The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 26, 1903, Image 3

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( Advertisements In this column charged; 'or
at the rate of IS cents per line.
. Born recently, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Foster, a son,' "
Regular meeting of the Coffee
Club Monday afternoon at 1 -.30.
George Cathev arrived Thilrsday
and is spending the holidays at his
Mrs Burnett has arrived from
Albany and a guest at the GrefCoz
Smith Mann arrived Wednesday
to spend the holiday vacation with his
Eugene Guard Bev. T. S. Han
eaker of Corvallis, is visiting his par
ents in this city. '
Mrs. Sarah Moore has issued
cards for an "At Home," Wednesday
at-errjoan. December thirtieth.
Mrs. A- C. Barclay and children
arrived" Wednesday from Portland
and are guests of Mrs. Sarah Moore.
There wll be services at the
Catholic church tomorrow. Mass
will be an hour later than usua'. Ev
ening services at 7:30 p. m.
The reeular services will be held
at the M. E. church South, tomorrow
miming and evening. League at
6-45 p. m. and Sunday school at 10
a, m.
Dr. and Mis. F, E. Smith and
eon. arrived from Salem Thursday,
and are guests at the home of Mrs.
Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M.
Alfred Sehummel. whose father
was recently burled, is here from Tu
lare, Calif., to look after the condition
of his relative's estate. It is probable
that the widowed mother will go to
California to reside.
; The First Spiritual Union pi Cor
vallis will hold services tomorrow lo
Barrett Lyceum. Diors open at 2-30
Service at 3 p. m. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all.
'Phillip Fowler is the name of a
new arrival who has come to Corval
lis with hi-i family to reside. Mr.
Fowler is a first class blacksmith,
an1 has accepted & position at J. T.
Phillips' well known establishment.
Eugene Register Contractor W.
L. Heokart and wife were passenger
on today's train going to Bruce, Bod
ton county, on a Christmas visit. He
will return after the holidays while
M-8. Heckart will stay for several
Toree sheep, killed by a ; nairt.
were found deal on the ra. -.; ot
h Thomas Taylor, Id Lobster the uth-
i er day. SSapp Brothers of the vi-
' cinity heard of the incident,' and the
' following day put bounds on the
1 tracK oi tna animal. . wuom nuuti
time a cougnr was treed, and a bullet
- from the rifle of Clarence Sapp killed
' him, The carcass measured nine
i feet from tip to tip. i:
Fifty head of stock sheep are
... said to have.cbaoged hands this week
: ' at a dollar per head. P. A. KUue was
the purchaser. The ruling price ot
stock sheep however, is 81.25 to $2.
The price will undoubtedly get better
-' as the winter advances. The high
j price ot feed and the over supply ,ot
sheep is the chief cause ef'v the decliae
In values. Good beef is now quoted
at three and a quarter, which is : a
slightly bettpr price than recently
ruled. A well known dealer freely
predicts that beef will be three aud a
.- quarter or better in the spring.
Work Is progressing on the new
cement building that Bert Thompson
is erecting on Main street. The walls
. have been completed above the first
story, and are gradually neariog the
top of the second. ' A layer ot cement
la laid on the wall on one side of the
building, and while it Is hardening.
, a.elmllar addition is made to the
wall on the other side. It is ex
pected now that the building will
be ready for occupancy about March
" lsr The lower fl3or is to be occu-
- pied by the furniture and music es-
' tablishment of O. J. Blackledge. The
lower floor la 70 by 25 feet and the
a i. efl-k. ner
.. , -Business Is rushing at the express
Office n jw. The arrival and depart
ure of Christmas packages makes a
vouriie of business that the force
.avalable la only able to handle with
extreme difficulty. Oa the railroad
the Christmas business is so great
" - in amount that messengers are buried
under it. Such a crush is expected
.alwavs as holidays apbroacb, but
' thfs year is a record breaker. Incid
entally; too, the volume ot business
at the local office shows an increase
durlngthe past year to the amount of
$150 to $200 per month, The fact
lnvicates a healthy growth of popula
- tlon in the district tributary to the
r- firoe. - That is to say, there are more
people' to send and receive packages.
At correspondent writing from
Philomath, says: The department of
elocution at tne College of Philomath
gave a recital .Tuesday night that
i from start to finish delighted the
audience which packed Keezel chapel
. t.n iivnr flovinor- Prof. M. (Innd.
nough's rendition of Valse Brillante
by Schulhoff, Rondo Caprlccloso by
Manrta aonnn D n f va aa Krf llanrn Yxr
' i Mo6zkowekl was a .brilliant exhibi
tion of technical skill. He possesses
marvelous powers of interpreta'lon.
'. Miss Mabel Oronlse delighted the au-
: dieoce ln"two chasming selections.
Miss Cronlse8 style is entirely free
from the affectation that bo frequent
ly characterizes the performance of
f r tvaf nAft ainerara TTor vnnnl norfnrm-
ahces show her tutorage to have been
strictly classical.
Mrs. M. Jacobs entertained the
social Whist Club last Saturday.
Little Gertie Sechler Is seriously 111
at the Sechler home with pneumonia.
Mrs. Martha Burnett spendiDg
Christmas with her sonBruce, atjj'alls
City. ,
A new walk will soon be in service
between Mrs. Mason's and the Maon
Furnitnre store.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hall are spend
ing Christmas at the. home of their
son, Hat ley Hall, near Corvallis.
Workmen are laying a two inch
main through the. alley in the rear of
the Fisher and S. L. Kline brick on
Main street.
Mrs. Ellsworth Irwin went to
North Yamhill Wednesday to spend
Christmas with her mother and other
members of the family. (
Theodore Barnbart is paintirig a
sign one and a half by sixteen feet for
a new bank at Condon. It is to be
shipped there in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Benrao,' of
ElleDsberg, Wash., is in Corvallii on a
visit to Mr. and Mrs. Will Horning.
The ladies named are -sisters.
Representative Hayden arrived
Thursday from attendance on the ex
tra ppspion at Salem, and is to leave
Saturday for hi3 home in Alaea.
Many ot Otto F. L. Hers'sfriends
eported fine Havanas Wednes
day at the former's expense, all be
cause there U a new baby girl at bis
Walker, the O. A. C. Center, win
bas been employed during the holiday
vacation at Harris's tore, left Thurs
dav for Portland to spend the ' holi
days with bis parents.
Mrs. Fred Adlerd arrived Wed
nesday night from near Condon. She
is a sister ot Mrs. W. A. Buchanan,
and came to be at the bedelde ot (be
latter, who is seriouely ill.
-Mrs, Martha Burnett, Mrs M. A.
Canan and possibly the elder Mrs.
Pernot, expect to leave for California
Monday. Mrs. Huston and Helen will
probably be members of the party.
Chester Avery arrived Thursday
from Southeastern Oregon, and will
remain in Benton during the wlntr
He still has a band of cattle in Lake
county, but they have been placed in
the hands of other parties for feeding
purposes end will not require Mr.
Avery's attention this winfr.
Iovi'-aMonB are out for the New
Year's reception to be given by the
Ladies CoftVe Club. ' The fuuotion
tr inspires at Firemen's Hall from 2:30
to six. New Year's a'ternoon, and as
on all former occasions of the kind, is
certain to be very popular and suc
cessful. The Invitation la general.
Miss Anna Thompson was hastily
summoned to Portland Wednesdny on
account of an acci lent to her sister,
Mrs. Joseph Ebner. formrly or Oor
vallis. A news Item ia Wednesday's
Oregon! u relates , that Mrs. Eboer
was accidentally caught between two
:eet cars, and was badly shaken up.
Her leg" u lies are not serious. .
Ben Elcin has resigned his posi
tion a3 mail carrier on R. F. D. Rout's
number 2 The resignation is to take
f ff-ct as soon as bis successor can be
qualified. O. B. OoDnnr has been
Darned for the plaee, and has. given
bond. As soon as the -bond ia ap
proved, Mr. Connor wi'l go, on the
route. The chaoge will probably be
made ia a few days.
The three-months-old child of
Mr. and Mrs..Henry Norton was buri
ed in Masonic cemetery yesterday af
ternoon. The family arrived Tuesday
from Raoier.'and were guewts at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Klger.
They came for medical aid for their
babe, but the child died the afternoon
of their arrival. Mrs. Norton is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Eiger
formerly of Blodgett,
Mr. Miller and family arrived
Wednesday from Indian Territory,
and hdve come to Benton to . reside.
They are the advanced guard of sev
eral families who will also pitch their
tents here it Mr. Miller's report of
conditions h favorable. Mi. Miller
Bays that many people ia his part of
the country have their eyes on Ore-
goD, and are only waiting a favorable
opportunity to seek new homes in the
West. . : " '
W. L. Sharp and A. Hodes were
the lucky ones at the raffle for the live
deer Tuesday evening. Chances on
the animal were sold to the amount of
about $25. Previous to the raffle
there- was much speculation as to
which, ot the participants would have
a fine piece of venison for his Christ
mas table. It turns out, however, that
the deer will not appease the holiday
appetite of any one. It was purchas
ed from the winners by J. Wrage, who
sent it to Newberg, where, a suitable
enclosure will be provided for it.
Carpet ,Weaving.
If you want any carpet or rug weaving
done send it to A. W. Herbert, south of
College campus. ! : . r
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year. - .
Coupled with this wish to the friends
and patrons of the . Occidental ' Hotel, I
wish to state that, contrary to report, I
expect to continue in business at the
same old corner, k .
Try our turkey dinner Xm as.
H. M. Brunk, proprietor,
Will ke ep open evenings until Jan i,
1904, E PGreffoz, the Jeweler,
Is it Cougar or Mushrooms? Fatality
Among Ed Blake's Goats.
It turns out that, Instead of fif
teen, there are 36 dead goats on the
farm of Ed Blake, who resides on
Soap Creek. In Saturday's Times
it was recounted how the number
was fifteen, and that the fatality
is supposed to have resulted from
eating toadstools or mushrooms.
The goats were running in the
timbered hills on the western part
of the farm, and the dead ones were
found on Tuesday of last week. It
was also related that some of the
dead goats were found partly cov
ered with dirt and rubbish, as
though some marauding wild ani
mal had secreted the carcasses.
Mr- Prindle, who came in' from
the farm Wednesday morning, re
lates that the number of dead goats
is 36, instead oi fifteen! They are
a part of a band of 200 that Mr.
Blake was. pasturing in the fir tim
ber in the hills. In the s'omach of
one goat that was subjected to a
post mortem examination, ' mush
rooms were found. ' It was also no
ticed that the plants, which were
abundant in the vicin.ty had been
bitten off. All this tended to set up
a theory that the fatality resulted
from eating the plants, aud accord
ingly a quantity of the mushrooms,
taken from the vicinity have been
sent to the Times office, whence
they were placed in the hands of
Prof. Pernot.' bacteriologist at the
college. Professor Pernot will in
vestigate the plants to determine
whether or not they are poisonous.
Unfortunately for the purposes of
the examination, a stomach with
its contents from one of the dead
goats was not sent. In case death
resulted from eating the mushrooms
it might of happened either from
acute indigestion, or from poison,
and a more accurate result could
have been reached if an examina
tion of one of the stomachs and its
content could have been made.
According to th6 statement of
Mr. Prindle, a cougar or other wild
animal may have had a hand in the
killing of the goats Tracks were
found that were so large that they
are believed to have been that of
a cougar. At the spot there was
much moss and other rubbish, and
a clear imprint of the footstep could
not be found. As stated last Sat
urday many of the carcasses were
found ; partly covered, which" is
certain indications that a wild ani
mal was on the scene about , the
time of the fatality.
With goats worth $4 and $5 per
head, Mr Blakes loss is
able. The suvivors in the herd
nave been taken from the timber
and are now grazing in a safer lo
cality. '
he. Couldn't Snoot Wild
There Now he is Mad.
Jesse Foster was in town Wed
nesday, and was in that Irame of
mind that usually comes to a' man
who falls six or seven times over a,
rocking chair when he is seeking
his virtuous couch in the darkness.
That is to say, Mr. Foster was
mighty mad, not at the family rock
ing chair, but at . goose-hunters.
His anger was serious . enouah, . it
is related, that he sought -the ad
vice of lawyers, and that he has
gone home, prepared for war if
necessary. "
There is a pond on his place,
where the geese roost at night
time, : Briar bushes are around the
spot, and hunting there is : trans
cendendy attractive as well as easy.
As a result, the hunters" round
about have shot there a great deal
notwithstanding the fact that the
farm is plastered all over with
trespass notices, wlych warn sports
men to stay away. -
It was all right with the farm
owner until he wanted a goosehim
self. But the sh6oting was so con'
stant each evening that it. dawned
on Foster that if he ventured down
he might get shot.- . Nevertheless,
he sallied down to the pond the
other night, feeling all the time
that there was danger in every
step, and sure enough as he got
near, "bang, bang," went a dozen
shots with geese and goose shot
flying in his and every other di
rection. In consequence, he went
home without a goose, and madder
than if he had fallen over forty
rocking chairs. Jt is time now for
the neighbors to give Je$se a chance
at his goose pond. .
The celebrated stilletto pocket
at the Bicycle Hospital. Every
Batter Than a Plaster.
A piece of flannel damped with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on the affected parts, is bet
ter than a plaster for a lame back
and for pains in the side or chest.
Pain Balm has no superior as a
liniment for the relief of deep seated
muscular and ''rheumatic pains.
For Sale by Graham & Wortham.
New Law Prohibits Killing of China
Pheasants What Hunters Say.
As for bottled wratb, there-is
more of it Corval'is now than there
has been in town since the coyote
and the red skin were the . only
resident, There was more pro-
fanity and more threat of damage
to life and limb Thursday afternoon
and since that Carrie Nation could
arouse in a four weeks raid on the
saloons of the- country. Even
members of the church were heard
to say, ':darn," "Dog on it," "by
jinks." and a whole lot more words
dreadful to hear.
. The whole trouble is over the
action of the legislature in passing
a law which prohibits the killing
of China pheasants until the year
1906. The news came like a thun
derclap in a clear sky, and it sent i
every sportsmen in town on his feet j
swearing like a sea captain. The
news spread over town like wild
fire and within an hour every hunt
er in town looked as though hewasto
sturt to the graveyard to sit awhile
among the headstones in the disi
mal evening time Ed Wilson ap
peared as though suffering with a
bad attack of colic, and Sheriff
Burnett like some incurable ailment
bad hold of him. The universal
verdict wasl that the legislature
had made a sublime donkey of'
itself. '
The new law passed with but
few votes against it. The argu
ments used for it were that the
pheasants were fast disappearing,
and that unless killing was prohib
ited for a time, they wonld disap
pear . altogether. Representative
Cornut of Linn, combatted this as
sertion and said there are as many
pheasants now'as at any time before
and that it the law should be passed
he should hate to go home among
his constituents.
SThe law wi)l only be effective in
increasing the number of law brea
kers. Pheasants will be killed re
gardless of the law, the hunters
say, because they are plentiful, and
there was no reason for passage of
the new act, They thipk the next
legislature will be prompt in re
pealing the measure.
Gives Officers Much Trouble to Land
' '' Him in Corvallis Jail.
A big, raw-boned, tough-looking
husky, pretty well jagged, got off
the west-bound C & E. traM Wed
nesday. On the cars he had been
! boisterous and disorderly, drinking
ireqnentiy irom a Dome ana orner-wi-e
conducting himself in a dis
reputable manner. He loafed about
the depot for a couple ot hours and
there made himself as disagreeable
as possible to parties in the vicinity
j When it was suggested that he seek
a hotel, he at once became belliger
ent Station Agent Cronise tele
phoned lor the police and Chief
Lane aud Night Officer Osburn
were soon on the scene. The fel
low resisted arrest, and it was fin
ally necessary to call the assistance
of several other persons and a dray.
After a hard struggle he was bound
to the dray and thus conveyed to the
city jail. Upon being freed when
the jail door wa about to be closed
he darted at Osburn as if to strike
that .officer, but was intercepted in
time to save the ruffian a battered
skull, as Osburn had drawn back
with a massive padlock in his'.hand.
A search of the fellow's person was
1 rewarded by $3.60 in cash. He
pretended to be from
Butte, Mon-
Qn Jan. 5, igo4, is the time for you to
enroll in the Corvallis Business College.
Something new Japanese crepes, plaid
and fancy, for shirt waists, kimonas, etc,
Ladies call and see them. Nolan &
We can please you with presents that
are appropriate- popular and practical.
in the line of watches, jewelry and dia
. F. M.French, jeweler, Albany,
Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at
Fruits livery stables every Friday oi
each week. Brine your horses and
have them examined free of charge.
Lounges, : Couches, Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular
attention given to special orders and re
pairing. All work guaranteed. One
door south' pf R. M. Wade's, Main street,
, W. W. Holgate,
Also gives reading by mail if given date
of birth, color of hair, eyes, and three
leading questions. Also I have a fine
remedy for ladies, who suffer with female
complaint, a woman's friend. My address
corner Third and Jefferson Sts. over the
Corvallis laundry.
At S. L.
Is to try the
Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries
Crystallized Ginger
Fresh Nabiscos
Fresh Cookies
New Walnuts
New Almonds
Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483.
J1U LliJ ii x WUiJy
And everything in the Toy
line for the little folks.
New Dress Goods, New Collars, New Handkerchiefs.
' Hemstitched Linens, Dresser Covers.
Tray Cloths, Laundry Bags, Cushion Tops,
Shoe Bags, New Umbrellas,
New Ribbons.
Circular Shawls, Wool Squares, Ladies' Belts.
Kid Gloves, Cushion Girdles, Hand Bags.
New Lace and Handkerchief Linens.
Pompadour Combs. :
New Table Linen and Napkins.
A complete new lino of Gents' and Youth's Furnishings,
including Fancy Shirts, Ties, Hosery pnd Underwear for
Christmas Trade. Also new lines of High! Top and
,-;,' . Heavy Shoes.
F. L. Tliller, .Corvallis;
OAC'Cleaning & Pressing Co.
C. C. Gate. Tel.. 791 R. H.Cate.
We call for, clean, press and deliver
one suit or your clothes each week for
one dollar per'monthT Ladies skirts
cleaned. Five doors south of .P. 0,
New 'Goods
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olive? in Bulk
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese.
Tbe Great
Health Food.
Bucks for Sale. .
Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two '
years old past, Good sheep with ric:
reasonable. Call on or address .
- ' T. W. B. Smith,
Phone Surburbaa 43.