Gorvallis Times. Official Paper of Benton County. ORTAIXIS, OREGON, DEC. 0, 1903. IN JAIL THEN f,"Bnt Jail Official now Big Change for Frances Prjor Letter From him The arrival of a letter at the sher iff's office the other day recalls an attempted burglary of Wilhelm's store at Monroe, the subsequent in carceration of the alleged burglars 'in the Benton County jail, the sen ding of one of them to the peniten , tiaiy and-the dismissal of the other without trial, all of which occur J red in the year 1900, The convic ted burglar was Henry Kubli. He became famous while awaiting trial .;jn the county jail by" bis many and Ingenious attempts to break out He was sentenced by Judge Hamil ton to two years, but within a year : or two, he went crazy and was sent to Jhe insane asylum, being still an inmate of that institution. Kubli had a companion in the Benton jail, a young man who was arrested with him at Monroe, after the attempt at burglary. He was Francis Pryor, of whom at the " time it was not believed that, he " was guilty. He was from a good family at Fayette Iowa, and had "always been well and favorably known bv Frank Francisco, and other Fayette people in Corvallis. The district attorney filed no infor mation against Pryor. and after lying in the county Jail from May until November, he was given his "liberty, and helped in "a financial way by Fayetteans in Corvallis. . The letter received at the sheriffs ofice, which recalls the above inci ' dent, is from Pryor. He is now at Xacrosse, Wisconsin, and is an at : tache there of the city and county "jail. The. -institution is a four-story affair, and Pryor has charge of the ;- lorsesvfn use on the patrol wagons, Agoing frequently with the officers " after prisoners The letter tells of . his life since leaving Corvallis and is interesting in the contrast it ' shows between Pryor's enviroments "while he soiourned in Benton and "since that unfortunate time. - Greeting. ' ' t To the Citizens ot Corvallis and sur - 'rounding:' Having been engaged in the '.' real estate business for past ten years in the East, I have decided to take up the business here.' In doing so I expect to - advertise in the East as well as here at nome and keep in touch, as nearly as possible, with the emigration from the East. Having been a traveling real es tate salesman through several of . the "Eastern states and knowing the disad vantages of the different localities, I 'shall be better able to set forth the adr , "vantages to be found here than the man r who has always lived here and is not ac , 'quain ted with the Eastern ' States. If iypu wish to make . inquiries . regarding any past you can write to any prominent : citizen or to any of the banks of 0 1 wein ftjowa, that having been my headquarters before coming here. After satisfying "' vonrselves as to inv responsibility if vou .have anything in the way of real estate for sale or rent which you may see fit to . place in my hands it will have my best , attention, and though you have no busi ness to place .with ms I ehall be' glad to ;hve you call as I should like to become acquainted with you and will thank you for any points of interest or good sug , gestions for Eastern advertising. . If you ' Stave property to list and it is convenient : please call on Saturday, however I shall ' be glad to see you at any. time. If you . are interested in the growth of our conn, try please call andsee me. , Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I beg to remain touts for business. : ;e. e. white. Office first door south of Reading Soom, Corvallis, Ore. C.We have added several new our Premium dishes. Nolan ban. : " - y- pieces .to & Calla- If your umbrella needs covering it to the Bicycle Hospital. take " New goods all the time Callahan's. . at Nolan, & - r Barred Plymouth Rocks. I have 30 high-bred Barred Ply month Rock chickens yet for sale very cheap, if parties take them at once. - , - . J. G. Horning, . , Corvallis. Bucks for Sale. -Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two 'years old past, Good sheep with prices reasonable. Call on or address - T. W. B. Smith '"" Corvallis, -Phone Surburban 43. Don't forget that Mrs. J. Mason is selling trimmed and nntrimmed . hats at irom 20 c jnp. ALBERT MARTIN IN TOWN. Is out on Bail Something About Him , He has Views About the two ,- Verdicts. ' ; Albert Martin; under sentence for manslaughter for his part in the affair in which Indian Grant lost his life, while his companion Logan was acquitted by a Portland jury, was in Corvallis Saturday, enroute ito his home at Siletz. He has fur nished bail, pending argument on the motion for a new trial, which Judge McFadden has made in Judge Bellinger's court,, and which it is expected will be., heard early in January. The general opinion is that, in view of the surprising verdict in the Logan case, Martin will be extremely liable to come clear in the. event of a new trial. It is also insisted that, on " account of the Logan verdict of acquittal, on evidence said by Judge Belhne- ef when he scored the jury to have been much stronger than that against Martin," a newtriafor Mar tin is almost sure to be granted. . In appearance. Martin is a com ely Indian, rather lighter in com plexion than is usual with his race, He is a small man ' with regular features and with the usual x coal black hair and eyes. His speech is free and his language as good as that of the ordinary Western white man.. As is usual with most of his countrymen, he does not know his exact age, and when questioned on the subject replied, I don t know; but I am between 32 and 35." He is a descendant of the Rogue river tribe, and was born on the Siiet? reserve. His family consists of a wite and two step sons. Concerning the verdict in his own case as compared with that for Lo gan. he talked intelligently, saying that everybody familiar with the testimony was thunderstruck at the comparative results by the two jur ies, He has on earnest hope of an acquittal in case of a new trial, and there is real pathos in the sincerity and candor with which he speaks -i? .1 iu me mailer. - . f We are capturing the gift makers Our line of diamonds, watches, rings and silver novelties, is full of quality and merits ' Jr. M. French, the jeweler. Albany, We can please you with presents that are appropriate- popular and practical, in the line of watches, jewelry and dia monds. ' F. M. French, jeweler, Albany. Nothing makes a more appropriate gift than one of those detachable handle "Hull" umbrellas, 1.50 to $20. Ladies and gents sizes. F.M.French, Jeweler, Albany. , Ir Sale. , ' : Bright cheat and rye grass hay, vetch, spelts, timothy, and rye grass . seeds, Poland China ,hogs, Shropshire rams, L L .Brooke, . ;-.': Wanted, Five hundred turkeys for Christmas. F. P. Clark ; Philomath Ore. Cut glass of the finest designs at ces that any person can afford to chase at E P Greffoz, the Jeweler , pur- The genuine wind proof umbrellas the Bicycle Hospital. : , - at Go to Zierolf 's for fresh Yaqnina ovsters- BayJ For best grade of gasoline,' 35 cents a gallon go to Berry and Carl's. Big stock of cloaks, wraps, jackets and ; rain garments at Nolan & Callahan's. , New couches arid bed lounges just re ceived at the BlackledgeFnrniture and Music Store. The great wearing shoes. Napa -Tan, newlupply now in. S. L, Kline - sole agent. . " Overcoat sale at Kline's. New goods all the time Callahans, at No lan Leave your orders for oysters at , oil's on Tuesday. ' :; . Zier- -. -'X Why not study bookkeeping in the night schofol which meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Get yonr ribs fixed at the Hospital. :v ''.: Bicycle . ' Bacine feet . for men, " women ehildxsn, Solan A Callahan. and SAW HIS FIRST TRAIN. Thought it Little Houses Chasing Each Other A Persian in Corvallis. The aftermath following the jun ior rhetorical at OAC last Friday afternoon was a brief season of re fined hilarity. It was provoked by, a man, born,undef the strange and heathenish customs, and on the burning sands of Persia, . but now arrayed in American , habilaments, and flying the American flag The stranger spoke of the first train he ever saw "as a string of little hous es chasing each other along an iron road." . He described courtship and matrimony, in Persia, where, he said, "the wooer and the Wooed fire 'love at each other , 'unbeknowns' to anybody at two hundreds yards' range, and, the girl is blindfolded at that," In a playful mood and oily style particularly his own, , he ran down a good many English words to find a deal of humorous etymo logy, while ripples of , mirth, out bursts of laughter, and spirited ap plause greeted the speaker in rapid succession like morning sunbeams on a thirty acre field., The speaker was Doctor Ka-sha-ba. This name, which means Sun day, was applied to the father who was born on that day. Young Ka-sha-ba came of a native family of Presbyterians in one of the Mo hammeddan districts of Persia, At the early age of twenty he decided that he did not like to sit down on the floor to chew muc-a-muc like his Turkish neighbors, nor to con tinue teaching school, in the loft of a cow barn a the heathen do, so he proposed to his parents to swap his prospective Persian- bride with dow ry and perquisities appertain ing thereto for a college -education in America. Tojthis the parents reluctantly consented,, however, with their continued good will' they called him Joseph, which in that country signifies "good bov." So in Persia, Joseph Ka-sha-ba means, "good boy born on Sunday." Nine years ago. he came to America, with but three words in his English vocabulary, bread, milk, and wat er, but on striking his first board ing house in the American metrop olis, he said be found these to mean dry bread and watered milk. Upon finding that New York was not bountifully supplied with , mil lionaires who were hunting for poor boys to educate - into mission aries, he struck St. Paul shortly, spending six years j in McCallister College,! and three years in the med leal college of Minnesota, where he recently graduated. To cap the climax, on graduation he took the oatli of American citizenship and married a ' lypical American girl who proposes to labor with her husband as medical missionary in Central Persia, under the orotec- j tion of Uncle Sam.- Doctor Ka-sha ba is now touring the West tn. or der to secure means whereby, he may qarry to his native" land the light he has found in the , life and institutions of the American people. He has contracted to lecture under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at the college chapel next Monday ev ening at which time a small ad mission fee will be charged for a de lightlul entertainment. Upholeteriog. ; Lounges,' Couches, " Desks, " Folding Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular attention given to special orders and re pairing. AH work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. y. W. W. Holgate, Berry & Carl have introduced the fa mous anti rust and wind proof um brellas examine them . ' - Dr. Wells, the Albany V S wilt be at Fruits livery stables every Friday of each week. ' Bring your horses and have them examined free of charge. Eggs 35 cents at Turner store. - Sheriff's Sale. : Notice Is hereby slven that on ' Monday the 21st de; of December, 1903. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the Ultv of Cor vallis. in Benton County. 8tate of Oregon. T wilt sell at puDiic auction lome nignest maaer, ior cash in hand, the following described real pro. nerty. in Benton county. Oregon, towlt: Beginning at the northwest corner of the do nation land claim of Jacob Hammer and wife, being claim No 48, and a part of Sections 26', 37. 31 and 35 In Township 14 South. Range 6 West of Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State of Oregon, and run thence south 60 chains to the southwest corner of said claim; thence east 20 chains ; thence north 60 chains to the north line of said claim ; thence West 20 chains to the place of beginning, It being the intention to describe 120 acres off of the west end of said donation land claim and being the same land devised to William 'Milton Howell, Cllsta Mc Fall and the hei'S of George W Howell, decars ed, by the last will and testament of William Howell, deceased, which said will is of record in Book O at page 425 therein records of wills for said Benton Oounty, State of Oregon, This sale Is made under and by virtue of a Judgment, order of saleof attached propertyland execution, now in my hands, issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, state of Oregon, under the seal of said court, dated October 27th, 1903. in an action wherein Adam Wllhelm, Adam Wilbelm J r, and M. Wilhelm, partners doing business under the firm name and style of A. Wilhelm & Sons, were plaintiffs, and William Milton Howell was de fendant, and in which said action said plain tiffs recovered judgment against said defendant for the sum of (1463.27 with Interest thereon at rate of 10 per cent per annum from Nov. 25, 1902, $96,00 attorneys tees, for the further sum of 163.72 and for their costs and disbursements there In, and the above described real property was ordered sold to satisfy said Judgment. . Dated this Nov 21, 1903, M. P. BURNETT, ' Sheriff ef Benton County, Oregon, PRISON AGAIN Charles Thomas -His Capers in Benton and his new Didos in Marion , Charles Thomas is remembered in Corvallis. - All the saloon men in town know him well. He skinned each of them once by means' of bo gus checks, and by that token e landed in the Benton County jail, and was thence sent to the peniten tiary by Judge Hamilton to serve two years. ' ' - . ' It looks now like Charles would go to the state prison again. He was released from there a few days ago, and hs first act thereafter was to forge more checks, and again land in the county jail. This time it was in Marion county, where he worked off bogus checks, on so many people, that his sentence con not be a light one. With forged checks on the bank ofLadd& Bush he bought a spanking team for $300 and thereafter drove it about the country, buying farms. He bargained for a large number of fine homesteads, and the account is that if his bogus checks had held out, andthe officers have left him alone, would have owned half the country. Thomas is a talented young man He is an Englishman, and at the time he cut so mucn mustard in Corvallis. he wore a white hat. He landed here on a Saturday that was a national holiday. He worked off a $10 bogus check on every saloon man in town, and on the proceeds had the highest of high old times. The saloons were not open the following day.--which was Sunday, and he drove down to Albany for a better time than he could get in a dry town. He re turned to Corvallis in the evening, and the next morning before the banks opened he left town on foot, going south. The bogus character of the checks was discovered soon after the bank opened, and Deputy Sheriff Henderson overhauled Thomas at John Porter's place. After spending three or four months in the Benton, County jail, Thomas was sent to the penitentiary, and apparently his experience there has been such that he is eager to get back, this second time by the same old check route. In his last pyro technic operations, he got away with about $200 in cash on his for ged check racket. New and second hand 1 sewing ma-Fur- chines for sale at the Blackledge niture and Music Store. The study of bookkeeping is very in teresting when you are taught by the Voucher plan, the latest and best method of teaching bookkeeping. , FOR SALE. Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Hills ; - i Plain Sewing, Wanted at my residence in Wilkin's Addition.' Terms reasonable. . V. Mrs. MinnieTrussell. New stock of Napa Tarn and A A Cut ter's shoes just in. All styles. No oth ers so good. S. L. Kline. The Corvallis Business College teaches bookkeeping by the , Voucher plan, which is the only system that makes practical bookkeepers. Try it. . Will keep open evenings until Jan 1904, E P Greffoz, the Jeweler, 1, . For Sale, ; : Good gentle driving horse and buggy. -r J, K. Berry. 1 tie hnest engraved . soavsnir spoons iu the city are to be found at E P Gref foz, the Jeweler. . '' Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters received at Zierolfseveiv Saturday ; Not a Sick Day Since. x "I was taken severely eick with kidney tiouble. ". I tri?d all eorts of medicines, none of which relieved me, One day I saw an ad of your Electric Bitters' and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I fell relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have Dot been siek a day, since. Neighbors of miBe have been cured of Rbeu-. matism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kid ney troubles, and General Debility. This is what B. P. Bass of Fre mont writes. Only 50 c at Allen's Pharmacy. - Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that : the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, Executor of the estate of William F. Byer, de ceased. All persons haying claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, verified as by law required, at my home one mile south of Philomath, Oregon, within six months from date hereof, ! . Dated this 7th day of November, 1903. W. N. ALFOBD, Executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam X, Byer, deceased, . . BOUND FOR you Hear them Belte? ThemX-mas Bells. They have been rioging with - us for the past month; and now Santa Claus has given mb permission to jingle them for you, and . from now until January 1st, 1904, we shall make them Jingle Meerily. . If some of the ' melody xdoes not get into ycrar home it will not be our fault. The choicest things will go first. No need to wait until the last moment, buy now. Need not have " -. them delivered now. We will store them for you. and4 deliver them when you say. Here are a few suggestions. Oar' stock is now at its best, and you Y have time to make selections leisurely. -i .. GIFTS f OR LADIES. A iae Dress PaUero. A Cloak, Wrap or Jacket A FiDe Fur, or S'.lk Umbrella - A LoaDging Roba A Black Silk Petticoat A Pair Fine Shoes or Slippers A Walking or Drfss Skirt A Circular. Shawl A Si'k Sbirt Waist ' Numerous other articles all' worth 100 cents on the dollar after X mas. Lots of good thing for boy?, girls and children. Ciwaity Patterns Iron and Elastic Telt mattresses $950 to $12 And full-sized Mattresses as cheap as $2.00. Stock of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves j , Was never so complete and full of genuine bar- . 1 ' gains as now. Call and look us over. No , C trouble to show goods. . ; - ' 3. D; If you are Having Trouble with your Eyes Or if yon are having trouble with yonr glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed' and by one who will always be on hand to .'v'y--TiDB Jeweler and Optician Notice for Publication, Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. ' . " United States Land Office, -s Oregon City, Oregon, October 22nd, 1903. . Notice is hereby eiven that in commianca with the provisions of the act of Congress June 3 1878, entitled ,'An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California. Oieiron. Ne vada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by .act of August 4, 1892, Barney I. Carey oi Falls Cltv, county of Polk, state of Ore eon. has this dav "filed in thla office his sworn statement No 6317, for the pur. chase of the Lots 1 & 2 of Section No 2 in Town. Ship No 13 S, Xange No 7 West," and will offer prooi to snow mat tne iana sougnt is more val uable for its timber or stone than for aerimil. tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P- Hoses. Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, .on Saturday, the 16th day of January, rM. . He names asl witnesses! . - Jacob L, Henkle of Philomath, Oregon. John W.Hyde - " Frank Spencer - Michael L Flynn - Any and aU nersons elalminff Rrlvproclv t.ti above-described lands are requestedt o file their claims in this office on or before said 16th dav of January, 190 . , - ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, '. - ., . : -v Beglster, Take a look at the rust and wind proof snibrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. gifts for gentlemen. A Business or Dress Suit An Overcoat or Riin Coat A Dress Suit Case A Box Handkerchiefs A S lk Muffler ' A Piir S'joesor S ipper3. ; A "Hawes"$3 Hot A Smoking Jacket J A Pair Fine SusDCnderfJ. Brass Beds To choose from. 1 $350 10 $1750 Finest mann 0o. make good his guarantee. The Beet Remedy for Croup. (From the Atchison Kan. Globe.)' r- : for croup are in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop by one of the children. The croup remedies are . almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be 1 . : Knvnlgra "' Thorn luoiiu v. o - used to be an old fashioned remedy f for crouD. known as hive eyrupand tulu, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does' not cost so much fli nftfcipnt tothrow 13 T : j. v11'1-'" - - r the phlegm" quicker, and gives re lief in a shorter time. Give thia : remedy as soon as tne croupy cougn appears and it will prevent the V tack.: It never fails and is' pleasant and Baft to take. For sale by Gra ham & Wortham. . "