V A -.- v-'. k . im 0' d ell .bsfa'safts lBh arfl Jfi 8O5J90 J CJLL&dTlfltf TIXES - w 1 thnrmteofLt aento par Una. - 1 Giant Elgid",(af riwd J Saturday' Mr. Bi d Mr. Jamea Taylor left Monday r r Calif roia lo search of a more 'a'- ribl-s climate. - ' Mies Soph a Elgin returned yes frley 10 8atmi, wliere she la stud Alog our ii g at tbe8anrarlam. . Ming Fa Wlfeearver returned to bt r'bome Id- Melkftonvllle SuDday af-f-r a vloit wltb Mlse Loulee Gllbrr. ' ' ,' Mrp. . Mason went to Browna- vfile Mooday to Visit leiatlvea for a week on ea r'aye. y Mr . Minor and daughter Crystal ft re' it id 6a urday . from Olei, wbern ibev tie it. last autumn for benefit t f Miss Minor's health. the . A 1 e tile walk Ftruct'd n the east Taylor's r slderice. . hai been con side of James Gyp ThnretJn, the wellknown form' r UAU student and football play er was lo town Hatuidty. Mr'. A. D. Morrison left Saturday to join' be bUfcl ard at Carbon. Mr. M'irtlann recently purohts d a drug store there. Ml'ses Sophia and Mary-Elgin nt-itilnrd a oumbr of friends Mon day evening at their home on Col lege Hil . Pit was the amusement. Joe Smith arrived Saturlay from Portlaid where he has been at the bedbld'" f his wlf The latfir Is Irn prJTlog lu health and expects f be home at atn within a short time. Elvlu Wltham 1a preparing to build a mbstaotlal residence on the WItbam f rm a ohcrc dlstttnce west rf town. Wuik will begin as soon as the weathir settles a little. The house Is to cor t about 81.000. The First Spiritual Union of Cor yallis will hold uervlces Sunday in Barren Lyceum. Doors open at 2-30 Setvlce at 3 p. m. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. ' D". Drive was ca'led to Eugene MMiaavto pnaon tne funeral te - mon of an old friend named Wllklns,, whone de th occurred In that city Sunda . Dr. Driver returned to O. r vall's jes'tn a afternoon in time to cond ict the i-fti ruoon a' d evening meeting yesterday. - Bomrr Lilly, 'of the Centennial meat ni rki't, killed a beet Friday which ftreoited 59 pi r cent of the gross weight. This 1b regarded as au extra ordinary product.' The tlaugbtereil animal wan a cow, part Jersey, fivO yea"s old, and was purchased from We G. Line. . Her gross weight was 112. pounds, and she dressed 660 pounds A rioaway team h"d the rlabt of way on .VJan'stieet fcrafew e:oLl "Sa'urdiy afternoon. The outfit sia't'd near Horulng's black-mi; h shop, a id u ra diwn street ar full epe d, eidlntr ttrr.r to ptdt-etilanp, teiuisle 4 and all otbere. At the corunr uf Abbott's stable one hoiae attempted to continue the flight o rth while tie other headed, east, and the eft-ct icat a collision with a telephone pile. in wt'ich the wajon Wat con siderably d imaged. The horses were not ii'jiireii. The outfit belonged to Ernest R gera of Lion county. The annual Inter-society debates for cbe Ga'r-h cup are to begin in a short iluio at the college. The sched ule ha alre-d beeo arranged, but none of the subjects have been (elect ed. The cup is now io possession 1 i the F erians who won It as a result ot list year's contests. The yfar be fore it was woo by the Amicltlais. Each society that holds it for a ear, gets Its name -engraved on the cup. and that one that can hold It for thr e years r tains it for all time without further defense. There are eight societies at the college, and if all contest, about seven deta es will be lequlied to determine the issuf. Twenty to 10 was the score by wbloh the OAO men defeated the Mc M'nnvllle College team at basket ball In the Collexe Armorv Saturday nlghr. The game was witnessed by a lare crowd, who wa'ctud the sir ug glelcb much interest. The play as the score Indicates, was most of the time In McMlunville territory. The OAO team was Swan, Moores, Elne hart, Cate and Stelwer. 8telwer and Gate went out at the end of the first half, and tbelr places were taken by liilyeu and Qrover Cafe. A game Vwlth Seattle is to be the next ta take place at the Armory. It is expected to occur about two weeks. Probably the biggejt audlenre ever assembled in the Methodise ceurch was present Sunday at the ev ening meeting conducted by Dr. Drlver. The regular seats In the au ditorium and annex were completely tided, as well as additional stats In Vhe aisles, wherever floor space could ' be found. In addition, there was an ovetfl w of humanity In which evry Inch of standing room was occupied. The service was union in character, all of the congregations In town hav ing given up appointments in their own churches to join In tbe meetiog. The meetings as conducted by Dr Drtver tor a week, assumed an evan- g'Aletlo character Sunday night, and niil be continued tbronghout the ourreat week, with serv ice every af ternoon at 2-30 and every evening at 7-30. Mrs Mary Whitby installed the newly, elected -efficers of Cofvallls Orange' fast Saturday. jj 1 .,. - h Tgn'aaervfc8 will ba held by the pa tor, at tbe McFai land chap el, next Sondy morning. : . i Mrs. Ore file' d, nee Waa Maud Hrr: has a rlvtd, aid was on the streets yesterday- ' ; , ' ' ' -Mrs. B. F. eely Is In Portland taking electrical treatment for tumor ous or other utT-'CUons, tne exact na ture of which, seems Dot to be. tally understood. . Mrs. J. H. Harris gave a tea Sat urday to thirty lady friends. A guess ing contest and a delicious lunch were features of the aftt raoon. V Mis. P. T. Hall and daughter of Portland, are guests of Mrs Bammell at Hotel Corvallls. The ladles are sisters. Dr. A. D. Moirlson, formerly ot Corvallls, but later of Prlneville, has pure! aed a drug store end located at Carlton f the practice cf his profes sion. : Fifd Oberer spent Saturday and Sunday io town, having come ip from P. Ik county to pay off some cUlms a galnst the Charter Oaksawmill. Tert-r lay was ground hog day. If tbe traditional hog ventured out, it la-probable that be sneezed a time or two In the tog, and bunled back into his hole with an attack t f eblveie. The O. A. C. basket ball team was defeated In a game with the Dallas College team at Dallas Friday night, in a score or 13 to f ur. A retnrn game is to be played in this city in tbe near future, when it is hoped that the record may be reversed. ; . . 1 ' - . ' The nlne-year-oll son rf Jesse Moses rf Philimatb, Was 'repwted dying with pneumonia Monday after noon. There was a turn 'for the bet ter during the night, and yesterday motnlog there was a chance for recov ery, though hope could not, according to tbe physician be held out Until the day had passed. - Filday night twin children were born to th- household of Ed Ldoney, Monroe. For a time the Ufa of Mrs. Looney was almost despaired of, but later news Is somevbat encouraging. Ml is Boee Ingram, who Is a student at O. A. C, was on Saturday summoned to tbe bedside ot her eUter, Mrs. Lioney. N J. A. Montgomery arrived the last of the week from South Dakota and expects to buy land and locate lu But ton. He was ii Oregon last At gust f jr a t'me, and he has learaed enuugb about th country to feel that he will bs satisfied to make hU future h me' here. When he buys a f wm he will r-Muro to South Dakota and bring our his fumilf in which there ar several boys and cirls all of wlicm, Mr. Mont gomery says, a. e wtrki r-t. .. Last Filrtay was the birthday ( f JudgH Grtff z. When he arrive 1 home, the eiht tbat, met his Cf zs was a num ber t f his Intimate fileud-, ranged a- ( bout tie room. The expresRion that restetl on bis face for a full tniaute Is described as. a eroes between a love stoiy and ho epileptic fl II present ly flitted away, and gave place to an apparetit expectancy that he ft"otl lace to face with h Boxer uprl-iag or a thr aud feathering party. When he flaally gained hie t qutlibrium, he made Lis guests more than welcome, ard tbe evening, with a banquet and other fea tures was felicitously spent. ' The local option petitions recent ly circulated lo Benton county, have been forwarded to the headquarters at Portland ot the committee that Is pushing tbe measure. The petitions ask the submission cf a local opiiou law to the voters in tbe coming June election, under the initiative provision ot tbe Constitution. The petitions were only circulated atOorvalds, Phil omath and Duety, tbe three places supplying more than Benton's propor tion ot tbe per centum cf voters neces sary to secure submission of the la to a vote. The number ot tlgners at Corvallls was, 333; at Philomath, 79; and at Dusty, 20, making a total of 432. Accounts pf the doings of tbe Ho ly RollerJ lave penetrated even to far off Scotland. A copy 1 f the EJioburgh Scotchman, containing a column aud a half story of tbe sect, has reached the Tlmes""offlce. The article is sen sationally written, ard mixed with the truth there Is a varied but highly In teresting amount cf the imaginative. The Btory is founded on the original outbreak cf tbe sect in which furni ture, luusioal instruments and the bod ies ot domestic animals were burned, and it Includes the raid of the officers, tbe examination for Insanity, and the fl'ght and return of Brooks and Cref field. A young woman Is mentioned as being selected f r tbe sacrifice, and the story of her doings 1 as Oreffield stands with uplifted hands in the midst of the smoke from a sacrificial firs is dramatic In the extreme. The article is ot engrossing interest-, both as a matter of curiosity acd as show isg the Intense interest the doings ot the sect hive aroused all over the civ ilized world. The story will appear In full in Saturday's issue of the "Times." . ... . . 1 Roll the First in the State to Reach' . 1 ax collecting began at the sher2 ifFs office yesterday, ." and several payments were made daring the day. The Benton roll is the first in the state to be completed, Clerk Moses havipg turned the big record over to iSheriff Burnett last Fri day. " The present is the second in- Aa4 Wanted te Firat ia , Court Trto 2 t4 hies tor. Fan Tas 1layera;;;a ; 2 -'Chirr Me is a Corvallis Chinaan who is $40 poyrer is this worWs goods than he was Saturday night. The money with which he parted is m the cofTers of the.city of GJr vallis, and is the price of a violated gambling statute. Mr. Me was fitii in TnHo-fc firefFnr ronrt ' M'ftn- day morning, and for a time itldok-lstance i which Clerk - Moses has ed as though he would elect to go been the first county clerk in- tbe to jail. . He stood silent and sullen, state to complete his roll and until, after repeated notice from turn it over, ior tax collection. - . Chief Lane to "Come on and go to The total taxes to be collected in jail," he finally dug up two shining Benton, as shown by the completed $20 pieces and- relucantly: handed roll is .185,0324.2 .The amount them over to the officers. A .terl was about $82,000 last year.., The that he left the place, nursing, it i aggregate is increased, enormously certain, a fierce thirst for revenze this year by the state tax, which is on the men that brought financul depression oft him. : Mr.iMe is the proprietor of a wash houe a few doors ' north ' of the Farmer's Hotel. Several mon ths ago his place was raided by the officers, and a fan tan game surpn sed m full operation. All the play ers pleaded guilty and each was re quired to pay the minimum fine under the law. The raid seems mt to have broken up . the game, for .Saturday night Jim sing, the res- more than the entire amount to be sollected for county expenses. The figures of the state tax ate JF24 745, while, the figures for county expen ses are $22,337. Out of this 822,7 17. a6 all the rebate allowed on! amount the county actually realizes U the above figures less the rebate. The rebate usually amountsto $1.7 00 or . $1,800. so that the total ajnount that will be collected for county expenses willonly aggregate taurant man lodged a complaint about $20,. 500, or morethanf46oo with the officers against Chin Me to the effect that the latter was run ning a fan tan game. . - . J The complaint was the . result of the old story of a row between the players. .'It 'neatly 'resulted in' a riot in the office ot the police j udge when the defendant and his accuser stood face to face." Chin Me declar ed that Jim Sing owed - him $100 and Jim promptly announced that Chin Me was a liar. Even the austere mien of His Honor failed to impress the two heathen and in defiance of all court rules they flew at each other with war and blood all over the horizon. His Honor called for peace, but there was no peace. He commanded silence, but the respon se was a turbulent mixture of Chi nese oaths and celestial jabbering. Determined that his court should not be the scene of a Boxer uprising the judge laid violent hands on the combatants and compelled a truce Chin Me has' most "of the Chin r- men in. town in his debt. Louis the cook, who draws a salary of '50 per month owes him $11. Jim Sing " gtoo and various bther of his courr j trymeu sums of varying, .-amounts. His game is apparently one of the most thrifty enterprises in town. less than the amount collected for state tax. ; . The state school tax . is another item that also swells the final aggre gate very largely. The figures are $r5.693. or within about $5,000 of the entire amount to be collected for county-expenses. The various items of taxes, the amounts of each and what and where collected -for areas-follows: - special school Uist Jvo. 1 ' 3 Road Dist, Xo. 9 18 23 24 PLANTING AND PRUNING. William Albrecht Gives a few Season able Suggestions. This is the month for planting and pruning. .Roses should be planted while in a dormant sta'r; for, if removed for transplanting while the sap is flowing freely, ami the plant is in vigorous growing condition, there occurs too great a shock one from which the plant does not easily recover.. Plants of delicate habit and weik growth require severe pruning. Those that are vigorous in growth should have the shoots only moder ately shortened, but the branches should be well trimmed out. " Rustic work having shaved Sur faces ought to receive a co t or two of linseed oil yearly. Vases, trelli ses or other painted "garden work may now be put in order hv clean- 1 wg and painting. . rrepare new trellises in good season. Pruning of trees and shrubs is now in order. Manure, whether gardening for pleasure or for profit. The ground must '; not be cropped year after year not even of Jthe grass without returning some equivalent in the form of manure. Well decomposed stable manure, if it can be produced, should be pre ferred to all others. William Albrecht. 1. .., 2 : " 3 ' ' Ml . 4 ' "6 "8 " 9 , " 10 ".11 " ' 12 ' " ' -' "13 . " 14 " 5 '' "16 " " 17 " 18 City of Philomath City of Corvallis Polls Road Fund General, State Tax State School County $ $ 95-76 '665:75 6594-I5 167.19 641 58 255-55 164.71 107-33 358 12 33-o6 28.81 366 57 325-2.8 353 52 173.12 6i-74 112. 12 . 149 30 . 377-03 214 97 ' 165 88 ' 288.47 178.97 95 00 170 80 ' 66.94 408.50 5534-Q1 593 00 .3514.72 24.745.00 15693.00 22337 46 1 '"O'lj- ''vt!j IINVdNTORY SALE This month is cleaning, up month, stock adjusting , ime cleauing the dtck for spring business. There-" fore you will -find here that goods are lower in price, .not because they have decreased in value, but because our policy will not permit carrying them over another season. . . . .V ' ' Ladies' Jackets. $3 66 Ladies' Jackets $1 50 A 00 Ladies' Jackets 2 30 5 0Q Ladies' Jackets 7 fiQ Ladies' Jackets 10 00 Ladies' Jackets Children's - 5 00 & 6 00 Jackets SO 75 0U 2 50 1-3 off on Ladies' Furs. 1-3 off on Ladies Wrappers 1-3 off on Ladies Skirts. Corsets in broken lines 50c on the dollar -A few pieces of 50c Dress Goods at 25c per yard. Brussels Garpet y 50c Per Yard. v 1 35c Cottage Carpet 25c yd. -40c Win'. Shades, 25c each. 13 riff pn all small pieces. ,of Matting. . . 1-3 off on broken lines of Lace Curtains. 1-3 off on Wool Waists $1 25 Ladies Waists $1 05 2 00 Ladies Waists 1 35 2 50 Ladies Waists 1 .70 3 00 Ladies Waists 2 00 1-3 off on lee Wool Shawls and Fascinators. Values and the worth of materials not considered. It's only how quickly we cih clean up and make room for the hew spring'fabrics. At ; S. L. KLINE'S, " Regulator of Low Pj ices. &ME-5EEKR: i F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. t shall take pleasure iu giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing -you over the country. v " HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance. Philomath, Oregon. Total 85032 42 WflAT YOU OWE. Ia Uphol6tering. Lounges, Coaches, Desks, Folding Beds, Etc.; made to order. Particular attention given to special orders and re pairing. AU work guaranteed. One door south cf R. M. Wade's, Main street. W. W. Holgate, Degree of Honor Entertjtarnent. The members of the Degree of Honor lodge will give an emertain ment in their hall over Allen's drug store, Eriday evening, Feb. 5th. A program will be rendered. Ad mission' 15 cents; children. 10 cents The public is Invited. The following is the program: Instrumental solo, recitation solo, farce, "Aunt Sophronia at the Op era," vocal duet, v pantomine, "Lockinvar," solo, farce. "Aunt Susan. Jones," vocal duet. ' A new line of wall paper, go carts and mattirg jus-t recfdved at O. J. Blaikledg's Furniture store. -For Exchange. A fine residence in Los' Angeles, good lonation, will rent fr $30 per month, value $4000, for improved farm about same value. ' -'. ' J. G. Simptou, ' 256o N. Sichel at. 1 Lob Angeles, Cal. Taxes And Where to Find the Amount Sheriff Bnrnett's Plan. Last year, Sheriff Burnett tried the experiment of placing a numb er of lists of the taxpayers and the amount of the taxes of each in sev eral places in the various precincts. The preparation of the lists, with 2,500 taxpayers in thecounty. in-: v lved a large amount of work, at the sheriS's office, but it turned out to be such convenience to the tax payers that Sheriff Burnett has put the same plan into . execution again this year. " Lists of every taxpayer in each precinct, some times three or four lists ,in each precinct have been prepared, and sent ouN By reference to , these lists the taxpayer can ascertain the amount of his taxes and send in the money without making - a special trip to the county seat - for the purpose.. Lists are to be found at the following places: Fairmount precinct George Beams. Chester Skeels, T B Wil liamson, and Frank Hughson', Soap Creek precinct Store of J. A. Carter. Kings Valley Stores ot M. L. Frantz and Miller & A lcorn. Wren Store of Scott King. Blodgett Store of 1. A. Wood. Summit Store of Titus' Ranney. Alsea Store of Wade Malone. . Bellfountain--Stores ofN. Clem and A. H. Buckingham. Monroe Stores of A. Wilhelm & Co and Norwood Trading Co. Willamette Store of Norwood Trading Co. and Inavale postoffice! Philomath Stores of J. E. Hen kle, F. P. Clark, MoseS ' Bros, Hill & Son, Judson Weed. ' For Sale. . At aboat 50 per cent on the dollar large house, barn, and woodshed, lots corner. 3rd and Washington streets. Ap ply to owner. ' fr8oo, " , . -; H.H. -Kreger, ! Santa Barbara,,'. Cat J EMERY'S ART ST South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture . A. ,G. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. S - Art Calendars. Sofi Pillow Cover?, t ' r. And Other Photographic Novelties. for February GROCERIES. D. G. Sugar, 100 pounds..... ..$5.65 'Extra C Sugar, 5.15 Padlock brand Peaches, 35c cans, for.... .-25 Palo Alto brand Peaches, 25e cans, for .20 Extra Standard crrn, two cans for ,.''.25 Extra Standard tomatoes two cans for............ .25 Six packages yeast foam .; .25 Six magic yeast :. .25 Four packages Arm and Hammer soda .25 Three cans fancy sardines in oil 25 Two pounds Golden Sunrise coffee..... .25 Seven bars Daisy laundry soap 25 Six bars Silk laundry soap : 25 Twenty dozen clothes pins !V .25 Ten packages toothpicks........ .25 Defiance Washboards. .20 DISHES. One set decorated cups and saucers 50 One set decorated dinner plates 50 One setdecorated soup - plates 50 One set decorated breakfast' plates ..: 40 One set decorated pie plates 40 For Montb. of February only. ' ' When you see it in our ad. it's bo. f . L. Gorvallis. I :6