The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 30, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
fMBebd riper ot Bemtoa Ooatv.
School Pupils of Benton Exhibit for
St Louis and Something About it. ,
. In the county , superintendent's
office over at the court house is
work to attract the admiration of
erery citizen of Benton It is by
the pupils of the public schools.
aiid there are pieces that are a rev
elation to all who see them. There
is a cartoon prepared by a Philo
math pupil, maps of Oregon drawn
3y little people, "and drawings of
various kinds so excellently done
.as to cause the onlooker to wonder,
H fter all it is child work. There
are famples of Oregon woods pre
vared and polished by child hands
,tnd other handiwork so handily
done as to vie with the work of oid
nd skilled hands in appearance.
The whole it a portion of the ex
hibit Bebton county public schools
nee to make at the St Louis Ex
IKWtion. All the pieces are not yet
in, and many have not received
thrfr settings,' but enough is at
fcamd to make it certain that the
' exhibit as a wbnln will show the
school ch'ldren i f one county in
Oregon to be abr ast of the times
in handicraft. Next Saturday, 'in
ereral shw windows on Main
t'eet samples of the display will
if. on exhibition, and there is no
'i)bt that each will attract wide
at motion and admiration. Imme-
itely thereafter the whole exhibit
be packed for. shipment and
t on a long trip to St. Louis,
- -ere next year it will be gazed at
a jl doubtless be admired by people
i": m all over the country.
The exhibit will include such
work as the following and from the
following schools.
Corvallis Public Schools Maps,
language, number stories, illustrated
poems, needle work on card board,
besides other features.. Owing to
the work not being in posession of
the1 county school superintendent
we are unable to state exactly what
It includes, this will be given in a
later issue.
Philomath Schools S.I. Pratt's
Toom, grammar, 8th grade, work
analysis, arithmetic, grade 7th, so
lution of problems;C. G. Springer's
loom, easy lessons in English, six h
jgrade; advanced arithmetic, fifth
grade; spelling, sixth grade; Mrs.
C. 0. Springer's room, maps ofS.
A.. Fourth Giade,
Richland School One . week's
-work in spelling. s-
Oak Grove School Language,
third grade; grammar seventh;
arithmetic, third grade B division;
arithmetic, fifth grade; arithmetic,
second grade; drawing by pupils in
.seventh grade. '
Alexander School Maps of Ore
Independent fachool Maps of
Senton County.
Blodgett Maps of Oregon, and
-work in composition.
4 District No. 93 Maps of Oregon
drawings, and spelling tests.
Bellfouhtain Cabinet of native
woods, oiled and polished, inclu
ding curly maple, fir, yew, cascara,
walnut grown in Oregon, oak, wiU
low, chinapin, cherry, locust, vine
maple, alder.Jcedar, crab apple, ash,
myrtle grown in Coos County.
Mountain View School Cabinet
of native woods, including section
of yew wood, ash, alder and grub
Hoskins Work in composition.
Beaver Creek Busy work. This
consisted of card board work. The
pupils of first grade cut their card
Sunw) Ifr fn A lfttf fhan -s
UHUUi luauc 1 1 mill a uu us.u nul
led different figures with needle on
sides, top, ect.
Monroe Language lessons by
first grade, number work for third
grade, number work by first grade;
Spelling tbird grade.
Bellfountain continued Work of
8th grade in European history, Ella
Dunlap's room; language work,
fifth grade; language work sixth
-grade, Allie Reader's room. ;
Philomath College Latin, first
year one recitation, physical geog
raphy, first year, geology, fresh
man, Virgil, first year, first year
Greek, rhetoric, cartoons, special
work, exhibiting native ability.
The commercial department special
work in book-keeping, preparatory
and advanced, short hand and type
writing. There is "also work in
astronomy fourth year, geometry,
third year, Cicero third year; histo
tory of philosophy, photographs and
other work.
Work is expected from the Col
lege of Philomath, and OAC is to
be represented by a - well selected
exhibit. With what has been re
ceived, and what is expected, Ben
ton's exhibit will be a surprise to
The exhibit will also include all
Jlahk form-5 used in the county
-. rr 1. J I
aupenntenaeni s onice, sm-n -.
plomas, certificates of perfect atten
dance, certificate of awards pro
grames of parents meeting, local
institutes, and copies of the Benton
County School Journal.
The Benton County Court is to
commended for its' liberal action in
furnishing all the paper necessary
for this work. . - . .
The following teachers have con
tributed to the work: S W Holmes.
G A Peterson, Earl Brown, Mabel
Abbe. Meldora- Jackson, S I Pratt,
Anna Pagenkopf, . Corlie Starr,
Julia duMolin Allie Reader, - Ella
Dunlap, Mary Dunlap, Jennie Rob
ins, R A Cia.k, B E Emerick. Pre
sident Philomath College, and his
faculty, N Tartar, Olive. Mallow,
Margaret Powels, Grace Huff, Lura
Campbell. Josie Fullerton. Lena
McCormick, Ethel Kyle, Lulu Ev
ans, C G Springer and Mrs. C G
Springer. . " . - .
Marriage of Hiss Winifred Gilbert and
Dr. Wisecarver of McHinnville.
A quiet wedding occurred Thurs
day at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Gilbert. The bride was Miss
Winifred Gilbert, one of the daugh
ters in the family, and the groom
was Dr. Wisecarver of McMinnville.
The house was prettily decorated
lor the occasion in Oregon grape,
ferns and carnations. The cere
mony occurred at eight o'clock,
Rev. Handsaker of the Christian
Ohurch officiating. The bride's
bouquet was caught by Miss Flor
ence Wicks. After congratulations
tnere was a sumptnous wedding
The bride is a popular and esti
mable young woman, and the groom
a leading dentist of McMinnville,
Mr. and Mrs. Wisecarver left on
yesterday's Westside train for Mc
Minnville, which is to be their fu
ture home. Among those present
Mr. and Mrs. Wisecarver of Mc
Minnville, M. and Mrs R M. Gil
bert, Rev. and Mrs. Handsaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert,
of Portland; Dr. and Mrs. F,
E. Smith, of Salem; Mrs.. D. M.
Smith. Misses Fae Wisecarver of
McMinnville, Louise Gilbert, Marie
Groves, Florence Wicks, Mary
Elgin, Harriet Sheasgreen, Ethel
Linvilie, Robert Gilbert and
Oscar Groves.
At Corvallis Planing Mill Mack Por
1 ter Sold Thoroughbred -Other
Local News.
Sheasgreen & Buxton have just
completed two additions of floor
space to their sash and door facto
ry, in preparation for an expected
increase in business the comiDg sea
son. -
Mack P irter has disposed of anoth
er yearling Aberdei-n bull to Mr.
Balch, of Dufur. Not long since,
Mr. Blch pure! ased from Mr. Por
ter two bulls and two heifers for his
stock ranch in Wasco county, and
more recently derided to takeaooth-
er. i ne ai imai was Drought to
town Thursday by J. F. Porter and
shipped on the Pomona Friday
morning. ,
Ralph Reed and wife arrived oq
Thursday night's boat from Port
land to take up their residence in
Cirvallis. Mr. Reed is to relieve
B. J. Thatcher as the Oregon City
Transportation Oo.'s agent here.
Mr. Thatcher is hereafter to devote
his entire time to the grocery and
com mission business of Dunn &
Thatcher. 'Mr. Reed is an old em
ploye, of the steamboat company,
having acted ia the capacity of
bookkeeper and auditor at Portland
until last summer wbenhe was tak
en 111 from typhoid fever. It is only
recently that be became able to re
sume active employment.
A reception was tendered Rev.
Father Springer by the members of
lhe Catholic church Thursday ev
ening at the home of v Mr. and Mrs
F. P. Sheasgreen. Progressive;
Whist was the amusement. Miss
Kate Gerhard winning first and
Mrs. A. J. Metzsar the consola
tion. Refreshments were served.
February 8, 9 and 10, no longer,
Dr. Lowe, well known optician will
be in Corvallis at the Occident d
Hotel. Don't fail to have him test
your eyes for glasses.
For Sale.
White Plymouth Rick hen3.Ad
dress James M. Herron,
Bruce, Ore."
For Sale.
Maule's etrain Mammoth bronze
turkeys, toms and hens. Address
Mrs. P. A. Kline, .
Box 11. Corvallis,
Experienced Nurse.
Offers her services at reasonable rates.
Address box 364 -.Corvallis poetoffice.
Sale of hotel corvallis. -
Twenty Thousand is the Figure The
new Proprietor is St. Helens man.
A news item in Wednesday's
Times announced , the transfer of
the Hotel Corvallis property "to a
new owner. Samuel Swanson. .who
purchased the -incompleted build
ing and a series of delays brought
it to a state of completion and oc
cupancy has severed his connection
with its ownership. The new own
er is Samel Mjles of St. Helens.
He is sole proprietor, and is in pos
session, the deeds having passed
the first of the week. i-. : ,
The consideration in the convey
ance is $20,000. Of the amount,
$8, 000 is cash, represented by a
mortgage that the purchaser sheld
on the property for money advanc
ed Swanson. The balance of $12,
000 is Portland property.. ,: which
Miles conveys to Swanson, the above
figure 01 $12,000 being the consid
eration in the Portland deed.
The sale of the hotel in no way
interferes with . existing, arrange-,
ments. Landlord Hammell has a
lease on the, property for seven
years, and no transfer can make
any difference in his arrangements.
' The purchaser is an old time . re
sident of St Helens, Oregon, where
he is an extensive property owner.
He has resided or many years in
the vicinity, and . his purchase of
the Corvallis property is merely . a
side investment.
It Was a Barn, and Its Contents Went
Up ia Smoke.
The birn and contents on the lot
af Jopeph FienU-io at the corner
of Fifth and Washington, . were
burned to the ground in the' early
boors of Friday morning. The a-
larm was turned in shortly after
one o'clock, and there was a prompt
response by tbe department. The
flames, however, bad gained great
headway, and the firemen found it
impossible to save the Ftrncture
Theie efforts were directed to tbe
saving of an adjoining barn in
which the horses and otber belong
ings of the beelay i ruck Co. are
kept. A stream from the hydrant
at Dr. Cathej'a was sufficient for
the purpose.
In the Fierstein barn a quanti
ty of wood, cotatoes, tools, and oth
er things of value and use were?
stored. Nearly all of, the content-"
were totally destroyed. Udoq tbe
building destroyed ihere was insur
ance to tbe amount of $100 in the
McMionville Company. Tbe ori
gin of the fire is uncertain. A
smokehouse ajjoioed the barn, but
there had been no fire in it for some
Degree of Honor Entertainment.
The members of the Degrefeof
Honor iodge will give an entertain
ment in their hall over Allen's drug
store, Enday evening, Feb. 51I1. A
program will be rendered. Ad
mission 15 cents; children. 10 cents.
The public is invited.
" J-imte Jeffreys of Weiser, Idaho,
is looking for a new home,;- He is the
uncle cf Thomas Jeffreys, and of Mrs.
Sarah Cauthorn, and is the guest of
the latter. H c-tme to Oregon in
1815, but since 1859 hai lived east ( f
the Cascades, where be has been a
hf avy operator In livestock.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Benton County will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for Btate and county papers at Cor
vallis, Oregon, as follows:
. For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday. February lO,
at nine o'clock a. n. , and continuing un
til Saturday Feb. 13, at four o'clock p. m.
Wednesday-Penmanship, history, spel-
Hni?, algebra, .rea&iug, school la-.
Thursday Written arithmetic.theory of
teaching, gram'mar,bobkkeeping, physics,
civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, mental
arithmertc, composition, physical geog
raphy. Saturday BotaSy, plane geometry,
generpl history, English literature, phy
siology. ' V '
For County Papers.
Commencing Wed nesday Feb iO, at
nine o'clock, a. m., and continuing until
Friday, February 11 at four o'clock p m
ist. 2nd & 3rd Grade Certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading. .
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, physiology!
Friday Geography, mental arithmetic
school law, civil government.
Primary Certificates. (
Wednesday 1 Penmanship, - orthogra
phy, reading, arithmetic. r
TtinMitav Artnf mir- t.f inn inn fflftnrv
of teaching, methods, physiolotof. "
Pated Una 30 aay 01 j an nary, oryai
lis Oregon.
. O. W. Denman. .
County School Sup't
For Assessing Bank Deposits Bat Leg
- islatnre Could Make Valid oae.
Last spring, the question ' of as-J
sessmgbank deposits was a live
one in Benton. Acting under , in
structions from the county court.
Assessor uusn maae a demand on
the two local banks for lists of their
depositors, and the amounts depos
ited, r lhe information was- wanted
for the purpose of bringing the cash
of the county into payment of a
share of taxation. . The course was
authorized by a statute which pur-
puncu 10 require Dane -officers ; to
supply such lists to assessors, and
which provided a fine and impris
onment for refusal. The statute
had been a lawjfor years, but there
had been no attempt to enforce it
Some held that it was not a valid
law, and could not be made effect
ive. The Benton county court took
the view that an application of- the
law would speedily determine
whether or not the statute was ef
fective, and that if not effective it
should be repealed so as to give
ciear way lor legislation on the
subject that would be operative In
the matter, the Benton jpourt was
in co-operation with numerous oth
er county courts of the state, the
action in Benton being for test pur
poses. The courtpursued the mat
ter to the extent of going to the
grand jury with a complaint on the
refusal of local banks to furnish
the lists of ' depositors demanded.
The attorney general ha tend
ered an opinion to., the effect that
the statute in question is not valid.
A decision by the federal courts is
quoted, in which it is held that the
state has authority to make laws lo
compel bank officers to supply lists
of depositors for purposes of as
sessment. The statute on which
the federal decision was rendered
authorized the assessor "to issue
compulsory process to require the
attendance of witnesses and to ex
amine them on oath, and providing
for punishment as for contempt in
'case of refusal to obey a subpoena
to testify." The attorney general
adds, '"Our statutes confer no au
thority on assessors to issue com
pulsory process to compel witnesses
to attend, but in the light of the
foregoing decision the legislative
assembly could so provide, and I
have been unable to find that said
decision has ever been disapDrov-
,i The grounds upon which the
Oregon statute is held invalid, is
that the title of the act does .not
conform to the subject matter in the
law. The title of the act is, "An
act to empower assessors to assess
bank deposits," while the body of
the law is a command to bank offi
cers to supply lists of depositors,
and provides a fine for refusal so
to do, neither of which is mention
ed in the title, in which respect the
law does not conform to the re
quirements of the state constitution.
To do one-thing and to do it well
is more to he commended and is cf
more benefit to humanity than to
do many things and none of . them
equal to the best. Dr Lowe lim
its his practice to. .fitting glasses,
and puis the cream of 17 years ex
perience ititi there. Dou't trifle
with your eyes or let others do to,
See. Dr. Lowe.
Commencing Feby 1, residence
rate new subscribers on parly lines
will be $1.25. Rates for telephones
connected before tbat date will re--!
main as at present, --
Emma Crawfjrd," Mgr.
Dr. Lowe's superior glasses cost
no more than ethers and you have
the benefit of bis 18 years exper
iences bee him at Occidental hotel
February 8, 9, and 10.
Lost. .
Between Philomath and -Gsonal e
mill, small, black bear skin cape. Leave
at Times office, . ,
, Dry Wood.
Maple or fir in any qua ntity. Leave
orders at Hodes Grocery store, or order
direct to undersigned at phone nnmoer
226. Erank Francisco.
Lounges, Conches, Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular
attention given to special orders and re
pairing. All work guaranteed. One
door south pf R. M. Wade's, Main street.
W. W. Holgate,
Sale of Furniture.
These and other articles are to be
sold at my residence, cor. 4th and Har
rison streets. - One upholstered parlor
set four pieces, one large french plate
mirror, pictures, one hall tree, one hall
lamp, one center table, one side board,
two pair nice lace curtains, one steel
range, one small cook stove, one small
refrigerator, twelve window shades, one
stair carpet bed room set and springs. .
Mrs. J. V. J&anpiscn '
Some Special Plums1
During Our Annual Sale-
' - V - - - . - s.- - - ,.
1 Lot boys' overcoats, 5 to 12 years, worth from $5 to "$7.56, Plum;
. Price $2.50. . ,
l'Lot men's mackentoehes worth $5.5o to ?6 5o, Plum Price $3.45.
; 1 Lot of me-i's veal kip bootB, worth $3.5o, Plum Price, $ 2.4S. ,
1 Lot boys' shoes, sises 11 to i, worth $1.5o to $2, Plum Price, $J.
1 Lot men's aboes, worth $1.5j to $2.5 j, Plum Trioe, $1. .' '
1 T . LI t. J 1- 1 VI. 1. . , , vs. s .
i iai uiru a ui.t uuu cuw,
1 Lot men's covet ulsters, Plum Price, $2.69.
1 1 Lot men's odd pants, worth from $1.5o to$2.5o, Plum Price, $1 apr.
1 Lot boys' knee pants, worth 60 cie. to 75 cis., Plum Pric, 33 eta
1 Lot boys' knee pants suits, ages 5 to 14, tome worth II 75, Plum
Price, ll.oo. -: . ' ' '-.
: ,1 Lot boys nit,' pant, ages 12 to 19, sJrae worth $6, Pium
l. Price, $2.98. " . ' :' -
1 Lot of men's wool fleeced underwear. Plum Price, 98 ots. a sut.
1 Lot men's frotk suits, 33 lo S7, worth from $7.5j to $15, Plum
T: a 1 rci - r
A broken lineof "Gold" whitedress shirts, $1 5oand $2 grades, Plum
Pripe, 75 cents. " " ". , ,
' A lot outing flanntle, Pium Price 4 cents per yard.
A lot embroideries, worth 25 tmi cento. Pmm Vra 1 5
All our cloaks, wrK ps. jketR,
tnirc waists ai nttbr PKIUC. ;
' A lot of women' onting flaonel night robes, 54 cenls each.
A lot lace curtnitis, 56 cents a pair. ;
: A lot laditp eider down drefsing tacqnes. 74 cents each. ,
A lot of ladies outing flannel kimonox, n.t 48 cents each. r
A lot of women' isray and ecru vests and pants, 35 cent grade,
Plum Price, 23 vcents.. .
Broken lines of K & G corsets, $1 erade 69 cents, $1 5o grad, 98c.
$12 novelty drei-s patterns, Plom Price. $7 9a. ,x
$8 5 1 novelty dress patterns, Plum Price, $5.9o.
A broken lit e of ladies and miss rubbers, 18 cents a pair.
A lot of ladies $1.5o shoes, Plum Price, 98 cents.
. 3.00
3 o
A bioken line of children' shoes a big bareain". 1
A f.-w ladis' atd Misses' mackintoshes, hALP PR1GE.
These prices are Spot Cah. Come along and pave money and help
us to clean houe before our Ntw Spring Stick arrrives.
24ounJ garfoons
Are now in either Bulk or Package.
For sale. , Shropshire Sheep.
Bright cheat and rye grass hay, vetcb, ;
spelts, timothy, and rye grass seeds, wes and Yearlings by Bartis 130841.
Poland China hogs, Shropshire rams, Lambs by Freshman 188626.
Good, bright vetch straw, fresh from Well bred young stock of both sexes
the barn, for sals at reasonable prices. for sale.
' Corvallis, Oregon.
Wanted. H. S. PERNOT,
aSSpK AKi Physician & Sargeon
price, . Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
. V A, J, Johnson. Corvallis. Fifth and Jefifereon Btreets. Honrs 10 to
i 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
For Sale, - left at Graham & Wortham'a drag store.
Twenty shares of stock in the Equit- : :
able Savings and Ian Association, En- P. A. KLINE
oireGeo. E. Tlly, First National jq AUCTmEER
Bucks for Sale, CORVALLIS, OR.
Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two office at Huston's Hardware Store. P
years old past, Good sheep with prices Q Address, Box 11.
reasonable. Call on or address , ' , .
T W R RmiiV Pays highest prices for all kinds f
X. W. B. bmitt, LWe Stock. Satisfaction guaranUei
' , . ' OoryaUis Twenty years experience.
Phone Sorbnrban 43. 1
uianKei iinea, rium t"rice. 1 528,
J , - - A.S.S, i -r stCMia,
tailor made suits, fuis find flannel
In Small