The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 17, 1904, Image 1

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! .
Vol. XVI. No. 52.
b. r. iRTims .
Editor and Propriator.
"2"- - -' - 1- - -
We are Receiving
Some of Our
Early Shipments
Every day Brings New Goods -to
. Our Store.
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
'Domestic and Imported. v' . -
PlaiQ aod Fancy Cbinaware
wear: -They are much lighter than
wood: , v ;" ' -. -.0 ' - -
It ia said plans will be made for
the Pullman Company for fire-proof
cars. -
Another Monopoly for Standard
Oil The "Guillotine in Paris
- Masked M?n Slaughter Fif- V
teen Hundred Sheep - " '
Other News. '
Paris, Feb. 6. That Francis
Reuben Bryan, an American mil
lionaire, who committed suicide in
1902 in Paris, was in mortal dread
of beirg poisoned, has been brought
ought by the suit of relatives who
have been .contesting his will.
He lived here many years, and
on dying left $1 0,000 to the Histor
ical society of Pennsylvania, and
residue of his great estate ' to the
South Kentuckian Museum in Lon
don, together with a large collec
tion of valauble curios and works
of art. ;
At the hearing Mr. lie Lagrenee,
the consul-general , of France at
Moscow, testified that -M. Bryan
believed the Cardinal Richard, the
Archbishop of Paris and the prefect
of police were conspiring to murder
him and had bribed all the laun
dresses to poison his socks. Con
sequently he never wore any.
Whenever he received a ew suit
of clothes from the tailor he Boaked
it in a bath for forty-eight hours
before wearing it.
He would drink only at a public
street fountain, and refused to pass
tbe front windows of the Jockey
Club, believing that the members
would kill him.
He always carried a completelist
of antidoVs to poison,"" and gave
copies to fnende.
The court rendered today a deci
sion that Mr. Bryan was mentally
irresponsible at the time he made
his will. -
London, Feb. 15. There were a"
number of belated telegrams reach
ing London from the Far East last
night , but they added little or noth
ing to what is already known re
garding the situation there.' The
mystery surrounding the fate of the
V ladivostok squadron is still tin-
solved. -
The Daily Ma 1, the Daily Tele
graph and other papers publish dis
patches from Tokio, Nagasaki and
Shanghai, reporting the destruction
of three Russian . cruisers by mines j
or torpedoes in the .Teugaro S:rait,'
on Aomon, Japan
Dispatches Also Tell of the Loss of
Three Japanese Vessels Port N:
Arthur Expected to Fall
' - Into Hands of Japan-
: ese Other News.
The Daily Mail, which at first
described the tews as official, in a
later telegram says' the report still
lacks' absolute confirmation. In
the absence of confirmation the re
ports are not generally credited. -
A statement that China . will
maintain neutrality, is published
in Pekin' It is reported from Tien
Tsiri that all foreigners and civil
ians have been ordered to leave
Port Arthur.
: It is also reported that the Sibe
rian railroad has been wrecked in
si? places, covering a distance of
70 miles. The correspondent at
Tien-Tain of the Standard, cabling
under date ot February 11, eays tbe
British, ' American and French,
German and Italian ministers,
have jointly notified the Russian
and Japanese ministers that no hos
tilities will be allowed on .Chinese
soil, other than that of Manchuria.
official telegram dated from head
quarters of the viceroy at Port Ar
thur says the German cruiser Han
sa, which had been sent to remove
German subjects form Port Arthur
and which had. on board also a
number of Russian women and chil
dren, had been fired upon by Jap
anese warships.
The Telegram reiterates the state
ment that three Japanese torpedo
boats have been sunk in a night at
tack on Port Arthur. " -
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
EB. fiorning
Ni- si." "N" -S- ""si" -VA- "si" -s- 'SA,- --1
ew Furniture
And Music
Paris, Feb. 1 1. Deibler, the Par-!
is headsman, is passing sleepless1
nights trying to arrange for the
coming "Promenade de la . Veuve
(widow)," as the- Parisians face
tiously speak of putting the guillo
tine in operation. i:
Fiancois Spino has just been sen
tenced to death, but the question ii:
Where can the guillctine be erect
ed? ' ' .
The last beheading was that of
Peumenez at La Roquette, but since
that prison has been torn down the
residents of that quarter have made
such vigorous protest against the
riotous scenes attending an execu
tion of tbe death sentence that the
four famous stones on which the
guillotine used to be put up have
been removed.
Capital punishment in France is
public, and crowds pass the night
befora holding points of vantage.
Sometimes they dance and Biug
madly about the scaffold during
the execution.
Every quarter of Paris is equally
opposed to having the guillotine
and Deibler would hardly dare to
erect it in the place ie la Concorde.
He hopes President Loubet will
c immut? the condemned man's sen
tence, as he has allowed no one to
be 'put to death' sice? he became
president. V
Netf York,-Feb. 16. The Rus
sian consulate here was destroyed
by fire Sunday night, says a World
dispatch from Shanghai. The cause
has not yet been ascertained.
The RuBBian gunboat Mandjur,
which was trapped by the Japanese
warships at the mouth of the
Yangtse River, is now being dis
mantled. 1 .
I Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of
Goods consisting of .
Various Musical Instruments,
Bed Louuues and Couches,
Bed t oo m Suites, Iron Bedsteads,
Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc. '
Woven Wire Springs,
Good Line of Mattresses,
Extension Tables, Center Tables,
Go Carts
Sideboards, Kitchen Safes,
Kitchen Treasures,
Dining Chairs, High Chairs, '
Children's Rockers, and
Many Styles of Other Kockers."
Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in
Window Shades, Curtain Poles.
New Line of Wall Paper.
K Also Sewing Machines.'new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos
kr sale and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Graniteware left.
Office In Zierolf Building, Corvillis. Or
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Room 14. First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvaliis, Or. Office Hours.
10 to ia a, m 2 to 4 p. m.
. Nagasaki, Feb. I4 - The surviv
ors from the Variag and Korietz,
the' Russian cruisers that were sunk
by the Japanese fleet at Chemulpo
last Thursday etill remain on board
the British cruiser Talbot, tbe Ital
ian cruiser- Elba acd' the - French
cruiser-Pascal. .
- - The situation is becoming acute,
as the Japanese have twice made
demands on the commanders of tbe
three foreign vessels that tbe Rus
sians be surrendered as prisoners
of war. Tbe captain of the Talbot,
being the senior naval officer, each
time replied that he was awaiting
instructions from bis government.
None of the Russians are on
board tbe American gunboat Vicks-
burg, whose commander considers
that the Japanese are right in their
demand, as the Russians took ad
vantage of the clemency of the Jap
anese in returning to the harbor,
then taking refuge on the foreign
vessels and refusing to surrender,
whereas the Japanese fleet refrained
from sinking them in the open sea,
as it could have done.
A magnificent episode in the bat
tle was the second sortie of the two
Russian cruisers. With bands play
ing the national anthem the inter
national fleet loudly cheering the
bravery and gallantry of the Rus
sians, the Variag and Korietz faced
the Japanese fleet in what was cer
tain death..
The position of the wrecks ap
pears to be such that it will be easy
to recover the guns. The Russian
losses were one officer and 40 men
killed and 464 wounded.
London, Feb. 16. Among the
dispatches' from the Far East, pub-
asnea ner8 tnis morning, is a re
port of another engagement at Port
Arthur, in which the Russians lost
eight vessels sunk and ten captured.
A reporter of the Daily Mail, who
witnessed the engagement off Port
Arthur, confirms the morning's
previous accounts of the fight and
asserts again that one Japanese tor
pedo-boat was ' sunk and another
deserted by its crew in a sinking
condition and probably captured by
the Russians. :
He says also that .the Japanese
lost one battleship; and had one
cruiser put out of action, and that
the Colonel of the Fifteenth Russi
an regiment was killed by a shell
during the bombardment.
Cablegrams to the Daily Mail
from Wei Hai Wei and Nsu Chang
report a J apanese fleet with trans
ports, cruising in the Gulf of Pe
chili. apparently with the idea of
effecting a landing near Port Dalny.
Chicago, Fjb. 7. AsbestoF, as a
manufactured commodity, is now
controlled by the Standard Oil
Company. That corporation has
contracted for the entire output of
the Ontario asbestos mines, from
which comes all but a small per
cent, of the as.besto3 of the x world.
The plan is -to make the industry
monopolistic as the steel or the oil
Asbestos is to DC a material em
ployed for a hundred new purpo
ses. Railroad coaches are to be
built from it, tunnels are to be lined
with it, and fire-proof furniture
to be made from it.
, As an indication that there is no
exaggeration in this outlook, the
corporation has prepared plans lor
asbestos cars built with steel frames
for tbe underground system of the
Rapid Transit Company el New
York. It also has the contract for
lining with asbestos a large part of
the tmnels of the same system.
Asbestos planks, experiments
havsEhowc, can be shaped and
need exactly as wood. They may.
be sawed and planed and polished.
They will bear weight and stand
Havs City, Kan., Feb. .1. As a
result of the war in the Orient, the
district court is beieiged with ap
plications for citizenship. There
are hundreds of Russians in this
county who tow seek naturalization
papers, to avoid taking any chances
of being compelled to return to their
native land to be drafted into the
army. .
The correspondent of the Daily
Express at Pekin, in a cablegram
dated February 12, reports that
Viceroy Alexieff is practically iso
lated, direct communication be
tween Port .Arthur and Vladivos
tok being suspended. He adds that
the railroad behind - Port Arthur
has been blown up and that 6000
Japanese troops have landed near
Dalney. '
The Daily Mail's Tokio corres
pondent, under date of February 12,
says that tbe Japanese ship Amaki
has captured the German steamer
Yokohama, which had a cargo in
cluding dynamite, for Port Arthur.
The Nagasaki correspondent o?" .
the Daily Telegraph expresses Jthe
conviction that Russia is quite
able to bold tbe Lia-Tung peninsu
la and that Port Arthur is bound
to fall by the effluxion of time, even
without an assanlt. .'. ...
Chefoo, Feb. 15. The steamer
Wenchaw, arriving from , Port Hr
thur, reports that 11 Russian ehipa
were Etruck in Wednesday's engage
ment. . . . . ; ,
. It is stated that the crnieer Ask -old,
with a big hole at the water
line has been towed into the inner
basin and beached. " -
The battle ship Sebastopol haB a
shell hole just above the Iwaterlina
and ia useless in rough weather.
The cruiser Novik has a hole ia
her after port side.
The battleship Retvizan is on the
beach and her bottom has fallen
OUt. T; ' ;
The cruiser Pallada was torpe
doed abaft the engine room.J ,.
The battle ship Czarevitch, which
was also torpedoed, has-been dock
ed. ,!"' ' 1 V.-" - -
The others were chiefly damaged
in their upper works. . ..
The whole of the fleet has been
taken into the inner harbor and
Port Arthur is depending for pro
tection on her forts, , which have
been reinforced. There is frequent
firing which is presumably drawn,
by Japanese torpedo boats.
Firing was heard at midnight,
February 11 at intervals, also on
the nights of February i2 and 13.
On February I4 the firing continu
ed until 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
An eye-witness claims to have seen
18 dead landed from the Russian
ships Wednesday.
It is understood that Admiral
Stark has been reduced for his fail
ure to repulse tbe Japanese attack.
The cruiser Novik was the only ves
sel to do effective work. She gave
chase to tbe Japanese torpedo boats
and, according to the Russian '-account,
sank two and captured one
Paris, Feb. 18. The Journal's
Yeng-Chau correspondent under
date of February i2 says.:
. Kussian wires being absolutely
forbidden, I am obliged to leave
Port Arthur.
Monday's surprise was absolute.
Tke ' squadron anchored only one
vessel, using a search light. When
fifing. began the officials and sever-.
al naval officers thought that only
maneuvers were intended, as the
Japanese had hugged the coast with
lights veiled.
The Czarevitch, Retvizan and
Pallada were not destroyed and the
two former are floating in port with
repairable breeehes. ' Complete re
pairs will be difficult at Port Ar
thur, but the vessels are utilized in
the roadsted? All three took part
in the second engagement which
took place onTuesday.
The population are fleeing from
Port Arthur and the authorities are
endeavoring to rid themselves of
useless persons. Viceroy Alexieff
apparently foresees a long siege. It
is certain that Rnssia is preparing
to make a great enort here.
The decision of the marine board
of inquiry which sat upon the Clal
lam disaster casp, handed down to
day, lays the chief blame . for tbe
disaster upon Chief Engineer de
Launey, charging him with neglect
and incompetency. . Captain Rob
erts is censured for not having an
officer of the ship in the second and
third boats that were launched and
for not giving explicit orders to the
captain of the Holyoke to- take the
ship to the nearest7 shelter. The
officers of the tugboat Holyoke and
Sea Lion are highly complimented
for their share in the work of rescu
ing the passengers of the Clallam.
De Launey 's license is revoked and
the license of. Captain Roberts - is
suspended for one year.
Are You Restless at Night.? .
And harassed by a bad cough? Use Bal
lard's Horehonnd Syrup, it will secure
you sound sleep and effect a prompt and
radical cure. "55c, so and 1.00. Sold
by Graham & Worthasu.
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
ofRoyal has been noted by
physicians, and they accord
ingly endorse and recom
mend it. ... ,
London, Feb. 15. The Daily
Telegraph's Shanghai correspondent
under date of February 12, says it
is reported that the Japanese have
bomaarded Dalny and landed ma
rines, .
Concluded on Fourth Page. .