The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 19, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI. No. 4!.
Editor and Proprietor.
The Young People.
Our stock of
Was never more complete.
Hie fiavc
Iron toys, mechanical toys, steam toys,- rubber
toys, noisy toys, quiet toys, books, blackboards,
writing desks, and lots of other things.
One of the best things is the present we give
away with every pair, of boy's or girl's shoes, and
also boys' suits. Be sure and don't forget this
present. Anyway ask to see it.
Our acL , but our goods change hands .,.,
everyday. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
. Domestic and Imported. -
Plain and Fancy Cbinaware
A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we dp the
. rest. ' '
B fiorning
I Jlew Ffliniloie and music J
4 .r -ttjeeb:
vs.-. y Tm r i
'I Cordially invite you to
Goods consisting of
Various Musical Instruments,
Bed Lounges and Couches,
Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads,
Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc.
Woven Wire Springs.
ii Good lane of Mattresses,
Extension Tables,;.Genter Tables,
5 MloSewig Machines, new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos ft
'for sale sad for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Graniteware left. ft
" 1
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. . r.
varied line.
South Main Street,
inspect my New Stock of C
Sideboards, Kitchen Safes,
Kitchen Treasures,
Dining Chairs, High Chairs,
Children's Rockers, and
Many Styles of Other Rockers.
Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in
Window Shades, Curtain Poles.
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.f
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, First National" Bank
Building, Corvallis, Or. ! Office Hours,
o to 12 a , m., 2 to 4 p, m.
He Visits the. Chamber -of Dep
uties Tramps at Grants Pass
News Items from Summit
Grant' Pass, Or., Dec. 12. The
army of tramps in Gram's Pass has
increased to nenrlv 100, and resi
dents are living in terror. Thefts
and burglaries are common, and
frequent cl s at back doors for
"handouts" in becoming a nuisance.
The marshal has beeo interviewed
by representatives of the hobo ar
my, and the demand made that he
supply them with food, bet he re
fuses, and by an urgent r quest
some 61) ot the hobos were tOided
on a freight yesterday and start
ed southward; however, their places
were filled by an incoming freight
load from the north, lbe presence
of the tramps bare in such alarm
ing numbers is becoming, a serious
matter, and it is unsafe for resi
dents to leave their homes for an
hour even during the day.
The residence of Mrs. M. P. An
deisou was entered tbiougu a pan
try window in broad daylight, dur
iog the absence of herself and
daughter from home for a few
hours. The bouse was looted from
cellar to garret. A gold watch,
brooch and other jewtlry were tak
en, and the pantry cleaned of jeldes
and fruit?.
Paris, Dec. 8. At an informal
reception tonight to W'lliam Jen
nings Bryan by the Chamber of
Commerce, the correspondent of
The VV01H phowed Mr. Bryan a
conv of The World of November 29
contaioiug- the., special London de
spatch which said tbat in his inter
view with Richard Croker, the for
mer Tammany leader had urged
him to etek a renomination for the
Mr. Bryan read the dispatch
with eager interert, then smiled and
"It is true that Mr. Croker aid I
bad a talk, but I cannot say that
he did much urgirg on thote lines.
"In fact, we talked about other
In a felicitous speech before the
Cbamb r and its guests, Mr. Bryan
cilled the attention of Americans a
broad t their responsibilities, de
claring that, from their conduct as
individuals foreigners judge Amer
icans as a nation. :
He d Aflt on the importance of
maun 0,VaRLu ,
It will pay you to examine the W.
I, Douglas shoes, and see for ;
yourself that they are just as
good in every way as those for ,
which you have been paying ,
$5 to $7' For style, com
fort, and service, they .
cannot be surpassed
by custom-made
keeping political campaigns free
from personalities. He also referr
ed to the debt the United States
owed to Franc, and said that next
to the names of Washington, Jack
son and Jefferson, Americans plac
ed tbat of Lofayette.
Earlier, Mr. Bryan had visited
the Chamber of .deputies and the
senate, where he compared the
French, parliamentary methods
with tbo-e of the United States con
gress. He was accompanied to the
senate by Senator Clemenceau, who
introduced him to Premier Combs.
Mr. Bryan had a long -talk with M.
Comb?, the latter manifesting in
terest in American econom.c and
political affairs.
At Summit.
Mrs. Jap. Groshong is visiting
her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. O. B.
School is progressing nicely
Miss Max field is teacher.
T. Banney is doing a ruehing
holiday trade, he has Helen Harri
son assisting him. 1
The people here are preparing a
nice program for Christmas eve.
S. Wood and Win. Plowman
held revival meetings htre last week.
They tra going to organize a
Sunday V School at the Summit
school house.
Ja. Crain and family are
soon lsave for Winlock Wash.
; ' Executive Department.
' Salem, Oregou, December 1, 1903.
Id accordance with the provisions of an act.
entitled, "An Act submitting to tho Electors
of the State of Oregon at the General Election
to be held on the first Mondav in June, 1901,
the pending proposed Constitutional Amend
ment," tiled In the office of- the Secretary of
Mate February 24th, 1903, I, Geo. E. Chamber
lain, Governor of the slate of .Oregon, do here
by cause the proposed amendment to the
Constitution af Oregon, hereinafter set out at
lengm ana oesignatea as "uttice ot state ot
Printer Amen rment." to be do Wished for five
consecutive weeks in the Corvallis Times a
newspaper published in the Second Judicial
District of the stale of Oregon-
Done at the Capitol, at Salem. Oreeon this
First day of December, 1903.
GorB:Qor of the Bute nf Drthnn. "
By the Governor-.
. . secretary of State.
Resolved by the Senate, the House concurring
Tbat the following article, as an ameudment
to the Constitution of the Stale of Oregon, be
proposed and referred to the next legislative
assembly and If the same shall be concurred
in Dy a majority ot an me members elected to
each House thereof, and .shall afterwards ba
ratified by a majority of tho electors of the
state, then the same shall be a part of the
Constitution of the State of Oregon:
Article i. mat Article ah. section i. of the
constitution of the State of Oregon, be and the
same is hereby abrogated, and lu lieu thereof
shall be inserted the following:
1 ne legislative assembly oi tne state ot Ore
gon is hereby empowered to provide by law
for the election of a State Printer, to provide
for his compensation, and to prescribe his
powers and duties.
At opted by the Senate January 29th, 1901.
u. w. jruiroN,
President of the Senate.
Concurred In by the House,
. Ltl D. EAIEB,
Speaker of the House.
Adopted by the Senate, -
President of the Senate. '
Concurred in by the House January 21st, 1903.
,1a, i; HARRIS,
Speaker of the Heuse.
Office of the Secretary of State.
I, F.I Dunbar, Secretary of State .f the
state of Oregon, and custoditn of the seal of
said state no nereDy certify that 1 nave com
pared the preceding copy of Senate Joint Res '
olution No 1 of the Legislative Assembly of
1901, "Office of State Printer Amendment" with
the original copy now on file in this office, and
that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom .
and the whole thereof .
set my hand and affixed heaeto the seal of the
State of Oregon.
Done a' the Capitol, at Suem, Oreeon. this
First day of Docem oer A D, 190s.
(signed) jr. i, uunbab.
Secretary of State.
Guardian's Sale.
In the matter of the estate of Mabel E Howe
a minor, notice is hereby given that under and
in pursuance of an order ot sale made by the
Uounty Court of Benton County, Oregon enter
ed on the 25th day of November, 1903, I, Frank
L, Howe, guardian of the person and estate of
said minor, will from and after the 10th day of
January, 190. proceed to sell at public or pri
vate sale to the highest bidder for cash In hand
all the estate, right, title and Interest which
said minor Mabel E. Howe, now has in and to
the following real estate tow it: Lqts ten, elev
en and twelve in Block 22, In the County addi
tion to the City of Corvallis, Oregon.
xms tne iztn aay oi cemDer. lfiua. at uor-
vallls, Oregon. '
Guardian of the Estate of Mabel E, Howe,
Notice .to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate
Q. F, Elgin, deceased. ,
Notice Is hereby given to all persous concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of G. F. Elgin, de
ceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore
gon tor jsenton county, ah persona naving
claims against said estate, of said G, F, Elgin,
deceased, are hereby required to . present the
same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof to the undersigned at the office of
Benton County Flouring Mills, or at the law of
flceof E. E. M ilson, in Corvallis, Oregon,
Dated this December 12, 1903.
Administrator of the estate of G, F Elgin de
ceased, .
We have added several new pieces to
our Premium dishes. Nolan & Calla
han. - ' . -. " .'. . '
Roosevelt's Strength With the Peo
pie Miy Compel His Nomina
tion by Bisses Who May
Afterward Stab Him
at the Polls.
ion the first Tuesdap in November.
Washington, Dec. 10. Every!
membar of the republican national -r:-.? v i. n ie o.
fnnimiltAa in tho ntw atnnA a vr,,. r, A
the Arlington Hotel this afternoon
and tonight and talked Roosevelt.
Landslide for him,' thev said.
"Sure to be nominated by acclama
tion. Nobody else thought of," and
all that.
All tbe members of the commit
tee here and all tho-:e coming, with
tbe exception of not more than six,
wish somebody else than RoDsevelt,
preferably Hanna, could be nomi
nated. The republicaa national
committee is a Htnna machine.
(Its members dislike Roosevelt, dis
trust him and tbink four more,
years of him would be. dangerous to
the party and the country.
There is no more sincerity
in the fervid Rooevels protesta
tions than there is at a ho se sale.
It is the real, inside, bedrock
opinion of the indurated politicians
who are not all sentimental ia their
affiliation?, that the republican par
ty is facing three dilemmas:
First To nominate and elect
Roosevelt. This would mean in
their opinion, a disrupted and dis
organized party in 1908 tbat would
win no more p'esiden ial victories
for eight and, perhaps, 12 years.
Scond To deft at Roofevelt for
the nomination and nominate some
body el te and elect him.
Third To nominate Roosevelt
and defeat him at tbe p ills, thus
leaving th pirty in good shape for
the campaign of 1908.
The shrewd political minds of
the men who run the national or
ganization of the republican party
have weighed tbeee three proposi
tions cirefally. They all wish it
might be possible to solve tbe prob
lem by nominating someother than
Roosevelt and el cting him. They
think they could do the electing if
they could do the nominiting.
That is the rub.
A great deal of scheming and con
triving is 20i d er on. Dozens of the
big men in tbe republican party
are trying to find a way to nomi
nate Hmna or any other man who
would be a fairly decent candidate.
They have not yet hit on a plan,
and they probably will not. Their
trouble is that they did not begin
to plot soon enough.
President Roosevelt has eo great
a bold on the people tbat it is now
DPxt to impossible to make the mass
of the republican party take any
other candidate. It is admitted by
every man in national politics that
he will be nominated unless a polit
ical mericle intervenes.
This does not mean that the ef
fort to get another candidate will be
abandoned. Hanna is held in first
regard. His friends are scheming
io Ohio and in Indiana,' acd in
New York, and in the West, but
they do not arrive anywhere. Meet
ings arid conferences and consulta
tions are beiog held. Overtures, are
being made to newspapers. Lead
ers are being approached. It is a
sort of a guerillt warfare against
Roosevelt, and it has not accom
plished, as yet, even fair guerilla
results. '
Tomorrow tbe meeting of the
natiooal committee will be a shout
for Roosevelt.' They will all get
up and yell. Perhaps six of them
will have more than their lung pow
er io their voices. That six will
put in a tincture of heart.
Tbe situation is not hard to de
fine. Any man here, who will talk
honestly will growl against Roose
velt and wish that Hanna might be
named. They are all against Roose
velt, but they must all be for him
on the face of things, and they know
it, and that is the reason why most
of them registered in the afternoon
papers today with statements about
the great popularity of tbe presi
dent and predictions that he
will be elected triumphantly.
. It is so in congress. Every lead
ing republican in Washington has
trumpeted bis little fanfare,and ev
ery one of them thicks Roosevelt
will disrupt the party if he is elect
ed next fall.
Thus. If they nominate ancT
elect Roosevelt tbay face disorgani
zation and wreck. They cannot
nominate anybody else as the cards
nowjlie. Their recourse is to nom
inate Roosevelt and defeat him at
the polls. It is easy enough. They
defeated Harrison in 1892. They
can turn the trick again.
Unless the miracle comae, unless
there is some way to get Hanna in
to the field without laying the par
ty leaders open to the cry of "Ju
das" for the masses, Roosevelt will be
nominated with a boom and a blare
at Chicago next June, and he will
be stabbed with a million stillettoes
o ' 1 w
are buiidioer
Bome hope of his permitting him
self to be offered for presidential
honors on the last sentence of the.
following letter, which one of them.
1 received from him today:
"I nave read with u.t-rest your
kind letter of the 4th ir?t., and as
sure you of the eirjetr pi.rfciatioa
of the sentiments exut-ed in the
same and for your regud and con
fidence in me. Such suggestions
as you make with reference to next
year are, of course, highly compli
mentary, but my position on this
subject ia well defined and well
known.. I have no personal ambi-..
tion to serve, and cannot
be considered in any sense a candi
date for the presidential nomina
tion. My only desire is to serve
my party to the extent of my ability-
, '
Washington, Dec. 7. E. C. Esh
elby, owner of tbe Cincinnati Com
mercial I ribune, a republican news-'
paper, formerly owned in part by
Perry S. Heath, threw a brick at the
President on Saturday that struck
this morning and created great con
sternation at the White House.
Mr. Esbelby printed a 6creaming
editorial article on Saturday, de
manding the sidetracking of Presi
dent Roosevelt by the republican
party, saying he cannot carry New,
York, and urging the selection of,
almost any one else, but preferably
Hanna. Eshelby is now hand ia
glove with George Cox, the Cincin
nati republican boss, and, it ia'
claimed that he recently had long
conferences with Hanna, both here
and in New York.
It is understood that some of tbe
president's friends will take this ed
itorial article and some other evi
dences of activity on the part of
Hanna boomers as a basis for the
demand on the president that be
shall have a show down with Han
na at once. 1
. In commenting on the editorial
article Senator Foraker said today:
. "I cannot undertake to explain
what the Commercial Tribune has
done. The editorial speaks for it
self. I have no doubt but there are
some people, perhaps a good many,
wbo share the fears and apprehen
sions expressed in that editorial,,
but I am .quite certain that the
whole number would be found, if
we conld enumerate them, to con
stitute not more than a very small
Senator Hanna was asked last
night what the Commercial Tribune
article meant. "I don't know." be
faid smiling. "I wasn't consulted,
can't talk about it because I know
nothing about it.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby clven that on Moriday the
21st day of December, 1903, at tbe hour of one .
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of the Court House in the City of Cor
vallis, in Benton County, State of Oregon, I will
sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for
cash in band, the following described real pro.
perty, in Benton county, Oregon, towlt:
Beginning at the northwest corner of the do
nation land claim of Jacob Hammer and wife,
being claim No 18, and a part of Sections '26, 27. 1
31 and 33 ln-Townehlp 14 South. Range 6 West ot
Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State
of Oregon,' and run thence south fid chains to
the southwest corner of slrl claim; thence
east 20 chains ; thence north 60 c'h:u to the
north line ot said claim ; thence We 20 chains
to the place of beginning, it being the intention
to describe 120 acres off of ih- west end of said
donation land claim and being the same land
devised to William Milton Howell, Cllsta Mc
Fall and the heir g of George W Howell, decars
ed, by the last will and testament of William
Howell, deceased, which said will Is of record In
Book C at page 425 therein records ot wills tor
said Benton Oounty, State of Oregon,
This sale Is made under and by virtue of a
Judgment, order of saleof attached propertyand -execution,
now in my hands, Issued out of tho
circuit court of the state of Oregon for Benton
County, state of Oregon, under the seal of said
court, dated October 27th, 1903. in an action
wherein Adam Wllhelm, Adam Wtlhelm Jr, and
M. Wilhelm, partners dolDg business under the
flrm name and style of A. Wilhelm & Sons, were
plaintiffs, and William Milton Howell was do
fendant, and in which said action said plain
tiffs recovered Judgment against said defendant
for the sum of $1463.27 with interest thereon at
rate of 10 per cent per annum from Nov. 2!y
1902, $96,00 attorneys fees, for the further sum ot
$53.72 and for their costs and disbursements .
there in, and the above described real property
was ordered sold to satisfy said judgment. ..
Dated this Nov 21, 1903,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregou,