The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 23, 1903, Image 4

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W Weil
Dramat'c Scenes at the Fo itball
Binquet Handsome Sweat
ers Presented to the men,
and What the Sequel
was Other News.
Captain B-rt Pilkington is to
lead the OAC football team iu the
contests of next year, and except
Cupper and pcsibly Root, all of
' tbia year's men will be in next ee i
eon'n lineup. Root. may not come
back to college next year, but his
friend insist that he will, and that
of course he will be in his old po
sition at half.
Toe announcement that Pilking
ton i to be in the team next year,
and hid eleciiun to the captaincy
was a part of a dramatic pcene that
occurred at the banquet lo the
football men at Hotel C Tvaiiis
. Friday night. B tb were the 81
quel to a presentation by the fac
u ty of sweaters to the first team
men and suh. In his response to
the presentation speech. Captain
Pilkington, after making a ueat ac
knowledgment of the gift, in behalf
of the tewm, etartle i everybody
prenent with the announcement
that be would remain in college
another year. Tne declaration was
unexpected, ,aod it Cdl'ed ojt a
demonstration of delight that con
tinued for a minute or morp. It
was followed :n turn with similar
anuounctneots by all but
two of bU team mates of this sea
son, anJ when the incident was
couipletp, there ba I been round af
ter round of che n and applause,
and a re- ltction of Pilkingtou to
the captaincy of next year's team,
much of which was not down on
the programme of the banquet.
In the bestowal of the eweaters,
the presentation speech was made
by President Gatcb. Eighty peo
ple wereieaed at .the banqaettable,
which was arranged arouodthe h 11
Preeideut Gitch was announced for
the opening toist with the subj ct.
"The Faculty and the Fojtball
Bjys." Instead of bsaianing a
speech, be advanced ti the middle
of the room, and said that he want
ed to see the first team men and
sups lineup once more. The lat
ter complied, and within a short
time all were lined up in the cen
ter of the room, with the pre sident
standing in front of them. Up to
this moment not one of the boys
had the slightest inkling of what
was coming In a speech that was
brief but teeming with love, admir
ation and pride for his boys, the
.president on behalf of the college
iacolty .presented the sweaters.
a. ourst oi applause trom the nan
quetters fol owed, and then Cap
tain Pilkington standing at the end
of tie line responded with
a graceful acknowledgment of
the P) f r n.nd Ait. nn na annnniina
his determination to remain an
other year in college. Wnen the
wild burst of applause thai the an
nouncement aroused had died away
.Captain Pilkington turned to his
team mates', and called upon them
to 6taod together for another sea
sou, and f r the next three or four
minutes the big dining hall was
bedlam as one after another declar
ed bis purpose Then somebody
called for the collega yell with
the result that probably each hotel
guest turned over in bed and swore
& great oath at the disturbance.
Bandy, the well known guard then
suggested the election of a captain
for next year's team, and with a
whoop and baDg, Pilkington was
re-elected, and Zopbar tnarp was
named for football manager. These
details completed an incident that
for beauty of feeling and dramatic
interest is rarely seen on .any oc
casion. It put all present in a de
lightful humor for the rest of
the programme, and in con3e
qaence, the banquet was as pretty
a function of its kind as ever hap
.pened. It was one o'clock when
the banquetters finally bade the
s boys and their friends goodnight.
There were half a' doz-n toasts.
and all were bright and sparkling,
Each was expressive of the relation-'
ship between the guests of the ev
ening and the interests represent
ed by the speaker. E. E. Bryson
spoke for the citizenB, E. C. Hay
ward for the management, E. E.
Wilson for the alumni, Prof. Berch
told for the ladies, and W. E. Yates
for the, board, President Gatch
having represented the faculty.
The sweaters are a very dark
blue in coloi with the monogram
in orange. ' The. .texture ,is ., rich,
and the whole effect very elegant.
Those who received them are,
Walker, Bundy,, Dunlap, Bjwers,
Abraham, Bumbaugh, Spagle,
Cappr, Koot, Williams; Pilking
tou, Hamilton, von der .Helleo.
Rinebart, and Cooper They
weie a gift to the teaui from the
faculty, and thi banquet was a
testimonial from the citizens of the
town. The function was one of the
most delightful affairs that ever
took place in Corvall s.
The announcement that pract
ically all this yeai's men are to
play in next year's team gives prom
ise of one of the most brill'ant eea
on in the hittory of football av
Marriage of Eston Carter of Wells
Miss " Anna Torgeson
A quiet wedding occurred at the
home of the bride's father, A. Tor
geson, near Paik-r, Polk county,
tast Sunday. Emou A. Carter and
Anna .Torgeson were the contract
ing pai ties. The bridal party en
tered a room tbat had been especial
ly fitted for the occasion, and the
wedding march was rendered by
MiH8 Florence Gobet.
The bride and bridegroom stood
beneath a beautiful wreath of ivy
whi'e the ceremony was performeJ
by Rev S. M Wood, of Corvallie.
J iik Turgeeon was best, man, and
Mise Edna Scott bridesmaid. After
congratulations, a most excellent
dinner was served to the many
friends and relatives preseot. Ma
ny useful and valuable presents
wer in evidence.
Eiton is a eon of the well-known
merchant, J. A. Carter of W ells
The happy coiiph are tJ make their
future home at Wells, at which
p ace the groom has .a position as
depot agent.
Benton County Farms Many Change
Owners Other Sales.
JNew deeds nied tor record are
Richard Graham and wife to Sadie
G. Howell, 40 acres on Kiger Island
$ 400.
John Rickard and wife to John
Roy Rickard, farm four miles south
of Corvallis, $100.
- J. C Laskey and wif e to R. M.
Laskey, 160 acres in Blodgett, $700.
J. W. Wilbanks to Margaret C.
Wilbanks, residence property in
County addition, $1.
W. L. Price and wife to ! L. G.
Price and Lloyd Chenoweth, 80
acres near Hoskins, $1,200.
beth H. Chads and wife to
Mulkey J. Vernon, farm in Alsea,
F C. Walters and wife to J. W.
Walters, 24 acres near Monroe, $1.
Chicago, Dec. 18. For perhaps
the first time in the history of the
United Statte, as far as local re
cords show, a jury composed of six
women sat on a case before Judge
Honore in the juvenile court today.
The jnry passed on the petition to
have little Mary McGann, 8 years
old, declared delinquent and placed
in an institution. Mrs. Ann Mc
Gann, the mother, declared the
child bad b9en with her all her life,
and would die if taken away from
her. The jury sympathized with
the mothers feeling's, and ieturued
a verdict tbat mother and daughter
should be sent to Dunning.
The verdict was concurred in by
a jury of six men to make the ver
dict legal. They also listened to
the case, and agreed with the jury
of women.
Bitter Than a Plaster.
A piece of flannel damped
Chamberlain's Pain Balm
bound on the affected parts, is bet
ter than a plaster for a lame back
and for pains in the side or chest.
Pain Balm has no superior as a
liniment for the relief of deep seated,
muscular and rheumatic pains
For Sale bv -XSrabam & Wortham
Cheaper Rates.
Commencing Jan-1, 1904, we will sell
lights per metre in residences at 10c per
1000 watt hours with .a minimum of 7
cents per month. Should you use 7So
we will charge you 75 cents. In Albany
or Portland the same amount would cost
you $1. Should you use we will
charge you $1.50- The same amount in
Albany would cost $2.25; in Portland,
I2.70. Should you use 20,000 your bill
will be 2. In Albany von would have
to pay $3 and in Portland $3.60.
- Hereafter vou will have t fnraish
your own lamp renewals.
Corvallis Electric Light & Power Co,
Make your friend a Xmas present of a
stiletto pocket knife. For sale by Berry
Keep warm Fine stock of blankets,
comforters, overcoats, furs and under
wear at Nolan & Callahan's.
Bsns-on Is Declared to Hive Heav
ily Swindled Government by
Receiving Tips From Head
quarters Frauds Per
petrated in 16 Dif
erent States.
Washington, Dec. 18. John A.
Benson, a wealthy San Francisco
real estate operator, charged by the
interior department with being the
head of the alleged land frauds ex
tending over a dozen western states
and territories, to which Secretary
Hitchcock referred vigorously and
at length in his aonuai report, was
arrested here today at the Wdlard
Hotel by Secret Service Officer
Burns, just as Bnsou was preparing
to leave for the city of New York.
The charge on which the arrest
was made was bribery. As food as
Benson bad, been apprehended he
was taken before Commissioner Tay
lor. He wished to have the hearing
of his case postponed, and the
date for such hearing was fixed at
D cember 30. He gave bail for his
appearance on that date, when be
will be held fur the grand jury.
Numerous arrests, are expected to
follow in short order, and some em
ployee who may not be arrest d will
be dismissed from the service
The statement was made later'
that the secretary was so incensed at
the flagrancy of this alleged offense
that he told the officers to have
Banson arrested at ence, although it
had not been planned to apprehend
him at present. Another assertion
of the government officials is that
Benson came, to Washington in an
swer to decoy letters, and with the
intention of bribing people in the
land . fflce who were in reality em
plowed in the secret servicp.
M Benson is said to have been
taken entirely by surprise in bis ar
ret t, although he has known the
government has been investigating
the alleg-d land frauds. He made
a formal plea of not guilty. The
accused offered bail in $2 000 in
cash, while the government de
manded bond in the sum of $lo,ooo.
Finally Commissiomr Taylor fixed
the bond at $5,ooo, and Benson was
released to appear December SO,
when a preliminary hearing will
tak place.
Mr. Benson is the eenior member
of the real estate firm of Benson &
Hyde, of Sin Francisco, and, it is
asserted, has defrauded the govern
ment out of at least acres of
land by various schemes since the
passage of the forest reserve act " in
1897. That act provides that the
owner of land which is wanted by
the government for a forest reserve
shall be allowed to select in place
of other public land. It is alleg
ed Benson obtained advance inform
ation as to the land that would be
wanted by the government for for
est leserves and by means or fraud
ulent entries or by purchase, im-
meuse tracts of such lands were ob
tained and afterward exchanged for
valuable public lands.
The information alleges tbat
frauds were perpetrated as to lands
in Washington, Oregon, California,
Montana, Id a no, Nevada, Utah,
Wyoming Colorado, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, Arizona and New Mexi
How to Prevent Croup.
It will be good news to the moth
ers of small children, to learn that
croup can be prevented. The first
sign of croup is hoarseness. A day
or two before the attaefc the ehua
becomes hoarse. This is eoon follow
ed by a peculiar rough cougb. Give
Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy Jree-
I y as soon as tne cbild becomes
horse, or even afte the rough cough
appears, and it will dispel alt sym-
toms of croup. . In this way all
danger and anxiety, may be avoided
This remedy is used by many
thousand of mothers-and has never
been known to fail. It is, in fact,
the ouly remedy that can always
be depended upon and that is pleas
ant and sate to take. tir sale by
Graham & Wprtham.
Notice to Creditore.
In the Matter ot the Estate)
of 5
Q. F. Elgin, deceased. )
KTntiftx is herebv si yen to all nersous concern .
ori that the underBf sued has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of G. F. Elgin, de
ceased, by the uounty uourt ot tne euro oi Ore
gon for Benton County. All persons having
claims against said estate, of said G, F, Elgin,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
same, with tne proper voucners, amy veaunu
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof to the undersigned at the office of
Benton County Flouring Mills, or at the law of
flceof JS. JS. " lison, in v;orvmiis,vjreguu,
Dated this December 12, 1903.-
Administrator of the estate of G, F. Elgin de
ceased, -
We have added several new pieces to
our Premium dishes. Nolan & Calla
han. " i
Fight-will be Bitter.
.Those who will persist in clos'
ing their ears against the continual
recommendation of Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption, will
have a Ions and bitter fight with
their troubles if not ended earlier
by fatal termination. Read what
T R Ball of Beall, Mas, has to
say: "Last fall my wife had every
symptom ot consumption. She
took Dr. Kings New Discovery af
ter everything else had failed. Im
provement came at once and four
bottles entirely cured her. Guar
anteed by Allen's Pharmacy. Price
50c and $1. Trial bottles free.
Our store will be open evenings from
Monday 2ist, to Tha- sday 24th iust
Nolan & Callahan,
"I find Thedford's Black-Dranght
a good medicine for liver disease.
It cured my ion after he had spent
iuu witn doctors, it is all tne med
icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE
MAKXliN, Parkersburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
. and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright 's disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
i package of Thedford's Black
Draught should always be kept
in the house.
"I used Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to excel
blehead, 111.
Shropshire Sheep.
Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 130841
- Lambs by Freshman 188626.
Well bred young stock of both sexes
for sale.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. T.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. , Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. ,
Willamette Valley
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
General Banking Business.
Exchaoge Issued payable at all finan
cial centers la United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal orreepettdeflts.
fORTLAND-Lonclon & SanFranciHCoBank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.
SAN FRANCISCO Lrfmdon San Francis
co Bank Limited.
NEW TORS Messrs. J. P. Morgan Co.
C HICAGO First National Kiiuk.
IXHTDOX, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank limited.
Francisco Bank Limited.
E. Holgate
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. . .
-All calls attended promptly.
E. It. Bryson
Physician & Snrgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
There is
Now GoinA on at
Richest, Daintiest Effects
STYLE UP-TO-DATE ....... .
The style that carried off the laurels at the
These carbon parchments are not mounted on
cards but delivered in neat Folders or at
tached to thia LiftEN mounts, making a com
bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam
ples of these Carbons are now on exhibition at
CZ 4- A S South Main St.
JUMIKSJL J S ?lLiyiiyilHU9 Corvallis, Ore.
What you Want
Is to try the New Goods
which have just arrived at
Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries '
Crystallized Ginger
Fresh Nabiscos
Fresh Cookies
New "Walnuts
New Almonds
ENERGY, Health Food.
Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see mei r I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing ,
you over the country. . "v"'Y.
a Sale of
and Boys'
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olives in Bulk
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese.
Philomath, Oregon.