The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 19, 1903, Image 2

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Official Paper of Benton onntf .
'SlCeBVAI.L.18, OREGON, DEV. 1,9 1903.
-And Bnrial Carl Schimmel Succumbs
to an Attack of Pneumonia.
The mortal remains of Carl Schim
mell a well known ' resident, were
Jburied in Locke cemetery ..Wednes
day afternoon. The funeral was
from the family home a few miles
niorth 'of town, and was attended by
manv neighbors and old, friends.
The service at the house and ceme
tery was conducted by Rev. Carrick
of the Presbyterian cburcn.-
Mr. Schimmel's death occurred
Tnesdav moraine, after an illness
of but a few days. He was in town
scarcely more than a week ago
His maladv was pneumonia, which
was of violent form and resisted
tevery effort of medical skill to con
The disease wis aged 68 years
sand 20 davs. He came to Benton
County eighteen to twenty years
aeo, and for a time resided in Cor
vallis and vicinity. Then he went
to Lower Alsea ' where he resided
until about three years ago. Then
1e purchased of William Knotts a
farm north 01 town wnicn ne nas
since occupied.
Mr Schimmel was born Novem
ler 22nd i8s at Greifswold, Pom-
crania Germany. After many years
in the Merchant service and United
States navy, he settled in Pennsyl-
vania, where he was united in mar
riage to Christina Seeman in 1 87 r .
In i87j. he moved to Kansas and
from there to. Oregon about 1876
residing for a time in Portland and
Yamhill county. The surviving
members of the family are, a widow
and the following sons and daugh
ters: Mrs Alfred Bicknell of Benton
Countv. Mrs. Wilfred Bicknell of
Oakland Oregon, a younger daugh
ter at home, and a daughter and
two sons in California. The de
ceased was a man of fine qualities,
and was held in high esteem where
cver known. .
Hates for Christmas Holidays.
The Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Co.
have made a round trip rate of one fare
- between all stations on account of Xmas
holidays. Tickets will be good going
Saturday, Dec. 19, 1903, to Jany. 2, 1903
juid for return at any time up to and in
cluding Monday, Jan.- 4, 1904. No ticket
'Jess than 25 cents.
There is a sale of mens and boys over
acoats now going on at Kline's.' .
Fight will be JBitter.
Those who will persist in clos
ing their ears against the continual
recommendation of Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption, will
have a long and bitter fight with
their troubles if not ended earlier
by fatal termination, Eead what
T K Beall of Beall, Mass. has to
say:' "Last fall my wife had every
symptom of . consumption. She
took Dr. Kings New Discovery af
ter everything else had failed. Im
provement came at once and four
bottles entirely cured her. Guar
anteed by Allen's Pharmacy, Price
50c and $1. Trial bottles free.
Greeting. ,
To the Citizens of Corvallis and : sur
rounding: Having been engaged in the
real estate business for past ten years in
the East, I have decided to take up ..the
business here. In doing so I expect to
advertise in the East as well as here at
home and keep in touch, as nearly as
possible, with the emigration from ' the
" 3$ast. Having been a traveling real es
tate salesman through several oi the
Eastern states and knowing the disad
vantages of the different localities , I
shall be better able to set forth the ad
vantages to be found here than the man
who has always lived here and is not ac
quainted with the Eastern States. If
you wish to make inquiries regarding
my past you can write to any prominent
citizen or to any of the banks of 0 lwein
Iowa, that having been' my headquarters
. before coming here. After satisfying
yourselves as to my responsibility if you
have anything in the way of real estate
for sale or rentwhich you may see fit to
place in my hands it will have my best
attention,' and though you have no busi
ness to'placewith me I shall be glad to
have you call as I should like to become
acquainted with you and will thank you
for any points of interest or' good sug
gestions for Eastern advertising. If you
" have property to list and it ia convenient
. please call oh Saturday, however X shall
be glad to see you at any time. ;J If you
are interested in the growth of our conn,
try please call and see me. . ,
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year, I beg to remain
yours for business. . . -
. . ' E. E. WHITE. .
Office first door south . of Reading
j0om, Corvallis, Ore-
ThisWriterSaysr it i .Becaui
HtVoatfbns-arf Mac' is too Stiff.?
I recently read an articleentitled,
"A scarcity of teachers, "and "Why"
The problem has become a burning
question with school boards in
Oregon, where but recently there
was an over supply of teachers.
The article urged that the fault is
with schol boards, who do not" pay
suffioitnt salaries to induce young
people to enter the profession, and
urged advance of pay all along the
line .
In my view the fault is in
another direction. It will be re
membered that our educational
officers took it upon them selves a
few years ago, by raising the
standard of examinations, to
debar the greater jnumber of our
teachers from securing certificates.
Under these examinations, many a
teacher perfectlyjqualified toteach in
country districts was unable to get
certificates. Yet in all other re
spects, many of these former teach
ers were better . qualified to teach
rudimentary grades than are lots
of those who now obtain certifi
cates. All know that it takes
more than a mere education to
make a good school teacher. Under
the new plan, we have to take any
thing for a teacher, just so it -has
an education . The reader will re
member the time that almost any
young man or woman with a com
mon school education could ob
tain a certificate, and teach a suc
cessful term of country school. But
now, going into the arena that is
fixed by the authorities they are al
most sure to fail. There are chil
dren in many a remote district that
are growing up in dense ignorance.
In our district we have had but a
little over two months school in the
past eighteen months. There , are
in this part of the country six or
seven other districts that are faring
about the same. If this plan had
been in vogue it- is doubtful if
Frances Willard had everx become
known to the world. She was
reared in the wilds of Wisconsin,
and where school privileges were
meagre, but she obtained a first
class certificate, and in her time
taught 1,000 pupils. Had she ap
plied for a certigcate in one of the
arenas of Oregon, she would bave
gone home a dissapointed girl, as
her education was very limited.
Indeed, it is not necessary to go
back to the instances of Erances
WillardV Tames A. Garfield, Daniel
Webster and others, but right here
in Oregon, in Benton County and
Alsea we will find school teachers
that will gladly teach for the same
wages that was given a few years
ago. uregon is paying today $12
per capita to- educate her public
school children. Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Ohio and all Eastern
states pay about the same, while
many of the southern states pay
oa!y$3 to 12.50. per capita.
The trouble is chiefly with the
general management, and not with
our school "boards. Many people
are taking their ' children to the
cities and towns of Oaegon, because
they cannot have a school at home.
Yet there are thousands of children
in the state whose parents are so
situated that they cannot leave
home oa send their little ones off to
school. If the wrong here pointed
out is not made right we shall have
to send to other states for teachers,
for business men and if you pleas.e
for students to fill the colleges.
Frank Hughes. :
Alsea, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1903
Wi are caoturinj thi gift makers.
Our line of diamonds, watches, . rings,
and silver novelties, is full of quality and
merit. ; -F. M. French, the jeweler,
The finest engraved souvenir spoons
iu the city are to be found at E P Gref
foz, the Jeweler.
For Sale.
Grub oak wood. For , particulars in
quire of E. B. Horning. -
Cut glass of the finest designs at
ces that any person can afford to
chase at 5 P Greffoz, the Jeweler,
Go to Zierolf's for fresh Yaquina
oveters- J ' " : '-'."
Big stock of cloaks, wraps, jackets and
rain garments at Nolan & Callahan's.
The great wearing shoes,
new supply now in. S. L,
agent. .
' sole
Overcoat sale at Kline's.
' New goods all the time at 'N olan
Leave your orders for oysters - at
olf's on Tuesday. -
Racine feet for men, women
children, Nolan & Callahan.
Former Chief of Police Corvallis
His Raneral Todayi 7, .-' "
;The"rurieral bf-C; B, Wells; form
erly chief of police of Corvallis and
a residept of Benton county since
1852, is to occur from Wilk'ins un
dertaking parlors at iooclock today.
He died in a hospital in Portland
at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning.
His ailment was the bursting of a
blood vessel and the consequent
presence of a clot of blood in the
brain. He had been under treat
ment for the trouble in the hospital
ever since his arrival in Oregon
from Alberta, Canada, seven weeks
ago. Just before going there he
was in Corvallis, at which time hi"
rlatives and immediate friends
were informed as to the serious
character of his malady. It was;
then believed however, from the ad
vice of physicians in Portlind, that
death was not to be expected - so
soon, '
For about fifty yeirs. Mr. Wells
was a tontinuous resident of Benton
county. He arrived here in 1852,
settling then on a farm on Greasy
Creek, where he resided until a
dozen years ago. Then he came
to Corvallis, and for a few years
was engaged in the grocery busi
ness. Later he was twice elected
chief of oolice of Corvallis In
1901, he went to Alberta, North
west Territories, Canada, to reside
He was born in Piatt county, Mis
souri, in July.' 1 84 1. and lived to be
62 years of age. He resided in he
state of his nativity,-until the spring
of 1852, when he crossed the plains
by ox team to Oregon.
Mr. Wells was married in 1863
to Miss Esther Garrett, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrett.
The wife died about fourteen . years
ago. The surviving sons and
daughters are. Ed. Lee and Will
Wells of Alberta, Mrs. Waggoner,
of Eugene, Mrs. Gregory of Alber
ta. Mrs. Colt of LaGrande, and
Miss Jewell Wells, who lives with
her sister in Eugene. The surviv
ing brothers and sisters are, John
and VV. A. Wells of Corvallis, Mrs
Boyd, Kansas City; Mrs. Vineyard,
Corvallis; and Mrs. Bell,. Prineville.
The interment will be in Odd Fel
lows cemetery,
The body arrived on the West
side train yesterday, and is now at
Wilkin's undertaking parlors.
For New Members What the Plan is
Woodmen are Chopping.
Corvallis camp, Woodmen of the
World met with the -Women of
Woodcraft last Tuesday evening to
meet Geo. K. Rogers, state organi
zer of the W. O. W., and to listen
to plans of the head consul : which
he presented, the object of which is
the bringing up ot the Pacific Coast
branch of the order from 92,000
members and $706,000 reserve, to
100,000 members and $1,000,000 re
Mr. Rodeers told how the other
780 camps of the Western jurisdic
tion were entering into the spirit of
the movement and stated that every
camp which he had personally vis
ited was vigorously falling timber.
"Portland,'.' he said with its twelve
camps was receiving over 150 ap
plications monthly, v and the Wil
lamett Valley, exclusive of that
city, would take a thousand ap
plications this winter."
The plans which he presented
were heartily endorsed by the
Neighbors." The camp was div
ided into two working "timbering
arews. Known- as
"Limb-trimmers," under Victor P.
Moses, and Bark-Peelers" under
D. A. Osburn. Corvallis camp
will contribute 25 "logs" for- the
"mills ,' These must all be straight
grained, sound to the heart and
properly peeled and trimmed.
An evidence of the spirit with
which the Corvallis Woodmen will
go about this work is shown by the
action of Neighbors Osburn aad
Moses in taking an application with
in 29 minutes after camp adjourned.
Keep warm Fine stock of blankets,
; comforters, overcoats, furs and - under
wear at Nolan & Callahan 's.. -
New line of novelty
dress goods ' just
Big bargains this month in ladies tail
made suits, walking skirts, flannel waists
Boys suits and overcoats. .Nolan'&
Callahan. " .
Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Hills
Nothing makes a more appropriate
gift than one of those detachable handle
"Hull" umbrellas, $1.50 to $20. Ladies
and gents sizes. F. M. French,
Jeweler, Albany;
New and second hand sewing - ma
chines for sale at the Blackledge Fur
niture and Music Store,
death: of c.
Trouble the Sew Puzzle Make-v4-Cain
-it Raised in a School Board.
The age of Ann is a vexed ques
tion in many a Corvallis household
now. ; A well known housewife
was mixing up the dough: for bis
cuits when a neighbor woman came
in and asked her how old Ann was.
Straightway the ; two began to fig
ure. They argued and figured ob
livious of the lapse of time until
the husband and children arrived
for dinner to nnd the two women
in a hopeless discussion of Ann's
real age. with the fire out in the
kitchen stove, the dough . still un-
kneaded, and the old JNick to pay
generally. There is the story of
another woman who read the puz-
;le, seized a pencil and . paper and
labored with the figures until her
husband finally rescued her from
the exasperating calculations' just
in time to save her from hysterics.
But these instances are mild com
pared to the troub e that the ques-
sion of Ann's age made in a Kan
sas town. As sent out in a Washing-on
dispatch the tale runs thus:
"Hiawatha, Kan., where the
song comes from, is disturbed over
"How old is Ann?" When the
query reached there every man.
woman and child in the place, lead
oencu in hand, began to bgure on
the problem.
One bright school girl asked the
principal of the public school.
"How old is' Ann?'' The principal
figured and .then announced that
Ann is eighteen. ' The child ' went
home and told her father, a bank
er, who is chairman of the school
board, that Ann is eighteen
"Not for mine," answered the
Droud father, who had figured it
out fourteen. He filed charges
against the leacher alleging that
anvbodv who figures Ann out 18
is unfit to teach scbiool
Tle school board wrestled with
the problem but was unable to de
termine certainly whether Ann is
eighteen or fourteen, but as the
man who made the complaint has
considerable influence the board
was disposed to call it fourteen and
dismiss the principal. The latter
wrote Representative Curtis today
requesting him to use his influence
with the school boird to hold him
hU job.
"But no matter what the decis
ion, be aaas, 1 am conviuceu inai
Ann is eighteen." ,
Mr. Curtis is friendly to the pnn-
ciaal. who has considerable influ
ence in politics.
"How old is Abn? Mr Curtis
asked his friends. They figured
and then advised Mr. Curtis to sed
Mr. Courts, clerk to the committee
on appropriations, who is autnor-
lty on figures.
Mr. Courts dropped deficiencies,
and surpluses, and worked on the
problem for hours. He finally gave
as his verdict that Ann" might be
either eighteen or fourteen.
"That suits me," declared Mr,
Curtis.',' I can give a decision
Both sides are, right."
M. Zierolf, grocer, will keep
after 6 p. m. from this time until
uary ist.- .
. Mv store will be open evenings from
this date until after Christ uiaB. .
C. A. Gerhard.
New goods all the time
at Nolan &
Sterling silver novelties of all kinds at
the lowest prices. EB Greffoz, the
Jeweler,' : . ? j
Fresh Yaqdina Bay ojrsters received at
Zierolf's evei y Saturday '-.-
Groceries for
Insure the utmost satisfaction
to guests and host. Large,
luscious raisins , citron , cur
rants, orange and lemon peel,
as well as all kinds of relishes
olives, sweet and sour pick
les in bottle and bulk. i
mm m
Them X-mas Bells. They have been ringing with
Tis for the past month; and now Santa Claus has
given us permission to jingle them for you, and
from now until January 1st, 1904, Nve shall make
them Jingle Mekkily. If some of the melody ;
does not get into your home it will not be our fault.
The choicest things will go first. No need to wait
until the last moment, buy now. Need not have
them delivered now. We will store them for you,
and deliver them when you say. Here are a few
suggestions. Our stock is now at its best, and you
have time to make selections leisurely.
A Fiue Drt-ss Pa '.tern.
A Cloak, Wrap O' Jicket. t
A Pine Fur. or S,lk Umbrella
A Lounging Rob
A Black Silk Petticoat
A Pair Fine ShbfS or-Slippers
A WalkiDg or Drt s- Skirt
A Circular Sbawl
A Si.k Sairt Waist
Numerous other articles all worth 100 cents on the dollar
after X mas. Lots of good thing for boys, -
girls and children.
January 5, 1904, is the Date
For Opening after the Holidays.
Chorotfgfr, SSsorl and Complete
Courses In, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Rapid
Cacuiati ns, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English,
Corvallis, Oregon.
twenty Patterns Iron and
Glasfic Tel. mattresses $9.50 to $12
And full-sized Mattresses as cheap as $2.00.
Stock of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves
"Was never, so complete and full of genuine bar- :l
gains as now. Call and look us over. No
trouble to show goods.
D. Itlann S go
Kris Krinle
The Holiday Rush is now on in earnest.
Go to Pratt's for a large and choice vari
ety from which to select your gifts.
Gifts for Ladies.
. . Cut Glass,
Kings, -
Sterling Novelties,.
Ebony Toilet Pins, '
Fancy Clocks, '
Come earlv and secure your choice from ' the larg
est assortment of its kind in the city. Open night
and day until January 1st. Wishing you a Mer
ry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am
v Yours for Xmas Gifts, : . . '
'. ' E; W. S. PRATT,
'.';' ? The Jeweler and Optician.
Be s
A Business or Dress Suit
An Overcoat or Riin Coat
A Dre-s Suit Case
A Box Hmdkerrhit fs , v
A S lk Muffler
"A Pir Saoes or Slippers.
A "HaW$3 Hat
A Smoking Jacket -A
Pair Fine Suspender?.
To choose from.
$3.50 to 1750
For Gentlemen.
Hat & Clothes Brushes
Stick Pins,
Cuff Buttons,
Plain Gold Pens