IN GORVALLIS OREGON DAIRYMEN'S ASSQ; ClATION TO MEET HERE . NEXT WEEK First "Session Occurs Tuesday After noon Benton Schools Will ' Send Exhibit to St Louis . "'. - Exposition Other Local News.' C iryalli9 i tn be the scene next xvcvk of the ai. nual meeting of the Oregon D liryrat-n's A-8iciatioD. A large du tuber of delete tee repre senting one of the leading indus tries in Orgon will be in attendan ce. The meeting will be under the auspices of the Bnton County Citizen's L?agnPi and Will be held in Agricultural Hall and College cnapel. QuiS'ions of especial in-tt-ret'i the dairy iudu-try will be discusFt-d, and there is no doubt that local dairymen and others will derive greit bineSt from a leudance at the session. Toe aeso ciation will be in seicn two days, beginning at two o'clock next Tues day sfieraoon. Tne progra.mme is fc8 fo4lowe. ' , ' Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2:00 p. m. uurcBB ut vr eiiiumo Uesputiee -Annual AcMrfS Pres. Win. ScibuIuisricM, Farojiogton. Vocl solo, selected Otto L Here The Econocnv of Soiling Dr. Jas Withr combe, Crvl is. Point on Hud Separator cream Go D Got dbue, Salem Tuesday, Dec. 15, 7-3 p m HowDa''ylng has Revolution izn.j the ouiiurnl- luiluftrij-s of Western Orfgon; - H E Liuns bu -v. S P Co., Portld. Vocal solo Miss Matiel Cronise. Chagp f a D"cade in Oregon Durytng, H 34 Williamson, rort-1-ini, " : R-ading 0 lr Guides Guy E Moore. , , Mu-ic Mile Quartette Beb-vi ir of Some Coetatcal Ele ment, Prof. A. L. Koisely Corvallis Wednesday Dec, 16 10:00 am Some Diiry Statistics Ge W We' ks, Saiem Witter Summer Dairying A T Buxton, Forest Grove, Preparation and Costof Silage J M Atkinson, Newberg . :-' i- ' ' " " ' , - .Wednesday Dec 16 1 :30 p m Report of Sectary-Treasurer , ' K ection of 1 ffijers . . Consideration of Reeolut'oi" Construction and care of Hand Separators, W A HndtIon Port land Vocal eolo, selected Prof John Folic B. Diirvigon a fruit farm WD Newell, Dilley. Wepjjesday Dec. 16 7:0 p m Mafc The Gutter Trade of a Commiesipri man W H Chapin Portland ! ' : Vocal eolo, selected Miss Luln Bp a ngler ' Reading The Milkmaid Miss Alice Wicklun i Dairyng at the Lswts and Clark Fair R Scott, Milwaukie, ' Address E A McDonald Seattle Wash US Dairy Inspector. . 'At 9:30 pm Banquet to mem bers of the Association by the ladies of Corvallis at theC'ity Hall. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company offers a convention rate for;this occasion of one and one third fare for the round trip on the .certificate plan. ' , I :"' Those who went irom Corvallis Tent No. 11 to attend the K. O. T. M. Tent No 5 at Albany, last Sat urdav evening were, R. L, Taylor. W. L. Sharp, C. W- Levee, Henry Armstrone'. Walter Locke. I. L- Rowe, William Read and Ed Mos sie. An enjoyable time was had. The visitors were warmly wel comed. It being the night for el ection of officers much business was transacted. .; Ater the business was finished, refreshments were served which were enjoyed by all. -f- - "---''" After the business meeting of the K. L. C.v E. Friday evening, a pleasant sodal: gathering was en j oyed by "those who w ished to re main the balance of the evening at the home of Rev, and Mrs. H. A. Deck..:Th6se present were: Rev Deck and wife, W. ' C. Shriber, Charles Harding, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Heckart, Earl Heckart, Misses Kate ' McKinney, Leona Jackson, Popper, Dunlap, - Mabel Wood, Luella Wagoner, and , Wal ter Wood, I. R. Lowe, and Seth Elliott, i . . BENTON SCHOOLS. Will Sent Exhibit to St Louis Exposi tionWhat, the Plan is. A movement is On foot 1o have all the schools in Bmon county represented in an exhibit at the S-t-Louis J exposition next year. In response in a circular letter issued by State Superintendent J. H.Ack- erman, professors Sheldon and Young of the State University, Professor Justus Durnham, of Portland, J. C. Z user, of The Dal las. J. T. Nowlin. of Pendleton and H. B,. Lyman, of Astoria, the fol lowing committee has been appoin ted by County Sihool Superinten dent Penman to act with him in securing a suitable school exhibit frofn Benton county. President Kmerick of Philomath College, President Baldwin of the college of Philomath, Principal S. I. Pratt of the Philomath high school, Princi pal S. W. Holrnes, of the Corvallis high school, and professor J. B. Horner of the State Agricultural College. Yesterday at a meeting of the commute held at the court house it was decided to place the matter at once before all the teach ers and school boards of the county in securing as choice an education al exhibit aB can be collected by the twmtieth of January, at which time the committee will meet at the school superintendent's office for the purpose of receiving and preparing the exhibit for shipment. The committee fa vara the follow ing schemes- First. Photographs showing school houses,, rooms, grounds interestingand picturesque surroun dings, and especially .showing punils at their studies at play, at tbeir recreations or upon excursions. Sjcond. -Mips: Plan of the state on ascaleof one half inch to the mile of school distriat drawn to a scale of two inches to the mUe: district maps tosh-ow water courses, roads, timber, prairie and bill lands, and every town ana larm residence, with marginal data of school; typo graphical mats and models of school buildings and grounds, es pecially higher institutions, greatly desired. Product maps of state, or gn-ral resources, geology, etc, are very desirable. Third. Pupils work: regular daily work on paper of uniform siz-, eight by ten iocbes with inner margin of one and one fourth in ches, suitable to be bound into neat volurms. Fourth. Pupils language work: for essays or lmguage work as in geography and natural history, much that is striking and peculiar will be available. Descriptions by pupus pi their school districts, in cluding surface, resources, land and water distributioLS, occupation &nd industries, history, household stor ies of adventure and pioneer days, native legends and rrntbs wi 1 all be fittingly deecribtd. V " Fifth. Manual work by pupil : Pai er 'folding! day ' modeling and taffii o k, ; Sixib Specimen!-: In botany and naturul history, and woik in drawing and color r ketches moun ted 01 paper of standard size. ' ' NO LAW TO PUNISH. Those who Give Liquor to Minors " What fbin. Writer Say ftfjiiv: ; In the (base of the City of Corval lis vs Mary Smith for" giving to a minor malt liquor in violation of a' City ofdihahceudge '"Benson su$-; tained a demurrer to the complaint, ' holding-that the city did not have the authority to pass ' such an or dinance, that the . crime ; was only cognizable by the general laws of the sta'e. Section 37 of. charter says: "The council has1 power within the city: To license, tax," regulate and restrain bar-keepers, saloonkeepers, dealers in spirituous or malt liquors, bar rooms, drink ing shops, or places where spirit ous or malt liquors ae kept for sale or in any ' manner disposed of and the sale and disposal thereof" "nor shall any provisions of law concernine the sale or disposal of spiritous or malt liquors in Benton county apply to the sale or disposi tion of the same in the City of Cor vallis." This provision of the charter is now held by the judge to only apply to bar-,keepers, etc, and not to any individual person. In short, the City only has power over recognized persons such as saloon and bar-keepers, dealers, etc, and not persons outside of those de signated in the charter. So as the matter stands a private person can not be prosecuted either under tbe state law or the city law. . It is sometimes a great privilege in life where one is amenable to no law. Any individual, so he is not in the privileged class can sell or give away spiritous malt or any other kind of drinks and answer to no law. :-'; V ' ; ':''-' '" The query naturally is, 1' What is the city going to do?" Why in justice should a poor saloon ' keep er be cinched and a private person be excepted from the penalties of the law? . f X. 1 BENTON CATTLE HEAVY PRICES BROUGHT BY MACK PORTER'S POLLED ' ANGUS '" . ' Eastern Oregon Buyer got Them Basket Ball Tournament at . ' OAC Next Friday Night Other Corvallis News A masked ball is announced to occur in the opera houee on Dec. j ilH. It ;s to be under the manage ment of J J atd O E McHenry. ? kev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the United Evangelical church of Dal las, passed through Corvallis Sat urday enroute to Alsea, where he preached the following Sunday. . Mjs. John Lenger arrived ; home Tuesday from Salem where Bhe had been for some days. She went to Salem in response to a telephone message announcing the serious ill ness of her father, George Ross. Mrs. J A Walters has arrived from Curti?, Nebraska, to remain for some time if not permanently. She is a daughter of E. A. Megan, who cams to Oregon lrom Nebraska a short time ago. Work on the sewer to extend from tbenewschrol bouse to a connec tion witb the lateral between Dr: Fa-ra'a residence and the Christian church, is well under wiv. J R. Smith & Co. are the contractors. L. Burnaugh, a graduate in last year's class, a student who did much to maintain O. A. C.'s stand ing in athletics, and who was al ways a credit to the institution in every particular, arrived Monday. This morning he is to take on the mantle of matrimony. , At a bnsiness meeting of the K. L. C. E. of the United Evangelical church i held last Friday evening, the following officers were elected: President, James Chambers; vice president, Emma Thompson; secre tary, i, Leona Jackson; .... treasurer. Luella Wagoner; organist, Pearl Hotebkiss; chorister, C. F. " Hotch- kiss; Jr. Supt:, Mrs. C L. . Heck art; asst. Jr. bupt., Leona Jackson. A basket ball tournament. occurs at the college armory Friday night. It is the annual tryout for places oh the, boys and gtrls teams. Commen cing ac sevtn o ciqcfc, two games will be played, one by " girls' and one by . tjoys. The pliyers are working under direction of Zophar Tharp and Physical Director Trine and are making good progress. Among the players available for the girls teams are. Misses Linville. Edna and Ray Smith, Logan, Gel: latly, Wicks, . Harrington, Danne- man, Adams, Nichols and Van- Gleve. Some of the above , are of last year's famous team, while oth ers are new. Ur the old players on the boy's team, there aire, Moores, Stokes, Claud Cate Rinehart Broth ejSl' V$feiwer, Grovef Caie ; and S vah." Of new players, there are Divis, rJenson, Smithson and Bur- norigh. Next Friday night's tourna mtit is sure to attract a large crovd. . " . Mr. Balch, a business man of Dufur and extensive r stock raiser, was in Benton last Friday and Sat urday to purchase sticb ' cattle as might fmpf ove . his herds. " Tbe black polled ' aug us stock of Me Porter s struck his fancy and as a result be purchased four registered yearlings; two bulls ane twoheifers, paying for them a sum not tat troffl $1360: These animals were brought to Corvallis Sunday and on Mon day were shipped by boat to Port land. M. P. Fruit being in -charge of them. From Portland they are to be shipped by boat to The Dalles ahd thence be driven to Dufur The sale is but one of many that . Mr. Porter makes during the course of busipess.' His cattle have become known "' throughout the western country, some of them having been sentto ;the extreme limits of the coast including British C dumbia on the north and Southern California tor other limit. Her fine cattle and. sheep.not only on Mr. Porter's but on otner county larms, are iasc making to gpld and fame for Benton. - STATE OF OREGON. ' Executive Department. . ' Salem, Oregou, December 1, 1903. in accordance wl'hthe provisions of an act entitled, "An Act submitting to tho lileclora of the State of Oregon at tne General Election to-be held on the Brat Monday in Jone,. 1901, the pending proposed Constitutional Amend ment," filed in the office of the' Secretarv of State February. 24th, 1903, I. Geo. K. Chamber lain,' Oovernor of the state of Oregon, do here by cause the proposed amendment to the Constitution f Oregon, hereinafter set out at length and designated as "Office of State of Printer Amendment." to be published for five conseoutive weeks in the Corvallis Times a newspaper published in the Second Judicial District of the stale of Oregon B Done at the Capitol", at Salem, Oregon this First day of December, 1903. . , , (Signed! Gbo. E. Chambeelain, . ; Ooveruor of the State of Oregon. By the Governor; ' F. I. DUNBAR. secretary of State. . BIG TIME IN KING'S VALLEY School Patrons to Meet There and Dis cuss Matters The Programme. The people of King's Valley are to be givtn an opportunity of ehow log tbeir interet in. their febool work oo' D Cf ruber 16. Arrange ments have been perfected for a paret fn meeting, at that time which will include the schools of Wren, King's Valley, H i&kioe, Alexander districts. Pe Dee district pt Polk county and Ward jov t distriot bp tween Pulk and Bentoa. County Superintendent Starr of Polk coun ty has signified his intention to be present and take part io the, dav'd work. ... The meeting will occur in the Evangelical church (old. organ ization) in order to make the place of meeting central. ., The above schools have been pre paring an excellent programme f x several weeks. Beeides this there will be a special entertainment for the children on the phonograph for half an hour, a basket dinner during the noon hour. Tbe regu lar ptogramme will be given on the fullov'ing subjects and ,ry the fol lowing . persouK 'How can we keep our large boys and girls in Ecborl?", K.v. W. L.. Arnold; "Co-pfration of Patron and teach er," by D W. Jones and O. O. Ar nold; '"Rieht reading in tbe home," by Rev. Wm. Plowman; "Djty of the parent when trouble ' arises in the.ecbool," L. G. Pice; "How can our teachers arouse greater interest on put of parpn's and pupils," Erl Brown, Mtldora Jackson, Walter Winniford; "What consti tutes a good director?" H. L. Bush and T. L. Read; ' Influence of par ents in governing the school," W. L. Price; "What should the public school do for nor boys and girls. This bei g the first meeting of the ch .tracter he-Id in tbe Valley, it promises one of the best. Good interest prevails no part of teachers, parents and officers. The meeting: is to begin precisely at 10:30 o'clock a. m. .It is the inten tion of Supt. Danman to hold tbe meeting rain or shine. Friends de siring to attend need rot stay at home 00 accouut of etormy weather. There are good accommodations for the horses. FJXITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF OEEGOJT. , Office of thfe Secretary of State. ' I, F. I. Dunbar. Secretary of State f the state of Oregon, and custooiiu of the seal of said SiHte ao hereby certify that I have com parer the prec eding copy of Senate Joint Res olution No 1 of the Legislative Assembly of 1901, "Office of State Printer Amendment" with the original eopy now on file In this office,, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and the whole thereof - - - IN TE8TIMONY WHEREOF, X have herauoto set my hand and affixed hejeto the seal of the State of Oregon. - . Done ar the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon, this First day of Dteemoer A D, 190:1. (Siguou) F. I. DcXBAffi, Secretary of State. L.S. ' ; , , Notice of Fidal Settlement. In the M .ter of tbe Estate) . 1 Sarah Adu Brown, deceased) . Notice is hereby given that the underpinned, as administrator with 'ha will annexed of the estate of Saraa Ann Brown, deceased, ha fild his final accoubSs such administrator, with tbe cleric of the t'ooaty court 01 tbe stite of ore (ron for Benton eoujity, aud tbe unld con tt has lixed Friday the llth day uf December 1998 at tbe hour of rwo-o'Woek in the aiternoon as tbe time, and tne 1 fxmty court room lu the oourt hou-te In O.irvu J.'tu.. Oregixt, the place, fos-hear jug any and all objections K the said accooni, and for settlemeiw therW(,' ; ' ' !- Dated tills Nov T. 1908 i. . . . - WllrfJAJf l. HpQfJlJSS). A4minlrraior witltttm will anuexexl o ttte es ate of tjarau Am Bru wo, aeceisoa, Shropshire Sheep. Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 130841. Lambs by Freshman 1886261 Well bred young stock. , of both) sexes . bot sale. " aeMtde armstronqv CorvaHi. Oregon. You can' afford a business education when $Bo pavs fcr ten weeks instructions in the Corvallis Business College. Next term opens Dee 14. F. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER V CORVALLIS, OR. Office at. Huston's Hardware Store. " P. O. Address, Box 11. .. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. Cheaper Rates. Commencing Jan 1, 1904, we will sell lights per metre in residences at 10c per 1000 watt hours with minimum of 75 cents per month; ' Should you use' 7,500 we will charge you:75 cents.. Ia Albany or Portland the same amount would cost you $1. '. Should you use l5,ooo we will chtrge you f 1.50. The same amount in. Albany would cost $2.20; in Portland, $2.70. Should you use 20,000 your bill will be $2. In Albany Von would have to pay $3 and in Portland $3.60, . Hereafter you will have t fnrnish your own lamp renewals. . Corvallis Electric Light & Power Co, New line of novelty dress goods just received. - , , r There is Men's OVERGOATa Now Goinon at S. L. KLINE'S Ahat You Want Is to try the - New Goods which have just arrived at HOPES' GROCERY. Crystallized Pineapple Crystallized Cherries Crystallized Ginger Fresh Nabiscos . Fresh Cookies New Walnuts New Alfnonds We DMPDriV Tbe Great Sel I 9 Health Food. Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483. Richest, Daintiest Effects . IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE . . . . . . 4 CARBONS " The style that carried off the laurels at the NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVENTION. : These carbon parchments are not mounted on cards but delivered in neat Foldebs or at tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam-. pies of these Carbons are now on exhibition at Emery's Studio', gSSffi 3 Notice of Final Settlement., In the Estate ot John Wiles, deceased, notice is hereby given by the undersigned executors of said estate, thnt said executors have filed tbeir final account In said estate and that the County Court ot Benton County in probate has appointed Monday, the fourth day of January A, D, 1904, nt at tne hour ot ten o, clock In the forenoon of said dav,' at the county- Court Room in the County Court House Id the City of Corvallis' fn Benton County, State of Oregon, as the ttme and place for tbe hearing : of objec tions to said final account, and the final settle ment thereofl Sated November 14th, 1903, ' v ' : Walter T; Wilss and Edwabd F, Wiles, As Executors of said. Estate of John Wiles, decersed. L. G. AL.TMAN, 1YI. D. Homeopathist Offlce cor 3rd and Monroe eta. , Beal dence cor 3rd and Harrison eta, Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Phone residence 315. a Sale of and Boys' Fresh Cranberries Fesh Huekleberries New Honey New Figs, and Dates Olivep in Bulk , German Pickles Swiss Cheese. i t SENATE JOIJfT EE30 LOTION XO. 1. . ' Resolved by the Senate, the House concurring That the following article, as an ameudment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon, be proposed and referred to the next legislative assembly, and If ihe same shall be concurred in by a majority of all the members elected to each House thereof, and shall afterwirds be ratified by a majority of tho electors of the state, then the same shall .. be a part of the Constitution of the State of Oregou: Article i. That Article XII. Section 1, of the Constitution of the state ot uregon. w wra m same is hereby abrogated, and fa lieu thereof shall be inserted the following: The LegisUtiv mmbly of the State et Ore gon Is hereby empowered to prenu ur inr for the election of a State Printer, to provide .for his compensation, and to presorlbe his powers and diitl.-s. v . AO opted by the Senate January 29th, 1901.- President of the Senate. . Concurred in by the House, w .... I Speaker of the House. Adopted by the senate, DMcidant aI thA Senate.' Concurred in by the House January 2lst, 1903.-. Speaker of the House. X 1 1