: - ' f S -" 3 -WEES Vol. XVI. No. 49. CORVALLIS, OREGON; JANUARY J7, 1901. mnaraMJ "2" -A-TZD ; W Si SAVE MONEY By Investing your Cash where it will bring the Greatest Income. Our Discount On Goods sold .-. DURING JANUARY Will pay jou to investigate. -It will be a move in the right direction. . ; All goods in every department included, in sales. EXPIATED HIS CRIME. EXECUTION OP PLE AS ANT ARMSTRONG IS SENSA TIONAL IN MANNER OF NERVE. WE DO MOT OFTEN QMi Our ad., but our goods change hands f -. :vevery day. Your, money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Unaware A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. rest. Visit our Store we do the B fiorning O. J. BLACKLEDGE'S f sw Furnilure and music I Store. South Main Street, CORVALLIS, OR, I Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of Goods consisting of Various Musical Instruments, Bed Lounges and Couches, Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads, Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc. Woven Wire Springe, Good Line of Mattresses, Extension Tables, Center Tables, Sideboards, Kitchen Safes, Kitchen Treasures, Dining Chairs, High Chairs, Children's .Rockers, and Many Styles of Other Kockers. Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in Window Shades, Curtain Poles. 7 , ' Sewing Machines, new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos 7 'tr sale and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Graniteware left. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY, AT LAW. Office In Zierolf Building, Corvillis. Or B. A. CATHEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, 10 to is a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. Kills His Sweetheart in a Fit of Jealousy ar d Repents and Says He Will Meet Her Again Confesses to the. Crime. B.k'j: City, J40. 22. The' first legal execution 111 Baktr couDty 'took place at 7 o'clock this room ing io the couit yard, SheriffBrown and his deputies being the execu tioners, Pieasant Armstrong the criminal. : All during the night the con demned man, whose crime is well known to the community, enter tained bis friends and two brothers in his cell. He did cot sitep much beciuEe of receiving bo much com pany. He played for some time on his violin and seemed' cheerful. Father Olivetti spent most of the night with him and during the latter part, towards moroing, they were alone. At 5:30 o'clock this morning, Armstrong washed ;- and dressing himself carefully in a suit of black, ate a hearty breakfast of broiled ham and omelette, potatoes,, bread and coffte. Shortly after 6 o'clock the invited witnesses to the execution began to gather in the court house square and by half past six 500 elood in front of the gallows inside of the high board enclosure. Sheriff Brown and deputies Hemple, Lach- ner and Snow, bad all arrange ments made to perfection. . , Doctos . McDaniel and Curry of Baker City Brock of Sumpter, Grant of Harney and Francis 01 Haines were summoned officially' to judge of the death. Newspaper men and reporters representing all the local papers and the Portland and bin Francisco pa pera- wtra given a xwsition 'MJflkie the wire. A few minutes before 7 o'clock Sheriff . Brown led Arm strong from his veil and as he pasted through the jail he shook; hands with his fellow prisoners and attendants and said; "Good-bye,' boy, I will meet you in another world. The procession formed and marched through the rear of the jail, Sheriff Brown and Deputies Snow and Lachner leading, the condemned man with the priest coming next, Deputy Hemple and a number of assistants btinging.up the rear. Alone and unaided, Armstrong stepped lightly up the Ecaffold stairs and took- bis position facing the crowd, with Fathtr Oilivetti at bis side. .The priest invoked the blessings of the Deity upon the repeutatt criminal, and after reading the death warrant when Sheriff Brown asked Armstrong it he had anything I to say, the slayer of Minnie Eos- minger, standing erect lacing tbe light of the breakirg day, in a clear voice made quite a lengthy speech, holding in bis hand before him a crucifix. ' ' . "You all "res the world. This cross is the other world. It is a symbol of love, love for father, mother, children and mends. I bad a sweet girl once whom I loved Minnie Eosminger. I took her life, and I stand ready to die for the crime. Minnie Enerainger in the other world knows I was not re sponsible for the crime. Love prove all natures. I have prayed day and night and 1 die in the state of Christ and in the spirit of the true church. I sincerely.' repent of all my sins, especially of the great crime for which I surfer. 1 hum bly trust in infinite mercy" of Christ, my savior, who died for me Into Tby bands, oh Lard, I com mend my spirit."- as tne sneria auiuetea tbe noose and black cap Armstrong cried out. Did you ever see a brave man? Look at me. I forgive you all." ' Two minutes before 7 the trap was sprung and Armstrong's spirit shot into eternity with scarcely a quiver 01 bis body. Tbe neck of tbe exe ecuted criminal was broken instant ly .and the doctors pronounced the body dead in eight minutes. Armstrong wss 2b years 01 age last August. His victim was about 20. The dead man's body was turn ed over to tbe undertakers for bur ial at 4 o'clock today. The crime was revolting in the extreme. Armstrong was a farm hand, industrious but passionate and impetuous . Prior, to a year ago last Christmas be worked on a ranch near Haines. , He was 25 years of age, good-looking, and .gen erally popular. His descent was Spanish. He bad for some time worked. in the neighborhood of the place, where be did the killing. ; Christmas night; 1902, there was a dance at Redding'a ranch, near North Powder, Biker county. For more tban a year Armstrong andMionie Ensminger had . been 'keeping company," but several weeks befortfthe holidays, the young girl's parents forbade longer associ ation.' , . A few days prior to Christmas Armstrong wa informed by Miss Ehsminger that she should have Nothing more to do with him. It is fcaid be grew violently angry and told her he would get even., t At the Christmas dance both at tended , but the girl came in compa ny, with another man. All the ev ening Armstrong was sullen and outwardly displayed his rankling jealousy, j He left tbe daocing place Sometime before the party broke up. He lay in wait at a neighboring ranch where he knew the object of his crime was to t-leep. About 1:30 o'clock the morning of the 26ib, Miss Ensminger came through the gate. Armstrong jumped behind her and shot her io the back with a long new Colt's revolver. '. Af'erthe girl ft 11 mortally - wounded, the murderer fired another shot into her breast and turning the weapon upon himself he inflicted a slight wound on bis temple. Then he ran i - Several who were in the party re turning to the raoch-house with the wounded girl, gave chase and be was speedily overtaken and cap tured. Miss Eosminger diid 4 0' clock that morning, Or a few hours after being shot. DEATH BY CYCLONES ENTIRE TOWN IN ALABAMA DESTROYED AND CITI ZENS KILLED. ; Winnipeg, Mn., Jan. 24. Ernest Cashiel, tbe condemned murderer who escaped from the Calgary po lice garrison a few days before the date set for bis execution in De cember latt, was caught by the po Jice today a few onilesirouki here. He is supposed to have been hiding in an old cellar since bis escape, Cashiel is now in tbe guardhouse, Through the East Mississippi Val ley Wreck and Ruin Is the Re sult of . Cyclones Heart- ; rending Scenes Floods in the East: Birmingham. Ala., Jan. 22. Cousternation and intense excite ment prevails here today over tbe reports of the terrible cyclones that are swooping over portions of the state. Great loss of life is reported and the full particulars are not known at this hour. L8t reports show a heavy lose-of life at Moundvule, 70 miles north of here, in Wt night's cyclone. Conductor Capehart, of tbe Queen & Crescent railway wired from Ak ron that be could 1 ot pass Mound- viile owing to the wreckage on tbe tracks. He d eel arts that all tbe inhabitants of that town are killed. Capehart has backed his train to Akron and sent a mesfaae in a roundabout way. A special wreck ing train left here with doctors and nurses for the scene. Cyclones, are reported io several place in Alabama this morning At North Birmingham five stores and several residences wers blown down and a number of persons killed. Mound ville is alto wrecked by the storm. " At Memphis, wires south of there are down owing to cyclone condi- t:ons. In tbeMescham suburb of Memphis five houses were destroyed but the inhabitants escaped. Another message from Akron sta'e the entire Northern portion of Mound ville, which is" practically the entire residence section, is de stroyed and the population killed. At Vicksburg, JNl ss., several bouses were demolished and Charles Lavinski, a backmau, and two horses were struck by a falling wall and killed. Ernest Cashitl, the young mur derer and desperado who escaped recently from Calgara, N. w.-T., while awaiting execution for the murder of a Canadian officer, enter ea upon nis criminal career in Northern Wyoming three years ago, Cashiel was only 18 years old then, but be was one of the shrewdest and moBt desperate criminals that ever infested that region. Cashiers first crime was the theft of a watch from Attorney M. B Camplin, of Buffalo, Wyo. Cashiel was arrested, and while awaiting trial escaped from tbe county 'jail at Buffalo in a most mgenius man cer. For several days he complain ed of being ill. His muscles both ered bim, be said, and be was per mitted to spend much of bis time in the corridor. One night Cashiel, after placing a dummy in bis cell crawled on top of tbe cage. He was not seen Dy the liner when be was locked up for the nigbt, and, during the mignigbt hours Cashiel sawed oft the bars of a window opening on a back street. He then broke into the sheriff's office, secured a rifle and some ammunition, and made his way into the mountains. While io the mountains Cashiel again resorted to a shrewd move to evade capture. He tied back one of bis fingers, bandaged it carefully and covered the bandage with the blood from a rabbit he had killed. He told the mountaineers that he bad accidentally shot off one of bis fingers. A few months later Ca shiel was' arrested at Casper, but as he did not answer the description of the fugitive in that there was no missing digits, be was released. Cashiel was next arrested in Kansas, and Sheriff Kennedy of Buffalo, started after him, but the wily youth again eluded the offi cers by crawling through a water closet and escaping. He was next heard from in Northwest Territory, where he was arrested for cattle stealing and forgery. While await ing trial he overpowered the jailer, killed the sheriff and made his es cape, and it is for this crime that be has been sentenced to die. badly deranged the viaduot ancT greatly damaged the east abutment.-, ' One boat was badly crushed and another had a bole torn in her bow above the water line. On the way down stream she struck the fire boat Clevelander, damaging it so badly- that tbe latter waa beached to keen from sinking. The ice then piled. -up against, the lodged steamers. The viaduct, which is the largest drawbridge in the world is com- pletely closed to traffic and thw damage will be heavy. Pittsburg, Jan. 22 Intense ex citement prevails here today. Tele graphic warnings have been sent as weather forecast that breaking ice has formed an immense gorge in the Alleghany river. 1 The police department has notifiedall business houses and residents in the threat ened districts that the worst flood in 4o years is expected. Reports from tbe entire state show an un precedented rush of mad waters. The Ohio river is a raging torrent and all along its course the inhab itants have been warned. Indianapolis, Jan. 22. Tbe first casualties from the flood were at 5:30 o'clock this morning when John bhobe and bis wife were drowned trying to escape from a houseboat. Tbe entire west part of Indianapolis is praetically cut off The White River bridge Is totter ing. Dispatches from Terre Haute and Vincennes on the Wabash this morning say that they are dynamit ing the ice under tbe bridges in or der to save the structures. Tillamook, Orn Jan. 24. Henry. H. Alderman, sheriff of Tillamook county, shot himself in hU own barn early this morning, death re sulting instantly. - Sheriff Alderman had been seri ously ill for more than a month and in addition to his physical troubles there had arisen unfortun ate gossip growing out of a dispute " with accountants regarding a dis crepancy in his books, which hede clared he could and would make good in full. Cominebd witb his ill health, his financial troubles apparently unset- tied the sheriffs mint! temporarily,: and he became despondent. When he arose this morning bei had ap parently no thought of committing the deed, as heat once began the usual routine. About 7:30 this morning be got up and awakened the hired girL Then he apparently went immedi ately to tbe , barn, a short distance away. When the? girl Went to the barn half an hour after to milk she noticed bloodstains upon tbe around floor. Going to the upper floor she discovered the body of Sheriff Alderman lying prostrate upon the boards. : Evidently when alone in. the barn bis despondent condition bad reached its climax, and prompt ed by his characteristic ' impetuous nature, he had committed the deed instantly. The piBtol from which he bad sent a bullet into his mouth was lying a few inches away. Sheriff Alderman was about 40 years of age. He had lived in Til lamook 'county for many years, and had held tbe office of Bhenn for the past seven years.A.moDth ago be made a trip to the ' southern part of tbe county, and there was taken sick, from which he neyer fully re covered. He left a wife and one child, a girl of 11 years. I be dead sheriff wsb a member of the Masonic Order, as well as of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythi as, Woodmen of the World and an cient Order of United Workmen. He. has one brother, W. P. Alder man residing in thui county. ine nnanciai trouDies reacnea their height on last Friday, when a warrant was made out lor his ar rest, it being alleged that his ac counts were $7,000 short. By his residence of many years in Tilla mook County Sheriff Alderman had acquired property worth considera bly more4than the sum said to be missing, ile also carried a heavy life insurance. He had declared that he was able to fully pay for any unconscious error in bis books and if the report of the account ants is confirmed, this will be done. A number of friends have stood by bim faithfully, never doubting his integrity, Cincinnati, Jan. 22. Twenty miles of ice is coming down the O bio in tbe flood and a big gorge re ported at Coney Island let go this morning. Several barges were de stroyed and people along tbe banks are terror stricken. Loraine, Ohio., Jan 22. At noon today 20 vessels are lying helpless in tbe Black river and ice is jam ming against them. 1 be water is 10 feet above tbe normal stage. The damage will already reach halt a million dollars. It is stilt raining hard. Findlay, Ohio, Jan. 22 Many streets are under water and also a portion of the residence section Two hundred families have, been rescued. The damage is immense to electric plants and power houses which are under water; Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday ot each week. Bring your horses and have them examined free of charge . Cleveland, Jan. 22. Three big steel trust boats, one heavily loaded broke from their, moorings this morning under the great pressure ot the tlfod on the Cuyahoga. Tbe boats were swept down together into the Superior street viaduct and completely blocked tbe east passage, Edward Paxsqn, of Batte, Mon tana, will exhibit at the St Louis Exposition his famous painting of 'The Custer Battle Field," which has attracted so much attention at Washington, D. C. This is one of the most widely known paintings by this artist and it is said to be best representation of the celebra ted battle field on which the gallant General Custer and his force of brave soldiers were killed. The picture contains' more than 200 fig ures, troopers, scouts and Indians, all in one struggling fighting mass. The dead and wounded lay all ab6ut. There' are horses galloping over the dead. Others e wounded and are struggling over the fallen men, most of whom are dead, This was one of the fiercest bat tles of tbe Noathwest. Sitting Bull was chief of the Soux Indians by whom General Custer and his com-, pany of soldiers had been trapped. C Tbe General is shown in the center of the picture bareheaded and fight- -ing for his life. A number of bis officers are in the foreground, each ' in a hand-to-hand conflict with the Indians. The picture is so full of realism that it is said many old frontier soldiers have been seen to ' weep as they stood gazing at it. The details are graphically portra yed. The painting is valued at $10,000. :