r 1 " i LOCAL LOBE. (MrtrtlaenwnM tn this Minn ehargcflctor M ttf rate oat oeiru par line. , . . Ben Woldt returned Monday frm Porl'aid. , Mr. aid Mrs. J. H. Simpson spent Sunday with Albany relatives. . Dr. and Mrs, Harper Attended a wblat paity la Albany last Tboraday. Mrs. A. I. Koteely la to enter talo the Ladles Whist Club tb af teraoo at bt-r home on College Hill. Miss Pauline ' Kline returned Mordiy frJm a two week's vlelt In Portland. , : t . , 'Mrs. j. M. P-Ttf r leturrel Mon day from Portland where she Vbtted udi merer tur a wocjs. Mn. M. P. Buroe't left Jat we?k f ir an exteodel visit with htr mother as Baker City, . i MU Eva Stirr Went to Por land Monday in a two week's visit with ber sister. Miss Miud McBee returned Mon d ty from a visit with Salem relatives and fr'e-cK Only f ur days more remain of Elloe'a Clearance Sale. Mall orders Solicited and satlef iction guaranteed, Theta will be & Unloo me Ming of tbe young peoples socletlet of Cor vallU In the Methodist church on Sunday evening at 6 p. m. L. 0. Kobefts, sec. - In the adJress on the paper of every subscrlbf r to the Time there a ad tie. This date shows tbe timn to which the subscription is paid- Most subscribers prefer that this date shall not show an arrearage Mention Is made here so subscriber? may notice me aate on meir hue a?a mere disc iver bow theystand on the' books, ' The steamer Iitona Is to begin at once the carrying of wbe it from up per river warehouses to the two Oorvallia mill'. At Cummlnga, Peoria - Flnley'n a"d Boooeville there are large stocks of tbe ce el that Is to be brought to Onrra Ilia whrd It will be manufacture 1 into flour, Wltb tbe early appr oach of spring the Village Impr jvemeut society Is to resume activity. No meetings nave bt e J be d during the fall and wlutT montb9. but next Friday night the - first of the regular ; monthly meetings to take plaie during the coming sfa- , Son will be be'd. The county court r om la tbe i lice, and 7-30 o'clock tbe hour. . Wheat Is 71 cents In the local market.-. The Chicago advance has not yet r aihed Corvallia, In ftct. everybody ba'k there la unloading Wheat on Arm 3Ur and his fiiods in such prod!gl"u quantities that the corDfr hai be'n ellshtly shaken and prices have suffered ar slight decline. The latent ChloiRO quotation , was some'hlog over 91 cents. A news 1'era in tbe Oregonlan an nounces, that by tbe death in England of the raotbtr of ber f u mer busband, Mrs. Henry Fpid of Portland has fallen be'r to an estate of 850,000, Mrs. Ford was formerly Miss Cora Fisher of Cnrvallis, who later become Mrs. B. B. Walker. After the death of Mr. Walker, Bhe mairied Henry Ford, who for a time conducted a fur niture 8t6te in Corvallis in partner ship with Guy Laws, two or three vears ago. Tbe new Inheritance Car rie? wjth It an Income for Mrs. tor i Of 81,750 per year. ' A pact-el house greeted "Malon. y's Wedding" at the Opera House Saturday night. Some peop'e who attended find fault with the perform ance none perhaps so much as the local mara?ement and the manager of the company. In the main, however, tbe bill seems to have given satisfac tion. The complaint of the local management Is that a much larger company was promised than aoutual ly appeared, a fault that steps will be taken to pi event in tbe future, If pos sible. A new scheme for the state Inter collegiate oratorical contests is a plan whereby a general subject Is given out a year in advance. Two hours bef ire the contest, tbe orators era each given by lot a subdivision ot tbe subjec', and required to deliver an extem poraneous speech. Tbe plan is now under discussion at tbe various col leges, and is to be acted upon at tbe coming meeting of tbe Association to be held at Pacific University, Forest Grove, in March, Up to yesterday 190 persons had registered at tbe county clerk's office. Registration blanks have been sup plied to registration offloers in the outside precincts, and such as desire can register without coming to Oor vallls. The list of outside registration officers Is: Fa'rmount, T, B. Wil liamson; Soap Creek. V. A. Carter; Kines Valley, W. L. ' Price; Summit, H. Underbill; BlodgeK, C. T. Hender son; Philomath. O. W. Davie; Alsea, J. N. Hn(?ue; Bellfountalo, M. M. Waltz; Monroe, J. T. Ca'penUr. ' Tbe OAO basket ball team met with a reverse at Balem Friday night In a game with tbe Willamette University aggregation. The score was 14 to 12, the last point for Wil lamette being made In tbe very last second or the last half. A return game between the two teams Is to be played in Corvallis next montbf The lineup of the local team was, Swann and Stokes forwards. Moore 3; center. Stelwer and Elnehart, guards: sub Coates. The officials were Ziphar Tharp of OAO, and B. F. Morris of Willamette. Bert PilkiDgton Is Totting his par ents at Oakland, Oregon " i. - -r, Boro, last Sunday, to Mr. land Mrs. Frank Langley, a bod. ' - 'J R. M. Davlsson returned yester day to his homa at Oregon City. ' ' Albany police raided a gambling game Monday nlghr, and surprised fifteen minors at play. ' ': fc " T. W. billey Is taking a lay-ofT, and Is spending tbe time with Metros In Portland and vicinity. . Charley Alexander, well known to all bid tlmeis in Corvallis, has been a local visitor f r several days, tbe flret : time in 18 years. , : ; ; ! Mr. aud Mra. A. J. Johnson arriv ed Monday from the bedside of SJra, Young mother of Mrs. Johnson, who is arloulyiriftt8clo. A telephone message from the scene yeatf r lay morning, an- j nounced that the patient was slightly : worse aglu. - - Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kaupisoh a.e to leave BMtt Monday for a farm be twen Portland and Oregon City where they are to ' reside in the fu ture. Numerous friends made during a two years' residence in Corvallis, re gr ;t their departure. " Orval Miller, Aged 20 years and 13 days, and a student at tbe College ot Philomath, died cf pneumonia at Philomath last Thursday. His bome was in Curry oinnty. Tbe funeral oc. curred Saturday, and tbe Interment was in Newton cemetery. E. D. Musslev a well-known stud ent at tbe college, was suddenly strick en with paralysis y est1 r Jay morning at J. L. Jones'. His attack Is not be lieved by his physician to be organic, but due rather to bilious conditions, for which speedy relief should . be ob tained, v -' - - . . ' ' '" ' ' ;- !r? 5v ' 'Mr. and Mrs. ' J. A. 8pangler' re ceived a telegram Monday announcing tbe birth of an eight-pound baby boy, to tbe household of their son, Mart, In Oakland, Calif. The child baa been named Bavmonrt Luper, the family names of Mrs. Matt Spangl r and of Mrs. J. A. Spangler. - Almost a year ago Herman Brey er worked out a solution, of a puzzle aooouoosd by the , Cliff Publishing Company, New York, and forwarded it to the bouse. Monday Mr. Breyer received information that hla solution wis correct and that be bad tbeopUon if selecting as a prizs a gold-finished watch or a diamond ting. " Mr. Breyer chose 'the latter, and doubtless when tbe article arrives hs will cut a daz zling swatb. " ; j Eugene Guard: Captain Pealand of the basket ball team ..will probably not be able to play this season owing t" bad ankl. Ther ls a large fq.uad of men practicing every day uoder tbe coaching of Prrf-seor Burden, and the team will be wei tialned for tha first game, which til be- plyed with Cor- vaills, February 6. The fiist tam will ptobably be oompoaedmf the fol- 1 wlng play ere : Center, Hug; forwards, rnaytr ann uaiourette; guards, lay- lot and O. McClilo. Little Marie and Edward Fltcb, who. bSfore their departure for Oak land, Or., 8ecurd a god list of sub scribers tn the Ldle' Horns Journal and the Ssmrday Evening Post, in form the "Times" that for their ln.b r they rpcelved a small cash prlz-1. They wish to.thaok their Corvallis friends for the assistance randered them, and partlc.ulatly tboee who sent renewals to them at Oakland. They are trying for a larger priz this year.. . Success to the energetic little people. Copies of the 8eseioo laws of tbe late epecial session of the legislature have been received at the county clerk's office. The supply Is for ubs at the court bouse and for justices of the peace throughout the county. The book is one of the' smallest of its kind, turned out In Oregon in many years. It contains but 48 pages, including the Index. The session laws for the spe cial session of 1898 oontalned '318 pages In the new book there are 32 pages ot laws, containing all told 22 acts. Tbe remains of William Faber were cremated bear Portland Monday In compliance with his wish expressed before death. Tbe funeral ceremonies were largely attended by Portland people and acquaintances throughout the valley. A prominent member of tbe Elks fraternity delivered the fun eral address at the home of the de ceased and an Immense throug follow ed the remains to tbe crematory on Sunday. On account ot some disor der in the fixtures of the Institution, however, the body was not disposed ot until Monday. Mrs. J. M. Wright died Sunday at tbe family bome on Beaver Creek, from dropsy. Mrs. Wright has not been long a resident of this county and state, having come from Iowa a bout two years ago- with her huBband and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, who are relatives. Tbey purchased the Fred 8emit place. Mrs. Wright was a mem ber of the Christian church, and B,ev. T. S. Handsaker.of that denomination, conducted tbe funeral ceremony which ocenrred yesterday. . Interment was at Oak Ridge cemetery. LfJST IN TBE MOUNTAINS,: Two Days ana Nights But Ultimately Reached Home in Safety, -''"-r ; - .':-"v- - .a.-.- ' '-'' For two days and two nignts last week, Sherman Cbappell and a com pan ion were lost in; the mountains at the bead of Beaver Creek. With Others, they went oat bunting, ex pecting to return home the same night. ; In doe time a portion of the party put in an appearance, -. but Chappell and his friend failed to re turn., t Neither did they appear the following.'day, nor the night there after. , Intense alarm was felt ; at the family home, . and a . searching party was Sent out. On the third day however, the missing men tur ned up, alive and well but some what the worse for .their ; hard ex perience. : - It turned out, that they had be come beiwldered in the woods, and were unable to find their way out. There was considerable snow .on the ground, which likewise added 1 to the uncomfortable character of their situation. , They 'wandered about however, until they finally reached a cabin on the - headwaters of the Alsea, haying strayed a long way out of their course. There, they obtained food and rest,; and were pnt on a trail that led them again into the settlement, whence ia due time they were able to reach home. Mr. Chappell is a years 'otge. He resides with his parents on what was formerly the 1 Bethers place, near Inavale. He was in Corvallis a day or two ago. . v For Sale, '; , At about so per -Cent on the dollar large louse, barn, and woodshed, 2 lots corner 3rd and Washington streets.' Ap ply to owner, fisoo, . : , t r t . H. H. Kreger, Santa Barbara,, ' -v. v- Cal. 'TOR SALE. Vetch 'd ateoryalUi Floor Hills v.ri'n Red 2 J t.i r i Mil men's Clothing. All 16.50, 17.50, 18, 20 and $22.50' Suits and Over- coats, ibr...... ................... $15.00 AS 13,14 and$15 Suits and Overcoats ybr......... ... 12.50 All 10, 11; 12 and $12,50 Suits and Overcoats for... 10.00 AD8, 8.50,9, 9.50 and $10 Suits and Overcoats...... 7.50 ' Ali $7.50 Suits and Ore coars...... ................ 6.50 ; Twenty per cent reduction on ajl Boys' Suits and '.Overcoats, and Men's Extra Pants. ' ; feEDUGTiON ALC, Ten per cent reduction on lace curtains. Ten percent reduction on dress linings. ' Ten per cent reduction on W..B. corsets, v. Twenty-Five per cent redaction on back and fancy combs. Twenty-Five per cent reduction dress trim--- mings, lace all over. Twenty-Five per cent redaction wool u waists. -. .... ... Twentv-Five per cent reduction ladies' belts. Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent re duction. , Ladies' and Misses' jackets 25 per cent reduction. Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 per cent . reduction, ; . REMNANT SALE. Six and one fourth cent calico at Ten cent outing Bannel. .....SJ4 Ten centSannelet 8i Ten cent percale.... 8yi Eight and a third centshirting 7 Twelve and a half cent percale 11 i ' Fifteen cent ribbon:.... 12 Twenty-Five t ent ribbon .'..20 Thirty Five cent ribbon ......30 Fifty cent velveteens .....45 . Dollar and a quarter dress goods.. .$1.00 Dollar dress goods..; 85 Seventy-Five cent dress goods 60 Fifty cent dress goods 45 Twenty-Five cent dress goods 20 Twenty cent dress goods 15 Seventy-Five cent eiderdown 60 Thirty-Five cent eiderdown...... 25 mmmm. i ; ti -. . 1 MILL ER9S9 CorvailiSo Degree of Honor Entertainment. The members of the Degree of Honor lodge will give an entertain ment in iheir over Allen's drug store, Eriday evening, Feb. 5'h. A program wiU.be rendered. Ad mission i cents: children. The public is invited. 5 cents. Remember our great Reduction Sale will close Saturday. January 30th. Nolan & Callahan. Ali Mali Orders deceived During Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices. 34th Qrekt Aii'nua.1 34th Will commence to-day, Friday, January the 1st, like its thirty-three predecessors. It will continue for 30 days, and be conducted on the same broad plans that have made them the greatest' bargain opportunities. Corsets 50c corsets at .39 $1.00 corsets at..........:.' .85 1.25 corsets at $1.0.0 1.50 corsets at............ 1.15 : Broken lines at just half price, or $1 corsets for 50c. - SUITS AND OVERCOATS $10.00 suits at.............,..$ 735$ 5.00 overcoats at.....v.$ 400 12.50 suits at.... ......1975 8.50 overcoats at 6.25 13:50 smta-ftt 1100 -10.0 overcoats at...;..:; 7.35 15.00 suits at.. 16.50 suits at. . 18.00 suits at. 1225 .,1310 . 1400 Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery & Underwear This is the best money-saving chance of the year in the Hosiery and Underwear . Department Every gar ment at a greatly reduced price: 3o cent garments at 21 cts 5o cent garments at 42 c 75 cent garments at 67 J Loo garments at -" - 82' Trunks & Bags , Trunks, bags and suit cas es at clearance sale prices. Toys, , dolls, games, etc, all at greatly reduced prices Boys' Clothing 1.50 boys' suits at ....$1.15 2.oo boys' suits at .... 1.45 2.50 boys' suits at .... '1.95 3.oo boys' suits at .... 2.45 3.50 boys' suits at .... 2.85 4.50 boys' suits at... 3.50 5.oo boys' suits at 3.95 Shawls & Fascinat'rs Daring .this great sale shawls and fascinators will be closed out , regardless of cost. . " 12.50 overcoats at........ 9.25 15.00 overcoats at.....;.. 12,00 18.00 overcoats at...... 13.85 Gloves Wool gloves in plain and fancy colors. Regular 25, 35, 50e Reduced to 20, 30. 42c. . Kid gloves: $1.25 gloves at $1. Dollar gloves at 90c. Silks and Dress Goods Black, white, and colored dress fabrics, black and fan cy silks, velvets and velveteens, at a great sacrifice. $ .50 dress goods at 39 -.75 dress goods at . 62 J l.oo dress goods at 79 LADIES' SKIRTS 5.00 Jackets, $3.95 10.00 Jackets. 7.95 13:50 Jackets, 10.00 15. oo Jackets, 11.85 AND JACKETS 4.50. Skirts at $3.45 0.pU bkirts at 4.35 b.OU skirts at 5.P0 7.50 Skirts at 5.85 Children's and Misses' wraps are included in . ' this great sale. Carpets and1 Lace Curtains Our entire stock of lace curtains and carpets at clearance sale prices. . ' ' . . Men's & Boys' Underw. $ .50 garments at........r $ .41 ,75 garments at.......... .67 1 .00 garments at .79 1.50 garments at..... 1.20 2.00 garments at......:... 1.45 Wool "Waists pl.25 wool waists ,at .90 1.50 wool waists at 1 i20 2.00 wool waists at... 1.45 2.50 wool waists at........ 1.95 3.00 wool waists at.:...... 2.25 3.50 wool waists at 2.45 i .75 silk and velvet at62J. l.oo silk and velvet at 82 1.25 silk and velvet at 99 Shoe Department Extra Special. 75 pairs Ladies' shoes worth $2.00, $2.50, $3,00 and $3.50 ATBLOO.' 50 . pfairs 'children's school shoes worth $1.25 and $1.50 50 OEIVTS. Groceries 25c Armour's washing pow der ...:.3 lbs 15c 25c Home bak powder 19c 15c Rex loo percent lye. 3 for 25c 15c canned corn............ 9c. Good sardines.... 6 for 25c Arm & Hammer, and Schil ling's Soda .... 4 for 25c Naptha soap.... 4 for 25c Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchandise, and the radical, I reductions apply to every article excepting only a few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control. Regulator of Cow Prices S. L. KLINE'S, Cbe Olbite Ifouse