IN GORVALLIS BUSINES8 . OS TEi R. I ROUTES 13 RAPIDLY w ' GROWINQ. Over Twelve Thaa-anJ Packages in December Firearms aud -Exploding Cirtridijes io a Fire in the McMahao Home Other News. How well the R. F. D. routes are appreciated by patrons, is shown by the constaut growth of business bandied on each. Daring the past month there was a large increase in the number ot packages handled by the carriers, The total number of packages on the three routes dnr- .ing ujuciuuci. was 12. 337. sui- prising thing ih the business is, that on Route f, from which the least was expected, the business was greater than on any of the others including Routa 1, the oldest of them all. The number of packages deliver ed and collected on each way as follows: Number 1, collected, 692; delivered 3555; total 4.247, Number 2, collected 523; deliver ed. 3,003; total 3,526. Numbers, collected, 705; deli vered, 5 862; tJtal, 4,564. Total collected on all routes, i, 9I7; delivered, , 10,420; total 2,337- The. letter of George Armstrong, published in the Times has caused other patrons on Ronte 1 to volun teer contributions for additional pay for the carrier during the win ter months. Richard Riger has phoned the local postoffice, propos ing to contribute a dollarper month. A list has also been sent to Post master Johnson, in which other patrons along the route volunteer lo contribute each the sum of fifty cents per months. The contributors are as follows: John Smith; George Linderman C. E. Moor, Robert Wylie; Fred Elliott, W. S. Locke, William Knotts, W. O. Davis, A. Wilson, B. W. Harrh and S. Bick-nell- A CLERK'S MISTAKE Law Prohibiting China Pheasant Hun ting Failed to Pass Local Sportsmen. A change has come over the fpit- ts ot Corvillt ipjrtsoaen. Wa-rs tbe-e vvas 1 indentation and a few Meibudi-t ctws words thtre now repose" of soul and smiles of s renity. Tue mw liw that prohibited the killing of Caioa phea'acrti until Octo"?r 1916 did not after all, pass- both huusjs of tbe lejisl i'ure, at tbe extra cession and therefore there will beusn open eeason next sumtmr, and pheasant hunting will gooa as in the past. N It sstoied that the measure failed to gn the required number of votes i 1 tha housa of representatives. W-en a vote i taken, it appears that the record is kept on printed lis's whic'a biar the names of all the members, In the hurry of b'lai 'ness ou the day the bill was -thought to have p-.sed the hous, lln clerk who figured out tha v te made 'a mietBk?. And this mis take entered ths announce ment that the measure bad pa;sad. Tue senate accepted the stats meat, and the governor tilled the bill aahavirag passed both houses. The error wad discovered y the legislative committee that is always appointed at the cless of a session to revise and correct the journal. This omnoitteecame acro's the' list showing tha. vote on th" pheas ant law., and discovered that only 30, instead of 31 membweJIbad- vc ted for the bill. The law provides that a majority of ail the members U'C'ed to either house shall be nec tosary to the passage of a bill. With sixty members elected to tbe bouse, the 30 votes received was not a majo'ity, and therefore the bill failed to piss that body, and consequently did not become a law as has been reported. Of course, there is balm ofGikad for local huntjrs in this newest news, and their present pleasure atones for the late wefk of disgust One thing in the incident is, that , if Alex Heunij's hoiss Dick did die as a result of the reported passage of the law Alex has a good case for damage against the legis lative clerk who made the mistake. Cheaper Rates. Commencing Jan- 1, 1904, we will sell lights per metre in residences at 10c per 1000 watt hours with ,a minimum of 7 cents per month. Should you use 7.5 we will charge you 75 cents. In Albany or Portland the same amount would cost youii. Should yo use 10.000 we will charge you $1.50. The same amount in Albany would cost 2.25; in Portland, f 2.70. Should you use 20,000 your bill will be $ i. In Albany yon would have to pay $3 and in Portland &.60, Hereafter you will have to fnroish your own lamp renewals. Corvallis Electric Light & Power Co. -WHERE THE SHOOTING WAS c There was Also Fire Corvallis Resi ' deuce Aflame. - . While the family at the William Mt-Maban borne t inboathweatern CoravllU sat ai dinner Friday.' the repealed discharge of firearms np stairs attracted tfiteotijn. There poret were mors . or. less muffled, and an iuv6tigatiio followed. It developed that a closet on tbe sec ond Si tor, a boa 1, the center of -the hailding was on fire. In tbe closet was a quant ty ofc-lithine, particu Urly that ol the ypung lad - in tbe family, and all this wan aflarne. Three guns and a quantity of car tridges were also there, and tbe discbarge of tbe healed cartridge w-.ra the repjrta that htd given tha fire alarm. A geoeral alarm of fire was at once turned in, and tha depart ment burried to the scene. With out tire hydrants or cieternsat haod however, the apparatus was largely use.ers, the vie nity baing wholly with tnt fire protection. By s use however of a small hose, served by a water tank- oa the premis"",' together with the buckets of tbe H: & L. Cjaipiny, the building and practically m .at of tie contents were saved.' Tha damage, however, ran ialo several hundred dollars, much injury being; done the walls aeu flojrs a well as contents by nmok-t and water. E'erythinj in tha cl att was burned, including a tiue shotgun, valued at f 100, aqjd two valuabU rifles. Tbe otigia of tbe fire is supposed to hive been a spark from the chimney, which passed in 'close proximity to the . closet, and in tiub soot was burning attheti ime. Tne tarter ws notioed by Dingus Who appeared on the Buena auout the time' the family discov ered the fi". Mr. Mi Mihan requests th Times to express ibe thanks of himself and family to nethbirs f r tha as sistance rendered during the fire, j EXPENSIVE CORVALLIS CHICKEN. It Sold for Fifteen Dollars Three Others win Frizes in California. Fancy Corvallis chickens are on exhibition at'tbe big poultry show now going on at Seattle. They be long to F. L Miller and. Gene, Simpson, each of whom has about a dozen birds on display. All of them are extra fine, the parent stock of the Miller fowls having been imported from - Ireland and England, at a first cost of about $35 each They are Buff Orping tons, while the fowls of Mr. Simp son are Buff Leghorns. Mr. Simp son has been in the fancy poultry business as a side enterprise for several years, and has prospered at the business, having established a trade through three states. His net profit from the business last year was $300.. Three of his birds went against the best that California eould pro duce in a big poultry show at San Francisco recently, and two of them took firsts and a third fourth prizes They were a young pullet and two young cockrells, and first prizes went to the pullet and- one of the males. Mr. Simpson sold the other day a single bird for $15. It went to a man in the state of Washington. The buyer had heard of the char acter of the bird, and without in quiring the price, he wrote Mr. Simpson, offering $15 as a pur chase price. The owner consider ed that a fair figure and closed the deal on that basis, The exhibition -birds that Mr. Miller and Mr.--Simpson have at Seat le. were taken there by Mr. Miller, who left Corvallis with them Monday. It is hoped that blue ribbons may fly from the mast head of all of them on' their return to Corvallis. 1 MOUNTAIN WATER. For Corvallis Some Facts About "Eleven Miles to Rock Creek. it- Out at the college- there is re liable data bearing upon the ques tion of mountain water for. Corval lis, and for tbe - Agricultural Col lege. The datavis the result of in vestigations made by two students in the preparation of a graduating thesis. The figures show that Rock? Creek at the point has a flow of water sufficient tor a city ot 35.- 000 inhabitants, and that in order to secure a sufficient pressure the water would have to be piped for a distance of about 1 1 miles to reach Corvallis and of somethingless than 1 1 miles to reach the water tower at the college. The students who made the sur"1 vey and estimates were J. ; Edwin Johnson of last year's graduating class, and David Hirstel, who grad uates this year. Their computa tions and other work were under supervision of Professor Skelton, head of tbe department of mathe- malic? and. engineering -at .the The boys ran a line of levels from the cqllege to a point on Rock Creek at an elevation of 200 - feet above Main - street-,, at ! Homing's corner in Corvallis- This i point is on the main or north fork of Rock Creek about 4 or of a mile above tbe old Henkle saw mill. At this plase the creek is very precip itous and any desired additional tall could be obtained ; - by going only a short distapce farther. The boys decided the best way to bring the pipe line in would be to - follow the general course of Rock Creek to its confluence with the South Fork of Mary's river, to follow the South Fork to Philomath, and the rail road from Philomath until the col lege farm was reached. L ' ' Following the. above line the dis tance from the college water tower to this point on Rock Creek is very nearly 10.6 miles or following ; the railroad to tbe (J. & n. depot, in stead of going to the ; college, tbe distance would be about 112 miles. This line it will be noticed, passes near the foot of "Old Baldy' an excellent site, for a city reser voir. ... - . uagings of Rock Creek made in September the season of lowest water showed a flow ' of 5,640,000 gallons is 24 hours- This amount is sufficient for a city of 35,000 inhabitants or more than i5 times the present population of Corvallis. The water was found to be of ex. cel'ent quality and the- source of supply free from contamination, The boys ' before deciding upon" Rock Creek, investigated both Oak and Woods creeks, but abandoned them as unsatisfactory. - The work involved, not only the preliminary surveys and measure ments but the preparation of maps drawings, plans, specifications, etc, for a complete wafer system. No estimate of 'cost was made as it would depend so much upon the cur rent market value of labor and ma' terial that it was deemed useless.. They estimated that a 6 inch pipe would supply all the needs of the college both present and future. .WANT THE J AIL MoeD. ' To More Healthful Site -Some Philo mathites do Other News There. Toe new city councilman took their seats Monday night. There is a petitnn being circula ted asking that the jail be moved to a mpre healthful and salubrious situation. Many signed the petition. Ol Felger was fined fifteen dollars and costs at the trial last week. He says "there are others" who do not get arrested. F Williams was-married laet wetk at Junction City to Miss Emma Love ot that place. A Ridgers of. Lewiston, Idaho was visiting last week at the home of bis cousin, Mrs C. H. Newth. George Leeper has obtained tbe agency of the Page .spring wire fence and has erected a sample fduce near the post Pbilomite. At Summit. People of Summit- regret very much to hear of the death of Mrs, J. E. Franklin who "formerly lived here. " - The Xmas trees were well atten ded. A good program was render ed, and many were made happy. . Mr. and Mrs. Minor of Corvallis are visiting at Summit. George Savage expects to move soon to Eugene to reside. John , Larson arrived - Saturday from Hoquam Washington. Sunday school is held regularly each Sunday now. Mrs, McFarland and children of Portland are visiting Robert Mc Farland. Subscriber. Fresh Yaquina Bav ovslers received at Zierolf s ever v Saturday WE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE ALL WERE BIDDEN. Tq the Board And Many Went Town 1 - " was Club's Guest. -v ' - -T "' All Corvallis was the eaest of the Ladies C-ff e. Club New Years afternoon. The occasion was the reception annually given Corval lisites by the club. Tbe function has come to be a regular custom in the loo, and it is one peculiar to Corvallis. No other town has an organization that stands in the same relation to the, community, and in no other is every person, high or low, bidden to accept the hospitality of a club of ladies. It is an occasion eo excellent - in con ception and always so pleasantly planned and executed, that it de eerves to endure, and to be - copied elsewhere. ' . As usual, last Friday's affair was in Fireman's Hall, as the large, airy front room in the City Hill is called. Decorations of fir, fed pa per and ivy, were drap-d to the cen ter of the ceiling from tbe four corners and from the windows and walls, forming an effect that eli cited uoetinte 1 and oft repeated praise From three t idles, stretch-! ing through the center of tha room, j coff-'e, coci'a a:.d tea. were served. Mrs. Qraat Elgia and Miss Mabel Withy oombe presided at, the tea tatilej aesif ted by Mis3 Juliet Cooper and Mies Edm Irvine. At the coffee tabla,- were Mrs. John Allen, Mrs. Hnry Pernot and Mrs. Henry Allen, At the cocoa tible were, Ms, B. W. Johoson, Mrs.- Rennie and Miss Spangler.x On arrival the guests weresbown to cloifr rooms on either side of the main hall, where wraps were re moved. Tbe reception committee occupied a place near the main en trance, aud the members were, Mesdarueer Bercbtold, Taylor, Lee. Brunk, Witbyombe, Wilson, Lake Uallabarv and Davis, all of whom were n -t present. The executive com mi; tee was Mesdames Audraws Knidfly, L"fivrty, Miller and Miss Eda Jacobs. The reception began at' two and ended at six. Daring the - time a stream of guests passed up the stairway, tbroueh the rooms with an'excbange of New Year greetings and after tarrying for a time left for their homes The -'attendance, though not so large as on some former occasions was still 'very large. The function was extrem ely sucaessful, as was evinced by interchange of greetings, the smiles of welcome and the general atmos phere of hospitality and good cheer that prevailed throughout the af ternoon. The City Hall building, in which tne reception was given is ideal in its conveniences for such a gather ing, and though it' has been many times said that the building is big ger and costlier than Corvallis could afford, the use to which it is put each New Yeai 's afternoon should certainly make every loyal and pa triotic Corvaliisite feel-glad that there is such an edifice, and such an organization as the Ldie Club. An informal dancing party in the evening was a sequel to the re ception, and young folks as well as numerous. people no longer goslings spent there a very pleasant even ing. .. . 222 South Peoria St, Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902. , Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and npset that I eould keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed go much that my throat and lungs were raw and sore. ; The doctors pro nounced it Bright 's disease and others said it was consumption. ,1 11 3 l.-lll- A. I. i 1 it mattered ruue to me wnai they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. . I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. 0 Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to he well. Ton do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine, of Cardui from your druggist to day? ' " h. G. ALTAIAN, M. D. Homeopathist Office cor 3rd sod Monroe ets. Reel- . deoce cor 3rd and Harrison stg, 1 Hour 10 to 12 A M.2rn 4. end f to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M , Phone Tesldeoce 315. tTrytiirHdlh! J t cheslti Dafatiest; Effects" 90TOGRAHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND JN OCR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE ...... 1 CARBON The style that carried off the laurels at the NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVENTION. These carbon parchments are not mounted on cards, but delivered in neat Fojibebs or at tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com-v bination that is pleasing and -artistic. Sam ples of these Carbons are now on exhibition at . n k-A S South Main St. g iu,uii!i&ii j & ii,iuiuiuw9 corvallis, Ore. I F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I sha-U take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish , also showing you over the country. v HENRY AMBLER, - Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance. ' Philomath, Oregon. twenty Patterns Iron and elastic felt mattresses $950 to $12 And full-sized Mattresses as cheap as $2.00. Stock of Furniture, Carpets ana Stoves Was never so complete and full of genuine bar gains' as now. Call and look, us over. No trouble to show goods. k 3. D. Willamette Valley Banking Company: GORVAIXIS OBEGON. Responsibility, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange Issued payable at all finan cial centers io United States, Canada and Europe. Principal Eorreepondents. ; PORTLAWD Londim & San FrancfocoBank Limited; Canadian. Bank of Commerce. SAN rilWCKOO -London & San Francia. CO Bank Limited.. HEW VOBK-MewH. J. P. Morgan 4 Co. CHICAGO Firot National Bank. UOSOOS, EVO. London & San Franciu-o isanlc Liuitteci. SEATTLE AXD TAOO 1WA Lon'ion San Francisco Bank Limited. . Groceries lor Cbe holidays WHEN SUPPLIED BY P. M. ZIEROLF Insure the utmost satisfaction to guests and host. Large, luscious raisins, citron, cur rants, orange and lemon peel, as well as all kinds of relishes olives, sweet and sour pick- IDR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. ' I . ft ! BrassBcds To choose from. $350 to $1750 Finest IHann $ Co. E. E. WHITE Real Estate Co. Jast a Few of Oar Many Bargains. No. 34. 460 acres adjoining B. R. to n, all, tillable,, fine improvements. Only 25 per acre. No. 37. 387 acres 7 miles from Cor vallis and one and j miles from R. R. station, two pood houses, fine barns, 12b acres out to grain. A fine place $45 per acre. No. 21. 300 acres all fenced 160 seres cleared more could be, 100 acres to graia now. Price $25 per acre. . No. 20. 60 acres, good 9 room house, good well and orchard, all fenced; also 10 head of cows, team, harness and wagon; some hogs and chickens all for &I000. No. 18. 30 acres, 25 in orchard mostly prunes, good house and barn, good well and running water. Price f 24oo. No. 1 5. 160 acres. lz miles east of Corvallis, eight room house, barn 40 x 60 20 acres of prunes, balance good forest land. . . Price 35 per acre. ' No. 26. House and two lots on Main street l,500. No. 27.-22 foot front on Main Btreet good location for business. $500. No 25. A fine lot on Third street $135 Sko. 31. Two fine lots nice location. $500. No. 35. Undivided .half interest in business lot on Main street, good two story brick 50 x 75 ieet, a snap. Price 4,500. Space will not permit of further details, but if you want a good investment call and See us.- White & Stone. First door south of Reading Room. - Attorney-At-Lobw. -POSTOFFICE BUILDING- E. fiolgate ATTORNEY AT LAW ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ' Stenography and typewriting done. Office iu Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg