The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 26, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
There is deep and wide signifi
cance in an incident that happened
Tuesday in the Oregon senate,
then in extra session. After ad
journment of the legislature last
' .year, Governor Chamberlain re
lumed a number of bills with his
-veto. The senate is overwhelm-
ingly republican and the governor
a democrat, by reason of which
it might have , been expected that
at the first opportunity the senate
would have been swift to pass the
bills over the vetoes.
In spite of this difference in po
. litical opinions, the senate, in the
incident referred to, refused to take
up and consider the vetoes. In
short, though composed of 24 re
' publicans and five democrats, the
senate deliberately elected to iei
this democratic governor's vetoes
stand, rather than oass the bills
r. . . x
over his head. The senators un
uestionably believed the position
' of the governor to be sound, and by
a public refusal to take up the ve
toes was willing to acknowledge
-it. It is a frank and manly in-
. dorsement of the governor'by po
liticallv hostile legislators, and is
alike creditable to the governorand
By the vetoes $100,000 in ap
propriations, was saved the people
of Oregon. The result shows that
at is a most wholesome situation
when a legislature is of one and the
governor of another political party.
It also shows that the present gov
er of the state is sound in his busi
ness judgment as well as vigorous
and honest in his administration of
By lion g the period of the ex
tra sess vn to three days, the Ore-
gon legislature has done well. Ib
the time, several important meas
ures were passed, and at adjourn
ment time the legislators and the
people had the satisfaction of know
irig that the entire cost of the ses
sion was but $7,500.
The result, shows what legisla
tures can do when the assembling
is for business and the effort to at
tend to that business is sincere.
, It would doubtless be fortunate
for the taxpayers and for the offi
cial records of members, if the
constitution named a few instead
of forty days for a legislative ses
sion. Even more fortunate 'would
at be for all, were United States
.senators elected by direct vote, in
stead of by legislative assemblies.
All this, with a governor who
would have the courage and the
capacity to confront members with
the cold necessity of a brief busi
ness session, as was the case in this
special session, the whole arrange
ment would be as perfect as the
land of fallen man could make it.
At least for the brevity and its
Business indusery, the late session
is in a class by itself, and on these
accounts deserves commendation.
Must get Back Quickly, or Their Com
ing Will be Costly.
Will his Corvallis friends ever
see Chinaman Sorbin again, is a
query that the latter wonder over,
and will they see the other four or
five chinamen that went a year ago
to China with him, is another ques
tion. .Tim Sing, the cook, says they
will not, unless they go over to the
Flowery-Kingdom, and search for
the absent , Corvallisites among
heathen compatriots. The claim
is that the missing Corvallis laun
dryman and his friends are in China
without credentials that will re
admit them into the United States.
The exclusion law is very strenu
ous now. The main source of in
gress to the country is via Victoria
B. C, and thence across the border
line by secret routes into Uncle
Sam's dominions. January 1st,
however, the Canadian government I
puis into operation a law that ex
acts a duty ot $ 500 per nead on
Chinamen entering Victoria. That
means that Sorbin and his collea
gues must arrive meantime, or, pay
in fare and duty $600 each for the
privilege of a return, and Jim Sing,
the cook, says they haven't the
money to do this. "Spend em heap
money China; ketchee wife, ketchee
house, givem money , fader and
mudder; quick go bloke" paid the
culinary artist. "Cost 'em $600
get back now heap money; heap
tlouble Sorbin soon be old man
Hab stay China."
"Taxpayer" Trains his Batteries Upon
the Dogs and Dog Laws.
Citizen, who pleads in The Times
for the lives of Corvallis dogs upon
which the lawful tax is not
paid, or which ' have no
owners is respectituuy invited to
spend a night in the north end of
town. It would perhaps be. the
best argument that c ild be
brought to bear upon one who is
so Jsuperfluously endowed with hu
manity. The law in fact is sub
ject to just criticism in that it is not
as severe as it ought to be. A law
which licenses a pack of curs to
make life miserable to a community
ought to be unconstiiutional if it is
not. In a city the number of valu
able dogs is all out of proportion to
the numberW worthless creatures
that bark a howl at uothing all
through the-uight, and if our laws
are intended to conserve the inter
est of the greatest number, our city
ordinances should prohibit entirely
the keeping of dogs within the cor
poration. At ay rate it seems to
me to be a gross imposition to li
cense any dog to chase : about the
streets of the city. iog of any
kind which habitually runs atlarge
snould be subject to the legal pro
visions governing those now un
licensed, and if the officers are un
aDie to tate tne aog tne owner
should be impounded and unless
witnin iorty-eigtit nours he gives
; satisfactory evidence of a change of
heart as regards the rights of others
he should be despatched and buried
in the manner as provided for the
disposition of impounded dogs.
Possibly this arrangement might be
satisfactory to Citizen. It would
in a measure inure to the safety
of the dog. -
Taxpayer. r
Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Hills
For Sale.
JJright cheat and rye grass hay, vetch,
spelts, timothy, and rye grass seeds,
Poland China hogs, Shropshire' rams,
Good, hright vetch straw, fresh from
the barn, for sale at reasonable prices.
, 1 It Brooks,
e."e; white
Real Estate Co.
Makes him Master of a Farm -Heck-arts
Houses Rennie's Dead Horse.
After negotiating for some weeks
a contract has been signed by
which Henry Gerhard leases his
Kiger island farm to a Chinamaa
named Sing On. The term of the
lease is ten years. Aside from a
cash rental, Mr. Ou agrees and
stipulates that during the 6rst year
he will set out thirty acres of hops
and yearly increase the averane un
til sixty acres have been planted.
The lessee is to build an adequate
hop house, and all these improve
ments are to go to Mr. Gerhard at
the expiration of the tea years.
Sing On, not long since, purchas
ed or leased for 99 years an island
farm formerly owned by George
Henkle. Upon this there are al
ready 30 acres in growing hops.
Among our Chinese population we
already have Hop Sing and if Sing
On is successful in his plans he may
finally become known as Hop King
A faithful horse, owned and used
by Alex Rennie, died Thursday
That was the day the news came
from Salem that the legislature
had passed a' law prohibiting the
killing of Chin i pheasants. The
two master, and equine,hadbeen on
many a pheasant jaunt together.
That the animal did from natural
causes may be possible; but many
think that after hearing the news
from Salem, he simply thought of
the dreadful and monotonous blank
that it wtll be when the good old
summer time comes again, when
the China cock crows defiantly and
undisturbed in the meadow, and
that thereupon he moaned a Merry
Christmas and a farewell to Alex
and gave up the ghost.
The extra session failed to give '
the city of Corvallis an amendment
to tne cnarter authorizing an or
dinance to punish other than saloon
men for giving ' liquor to minors.
Such an amendment was1 prepared
and sent to Salem, but it was ad
dressed to Senator Daly who seems
not to have been at the capital.
The letter failed on this account to
get into the hands of the legisla
ture in time to secure passage of
the amendment. However, a very
strict state law is available' for tl e
punishment of any who choose to
supp'y intoxicants to minors, and '
the authorities are certain to invoke
it for the punishment of any and
all transgressors. " .:
W. O. Heckart was in town
Thursday shaking bands with old
friends. He and Mrs. Heckart are
to remain at the Barclay home
until Monday or Tuesday
Mr, Heckart was recently
awarded the contract and is
laying the foundation for a new
residence in Eugene. It is for Mrs
Parks, and is to cost $6,000. The
contract calls for its completion
June 1st, but Mr. Heckart expects
to have it finished long before that
date. In all, Mr Heckarts. contract
work in Eugene the past season has
aggregated something over $30, 000.
Fe w Bad Spots, but a General Improve
mentRepairing County Roads.
The winter is giving opportun
ity for testing some of the road
work oflast summer. More or less
discussion of the subject . is. on
throughout the county. Though
there are a few bad spots, the gen
eral statement is that the work of
the past two 3'eafs has made a vast
improvement in the entire road
system of the county. In places
where new grades have been .made
without being heavily coated with
gravel or rock, traveling is attend
ed with some difficulty. The ex
perience in this particular: has con
vinced mot observers that only
as much work should be attempted
by supervisors as can be entirely
! completed, with respect to both
gravel and drainage, 1 the latter
item being fu!;y as essential a fact
or to success as is the gravel. If
the drainage does not remove the
water from the road, it is useless to
put on gravel, for the latter, being
heavier, immediately settles into
the soft mud.
Another fact of importance that
the systematic study of the
situation has . developed, is that
road work should be commenced as
early as possible in the' season.
Grades should be completed early
enough to permit the late rams to
pack the loose dirt.
Though it is attended with much
difficulty, wherever it can be econ
omically and satisfactorily done,
the county court is having winter
work done on the bad spots.
Whenever it is dry enough, rock
is being placed on the grades be
tween judge Moor's place and Jack
son's on the Mountain View road.
In other parts similar repair work
is in progress whenever possible
It is generally agreed that the mw
grades are all well planned, and
that with a surfacing of gravel they
will be among the best roads in the
county next winter. - .
Redaction Sale.
Leave yonr orders for oysters at Zier
olf's on Tuesday.
The finfist engraved
in the city are to be found
foz, the Jeweler.
souvenir ppoons
at E P Gref-
P. M. Zierolf, grocer, will keep
after 6 p. m. from this time until
u ry ist.
Our Great Annual Reduction Sale of Winter Merchan
dise will begin Monday, December 28th and continue 30
days. Every article in our bis: stock will be reduced 'except
W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes, Hawes' &3 00 hats,
Monarch white shirts, spool cotton, and Oar Own overalls.
Great Slaughter on Boys' and Children's Suits and
Overcoats, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Cloaks,
Wraps, Jackets, Furs, Walking and . Dress Skirts.
Everything must move. We want the room for our New
Spring Sfcock, and want to get the money out of winter
goods. Remember the date, Monday morning at 9 o'clock
December 28th. Store closes at, 6 o'clock, sharp.
January 5, 1904, is the Date
Fur Opening after the Holidays.
Zborombf Short and Complete'
Courses in Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Rapid
Calculations, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English,
Corvallis, Oregon.
My store 'will be open evenings from
tEisVate until after Christmas.
C. A. Gerhard.
Just a Few of Oar Many Bargains.
Came to my Place.
A etray white sow, December 5th,
-3903. ...
. ' T. A. Logsdon.
Kates for Christmas Holidays.
The Corvallis & Eastern R. K. Co.
have made a round trip rate of one fare
between all stations on account of Xmas
holidays. Tickets will be . good going
Saturday, Dec. 19, 1903, to Jany. 2, 1903
and for return at any lime np. to and in
cluding Monday, Jan. 4, 1904. No ticket
lees than 25 cents.
We are capturing the gift makers.
fOnt line of diamonds, watches, ' rings,
and silver novelties, is fall of quality and
Xaerit. F. M. French, the jeweler .
No. 34. 460 acres adjoining K. R.
town, all tillable, fine improvements,
Only $25 per acre. - , - "
No. 37. 387 acres 7 miles from Cor
vallis and one and 4 miles from R. E,
station, two good houses, fine barns, 125
acres out to grain. A fine place $45 per
acrei ; . .., .
No. 21. 300 acres all fenced 160 Feres
cleared more could be, 100 acres to
grain now. Price $25 per acre.
No. 20. 60 acres, good 9 room house
good well and orchard, -all fenced; also
10 head of cows, team harness and
wagon; some hogs and chickens all for
3ooo. 1
No. 18. 30 acres, 25 in orchard mostly
prunes, good house and bara, good well
and running water. Price $24oo.
No. id. 160 acres. 4 miles east of
Corvallis, eight room house, barn 40 x
60 20 acres of prunes, balance good forest
land. Price 35 per acre. s
No. 26. House and two lots on Main
street $1,500.
No. 27.22 foot front on Main street
good location for business. $500.
No 25. A fine lot on Third street $135
No. 31. Two fine lots nice location.
No. 35. Undivided half interest in
business lot on Main street, good two
story brick 50 x 75 feet, a snap. Price
Space will not permit of further details.
but if you want a good investment call
and see us. White & Stone. First door
south of Reading Boom.
Samuel Bane of this city, hasleft,
after his season's sale, fif y five
Chinese pheasants. He has had
abundant, opportunities to sell the
remainder, being, constantly in re
ceipt of orders for pair's of the birds
but he intends to keep them as par
ent stock for his campaign in the
business next season. After filling
up h. incubators in the spring, he
will have pheasant eggs to sell by
the setting. During the past s ea:
son, Mr. Bane sold over fave dozen
pairs of the birds.
Since his removal from Benton
a few weeks ago, Jack Hall claims
to have put in 75 acres of grain,
built a smoke bouse and barn, cut
nine cords or wood, built a quarter
of a mile of lence, erected a family
ash hopper, traded for a mule, kill
ed 16 head of hogs, to have made
three trips to Corvallis, and to have
done a variety of other work, all
with only 14 days of hired help.
Jack believes the story.
Sterling silver novelties of all Vinds at
the lowest prices. E P Greffoz, the
Fresh Yaqnina Bay oysters received at
Zierol fs eveiv Saturday
Cut glass of the finest designs at . pri
ces that any person can afford to pur
chase at E P Greffoz, the Jeweler,
Holiday Gifts. ;
Come and see my display of , holiday
gifts in burnt wood, leaQier , and paper,
also in water colors, oils and pastels. :
. On display at my , home on south
Eighth st. '
Laura F. Pratt.
Wood Wanted.
Cheaper Rates.
Commencing Jan- I, 1904, we will sell
lights per metre in residences at 10c per
1000 watt hours with .a minimum of 7
cents per month. Should you use 7,500
we will charge you 75 cents. In Albany
or Portland the same amount would cost
you $1. Should you use we will
charge you $1.50. The same amount in
Albany would cost $ 2.20; in Portland,
$2.70. Should you use 20,000 your bill
will be $2. In Albany yon would have
to pay $3 and in Portland $3.60,
' Hereafter you will have " ta furnish
your own lamp renewals.' 'r
Corvallis Electric Light & Power Co. ,
Make your friend a Xmas present of a
stiletto pocket knife. For sale by Berry
The Oregon Agricultural College will
receive bids for supplying wood for the
ensuing College year commencing next.
July. Call on the Purchasing Agent
for specifications.
Corvallis, December 22, 1903.
T. II. Crawford,
Purchasing Agent.
Groceries for
Cbe Holidays
twenty P
atterns Iron and
To choose from.
$350 to $1750
i "
elastic Telt mattresses $950 to $12
And full-sized Mattresses as cheap as $2.00.
Stock of Furniture garpets and Stoves
Was never so complete, and full of genuine bar
gains as now. Call and look us over. No
trouble to show goods.
Will Soon
be here.
The Holiday Rush is now on in earnest.
Go to Pratt's for a large and choice vari
ety from which to select your gifts.
Go to Zierolf's for fresh
Yaquina Bay
Nothing makes a more appropriate
gift than one of those detachable handle
Hull" umbrellas, $1.50 to 29. . Ladies
and gents sizes. F. M. French,
Jeweler, Albany.
Insure the utmost satisfaction
to guests and host. Large,
luscious raisins, citron, cur
rants, orange and lemon peel,
as wel as all kinds of relishes
olives, sweet and sour pick
les in bottle and bulk.
Gifts for Ladies.
Cut Glass,
, Rings,
Sterling Novelties,
Ebony Toilet Pins,
Fancy Clocks,
For Gentlemen.
Hat & Clothes Brushes
Stick Pins,
Cuff . Buttons,
" And
Plain Gold Pens.
Come early and secure your choice from the larg
est assortment of its kind in the city. Open night
and day until January 1st. Wishing you a Mer
ry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am
Yours for Xmas Gifts, y
. .. The Jeweler and Optician .
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
- Homeopathist
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison eta.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 .
to 8 P. M. : Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 815. f