The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 09, 1903, Image 1

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    V0VXVI.--N0. 40.
, ' B. F. EBTim
Editor and A-roRrtator.
Extra Floor Space
Added to our Store the past Spring
. Large purchases of
Menu's "Boys' "Cloth ipg
Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and
Men's Heavy High-Cut Shoes.
Other departments contain Underwear
Hats, medium and fine Shoes, Slip
pers, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Watches,
and in fact every article to be found in
an up-to-date Gents Furnishing Store.
Call and see: ' i'
Ole Do not Lm
) to as high a standard as our
: usvbut see that you make no mistake in (
the house that keeps the hig
, est standard of Grocer
; , ies that is the ' ' '
place to
BUY ' - ' , .
Fresb Fruits, ,
I fresh, eyery thing to be v had
run our delivery wagon
to keep wha you
please. Call
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my. special, list, or come and .
,see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing -
you over the country. , I
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
v Philomath, Oregon. k . S
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. vi., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
led t Graham & Wortham's drug store.
DB. 0. M. IfUWTH,
Physician & Surgeon
' Philomath, Oregon.
1 mmmmm a J -rr W V-tTT ' A m T A TTf
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
desire would promote ' (p
Frsb Uegttabks,
in the market. . We
and pur aim is
want and to
and see ;
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
3. A. CATHEY, M. D
, Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Boom 14, First National Bank
Braiding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
o to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m.
For Sale.
Grub oak wood. For particulars in
quire of E. B- Horning.-
Will Make Him aNjvr Forebead
Wbole Town Prostrated With :,
Typhoid Fever Epidemiol-
Woman Stabbed Him
by Mistake. .
New York, Dec. 4. The medical
fraternity of "the country is watch
ing with absorbing interest the re
markable case of Aa Paulieon,
who has a large portion of bis brains
missing, one eye gouged out and
the entire frontal bone fractured
and etill iryes. The pitient is ra
tional and is pronounced to be on
the road to recovery. The surgeon a
are able to watcb the pulsations of
the brain through the orifice of the
sightless eyesocktt. - Marvelous to
relate the patient is not aware that
one eye it? destroyed and does not
ku that a load of buckshot tore
tb rough the brai a. He experiences
no pain and wonders wliu the Bur
geon will permit him to use bia eye.
The wound ws made I v a com
panion who was hunting and whoJ
polled the trigger of bis gun by mis
take. The surgtons intend to make
a new forehead tnd manufacture a
new frontal. They will take a fresh
ly am putated human bone, grind it
up, decalsify and mold a new bone
and then cover the tktn with a flap.
In lime the calcium salts of the
body will permeate this and make
a real b.ue.
Butler, Pa., D.c. 3.- The epi
demic of typhoid fever which broke
out on September 15 last iocreases.
Nearly 1,500. cases- and 18, deaths
have been reported.: This means
that about one out of every seven
of 1 the ' borough's inhabit 1 nts has
been strii ken.'
The Rev. Father R. L. -Carroll,
of whose congregation 125 are ill,
says:- .....;;. ';v.. . ...j ; .
'We need girls to work and who
know something about nursing. As
you love God and . 'your neighbor
came to Butler's aesistabce."
Oae physician has Bixty-five ' fe
ver patients; four doctors have bro
ken down under the strain, and,
weakened, have been easy victims
of the scourse j t he last of them was
Dr. J am'es (Ci roes man"! ' -..
Tub lejiel J conjmjttBe'meri, clergy:
men tinct djp'ctori e that tbe worst
is yet ta come ; that the epidemic
will bat iubeide until April; aiid
that .tl.OOO.i, day will be needed to
nurse and feed tbe sick. " :y. '-:--'v "t
In response to', ap.pealo, . nurses
are arriving on every train, but do-
1 CSSSk'i.f
It wfll pay yon to examine the W. a
I I Douglas shoes, and see for a
. 1 yourself that they are just as a
i good in every way as those for $
" H which you have been paying S
1 5 to $7. For style, com- M
ra,fort, and service, they ff
! "a cannot be surpassed Mf '
by custom-made Jf
' ehoes. jgr . ;. '
meetic help to wash the clothes and
bedding of the patients is as badlv
needed as nurses.
The state board of health ' found
that the epidemic was caused by
pollution of the water used by most
citizens. This pollution is tracea
ble ti casts of the fever near Thorn
Run Dim, the reservoir of the Bug
ler Water Cm pany.
Portland, Dec. 5 Suffering from
a serious koiie .wound in (he breast,
Robert Matt-ison. an actorl is lying
at Good Samaritan hospital'. While
lajLing iu iu . euicnuiuiutuk v
Gervais he was accidentally stabbed
by the leading woman. ' ' '
Mattesoa is 37 years of, age and
bt longs to a lodge of Odd Fellows
in Minneapolis. Duriiig the enter
tainment he was a principal in a
farce. He wastbe leading character
and a pirt of the play is the stab
bing of the villain by the woman.
Tbe actor wore a board covered
with tin under bis clothim to pro
tect bim from injury. However,
the actress struck to high and the
Sharp blade entered Matteson's left
breast penetrtiting' the lung and
barely missing the heart.
The injured man was somewhat
improved yesterday and it was
thought best lo biing Port
land fur treatment 18 1 night. Dr.
G F. WiUon is attending him.
While the wound is serious it is be
lieved the &c Or will recover.
Sn Francisao, DiC. 4. As pre
dicted in special news service dis
patches 10 days ago, the Santa Fe
railroad has acquired .the North
Shore railroad to finish the link
tbat will c mnect Eureka with this
city. It is announced on good au
thority tbat shareholders will re
ceive $100 per share for tbeir stock.
President Ripley has a $1,200,000
forfeit deposited against th'e stock
now being placed in escrow by lo
cal s.okholders.. The toad oper
ates to Cbzadtro, 105 miles north
or fce-'e. Surveyors are in the field
south and north of Eureka, and tbe
same authority says it is the inten
tion of the Santa Fe to reach Port
land by the coast-line route as here
tofore rumored. This story the of
ficials say is not correct, but they
will give no explanation for the ex
tensive surveys.
Louisville, Ky.,, Nov. 28. Some
ten years ago there stood behind the
glove counter of a store here a
young woman, Miss Georgia David's
whose unusual beauty won her lo
cal fame. v "- ! ; "
A few days ago precs despatches
related how Mrs; E. H. Power, tbe
wife of a wealthy American in Loht
doh; bad losf a package containing
gems valued at $40,000. Her hus-r
band notified Scotland Yard, and
within a few hours a cabman had
returned tbe package and found
himself richer" by $8,000, he being
entitled, under the English law, to
zU per cectjj, of the vaLue of tbe find.
MiBs Davids and Mre. Powr are
the Game, and the change in, fortune
for the pretty Louisville shopgirl, is
thus indicated., :.$bfi 90 w makes
her ,h"ome in London, ; with . every:
thing millions can bring her, and
has recently been touring the con
tinent with her husband in their
auto car.' . . :. ;
The unuauat beauty of the woman
attracted general attention, and it
resulted finally in, her acqeptance
of an ofir to go on the stage. . After
a few seasons before the footlights,
ber beauty and . charms won the
love of a Southerner named Power,
and tbeir. marriage and a life of
luxury and wealth is the lot that
came to the pretty t clerk in the
Louisville glove store.'
Ontario, Or., Dec,' 4. A terrible
accident occurred last night about
9 o'clock on the outskirts . of this
city. Peter Ruseel, foreman of the
O. S. L. bridge crew, and three of
bis employes, J.. R. Stroup, James
Mehan and Ji. J. . Burns, were re
turning from Washoe, when, their
handcar was run into by a special
train and Russell received injuries
which caused death a few hours la
ter, Stroup and Mehan jumped
from the car, but Russell and Burns
tried their utmost to remove , the
same to prevent wrecking the train.
Before they could accomplish their
object, however,-the special struck
tbe car, throwing Russell 60 feet
and mangling bis right leg and
head in a frightful manner. Mehan
escaped uninjured. . .
Tbe deceased has been in the em
ploy ef the O. S. L. railway for the
past 15 years as foreman of. the
bridge crew.
Career of the San Who Obtained
Money From Several Country
Banks How He Escaped ' ,
a Number of Times.
HiJdboro, Or., Die. 5 Jam's
H. Burke, whose true name is Ham
lin, and who lor 6oma time resided
in the vicinity of 4 Troutdale, was
this morning sentenced to six years
in the penitentiary, upon pleading
guilty to a charge of forgery. Lst
August, Burke went into the Hol
land settlement, north of Forest
Grove, and represented himself as
an. agent of Baker & Hamilton, a
San Franci?cj firm. He said that
he was selling farm implements
and tools, and went to various fir
mer?, getting them to write their
names and addresses ' on the pre
tenee of having catalogues sent
them. " 'J-.-. ' : ;
He approached Walter Bernards,
a wealthy rancher, and secured his
name and address, asking B rnards
to write it down himself. This was
done, and a day or so later Burke
appeared at the Forest Grove Bank
and enquired if a note with Mr.
Bernard's name as security was
good. The bank replied in tbe af
firmative, and, as there were two
brothers by the name of Burke re
siding near tbe Bernards; farm,
supposed tbat it was a neighborly
loan. , 1 , ,
Ciehier Kane happened' to drive
by the Bernards home that evening
and found that no . one had - ap
proached him to act. as surety. This
caused alarm and Mr. Bernards
wen. to town the next morning to
intercept Burke when be was to ap
ply for the money. He remained
in seclusion, and, as Burke passed,
identified him as the man to whom
he had given the name and addreBs.
Burke went to the bank to cash the
note, passed the paper into the win
dow, and was. immediately covered
with revolvers by E. W. Haines,
the backer, and Cashier Kane. He
was brought here and Placed in
jail. .:, ; u t " ' '
A few weeks later he and J. T.
McNamara broke jail, "and were at
large for about three wetks. Burke
was located in Skamania county,
Washington, was arrested there by
Sheriff Totten." broke away from
that official while on the way to
Stevenson, wis later captured by a
balfbreed, and made his escape the
.second time ,by . ovfirpoweting' Jtiis
custodian, and went down into
Clark county, where he was cap
tured, at a brother's bouse, late one
evening, by Sheriff Biesecker, who
shot the fugitive in the groin and
arm while attempting to break a
way,' .. .
Before operating in Washington
county Burke passed forged, paper
a.t. Med ford and at Jeffdrson. . He
also planned a second , j.a,il .break,
promising to give Tromley $loo if
he would make keys to open the
corridor doors. The keys were com
pleted but were discovered by the
sheriff, and Tromley will serve two
and one-half years for the conspir
acy. Sheriff Sewell will go to Sa
lem Monday with commitments for
Burke, Tromley and . McNamara,
in for two years for larceny.
. Portland,' Dec. 5. It took the ju
ry trying Asa B. Thompson, ap
pended receiver of tbe La Grande
land office, just 38 minutes to bring
q verdict of acquittal in Judge Bel
linger's court yesterday afternoon.
The charge for which Thompson
had been indicted by the Federal
Grand jury, and tried in the Unit
ed states district court, was for al
leged solicitations of bribes. Cbas.
Cunniogham. and Inspector G reen,
of the interior department, were tbe
? . l . . mi
principal witnesses against, inomp
son, and they and Dallas O'Harra,
Glen Sailing . and Asa Ray burn,
came in for a terrificorensic denun
ciation from T. G. Hailey, assistant
attorney for the defense. (
The trial of Thompson has at
tracted wide-spread interest through
out Eastern Oregon, where the prin
cipals are all well known. The spe
cific charge against him was that
he was alleged to have attempted
to Solicit bribes amounting to $500.
The evidence against Thompson
was furnished by Charles Cunning
bam, "the Oregon sbeep king," and
Inspec'or Greene. From the begin
ning the evidence of any wrong do-
ihg an the part of the land .receiver
.aafso flimsy; that jthe day's pre-
cee,ding8 of the court were ..little
short of a farce., United States Dis
trict attorney John A- Hall .did the?
bad pa hand, ut the .characterfl
rnany.p! . the witne-ses ; iWare , most
viciously assailed by the attornev
ior the defense. Witness after wit
ness swore away .the character .of
Cunningham and O'Hara. Sailing
and Rayburn practically admitted' they - had comDoitted 'perjury,
and that they had sworn to falsa
land affidavits. It was tbe testimo
ny sworn to by O'Hara. Saiiine arid
Ttayburn that "moved Jgdge, Bel
linger, m his chargp , tn the jury, to
refer to them as tn'e ' three thame
less cbaracters". who lad .sworn
falsely in a case ii. which Cunning
ham was the beneficiary.
. .Judge Bsllinger, in his instruc
tion? to the jury, reviewed the case
carefully. It was very favorable to
Thompson aod he intimated that
from the evidence there was noth
ing to warrant the j ury fipdirig the
defendant guilty. -The jury retired
at 4:15 and in 38 minutes . . ;
rendered a verdict not guilty on alt
three of the counts.
Washington. Djc 5. Notwith
standing tne fact that a FederaL
Court .jury acquitted Asa B.
Thompson, suspended receiver of"
the L Grande Jand office,, of tbe
charge of accepting a brib9. Secre
tary Hitchcock declares Thompson,
cannot be reinstated. The secreta
ry informed Senator Fulton that
the mere fact of Thompson hajrjng
been indicted indicated that "some
thing was wrong," dnd the indict
ment, regardless of whether Thomp
son was adjedged innocent, f had
impaired bis usefulness as a govern
ment official. He then and- tbee
told the senator the delegation must
recommend some new man for ap
pointment to this receivership.
When tha Oregon senators learn
ed, this morrjiog of Thompson's ac-
qaittal, tbey forwarded to Secreta
ry Hitchcock telegrams announc
ing this fact. ., ...
After the Secretary, h,ad received
fbfl ffirpcrninf nrkfo tfiA rtfunnniaw
correspondent inquired at his offica
what, if anv. chansi it Uarl miHa
as to the secretary's determination
to dismiss Thompson, and. wa? told
the .secretary stood firm, and, more
over, that in calling on tbe Qrcgoa
senators to name a ney? receiver,
the secretary acted by specific direc-"
tlon frprjo the president. , . . ,-,',
Senator Fulton said today., when.
told of the situation, that no one
bad been recommended to succeed
Thompson, and nothing is likely to
be done - until Secretary Hitch
cock's formal acknowledgment of
the letter mentioned is at hand.
Both senators are indignant to
think, that Thompson; in view of
hia acquittal, is not to be reinstat
ed, but they have not determined
whether to engage in a protracted
controversy with the secretary over
this matter.
At Philomath.
Mr. Scbriber shipped a carload of
prunes to Salem last week.;
' There was a large attendance at
the basket social given by the band
last Thursday evening. .
Rev. Bannett ia slowly improving-
. . 7h- v
Dr. Newth went to Albany ' last,
Thursday to attend the meeting of
the Central Willamette Medical so
ciety. Jess Moser, of ti e linn of "Moses
Bros., returned fr..n- h t.uuness trip
to Portland last week. (
Eggs have reached 36 cents at
the stores and promise to go higher.
S. P. Clark sent the largest ship
ment of turkeys to Portland for'
Thanksgiving, that ever was ship
ped from Philymath. '
- When . the ' next issue of
"The Times" is issued, the result of
tbe city election will be known. To
the.careful observer it looks at pres
ent as though . there would be a
close race between Mayor Weed,
the present incumbent, and Hy
1 : v Philomite.
For a Bad Cold.
If you have a bad cold you need
a good reliable medicine like Cham
berlain'a Cough remedy to loosen
and relieve it, and to allav tbe irri
tation an inflammation of the throat For-Bile by Graham,
& Wortham. ,