LOCAL LOBE. ' ( Advertisements In this column charged for m sue me ou ceil lb per line. Born recently, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cathey at San Jose, a son. Born to the wife of G. A. Peter- eon, of Ioavale, Thanksgiving day, a 8on. v John Huffcnan arrived 8unday from Portland for a few days' bueinese vlelt in Benton. Bert Sharp, formerly of CorvalUa, is now connected with a messenger eervice in Portland. , O, V. Hurt has returned to "bis old position in Kline's store. He ar- rived Saturday from a week's busl , nees trip in Portland. . The Soroeia society entertained a - number of friends Friday evening last ' at theadmlnlstratlon buildlop.Tbe gatb erlng proved a most enjoyable one. , A reoent transaction In cattle . was the purchase by Dr. Pernot of 24 bead of cows at aI7 per bead. The age of the cows is two to four years. . After a Visit with relatives in this city, Miss Olive Thompson left Mon day for Boise City; Idaho, where she holds a position as platilste in an or chestra, W. A. Wells expects to leave to day for Tnsoon, Arizona, to spend the winter.! He goes toa the benefit of bis health, and expects to be absent until May 1st. . ' . The enrollment at the public school now is 460, or about the same as at this time last year. The school - in all the grades U in a thrifty con dition, and the work effective. Ellis Edgington. an OAC student, well known as a football - player , and otherwise, fell from a tree Saturday and sustained a fracture of one of the bones of tbe forearm. He was climb ing for mistletoe when tbe accident happened Mrs. Joseph Walters of Nebras ka, arrived Saturday for a two months' vlelt with her parents Mr, and Mrs A, E. Morgan. If Mrs. Wal ters is suited with conditions, the family may move to this county in tbe spring. , A number of friends were enter tained at tbe Gilbert borne Friday evening. Tbe guests were, Misses Florence Wicks, Ethel Llnville, Mary Elgin, Harriet Sheasgreen and Louit-e Gilbert; Messrs, Gardner. Spagle, Shannon and Goodman. Chief Lane has had several teams hauling gravel on the streets the past few days. The gravel goes on bad spots in the highways. It comes from the Beach place across the Wil v lamotte, and costs 10 cents per load ' and 37J for haulingT": A cosy new dwelling house that M. L. Adams is building in Job's ad, dition is about completed, and will be ready for occupancy in a few .days. The place was formerly known as the Ash property but was - recently pur chased by Mr. Adams. . TheMUses Nellie and Pearl Baker, of Eugene, who have been in (Jorvallls for tbe past two weeks left Mnnriav mornini? on the Pomona tor Buena Vista, where they will viait friends until Christmas, before start - log for California, where they expect ... to spend the winter, ... An adjourned term of th Ben- . ton county circuit court is to meet at the court house tomorrow afternoon. It Is for tbe hearing of tbe mandam us proceedings , taken by Richard Fehler and others against the board of directors of . the Newton school district, and will be ' presided over by : Judge Benson. It Is also probable : that argument will be beard on a mo tion by counsel for a new trial in the .Lewis case.against Sheriff Burnett Court will be called at two o'clock." . A L McFadden arrived Saturday lrom Cbitwood, where be is spending the winter. He has been engaged for several months as a carpenter In the Bohemia mines. There is much act . ivitv In the district and many men are employed there. The late wind storm played havoc in the region. one huge tree falling on across a donkey engine destroying it-completly - Gteat trees in tbe adjoining f orests fell with a constant succession of crashes when the storm was at its height. Dr. Ben Job, formerly of Uorvallis. besides his regular practice, is surgeon for many of tbe mining companies, and has a good income. f'Are you a Mason?" is v the title of a theatrical production that will be given at the :Opera House about the middle of January. Some local interest attacnes, Decause or tne laci that the local dramatic company ee . lected the play recently-for a home performance, and ordered it of a Chicago Manuscript Company, The latter deals in all kinds of plays, and as the means of getting 'them made it a practice to have a stenographer : present at the production of new ones ,. which they proceeded at once to j, place on the market under the old or o'nflm noma Tn f-.hla VAV f.hAV - Ont Are you a Mason?" and about the time tbe local company ordered it, the owners of the play swooped down on , the Chicago company under the copy wrlght laws, searched the establish' ment, and took away all manuscripts , of "Are you a Mason?" and of course ... the home amateurs bad to produce something else, which they did. Next I t-U mill jIDUUUl uunovDly uuuio JJDupia mil 'Viawfl nnnnrtnrlrv r baa fhft nlAV II1T T W Vrf V 1 M " . WWW . V w J- J J 'which by tbe way, is a good one, as is evidenced by the fact that it is sent oat by tbe Fromans of New. York, J Tbe Afternoon Beading club- will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Catbdy. ' The ladles of tbe Congregational church will give a Bazaar Friday, De cember 18, Mrs. L. F. Wilson entertained the Ladies Afternoon Whist . club last Wednesday. : Raymond Laffsrty 'lert Friday to enter the employ of J. A. Folger & Co. at San Franclscq. - Mrs. Ruth Clark leaves today to spend the winter with her sops and daughter in Eastern Oregon. W. M. Jones and family of Dallas, have been In town for. a few days, Mr. Jones on business, and the family on a visit. Mrs. Carrick and a butflbef of her mueic pupils gave a musicals Friday evening. All present report a pleas ant time. . The Presbyterian S. S. Is preparing a very interesting Christmas cantata. Mrs. Carrick and Mrs Parsons have charge of it. . Prof. Raymond tendered his class a dancing party in Fisher's hall Satur day evening. Fifteen couples were present. Mr. and Mrs. Goodchild, who re side near tbe old Carding mill, left Friday to spend the winter with rela tives at Canby, Clackamas county. Tbe local lodge of Lions initiated six new members at a meeting . Mon day evening, and several other candi dates are waiting an opportunity to ride the goat. The order is booming in this city.x ; New deeds riled for record are: Ida B. Callahan and husband to.O. O. Hatbaway, small tract of land near Corvallis, $625; A. Howard and otbi ers to John Carpenter, small tract in Monroe, $500. , George W. Fuller arrived Monday from a two months visit at his old home in Michigan. He is accompan ied by bis father, who will probably remain in Oregon. Tbe latter is over 84 years of age, but Is hale and vigor ous. . Relatives In Iowa are anxious to learn tbe whereabouts of Mm. Augus tus Tillotson, whose maiden name was Mary Jane Spaulding. They came to Oregon from near Port Clinton, Ohio, early in the seventies. Information may be sent to tbe "Times" offiee. - Raymond Henkl", formerly of Corvallis, Is now one of the proprie tors of a fine drugstore at San Jose, California. Th store Is a new one, and was opened to the public for the first time lst Monday. In the enter prise, Mr. Henkle has a 'partner, narh ed Curtis. " Jepse Wilev has cqpis iito .posses sion Of Jim Click, a gplding' whose dam is L.ulu Rigsrs, mother of Oregon Eclipse and other famous runners. Jim Click has himself attained som distinction as a runner, but in all probability he will hereafter be drlvon as a carriage horse. He is a perfectly formed animal and Mr. Wiley takes much pride in bis possession. A petition is in circulation asking tbe repeal a? t e extra .session of the legislature of all the laws taxing min ing corporation". The petition recites that the tax stifles the mining opera tions of the state and cripples the in dustry. Tbe particular law to which objection is marts Is the B. Ij', Eddy act. The petition Is addressed to John D. Daly, senator and Marlon Hayden, representative. It la numerously sign ed. A salary pqcal to that of the pres ident of tbe United States, has been offered Homer Davenport, the cartoon ist, according to letters received by personal friends In Portland. Collier's Weekly is tbe periodical which makes the $50,000 off-r. W. B. Hearst, by whom Davenport was employed before he left cartoon work to go on a lecture. circuit, has confidentially told bim not to accept the ofler from Collier's until he heard from the newspaper mag. nate. Davenport, whose, home was formerly in Sllverton, Or., did bis first sketch work, at a salary of $12 a week. : . - . . ' .. The walls and roof have been com pleted to the addition that Is bting built to the beating plant at the col lege, and the work of laying a ce ment floor Is shortly to begin. . The addition is to be used for housing the power plant used in driving the vari ous machines in mechanical ball, and for tbe manufacture of electric light for use about tbe Institution. The ar rangement Is, in short, for the purpose of combining the heating and power plants as a measure of economy In la bor and fuel, and is estimated to in sure a large saving of expense. Tbe addition Increases the floor space of the beating plant by more than double its present area. . . ' The Amicitiahs entertained the Feronlan society In the former's rooms in theadmlnlstratlon building Saturday evening. An excellent lite rary and musical programme was rendered. There were various other sources of entertainment and amuse ment, among which were the perform ances of three young men who enacted tbe part of dummies in quite an unlife- llke and satisfactory manner. Tbe young ladies fished for escorts to lun cheon from a pond which gave forth a varied assortment. Including - crabs, trout, eels, flounders, suckers, devil fish, etc.,' each specimen having in set Ibed somewhere upon Its person the name of an Amicitian. Refresh ments consisted of sandwiches, olives, cake, oranges, bananas and whipped cream. . . EARLY EVENING BURGLARY. Happened Snnday Night At the Al bright House jewelry Taken. Sunday night, the house of J. H. Albright, at- the .north end of Fourth s'reet was burglarized. The deed wasjeommitted in the parly evening while the family was at church. The house was ransacked apparently by two persons, but the thieves got away only with r two or three pieces of jewelry valued more as keepsakes than for their intrinsic worth. These consisted of a moss agate watch 'charm, and a water agate, together with - another piece or two of jewelry. The ar ticles were taken from a bureau' drawer, It has heen the habit of Mr, Albright to Jeave his pocket book in the same bureau drawer, but on this occasion he happened to put it in his pocket before going to church, and by reason of this fact the thieves failed to get it. Various evidences of their doings were left by , the burglars, They gained entrance to , the house through a doof that opens outside ' in a garret above the kitchen, and once inside on the second floor, they dropped .through a scuttle hole into the kitchen. From there they went into the room where the bureau was located, and ransacked its drawers thoroughly. One of these was lecked, but the lock was : broken, and entrance to the con tents obtained. A knob on the same drawer was knocked , off and allowed to drop on the floors At all the windows, as shown by, footprints on the outside, the thievj es attempted entrance. On onethe finger marks were plainly visible, in the yard, a spade and small hatchet, taken from Mr, Albright's shop, were found. It is supposed these tools were taken with the or iginal idea that they could be used in opening the windows. ( Access to the earret throueh which thev Anally entered the house, was se cured by means of a ladder taken; from under the house. All the doors were left securely locked when the family started for church, but one was found unlocked after the re turn home. - ON HIS BODY. Huge Stone There Root Broke it With v Sledge An Awful AcU - - --? An incident that left a profound impression upon those who saw it was Rosco's great stone-breaking act at; the Opera House Saturday night- All the details were car ried out as scheduled in the ad vertisements, and how all of it . . t j i i i ' ; i .1.1 a. ' a. cuuiu nave nappeneu ' wunuut . ter- rible injury to the. hypnotist is i one of the things that" not all ' f j tnose wno were pniooJsers can ex plain. ' ... y' The stone weighed 500 or 600 pounds. Rosco went into a . hyp hotic state in which his muscular system became perfectly - rigid. He was laid, straight - and stiff, Vwith the back of his head nesting on one chair and his feet across another. Then the stone which it took 'six men , to lift, , was placed on his abdomen. A volunteer to break the stone with a sled ge was asked for, and the audience called out G. H. Root, the big OAC half back. '' . Before hypnotizing himself, Ros co asked that a strong man be re quested to wield the sledge in order that the work . of breaking the stone might not be prolonged. The audience remained breathless when the big football player took up the sledge and prepared to strike. Thej big piece of steel swung through the air, and a dull thud was heard j as the.first blow fell. . The stone re- mained intact, Dut at thenext blow. to which tremendous ' strength was imparted, the rock was shivered. The lady of the company who brings Rosco. out of his catalepsy then spoke a few words to the hyp notist, and the muscular rigidity at once passed away, and limp and apparently prostrated, J Rosco was assisted from the stage by his at tendants.' The act is a terrible thing, pass ing to the remarkable, but it is not an incident that the onlooker would care to see a second time. ' The Rosco Company which has been playing for a week at the Op era House, leftSunday for Portland At Corvallis,- three members sever ed their connection with the com pany and went to Baker City. " Sterliag silver novelties of all kinds at the lowest prices- r EP Greffoz, -the Jeweler, 1 ' There is a sale of mens and boys over coats now going on at Kline's. -rOAC Cleaning & Pressing Co. C. C Cate. Tel. 791 B. H. Cate. We call foi-, clean, press and deliver one suit or your clothes each week for one dollar per month. Ladies skirts cleaned. Five doors south f P. O, Christmas Headq 19Q3 S. L. KLINE'S. Ibe display is larger visitors will be amazed at the fullness of preparations and the exceedingly low prices. Soon the great holiday rush will be on, and you will find it much to your interest to. do your; shopping early. Make your selections now. We wilj deliver h em on any designated day. - Xmas Slippers. For ladies and and gentle men. Our line is large .and very attractive. See win dow display; J r ; - 50 75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00. Ties and Mufflers, Gloves, Suspenders. All the late things at money-saving-prices. :r 25c to $1.50. PICTURES AND The Big Store is now at its best, so just come in and take a look at our Xmas dis play. : That is all we ask. ' ? S. L. KLINE. THOSE ELECTED. At Philomath City Election Henry Ambler for Mayor. At the Philomath city , election Monday, Henry Ambler was elect ed mayor over Mr. Weed, the pres ent encumbent, c Other candidates elected were, William Boles, recorder,- G. A. Scott, marshal, Jesse Moses, ; treasurer ; ; Becker and Frink were elected councilmen in the first ward. .. For councilmen in the second ward, Loggan, Burnap and White tied, while Worthington and VanCleve received the same number of votes in the third ward. There was much activity while the contest lasted. . Various issues en tered into the fight. About 150 votes were cast. Two full tickets were in the field, one rpf which was called the Citizens League and the .' Basket Social. At I O O F Hall, Philomath, by Phi lomatfi Concert band. ' Everybody come Ladies bringing baskets admitted free. Gentlemen purchasing baskets will be refunded their ioc. Come out and en courage the band. "Admission ioc. . Eclectic short hand is very easy to learn, and it is the moat rapid system, Short hand notes are read as easily as print. , . , , . For Sale. ' One good 1260 pound team, cheap. En quire of B- Martin one mile northwest of College. E. It. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, POSTOPFlCfiC BUILDINO uarters and more beautiful than ever, Dolls' Xmas Fair, 1903 You will find here an aggregation of dolls of every description dolls that know when to open their eyes, and others that keep them open day and night, dressed or negligee, ready for dressing. Our prices are the lowest in ,he city and variety much the largest. 5c 10c 25c 50c 75c $1 up $7.50. Toilet Cases. In all the latest novelties. .. . 50.75 $1.00 $1.50 up to $7.50 OVERCOAT SPECIAL. The finest and best line .of Overcoats in Benton coun ty. They all go at reduced prices during the month.; v $5.00 to $18 00. Ladies' Furs. Rich Furs at, low prices during Xmas week. $1.50, -$2.50, $3.00 up to $9.00. ' v Silverware. 1847 Rogers, $1,50 to $10. Purses & Chatelaine Bags, all new goods, at 25 50 75 $1,00 $1.50 $2.50. DECORATED WARE. Smart S. KUfPCNHEIMER CO. Lo miller, P - '' x p.- Cimcs Office for Job Printing : ' " "' ( and even the most expectant Games. A large assortment of novel and fascinating games with plenty of excitement ,on land and sea. 25 50c $L00 $1.50 to $3.50 Xmas Handkerchiefs For ladies and gentlemen, ; in plain, hemstitched, lace, and embroidered edges of all kinds. ' 5 10 15 20 25 50 and 75c. Albums. Photo and autograph al-. bums of every description. 25 50 75 $1 $1.50 up to $5. Collar & Cuff Boxes. Glove & Hdkf. Boxes Jewel & Work Boxes A more beautiful assort--merit than ever of these goods. , 50 75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.50. ' The Fall and Winter suits and Overcoats of the fa mous , KUPEN I1EIMER Guaanteed Make are of the character which most of the v men, who are particular about their clothes, imagine . are to be had from onlv the high-price tailors.- Cry on a KupeiriKimer Suit Then ask your taijor any ; where to give you as nob by a pattern, trim it as well, ask his price, and then come ".back. We will do the rest. Corvallis. ... 7