The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 23, 1904, Image 4

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The Abe McFadden Agri-
culiural Cjllege Buildii.gof -Washington
Other fwu.
The rehabilitation of the C irval
lia fire department uow iias a ruli
of ability a stive memberd, and 'a
list of about 70 honorary or contri
buting members. Too department
is now on' the old time foniog
of efisctivene-s and vigor, and in
the tuture will certainly afford ade
qjaie protection to Oorvallis nome
and vther pre party. At tbe City
Hili meeting, Robert Jobn-oa wai
cbairtnaa. A Oriel statement fur
tie purpose of the meeting was
uaid by him, aid there followed a
Bines of brief addresses oy citizen-.
6. L. Kliue rpoki of the necessity
nf mantainanc of the depaitmeot,
aid signifi d hi - purpo eof render
ing ali aid he could tot te accomplish
uneiitof tbat end. M. ii. Wo 3d cork
spoke in a eimi'a veto poimiiig
out matters that, he couriered
i,eceseary to tie success of the
m vamnf . E. R. L ke denied
tbeatsternens that the department
wag deal, and said fa it a few ol
the members were stiJlon deck anil
ready t " do b-j-drirss t tae old
Btiid, u gicg that a v't 1 necessity
lor success wa t'n at endanoe ol
members to the jneetiug-'. W. E.
Yatepeunfpi-seil ta' he hud never
been identified with tin fi e depart
ment , but uaid he was ready here
after to lend wba eivr asitnce
he co ild 1 1 the organiz tio 1. C un-cilma-i
It te tiuggtsied th t C ir
v.ilus hiisme-s men be invited to
'vcoma honorary members, each
t pay a dollar a year daee, the
iuiiti eo created 1 1 b used for re
pairs of clitbins damaged byactive
members Jt fires, a suggestion
which th? matt accept -tl and
udoptfd by uuaoimsus vow. Fire
Chi-;f Sripa-grfen urged th neces
sity of a good active membership
with a p-)i3 jntl t tt was ready al
ways to uinli-rtake zaalouely a iy
Hop of wrk t which duty called.
Some question arose &i to
wi ther there shoul i be a new or
ganiz trion, nr a mere fil'iirg up of
tin rulls ot the old dej antuant by
Kj now moVtiKaFclitn and fha 1 tlati
toarse was, on the advice of Ciair
man J bn8 n, agreed ti. Sisc'ieri
u 1 1 . I r j -1 1 1
ncm lur, auu ueaiiy an
of the fift or sixty peoole present
plaied their nr,ies on tha roster of
the r j Jveuated de(.atmei.t.
Mask Bali at Wiiiam tte Granee Hal1
'-List of Charav'ters-
A very successful mask ball ws
given at vv mametie orange nnu
last Friday evening Accounts
from there are to the effect that the
occasion was delightful in every j
particular. The features included
fine music, a midnight lunch and
representation of characters as fol
lows: " Mrs Clemens Mrs Hayseed
Mrs M E Milner ( orv. Times.
Rose Newman Queen of Night
Iulu Alexander News Girl.
Gertrude Moores Mex de Mon-
Isabel Whitby Dolores de Mon
doza. Leora McBee Red Ridinghood.
Carrie Porter and Abbie Purdy
Twolitlle Girls in Blue.
Muriel Porter Highiand Girl.
Fannie Irwin Little Girl.
L. Irwin Folly.
Cecil Irwin Waiter
Ethel Alexander Waiter.
Grace Applegate Golden Slipper
Maggie Peterson Night
Minnie Schultz Nun
Mrs H. McBee Peasant Girl.
Arthur Lilly Barber
M E Milner Two Faced man
Robt. Jones Hayseed
Frank Brown Monk
W K Brown Bass ball Player.
Leslie Davis Base ballplayer.
Fred Porter Dude
Erie Hall Turn Coat
Hardy Applegate Looking back
Roy Applegate Clown '
Howard Waggoner Clown
xu ivludcc oaiiur.
Ed Rickard Clown.
Geo Garrett Clown.
Lee Newman Creole
Bert Healy Cowboy
Glen Gillette Cowboy
C C Cate Cowboy
For Sale.
At about 50 per cent on the dollar
large house, barn, and woodshed, 2 lots
corner 3rd and Washington streets. Ap
ply to owner. $iSoo,
H. H. Kreger,
Santa Barbara,,
Something About the Plant and.. Build
- ings There A Big Institution.
- r - v-
As in Oregon, the Agricultural
College of - Washington , is larger
than any other educational insti
tution in the state. It has some
larger buildings, and one . or two
more of them, than are on the
campus at OAC. .Pictures of these
buildings, published in Farm Life,
a farm paper of Yakima, Washing
ton, show that Washington has
expended .large sums of money on
her Agricultural College. Concern
ing the buildiogs and plant, Farm
Life says:
The Administration was the first
large building built. It is a four
story structure, 256x98 feet, built ot
Spokane granite and pressed brick
The Administrative offices and the
auditorium are in this ' building.
while the rest of the building is de
voted to class rooms, laboratories
and the library. ,
The largest building on the col
lege grounds is known as Science
Hall, a building 90x170 feet, three
stories high; constructed of pressed
brick and Tenino sandstone. This
building is devoted to work m bot
any, zoology, bacteriology, entomi
olgy, veterinary science, agricul
ture, horticulture and geology. It
is one of best constructed and best
arranged buildings on the. campus
College Hall is the oldest build
ing containing fourteen rooms; oc
cupied by the School of Pharmacy
and School of Business. Hill is a large, low
building in "which the shops are located-
and also the heat, light and
power plant. Wood - working,
forge work, foundry work and kind
red subjects are taught in the most
practical manner, here,' , "
The Mining buildins is a two
story structure about 40x65 feet in
whi:h the machinery for ore dress
ing and ore reduction are placed.
This machinery includes a Gates
crusher, a set of rolls. Hartz gigs,
and Wilfrey table and Freu Van
ner. all for ore dressing, and a
stamp mill,' cyanide plant and
smelter for ore reduction.
The new chemistry building is
54x120 feet, three stories high, and
will be devoted entirely to chemis
try. Ferry Hall, named in honor of
Governor Elisha P. Ferry, is the
boys dormitory and is capable of
accommodating about rgo young
Stevens Hall is the dormitory for
women, and is named in honor of
Governor Isaac Stevens, It is a
beautiful binding in old colonial
style and accommodate about 60
young women.
The gymnasium and Armory
lately constructed is 67x140 feet,
and is without doubt the best of
its kind in the state. It is fitted up
with baths etc.
The new greenhouse is well
adapted to supplement the work in
botany and horticulture, and is an
exceedingly good building.
The Veterinary Hospitals for con
tagious diseases are wooden struct
ures. 1 i
On the farm are the iarm house
and farm barns. The College is
just about to construct a new cream
ery in place of the one wnicn. Burn
ed. Also a -livestock pavilion and
a hospital,
School People at Wells Things They
are to Talk About The Speakers.
Arrangements have been com
pleted for the parent's meeting to
be held in Artisan Hall, Saturday,
January 30th beginning at 11
o'clock a. m. One advantage in
holding the meetinghere isthe barn
facilities, there being two sheds for
ho ses which are quite an induce
ment for many. 1 he - people of
Wells and the nighbonng vicinity
have been looking forward to. this
meeting for some time.
It was the original intention to
hold the meeting January 16th but
on account of other arrangements
it was found to be impractical hence
the later date was chosen. The
program is arranged as follows:
Singing, Parents and Pupils
Importance of Home Influence
on Character of Child. Virgil Carter
and Edward Wiles.
Does the School Teach too Much
A. A. Williamson, A, Thurston
Jno. Harris,
Vocal solo, Mrs E. A. Carter.
Address, T. T. Vincent.
School Days when I was a Child
Compared with Those, of Today,
Mrs. Tolbert Carter. Wm. Cau
thorn. Should Agriculture be Taught
in our Schools, R. N. Williamson.
Wit and Humor, O. A. Dearing.
Education, Clara Lane,
Teaching Patriotism in Public
Schools, Supt. Geo. W. Denman.
. Lost.
One 3-inch flat key.
leave at this office.
Finder please
The Defendant Bound Over More of
the Pacts Tillotson's Revenge. -I -
A. L. . McFadden, whom B.
Tillo'sjn of Port'and,.- is persecu
ting od an charge of alleged forgery
parsed through Oorvallie, Wednes
day, enroot; to his farm in Lincoln
county. H- bad a preliminary in
a Portland c-urt the other day-, and
was held iu 1 1000 boods to await
the action of the grand jury. ; H
off-red no evidence in bis own -" be-
j half at tbe preliminary, preferring
to settle the matter it the circuit
court. . ' . .
A etat?d in a' recent. issue of the
Times, the charga lodged egainst
Mr. McFadden by Till .tson,. grows
out of a settlement between tbe par
ties. McFadden bad been id Til
lntson's emuloyVf ir eight months.
His salary was $60. a month, and
traveling expense?, bis work beiig
a part of the time as bridge car
penter in various parts of tbe etate.
The lattsr portion of the time, Mc
Fadden was a bookkeeper in t the
At the time of settlement Mr.
McFadden had drawn all tegethtr
ia tbeeignt -moiths, $14"'. His
salary grtgated $480. He had
also p-iid nui $2 91 ot his own mou
ey on Ti lotion's account. maHbg
the a tual balance due bim, $342 Qi
For months be had been drawing
checks for Tillotson, many time
caching them in,, person. Tiilot
gon's ledger showed a balance due
Mr. Fadden id tbe amount above
named. Mr. McFadden drew: a
check for the amount to pav bine-
self in full, makioe the entry on
the books to correspond, and bal
ancing the account, The - whole
transaction was openl ? done with-.
out attempt at secrecy or fraud. It
was a course to which the book
keeper wa9 diiven by the fact tbat
the man with whom he was deal
ing is hard to g-st money out of.
As to the baiaDce due him, Mr.
McFadden is able ti prove by oth
er parties tbat Tillotson owed him
all that was ela!mtd and taken. He
paid, when seen in Corvallis, that
he had absolmely no doubt of the
outcome of the cas. The -t-ue
character of Tillotion'e course is
shown by the following fast.: Mr.
McFadden has a farm ia Lincoln
countv, as well as other property
subject to execution. Tillotson, if
his claim is just, could easily have
brought a civil proceeding, and
have collected the amount. Instead
be has resorted to the criminal
courts on a flimsy charge, hoping
thereby to obtain revenge on Mr.
McFadden, because the latter simp
ly forced him tipay a just debt. 11
T. W. B. Smith and Walter
Smith have purchased ot the heirs,
tbe well known McBee farm, six or
teven miles south ot towu. Tbe firm
comprises 430 acres, and increases
th holdings ot tbe Smith family to
over 1,200 acres, all In a body. The
figure at which the farm changed
1 a ids bas not been made public.
Lsw Nelson, an old favorite, dear
to tbe hearts of tbe theatre goers of
1 1-4 past decade will be remembered:
chiefly for the fame he has gained!
a a comedian in the hrlcyon days
of minstrelsy and farce comedy,
aiid in the patt of Maloney in
"Maloney's Wedding," is well
suited to his peculiar style of com
edy. At Summit
Snow was about four inches deep
this week.
Mrs. A. B. Eenfro who has been
quite sick is improving now.
Laura Skaggs returned from
Oorvallis Monday.
Mrs. Fred Duncan went to Albany
Claud Rigdoo of Eastern Oregon
it visiting his parents and sister.
Mary McCoy returned from
Douglas Saturday. X.
Roseburg, Jan. 20 A half hour
after Judge Fullertoh was held up
last eight the same robber as iden
tilled by his gray suit of clothes
and his stature, held up Oicar Sig
nallers in North Koseburg. Sig
nalless refused to throw up his
hands and grabbed the barrel of the
robber's pistol. In the ecuffle the
robber wrenched tbe pistol lsose
and struck Sinalless to tbe side
walk by an ugly blow over his head
with the butt of the weapon. - H
then disappeared without Attempt
ine to secure nis Dooly, tils vic
tim was not seriously hurt.
Gloversville, N. Y., Jan. 19. All
Drevious records were orosen in
the awful cold wave which is sweep
ine over this section today. The
thermometer registered 38 degrees
, 1 1 . rr . . - '
Deiow nere ai o ciocK mis motor
ing, 42 at Mayfield and 52 below at
I Proposals fr Wood.
- Notice ia hereby riven that the,
of School District Nce a Rpntnn Pn rw.
goo will receive sealed bwfa to furnish
we earn diatrtut ith wood for the coming
year to wiu 80 corda split bodv red fir
wood oi l prowtti. or 80 tards of" fir wood
aet-ond growth; good qnal tv, not legs
man tour leetln It-ogth, and not less
than four im-hes. . or "more than eiht
inches in thickness nor diameter, to be
delivered at the school building in said
district on or before August 15th 1904.
The Board reserves the riijht to reje tt
any or all bids, and no bid will be recei
ved atter 6 o'clock February i2th 1904,
VV.-A. Buchanan. ,
' " .'-- . -- -.. Clerk.'
Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at
Fruits livery stables every Friday : ot
eac'i week. Bring your horses and
have'thenr examined free of charge.
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, 111., Oct., 2, 1902.
I suffered with fallinsr and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
ana rasiiing ot blood to tne brain.
What to try 1 knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to ta&e ana soon knew that 1 had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven, bottles I
was a well woman. . , 1 . -
Mrs. . Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headashes when all other remedies
failed to bring ,her relief. Any"
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
.s , . , -
For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "'lhe Ladies Advisory
Department,.' The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Notice for Publication, -
' Timber Land Aot June 3. 1873.
Unlled States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
January, 8ih 1901.
Notice is hereby given that la compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress June
3 1878, entitled , An act for the sale . ot timber
lands in the states ot California. Oiezon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of August
4, 1892, Barney I. Carey of Falls Citv, county of
Folk, state of Oregon, h-is this day filed in till
office his sworn statement Na6317klor the pur
chase of the Lots 1 & 2 ol Sactioa No 2 in Town
ship No 13 S, Sange No 7 West, and will otter
proof to siiovv that the land sought is more val
uable for its timber ortone than for agricul
tural purposes, ad to establish his claim to
said land Defore Victor P Moses. C'lerk ot Ben
ton County, at Oorvallis, Oregon, on Wedueday,.
the 30th day of March, rtot.
He names as 'witnesses:
Jacob L, Henkle of PhllomathnOregon,
John W.Hyde - 1 "
Frank Spencer ' "
Michael Flynn " " M
Any and all persons claiming advereely the
above eescribed lands are requested t flie
tneir claims in this office on or before said 30th
day of March 1901.
Algernon S. Dresser,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon
Groceries for
tbe Holidays
Insure the utmost satisfaction
to guests and host. Large,
luscious raisins, citron, cur
rants, orange and lemon peel,
as well as all kinds of relishes
1 i :,. 1 j :t.
ollVeS' Sweefc and S0UT Pict
jles in bottle and bulk.
Dragging Pains
r ;. . South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. -Carbon,
Platinuni and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars; Sofa Pillow Covers,
And other Photographic Novelties.
Now is the time to to think about
Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. Come
to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee
r- the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to
' make good my guarantee.
E. W. S. PRATT, -
V The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. .
January 5, 904, is the Date
For Opening after the Holidays:
Cborougbt Sborl and Complete
' Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Rapid
Calculations, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English,
Corvallis, Oregon.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry 5
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and .
see. me. I shall take pleasure ia giving you all
the reliable information you- wish, also showing j
you over the country. V 5
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance. ?
. . Philomath, Oregon.
Willamette Valley
Banking Company.
Rcsponsibilitv, $100,000
k General Bankjog Business
Exohansa lssu"! payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Cerretpondente
PORTLAND Tjonthm A San FrsnoiHooBank
lanuted; Canatllaa jsuik oc uomjnence.
BAM FBANCISOOi London A San Flmnois-
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan. A Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank..
LONDON, ENa.-Loudon ft San. Franclso
StanlE limma.
Francisco uaaK umicea.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Honrs 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone realdeuce 315. .
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done. -Office
in Burnett brick Corvallis. Oreg
Sheriff's Sale.'
On the 13th day oWebr nary. 1904, at the
hour ot one o'clock p. m. at the front door of
the Court House, In the City of Corvallis, Ben
ton county. Stale of Oregon, I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, the fbllowiae described real estate,
towlt: Lot number 12, iu Block number 3, in
(Viiintv Addition to ihe City of Corvallis, In
Benton County, Oregon. Said sale is made
under an execution and order ot sale, in my
h.nik Ikiimi 1 nt of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for Beaton County, In the suit
Mnrr tt whitbv. PlloUH. and asalnst John
M. Oaburn and William Groves, defendants,
d oroceedlne to foreclose of a certain mort
gage, t
Dated this Jan 16, MM, "
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon,
I ft:
Real Estate Co.
Just & Few of QnrMansF Bargains.
Nb as 5X a adjoining Cerallia, good:
house and orchard; jl8oo.
. No 49 House and' 6 lota,, good locaioib
tlSoov (
No 50260 a three miles, from Cor
valhe, a per a.
Na 54 8 lots good location $500,
No. 35. Undivided hall interest, m
baeiaess lot en .Maia street, good two.
story brick 5P x 75. leet,. a snrp.. Price
No. 27. 22 foot front on Main street
good location for business. $ 500.
No 38. House 2 lots, 350,
No. 39 100 acres 3 miles from
vallis; 50 acres plow land fy pe
No 40 1 a adjoining town; fine build
ings, goood location, $3000 .
No 41 10 a prnne orchard, 2 miles
Corvallis, $1200.
No 51 30 a, Is a, 3 a .-timber,
13 to clover, running.water, 3 miles from
Albany. A snap. S2100,
No 32 60 a S4 miles Corvallis $3o
per a, '
Space will rot permit of farther details,
but if you want a good investment call
and see us. White & Stone. -First door
cntitfe nt W oali nrr KMm
Bids for Wood.
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty Court of Benton county, Oregon, will
receive sealed bids to furnish wood for
Court House as follows:
35 cords oak rob, or old growth oak
50 cords old growth body fir wood.
Said wood to be delivered at court
house in Corvallis, Oregon, between
Jane 1st and August 1st, 1904, to be paid
for in county warrants, when accepted
by the Courf. Bids will be received at
the office of the County Clerk up to 1
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, February 3rd,
1903, the court reserving the right to re
ject any and all bids.
Dated Jan. i6ih, 1904. .
. , Victor P. Moses,
1 County Clerk. .