i LOCAL LORE. - (Advertisements In this column charged for M the rate oflf cents per line. ; Mia Frances Bslknap Is spend In the holi lays with relatives. .: : Clem Hodea come down from Eugene to attend the f aneral of bis lata brother, Ouetav Hades. - . : Andy Campbell 'has returned to GoiTxllis after an absence of several mom ha. .. ; , r , , . n Mis. Maggie Oummlnga returned Monday from a Chiistmas visit at Dallas. ; ' Mrs. H. W. Hall and eon Arthur . went to Portland Monday for a few days' vUltv ' ."" '. " ,:r- Mr.- and Mrs. A. J. Hall returned , Monday to their home at Buena Vla- Mr. and Mrs. Haenel of Monroe hive been guests of their, daughters in Job's addition. ' Miss Hattie Gillette arrived Mon day from Toledo and is letting relatives and friends. ' , , Mrs. Blalto Weathetford and children epent Christmas, with rela tives returniog Monday to their home Dr. and Mrs. F. E; 8mlth re turned to S ilana Sunday after epend-H lng Christmas with relatives. ., - Miss Laurie Burnett went to Id dependence Saturday for a visit with relatives. ' , ? J. O. Cox and son of Jefferson re fumed to their home Monday, after a visit with relatives. , - Mlas Besae Smith arrived Fri day from Salem, and is visiting rela tives, f-"-:- . ; ;. .. Miss Pauline Kline requests the Times to announce that she will be at hpme to her friends on New Year's The First Spiritual Union-of Cor vallla will bold aervicea tomorrow In Barrett Ltceum. Doors open at 2-30 Service at 3 p1. m. A cordial invita tion la extended to all. ; . - Joseph PIronI and daughter, Miss Geitrude. returned Monday to Eugene, after attendance at the fun eral of the late Gustav Hodes. Mr. and Mrs. Moee Milner have been guest for several daya of Cor- vallfa relitlvea, Mrs. Milner was Mies. Grace Hall, daughter of Mr: and Mrs Reuben Hall of Linn county. . Mra. W, D. Washburn of Browns ville, after visiting several days with her father, Caleb Davis and other Corvallla relatives, went to Soap , Creek Monday to epend a brif time with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Smith. Otto L. Haese of SIsaon. is here, accompanied, bv his wife, who Js a daughter of- E. W. Fisher. Mr, - Haese Is the publisher of the Sisson Mirror, and practices law in connec tion with bis newspaper duties.- : W. C. Metcalf, who., came with his family from Nebraska, and set ' tied in Corvallla a couple of years ago, sold hia farm In the East a few dayB ago. - He Is satisfied with hlsi two years sojourn in this section, v and expects to make further invest ments here,He already owns the property on which' he resides near , the college. ;" '' ' : :j : ' ' M. A. Miller, etate lecturer for the v .Modern Woodmen. Is to deliver an - address at the Opera House, this city on Tuesday evening, January . 5th. A general iovitation is extended, and ,it ia certain that those who bear the address will be highly entertained. In addition, there ia to be a musical , and lltejrarjr programme. There will, of course, be no admission fee. , . " Philomath f correspondent Phi lomath had a eensatiod Sunday morn ing in the shape of a jail break. Three men were confined In the jail for dis orderly conduct and during Saturday night they whittled a stick of stove wood into a wedge and pried off some boards of the ceiling, then used the boards to raise the roof. They were drudk and shooting off cannon , crackers and otherwise making them selves obnoxious when arrested. .' K'ne thousand seven . hundred and fl'ty six pounds is the amount of milk given during the months end- I T-i . ug 1U JL'CUOUIUOI uyuuu Ul liUO UUW9 1Q the dairy herd at the college. On a basis of the tests made of the milk product every week during the year, the yield of butter - was 526 pounds. At an average ' of . thirty cents per pound throughout the year , the butter product alone was worth $157.80.- The cow ia a full ' blood Jersey, and is four i years old. Of course, she Is not a wonder but a dozen, or fifteen snch cows on ; a well managed- dairy farm would make i their owner thrifty. There ia a probability that the college authorities will have charge of a tract of five acres' on the ex- - position grounds during the Lewis and Clark fair. The lair managers . are anxious for such an arrangement to be made, offering to - bear all the expense If the college people will take the matter in baod. The purpose Is to make of the Ave acres either a model farm, or to have grown on. it as great a variety of Oregon prod ucta as may be possible. The fair manager,,figure such a feature would prove very attractive, and if proper handled, be of great benefit to the whole state in that, more than , in any f other way It would tend to show some ewe. jaonaay, ur. Withycombe, Prof. Cbote and Prof. Lake went to Port land to confer with the Fair managers with reference to the matter. Wheat 71. - Carrie and Bessie Oanneman rWi Sunday for a brief visit in western Oregon. ., ( Mra. Ed. De Ormondcame Sip from Suver Tuesday on a visit to her mother. Mrs, Maggie Gummlngs. t- Alex Rennle returned Sunday from McMinnvule where he epent Christmas with bis parents. ' -r-J. M. Cameron went to Portland on business Sunday, accompanied by MrsCameroxi apd Daughter Winnie, Mrs. E. M. Maya and children re turned Monday to their home at Elk City after a two-weeks yisit in Corval lis. The only new deed filed for re cord Is, J. F. McCartney to Malinda J. McCartney, five acres near Monroe, - Julius Wuestef eld went to Eugene Monday in company with a number .of friends who came from that city to at tend the funeral of G. Hodes. 'Mies Mattie Potts of Job's addi tion has been seriously involved with iofUmmation of the arm, but her condition was improved yesterday morning. ' ' . , ' ' - Gn. B. Harder was the guest of W. E. Yates and family Monday night. Mr. Harder had been on a week's leave of absence and returned Mon day to Tils home in Portland. ;. ,1 While heavy foga have hung over Corvallla for tbe past two weeks, the story ia that Alaea, Blodeett, Summit and at the seaside a bright sun shines constant ly through the day, and the climate is almost that of the good old summertime. ' ' ' ". , The Presbyterian, Congregational and . Baptist eh ni ches will unite for special meetings during the week, of prayer, beglnningvnext 'Sunday eyen insr, at' tbe Congregational church. As a preparation, a watch night service will be held In the Preeby terian church beginning at 10:30; ; : , Contractor" AdolpbT Peterson ar rived Christmas day from Condon, Gilliam county, where he has just completed a court house. The struc ture i of brick and stone, and cost a bout $16,000. Mr. Peterson alao did a lot of work for the Condon bank as wf 11 as for other paople, and had al together a profitable season's cam paign in building, ' '" Mr, and Mral S. L. ' Kline arrived Mon iay after an absence' since Sep tember In the East: Ou the trip they visited Chicago, New "York, Washing ton and other principal cities, conclud ing tbir long jjurney with a return a few weeks ago to San Francisco. They were met at Albany, on their way to Coivallia by their sod Walter, who ac companied them to Portland and re turd. ,i j Alaea correspondent: N. J. War field recently purchased of Oecar Tern of Angora, 15V bead of. registered goat3, 14 nannies and one billy, for which he paid $15 each inr the nannies an1$60 for the billy. , It is doubtful if there are better goats to be found in the etate tbau in Alsea. Mr. War fl Id Is an experienced froarmao and knows tbe value of good blood when breeding stock of any kind. " The hew teacher for the public schools is. Miss Margaret FowelU, dnugbter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fow. ells. . She was elected to the position in order that the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Maud Kerns might be filled. -: Mlas Fowells ia to take the fourth grade ' now ' presided over by Miss Grace Huff, and tbe lat ter is to taBe the first grade, of which Miss Jierns was tbe teacher. ' B H. Lin villa of Portland, and Malinda M. Lenger, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John M. Lenger of this city, were united in marriage at the home of the brides parents, Christmas eve, The ceremony was performed by Rev. . Li. Moore, ua account oi ; the re cent death of the brides grandfather, the wedding occurred. in tbe presence of the Immediate family only. Mr, and Mrs. Llnvllle will remain in Cor vallla for a few days, after which they will return to Portland, where the bus Dana nas steaoy employment as a plumber. Within the past few days there has been quite an exodus from Cor valllf, composed largely of women and children going to California tOTemaln from one to two months. Last week Mr. and Mrs Clyde Hays and the lat ter 's sister, Mrs. S. B. Bain went to Portland to attend the marriage of these ladiea' brother on Christmaa day. Thia entire party went oveiland to San Francisco. On the same day there left Oorvallis for Los Angeles a party consisting of Mrs. John Burnett', Mrs. R. H. Huston and daughter, Mrs. T. Whitehorn and child and Mra, E. W. Phillips. , - The seat of power and light out at tbe college as well as heat la now at the heating plant. The addition to the building foivhouaiDg the machinery of the light and power plant has been completed at the heating plant," and a portion of the former has already been lnetalled. The remainder will be - in place and be ready for use by Satur day. The addition is the eame height as the original heating plant building and has a floor space of about 2,000 feet By the change, the system which after use in furnishing power and light at : the "old plant went, entirely to waste as exhau6t will be sent through the beating system, and to be a source of much economy. There will also' be a savlnglnttab'or'andfae).'';:''-''''''"': : Will keep open evenings until Jan 190V E PGreflbs, the Jeweler, 1. ARTY." ; they Cbme't'o Corvallt Baif a ;Local - ' i , ' r -. ' in , ; .. ity. and Make a Good Catch. ... - The method'of: baiting -is - pract-5 iced throughout the whole range of animal nature as a - means of ed snaring that which' promotes ex istence or satisfies some other de sire. Many of the lowest immobile forms of marine life obtain food by enticing other insects with n reach by means of baits or decoys, The fable of the spider and the fly is in point. The most successful method of catching fish with a hook' is to bait them and allow them to feed unmolested for a time., The plan Serves'to bring many fish to, one lo cality, and induces a sharp struggle for the morsel containing the dead ly hook. The same method ap plies to killing ducks and geese, Baiting in one form or another will lure tO(death the most' wary ani mal. - Savages understand the principle a shown by many, of their practices in the hunt, and in warfare. The most enlightened citizens of the most enlightened na tions are hot immune from ' decep tion from bait in one or other of its multifarious and nefarious forms. ''Electric Bill" was the leader of a party that arrived in Corvallis Saturday on a fishing expedition. His attendants were a lady, prob ably Mrs. Electric Bill, and a. gen-j tleman whose name cannot be re called. Shortly after noon Bill drove about the streets proclaiming to all ' the fishes withm hearing, what a great feed he would in a few minutes give them at a ' stated lo cality on Main street. Thither a large school of fishes of every des cription assembled, and thither the fishermen arrived on , time. He told of many wonderful things he would perform in their presence in a short time, but he was ever after ward too busy to carry out that portion of the programme. x One of the things which he was to do was to cut oflf a boy s head and re place it as snugly as before the op eration. As an evidence, of. good faith, he had in the buggy with him a live boy with a head natur ally and securely faEtened upon his shoulders, and a huge cheese knife with which to execute his purpose. Bill's intention on that particu lar afternoon, a3 he alleged, was simply to advertise tlectfip belts, a commodity which he would offdr for sale during the afternoons of subsequent daye. and raise the pricej a dollar each . sucre-ding day. As a preliminarj' in such advertising he sold a large number 01. vials ot headache medicine for any amount the purchaser wished to py, At the close, of these sales he presented the more liberal . buyers with a quarter each to show . that he was ail right with, other fellows that were air right. The next feature ofthe advertisement was to sell several electric belts for . a dollar each and. return to the purchaser the original price and $1.50 in ad dition. After that when Bill , sold a belt he added $1.50 to the dol lar be received, wrapped the $2.50 in a paper, laid it aside in open view , told the purchaser to be sure to remain, xand gave out the impres sion that there would be presently a grand distribution of cash among his patrons. . No v and . then he significantly advised a previous purchaser to take another belt. His advice was; usually acted up on, as many believed that the more belts they purchased the larger would be the number of $2 50 packages falling to their ' share in the grand distribution. . In fact the fishes were eager for the bait and three four And as" high as five belts were sold to each of a number of persons. : It seems as though whole families must be afflicted, judging merely' lrom the purchases. When the harvest of dollars was complete, he asked many of his patrons, if they had purchased from a speculative motive. They had not. Asked if they bought because they wanted the belts for self-protection they answered in the affirma tive. Bill was very glad to know that they were satisfied, and that being the case he would retain the $2.50 packages. After thanking his patrons for their liberal patron age he scooped y the coin into a satchel which he held in ' his left hand. y In his right hand he gras ped his cheese knife, discharged the boy, and passed through the crowd toward his hotel, leaving many ot his patrons overstocked with cheap electric belts worth . 40 cents a bushel or more at the junk shop. In a brief space of time the fisher men were on their way to Albany in a carriage. :;' Loer. ' Last week, near First and Madison streets, four keys on ring. Finder will leave at this office. . We can please you. with presents that are appropriate- popular and practical. in the line of watches, jewelry and dia monds. -'; .; F. M. French, jeweler, Albany. I'flSHINGf PARTY." i GEStftNE'pR BtoUS?" - And the Question is, Which? Claimed v 7 to be Government Official, v - -. . : y... ),,rti.vAv..a,.ii;A Is ' he t genuine t Thatu is .what Corvallis saloon men want to know of a man who was in town over Monday night, and who claimed to be an internal revenue officer. "Is he genuine?" is also echoed and re echoed by people who have heard of his doings. He wore a star, on which was engraved the '"words, U S Inspector." He frequently dis played this badge. He visited all the saloons. He was glib in speech about his official doings,, and never refused a proffered drink, ; " At Broders he invaded the celler unaccompanied, and later told the proprietor that he had found there numerous kegs of beer that were unstamped. Being unstamped, had his statement been true, wouldhave constituted a violation of the inter halrevinuelaws with a penalty of $100 He confidentially informed Mr Broders that it could all be straigh fened out on payment of $25. The money was not - paid, because the strange proposition . excited Mr. Broder's suspicion, in which the question that was uppermost was, "Is he genuine?" 'If genuine, why did the alleged official offer to fix the thing up for $25, a thing that he had no right to do. . The man left town so eaily yes terday morning, that nobody , saw him go, leaving behind a strong suspicion at least that he is not genuine, but bogus. If genuine the officers over him should iuquire into his methods, and apply cor rectives.'. Fakirs Caught Both. A fakir, and there are many of them now, recently sold needles about town at 15 cents a package, and effected many sales. He pur chased the needles at a local store where they are regularly sold at 10 cents. ' . A daughter, whose father sold the needles to the faker at the lower figure, bought them of the latter at 15 bents. The joke then was on (.the daughter. It is on the father now.however, because he bought electric belts of another fake, and took them in job lots. VOTED FOUR AND HALF MILLS. For School Purposes in Corvallis Dis- ' trict But Twelve Votes Cast. Taxpayers in Corvallis school district will pay special schoottaxes this year, aggregating $4, 821. They paid last year on thi same account, $4, "57 5 The taxes last year were on a levy of seven and one 'half mills on a total valuation of $610,0 00. This years higher tax is on a levy of four and a half mills on a property valuation of $1,071,380. The new tax was voted at a spe cial school election held Monday. The voting was at the County treasurers office,- and but twelve votes ' were cast. The number would have been even less but v for the activity of the directors in. go ing "out and bringing in voters, several of the twelve being thus pulled in to cast a ballot. The propositions on which people voted were four in number. The total levy carried by a vote of li to one, one person alone registering nay to each proposition. What the money is to be spent for is set forth in the following, which appeared on the official ballot: ' ; 1st 14 mill tax to pay outstan ding indebtedness on new building. 2nd 1 mill tax to pay for sewer, water closets and furniture. ; 3rd 1 mill tax to pay insurance and interest on bonds 4th 1 mill tax to pay teachers salaries. " - Bkter Than a Plaster. A piece of fiaDnel damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on tbe affected parts, is bet ter than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated muscular and rheumatic pains. For Sale bv Graham & Wortham, ' The celebrated stilletto at tbe Bicycle Hospital. ' warranted 1 pocket knives Every blade Upholstering.; Lounges, Coaches, Desks, Folding Beds, I Etc, made to order. Particular attention given to special orders and repairing.- All work guaranteed. One door south pf Rj M. Wade's, Main street. W. W. Holgate, Mrs. N. F. ROBISON CLAIRVOYANT CARD . READER, PALMIST. Also gives reading by mail if given date of birth, color of hair, eyes, and three leading questions. Alao I have a fine remedy for ladies who suffer with female complaint, "a woman's friend. My address corner Third and Jefferson Sts. over the Corvallis laundry. ; ; , ? S'-Peffeent- Off HOLI At S. L. KLINE'S. What you Want Is to try the New Goods which have just arrived at HOPES' Crystallized Pineapple Crystallized Cherries Crystallized Ginger Fresh Nabiscos Fresh Cookies New Walnuts ; New Almonds S ENERGY, Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483. REDUCTION REMNANT SALE a o F T "uTT T 1?B No Dish Tickets on OAC Cleaning &. Pressing Co. C. C. Cate. . - Tel. "791 B. H. Cate. We call for, clean, presa and' deliver one suit or your clethea each - week for one dollar permonth. -Toadies skirta cleaned, Five doors south efF.O.7 DAY GOOD QROGERY. Fresh Cranberries ; Fesh Huckleberries New Ilqney New Figs and Dates Olive? in Bulk German Pickles Swiss Cheese. , Tbe Great Health Food. o o "Red Tag" Sales. Bucks for Sale. Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two, years old past, Good sheep with j.ricea reasonable. - Call on or address ' , . " ' T. W.B.Smith, , ' "' ' . . Coryallia . Phone Surburban 43. s ( I