V IN CORVALLvS. DISAPPEARANCE OF AN OLD ' TIME LANDMARK IN Daath ond Burial of Gustav Hodes -He was Tbioe Burned out His Brewery was Carried Away in ihe Great Flood of Sixty one. Gustav Hodep. one of the land mark;) amoiiU Corvallis business men baa been removed. A new grave in Crystal Lake cemetery marks the place of his last reat. r He died Fridav. and was commit ted to Mother E trth Sunday after noon. . "j The passiDg of Mr. Hodts as is often the ceaa wuh old men was swift and unexpected. . He com - plained of ilinets fiist on Monday of last week. His symptoms at the lime were ia no seus-j alarming uq weanesday, nowevtr, ! ne wan mucti worse and the best medical afsistance obtainable was made available. s He continued in mucb pain throughout Wednesday and a .portion of Thursday , but late in the latter afternoon he was mucb easier, end it was supposed that a turn for the be t.ir and an early recovery was in prosptct. - It bd own oroeren o narit?e. nowever. Friday morning, bis condition was worbe than Vr-r. Tnrougbout the foieaoon and a pare of the after noon hii Jittr1r roan tere vinifnL TJ pi - tivea at bid bedside, brgan then to j . Ji.t it. 1 unaereiana, inui int eoa was not far waj . At a quater psst three in the alien 001 of Cariatoiaa day, be pasted awai . ; ARRIVED IN CORVALLIS " . The Tui erl occurred from 1 WJ kiasundei taking parlors at two o' l"ck Sunday afternoon. A wealth of ti libera about the ciskef, was a pari ol he tribute of the living to the dead. Toe presence ol rrlati ves and many old fiiendt. filled up the offerii g of respect Rev., Cr xick of the Presbyterrian church delivered ja brief funeral errojoo, in which many a virtue of the dt cea sed was recalled. Mors jioiible men have dud and more polished men have, Jived, but none left a . reputation f r more rugged honesty and w'n- erity of purpose than did .' Guo"tH de8. The io'erment was in Crystal Lake cemetery and was attended by- a large numbtr of people. '-' , It was in 1857 that GusUv Hodes first set foot iu Corvallis, and it was in August of that year, that he be gan bus'ness be re. . Without in terruption, he continued, in, busi ness in the town, until toe day of ..his death. He was born in Prus . Ha, Garmny, January 13, 1838. Jo the Fatherland, he learned me -trade, that ( f locksmith and gun maker. : Thereafter he spent five yeais in travelling, visiting Eypt, Palestine and other points in the Holy Lnd. In 1855, he emharktd in a sailing vessel, for the United . States. After a vovage of six months he landed in Sin Francisco 1 hf w. h rfmainrl nnttl Man tOm -- ... '"0 when he came to Ponland, leaving the latter city in August to Fettle orjjfe.as it turned outlin,C Tvailis. 1 ; CARRIED, AWAY BY ELOOD . A variety of misfortunes beset Mr. Hodes during bis business ca reer here., : His first business ven ture here was the establishment ot a I brewery,. .': As . all old timers know, C jrvallts once had a rival toWn on the opposite bank of the Willamette. It was called Orleans -aud for a time'it threatened to be equal in importance-" to its, sister Hown on the west bank. Its fouo- ;-der and inhabitants did not, how -ever, reckon with Willamette floods Among its population was ' Gustav Hodes and his brewery. The new town flourished until i 'the great flood of 1861-2, when among the building that wera carried . away was the Hodes brewery, which bad then been in operation for a period of foorvears. Like all the rest of those who had engaged in industry nr hnsinaes on ' that bank of ; the Willamette,1 Mr, ' Hodes determi ned to court no mote such calami . ties, and after the flood subsided, he ooened a gun stoie'in Corvallis. That store he.continued to conduct in person, until hia last sickness . came. - ' ' .. : THRICE BURNED OUT ' Three times during his business career he was burned put. One of these instances was the destruction of a branch gun store that he - was conducting at Fort Hoskine. That was in the days ot tne great Civil TIT A - Mnml fhovaaftap - TTnrf Hoskins west of Corvallis was the headquarters of several companies , of soldiers, and among the other pstahlishments at the place, was this gun Btore owned by Mr. Hodes' but conducted by an assistant One - . dav flames seized it. and a consid erable loss inured 'from damage f donChythe fire. v - , A second time his gun ' store 'in I Corvallis was'destrovedl fiv'fire.'Mr; Hode keprlt thenitfa'TbuIlding near where Hotel Corvallis now stands. I was a thrifty business, for in thoEe days firearms, were mucb Ut-ed.ancL tbera was much demand for'reptirs new (rnplemen-j is- and ammunition; One night, however,; iheie was a big blaze, aqd with others the Hodes store was swept away . In a third instance the residence .of Mr Hodes was 1 m ... ourneo. mere was no insurance) in either instance, aud each timel the loss sustoLutd was total. . . THE SURVIVORS. nrtf . . . inouen ine general puouc never had opportunity to view it. Mr. Hides' knowledge of history and biography wa remarkable. -'Few men read so much as he. Histori cal works both in the Engli-h and German especially attracted binii lu Gnman hi?tory, with its num erous and thrilling transactions and eveuts he was eo familiar that f-w men could tell the. story of the Fatherland with greater accuracy or fxictness. Io his dealings with his brothor man. tne deceased was scrupulous ly honest and upright, v His death lays in the grave yard the man who was longer than any other man in continuous business ia Corvallis, and blots out one that has been a landmark through the times when Oorv-tlliri has made her hit-try." E. Holgate and E. W. Fisher as well as othT sbrviying men are older residents but none other ever. conducted a business in the town -o lot g. . , The survivors are, a widow a fan j Hubert Hodfs' and a daughter Mrs-Minnie Dnman. Clem Hodes, ! 1 brother resides in Eugene, and here are other brothers in ' tbe Fatherland. . , - : IN THE GRAVE.! Death and Burial of Mrs. loan L Ban- ' ton of Alsea Died Last Week. ' Mrs. John L,'. Banton died at her home at Alsea Dec. 22nd 1903, after a lingering illness of five months Her malady was gangrene in one of her feet. 'Several months ago it was deemed advisable to amputate the leg below the knee, but the operation was not performed until about three weeks ago. 4 ; Sophia w. Majors was born Nov. 3,' 1B25 in Farquay County Virgin ia, -from whence; she 'moved ; with her parents to Monroe . County Missouria. where she was united to John L Banton in I84.9. - They came to Oregon in 1860 and settled in Alsea in i87s." The deceased was the mother of seven children of whom th fee survive; J. Arthur and Charles E. Banton and Rosalie M iers all - of Alsea Mrs. Banton became a member of the M. E. church at the age of 1 5 in which she remained a faithful member un til 1888, when she united with the Cumberland Presbyterian. Church. in which she remained until the time of her death. ' , - rn the death of Grandma Bantom Alsea loses a noble Cdristian, a good neighbor and worthy friend, while the family sustain the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. THAT-GAMBLING BILL That was Stolen How. it Could be Passed Without Legislature. , " Editor Times; ; ''r ! Referring to the article in the last issue of your paper in reference to the late law concerning the kil ling of China Pheasants it is sugges ted that it is in order now to invoke the benefit of the Initiative and Referendum," on this also the ques tion of tnak ng gtming a . lelony and requiring the rail roads to fur nish cars for shipment when demanded.-' The Supreme Court oT this state having recently held ih s Referendum a legal and vallid uw let the people now take advantr g i of the"benefits pro'vided by the "aw and express their wish for or again st the laws effecting their welfare, and there will be no danger of bills being lost or mislayed, or , mysteri ously disappearing in ; their trans mission from legislative hall to the other by the page in Salem, as is claimed in that gaming bill. There will be no need, of large delegations of lobyests-,of gamb lers and rail road Agents flocking to the State capital at each sitting of the legislature, with large quan tities of money to influence bribe legislation favorable to them and thwarting the." wilt of the people. At the election next June will : be an appropriate time to set the ref erendum law in motion. .- J. P. Morgan. - For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Qham berlain's Cough remedyf ,to loosen 1 1' - . .3 . A A 11IT. ana relieve it, uu vu tatiou an inflammation of the throat and lungs- ; For sale by Graham & Worthatn. . . , r . , CHASED BY WOLVES AND FORCED INTO A TERRI BLE FLIGHT FOR THEIR . LIVES. - They Were Big Timber Wolves in . Remote Settlement of Minne- - sota, and Five in Number Lunch Basket Saved the Travelers. . Duluth, Die. 20. C. K. Chap man, of Duluth representing a wholesale drug company, and Frank Perry last Wednesday evenioglelt Pile River, Cass county, to go 12 miles through the woods toBitkus. Four miles from Backus five savage timber wolves attacked tne sleigh, but were kept off by free use of the whip." The snow was so ' deep on the sides of the road the " wolves could not run well, and . they kept in the road behind. A mile and a half from Backus the horses - were badly winded and the wolves began trying to get ahead and etampede them: ' ':v ' ,; -' - Perry then produced a well-stocked lunch-box and threw a few mors els of f od fo the wolves. They de voured it, spending a little time fight ing over the donation." Again.they came on, and again tbey were treat ed to Bandwicbes iThese delays enabled tbe horses to slow down to -avtj ineir sirengia ana wina. Half a mile from Backus the last morsel of food was thrown out and the lunch-box ' with it. When tbe wolves came yelping fiercely again the horses were whipped to a final effort, and, jreekiasaud; tremhling, 1 b-y datd $n to BackBaj, the wolves Twiiwwing iftjod Perpy plyip&. the. whip to preyesnt tbenx from laping into the sleigh.; One horse was ru ined in the race for life. .. . - San Francisco, Dec. 26. I. B. Small, a recenrarrivai from Port land, is in the city prison here charged with assault with a deadly weapon and" carrying concealed weapons, i He had a brief conflict with some strikii g reastaursnt men and in tasting of the adversity that comes to the so-called "scab" who collides with unionism under the administration, Small, in an inter view, said: - " "I arrived from Portland, Or., on Thursday with my three . children, the oldest of whom is 14. ( I saw . a notice-in a restaurant on Market street, We give our help $12 a week,' and, thinking I might get some work for the children, I went Inside. The proprietor told me he had all the help he wanted, but' to come around in a day or two and there might be a vacancy. As I went out of the place tbe crowd booted, called me a 'scab' and ask ed me where Pgot my whiskers I told them that they were my whisk er j and that I always paid my own wy. At this one of them jumped onto me and pushed me out of the doorway and on to the sidewalk. Then two came at me, one from each side at the same time. One of them hit me a heavy blow on tne nose and the other struck me on the jaw. I backed up against the wall of tbe building and pulled a little 32-calibre revolver from my vast pocket and stood the crowd off. I was bleeding profusely : and was alone, but not one of them came nearer me than tbe outer edge of tbe sidewalk. I usually carry a big Celt's - revolver, . but left that at home in. my vali&e. - ; "After two or three minutes a couple of policeman came up and arrested me. I pointed out tbe two men who struck me, but the police men refused to arrest them.. The crowd followed me to the police station where I again u pointed out tbe men and asked that they be ar rested. This the police again re fused to do." I ; ' '. !." -; Small is in search of his wife, who eloped while the couple lived at Oswego.; Or.,' some time since. ... Paris, Dec. 25. Tbe Dreyfus de cis on has created very little excite ment. The government predicts that the public - will grow tired of the" cise by the ' end of - the three months' time which will be requir ed by tbe court of cassation to pass upon the appeal.- Dreyfus himself refuses to talk for publication, but Joseph Reioacb, formerly editor .of the Siecle, and his other friends ex press their delight at what they re- card as tne nrst step lowarus uis vindication. . Guardian's Sale. ' In the matter of the estate of Mabel E Howe a minor, notice is hereby given that under and in pursuance of an order of sale made by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon enter ed on the 25th day of November, 1903, I, Frank L Howe, guardian of the person and .estate- of eaid minor, will from and after the Uth day of January, 190. proceed to sell at public or . pri vate safe to the highest bidder for cash In hand all the estate, right, title and interest which said minor Mabel E. Howe, now has in and to the following real estate towit: - Lots ten, eler en and twelve in Block 22, in the County addi tion to the City of Corvallis, Oregon. This the 12th day of December, l(j03, at Cor vallis, Oregon. . HQWE ; Ouerdian of the Estate of Mubel E, . -, Howe, minor. ,:.:! ; ' Salem, Dec. 25. A feature of the late legislative1 session, was the theft of; the gambling law bill. - The measure wsb similar to one recently passed and placed in operation in the state of. Washington, where it is highly successful. It makes gaoob I'ng a felony, and' prescribes penal ties cal ulatsd to absoluttly control the gambling situation. . ' The Oregon bill-was hotly oppos ed, by Portlard gamblers, who cajne to the c-tpital in large num bers and with a large corruption fund with the avowed purpose of defeating the bill. Among their number were the best known among the green cloth fraternity in tbe Oregon metropolis. "How well they succeeded in their bpast'to kill the bill if they had to buy up all the members is seen from the fact that the legislature duly adjourned with out enacting the bill into a law. . , The bill was killed by stealth, and not in an open, fair . field. It passed the House with, votes to spare. That was in ' the forenoon of Wednesday. But it never rach el .the senate in a way that brought it . up for consideration. Had. it ever come to a vote i i that body, it must certainly have, passed. Few senators would have dared to vote against it and then go home to an indignant constituency. This al ternative was,. however, ' spared tbem. Ia 8me mysterious way, somehow, and by som& method that tbe publ'c cannot understand, the bill ws s stolen Various theories are afloat on the subject. " The gamblers sav the job only cost them $2,000.' Tney ex pected it to cost a great deal more and were prepared to pay the price. After pas.-ing the House in the fore noon, 'the till, according to his statemenr, was taken by A. CJen ningBi cfci-f clerk of the House to the bar of the senate. With ; it , he carried twuor three other bill, each was in a sealed envelope, ad dressed to the president of the sen ate. J-nrting8 says he called Cro nise, one of the s nate pages to the bar of tbe senate and there deliver ed to him a'll tbe bills. :Crouise de nies th's. Jennings swears it is true. Which to believe ia ; the privilege that belongs to every person. Any way if Jennings carried tbe bill to the bar of the senate, , that is the last that is known , cf it. Nobody ever heard anything further of it. It the page retlly received the bill bis natural course would have been to have " delivered it, to Brownel, tha president of the sen ate. Brownell denies that be ever received the bill. And there the matter rests. As things look, the bill went into tbe senate, but there the boodlejs got in their work; and some rascal, tempted by gold, dis graced his position, and defeated thw will of the legislature -by mak ing away with tbe bill. Somebody made money out of the transaction, but who the guilty man is, will probably never be known. Tne whole incident is now the most talked of thing in the late legisla tive session. The audacity of the gamblers with their boodle and in their methods,. ad tbe success with which they defeated the measure is the subject of very wide and often verr bitter comment. 1 - a. Colon; Dec. 2&. Colon just now ia in a state of joyful excitement, following upon "the news that the British government bad recognised tbe republic of Panama. This news, Which was conveyed early in the day by tbe British consul at , Pana ma to the junta, was received here late last evening and immediately circulated. The foreign population of Colon is largelv composed of na tives of Great Britain,v and .the Britishers joined - the natives iu their jubilation. ; ' - v AT PHILOMATH. The Christmas Trees Keighborhooi ; Movements Sunshine in Alsea. : , There were Christmas trees with appropriate exercises at both church es Christmas eve. Prof. Guthrie and family of Eu gene, --spent Christmas with, old friends at Philomath. , ; - Prof, and Mrs. Pratt spent Christ mas in Portland. F. P. Clark baB been laid up the last week with sciatica. -: , ; v Dr. Carter of Yaqoina and hia daughter, Miss Errna Carter, came over to Philomath for a few days last' week. : ' .- - 'The mail carrier from Alsea re por's bright sunshine every day in Alsea valley. .. Philomite. : Rtes for Christmas Holidays. The Corvallis & Eastern . R. E. Co. bave made a round trip rate of one fare between all stations on account of Xtnas holidays."; Tickets will be good 'going Saturday, Dec. 19, 1903, to Jany. 2, 1903 and for return at pny time up, to and in- cl uding Monday, Jan. 4. 1904- , N ticket lees than 2d cents. in- There is Men's nee. OVERCOATS . . ... Now Going on at S. L. KLINE'S j - 1 i , ' RIcHiest9 -Dafetlest Effects ' OTOGRAHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE ....... 4& CARBON The style that carried off the laurels at the ; NATIONAL. PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVENTION. , . These carbon parchments are not mouated on cards but delivered in , neat Foldeks. or at tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com- , ; ' bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam--" pies of those Carbons are now on exhibition at iEmerj'sSliEdlo, IK HOME-SEEKEES! IF YOU ARE LOOKING IFOR S$ME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I shall take-pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing, you over the country. v HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance. . Philomath, Oregon. Holgate "ATTORNEY AT A.Vf .' JUSTICE OF THE FEACK 5?ten'ocT-at)hv and tvnewritinsr dome. , Office in Burnett brick. Corvallis. Oreg OTLi AHomey-At-JLaw, ,J POSTOEfPCC 'boildino- Willamette' Valley Banking Company; GORVAIX1S - OREGON.' Responsibility $100OCO A General Banking Business. Exchange Issued payable at all finan cial centers In United States, Canada nd Europe. - , ; - Principal dorreepondents. ; FORTULND Ixtudon & SanFrancbicoBank Limited; Canadian Bank ot commerce. SAN FRANCISCO London & San Francid co Bank Umited. -. n,',1 r ' NEW YORK Mear5. J. P. Morgan ft Co , f CHICAGO First National Bank. . .. LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco Bank Limited. - SEATTLE AND TAOOMA London ft San ttanctMit imhk umma. ; - - -- -j-ifi - 9T w ?.--5--,'.sw'."r-''',- '.rW' if I a 6ale of arid Boys' DR. C? H. NEWTH, ' Physician ' & Surgeon c Philomath. Oregon. ; ; , CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. ' Time Card Numer 22. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany.- 12:45 P- m v," Corvallis...... 2:00 p. ta arrlves Yaquina 6:2o p. ta I Returning: n Leaves Yaquina 6 45 a. n. Leaves Corvallis........... 1 1 :30 a. m Arrives Albany ...ia:i5p.tu j For Detroit: - - . Leaves Albany.. 7:00 a. m - Arrives Detroit. ia:a0 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit i:0o p. m Arrives Albany 5'S5 P Train No. z arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, . as well as giving two or three hours ia Albanv before departure of S P nortkf bound train. . . Train 2ta connect mm uic j viaxAi at Corvallis and Albany giving direct sei-' vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, iireitenDusn ana other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00. a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springe the same day. ; 4 ' For further information apply to , ,- , -:j , . Managbr H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.. , , r Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany.