The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 02, 1903, Image 3

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( Advertisements tn this column charged for
ftt the rate oils oents per line.
Joe Roblnett, member of a Benton
county ploaeer family, la down from
eaet of the mountains, on a two-wee6s
Visit to old acquaintancea.
Qua AIsod, who passed'through
CorvalIl8 to Portland a few daya ago
from Toledo to answer a cuarze of
Belling liquor to Indians, was acquitted
Of the charge in the U. S. court.
Dr. and Mrs. Dan in took their
departure from .Corvallis list Sunday.
They go to San Francisco for a brief
time, after which they will travel in
the old world for a period of perhaps
eix months, " . -"
W. A. Wells has partially recov
ered from bis lute illnes, but he exoects
to be timber benefitted byasr journ
in California, He will therefore de
pal t for that state as soon as be can
make the necessary arrangements tor
his absence.
A football team picked from the
younger devotees of the game about
Corvallis went out to Philomath Sat
urday and engaged a similar team of
that pltce Id the afternoon. The re
sult of the game was seven to naught
in favor or Corvallis,
Attention is called t1 the publica
tion of the name and members of new
patrons of the local telephone system,!8!01 mater, do t -Nevada.
and also of changes in numbers of olu
patrons. Interested parties are tx
pectsd to clip from the - paper copies
of the chaogee for reference. V
Mr. W. E. Hanley and Miss Ma
bel Buorman were mariied at flood.
Elver on Thanksgiving day. The
groom ii an O.A; O. etudent, Mr.
Hanley has a farm in. "Waihlngton
county, and the newly-wed led people
will pot into practice..-the knowledge
obtained at 'the agricultural college.
The change of . the Dasty mail
route from Philomath 'to Corvallis
went iDto effect yesterday; Bird Eick
ard, the carrier, arrived' in town yes
terday moinlng at 10 :30, and lert for
Bellfountain in the , atcernoon at 2 o'
clock. The service is daily. The
route has been in operation out ' of
Philomath tor several years. .
Arrangements are being made for
a great poultry show in Albany, to be
gin January 12 th and continue four
rtavs. Au eatlv announcement is made
. eo that prospective exhibitors may
have time to put their fowls In good
condition. Doubtless there will be a
A - . I T . .......
, taking much interest la high-grade
poultry, Further particulars are to
be given out aoon.
Byron Cardwell, an early resident
of Benton county, died ia Portland a
lew days ago. With his parents aid
- other members 6f the family - be went
to Portland about the year 1860. In
1857 aod'185S, Byron Cardwell and V7.
B. Carter kept a band of Mexican
dustings in the hills just west of Cor
vallis, and it waa or the former that
Cardwell Hlil ws so named. De
ceased was a mao - of couslJerabla
.prominence lo politics and business,
and at the lime of his death . wa a
Portland councilman.'
M. S. Rlckard, recently of Sno
homish, has rented the fam of Wvll!s
"Viclito in Al'sea valleg, and will take
charge soon after the first . of . ihs
yeartfc. Etckard is to . introduce id to
the yalley qaautlty of high grade
stock of various kinds and on: Satur
day arrived lu Corvallis with a floe
hog which he proceeded ,j Alaea on
Monday. The stock 1 the Ohij Im
proved Chester, and is known a the
O. I. F. This animal will d6ubtless
prove a good accession to - the stock
jaterests of the valley. :'.;
At this time a favorite method -ot
.hunting ducks and geese is for a party
oi two or turee to nave a ooat nam
ed up the river fifteen to twenty
miles and drift down on it, Bv this
means the sportsmen are able to
conveniently hunt out the sloughs
and bayous in addition to the sport
they may have on, the main river. It
is their custom to camp over night
on a favorable bar. where geese con
gregate after feeding in the fields
A party consisting of J. N.
McFad -
den, John Zeis and M. P. Burnett
made such a trip the first 6f the
week and secured forty-eight ducks
.and a goose, ' " ; '.
Mrs. Boy Eaber returned Sunday
from Portland where she has been un
der the care of physicians for several
weeks. She was accompanied by her
husband who returned on Monday to
tho scene of his mining operations at
Glenn's Ferry, Idaho. There Mr. Ea
ber is superintending the construction
of an immense gold mining dredge, in
pal owners. Much of the heavy ma
chinery going into the structure is of
special character and it has required
eastern manufacturers a long time to
complete It. Mr. Eaber hopes to have
the dredge ready for work by Februa
1 ry first, . . - ; : -" -y " .
group oi men coueccea on the
street yesterday and an iovestigattion
of the cause disclosed a hot dlecuspion
as to whether Charley Chipman was
celebrating the 50th or 51th anniver
sary of hia birth. ; Charley was" 50
years old on November 30tb. At
length the argument of Bismarck pre
vailed. Ha knew that a similar ques
tion had beeo settled in Germany be
fore be left that country years ago.
His contention was that an anniyersa
ly meant trie return of a certain date.
A peraon'sTlrBt birthday is not an an
niversary because ic is not a return of
the data. So a&j? one 50 years oil
has bad 51 birthdays, but only 50 an
niversaries. y'y , ; y-. ; y '. ' ;'
"Mrs. M. P, Barnett spent Sun
day with Albany friends. '
Mrs. E. P. Greffoz was the guest
o't Mrsv -G. G. Hogue of Albany last
week. . ;
Wiley Young la home on a two-
weeks vacation. He is located in
Eev. P. A. Moses returned Mon
day, from a viaic wi'h his daughter
at Yaquina Cityl
p'rof. and Mr?, A. O. Schmltt
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Schmitts
parents in Albany, - ;y.
A noticeable . improvement is a
ten-foot walK in front of B. H. "-Huston's
property on Main and Jeflersotr
Karl Stelwer and Merrill Moorea
returned Monday from a Thanksgiv
log viit at the Steiwer home near.
P.M. Zierolf returned Sunday
from PortlauJ, where he had 'gone a
few days previously to consult a phy
sician on account of rheumatism.
Judge Wat tera went to Salem
Monday, having-been summoned to a
meeting of the execu ive board of the
Good E-'ads Association, ot. which.
he Is vice president.
Albany Damofifat Harve S'jdln'i
returned t:day from Ojrvallla, where
he took great plaasute la seeing his
Mr. Bj
guard diae ws probably the
OAO ever had.
-Mrs. F. E. Purdy Invited a num
ber of friends of the family to her
home j) ear the S. P. aepot Monday
evening la honor of her daughter.
lcs. Leila Jones, who is on a visit
from PortUnd. The entertainment
was music and games.'
' Williams who went through Ne
vada's enda" tor three touchdowns,
couldn't do a thtng with Albany's fast
ends. Albany Democrat. Williams
did not round the Nevada ends for
the touchdowns. HU play was through
Ka XT .ht .. r linn . if tTTfi a n tar1ra anrl
- X J-
Albaoy Democrat At a meeting
of the Alco commercial committee
the Cramer proposition was discussed
and accepted subject to. the . securing
ot 85,000, security for the - eompanv
When thia ts obtained the $2,500
bonus will be solicited and undoubt
edly obtained. ,
The end ot November closed the'
open season for China- pheasants, na
tive pheasants and all other land
birds. Sportsmen state t bat there
seems to be now an unusual numbe
ot Cnina pheaeants as compared with
the number in previous years at the
beginning of the closed season. This
ot course, may be taken to indicate
that tkere will be an unusual number
of birds next year,' ; ; - .
D. M. Smith was in mnch trtba
litiou Monday morning, Hid trouble
was occasioned by tbe absence of a
fine bird dog which had strayed away
OC bad been stolen. Mr. Smith con
sulted the best, detective skill iu th?
city and when an exhaustive p!an of
search had beea completed tho dog
came home in a bedraggled- coaditloo.
Toe owner thinks .tho . animal hid
been forcibly detained . somewhere,
buj; took the fiist , opportunity to
make his escape.-' . .'. U
A very gratifying observa' ion rel
ative to fioe poultry breedlug in . Ber
ton and perhaps the same' may- be
said of tbe entire state is tbe tacit hat
breeders are not only eecuiiog the best
obtainable Block, but thev are also of
Jase preparing to eaie fqr the birds ip
an iut lligent way. S. H, Moore, for
txample,: has constructed a chicken
house about 120 feet in length and ar
ranged -r for thorough ventiiatlon.
-cleanliness and many other ecedsiiles
and conveniences. Bunnjog out from
the building long pens have been con
structed of high wire fencing, bj which
means the different stooke of poultry
are kept separate. Persons contem
plating poultry business should exam
ine Mr. Moore's plan. F. ,L. Miller has
also prepared to give bis chickens
comfortable housing. He has con
structed a chicken house 0 feet long,
and on very much the same plan as
th?t adopted by Mr. Moore. From
lMr - Miller's improvements and prepa
rations it woull seem that bis ambi
tion is to make a regular poultry par-,
adise. . Dr. Lester Is also carrying out
some original ideas as to tbe care of
chickens. Gene Simpson is another
fancier. He has been In the business
for some time and has acquired such
a practical knowledge of poultry
breeding that It ia a source of much
financial profit. Hundreds ot others
in the county are acquiring choice
strains of poultry and studying the
requirements of the business, and it
seems probible that now Benton can
boast of a greater variety of thorough
bred chickens than any other county
in the state.- '
New couches anil bed lounges just re
ceived at the Blackledge Furniture and
Music Store. .y. y-y.
New stock of Napa Tarn and, A A Cut
ter's shoes just in. All styles. No oth
ers so good. - S. I. Kline. '
The great weariag shoes. Napa .
new supply now in. S. L,! Kline
agent. ',
Overcoat sale at Kline's.
The Corvallis Business College teaches
bookkeeping by the . Voucher - plan,
which is the only system that make?
practical bookkeepers. Try it. '
End "of the Negotiations r for Street
Lighting Arc Lights Ordered.
An agreement has been reached
with reference to street lighting
in Corvallis." A contract, giving
a franchise to the local Electric
Light Company for a period of io
years was signed Saturday, after
noon. The company under bpnd
to the city for faithful performance
of the terms of the contract.
,'r Under the arrangement the city
is to pay five dollars per month for
arcs, and $i 35 for incandescents.
ihe figures are exactly the .same
as thoie submitted in the J ones
bid, and are believed to be very
low. The present rate the ci'y
pays for incandescent3 is about
$2 50 per month. The new rates
are to go into efTecJ December 1st.
when the total cost' per month to
the city for street lighting will be
$54- For several years past the
cost has been $io2 50 per month.
Formerly, it was $124 50 per month
The last of the various steps; in
cident to the negotiations, was ta
ken at a special meeting of the city
council Friday night. It consisted
in the repeal of the ordinance that
was passed over the mayor's veto,
and in the adoption of a new " or
dinance in lien thereof. The or
dinance that was passed over the
veto, it will be ; remembered,, pro
a a "w,u "iTw oV -trying for further consideration
vided that the city should pay $6 K ....
oer month for arcs and SS1.41 for
incandescents. It subsequently ap
peared however, that the council
men, when they passed the ordina
nance over the veto had
al private agreement by which
tbe local company should accept the
lower figrues of the Jones bid, or
$5 per month for arcs and $1 35 for
incandescents. Then it developed
that no contract could be- legally
signed on a basis of the ower; fig
ures, and a special meeting - was
called and the work of passing the
ordinance over the veto was undone
and a new ordinance incorporating
the lower figures ' (adopted. The
result is that Corvallis probably
has the cheapest street lighting of
any town in the West.
.y . - ' "V : ' ' -'
There are other favorable fea
tures of the new contract, v Under
the former contract, when once a
light was ordered, it had to contin
ue in use by the city . during the
life of the contract. In the event
that an extravagant coubcil should
have ordered an immense number
of lights, the city would have been
competed to continue to use and
pay. for them.- Under the "new con
tract, the city may at the end '-of a
year discontinue the use oany or
all lights ordered, lor such c action
may be taken at the end of any
subsequent year thereafter. Origin
ally, the local company asked that
at least $7S worth of lishts should
i be constantly used, bu this was
eliminated from the contract en
tirely,", and the city may use gio
worth, or-go without lights entire
ly if it so desires. The only way
in which the city is bound in this
particular is that it shall use the
light's of the local company, and
pay $5 per month for arcs and
$1.35 for incandescents for such
number as it may uce.' ; "
There is also a very distinct
promise on the "part - of the local
company that there is to be a liber-
al reduction to private consumers.
Mr. Porter addressed -the council
while the riew ordinance was pend
ing, and said that - the - minimum
for meters, now $1 50 per month
would be reduced to 75 cents or
$1 per month, and . that the rate
for meter use would likewise be
much lowered. It is fully believed
that the company will carr out its
promises. Meantime, the council
has it distinctly stated in the con-
; tract that the council does not
waive its right, granted . under the
charter, to regulate the vrates of
light to private consumers.. '
7a.: y '-.7';7.;' " .':-. '-yM y
Since the above was in type,' the
Iyight Company has announced a
reduction to private consumers
which is sweeping enough to place
electric lighting within reach of all.
Notice of the reduction appears in
another column. The minimum
meter rate,' now at $1.50, is to be
placed at 75 cents. The same rate
at Albany is $1. The rate per
1,000 Watt hours, now 20 cents is
to be reduced to 10 centsj a cut of
exactly one half. It 7,00 Watt
hours of light is used by meter, the j
charge is 75 cents; In 'Albany or
Portland, the same amount ofligbu
to private consumers' costs $1. If
15,000 VS'att hours of light is used
by meter the cost tinder the reduc
tion is $1.50. The same amount
in Albany costs $2,55,"and in Port
land $2,70. In Corvallis'.-" under
the reduction 20,000 Watt hours of
light is to cost $2; in . Albany $3,
and in Portland, $3.60.. A change
in the arransement is that . hereaf-,
ter families using the light must
make their own. renewals pf lamps
In the past the company has made
the renewals of all breakage. The
cost of an ordinary lamp is 20 cents
or eighteen cents if a . number is
taken. The breakage and wear of
lamps' is very small compared to
the very great reduction made in
its rates by the ight company. The
same arrangement will be allowed
business places that use the light
continually in case theydesire to
install meters, save that the mini
mum rate to private '- consumers
will not apply. . The new rates to
private consumers are . to go into
effect January i..7 . - ;
A brief communication from the
Jones people was read . while "the
ordinance was under consideration.
The statement was signed by Thom
as Jones, and declared that . if .giv
en the opportunity, a lower Ybid
would be offered, The council
did. not consider that the commttni- :
cation was tangible enough to mer
it consideration t No statement as
to the identity of the bidders was
made, and 00 , evidence submitted
in the new communication as to
the financial standing ot the - pro
posed bidders, " Both of these are
essentially ; factors in any contract
to be made by the city for so long
a period a9 10 years, and ihe ab -sence
of information on both points
made it difficult for the" members
to assume the responsibility of de-
The mistake of the competitors
all along, has been in not - disclos
ing their identity fully, ancTin giv
ing the conncilmen a ,' full view of
their purposes and plans as evi
dence of good faith. Of the finan
cial stability of the Porter com
pany, there was no doubt, and the
council took no chances in deal
ing with them. With the other
people all unknown, a factor of risk
was manifest, especially in view of
the fact that in the last offer there
was neither certified check or offer
of a substantial bond. '
what Jones bid savrd city.'
Of the Jones people, there is,
however, one thing to be said. To
the unexpected and opportune ap
pearance of their first bid is due the
fact thara comparatively short term
contract has been made, and at
prices much lower than would have
been possible had tliey not appear
ed as competitors for the franchise,
The local company refused a fifteen
years conttact at $6.25 for arcs and
$1 46 for incandescents. After the
Jones people appeared, - the local
company accepted a ten years con
tract at $5 for arcs and $1.35 for
incandescents. - The difference on a
basis of fifteen arcs for street light
ing for fifteen years, had .the local
company have finally accepted the
latter term, would hve been $3,375
which amount is saved. to say
no; hing of annual in' erest and ".'the
natural increase in light consump-
tionas the period advances the
saving of which . large amount is
due to the timely ; apparance of the
Jones bid. - v - .: ;
.The council has ordered eight arc
lights by way of experiment,, with
a probability, that ' others i will be
added. Four will be placed on
Main street, probably -as .follows:
One at Hotel Corvallis corner, one
at the Occicental corner one at ,the
corner ot Main land Jefferson, and
one at the R. M. Wade corner. Of
the other four' it is the present plan
to place one at the City Hall cor
ner, one on the top of the court
house, one near the end of "south
Fourth street, and one in' the 'vi
cinity of , the public school build
ing, This plan may of -course be
somewhat changed. It is expected
that the new lights will be in op
eration, possibly by the holidays
; Basket Social-
- At I O O F Hall, Philomath, by Phi
lomath Concert band. Everybody come
Ladies bringing baskets admitted free.
Gentlemen purchasing baskets will be
refunded their roc. Come out , and en
courage the band. Admission 10 c.
. Eclectic short hand is very
learn, and it is the most rapid
easy to
Short hand notes are read as easily as
There is a sale of mens and boys .
coats now going on at Kline's.
Don't forget that Mrs. J. Mason is
selling trimmed and untrimmed hats at
from 20 c up. : '
New and second Hand sewing " ma
chines for sale at the Blackledge Fur
niture and Music 'Store. : " ; ; y
r;- 'y. " ' I . ' ' '.-7; ' '
The study of bookkeeping is very ' in
teresting when yon are taught by the
Voucher plan, the latest and best method
of teaching bookkeeping. ,
: i
Vetch seed at Corvallis Fiojir Mills
77adie$!:i$p!-C!lai$t$ f
: .Jlt iHakbless Prices i
Our immense 'stock
Holiday Goods has
rived. : We are greatly
crowded for space to
play them and must
more room.' So 7 to
;y.-a '.: y ! - '
complish this, wev s have
decided to place on sale
. . . .- , - y
a our entire line of Ladies'
1 Wool Waists and close
them out at Drices never hefore ni inter! in ii
j. . .- . - .. 4 -
$1.25 Ladies' wool waists... .Reduced to $ .85
1.50 Ladies' wool waists. ...Reduced to 1.12 J
2.00 Ladies' wool waists.. ..Reduced to 1.45
2.50 Ladies' wool waists....Reduced to 1.98
3.00 Ladies' wool waists.. ..Reduced to 2.25
3,50 Ladies' wool waists...,Reduced to 2.75
$ These pretty, new waists are made of all-wool flan
$ nel, in black, white, havy blue, and red. Our , assort
ment is large and prices always the lowest, at . 5
1 . S. L. KLINE'S
"X Tt 7
Is to try the New Goods -
which have just arrived at
Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries
Crystallized Ginger y
Fresh Nabiscos
Fresh Cookies
New Walnuts"
New Almonds
We CVTnnn7 tfbe Great f
Sell :jcljcivjx-,
j Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483.
Smart ClotMng.
fulfil i
,,-, y y
- c t T
- -1
, ' Jf -V -i
Da , A A
i ft , V I Jfr4
i" s
: S
y i T A
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dales
Olive? in Bulk
German Pickles
.Swiss Cheese.
.Health Food, c
The Fall and Winter suits
and Overcoats of the fa
Guaanteed Make
are of the character which
most of the men, who
are particular about their
clothes, imagine are to
be had from only the
high-price tailors.'
Kupefti$dimr Suit.
Then ask your tailor any
where to give you as nob
by a pattern, trim it as
well, ask his price, and
then come back.' We
will do the rest.
: - Corvallns,