The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 09, 1904, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
OBcial Paper of Bestow County.
'yan act of violence, the Holy
Holler. apo9tles have been sent
away from tbe community. Though
every person who participated in
the affiir that drove them away, is
guilty 'of a misdemeanor and liable
to prosecution under the state law,
there is no enforcement of the pen
alty. The reason is that the two
- men had committed offenses against
the people of the vicinity that the
"jaws could not reach. '
For weeks the community has
teen made notorious by the fool
acts of the zealots and their half
crazed followers. A system of re
ligion was set up in which this' pair
of high priests and their followers
worshipped behind barred doors
.and closely drawn blinds, behind
-which the public could ,neither
jmss nor see. Though a shock to
the proprieties, it was alleged wor
ship of Almighty God for these
two huskies to live in the same
locked housewith anumber of young
girls, and do nothing in the world
but be religious. Whether as fools
or knaves, whether as fanatical
zealots or as sinister hypocrites, it
remains a fact that the acts of Cref
field and Brooks, practiced under
any other name than that ot relig:
ion would have led to violent scand
als and an interference by the pub"
lie on the grounds of common de
cency long ago.
The unfortunate girl demented in
a Portland sanitarium, is their vict
im, and a dreadful testimony of the
importance of barring the doors of a
community to eueh men. The halt
dozen others in whom nervous
shocks and mental agitation have
left marks that can never be remov
ed and wounds that will never heal
are further victims to a system of
religion, officered by two ornery
galoots, founded by nobody and
followed only . by women. Whether
' honest, or dishonest, whether sin-
r i . i i
v cere or iaise in tneir pretensions,
the consequence of the career in
this community of the pair and" of
Creffield in particular, has been a
succession of disagreeable as well
as deplorable occurrences and con
ditions, such as no community de
serves and as few would, so long
" tolerate.
The late act of violence is de
plored; but the departure of the
j men is welcome.
They are Named by the County Court
A Few Changes Made.
Under a new law, the county
court appoints road supervisors
The law was enacted at the regular
session last winter, and only became
effective with reference to road su
pervisors on January ist. The
newly oppointed road officials are:
Corvallis No. I Albert Wilson,
Corvallis No. 2 H. M. Flem-
Corvrllis No. 3 Dick Kiger.
. Corvallis No 4 Harley Hall.
Booneville, No. 21 J. O. Wil
son. Fairmount No. 5
Granger No, 19 H. Hector.
Soap Creek No. 6 Gene Dodele.
Tampico No 20 Ben Harris.
Kings Valley. No, 7 John
Summit No 8 Charles Skaggs.
Blodgett No. 9 A, Cadwalader.
Wren No. 10 Dick Ballard.
Philomath No 1 1 J. R. Fehler.
Willamette West No 17 Doke
Willamette East No 12 Rube
Alsea No 15 G. C. Peek.
Bellfountain No 14 E. N. Starr
Monroe No 1 5 D. B. Farley.
North Monroe No 16 A. Zier--tolf.
Alsea No 18 C. E. Banton.
For Sale.
At abont 50 per cent on the dollar,
large house, barn, and woodshed, 2 lots
corner 3rd and Washington streets. Ap
ply to owner. $1800,
H.H. Kreger,
Santa Barbara,,
T, . Til.!! V. mA n.npn -
. mill, small, black bear skin cape. Leave
''s:fc,SatTrjiEs omce. , . . :!-:
It is Five Hills for County Purposes
' and the Total is 16.4.
For county " purposes, Banton
county will only pay - a five mill
tix tbis year. The rate of levy for
county purposes is probably the
lowest io the hittiry of the county.
The levy ftr the same purpose last
year was 15 mills. The levy for
this year is based en an estimate cf
$21,683 for couLtv expense?, Bit
for the lact t a, the it tetix and
tbe county school tix, fixed by lav
are bo high, Bei ton tax-payers
would be twehed very light'y in
tax collections this TMr. . - -'.
BDtn'B ttit9 tax is $24 745, or,
as ttatd in Wednesday's Hmes,
more than nine thousand dollars
more tban it was last year. The
exact increase U $9 393. For rais
ing the state tix the c uitjhas fixed
the levy nt 5.8 mills. A similar in
crease in tie frt'te ecbool tax, fixed
bylaw at $6 for every child of
scqojI sse in the county. maks
aootber increase over last year to
the amount of $3,010, making a
total increase of $12,403. the levy
for echool purposes is 3.6 miil-.
For road purposes the court has
made a levy cf two mills, . which
with the other makes a total levy
that people ootsite of tr corporated
towns will bave topay of 16.4
The total valut;on of taxable
propeitv H $4,346,745. Property
io CorvallH and Philomath will
not pay the two mill levy int the
countv road fund. The road levy
will raise something over $7,000
for road purposes, or upwards of
$3,000 mre than in former years
A heavier roid levywasnotmadeby
the court, because many of the su
pervisors have unexpended balan
cs on band from lst year, some
of these balances being compaia
tively large..
Residents of Corvallis will have
to pay a total of 27.4 naifl as fol
lows: Sttt, 58 mille: state school
3.6 mills, couuty five, ept'c ascbcol
tix, six; city, seven: toUv 27.4
Ia3t year they pa:d f jrty odd mills
They Held up Frank Hurt Where is
Brooks An Incident at the Beach
The tar and feathers administer
ed to Creffield and Brooks, the fli
ght of the apostles, and the marria
ge of Creffield and Miss Hurt have
passed into local history, and the
excitement incident thereto has lar
gely subsided. These events all
happened M onday night and Tues
day, and were followed Tues
day night by incidents that
to the participants were equally
novel and unusuil, but of less dra
matic detail. That night the White
Caps were again at large, and accor
ding to the best accounts obtainable
exercised extreme vigilance in tbe
vicinity of the Beach house, They
not oply watched the movements
about the place, but at one time ap
peared at the barred door, required
it to be opened and to the number
ot a dozen men waJked inside, and
made a search of every room, closet
and every possible hiding place
about the premises. In the-e Un
bidden acts, they met with no re
sistance, and apparently - found
about the place nobody whom they
sought. Half a dozen young women
were there, but they paid no atten
tion to the intruders, and the intru
ders paid no attention to them. It
was other game that the White
Caps sought.
For a. long time before they en
tered, and for a long time afterward
the White Caps prowled in secret
about the house. They manifested
far more secrecy than was observed
in their movements on the night
preceding, Cwhen they went to the
Beach house and brought the apos
tiles over the river for the coat of
tar and feathers. They met at the
river bank in different parties, and
instead of taking the ferry boat as
before, they crossed the Willamette
in small boats and by different rou
tes. Mooring tbeir boats on the
opposite side of the river, they
stole noiselessly up the bank and
picked their way to vantage points
in the vicinity of the Holy Roller
house.- There, fully secreted they
watched for a long time, some of
them across the road in front ot the
house, and others at different points
near at hand. A shrill whistle like
that of Robin Hood to his followers
in the Scotch forests directing the
movements of the men. called them
together, or dispersed them under
a moon that was dim and partly
fog enshrouded, the skulking forms
occasionally moved about or simul
taneously rose in a phalanx, scary
enough in appearance to make
the timid tremble. They were
looking for Creffield.
Reports in circulation during the
afternoon of Tuesday, were to the
effect that Creffiele and? hisiTbrfdVj
had returned to the Beach ? house; (
It was also asserted that Brroks' j
was in hiding about the place. True
to the threat uttered when the apos
tles were told to leave and never re
turn on pain of worse treatment,
the White Capswere shadowing the
house in the hunt , for the apostles.
- It was perhaps 10 o'ceock or af-r
ter, when a vehicle could be heard
approaching from the eastward.
Tbe creak of the carriage springs,
and the hooffalls of the horses in
muddy . ' roads 7, was -, heard.
Three men had stood in the road
along thev fence for some time
watching the house, but at the ap
proach of the traveler they secreted
themselves in- the orchard or
beneath the trees at the roadside.
The carriage passed to a - spot in
front of the house, and there it
fi topped. It had a single occupant
who threw out several quilts and
b'iggy robes that had apparently
been used"1 by oth?r travelers, Then
it passed on down the road to the
river, and thence over the ferry to
Oorvallip. A few minutei later
the three men re-appeared in the
mad and passed to a spot a short
dis'ande in front of the house. A
moment later, a pozen daik forms
rcsB simultaneously from hiding
places on opposite sides' of the
road, and by a sudden movement
surrounded the turet. The White
Caps, in the dim moonlieht,
thought for a moment that Creffield
and Brooks were again in their
It was three harmless and lor
ely newspaper men in saroh of
news' that the White Caps had
bagged. For a moment the .two
parties, the news writers and their
captors, eyed each other io ilei.ce.
Vieions of emeared tar and sticky
feathers had inj-dnd . ' iheoo
8elveaN into the minds of the
quill drivers, wh le under the ravs
of tbe dim moon they saw tbat the
While Ctips were awfully big- andt
nerce m appearance. ' Anything
new boys" inquired one of the wri
ters, bat there was no response.
The White Cap3 appreotly bad
business on hand, and hid no timp
to talk about Cf,w-. At last one of
them broke the silence. -Why,
didu't that carriage stop back
there and let 'orneboily out'" ' he
a'ked io a gruff but qui. t tone. A
brief parley ensued in which expla
nations were interchanged, when a
ebrill whistle set th- White Caps1
to moving and within a moment
they had disappeared, ltaviog the
newspaper fraternity alone under
the shadow of tha H ly Roller set
tlement. '
Tbe man in the carriage -was
Frank Hurt. Aftr Le crossed the
ferry, the Wbit? Caps satisfied that
CrtfHeld and Brooks vere out of
leach, followed hiir.- Tbey cauglt
bim, and tock him yj lb spot where
Creffield and- B'ooks, were farted
and feathered, but just what hap
pened there is not certainly Jtnown.
' hurt Didn't disrobe
Different stories ara afloat aa to
what they did to Prank Hurt, and
no direct statement can be made
here as to what is authentic. The
doings of the White Caps on Tues
day night wem far more secretive
than when CrfffiH and' Brooks
were disciplined. One version is
that when tbey reached tbe bridg,
Hurt was ordered to disrobe, and
tbat be refused point blank to do
so. Also that he told them tbat
they were of superior numbers, but
that he would not obey tbeir orders
It is also stated thot he finally se
cured poFsei-sion of a club, and that
with it he forced a truce.
Another version is tbat the cap
tive was given to understand that
two alternatives were open to him.
and that upon his decision retted
tbe resol. These were that be
must either promise to leave tbe
Holy Roller headquarters and ' de
sist from tbe late manifestations, or
that he must take tar and featherp.
Also, that he said that he would
never give up hU religion, but that
he would hereafter live within such
regulations as would put an eod to
the Holy Roll-r troubles. That
one or the other, or a part of both
the above versions happened, is
certain. Hurt was captured some
where on the streets, aftr he had
biougbt the vehicle t the. livery
stable. He had arranged with the
ferryman to leave a small boat . on
the Corvallis side of the river, so
that he might return from Corval
lis to the Beach houfe. without
calling the ferryman. His capture
and abduction was so quietly effec
ted, that neither Chief Iane nor
Officer Osburn were aware of it,
though both were on duty until
midnight or aftsr.
Nothing is known concerning
where Mr. and Mrs. Cremeld went,
After their marriage at Albany,
they returned with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hurt to the Beach house,
and tarried there for a brief time,
late Tuesday afternoon. Then they
left again, and it is asserted, went
in the same -carriage to Tangent,
where they reported to hare - taken
a train for unknown parts. '- It is
also supposed that Frank Hurt
was just returning from the trip to
Tangent, when he arrived at the
Beach house Tuesday night, where
a dozen pair of eyes were watching
him from roadside, just before his
capture iq the streets of Corvallis.
Nothing whatever has been heard
of Brooks since Monday night. The
last seen of him so far as known,
was when his captors . released him
wearing a new coat of . tar and
feathers as well as his usual hab
ilaments, and hastening to the
northward along the Albany road.
Tidings from hia have been a.nd.
are still awaited with more or less
interest.' He must have asked for
assistance in the removal of the tar
and leathers and for food at some
farm house to the northward, and
it is anticipated that news of this
Will , ultimately be forthcoming.
If not, then there will be suspicion
that he returned with Creffield to
the Beach house the night of the
affair, and there got relief from his
unwelcome coat, and subsequently
left for parts unknown.
It is very probable that the- ev
ents of the past week will put an
end to the Holy Roller movements
as recently conducted in this . vi
cinity. So far as heard, no word
of sympathy has been uttered for
the disciplined apostles. On the
contrary, there have been many out
spoken expressions of satisfaction
J hat means had been found to send
thorn out of the community. To
them is ascribed all the blame for
such undesirable notoriety as has
come upon the community. They
too. are held generally responsible
for such unpleasat incidents as have
been brought to many "family circles
Their influence, i- ge eral, is re
garded as the beginning and end
of Holy Rollerism hereabouts. The
disciplineadministered tothemissaid
to have had a wholesome effect on
a number of their female followers,
who have determined, according to
numerous accounts to remain with
in reasonable bounds in the pursuit
of their religious belief. The gen
eral idea is that it is well, because
if it had continued, the mental de
rangement-of others and continuous
notoriety of an, ' unpleasant and un
necessary kind, must have been 4he
Wool 17 to t8
Wheat valley 78 to
Flour 375 to $3 85 per blj.
Tola tots $ .50 10 .80 per sack
Eijgs OrejiO 1, 27 per- doz. 1
Butter 20 to 22 c per lb..
Creamery 27 to 30 per roll.
Wool 15
Wheat 71 per uushel.
Oats to 28
Flour o 1.65 per sack
Butter 15 to 25 per lb
Creamery 70 per roll
E?gs 251027 e per doz 7
Chickens . 14 per. pound
Lard 13 per lb
; For Sal",
Twenty shares of stock in the Equit
able Savings and Loan Association, En
quire Geo.. E. Lilly, First National
Bucks for Sale.
Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two
years old past, Good sheep with prices
reasonable. Call on or address
! T. W. B.Smith,
Phone Surburban 43.
Go to Zierolf's for fresh Yaquina Bay
oysters- s - .
Lounees, Conches. Desks. Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular
attention given to special orders and re
pairing. All work guaranteed. One
door south cf R, M. Wade's, Main street.
W. W. Holgate,
On Jan. s, 1904, is the time for you to
enroll in the Corvallis Business College.
. Wanted.
One hundred to 200 head of goats
Address, giving description, of flock and
price, , ' ' ,
A, J, Johnson. Corvallis.
Vetch seed at Corvallis Floor Hills
Notice to Creditors.
In the Hatter ot the Estate
G. F. Elgin, deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all persona cooc-m
ed that the understfrned has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Gk F. Elgin, de
ceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Benton County, All persons havicg
eiajms againgi aaia estate, ot sua u, jr. nagin,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
ume. with the proDer vouoheife. dnlv verified
ai by lav required, within six months from the
date here -A to the undersigned at the office of
Benton oounty Flouring Mills, or at the law ol
nceoi m. jo,, w uson, in uorvauis, uregon.
Dated this December 12, 1908.
Administrator of the estate of G, F. Elgin de-
oeaseo, .
January 5,
- For Operung jafte? the Holidays.1 '
a Cborouab, Sftorl tyKcmpIele
Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthandr Typewriting. Rapid
Calculations, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English,
Punctuation. 11
- f - - CorvaLlis, Oregon.
Great Annua,!
Reduction Sale.,
Our Great Annual Reduction Sale of Winter Merchan
dise will begin Monday, December 28th and continue 30
days. Every article in our bi stock will be reduced except
W. L. Douglas $3.00 and &3 50 shoes. Hawes' 3.00 hat
Monarcn wnite smrts, spool cotton , and Our Own overalls.
Great Slaughter on Boys' and Children's Suits and
Overcoats, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Cloaks,
Wr8ps, Jackets, Furs, Walking and Dress Skirts.
Everything must move. "We
Spring Stock, and want to get
good.. Remember the date, Monday morning at 9 o'clock
December 28th. Store closes at 6 o'clock, sham.
.- : ... ' .'
y hat you Want
Is to try the New Goods ,
which have just arrived at
Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries -Crystallized
Fresh Nabiscos ,
Fresh Cookies
New Walnuts
New Almonds
ENERGY, Health Food.
Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483.
Kris KrinAle
The Holiday Rush is now on in earnest.
Go to Pratt's for a large and choice vari
ety from which to select your gifts.
Gifts for Ladies. For Gentlemen.
Cut Glass, Watches,
Rings, Hat & Clothe Brushes
. . Silverware, . Stick Pins,
. Sterling Novelties, ' Cuff Buttons ,
-! Ebony Toilet Pins, Fountain
Fancy Clocks, And
Watches. Plain Gold Pens.
Come early and secure your choice from the larg
est assortment of its. kind in the city. Open night
and day until January 1st. Wishing you a Mer
ry Christmas and Happy New Tear, I am
Yours for Xmas Gifts,
The Jeweler and Optician.
the Date
want the room for our New-
the money out of winter
, L . .
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olives in Bulk
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese.