EIGHTY NOW. BUT STILL PREACHING WITH MARVELOUS POWER. Some' imes Three Sermons a day Dr. Driver and Something About Hm Death David Millhollen. of At the M thodist church this week, there is present id the unus ual pheDometv n i f a man at the ad vaaotd age of eighty years de feodii g the claims of the Christian faith with as mu.;n v'gor aid pow er rb though he were jut merg.ng int i the prim of lif . W.th tiod aud the Ctirietia i religion for a theme, he d-li vered three p iwerful lei tu-es on Sunday, the third to an audience that pajked the av nt-x and auditorium to the utmost cap city, and every day this week he is addiog two mire SMrtnios to the liat, one at three in the after noon and another at 7.30 in the evening. The epak-r is Dr. I D. Driv r whoje ram- f r r.early filty ynar$ baa been a .familiar one in Wil lamette valley hornet'. In spite of his great ngs, th-re ii no tremr in his powerful voiop, ns lapse of memory, no dimming of his fine mental power-, no lack of v g ir in the present t on of hid subjiiet. He ep-ak poiut-dly and powerfully, a d with a pp-ed tht implies an eff Tt 10 compreps a va t amount of thou t into the allotted time. Hid pji:ti are toojotim-fi aiayed in such swift pmce-iMon trat 't re-quir-s -trorg eff rt on the pirtf toe l.stHi.er t ga-p t ie succession of ide a. tpeakf", howevjr. in puch a way as to hld the attent'on of his audiirU'jH' perfectly, no matter to h t Ifi g'h the theuie may be drawn out. In physical appear ance, Dr. Driver is ttill robust aud powerful, movii g about in the pul- pit with a'l the ease characteristic of a man hslf his sge. HIS TILT WITH BOB INGER--OLI,. It is Jonbtful if the Christun fanh and the B ble has on tarth a mo'b nble defender thin Dr Driv er. He i-i known throughout the UniUd ft a'.es aoneof the ablest bibl cal disputaat-i of the time, He has measured swords wit 1 the fore most infidels of the wo Id, and it is doubtful if be ever cam out of an .argument worsttd. Oae of hU most memniable tilis was with the laU CjI, Robert (i. Ingeraoll. It occuried at Eugene in 1884. Iti gersoll had delivered a lecture there and as tie audience was about tj be dismissed, Dr. Driver was seen odvancii g fr.ra tbeaudience to tbe pla'form, The audience at once grasped the situation and remained seated. They were well paid for their pains, for ou the platform oc curred a colli quy that lasted for a considerable time, and which only ended with the retirement of loger soll from the plaform and his re fusal to pursue the subject further Tbe report ?f the impromptu de bate a id of its ending, followed Col Ingersoll back to his home in Illinois, where it soon became known that out on the Pacific Coast the noted infidel had en countered an unknown Methodist preacher and received from tbe fat ter one of the worst mental diub bitg that ever fell to the lot of the great exponent of infidelity. THE CHICAGO DEBATE. Perhaps the greatest debate of the kind that ever took place in the country happened at Princess Opera House Chicago in May 1889. The exponent of the free thought was Charles Watt, editor of a Magazine at Toronto, Canada, and an ack nowledged champion of infidelity. The side of Christianity was man tained by Dr. Driver, who was se lected for the purpose, by fhe late Dwight I,. Moody. The contest extended through three days, and newspaper accounts of it show that an intense interest prevailed, and while there was no way of measur ing the weight of argument on both sides, the world was led to believe at that time the doctrines and be- beliefs of the church suffered noth ing by being entrusted to the man from Oregon. Another similar disputation took place in the Victoria Theatre at Victoria B. C in June 1 89 1, in which Dr. Driver met an other noted tree thought orator in the person of Samuel B. Putnam. Putnam was a man of national repu 'tation as a thinker and debater. He was lecturing at Victoria, where the Free Thought Union issued a challenge to any minister to meet him and defend the Christian faith. The Y. M. C. A. organization at Victoria telegraphed to Dr. Driver, and the roueh and ready old theo logian went to Victoria, and doubt less presented his side of the ques tion in a tray that made it hard for his. antagonist. V ; . An early incident in which Dr. Driver was a factor was in connec tion with a n..ted champion of in fidelity named Underood, editor of a free thought journal at Bton. Underwood came ont to -Oregon in the early seventies and'delivered a number of . lectures, engaging fio. ally in an rxttndtd debate with the late Rev, Tv F. Campbell, father of the present president of the S at Universit--. Underwood was a ubarmii-g speaker, and the result of his lectures wa a con dition that sent panic through the church membership at Eugene. Young people by the score fell in with the Underwood idea, and at a conference of minisiers of the vi cinity, it was determined that something must be don'. At last Dr. Driver was seit for. He was then at Salem, acting as agent for the American Bible society. When he arrived, a chal enee was at 0"ce issued to Underwood to debate but the latter refused. ' The challenge was then published in the papers a'ong with an offar of $100 to Un derwork if he would accept, ' This likwi'e. he declined, and there upon, Driver advertised . and de livered a course of adozen lertares in which the position of Under wood was assailed wjtb tremend ous vigor. The incident attracted wide attention throughout Oregon, at toe lime, and at once placed the comparatively unknown M-sthodiet minuter in' the front rank of pul pit disputant?, WAS PASTOR AT COBVALIJS. Dr. Driver was pastor of the Cnrvallis, Methodist' church . from 1863101865. Hia pastorate -here Is e!l remembered by old t'tnere, on account ot its vigir and ag' gresetvenesB. . The town then vi as not the quiet, orderly place that it is now. - The young preacher lev eiea nis oaueries on varions vices a he saw them, taking opportuo. ity once to convert a funeral into a terrible arraignment of the liquor traffic. A woman whose husband wa a cnfirmed Eot was burned to death, and as he stood over her casket, the young preacher launch ed f rth into a . bitter Philippic sgainst the evils of intemperance which in bis terrible declamation he declared had brought her to her t agic dt-a h, A day or two aftsr. wa-d, while pair.ting his buggy in a ehed. Driver was violently . as sailed by a man. who said that it wa3 his purpose to whip the preach er for wLat be had said at the fun eral. The at'ack wa? made with a big. club, and when it ended, the assailant had been thrashed within an inch of his life. He left town shortly afterward and never re turned. AMONG GREAT MEN. . Dr. Driver is of English'ancestry. He is the first of his line, on his father's side, in 300 years to pro fess or preach Christianity. He was born in Ohio in 1824, and at the age of two years went with his parents to Indiana. At an early age he learned the cabinet maker's trade, but later abandoned it for the ministry. In 1849 he left the Bast and came to California, cross ing the plains by ox team.' Later, he returned via the Isthmus to the East, but in 1853, again crossed the plains and settled in Oregon. After entering the ministry, he was stationed at various towns in the Willamette valley and at The Dalles. For nine years during the Seventies he was stationed at Salem as agent ! of the American Bible Society. Per haps the greatest tribute ever paid to his ability was a few years ago, when onee a day for twelve days, at the invitation of the society, lie addressed a ereat convocation of of churchmen assembled at Lincoln Nebraska. The brightest minds of! the entire country were assembled there, the concourse of ministerial delegates being one of the largest that ever came together in the Uni ted States, The invitation to Dr. Driver came through Evangelist Moody, and the fact that an hour each dav in such a gathering was given up to Dr. Driver is a weigh ty testimonial of his rare abilities as a pulpiteer. Upholstering. Lounges, Coaches, Desks, Folding Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular attention given to special orders and re pairing. All work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. W. W. Holgate, Sale of Furniture. These and other articles are to be sold at mv residence, cor. 4th and Har rison streets. Oue upnoisterea parior set four pieces, one large frencli plate mirror, pictures, one nail tree, one nau lamD. one center table, one side board two pair nice lace curtains, one steel range, one small cook stove, one small refrigerator, twelve window shades, one stair carpet oea toom set ana springe Mrs. J. C. Kaupisch COMPROMISE MADE. - Circuit Court Didn't Bring. - t - The controversy over the Norton James road in Blodgett is - sup posed to -have reached a solution. The county court has proposed a compromise that is understood to be acceptable to all parties, whence it is believed , the long contest . is nearing an end, ' - The last term of the circuit "court worked on the -case, to the extent of investigating the destruction of county bridges, and the sawing of timbers in culverts and bridges . by which tha unknown perpetrators hoped apparently to frighten trav el from the highway. One consid erable bridge on the road was burned. " Atterward, tne county court rebuilt it. and a second - time it was destroyed, til the investiga tion by the circuit court, no indict ment was returned, but the sum moning of witnesses and the rigid investigation made it clear that fu ture tampering with the bridges would end in trouble for the per petrators. It is understood that at the com ing term of the circuit court the road will be ordered opened ac cording to the terms of the ; com promise, and that it is the purpose to insist upon its establishment and maintainance thereafter. BURIED YESTERDAY. Dayid Millhollen His Death Occurred in Corvallis Sunday. David Millhollep, a familiar fig ure in this vicinity for the past forty years, died at the home of his dau ghter Mrs. Taylor Porter, in this city Sunday morning. The funeral occurred yesterday from the Oak ville churcli, in Linn County and the interment was in Oakville ceme tery. " The deceased was one of the early pioneers of Oregon, and was a man of high character. He was born in North Carolina 77 years ago, and in 1852 crossed the plains, arriving in Oregon after a six months jour ney by ox team. He settled at first near Shedd, where he resided ' fcr about 10 years. He was united in marriage . in 1853 to Miss Mary Shear. In 1862, he purchased a farm a few miles beyond the Willamette, in what is known as Orleans pre cinct. There he resided until the death of Mrs. Millhollen two years ago, since which time he has made his home with his daughter in this city. The surviving members of the family are, W. H. Millhollen, Mrs. J. H. Hamlin, Portland, Mrs. D. B. McKnight, Albany, Mrs. C. M. Tharp, Oakville and Mrs Tay lor Porter Corvallis. ' . San Francisco, Jan. 24. Lizzie KazlaDzky, who lives io the red lieht district, was seated in her room early todav counting her mon ey, when the door opened and Wil lioin Dargan, an ex-soldier, entered snd pleasantly accosted her. Dar-, pa i smilingly approached the . wo uiao, playfully put one hand over htr mouth and with the other plunged a knife into her ieft breast. The woman broke away from hi in and screamed. Dargan tried to stab her again, but a number of men, including a special polioeman, forced the door. Upon seeing the officer Dargan stabbed himself three times in the breast aud then plung ed the knife at the policeman. At tbe hospital it was fonnd tbe wound had penetrated tbe woman's lung. She may die. She says she never saw Dar g a a before, and at tributes bis assault to attempted robbery. ; Dargan will recover. His father is V. P. Dargsn, a well-kaown cit izen of Darlington, S. C. Guthrie, Kyi, Jan. 24. Lewis Radford, a negro, was lynched here tooight by a mob of from 3o to 4o negroes. He was - arrested this morning accused of killing Priecil la Frozell, aleo a negro, last night. Radford coofesbed to having as saulted the woman but denied to the last the act of killing her; Mitshal Burries employed John Dock, colored, to feed the prisoner, and tonieht while he was in the iail corridor a mob rushed in ' and demanded the Keys to uaaioras cell. Dock at first refused to deliv er them. The mob gave him sever al blows on tbe bead and drew their revolvers when Dock promptly de livered the keys. , Radford refused to leave the cell and the mob began firing at him several shots taking effect. - In all eight shots were fired. . The prisoner half dead, to a tree a few vards from the iail and was hanged to a limb. The FirBt Spiritual Union ot Cor vallis will bold services Sunday in Barrett Lyceum. Doors open at 2-30 i Service'at 3 p. m. - A cordial . iovita tion is extended to all. ; - For Sale. - - three state premiums; one horse has tbe power of 99; can grub an acre a flay. -James Finney, 1 Brocks, Or. -' Proposals for Wood. "- Notice is hereby ei Yen that the clerk of School District No. 9 Benton Co. Ore gon j will receive sealed bids, to furnish the said district with wood for the com inn year 10 wit: so cards split body red fir wood ni t growth, or 80 cords ot fir wood second irrowUi; good qual.tv, not less than four feet in lenetti, and not. less than four inches, or more than - eight inches in thickness- nor diameter, to delivered at the school- building in said riisirict on or before August 15th 19O4. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and no bid will be recei ved after $ o'clock Febrnars i2th 1904, w. A. .Buchanan. ' . -.. Clerk. Notiqe for. Publication, Timber Land Aot J una 8, 1873. United States Land Office, - Oregon City, Oregon. January, 18th 1904. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance itn the provisions ot the act of Conzreaa June 3 1878, entitled ,an act for the sale ot timber lands in the states ot .California. Otagon, Ne vada and Washington Tenitoty," as extended to all the Public L iud States by act of August 4, 1892, Barney I. Carey of Palls Citv, county of Polk, state ol Oregon, his this diy filed in tnU office his sworn statement No 6317, for the pur chase of the Lots 1 tL i oi S.?tiou So 2 In Town ship No 13 8, Hange No 7 West, and will otter prool to slow tnat the lund sought is more val uable for its timber or t-tone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land eelore Victor P-Moses. Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, oa Wedneday, the 30th day of March. i04. He names as witnesses! Jacob L, Hankie of Philomath, Oregon, John W.Hyde ' Frank Spencer K;chael Flynn ' ' Any and xll persons claiming adversely the above eescribed launs are reauested ti file their claims in this office on or beiore said 3Jth day of March 1904. v Algernon S. Dresser, Register. Groceries for Che holidays "iaicri WHEN SUPPLIED BY P. M. ZIEROLF nsure the utmost satisfaction: to sruests and host. Large. uscious raisins, citron, cur rants, orange and lemon peeJ, as well as all kinds of relishes olives, sweet and sour pick- es in bottle and bulk. E. B. Bryson, Attotnev-M-Laiv, POSTOFFICB BUILDING G. R. PARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attended promptly. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Number 22. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany n5 P- " Corvallis...... 2:00 p. ' arrives Yaquina.: 6:2o p. m Returning: - Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m For Detroit: Leaves Albany : 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit I2:a0 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit.. .....i:vo p. m Arrives Albany. 5:55 p. m Train Mo. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany beiore departure or a f nortn bound train. Train So 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany givipg direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush .and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. ni. , reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. For further information apply to Edwin Stone, Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. . - 1 Go to Zierolf a for fresh Yaquina lovsters. - Bay ;EMERY,S.:;'ARTST0MO South Main St.; Corvallis, Ore. : r Carbon,' Piatinjum and Platino Portraiture O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS.1 Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. A GOLDEN OPPpBTOIIITY. I ." Now is the time to to think about . Ijj Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses g s You were to treat your ej'es to.- Come to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee 5 tbe fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to Re make good my guarantee. - E. W. S. PRATT, g The Jeweler and OpticiaD.1 ' Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. fs January 5, 1904, is the Date For Opening after the Holidays. N CORVALLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cboroudbt Short ana Complete -Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, . Typewriting, Rapid Calculations,. Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English, Punctuation. . .. I. E. RICHARDSON, Pres., Corvallis, Or egoist. IF :YOU ARE LOOKIN& FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or. come and see me,; I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish., also showing i you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, 1 .Philomath, Oregon. Willamette Valley Banking Company. GOBVALU8 ORKGON. Responsibility, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange lasuM payable at all finan cial centers la United States, Qacacla and Europe. Principal Correspondents. PORTUUJD Indoo SanX-ranclKCOitrak Limited; Canadian Bank of Coraraaree. SAli FRANCISCO Loudon & San Fmracia- eo Bank Limited. NS.W YORK. Messrs. 3. F. Morgan. A Co. Clil-CAGO First National Bank.. LONDON, ENG. London & San Tranelsco Bank Limited. SEATTLE AND TAOOMA-IoidM San Jfranciacu Bank Limited. L. G. AliTMAN, M. D. Homeopathist Office cor 3rd nd Monroe eta. Keei dence cor 3rd and Harrison sis. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. SuDdays 9 to 10 A, M, Phone residence 315. E. Holgate "ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis. Oreg Sheriff's Sale. On the 13th day of Febr uary. 1901, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Corvallis, Ben ton county. State of Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, towtt: Lot number 12, in Block number 3, in Onuntv Addition to the Citv of Corvallis. in Benton County, Oregon. Said sale is made anaer an ezevuuuu anu uiuer ui axiB. iu iu; hands issued cut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oresron, for Benton County, in the suit of wary n. wnuoy, rjsiaun, ana against jonu Oaburn and William Groves, deiendants, proceeding to foreclose of a certain mort gage. Dated this Jan 16, 1904. M, P. BURNETT, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, E. E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Just a Fen of 0r Many Bargains No 05 5 a adjoining Corvallis, good bouse and orchard, l8oo. No 49 Houae and 6 lots, good location. $13oo. No 5o 260 a three miles from- Cor vallis, $40 per . N0.54 8 lots good location $500, No- 35. Undivided half interest ht business lot on Main street, good two story brick 50 x 75 feet, a saap. Pries, 4,500.. No. 27.- 22 foot front on Main street gcd location for business- f 500. No 38. House 2 lots, 5350, No. 39 100 acres 3 miles from Cor vallis; 50-acres plow land $30 pe No 40 4 a adjoining town; fine- build ings, goood location, $3,000 - No 41 -io a prune orchard, tj4 miles Corvallis, 1200. No 51 30 a, I5 a prunes, 3 a timber, 12 to clover, running water. 3 miles from Albany.' A snap. $2100, No 32 60 a 3) miles Corvallis $3a per a, Space will not permit of further details, but if you want a good investment call and see us. White & Stone. ' First door south of Reading Kootn. Bids for Wood . Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Court of Benton county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids to furnish wood for Court House as follows: 35 cords oak grub, or old growth o ak wood. 50 cords old growth body fir wod. Said wood to be delivered at court house in Corvallis, Oregon, between June 1st and August 1st, 1904, to be paid for in county warrants, when . accepted by the Courf. Bids will be received at the omce of the County Clerk up to 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, February 3rd. 1903, the court reserving the right to re ject any and all bids. Dated Jan. i6th, 1904. YictorP. Moses, , County Clerk.