The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 06, 1904, Image 3

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( AflwcMaementi la this column charged jfb
H axnteout oentt porune. .
8 Tvieea at the
tcmouow as usual,
Catholic church
1 'V;
Mlsa Eda Jacobs was
i F. P, 8b.eagreeu was a . business
vUIk i at Hiil City Wedne iday.
: Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Simpson
spend next week In the Oregon me
?e:vlre- at Wltham school hou-e
tomorrow at 5-30 p. m. by H. A. Deck
Mr'. M. M. DavU plvea a tfa to a
number of lady trlends from bait past
two to fire tbU'afcernoon.
Aftir a' week's abeeoce from
college on account of elckce, Henry
Shannon has resumed bis studies.
Mo. Ma-tha Burnett and Mrt.
Caoon who I ave be eo at Los Angeles
are expected In Corvallis within a few
. days.
Plas'e-mg Is now in progress on
the cernDC building. Ed Feltoh is
doing the work.
Subject at the (Jhurch of Chrlat
t"mfir--v m- rulog, "God's Elect:'!
evenlDg, "Fifteen minutes in Hell,"
., Mr. and Mrs.. WlllarJ Gilbert re
turned to their home at Dallas Thurs
day after a visit with rela tvee.
Miss Lettle Wicks is now a teach
er at Bemmet, in the San Jacinto val-
l-iv, Blverslde county, Oallf jrola. Her
health Is much improved.
- Ciptatn B.rt fllklugton, who has
been on a leave of absence from col
lege f r a 'business trip to bis home
in DjuhUs county,: arrived WfdoeJ
day, an1 1. as resumed his studies.
Mr1. Robert Huston aid daugh
ter are now at Redlnds, Oalirornia.
Little Helen's health Is very much
tmpr ved. Ksdlad is 65 mile
soutbe ist ol Los Angeles.
The enrollment In the Philomath
public schools is some hlog oyer 180.
Pr f, 8. IK Pratt Is principal and f ur
t ach'r- a-e emploje'. Io an educa
tional wav, Philomath Is far ahead of
most country towns. '
J. A.' Montgomery, the South
Dakotao. who lai been looking at
Benton ouoty firms with a view to
matins? a purchase., left Wtdnesilay
for S item. He id expected to return
here today,
Sicca January 6th, Mrs. W. ' I.
Prloe his been at Tulare, Ca'ifrrota,
where she In the guest of Mr. and Mrs
N. G. Waltz firmerlyof the Belnuap
settln:e it In Benton county.- She Is
to leViiu ee eral weeks yet in the
hope of benefitting her health.
. Mr. aod 'M.n. ; J.
guests f t a f dW d tys
D. Irvine a-e
cf Brovnsvi.le
- After an i absence --"of several
montb-i, Mr, and Mrs. S. . P. Smith
have r turn d' to 0 rvalll. Mr.
Smith ha) been employ ed in a big
lumberlog eetiblUbmeat in the vt
clnlty tf Bart o, Oregon-
. The orgaoisttton has been per
fected by which O A.0 is to malotala a
growing exblbir at the Levis and
Clark fair. The airetngemect? vere
ptrfdcttd at a uieetloii. of the execu
tive committee i f the board held in
Portland Saturday. Dr. Wltbyoambe
is to have charge f tte livestock ar
rangements, .Prof. Lake of the horti
cultural display and Pr.if. Ooote the
vegetable exhibit. A (lit tf 12 .acres
on the exposition grounds has been
set anile f r the purpose.
The next game of baeket ball to
-take place lu the College Armory will
be between the University nf Wash
ington and OAC teams. It occurs
next Tnur-dty evening, and Is expeot
e 1 to I e a spirited and exoltiog con
tea1'. - Basket ball is a cew thing with
the Seattle men. aod they are out fir
honors In that line tor the -first time
this j ear. They are to play OAC
next Tburedav evenlDg and the TJ. of
O. men at Eugene the following
Taxes have been rolling in at the
Sheriffs office ever since the boobs
were c peotd last Tuesday morning.
The three per cent rebate is allowed
under eaaoted at the late
special session on taxes paid before
March 15th, aod it 1 apparent that
tax payers are as anxious as ever to
get it. The other provisions of tbe
law remain the same as barer If
half is paid by April 4th, the taxpay
er baa until October 3rd to pay the
balance. If none Is paid by April i,
a ten per cent penalty and 12 per
cent intei est from April t h to the
date cf payment la added.
An entertainment that is sure to
be popular is to occur in college chap
el on Saturday night of next week. It
is to be for the benefit of athletics at
the college, and all the ta'ent In town
Is on the program. Those who know
what the bill is, say it will be a $1.50
performance but that only 25 cents
admission will be charged. Some
time) In benefit entertainments the
public believes it is to get about halt
a much on the program as it pys
for. It is the purpose this time,
to reverse the order aod give tbe au
dience felly halt a dozen times its
moneys wortn. There will be music
al numbers In theblll that will., leave
music-loving auditors la a state ,- of
hypnotic and intoxicated delirium of
delight followed by that ecstatlo and
exhilarating state of mind that pre
pares tbe listener to go home and
sleep a sound sleep mixed with
dreams of eternal bliss. Enough has
been beard of the plan on the outside
to start everybody to talking of tbe
coming event, and tbe story is that
not a soul that baa so far expressed
an opinion will fall to attend. , The
date should be firmly fixed - in tbe
mind, so that no other engagements
may be made. It happens on Satur
day night of next week.
B. JET. Oate left Weinesday for
Bell touo tain, where he is to accept
employment in a pruLe orchard. r
W. H. Currln, of B. M. Wads &
Co.'s Corvallis bouse, went to McMinn
ville Thursday ou business, ' . v:.
.Harold Belt of Aberdeen, .Wash
ington, has arrived ytor a six week's
visit with hi) mother.
Mrs. Young, mother of Mrs. A. j.
Johnson of this city, died at Scio Tues
day. The funeral occurred Thursdaj.
Mr. Reed of Portland, baa arrived
and Is In charge rf the steamboat of
fice at the O..B. & N.tocb.
--George W. Heckle arrived Tnes
day from a visit with bl 1 son Ray
mond, who is lo tbe drug business at
San Jose, Call ornl t.
The only brother of W. H. Wag
goner was killed recently in a big mine
disaster in Colorado, lie was a man
of considerable means.
r- Mrs. Sarah Mx re entertains a
Dumber of young people this after
noon in honor of the birthday of her
diughtei, Gladys.
E. D. Mossie, tbe O. A. C. student
who was recently stricken with paral
ysis, has been obliged to give up his
studies at college, and has gone toTa-
coma. His health', however, much
improved. -.
1 ' r
Mrs, J. H. E i wards, who for the
past three weeks has been rat the
Orees home ia thi city, under the care
of a physician, was" able to return
Wednesday to her home near BelI-
fountaln. I
Georei A. Huck, a real estate
dealer cf Eugene, l-t iof Corvallis,, find
hopts soon to consummate a business
transaction of Importance and of in
terest to this vicinity.
Ladles of -the Episcopal chnrcb
are r quet-fd to meet at the residence
or Mrs, C. E. Host next Wednesday
afternoon.,,, The objc-t of the meeting
is to reorganize tbe Guild and to dis
cuss other business - matters t f the
Miss Rose Ingram has returned
from tbe bedside f her jBlster, Mrs.
Ed. Looney, of, Monroe, 1 Tbe twins
recently born to the Looney house
hold are two strong little boys.
A handsome purse was made up
and preseoted to Miss Hattle Potts by
the member of the Li ms at a meet
ing Monday nigbr..., Miss . Potts is a
member, but had not been in the ord
er 1 rig enough to be entitled t sick
benefirs at the time of her recent et-
veri illness. '
Joseph Grelnec, of this county,
went to Por'lin.l last week on bust
n8 which be di I not confiln to his
most Intimate OrrVallls trleuds. But
bis mysterious vUlt was explaioed
Tuesday whnu he returued recently a
m rrled man. Mr. Ortioer is a p.oa
perous Ausiian farmer of Blodgetr,
and the brliie U a p-etty young Udy
of the same naionality.
Philip Fowler and wife start-d
Friday tot Oakaloosa, Kansas, to re
main The piriies came, to Corvallii
about six weeks ago from Kansas. Mr
Fowb r obtained employment in J. i
PblUp-i', blacksmith chop, and seemed
satl-fidd with bis prospects. His ac
quaintances , and friends here Wrre
much surprised to learn Wednesday
that he had decided to return to Kan
sas. ...
There was great excitement Thurs
day morning about Jake Blumberg's
junk store on South Main street, oc
casioned by an alarm of fire in - that
vicinity. In some manner not certain
ly known Jake's bedding took fire and
before the fl tmes could be extinguish
ed, a mattress, a number of quilts and
an overcoat wer 3, destroyed. . The, fire
Is supposed to have, been occasioned
by spontaneous combustion.
Members of the Corvallis Gun
Club were busy Thursday coll -ct-ing
the prizes to be awarded to partic
ipants in the big shooting tournament
here on the 221. .All the articles now .
compose a handsome display in a show
window in tbe Zlerolt building. There
is a varied assortment of merchandise
and a quantity rf .cash. Tbearrange- :
ment of the articles is very tasty and
the display is such as would be credit
able to a first-class variety store. It
would seem that every person who is
likely to take part in tbe shooting con
test might be able to secure a priz.
It was Louis, the China Cook. He
Btood In front of tbe show window at
Gerhard's and admired a valentine
within. It was one ot the fancy affairs
that maidens are delighted to receive
on valentine's day. Per a long time
Louis gazed at it with admiring eyes
and a face overspread with apprecia
tion. Then h6 walked to the counter
inside and inquired the price. . "Oh, it
costs lots of money; heap . fine " , re
sponded the young woman behind tbe
counter, little dreaming that she had
a buyer. -"How muchee .oost?" aked
the gallant celestial. "On. two dollars
and a quarter, heap floe, was the an
swer. "All lite; me takee," responded
Louis as he planked down the cash
and later walked away with his valen
tine, .which, of ' course, some fair
Comma damsel Is to reoelve. : -
.1'--. I : ;- ; ; ;1 t
They are Many And can be Fined
So can Those who"sell"f hem To
' ' " ';. bacco. ' ''.
A prac t"oe in Corvallis- tba 1 a
occasioned "remark', is ' eigarett.
smoking by small boys and minor.
In receiA Tears, the Times ha fre
quently brought tbe matter t tbe
a teutioa f parents and other:-, bat
the smok'rg is still practiced ex
tensively. Little cbaps of 8 and
io' years are not infreqa-nt'y
seen puffiv g away with as much as
surance a- a veteran smoker Boys
of 14 or 15 years in some inet mces
a-e completely addicted to the ci-
a-ette hait and smoke as reg 'larl
sb they eat. In spite of tba ftct
that it is -forbidden by haw and that
the babit is destructive to the men
tal, moral and physical develop
ment, child smoking is aid , to
be general all over town. It there
U one tbirg more . than another
that deserves tbe attention of par
ents and "t those anxious to pro
mote the beet conditions in Cor
vallis, it u this . debilitating and
nnnatural practice, -;
Of espec'al interest in the mat
ter is the Question of where these
boys .get their tobacco and. cigar
ettes. Tbe law. strictly: prohibit
the sale of cigarettes or cLare'.te
material to minor?, Every ins ance
in which either is sold to boys is a
violation of a statuta for which
there is a heavy penalty. Inst tence
u pon tbe strict enforcement of this
lw witb.suoh . vigor : that cigar
ettes wouid be kept out of the hands
of these younesti n would probab'y
f ave many a one of them for useful
manhood that is otherwise destined
to become a physical wreck. Science
and exp rience has ' shown "that
boys and cigarettes will not profit
ably mix. The one Is the detrucr
tion of the other, and it is ... the bov
that is always Jbe . victim. , ;,The
asylum? and penitentiaries are fall
of men who got their start oa the
down grade as cigarette snr.kerB in
boyhood.; Their places there ought
to be tak",n by men who are me in
enough to sell .them the deadly
i wares. The man or men whj will
take the means to stop thn sa'e in
Corvallli will do: a, great deal for.
numerous Corvallis boya and carry
glad tilings to parents for .. whom
tberwite, futnre sorrows lie . in
wait. ' -.. ..." '"
The law on the subject of selling
cigarettes to minors is as follows:
It shall be unlawful to sell,
barter, - trade, give or in any manner
furnish to any minor- under the
age ol 18 years, any tobacco, cigar,
or cigarettes in any form, or any
comoound in which tobacco ' forms
a component part, without tbe writ
ten consent or order of such minors
parent or guardian, and when
such minor has no parent or
guardian, then in that case con sen'.
may be given by the county
court.' sitting for the . transaction of
county business, upon proper ap
plication m the countv - in which
said minor may have his residence.
Any person violating the provis
ions of this act shall, upon convic
tion be fined in any sum - not - less
than five dollars or more than $50.'.
There is also a strict state law
against the use of tobacco , by min
ors under 18 years of age It is as
follow : ."It shall be unlawful for
any minor under - the- age "of 18
years to smoke or in any wav use
any cigar, cigarette or tobacco in
any form whatsoever, in any. public
highway, street, place, square, or
resort. Any minor . violating the
provisions of this act. shall , upon
conviction, be fined in any sum not
less than $1 nor more tban $10, or
by imprisonment at the option of
the court, two days for each of
fense." .
. The State Poultry Association's
annual exhibit opens in Por landJueF
day next, and It promises ti be the
most Interesting function i f tbe kind
ever held in tbe state. Mate than .usu
al interest is manifested by .Benton
county poultrymen. Forty to fifty
birds from the' vicinity 'f Cotvallis
are te be entered in tbe exhibit. F. L.
Miller will have at the show a numb-r
of Buff Orpington's; Gene Simpson
sends Bull Leghorns; Dr. Lester will
exhibit White Wyandot'eo, and W. J.
Fisher wilt send Boff Leghor is. A
number cf other -poultry men are talk
ing of sending birds to the exhibir, but
what they may finally conclude to do
can not now be stated.. It. is c rtalo
that Benton county will be well repre
sented by first-class stock.
V" 7-.
4 Mountain Water Scheme for Corval
lis That Death Stopped Something
' Abont it. .
; . Though the first days of Febru
ary have come and gone, there has
been 00 removal , of the fire by-r
drants, as was threatened in the late
letter of the local . Water Company
to the city council.-... It seems to be
generally believed t hat the company
will not go to the extent of remove
ing'of hydrants. It is Certain that
the act would only have injected an
animus iuto the situation that would
b ave , fallen unpleasantly ; on ; tbe
company. .. There seems ; no doubt
that the removal could ,have been
enjoined by legal proceedings, .thou
gh it is doubtful if any ; attempt in
that direction would" have been
made. . The attitude of most of the
members of the council was one of
mere passiveness, in which ; it. was
proposed 4o allow tbe company to
go ahead with the removal if ; it so
desired, taking remedial measures
on behalf of.the city afterward. .-. As
it looks now, however, it seems like
ly that the hydrants will remain in
service, and that some kind of ne
gotiations may develop in which , a
more amicable arrangement may be
enected. . ,t
Of course there is a phase to the
situation that many a citizen . fails
to see. It is the natural desire of
the Water Company - to protect it
self. It can ill afford to lay ex
pensive mains and put in hydrants
without some kind of a contract.
Piping is high now and maybe lower
later. If the company puts in new
pipes and the price falls possibly at
the very moment the city proposes
to buy the plant or contract with
another company, the local - com
pany must lose, and lose heavily.
For this reason, it is a hazardous
step for the company --'to attempt
improvements without some kind
of contract. : ""
On the other hand, the city hes
itates to make a contract on a basis
of Willamette water.' - Willamette,
water is better by far than many a
town has. but the people want
mountain water if it can be had
Smyth offered mountain water. It
has also become .known that anoth-
pro position for offering Corvallis
mountain-water was at one time
fully matured, when it was sudden
ly. stopped by tbe sudden death of
a prominent Oregon tapitalist, the
heaviest investor in . the scheme.
This proposition is said- to. have
included the purchase, of the old
companys plant by the new com
pany, and an amicable arrangement
all round. For these reasons the
city authorities prefer1 to make no
extended contract, but rather desi
re to let matters drift while : they
wait for something to turn up.
The chance tha,t the present high
prices of piping may. drop and that
capitalists may seek investment in
water-systems, are things that
may happen at any time, and it is
forsomething of this favorable char
acter for which the council waits.
As in all questions," there are two
sides to the: water problem, and
each party has . facts to '. consider
that the other does not always see.
-The ' first three days ut' text
week, Feb 8, 9. & 10 Dr.. Lowe, the
oculi opticiti will be. attherOc-cid-n
at hoUl. . Dr, Lowe has been
coojii g t ) Corvallis for over 14
yeais. i ".
Tbe drift of water talk -about
tmn is turning in a new direction.
A sentiment is farming in the di
rection of qrty ownership of , water
works. Many are pronounced in
favor of a charter amenmept, by tte
legislature that i 1 enable the city
t issue bonds wm never 1 it st a l p
elect. They claim . thtt coudi-ioue
may arise at aoy time in which a
gravity system of mountain watr
may become feasible, and that tbe
city at such a time should' be clo
thed with power ti assitt if,, neces
sary, or to construct if advisable, a'
watrsystam.Maoy thick the present
council should at the coming elect
ion submit to a vote of tbe people
the question of whtther or not the.
authority tj issue boods should be
secured from the next legislature;
They add, that with euch authori
ty at hand, the city, would be indt
pendent of. water plant promoters,
and be in far. better position to ne
gotiate in the interest of a perma
nent and suitable water system.
This iionth Is cleaning np month, stock adjusting
time cleaning the dtck for spring business. 1 There
fore you will find here that gooda are lower in price,
not because they have decreased ia value, but because
our policy wilt not permit carrying them over another
season. . . . ' .
Ladies' Jackets.
3 00 Ladies' Jackets $1.50
4 00 Ladies' Jackets" 2 00
' 5 00-Ladies' Jackets
7 ,W Ladies Jackets
.10 00 ladies' Jackets
i Children's
5 00 & 6 00 ' Jackets
2 50
1-3 off on Ladies' Ears. .
1-3 off on Ladies Wrappers
1-3 off on Ladies Skirts.
Corsets in broken lines 50c
.. on the dollar. , .
A few pieces of 50c Dress
Goods at 25c per yard.
Brussels Garpet
, 50c Per Yard:
35c Cn"tta.ce Carpet 25c yd.
40c, Win. Shades, 25c each.
1-3 off on all small pieces
; of Matting..; . -1-3
off on broken lines of
Lace Curtains. . -
1-3 ofF on Wool Waists
$1 25 Ladies Waists $1 05
2 00 Ladies Waists 1 35
2 50 Ladies s Waists 170
3 00 Ladies Waists 2 00
1-3 off on Joe Wool Shawls
and Fascinators. .
: ' - -
? Values and the worth of matefials not considered..
It's only how quickly we cin clean up and make room
for the new, spring laDrics. n At t ,
S. Lv. KLINE'S, ;
- ' ' Regulator of Low Pi ices. ,
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Rancnes, write for my special list,' or come and
see me. , I shall take pleasure ia giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country. . . . ..... ,
" Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance.
3 . . Philomath, Oregon.
L - IB
& . I - '
I South Main St., Corvallis, Ore.
1 Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
1 . .
S- ' Art Calendars, .Sof Pillow Covers,
T .And other Photographic Novelties
; For Sile.
Baled oats straw., Ir ave orders
at Corvallis ferry. .
John Beach.
For White Plymouth Rock Eggs
Call on or addressW. A. Bates, at
Corrallis Flouring Mills, Corvallis, - Or.
One setting, 75 cents; 2 settings, $1.25.
A new line of wall paper, go
SAtt3 and matting just received .at
O. J. Blackledg's Furniture etore.
You are safe when you purchase
Dr, Lowe's glasses. . Eye safe and
price safe, over 18 years experience.
For Sale.
N At sbont 50 per cent on the dollar
large house, barn, and woodshed, 2 lots
corner 3rd, and Washington streets. . Ap
ply to owner. $1800, , t i -H.
Kreger, .
. t . Santa Barbara,,' -
Reductions f of February
D. G. Sugar, 100 pounds .: $5.65
Extra' C Sugar, . 5.15
Padlock brand Peaches, 35c cans, for .25
Palo Alto brand Peaches, 25c cans, for .20
Extra Standard crrn, two' cans for
Extra Standard tomatoes two cans for..
Six packages yeast foam. ..' .25
Six . magic yeast .25
Four packages Arm and Hammer soda........ .25
Three cans fancy sardines in oil : :.... .25
xTwo pounds Golden Sunrise coffee .5
Seven bars Daisy laundry soap 25
Six bars Silk laundry soap .25
Twenty dozen clothes pins .'. .25
Ten packages toothpicks................ . .25
Defiance Washboards... ; ; .20
One set decorated .ciips and saucers
One set decorated dinner plates
One set decorated soup plates
One set decorated breakfast plates ..
......... 50
........ 50
......... 40
One set decorated pie plates ..- 40
For Month, of February only.
: When you see it in our ad. it's so.
F t. Miller -