internal eourc38, and tield
out f gainst the war patty' eo long
as he could safely do so without in
curring the displeasure of the most
pqwerful of his advisers.
It is thought probable berp, also,
tbat there will be coasiderable dan
ger tr Russia through secret agents
of revolutionary parties who may
be with the army in the Far East,
and who would readily risk their
lives to betray the army tjthe Jap
anese. Tukio, Feb. '11. Vice-Admiral
Togo's official report of the despei
ate attack of the Japanese fleet at
'Port Arthur reached Tokio late this
evening. The report was written
tt sea. The report briefly and
modestly recpunts the Japanere vic
tory. Vice-Admiral Togo left the
battle ground not knowing the full
extent of the damage his torpedo
shells bad ii.fl(ctd, but he was evi
dently confident the Russians bad
suffered heavily. A translation of
Vice-Admiral TogoV report follows:
"After the combined fleet left Sa
sebo, Feb. 6, everything went as
planned. At midnight, Feb. 8, our
advance squadron 'attacked the ene
my at Port Arthur. At the time
the enemy's advance squadron was,
for the most part, outside of Port
Arthur. Of the advance-squadron,
at least the battle ship PoHaAa, the
protested cruiser Askold and two
others appeared to have been struck
by our torpedoes. Oa February 9,
at noon, our fleet advanced in the
offiDg of Port Arthur bay, and , at
tacked the rest ol the enemy's fleet
for about forty minutes. The re
sult of the attack is not yet known,
but considerable damage wa? inflict
ed on the enemy, and I believe they
were greatly demoralized. They
stopped fighting about 1 o'clock and
appeared to retreat into the harbor.
In this action, the damage to our
fleet was very slight and our fight
ing strergth is not in the least de
creased. The number of killed and
wounded was 58. Of these, four
were killed and 54 wounded.
"A report of the engagement of
the detachment squadron at Che
mulpo has probably been sent you
diraot'.y by Admiral TJriu. Our ad
vance squadron bore the brunt of
the enemy's fire, and after the at
tack, for the most pirt, rejoined the
main' fleet. All the imperial prin
ces on board the Bhips are unharm
ed. "The conduct of all our officers
during the action was cool, not un
like that during ordinary maneu
vers. Since the battle their spirits
have teen high, but their conduct
was very calm. This morning ow
ing to a very high south wind there
has been no communication between
ships, and no detailed report,' has
been received from each vesael, so
I report merely the foregoing facts.
New Yoik. Feb. 12. About 200
of the Variag's crew lost their lives
when the vessel was destroyed Mon
day by the Japanese off j,Chemulpo,
according to a World's dispatsh
from Tokio. The crew of the Rus
sian cruiser numbered 57Q. Many
lost their lives under fire, but a
large unmber were drowned in at
tempting to escape.
The men loyally aided their offi-
Tip Monev Found on. Weshstand
- and in Overcoat Mmy Valu
able Tracts Wera Illegally
, Secured Cleik Was :
Made a To
Wssbington, Feb. I3. The Fed
eral grand jury in this city is list
ening to testimony in the famous
Benson-Hyde land fraud , case, and
from evidence already submitted
Secretary Hitchcock is confident
tbat a number of indictments will
result. Several witnesses who have
been examined confirm, to the mi
. j X -i 11 j - -
nutesi aeiau, iae exposure mane 111
The Oregonisn of October 21, 19O3,
of the methods pursued by the lieu
land ring, but the testimony goes
further and implicates several gov
ernment employes, both in Wash
ington and in the Wtst., There afe
also .indications that : persons - in
high places may be .reached before
the end. -
One of the most important wit
nesses yet examined is a clerk in
the general land office, who admit
ted be had co-operated with Ben
son and had furnished him with
advance information . whenever the
department was preparing to create
forest reserves. This elerk'a -service
was engaged by Benson, so it
was testified, during one of Benson's
vis't? to Washinetin. When the
two bai reached an understanding
the clerk was invited to call on
Bensoo at the hotel.. .'
Aft r a brief conversation Benson
asked bis visitor if he would like to
wash bis hands. Taking the hint
the cieUt stepped into the bathropm,
found a $100 bill on the wasbstand
and promptly appropriated it. He tes
tified that after subsequent visits to
Bcinon he found large sums of toon
ey in his overcoat pocket, and at
othtr times when iisnson was in
San Francisco he received money
at differfat timee through the mails.
No Inter accompanied the funds,
which were invariably inclosed in
blank envelopes.
So great became the demands of
Beoson for information that this
clerk found it necessary to empljy
a confederate, and it is then believ
ed that Harlan, who was chief of
the forestry division, at the time,
was taken into the scheme. JTogeth-
er these two men, it is alleged, By
utilizing a cipher code furnished by
Benson, kept the San Francisco of
fice advised whenever and wherever
reserves were. to be created, and
save them such other ios-ide inform
ation as would assist them in their
cer?, and it is said not one of the
la t r was drowned in gettirg a-,
st. e. Many swam net to the onoie
bi to the foreign men-of-war ia
tl harbor, which promptly lower-f-n
it iatj and went to their rescue.
B - des the French cruiser Pascal,
ti - Italian crui-er Elba and the
B- ish cruiserTalbot aided theref
ug -. One hundred and fifty, Ma
n -.f them wounded, reached the
Sir' Cyprian Bndg, the British
Admiral in command of the ttttion
has ordered that the wounded Rus
sians shall not be banded over to
the Japanese unlets they so desire.
The Japanese did not lose a man.
None of theships, which is known to
have been in overwhelming force,
was damaged. The engagement
was wa'ched bv four foreign - war
ships, including the United Stites
gunboat Vicksburg. i hey all sa
luted the Japanese flag Thursday,
it being the great national festival
of Kigenetsu, the anniversary of the
accession of the kmperor Ji,mmu
io the throne and the foundation of
the present imperial line, 2564
years 8 go. - '
Cheefoo, Feb. 14. -A sleamerar
rived here from Port Arthur reports
that heavy firing was heard in the
straits of Pe Cheli at midnight.
London, Feb. 13. A report orig
inating with a Japanese from hav
ing correspondents in Tokio was cir
culated in London tonight to the
t fleet that three Russian cruisers,
presumably the Vladivostok squad
ron, had been torpedoed, in the
straits of Sugaro yesterday.
.The Japanese legation has heard
nothing confirmatory of this report,
although it has come to it from sev
eral sources. The legation officials
received the report with reserve, it
being "too good to be true." The
Japanese have a strong naval base at
Kotomari, at the northern end of Nip
pon, and on the south side of the
straits, and it is considered impos
sible, should the Vladivostok squad
ron attempt to harass the coast
about Hakodate, that they will be
met by torpedo boats from Kotoma
Wherets. tne Serreiitrr nf Stat Int
the state of Ortgon has notlBea me
In vritlu that pursuant to . ta pro
Tisious of an act entitled, -An act making ef.
fective the m.tiatlve and referendum proru
ions of Sectl jo 1 of Article IV of the CousUtn-
tion 01 me &iate 01 Oregon, ana regulating e
lectioiis thereunder, aad providing for
violations of provisions of this act," approved
Februaiy 2h, 1903, the State Prohibition Al
liance duly Sled In his office on February 5,
1904, an initiative petition containing 8 8.6 sig
natures' propeily auaehed thereto and certified
in accordance with law, demacdinK that a pro
posed law, the tenor and eftect ot .which is
heieinafter particularly e; forth, providing
for election la any county or any precinct
therein or any subdivi-ioii therein or any sub
division of a county consisting of any number
of entire and contigu-His products of such coun
ty to determine whether the sale of intoxicat
ing liquors shall be prohibited In' sucn county
or subdivision thereof or any such precinct
and for other purposes as hereinafter stated
shall be submitted to the legal electors of the
State 'ot . Oregoa for their approval or rejec
tion at the general electton to be hela o'u - the
6th day ot June, bing the first Monday of June
Now therefore, I, Gen. E. Chamberlain,
Governor oi the State of Oregon, In obedience
to the provisions' of said act hereinbefore - fiist
mentioned, do hereby make and. lsue this
Proclamation to the people of the St'te ot O e
gnn, announcing that the said State Prohibition
Alliance has flie.1 said Initiative psutl m with
the requisite number of signatures thereto at
tached, demanding that there be submitted to
the legal electors of the State of Oregon for their,
approval or rejection at the regular election to
be held on the 6th day of June, being the first
Monday of June, 1901, a proposed law provld
ing for elections in any county or precinct
tnerein or any suoaivision mereia or any sub
division of a county consisting of any number
of entire and contiguous precincts of Buch
county to determine whether the sale of lntoxi-.
catkig liquors shell be prohibited in such coun
ty or subdivision thereof, and tor other pur
poses connected therewith as hereinafter stat
ed, having for its purprae and being briefly of
the tenor and effect following, that is to say:
A bill to propose, by Initiative petition, a law
providing for elections in any county or any
precinct therein or any subdivision of a county,
consisting of any number of entire and con
tiguous precincts ot such county, to determine
whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall
be prohibited la such county or subdivision
thereof or In such precinct; providing . for the
filing of petitions for such elections and the
form and effect thereor. and for notices of such
elections and for the time and manner of hold
ing and conducting the same; declaring whart
st.aU constitute a subdivMou of the county
within the meaning of thin law; declaring
what acts shall and what shall not constitute
a violation of this law; declaring the qualifica
tions of petitioners and of eleorors at such el
ections; applying to such elections the prov
isions of Sections 1900. 1901, 1902, 1903, 1901, 1905,
1906, 11107, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, and 1975.
of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and
Statutes of Oregon ; providing for printing and
distributing ballots for such elections; pre
scribing theduties of public officers In relation'
to such elections and iu relation to the enforce
ment of the provisions of this law: providing
for the issuance bytueOounty Court of ordeis
prohibiting the sale- ot intoxicating liquors
wlthincertam limits and declaring the duties
of such courts in reference thereto: limiting
the time within which the quesUon of prohib
iting such sale ol intoxicating liquors may
again be submitted t ) vote In the seme district:
providing penalttts and punishment for the.
violation ot any of the provisions of this law;
providing for the return to any liqnor dealer or
other t erson of a proportionate amount ot any
license fee which he may have paid, whenever
the district in which he shall bs engaged lu
business shall be declared to be prohibition
territory; and applying to nil . elections held
under the provisions of this law the provisions
of the general election law of the state and
declaring certain rules of evidence applicable
to prosecutions under this Act.
Done at the Capitol at Salem this loth day
of February, A. 1)., 1904. i
By the Governor,
F. I; Dunbar, -
Secretary of State.
642 1-2 Congress St.
Portland, Mains, Oct. 17, 1902.
I consider Wine of Cardui superior
to any doctor's medicine I ever used
rnd I know whereof I speak. I suf
fered tor nine montbis with suppressed
menstruation whicn completely pros
tr&tad ine. Pains would shoot through
my back and sides and I would have
blinding headaches. My limbs would
swell up and I would feel so weak I
could not stand up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I seemed to be beyond
tha help cf physicians, but Wine of
Cardui came as a God-send to me. X
felt a change for the better within a
week. After nineteen days treatment
I menstruated without suffering the
agonies I usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. Wine of
Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish
that all suffering women know of its
Treasurer, Portland Economic League
Periodical headaches tel! of fe
male weakness. Wine of Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of irregular
menses, bearing down .pains or
any female weakness. If you are
discouraged and doctors have
-failed, that is the best reason in
the world you should try Wine of
Cardui now. Remember that
headaches mean f emale weakness.
Secure a SJ,.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui today.
White Help Only Em
ployed. Good Clean Beds and Comfortable
Rooms. A home for farmers and labor
ers. Rates reasonable on application.
M. L. SEITS, Prop.
E. R. Bryson,
E; Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis. Ore
Lumlier and Bvdlfling Material
.' From now on re will keep in s&ck a i
Full Cine of Building Cumber,
( We have arranged with the Curtis Lum- .J "
J' ber Go to handle theirjimber at Gorval- '
. - lis. We are now prepared to offer Spe- ,
ial Prices on ax large stock of material.. T
Gentral Planing Mills & Box Factory.
Now ia the time to think' about
Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. Come
to me and I will fit your eyes guarantee
the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to
make good my guarantee. 1
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
January 5, 1904, is the Date
; " For Opening aftc- vhe Holidays.
Cborougbt Short and Complete
Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Rapid
Calculations, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English,
Punctuation. ' . " - 0 0
Corvallis, Oregon.
Willamette Yallej
Banking. Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange issued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe. r
Principal eorreepondents.
POTCTT.A VI txm!on & San FranchcoBank
Limited; Canadian Bauk of Commerce.
SAN FRANCISCO Londou ii San Francis
00 Bank Limited. .
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan ft Co.
C HICAGfO First National Bank. -CONDON,
ESG London A San Francisco
Bank Limited.
JTrancisco Bank Limited.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of 3enton.
In the matter of the estate of Jane E. Fishqr,
To Ethel E. Schou. Ida S. Moriia, Mireftret
Fisher, and Row laud Fisher, heirs aud. devisees
of Jane E. Fisher, deceased,' Greeting:
in the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby cited and required to appear io. the
County Court of the titate of Oregon, for the
County of Benton, at the Court, room thereof
at Corvallis in the County of Benson on Tues
day the 8th day of March' 1904, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of that day, then aud thsre to 1
show cause if any exist, why an order of j sale 1
should not be made as prayed for in the peti
tion of E. E. Wilson, administrator of said
estate of Jane e, Fisher, deceased, of the fol- i
lowiug described real properly towit: 1
Beginning ac a- point 37 chains east of the '
southeast corner of the northwest quarter nf
southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 d. R. 5 W.
and run thence north 00 chains; thence
east 2 50 chains; thence north SOchaius; thence
east to the West line of the donation laud claim
of Philip Mulkey, Not. No. 938 in 1. 118. R. 5 W. ;
thence south t j a, point 9.50 chains south of the
northeast corner of donation land cluim of J. O.
Roberts, Not. Ho. J40, same Tp; and R.: thence i
north 20 degrees iiO minutes west 19.62 chains to
a point 4.7o chain west of said northeast corn
er of said Roberta claim ; thence west to the
place ol beginning. Also lbtlOiu section 22,
and lots 1, 2, :i, 4, and b in section -21 T. 11 S. R.
5 V.f except therefrom, the followlug, beginning
at a point 5u links east of the southwest corner
of said lot 5 and run . theuce north 4.0 chains:
thence south 75 degrees east Il.2ochainb; theuce
south 24 degrees ernst 1.48 chains to point on
south boundary line ot said lot 5 (said point
being 4.40 chaius west from (southeast corner ot
said iot 5) thence west on south boundary
line of said lot 5. a distance of 10.5 j chnins to
the place ot beginning, containing 2:2 acres
more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide
running along the full length of the west eiie
of a piece of land containing 17.83 acres des
cribed as follows: beginning at the N. . corn
er of claim No. 55 T. 11 S. R. o W .. run thence
W. IS chains: thence S. 9.91 chains; thence E.
IS chains; thence N. 9.91 chains to plate of be
ginning. All the above being in Benton coun
ty, state o' Oregon.
It being the iutention to include in the above
description all lands described in mortgage
given byJaueE. Fisher ahd husband to the
state Land Board, bearing date December ti.
And you are further notified that this citation
is served upon you, aud each of you, by pub
lication thereof in tha Corvallis Times, news-'
paper for four weeks, uuder an order made by
the Hon. Virgil E Watters. juige ol Baid. court
bearing date Februaiy 5.h, 1901.
WITNESS, the Hon. Virgil . Watters, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon fo;
the County of Benton, with the seal of said
Court amied thU 5th day of February. A D.
Attest VICTOR p. M03E3, :
Clerk. ,
Real Estate Co.
Just a Few of Oar Many Bargains.
No. 64 120 acres, all fenced, 250 acres
cultivated, good 8 room bouse. Could
be d vided np very nicely for small colo
ny ,g if desired. .All good land and only
$25 per acre. '
No. 62 5 acres all out to prunes on
College Hill, 1350.
No. 63 5 acres in north part of Corval
lis, $45-- r -
No. 9715 acres, 4 miles from Cor-
vallis, fair improvements, $15 per acre. '
No. 6880 acres, 8 miles from Corval
lis, good improvements. $3,200.
No. 38 House aud two lots,, several
fruit trees, 350.
No, 70 Fine large house and barn
and two lots on Third and Washington
streets. A bargain at 5 1700.
ties in the East who are coming to Ore
gon this spring. Several of the parties
are chartering cars to this point, and we'
woald be glad it you have a bouse to rent
if you would let us know; also if you
have property of any discription you
wish to sell, we would be pleased to have
you list it with us.
White & Stone.
First door North of Reading Boom.
Card Number 22.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. 12:45 P-' m
" Corvallis 2:00 p m
" arrives Yaquina.. v 6:2o p. m.
Returning: . v ,
leaves Yaquina.. v 6:45 a.m.
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany...... .... ..12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit: . '
Leaves Albany . 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit. . . .' 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit;
Leaves Detroit..... .".i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany. 5:55 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect witn s Jt south bound tram,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ft
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giviog direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Trsiin fnr Hpfrr.It "Rrpirpnhiinh and
other mountain nsorts leaves Albanv at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For,further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
inos. VjOCKreil, Ageni Aioany, ,
' Taken Up. .
Notice is hereby given that I have at
my p'.ace, 12 miles southwest of Corvallis
an estray two-year-old Jersey heifer,
having white spot on left flank; no
brands nor earmarks. Came to my place
Jan.26, 1904. ,
W.H. Ish. '