LOCAL LORE. (MrartKaaientitatliU colon chmrged for it tlwruseflt oenm per Una. Ml Ma-el WItbyoombe la visit ing Por land trlecdst. -M". John Allen leaves tomorrow f r a vUit with Portland friends. Brady Burnett left yeaterdiy lor New M'Xl .. , Tjt a' sej:yicee at the Catholic church, tomi rrow.' Services at Mt View school house on Sucday a' 2-30 p. m. by H. A. Dtck. Miss brass Gatch returned Wed' neeeay rum a. month's vlalt with ber sister at Seattle; - Mr?. Prettyman returned yester day "fo b r borne in Portland after a kit with Mends. Af"r a visit of several days at the Hartle-a borne Mrs. W. 8. Gilbert i' turoed Wednesday to ber home id Portland. . ; Mrs. EUa Wright Rosenberg of Seattle U a guest at tbe Jacobs home She la rnroute East whither she goes to vUlt I er daughter. Henry Luiz and family pa-sd through Corva lis Monday enroute to Pbllommh. Mr. Luiz is a late ai rival from Eastern Nebraska. Tbe OreRoo Christian Endeavor conversion meets lo Pendleton, 'eb ruarv 19-22. The Southern . Pacific ban made a round trip rate of ore and one thltd fare. Tte OAO basket 'ball team and sub9. with Physical DlrecUr Trit e went to Dallas yesterday to play a name lait Dight with tbe Dallas Col lege tf a-n. The regular bi-weekly session of tbe Ladles Whist Club was held Wednesday the home of Mr'. A. It. Knlsely. Mrs. G. A. Uovell was a guest of tbe club. Th First 6pltttual Union of Cor vallis will bold services Sunday in Barrett Lvceum. Doore open at 2-30 Service at 3 p. m. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. Dr've Wblt diverted a coterie of friends a.', tbe Jaoobs home yestetday afternoon. The guest of honor was Mr'. R wenb-jrff of Seattle. Tbe guests numbered twenty-four. The M'ases Banney entertained about tweaiy Mends at their boose Wednesday eveilog, in bonor of Mrs. Fr-ttjn an ' f Portland. Pit and Flinch weietle amusements: Mr. Azvlab S'arr of Tulare, Calif .ruU, is for the firit time la 35 years a visitor in Benton count f, her ol'1 borh', being trjs guest a preseut of M c . N jab S arr, ber slate r-ls-law. The fl t loteroolleglate basket hall game of the eeieon takes place in the O..Hi'f eirmor) this SaturJay tilght. It will b between' the OAO and Mc Mluuvll'e OoIIoie teams, and will pr ' bably be an' exciting content. Tbe i)AO team id better now than at any time in tb? past and the men against whom tbey are to ?o are fr.im tb county that U noted tor athletes ard fine far n. The game will undoubt edly a tract a large crowd, Next Tuesday, the 2ad of Feb ruary, is the day for opening ia Wasb toRt'JO tbe bids for tbe proposed few star route mail' service between Corvallla ard Albany, It is urdr stotd 'hat tbuie Is strong compnti tion f r tbe contiact. About half a dozen bid- were seat out from Cor vallls, aid a uumber equally large is believed to have gone from Albanr. If the bl ia are Bai6faotory, the serv ice will go Into tffect March 18cb. A new or ler has beeo. promulga' el by tbe postofSoe department with reference t the B. F.D. routes. p re tofc if, special delivery letters have been delivered by carters to all pa trons, regsr iless of the distance the house may be from boxes, oftentimes the distance covered in such delivery in the trip being thiee to five miles. Hereafter such letters will not be de livered at bouses that are more than a mile from tbe box. In tbe case of reglstfrd mall, special arrangements have to be made where the dUtanee is greater thatf-a- mile. Needlework and a smart luncheon provided tbe nucleus for a drliebttul afternoon vouchsafed lady friend? at the borne of Mrs. Bt-rchtold Wtdnes day. This was tbe first of a series of t as to be given by Mrs. Berchtold. Those present were: Meedmet, Simpson, Woodcock, Fulton, J. Tay lor Wilkins, E. Taylor, H. S. Pernot, Brunk. Lafferty, Kead, Horner. Elgin Richard Kiger, Fred Yates, John Al io i, Sehmttt, Glbbs, Waggocer, Port er, Prettyman of Portland; Misses, Banney, Cauthoro, Williams, Crawfoid Sarah Jacobs and Edoa Allen. Newoomera who arrive in Benton seeking new farm homes, have thef act before them that every facility for an every day mail service is at hand. A jsate'ul estlma'e shows that mere than halt the homes in the county are serv ed every day with mall, left al most at tbelr doors. Tbe thTes B. F. D. routes out of Oorvallls reach neerly 300 families, while the various Star routes eerve boxes along the way. These are the Oorvallls-Monrie route, the BellfountalD-Corvallls route, the Hoskios-EJogs Valley, the Pbilomath rfeik and other lines. Many counties In Le East are not so well covered by rural mall delivery aa is Benton coun ty now. If tbe roada covered by these routes are given proper attention this spring, the service vM be better still ia the future. 11 M. SmIJh ia on a business trip toJPrland W V Big Bend, Wash. Mr, and Mrs. George Irvine of Philomath, returned home yesterday after a visit with Corvallis relatives. Subject at the church c f Christ, Aundav, . m. "In the Fullness t f Time;" p. m.Ebe FliBt and Second Adam." Mrs. W. I. Bristow of Maple' Grove, accompanied by her children," Is vlsltinr at tbe borne of ber brother, Bev. Handfaker, in Corvallis. J. J. Farquar, of Portland, la vU ltlog the family of Prof. Horner and other Corvallis friends, fie leaves to day f r a btlef stay at his old home, Boseburg. ' "' ' After a two months visit with rel atives, E. H. McBue and wife It ft yes terday for their bom at Klona, Wash ington. This is tbelr firet visit home in six years.. r . Thomas BU went to Dallas Thurs day to look after bis Interests in a sawmill located in that vicinity. In bis absence Charley Psrnot is operat ing tbe water works plant. Mrs Taylor Porter, with other members of tbe family, ith to tender thlr thanks to tbe many friends who ret deredtbem assistance in various way a In tbe lite Illness and death of the'ii father, David Millholleo. Miss Mlsepaugh will be at tbe Baptist church tomorrow aad will re main f r a few days to assist in Evan gelistic meetings. Meeting every evening at 7-30. Usual meetings, on 8unday . You are cordially invite i to attetd. .. On account of the condition of the road-i, the carrier has only been over a parted B. F.D.routeNo.ieacnaay.Hf- gtnnlng today, be will make the whole trip each Saturday, and expects, if possible, beginning on the 15 h Inst, to make the entire route every day. BeDtn Bowers of tbis city, has a force cf twenty men-, at wora doing improvement work on the Love& Ban ley ranch, on Bogue river at the mouth of Bear creek, which he recently ac quirer. Mr. Bowers Is rehabilitating the place generally and in addition to new fenoes and buildings expects to have 300 acres of the .land stt to al falfa. Ashland Tidings. In the big shoot to be given by tbe local gun club on the 22J, the en tries are confined to residents e f Ben ton. Were It not for tbe restriction a few crack shots frm ether towns could come In and gobble up all tbe best priz's, leaving the ordinary shoot ers but tllm picking. Under tbe ar rangements, every marksman will have a good chance to win eev ral prizes, and nn this account every young man In the county who owns a gun is expected to he in C rvallis to take a hand in the sport. .. . Mrs. Emily Enoe Wiigbt, who passed away at ber hems on Beav. r i r-'e-k, this county, laet Sunday, was born in Trumbull county, Obl'-. Sep tember 5, 1849. March 8. 1847, she was married to J. M. Wilght. ot Ctes ton, lows. Mr. nd Mrs. Wrlgbtcame to Oregon from Iowa two years ago and putcbaxed ataimon Beavercreek, whera they reel isd at the time of Mrs. Wright's, death. Th remains wete laid to reet In Oak Ridge cemetery, Bev. HaDdsaker conducting the funer al services. ' Here Is an lrera that every busi ness man should r-memter. The fire department meeting occurs Monday night. The lte department laped iDto a State of inocuous desuetude be cause nobody attended. If bueltes men desire the t rganiza'Ion malutalo ed, they must manifest interest to a reasonable degree. The measure of that Interest will be denoted by tbe nnmber of buttons men present at Monday nigbt's meeting. Under these cietumstancee, what one will remain awa? A Lap Yar party was given at Fireman'd Hall by the Ladies Ccffee Club Thursday evening. It was en tlrely Informal and was la all respects a delightful social event. Tbe mem bers ot the sterner sex sat around with folded hands, and only took part In the festivities when invited by a fair friend. Each that left bis seat to cross tbe room unattended, or ventured on any stunt usual to man at social par ties, was promptly fined 25 cents. One gallant youth who carried in a needed bucket of water suffered tbe extreme penalty t f the law. The leap year idea was carried hut to tbe fullest extent, and for once the only wall flowers ob servable were of the male persuasion. The contributions by patrons for extra pay for the carrier on K. F. D. route number 1 now aggrega'es $10.75 per month. The donations srd according to the arrangement, to con tinue through January, February at d March. Ne contributors to the fund are, L, L. Howe, V. O. Callawav. A. BickoeU, H, Hector, Bichard Kiger, E. E. Faber. P. J. Schmidt. G. Bard Ing, W, L. Read and August Webber. On route 2 a similar fund Is- being raised, and reports are that it is likely to be greater thai the aggregate of tbe contributions on number 1. On route 3. two persons have con tributed fifty cents eich per month for thtee montbts. Tbey a'e Wil liam Lf adbetter and J. I. ' Applegate. MEETS MONDAY NIGHT. New Fire Department Many Imp&r : ' tant Things to be Considered. A nnmber of important matters are, to come up at the meeting of the new fire department to be held at City Hall Monday night. First and foremost is an election of offi cers, and the disposition of matters with respect to changes in the by laws to suit new conditions, A proposition for the purchase, of a chemical engine will be brought for ward, and all the business men in town should be present. The pro posed removal of the fire plugs and the consideration of steps necessary to be tafcen to meet the new condi tion is another matter of vital inter est to be considered. A proposition for the purchase of rubber coats and hats for the use of members of tbe department, and various other mat ters of importance will be a factor in the deliberations. A canvass of the town has been made by the committee,- and - there is now on the roll a large list of ac tive and contributing members, both of whom have a voice in the deliberations, and for Jthe sake of the future of the department it is vital that all the wisdom in town be present at the meeting. The hour for the meeting is seven o'clock, to which attention will be called by three strokes of the fire bell at inter vals half an hour beforehand and at the hour for the meeting. Remember our great Reduction Sale will close Saturday. January 3 Jth. N, olan & Callahan. Por Sale. At about 50 per cent on the dollar large house, barn, and woodshed, 2 lota corner 3rd and Washington streets, . Ap ply to owner. $ 1800, , f H.H. Kreger, ; Santa Barbara,, V Cal. F0K SALE. Vetch seed at Corvallis Floor Hills Red Ta 1. - . MEN'S GL0THING. All 16.50, 17.50, 18, 20 and $22.50 Suits and Orer- coats, &r..............M...'.....'........... , $15.00 All 13, 14 and$15 Suits and Overcoats for...... 12 50 All 10, 11, 12 and $J.2,50 Suits and dvercoats for... 10.00 All 8, 8.50, 9,9.50 and $10 Suits and Overcoats...... y7.S0 AM $7.50 Suits and Ove coats.................... 6 50 : Twenty per cent reduction on all Boys' Sttitsand Overcoats, and Men's 'Extra Pants. . s . REDUCTION SALE. Ten per cent reduction on lace curtains. Ten per cent reduction on dress tinings. Ten per cent reduction on W, B. corsets. Twenty-Five per cent reduction on back and-fancy combs. . . Twenty-Five per cent reduction dress trim mings, lace all over. Twenty-Five per cent reduction wool waists. . :"- Twenty-Five per cent reduction ladies' belts. ' Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent re- : duction. ' ' Ladies' and Misses' jackets 25 per cent reduction. . Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 per cent reduction. , 1 Sale. I y2 REMNANT SALE. - - Six and one fourth cent calico at. Ten cent outing Bannel. 8i Ten cent ffannekt 8yi Ten cent percale.. ...:,. ... 8yS Eight and a third cent shirting. 7z Twelve and a half cent percale 11 Fifteen cent ribbon:....... .12 Twenty-Five tent ribbon.. 20 Thirty Five cent ribbon.. 30 Fifty cent velveteens 43 ' Dollar and a quarter dress goods. ..$1.00 Dollar dress goods 85 Seventy-Five cent dress goods 60 Fifty cent dress goods.......Tn.. ... 45 Twenty-Five cent dressgoods. ........... 20 , . Twenty cent dress goods ........15 Seventy-Five cent eiderdo wn '.. .. .....60 Thirty-Five cent eiderdown.. .....25 . - 1 ' ; - .. .. . MILLER'S, Corvallis, All Mall Orders Received During Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices. 34th.Qreat Annual 34th. The Washington dispatches yes terday told of a social enub to Hies Alice Roosevelt by Countess Cas i no, that might have resulted in in ternational complications, had not cooler heads adjusted the matter. It must have been little Cassino who acted so rudely aa big Cassino undoubtedly knows better than to insult our Alice. Will commence to-day, Friday, January the 1st, like its thirty-three predecessors. It will continue for 30 days, and be conducted on the same broad plans that have made them the greatest bargain opportunities. Corsets 50c corsets at .S9 $1.00 corsets at 85 1.25 corsets at .....$1.00 1.50 corsets at ' 1.15 Broken "lines at just half price, or $1 corsets for 50c. SUITS AND $10.00 suits at... $ 735: 12.50 suits at.... 975 13.50 suits at 1100 15.00 suits at. 1225 16.50 suits at 1310 18.00 suits at...:... 1400 Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery & Underwear This is the best money paving chance of the year in the Hosiery and Underwear Department. Every gar ment at a greatly reduced price: 3o cent garments at 21 cfs 5o cent garments at 42 c 75 cent garments at 67J Loo garments at .- - 82J OVERCOATS 5.00' overcoats at......$ 400 8 50 overcoats at 6.25 10.0 ) overcoats at. 7.35 12.50 overcoats at 9.25 15.00 overcoats at 12,00 18.00 overcoats at.... 13.85 Gloves Woof gloves in plaia and fancy colors. Regular 25, 35, 50c Reduced to 20, 30. 42o, Kid gleives : $1.25 gloves at $1. Dollar gloves at 90c. Silks and Dress Goods ' Black, white, and colored dress fabrics, -black and fan cy silks, velvets and velveteens, at a great sacrmce. $ .50 dress goods at 39 .7 5 dress goods at 62J l.oo dress goods at 79 $ .75 eilk and velvet at62i l.oo silk and velvet at 82 1.25 silk and velvet at 99 Trunks & Bags LADIES' SKIRTS AND JACKETS Trunks, bags and suit cas $ 5.00-Jackets, $3.95 $4.50 Skirts at $3.45 es at clearance sale prices. lfinft x , - n nc- -..pa Cr t . Toys, dolls, games, etc, 10.00 Jackets, 7.95 . 0.50 Skirts at 4.3 5 all at greatly reduced price 13.50 Jackets, 10.00 6.50 Skirts at 5. OO Boys'v Clothing 1 5. 00 Jackets 1 1.85 7.50 Skirts at 5.85 $1.50 boys; suits at ....$1.15 Children's and Misses' wraps are included in 2.oo boys suits at 1.45 . : . - . . 2.50 boys' suits at .... 1.95 this great sale. 3.oo boys' suits at .... 2.45 : 1 ; ' " 3.50 boys' suits at .... 2,85 Carpets and Lace Curtains 4.50 boys' suits at .... 3.50 Our entire stock of lace curtains and carpets at clearance 5.oo boys' suits at .... 3.95 sale prices. v - Shawls & Fascinat'rs Men's & Boys' Under w. Wool Waists During this reat sale -50 garments at........... $ .41 $1.25 wool waists at..... .90 & fe .75 garments at .67 1.50 wool waists at....:... 1.20 shawls and fascinators will j 00 garments at ........ .79 2.00 wool waists at 1 .45 be closed out regardless of L50 garments at... 1.20 2.5o wool waists at 1.95 2.oo garments at.......... 1.45 3.00 wool waists at. 2.25 cost. 3.50 wool waists at 2.45 Shoe Department Extra Special. 75 pairs Ladies' shoes worth : $2.00, $2.50, $3,00 and $3.50 v AT $l.QO. 50 pairs children's ,-school shoes worth $1.25 , " and $1.50 SO CENTS. Groceries 25c Armour's washing pow der... .3 lbs lfin 25c Home bak powder 19c loc Rex loo percent rye - X 3 for 25c 15c canned corn 9C Good sordines... 6 for 25c Arm & Hammer, and Shil- liner's Soda . .. 4 for 2tto. Naptha soap.... 4 for 25c Ovir Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchandise, and the radical reductions apply to. every article excepting only a few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control. Regulator of Eow Prices KLI E'S Cbe 0,1,114 Roil$e