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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1904)
- V - I' LOCAL LOBE. ( Ad jrttsenlent. in this oolumn charged . foe A thermieoUt oentt par Una. - ' . ' Mrs. J. A. Harper Srlslted Albany friends latt week. -Mleg Dollle Browo Is visiting Mrs Lee Brown at WelK .. . . ' ' Mrs Mary Bryeon left Thursday to spend the wider la California. , f. Mies Myrtle Sbonkw tier returned Saturday to her home in Oregon City. . - : ..... ... ... Fred Hereig moved into bis new bouse oo College bill on New Tear's day. " ; Monroe Cameron and family have returned from a week's .visit In Portland. .- Mies Una Stewart aPrlnevllIe, arrived Sunday and has re-entered College. ; Cedar shingles, Stars, for f ale at the Corvallis Saw Mill, at $1.75 per thousand. ''The holiday vacatlonended the opening of college Monday. Mrs, G. L. Paul left Friday for a visit with Portland and Astoria friends. Thomas Cameron has returned to Corvall'?, after an absence of sev eral month". Mr. and Mrs. Callahan returned Sunday front a ten days visit with Portland Mends, Mrs. Will Webber and daughter T Portland Were among Cnvallls visitors this weej' - The estates of John Wiles and L. Dlller were finally settled In the pro bate court Monday. . . . Mi s Alice Stevens has . arrived from Centralla, Washington, and is the guest of friends. Harry Waggoner entertained a number of friends at a Watch party Thursday evening, " GlaUrl IUndVli left MondaV for bH home at Olex, after a visit at the Alabder borne. . Miss Fay Cooley of Brownsville. has been the guest since Saturday of ber aunt, Mrs. J. D. Irvine. Miss Lillian Banney entertained a number of fi lends wi'h "flinch" at her home Satui day evening. .Tam'FIrt of the Time offt"p left. Monday for a week's visit with his mother at Boseburg, Miss Alleen Webber of AhHni ha been the ue"&t' for several day of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson. The Evening Whlft Club watched the old vear out Thursrtav nt, the borne of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knlsply. Jihn Hiiffja'n arrived Sundav from Portland. Mrs. Huffman bm been a visitor In the county for two weeks. . - Will Pu'dv -loft yestprday to re sume, his duties with the Standard OH Company, after a brief vielt with Cor vallis relatives. Ml Winnie Gilbert, arrived yes- terdav from Everett, WaBhlnston for a vl9lt nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B: M. Gilbert. Capt. A. W. ' Rose returned to his cbltMm ranch t Ohltwood Mon day to await the 'fliw of Pap In the spring and dream of big prices for bark. : The two board walk along the old Whlr.ehorn orchard has been wid ened and repaired much to the com fort and eatls'actlon of all pedestrians in that vicinity. The First Spiritual Union of Gor vallls will hold services tomorrow in Barrett Lvoeum. Doors open at 2-30 Service at 3 p. rn. A cordial Invita tion Is extended to all. 'The county oourt will meet this afternoon and among other business to oomn before it will be the appoint ment of road supervisors, judges and clerks ot election and the Axing of the tax levy. Miss Esther Purdy entertained a number of friends Monday evening in honoi ot her brother Will Purdy of Portland. The evening was pleasant ly spent with games, music and other amusements. Mies Mary Nolan left 8unday for Portland to resume her studies at St. Mary's College. She was accompan ied by Mrs. Nolan who goes to Port . land to be at the bedside ot Mrs. Eb ner, her sister, iwho was recently In jured In a Btreet car accident. The receipts at the Corvallis poet office for the quarter ending Decem ber 31st aggregated $1,850. The a mount Is an Increase of 7 per cent. ov. er the receipts for the same quarter ' last year, and shows a healthy growth. The number ot money orders Issued at the office during the year was 1832. and the amount 810,101; the number of orders paid was 1,031, and the a mount, 811,336. Two children of Alfred Johnson are ill with pneumonia la Albany where they were recently taken to the home of a brother on account ot the illness ot their mother in this city. The father has been at the bedside of - th children since Saturday. Mrs. Johnson Is still ill at the family home in this city, but ber condition Is some what improved. Mr. H. O. Miller, tor many years Janitor at the publlo schools, died sud denly yesterday morning about 10 o' clock, ot Brlght's disease. Mr. Miller was favorably known as a quiet, peace able citizen and he leaves a large fam ily to mourn his loss. ' Be was aged about 53 years. He carried policies Id the Maccabees and also the Lions tor $1,000 and $2,500 respectfully. -ith and most all the students.- after a . two weeks rest have resumed their "stud ies. A considerable number of new studea'e are on the grounds and ex aminations were in progress tbtoogti- out Monday. . Clas3 work began yes terday. ' I. M. Hunter, after an absence ot seveial yea v, arrived in Corvallis Sunday for a brief visit. He is an employe in a large mercantile estab lishment at Watervllle. Washington He says Josppb.Johoson,r,who resides In the vicinity is prominently men tioned as a likely candidate foe sher iff of the county. " Edwin Johnson, a bright OA(J graduate of last vear's class, , left tor bis borne at Yale, Malheur coun ty, Saturday, after a holiday vuit with college and other friends In Cor vallis. Though but a few months out ot ooliege, Mr. Johnson bis al ready become engaged la extensive surveyim? operations In E istera Ore gon, mainly in Malheur and. Harney counties. The Knights ot Pythias of Valley Lodge Installed the following officers for the ensuing term, last Monday ev eningf James A. Harper, O. O; Alex Bennle, V. CL; W. G. Emery, pre'.; Chains Porter.M. of W.; Robert John eon, E. ot B. and S.; B. W. Johnson, M. of Ex.; Thomas Whltehorn, M. of F ; Kdwln Rose, M. at A.; John Zils, I, G.; Jesse Spencer, O, G, Tfiere Was Consternation for a Hme FiHay at the Walden home. ' in the north end of town. A burning flue that continued to burn after the eoot bai apparently disappeared gave, rise to extreme alarm, and persons In neighborhood wete attracted to the scene. S L. Kline and son, Walter, happened along, and with their assist ance, Mr, Bryant was finally able to conquer the blaa, The Corvallis public schools re opened Monday after a two week's vacation for the htsltdays. The teach log force has been filled by the elee tlon of MUs Fowells In the pHce ot! Miss Kros, resigned. . Miss Fowelte ! has the fourth grade, and Miss Huft has been placed lo charge ot the prim ary grade. A petition wai circulated among ber former pupils, asking the retention ot Miss Hnff in her former gradp. ' The f iklr who created such an active market In. Corvallis In the el ecti Ic belt business, is .meeting, with even greater uceess In a tour through tta state to the southward. He was last) heard of at Grants Pass, where he did a thriving business. He Bald alter closing a pyrotechnic sale there that Grants. Pass was a. good place for bel's. but not so goortva9 ft ee- burg or Eugene. At -Eugene after pocketing a lot of csh tor belts, he was assailed with stale eggs. ' A. device In the way of a pocket lamp which is a substitute tor match es has mnde Its appearance. It Is shaped like a match box. and when the lid U opened a stream of fljme appears, which may be used for light? log a pipe, t r looking at a watch In the night time, and, for manv other purposes. - When the onlooker first sees it In operatlm, he Is civetr tha Impression that the owner's box full ot matches have all been accidental ly Ignited. The nppllance is for sale at a local establishment. The chief of police .la doing a good business with (ho dog tax. He has disposed of thirty tags without any ef fort upon hie part. So tar, there has been no remonstrance agtust the tux, and those who have paid only ask that the law'be impartially enforced. It is the intention oft he chief to call on all dog owners within the next few days and jt would facilitate the work very much if each one would be ready with the amount ot bis tax when the call is made. Don'X wait one upon another with the expectation that you ni l escape entirely, as it is the inten tion of the officer to enforce the law and collect taxes on all dogs within the city limits. s Members of the facultj who went to Portland to consider tbe proposi tion ot tbe Fair managers for tbe col lege to take charge of a tract of the fair grouuds and produce a growing exhibit at tbe 1905 exposition are pre paring a report on the subject for use of the board ot regents, whtch Is to meet this afternoon. Fair people want the college to plant about 12 acres ot around to email and large fruits, tor age grasses, vegetables and other pro ducts, and have the same as far as possible In fine growth or bearing dur ing the exposition. They offer to bear all expenses and to provide every fa cility for carrying on the work. The question ot whether or not the college will undertake tbe exhibit will hinge oo the decision of the board On Friday evening at 8 p. m., at the college armory, Coegrove's famous orchestra, halting from Chicago, will give an entertainment under the aus pices ot the Athletic Union of the col lege. The concert Includes many mu sical novelties such as bell ringing, a 8500 set of aluminum chimes, etc., etc. Manager Hayward has received, a mong others, the following telegrams from those having charge of the en tertainment in other places : ' Walla Walla, Wash., Deo. 23, 1903. Cos grove orchestra beet concert enter tainment ever given In city. Chair man Odd Fellows Committee. Ore gon CttyOr., Jan. 1, 1904. Concert best everbere. Those missing It will regret It. -Master Artisan. Hills boro, Or., Jan. 4. 1904. Cosgrove's Orchestra very floe: I can heartily en dorse tbelr entertainment, ; Cosgrove Orchestra, College arm ory Friday evening at S o'cIocK. Be served seats on sale at Graham & Wortham. Admission 50 oents. BURIED SATURDAY. Death of Mrs Anna.' - Spencer It Oc curred on New Years day. - mortal remains of Mrs. 'An na Blalock Spencer were, laid to rest in Pleasant Valley cemetery lafct Saturday. Mrs. Soencer was the mother of Jeste, .Wil'iaa and others of the Spnor boys who are old and well known raideuts of Benton. She died at the home of her son Frank on Greasy Creek, on New. Years day. There was a brief burial Service at the cemetery, at tended by relatives, and numerous old friends. Tbe deceased was born in Indiana December 13. 1810, and was married in that stat-s to Francis Spencer September 25, 1837. In 1841 the family removed to Missou ri, where they resided until 1864, when they crossrd the piairis. to Oregon. In Seplember "1865 , they settled in B-nton County, where the hubaDd died abuut seven years ago. The surviving children are, James. William, Frark, Eli and Jesee Spencer, all, of Bin ton coun ty, Mh. Huffman ot Poitland. and SI'S. Harriett Hulbert, of Missouri. For tbe past fifteen years of ' her life tha deceased was"a"o invalid as a result of a stroke of paralysip. To members of the Macoabees and Lyons: You are herewith re quested to meet at your lodge room on Thursday at 9 a. m. to attend the funeral services of our Sii Knight and Brother H, C. ".Millet. By order of the comtuender a&d president, L. G, Altaian; Com. J. W. Ingle, pres. For Sale, Twenty shares of stock in the Equit able Savings and Loan Association! En' quire Geo. E. Lilly, First National Bank. ' - Red l ag; ; Sate ! MEN'S GL0TI1ING. All 16.50, lj.50f 18, 20 and $22.50 Suits and Over coats, &r...... ....... ..".v.. ...... $15.00 A1113, 14 and $15 Suits and Overcoats or.............. 12.50 All 10,. 11, 12 and $12,50 Suks and Overcoats for... 10.00 Alls', 8.50, 9, 9.50 and $10 Suits and Overcoats...... 7.50 AJi $7.50 Suits and Ore coats.. v........ .;....... 6.50 'Twenty per cent reduction on all Boys' Suits and Overcoats, and Men's Extra Pants. REDOGT10N SALE. Ten per cent reduction On lace curtains. Ten per cent reduction on dress linings. Ten per cent reduction on W. B. corsets. Twcnty'Five per cent reduction on back and fancy combs. . ; Twenty-Five percent reduction dress trim--mings, lace all over. . ; Twenty-Five per cent reduction wool waists. . . - ... ' . Twenty-Five per cent reduction ladies' belts' Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent re duction. t Ladies' and" Misses' jackets 25 per cent reduction. i . -' . Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 per cent 'reduction. .' L , REMNANT SALE. Six and one fourth cent calico at ...5 Ten cent outing flannel.. gjs4 Ten centEanneht 8yi Ten cent percale. ; 8i Eight and a third cent shirting... 7 Twelve and a half cent percale... ...21 . Fifteen t ent ribbon..... 12 Twenty-Five cent ribbon. 20 Thirty Fire cent ribbon 30 Fifty cent velveteens ... .....45 Dollar and a quarter dress goods. ,.$1.00 Dollar dress goods......... ...... .85 Seventy-Five cent dress goods 60 Fifty cent dress goods...... ........45 ' Twenty-Five cent dressgoods..... ...... .20 Twenty cent dress goods 25 Seventy-Five eent eiderdo wn '.. .... ...60 Thirty-Five cent eiderdown........ 25 NO DISH TICKETS ON "RED TAG" PRICES. . . , . ! ; ; 'S9 CorvaflllSo All Mail Orders Received During Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices. 34th Great Annual ,34th CLEARANCE SALE i- - - ;:" ; Will commence to-day, Friday, January the 1st; like its thirty-three predecessors. It will continue. for 30 days, and be conducted on the same broad plans that have made themthe greatest bargain opportunities. Corsets SUITS AND OVERCOATS ' Gloves . 50c corsets at.:. .39 $10.00 suits' at ;..L 735' $ 5.00 overcoats at.. 4 00 Wool gloves in plain and $1.00 corsets at .85 12.50 suits at.... 975 8.50 overcoats at.. 6.25 fancy colors. .1.25 corsets at ...j $1.00 13.50 suits at 1100 10.00 overcoats at 7.35 Regular 25, 35, 50c 1.50 corsets at.. ..1.15 15.00 suits at.......... 1225 12.50 overcoats at 9.25 Reduced to 20, 30, 42c. Broken lines at just half ' 16.50 suits at 1310 15. OQ overcoats at ..12,00 Kid gloves: $1.25 gloves at price, or $1 corsets for 50c. 18.00"'. 1400 18.00 overcoats at.. .13.85 $1. Dollar gloves at 90c. Ladies1 and Misses' Hosiery & Underwear Silks and Dress Goods . This is the best moneysaving chance of the year in Black, white, and colored dress fabrics, black and fan- the Hosiery and Underwear . Department. Every gar- cy silks, velvets and velveteens, at a great saci ifice. ment at a greatly reduced price: " , . $ .50 dress goods at 39 $..75 silk and velvet at 62 3o cent garments at 21 cts 75 cent garments at 67J .75 dress goods at 62J l.po silk and velvet at 82 5o cent garments at 42$ c $l.oo garments at - - 82J l.oo dress goods' at 79 1.25 silk and velvet at 99 Trunks &3ags j LADIES' SKIRTS AND JACKETS Shoe Department Trunks, bag and suit cas $ 5.00 Jackets. $3.95 $4.50 Skirts at $3.45 EvUnngiri shoes and es at clearance sale prices. , n n JI . - r-r rt slippers for ladies, men and Toys, dolls, games, etc, lU.UU Jackets, 7.y5 O.OU bkirts at 4.3 5 children: all at greatly reduced prices 13.5Q Jackets, 10.00 6.50 Skirts at . 5.00 $2?Iadie?eshoaT$l 45 Boys' Clothing ; ,; 15. 00 Jackets,' 11.85 7.50 Skirts at 5.85 2.50 ladies' shoes at 2.05 00 E sSusaJ Children s and Misses' wraps are Included in ttC tll ll tm 2.50 boys' suits at Z 195 this great sale. 3.oo men's shoes at . 2.50 3.00 boys' suits at .... 2.45 - : : 3.5o mens shoes at 2.95 3.50 boys' suits at .... 2.85 Carpets and Lace Curtains . Grocerjes 4.50 boys' suits at .... 3.50 Our entire stock of lace curtains and carpets at clearance 9- a ,1 ' 5.00 boys' suits at .... 3.95 sale prices. ' .... , " - . J - ;. Lr . . . . . 3 lbs 15c Shawls & Fascinat'rs Men's & Boys' Underw. Wool1 Waists , g g eTLoceUye190 During this great sale $ -50 garments at..... .41 $1.25 wool waists at v90 3 for 25c " , .. J5 garments at..... .67 1.50 wool waists at (.. 1.20 20c canned corn 14c shawls and fascinators will 2.00 garments at ......... . .79 2.00 wool waists at........ 1.45 Good sardines.... 6 for 25c be closed out regardless of 150 garments at..,....,..- 10 2.50 wpol waists at...... 1.95 Arm & Hammer, and S.'hil- 2.00 garments at 1.45 , 3.00 wool -waists at ..2.25 .ling's Soda.... 4 for 5c cost- " 3.50 wool waists at.. 2.45 Naptha soap..,. 4 for 25c ' Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of thi3 Great Stock of Good Merchandise, and the radical reductions apply to every article excepting only a few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control. Regulator of Cow Prices L. KLINE'S, Cbe OJbite Rouse