GORVALLIS ABROAD HQW THEY TELL THE ROLLER STORY IS OFF SCOTLAND.! HOLY FAR Sime Things True and Same Not The M liden at the Sacrificial Fire Burning Musical In struments on the Flat Stone. The news of Holy . Roilerism as lately practiced at XJorvallis has penetrt-tid far off Scotland. A copy Of the Scotchman, published at Ed inburgb, and containing atry of the doings of the Corvallis Jttolr T 1, 1 S . 111' II xvouers nas reacnea me - limes I ofhee. lbe article appears under X tbe bead, "ine Jioij Hollers fren zied Aces of a New Religious Sect." In full, the story is as follows: 'Bj it as God directs." With the-e words on their lips the fanatical men, women, and chil dren who constitute t he strange re ligious tect of "Holy Rollers," wboss extraordinary) practices have awed the etate of Oregon lor the last two month?, throw upon the flames household goods, and even sacrifice their pt dogs and Cbt'. ' Be i( as God direct" they alto answer to the grave charge that . their propl et. "John the B iptist " reincarnated, is preparing to offer, to toe alter's flinies one of his mast devoted followers, a young girl, Miss Mttilda Johnson. And the girl, wbm officer of the law 'aked her if it were true that she was to be sacrificed, answered with bowed heart: "Bi it as God directs." The prophet and bis foremo3t fol lowers have been tkn into couit m tie charge of insanity, but hive easily cl ared themselv s of that charge and go ae free. Their weird rites continue, and near the house in which the ordinary services are held, behind barred doors, the . prop let hn built a teat, into which none dare to enter but him self, f r in Ibis tent is -the sacred recep'aole curtaining . the "holy rolls" upon which God has directed ' to be written tbe names of the elect. Among the members of this sect are people who have always been known as sound of mind and of good bu-in-H sagaoity.. ALL TO THE FLAMES. ' After lbe dismissal of tbeinsioi-' he citizens threalened vio- lence, and some cf the-leaders fled. butODlrto remain away for a few . days. iTheir return w&s the occi ( sion for a grand jubilee by the ad- bsrents of the new religion, whose I - faith and z.-al were reinforced when the leaders," with great solemnity, declared "God bade us return. Human beiuia Canrot harm." Tne eff ct of this declaration was I All 1 1 r : . 1. 1 . , tiejir.cii.. .j .in iua iiiiuiui nssam- eveniog before' a flat rock near their temple, which the prophet had proclaimed an altar for -special sacrifice. A fire was built upon the altar, nd behind it stood prophet with rapt countenance and arm upiaised, alternately praying and exhorting Bis followers. These fanatical followers had brought before the altir what re mained of their furniture and cher ished personal effects. As the flames rose the prophet spoke . "Subjugate all lustful desires. All that bas price contaminates tbe spirit and binders communion with God." 'B9 it as God direct !" chanted the followers. A young and handsome woman threw upon the flames the mark of ber vanity a mirror la a carved frame. M-n. and women followed her with all manner of household fixtures and goods even the beds upon which they were accustomed to sleep. "All all to the flames!" exhorted he prophet. "To the flames with - all these agencies of evil!" "Be it as God directe." answered his disciples, wh-se excitement had become intense. The blazing altar was heaped with furniture and clothing. A young girl fed the fire with her dear est possesion, a mandolin A young man sacrificed his guitar. Two pil lars of the church came with a small melodian which the flames destroyed amid prayers and shouts. OVERCOME WITH EMOT1 JN. At this Etage the emotion i of sev eral women had overcome them. They fell upon the grout d, and then began a detail of the sect's re ligious practices previously per formed, only behind barred doors. Shouting and praying the! women rolled over and over on thf ground in front of the altar. Graddally oth 'er men and women joined jhetn. Suddenly what had reall been impressive became " frightful. A faithful house deg, winning and struggling in its master's arma, was stoaned by a blow nd thrown into he raids: of, the B ames.w, .Pet oats had' the same - fate even a bird ia im cage,, ?. " Children "sacrificed their "toys without urging. Oce mite of aeirl kissed her rag do'l and threw it up on the blazing altar. -' ;" The prophet, seen through - the smoke with bis arm3 upraised, com pletely dominated every miLd and body tbere. y T he mode of ordinary rsbip of this strange Beet consists rgely of shouting, Bingiop, ccrea irjg, and other actions w eg, roir- ch denote a greatly perturbed ftate of mine'. While some sing: others roil about on the floor, giving venf to blood curdling yells. When they tire of this the prophet takes tie floor, reads a few passages of Scripture, and if his disciuJes still show weariness he holds communion wilfa God. Tben thsfaoutinsr and ECnearjoiner ia tba I i renewed. - A GIRL TO BE SACRIFICED. When tbe rumor gained general circulation that a young girl was to be offered as a sacrifice police c ffi cers repaired to the temple ' of the s c. -Admission was at first de nied them, but they were not to be deflated, and rushed past tbe door keeper. The prophetf promptly made his appearance and inquired the cause of tbe disturbance. When informed that all in Ahe building were wanted by tbe law and were under arrest, he nuaee no protest. The visitors were ushered into the apartmtnt Tbe'cene impressed tbena in spite of themselves. . DLciplea were lying about on the floor, on mats, cots, blankets, bides and other placeB of rest remarkable for their crudenesa. No furniture graced the room, end the worship- pars had assumed various positions to offar up prayers and otherwise declare their devotion to God. Une youcg girl sbe wbo it was reported was to be sacrificed--ap neared to he in a trance or suffering a spasm. A large . whit cloth cov ered her face, The officer stepped over to remove it, when instantly alt in the room cried out, "don't touch ber, she is holding commun ion with God." : The officer asked the girl if ehe knew she bad been selected as a subject tor sacrifice. She replied in the negative, and added, "If God so wills, such a death would be joy.' CloEe beside the girl, with his bead almost touching hers on the pillows, was the prophet. The ques tions addressed to the girl were than rmt tn htrvi "ftnrl'a cill h ! .11 Nfiequeeted to explainthe rnn- x1 " "--j icg of the cloth over the. girl's face, and tbe nature of their devotions, he replied "We are receiving a revelation from God as to our fu ture." Pressed to anEwer whether God had ordered that the girl by his side be sacrificed, He said "He has not yet, but ifHeehould, His will be done. We know no law of man." ' Pressed still further as to wheth er he deemed such a command probable, he would only say "It is in 'God's bands; His will be done." I The officers, realizing that their mission had failed, hailed the lead ers, Creffield and Brooke, into court on a charge of insanity. Their dis charge by the court has left them at liberty ti continue their strange devotions unmolested until the watching officers of the law gain ev idence thatva human saorifice is ac tually in preparation. At Summit. Mark Caves is' tunnel watchman while Ed Stout is taking a lay off. Several are sick with Lagrippe at this time. Mis. Caves is visitirg relatives at Corvallis. Mrs. J. A. Yantis is visiting her daughter in Albany. Helen Harrison left for Ellenburg Wash, last Monday to . visit her brother. Mrs. . C. King and children visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Harrison during tbe week. ' Subscriber. For Exchange. ' A fine residence in Los Angeles good location, will rent for $30 per month, value $4000, for improved farm about same value. J. G. Simpson, v 2563 N. Sichel st. ' Los Angeles, Ca! CROUP Begins with the symptoms of a common cold; there is chilliness, sneezing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarseness and impeded respiration. Give frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound byr- up, (the child will cry for it) and at the firstsienofa croupy cough, apply fre quently Ballard's jSnow Liniment to the throat. - Mrs. A. Vliet, New. Castle, Colo. writes, March 19, 1901: 'I think Bal- lard'rf' Horegouud Syrop a wonderful I remedy, and so pleasant." 25c, 50c and J $1.00. Sold by Graham & Wortham. WHAT THEY DISCDSSEUc Parents and Teachers in Council- Par1 . cut's Meeting at Wells. .., An interesting mepting of school patrons occurred at Wells la t Sat urn ay. lne nr-t sut j c. on tbe program was, "Home Influence on the Character ol the Child," E F. Wiles read a very strong paper in which he said in " part: " ''Parents should begin ea-lv in - character ti amirs'. The mother's influence is the grea est factor in mottldirg good, noble citizenship. It b gius wttb tie cradle ana never , ceases until it ends with the -gi ave Mnhers bave plenty of time to de vote to social functions, but au char acter training little attention is tw often given. Every normal woman has the instinct of motherhood. therefore tbere is no excuse to hex dnty. who uleads ieooranee as - to pToe way oar boys and girls are . . growing up . Hit manhood anq womanhood in maay of our cities is a striking example of the need of more, wholesome t aining ' alorg this line. Therefore, let us make our homes more attractive; let us make home life more cheerful and cha'tnir'g." ! Does the School Teach too Much," wa discussed; at consider able leogta by A. A. 1 Williamson, A. Thurston and John Harris. Mr. Thurston's paper showed areful preta-ation . and thought. His idea was that an effort should be made to bave tbe stat give more money to our - public . schools and lees to our state inst tations. This would enable the teachii g of the higher branches ia tie country schools. Mr. Htrris said that our parents weie ' not enthusiastic enough in-, their ; daty to their school. Support our sefrola bet ter, visit them more, take a k ener interest all alorg the line and in instead of havn g our teachers worked ti death with too many recitationF, the work would be re duced nrriDOrtionatelv. : T. T. Vincent made an eloquent pi a for better training of the young, His subject was "Value of an Edu- catbn." He-'male some . plain, practical thoughts which appealed t every parent and youth present. "school jjays wnen l was a Child" was handled in a very in teresting way by Wm. Cauthorn. He told the children preeent how he cot his education, descrlhefi the sch ;ol house and fixtures. : R. N. Williamson in discussing, "Should Agriculture be Taught id bho Schools, " showed why this should be done. He showed bow ?" much the salaries of teachers could be raieed if more money was set aside by the state ior the common school folk, - Felix Dodele followed with a few appropriate remarks. He showed what the producers ol our country are doirjg and what factor, they are in our government. He, therefore concluded that at leaet the ele ments of farming should be taught. O. A, Deartng amused taose p-esent with a number of humor ous stories. ' ' Tbe next parent? meeting will held with the Fairmount grange F'tiruary 20th, This is to be an open meeting to which all our pxtrons should avail them selves of the opportunity to attend. This meeting will include the fol lowing districts, N Granger, . Oak Grove, Fir Grove and District Wo. 43- ' - " HDIGESTIGN "I to troubled with stom ' ach trouble. Thedford'B Black- ' Draught did me more (food In one week than aU the doc tor's medicine I took in a year." MRS. SARAH E. 6HIRPIELD, EUettaville, Ind. Thedford'B Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a small dose of Thed ford'a Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your : stomach and, liver in per fect condition. - ' . THEDFORD'5 BLACK-DRAUGHT More sickness is caused by constipation, than by any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. - An druggist sett 25-eent packages. ''Thedford'8 Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sneads Ferry, K. C. . C0i15TIPAT.Cn BRINGS RABK-DURIOS iimj Officer . Host Pay Duty ' on His .Treasures. . Ueat Sefcoeftel Sfeets with Dtfllemlty oa lLechf bs San Fraelaco wltfe v : CnlaBe. imperial SesUs . : ud Jade TaltletB. Five Chinese imperial seals nd 13 jade tablets 'from the temple at Pe king, which were brought home by Lieut. John B. Schoeffel, of the Ninth infantry. Here set rd at the transport duck at San Francisco by the customs officers the other day ll was supposed' st first that the tableta vere of great historical value, but more careful ex amination convinces the customs offi cials that they were simply ornaments and of no particular value except as curios. Both the. tablets and seals are beautifully done, aiid they will com mand high prices as curios. It was in tended at first to hold the relics pend ing inst ructions from Washington, but later it was decided that Schoeffel could bave his property by paving the duty. ' The amount has not been fixed. The imperial seals weigh about six pounds, are of rectangular shape, about six ' inches square and three inches in height. . Caned dragons in crouching attitudes surmount the block, serving as handles. Chinese characters are carved, in relief on the base of the seals, and a yellow tassel is knotted on one of) them. The tablets are of dark' green jade, each inscribed on one side with Chinese characters traced in gold.' The five-toed dragon, the Chinese' royal escutcheon, is Im printed on the other side. also, traced in gold. . The tablets are ten inches by five, by one-half an inch in thickness. Lieut. Schoeffel said he bought, the jade tablets of a' Chinese, who did not tell him wheTe they came from. He declares that if they are of any his torical value he did not know it. He bought them simply as curios, and has been 'carting tbera'around for two years. He Sss not in the least disturbed by the seizure. . HIGH TRIBUTE TO HIS WIFE. Emparor Telia Students Boon ThaU Presence, of Empress &t Konam " ' Should Be LlfeJone Iuplravtlua. y At the kommers of the Boruasia student corps, .which was held at Bonn, Emperor. Williamv who was present referred in a speech to the empress of Germany, who witnessed the kommers from the gallery of the building. Alluding to tJie presence of his wife, the emperor said : "Thechrohiclers record that when our forefathers met in tournaments it was perfectly natural that a circle of illustrious ladies should witness their deeda, and with pride the victor received , the . wreath presented by" a lovely hand. It was thus also at "Wart burg, when they seized the harp and lyre and sang in competition.- "Never before, so kmgjis the his .tory of German universities bas "been written, has any university received uch an honor as is conferred to-day upon that' of Bonn. In company with the beauty of Bonn and. surrounded by ladies of princely rank, her majes ty, the empress, the first princess of the land, has appeared at a students' kommers. This unprecedented honor has been accorded to the city of Bonn and. to the Borussia student corps. I hope and expect that all the voung members of the Boru&sia corps upon whom the eye of the empress has Tested to-day have received an inspira tion for the rest of their lives. I call for a. strong salamander for her majes ty;, hurrah! PLANS CONSUMPTION TEST. Dr. Ssrault,, tk Ptorla PbriUlea Who Inoculated Himself with. Tlrns, Is DlssatfaanssV. Dr. Garnanlt, the Paris phvician who ha inoculated himself with mat ter taken from a consumptive cow, in order to disprove Prof. Koch's theory that it is impo&sible for human beings to catch tuberculosis, from cattle, is Teady for a new experiment.' '" rle does not propose that Dr: Theo bald Smith, profesaor of comparative pathology at the medical school at Harvard university, shall treat him during the present experiment if tuberculosisdeclares itself. Should the experiment fail, howeverthen Dr. Garnault : will place himself in com munication with Dr. Smith and Prof. Baumgarten, of Tubingen, who, he says, "if they do not follow Eoch com pletely, yet express doubt which im pose on them grave obligations , "I do not ask Dr. Smith or Prof. Baumgarten to imitate me," continues Dr. Garnault, "but if the experiment. fails I ask them to assure, in concert with me, a new, decisive experiment, to be practiced on' myself." Dr. Garnault also says that he chooses Dr. Smith and Prof.' Baum garten because he is convinced of their scientific goodfaith, which he ques tions jn Prof. Koch. The French phy sician is willing to go-to Boston if necessary for the experiment. J Free Doctors in Germany. . Under an insurance law enacted in Germany several years ago, 30,000.000 people receive in return f or a nominai sum free medical attendance. The the orv was that sintering humanity woiild receive chf-ap and effective relief from its bodily, ills, hut in practice there are many drawbacks. The doctors hired by the state hold that they are expect ed to do too much for the pay they get. In Munich they get only about $75 per -annum. . In order to keep down ex penses the doctors are inclined to im press 'upon the patients that nothing is the trouuie wita mem. A C0LDE11 0PP0RTO1IITY. ; ; Now is the time to think about " v Chat Pair of Eyeglasses You. were to treat your eyea to. Come " to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee , the fit, and vrill be here from 7 to 6 to make good my guarantee. ' : ; ' : -:- JE. W. S. PRATT, .. : : The Jeweler and Optician. Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. January 5, 1904, is the Date For Opening after the Holidays. CORVALLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE. 'v v .'.:... thorough. Short and Complete ' C)Ufse8 in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, .Typewriting, Rapid Calculations,. Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English, Punctuation. - I. E. RICHARDSON, Pres., Corvallis, Oregon. Willamette Vallej Banking Company. -COBVA1JJCS ' OREGON. " Responsibility, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange Issued payable at all finan cial centers la United States', Canada and Europe. Principal Correepondents. PORTLAND London & San Franc Uoo Bank . limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce. SAN FRANOISOO-London Saa Franola- - co Bank Limited. , NEW YORK Messrs. J "P. Morgan St Co. CHICAGO First National Bank. LONDON, ENCK London San rrameiaeo Bank Limited. -SEATTLE ANb TAOOMA London Saa franolseo fank Limited. , L. G. ALTMAN, M. D. Homeopathist OfiSe cor 3rd ana Monroe eta. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. Mr Sundays 9 to 10 A; M, Phone residence 315. - Citation. . x Ira t&e County Court of tne State of Oregon for the County of 3enton. . In the matter of the estate of Jane E. -Fisher, aeceasea. 1 To Ethel E. Schon. Ida K- Morris, Htriraret I Flshei, aud Rowland Fishrrhelrs and devisees of Jane . Fisher, deceased, Greeting: 1 In i.hA nanio nf t!n Ktn nf (Ir.Bi.n v-niv orn hereby cited and required to appear in the Count; Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Benton, at the Court room thereof at Corvallis in the County of Benton on Tues day the Sta day of March 1961, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day,' then and there to show cause if any exist, why an order of . sale should not be made as prayed for in the rpet tlon oE. E. Wilson, administrator of said estate of Jane E. Fisher, eceased, of the fol lowing described real property towlt: Beginning at a point chains east of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 8. R. 5 W. and ran thence north 60 cbalns;.- thence east'2.50 chains;. thence north 30 chains; tbenee east to t!ie West line of the donation laud claim of Philip Mulkey, Not. Ho. 938 in T. 11 8. K. 5 W. ; thence south to a point OJOchains south of tho northeast corner of donation land clilm of J. C. Roberts, Not. Mo. 940, same Tp; and B.t thence north 26 degrees 36 minutes west 10.62 chains to a point 4.75 chains west oi said northeast corn er of said Roberta claim; thence west to the place ol beginning. Also lot 10 lu section 22, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and b in section 21 T- 11 s. It. 5 W., except therefrom the following, beginning at a point 50 links east of the southwest corner of said lot 5 and run thence north 4.08 chains: thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 chains: thence south 24 negrees eat 1 .48 chains ' to point on south boundary Hue of said lot o (said point being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner ot said lot o) thence . west on south boundary line of said lot 5. a distance of lO.SjchHins to the place of beginning, containing 2:s2 acres more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide running along the full length ot the west i e of a piece of land coutainiug 17.83 acres des cribed as follow. beginning at the Is. . corn er of claim No. 55 T. 11 S. R. 5 W .. run theuce W. 18 chaius: thence S. 9.91 chains; the.nu 15. 18 chatus; theuce N. 9.91 chains to place of be ginning All the above being in Benton couu . ty, state o! Oregon. It being the iutention ta include in the above descrintion all 1 nets described In mortage given by Jane E. Fiherahd husband to the. State Land Board, bearing date December 3. 1 1900. And you are fnrtber notified that this citation is served upon you, and each of yoa, by pub lication thereof in the Corvallis Times, news paper for four weeks, under an order made by the Hon. Virgil E Watters. judge ot said court bearing date Februajy 5.h,1904. WITNESS, tne Hon. Virgil E. Witters, Julge of the County Court of the State of Oregon io, the County ofBent.u, with the seal of sail Court affixed this 5th day of February, A. D. 1S04. Attest ' VICTOR P, MOSES, . Clerk. (Seal) HEALTH Means the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatitue and to find life worth living. You cannot have indi gestion or constipation without its upset tinsr the liver and polluting the blood. Such a condition may lie best and quick est obtained by Herbine, the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith writes, April 3, 1902 "I use Herbiee, and find it the best for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used.', Price 50 cents. , Sold by Graham & Wortham. . E.E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Just a Few of Oar Many Bargains. No os 5; a adjoining Corvallis, good " house and orchard, 18oo. No 49 House and 6 lots, good location $13oo. ' No 50260 a three miles from Cor vallis, $v per a. Na 54-8 lota good location $500, i yio. 35. Undivided halt interest , in business lot on Main street, good two story brick 50 x 75 feet, a snap. Price 4,500.1 No. 27. 22 foot front on Mtin street good location for business. $500. No 38. House 2 lots, 350, No. 39-100 acres 3 miles from Cor- vallis; 5 acres plow land fs&pe No 404 a adjoining town; fine build ings, goood location, $3000. No 4110 a prane orchard, 2 miles Corvallis, $1200. ' No 51 30 a, Is a prunes, 3 a timber, 12 to clover, running water, Smiles from Albany. A. snap. S2100, No 32 6o a 32 miles Corvallis $3o per a. Space will not permit of further details, but if you want a good investment call and see ns. White & Stone. First door south of Reading Boom E. R. Bryson, , Abtomey-At-Law, -POSTOFFtCB BUILDING E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACH Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Ore CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD! Time Card Number 22. Por Yaouina: . Train leaves Albany . ......rasp- Corvallis. , 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina. i Returning: Leaves Yaquina.... Leaves Corvallis . . . . ' Arrives Albany . . . . . 3 'For Detroit: . . o:Zo p. m 6:45 a. m ' 11:30 a. m . .2:15 p. m ... 7:00 a. m leaves aiDany. Arrives Detroit ...12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: V Leaves Detroit ;..i:0o p. m Arrives Albany 555 P- m Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south ound, train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. ".' Train So 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albanv giving direct ser vice UJ nCWUUiLauu avijcM-u- . Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to rsacn tne oaring? las same day. - For further information, apply to Edwin Stonb, ; Manager. F. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. Go to Zie'roU's foi oveters- frajh Yj-iuia 1 B ty .; ?'. For Sale. - I Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Lf ghorn cockrels or-eggs." v ' - , ."i , r , J. B. Irvine. Corvallis. . 7