The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 09, 1904, Image 3

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X AdTSrHsemcnU In this column charged ifor
M tberueoflJ oenu per Uoe.
Preaching at Mt. View at 2:30
p. m. tomorrJW.
' Mr. Hardin Isconvaleecent from
an attack c f pneumonia; -
. Spventy marriage licensee were
lseurd in BectoQ last year.
Mra. O, B. Conner k seriously
ill at ber home lo Job's Addition.
Cedar shingles. Stars, for ale at
the Corvallls Saw Mill, at $1.75 per
Mrs. A. C, Schmitt returned Wed
nesday Irani a holiday visit with ber
parents lo Albany.
Among new students at the col
lege are Mr. Bavely of The Dalles and
Mr, Wygant ot Toledo.
MUses Cairie and Bessie Danne
man have returned from a vltit with
their f ither la Eastf ra Oregon.
Gecr eHenklelefc Thureday for I
an exter d-d visit with his boo Bay
maod Heokle at Sao Jose, California.
Regular services at the M. E.
church South, tomorrow morning and
evening. Sunday School at 10 a. m. at the United Evangel
ical church tomorrow at the uaual
hours, the paster occupying the put
Pit. HmM. A. Miller cf Lebanon de
livered a lecture Tueeday evening be
fore tbe Mcdtro Wocdmea of this
city. ; ' '
F. P. Morgan left yeeterlay to
look aftfr tiU9iaess lotersets in Texas.
Els stay may ex'erd over several
The Oliver lecture, which were
to have begun tomorrow lo the Meth
odist obiircb, have beeo postpjoed f Jr
one week.
Theie will be a special meeting of
Corvallia Lodge No. 14 A. F. & A. M.
Saturday evening, Jan. 9tb. Work in
21. M. degree.
Mrs. M. M: Layman rf Wood
burn, arrived Thursday and is a gueet
at the home of ber daughter, M s.
Frank L. Moore.
Andrew Hansen, who bas been a
duest at the county poor farm, has
been discharged on the ground that
be is a resident of Lane.
Mls3 Httla Potts la danirroiily
111 at hpr home lo Job's Addi'lm.
Members of tbe order of Lions are
requested to call and see her.
Mr. Goodwin who reldes next
door south of J. L. Underwood's In
Job's addltlnn. is eunVrlnR with a
violent attack .of pneumonia,
The reeldncR property of N. L.
Btber ls'undergnlni? a course of re
pairs. Among other Improvements
Is an addition it the north side.
Mrs. 8. N. Wilkios bas issued Id
vitatlonn tor a tea this afternoon from
2 :30 to 5. The function is lo honor
of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Wlgle.
A. L. Wlgle, down from Prlnevllle
to attend the Natlonl Livestock con
vention nxt week at Portland, arriv
ed yesterday and is a gueet at the
Wilkine' home. .
The First Spiritual Union of Cor
vallia will hold services tomorrow in
Barrett Lyceum. Doors open at 2-30
Service at 3 p. ra. A cordial invita-
tion is extended to 'all.
Alice Tulley of th vicinity of
Monroe, has executed a deed to a strip
ot land for use as a county road. The
consideration in tbe deed 'is $105,
which is the coat rf the land.
.The will of tbe la'e Gust.avHodes
has been filed for probate. It devises
property aggregating $2,000, and Hu
bert Hodes and Mr.- Denman era the
legatees. Mr3. Denman Is appointed
On account of the National Live
stock, Wool and Fruit growers As
sociations, tbe S. P' Company will
sell round trip tickets January 10th
and 11th to Portland and return at
$3.50 up'to the 17th.
Corvallls Baptists, Congregatlon
allsts and Presbyterians are joining
forces in a week of prayer this week.
Tbe climax of the series Is to be In an
evening union meeting atthe Presby
terian church tomorrow night.
The rustio and nearly all the
shingles are now on the new dwelling
house that Clarence Chlpman is build
ing In the block north of' the county
court bouse. The improvement is an
addition to the old bouse and is 20 by
28 feet, comprising two new rooms on
the first and three on the second floor.
Miss Delia Barohart, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Theodore Barnhart. and J.
O. Sutton, formerly of Salem, but now
of San Francisco, were married at the
residence of the bride's parents in this
city Monday evening. The happy
oouple left the following day for San
Francisco, where they are to r;slde.
The annual meeting of the mem
. hereof the Oragon Fire Belief Asso
ciation will be beld at McMinnvllle on
Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 10 o'clock a. m.
at Burn's Ball for tbe purpose ot el
ecting three 'trustees and the transac
tion ot such other business as may be
brought before It.
The local lodge of Lions Instal'el
offioers ; Monday night as follows.
Pres., J". W. Ingle; vice pre?., Harriett
i DMey! sec., MUee Starr; treae., D. W.
I Fraeer: ser. at arms. Bay Cady; asst.
ser. at arms. Pearl Jones; doorkeeper,
W. Newton; sentinel; W. P. Lsfferty;
musician, Joeephloe Fullerton; trustee
Lee Heokle. ', H '
. . . . : .
.. Berry & Carl will , test , an. auto
matic shot gun o'o tbe" flat this' after
noon at four oclock. ..; :.r .
-." The members of the county court
yesterday prepared tbe list of names
from which the juror for the various
terms of court tre tfriwn. Tin re wire
two hundred of tbe names, and tbe re
qu red number is dnwn by the sheriff
andeh-rk, f r each term cf court. .'.
. .timer Wills left yesterday for his
home at Heppner, after a visit with
college friends and others. His father,
who with bis family, resided in Cor
vallls when tbe Heppner flood came,
and who lost heavily in that calamity, .
has added new improvements to bis
property, among them a new steam
lauqdry, - - ... :
. E. E. Paddock was up from Inde
pendence for an hour or two yester
day on buslnees. He is a large owner
in a carload an i a bait cf prunes
stored oowjat tbe packing house of the
lo al Prune Processing Oompany. Tbe
fruit came from the Paddock and Beck
orchards across tbe Willamette.
The marriage of James K. Btriy
and Miss Clara M. King of Salem, oc
curred at the home cf Mr. and Mrs.
Carl, Monday evening, Bev. Frank L.
Moore 1 fficiadng. Only relatives were
present. Both are young people of
high character and standing. Tbey
are temporarily at home at Mrs. Es
pey'e. Tbe county court of Lane . ba
just awrdsd $409 on aecount of toe
collapse if a -county bridge. . In the
accldeit, tte bride fell atd J. S. Cole
and bis wagon were preclpitat'd to
tire bottom of BowCieek. The hoiees
wire It'jmed. a' d the wajoo was de
molished. Tbe owner set up a claim
f r $560 damages, but finally com
promise d with the court for 8400.
Tbe new officers of the United
Art Issds, Installed W.diesday night
are: Past mister, Scoit King; mast
er Artisan, T. Brlno; supr.Tillia Read
insp. E'h 1 Kvle; - tee, Eva S air;
treas, B.H.' (Jronlfe; sen coo. Ella
King; mas. ofcer., Clum Bead; Jr.
cod., Elizabeth Hubler: lastruetor,
Llllle J. King; warder, Lse Heckle;
rued, ex, (J. fJ.Lee; fiejd comtiiamie;s
Mrs. Etella A. Peterson and A. Kyle.
Three important sales of real e s
tate have just been consummated by
Heury Aaiblei. Tbe W. F. Callwell
forty acre farm three milei south ot
Philomath went to. L. Van Blr ileum
of Philomath, f r $650. The J. Goos
twenty acre tract three miles west of
C r'allis weit to Mr Miller, lately ar
rivd from Begge, Indiana for $1,000.
'lhe farm ot Mr. Ve-aeeg five miles
west of Philomath went to E. O. Mil
ler, of Walter, Os lohoma. The farm
compri e320 acrns. atd it went f ir
83,000. The sale Induce 1 a Dormer
cf farm lmplemeais aud tevetat
head of livestock. .
A decision banded down by Judge
Haujtltuu bas been received at the
elcra'c iffice, which confirms James
Osburn lo the owaeiship of the well
Koowu Ocbum residence property just
north i f the court bouse, lhe case
fiom vaiious etandpoints has been
bt fore tbe clicuU court at several
teims, and was 00 a former occasioo
the subject 1 f a similar decisiou by
Judge Hamilton. Ic U one ot those
cases io which tbo puseage ot tbe
Homestead Exemptiou act by tbe leg
islature ot 1893 ibises complications,
and aucurdiugiy presents various pha
ses (or the lawyers to diff x over.
There is tblk to the i-ffact mat tbe
case miy uo upealrd. '
The funeral of Bobert A. Smith,
who ie;uod tvtr miles weet of Corval
lls, occurred Wednesday at Plymouth
chapel. Mr. Smith di?u at noun Mon
day, ot a complication of Brigbt's dis
ease and heait trouble, at the age ( f
66 years. The funeral service was
conducted by Revs Cariick - aud
Green c f tbi city, and was largely at
tended by fiieuus and acquaintances
io the neighborhood. The luttrment
was in Newiuu cemttery. Mr. Smith
settled io Bentou in toe Eighties, and
was a highly reepected citizen. He
was the Father ot Misses Et a and
Bobena Smi'.h, weli-kuown students at
tbe college, who with their mother are
the surviving members cf the family.
The new city officials were , la
duct ad Into office at Philomath , at a
meatlog ot tbo city council Monday
nighr. Io sevesal instances there
were tie J in the e eetlon ot couucil
tueu, aud to settle the question of
whlcQ snould serve, ljts wtre drawn.
The new council as now constituted is
J. G. Becker, Guy Frink, B. O. Log
gan, Mr. Beane t. and E. Van Cleve.
Tbe recorder Is W. H. Bole) and the
treasurer B. J. Moses. After the
couociimeo bad been snoru la they
proceeded to elect a mayor, Mr.
Weed and Mr. Burnap were nominate 1
and Mr. Weei declined. MrBurnap was
elected aod swoio lo. Ban ma Scott
is city marshal.
The history of Oregon, for which
subscriptions for a large number of
copies were takeo io Peotoo . ate Io
progress of delivery. Seveo boxes of
the books arrived a few days ago at
the Brick stable, fr Jm wbeuce they
are being distributed. It is under
stood that tbe number soldi is in tbe
vicinity of 150, some of tbem going to
subscribers at figure! ranging near
tbe $100 ' matk. Tbe usual price,
however is $18 per set. the added
price being for writeups acd pictures
In the book. Ia an instance cr two,
subscribers are showing some hesita
tion about taking the books, due to a
misunderstanding with the canvassers
when the subscriptions were taken.
Henry . C." Killer- of ; Corvallis ;Th
Funeral From bis Home Thursday.
" The funeral of the . late H. C.
Miller occurred from tbe family
home in Job's addit on at 10 o'clock
Tburtday forenrOn.- It was under
the auspices cf the local lodges of j
Maccabees and Ions with tae mem
bership cf b tl preset, t in a body.
The servfess were conducted by
Rev. Fratk Moore of the Metbodi t
cbunh atd Rev. Carrick , of the
Preebjteriao denomination. Many
more people than could gain ad m le
sion to tbe boure assembled to pay
a last tributa of respect to tieir
deceased fri-nd and'ne'ghbor. Tbe
ioterment was'in Odd Fellows cem-
The deceased wa? born at JolUt,
Illinois, in 1851, and fame 1 1 Cor:
vallis mote lhao a dozen years sgo.
He was koowo far aid wide throu
gh toe county a? tbe mo-'t expert
man in the vicioitv at the business
of Iayiog tile drainp. Hs was also
janitor of the public school build
ing for a oombercf yea 9.- He wag
a mai of unq'uet:onable prob ty
and amiable disposition, apd many
lameLt bis passing. The survi-
1 f , 1 r .,
viug uictuuers 01 toe jamiiy are a
wife and twelve children. Mr,
Miller held insurance : policies in
both tbe orders of which he was a
I Red
1 a
All 16.50, 1 7.50, 1820 and $22.50 Sixits and Over
coats, for $15.00
All 13,14 and $15 Suits and Overcoats for ... 12.50
All 10, 11, 12 and $12,50 Suits and Overcoats for... 10.00
All 8, 8.50, 9, 9.50 and $10 Suits and Overcoats...... 7.50-
Ali $7.50 Suits land Ore coats........'.........."........ 6.50
Twenty per cent reduction on all Boys' Suits and
Overcoats, and Men's Extra Pants.. . .
Cards of Thanks.
We wish to express our riocere
thanks to those friends who so
kindly as fcted us during the ill
ness and death of our wife and
W. A. Buchanan,
Mrs. Fked Adler,
- Mbs. Geo. Bqgue,
Dr. C, S. Evans, the oculist has re
turned for a short stay in this city and
refers to those ' he has successfully
treated in the past in this city as to his
ability to treat the eye.
Ten per cent reduction on lace curtains.
Ten per cent reduction on dress linings.
Ten percent reduction on W.B. corsets..
.Twenty-Five per cent reduction, on back
and fancy combs. -
Twenty-Five per cent reduction dress trim
mings, lace all over. ';
Twenty-Five per cent reduction wool
waists. '
Twenty-Five per cent reduction ladies' belts.
Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent re
duction. : 1 '
Ladies' and Misses' jackets 25 per cent
reduction. ',
, Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 pen cent
. ' ...
Six and one fourth cent calico at.: 5
Ten cent outing flannel.... 8i
Ten centSannelet ...8yi
- Ten cent percale. 8yi
Eight and a third cent shirting -7
Twelve and a half cent percale 11
Fifteen rent ribbon..... 12
Twenty-Five cent ribbon 20
Thirty Five cent ribbon 30
Fifty cent velveteens 45
Dollar and a quarter dress goods. ..$1.00
1 Dollar dress goods.. -85
Seventy-Five cent dress goods 60
Fifty cent dress goods..... ....45
Twenty-Five cent dress goods 20
Twenty cent dress goods ..15
Seventy-Five eent eiderdown...., 60
Thirty-Five cent eiderdown...... . j25
All Mail Orders Received During Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices.
Dr. C. S. E&ans of - Eugene, oculist
optician, will be at the Occidental hotel
in this city, for a fewdays only, pre
pared to scientifically correct all defects
of vision, including stigmatism. Lenses
for compUcatad cases ground to order.
34th Great Annual 34th
Will commence to-day, fpiday, January the 1st, like- its thirty-three predecessors.
It will continue for 30 days, and be coriducted on the same broad plans that have made
them the greatest bargain opportunities. , ''
50c corsets at.,.. .39 $10.00 suits at............ 735 $ 5.00 overcoats at $ 400 Wool gloves in plain and
$1.00 corsets at 85 12.50 suits at 975 8.50 overcoats at. 6.25 fancy colors.
1.25 corsets at....:. $1.00 13.50 suits at 1100 10.00 overcoats at 7.35 Regular 25, 35, 50c
1.50 corsets at............ 1.15 15.00 suits at 1225 12.50 overcoats at 9,25 Reduced to 20, 30. 42c.
Broken lines at just half 16.50 suits at 1310 15.00 overcoats at 12,00 Kid gloves: $1.25 gloves at
price, or $1 corsets for 50c. 18.00 suits at...... 1400 18.00 overcoats at. 13.85 $1. Dollar gloves at 90e.
Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery & Underwear Silks and Dress Goods
This is the best money-saving chance of the year in Black, white, aud colored dress fabrics, black and fan-
the Hosiery and Underwear Department. 1 Every gar- cy silks, velvets and velveteens, at a great saciifice.
ment at a greatly reduced price: $ .50 dress goods at 39 $ .75 silk and velvet at 62
3o cent garments at 21 cts 75 cent garments at 67J .75 dress goods at 62 J l.oo silk and velvet at 82
5o cent garments at 42 c $l.oo garments at - - 82J : l.-oo dress goods at 79 1.25 silk and velvet at 99
Trunks & Bags LADIES' SKIRTS AND JACKETS Shoe Department
Trunks, bags and suit cas- $ pfj Jackets, $3.95 $4.50 Skirts at $3.45 Erythingin shoes and
es at clearance sale prices. , r rr r 1 ' ne - rn n. slippers for ladies,' men and
Toys, dolls, games, etc, I U.UU Jackets, 7 MD O.OU bkirtS at 4.35 children: "
all at greatly reduced prices 13.50 Jackets, 10.00 6.50 Skirts at 5.OO dies.' hh,eTl -
i cr- 1 1 . i or - A n- -p . $2.oo ladies' shoes at 1.45
Boys' Clothing lb. 00 Jackets, ll.oo 7.50 okirts at 5. 00 2.50 ladies' shoes at 2.05
$1.50 boys' suits at ....$1.15 Children's .nd ATi'pc;' wnnq are included in o"5 6JeS at F5
2.oo boys' suits at 1 45 n11611 s ana blisses wraps are inciuaea in 2.50 men's shoes at 2.05
2.50 boys' suits at "'' 1.95 this great Sale. 3.oo men's shoes at 2.50
3.oo boys' suits at .... 2.45 ' -50 mens shoes at 2.95
3.50 boys suits at 2.85 ' Carpets and Lace Curtains Groceries
4.50 boys' suits at .... 3.50 Our entire stock of lace curtains and carpets at clearance 0 . , ,.
5.oo boys' suits at .... 3.95 saie r-rices 2oe Armour s washing pow,
, Saie pnces- " ' ' ' der .3 lbs 15C
Shawls & Fascinat'rs Men's & Boys' Underw Wool Waists ?f gomf bak PowdT 19c
J loc Rex loo percent lye
During this great sale $ -50 garments at $ .41 $1.25 wool waists at 90 3 for 25c
, 1 . . garments at .67 1.50 wool waists at,. 1.20 15c canned corn . .. 9c
shawls and fascinators will j .00 garments at .79 2.00 wool waists at........ 1.45 Good sardine3....6 for 25c
be closed out regardless of L5 garments at........ 1.20 2.50 wool waists at.. 1.95 Arm & Hammer, and S.'hil-
, 2.00 garments at..". .? 1.45 3.00 wool waists at....... 2.25 ling's S6da 4 for 25c
cost 3.50 wool waists at 2.45 Naptha soap.!.'. 4 for 25q
, Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchandise, and the radical
r reductions apply to every article excepting only a few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control.
Regulator of Cow Prices
S. L.
Cbe lUbiU Bouse