Gorvallis Times. Q5M&1 Papor ot Bentsa County. lOGAlTS JURY la Portland, the other day, Jndge IteUtagsr and his court were amazed Isy a jury that returned a verdict of cqntttal ior Abe Logan, after another jury on weaker evidence bad convicted Albert Martin of 'manslaughter, for the murder of Indian Grant at Siletz, The judge gave expression to his surprise and mortification by declaring that by the acquittal of Logan, justice had been cheated, and that at least a a '.verdict of minslaughter should ha.ye been rendered. -'-Tfaejjiirysystemlsoneofthethings in our live of liberty that we vaunt. And there was a time in the days of tyrants and tyranny, when its pos session was a privilege of which to boast. With the evolution of civiliza tion. however it begins to show faults, and the greatest of these is the uncertainty that always attends the deliberations of a body of men. Xegislatures made up of the alleged talent of the state, sometimes - do unheard of things.- They rarely fail to do some things that never ought to be done, and that in saner TTsrroments the legislators acting in dividually would nsver do. The congress of this country in a mo ment of'pstssion, led on by Sumner aiid Pnillips put the ballot in the . la'nd-s of the negro, now acknow ledged to have been a most irration al and senseless .act . Instances, both .multiplied and astonishing of the same character are constantly hap pening both ia and out of jury rooms, so when seven men for con viction yield to five in a Portland court and - turn a murderer loose unpunished and unblamed, it is not a circutnstanca to . wonder , at. It has been done before and it will be done again. One jury convicts a guilty man f murder in the first degree, anoth er hears his case under a new trial and perhaps giveshim a couple "of years. while a third called, to pass n the samecase, sends him out ; of court wun an acquittal, an apoiogy for the laws long delay, - and with the blessing of the jurors. A ccordingly, . w hen - Martin goes to .prison for manslaughter ' and Logan, free as a bird and blameless as a flower, goes back to the scene of his homicide,; the public will know that justice was partial,' but sinpe it was the work .of juries, it cannot be helped, and need not sur . -prise.-v ... -i. TO TELEPHONE PATRONS.- New Telephones and Change - of old .- . . Numbers. NW TELEPHONES. Main 533 Blackledge, O. J., Furniture. ' 354 Carrick, Kev. A. ' 106 Cfri, Geo. " 441 City Restaurant. . ,x 694 Cordley, A. B. - - 7 N " 594 Elgin, Grant. : - " 52 1 Emery, W. G., Photogr apher. " 266 Francisco.,, Frank, r. , i i ' 264 Fullerton, C. P; ( i , " 631 Fuller, Geo. : T'H'V'H - " 475-Gerhard, C. A. " ' " 675 Gillespie,' N. F. " 76 1 Gibbs, H. D. ; " 245 Goaduough, M. " ' " 741 Hardin, C. I,.. ! . " 696 Hay ward, Mrs. E. C. ' 614 Healy,. O- . " 355 Howard, Mrs. J. W. ," 7910 AC Cleaning Co. . - ; - ' " 21-r-Cregon City Transp. Co. Dock 1 6S6 Pritchard, D. W. " 774 Price, W. I.. r. " 416 Scott, T, W., r. " 523 Sewall, James.' " 333 Turner's Grocery. Store., ' 771 Trine, WO... ' 654 Vidito, V. A. , '' ' " 751 Wilson, E. E., Atty. Fins. 783 McHemys, ' " 781 Woodcock, M. g, Dairy. ' 784 Woodcock. M. S. Farm. CHANGE IN NUMBERS. - Main 31 Cor vail is Comm. Co. -.; 773 Cresson, John. 795--Green, Rev, Edward F. : , . 674 Hout, C. E. " 33 Johnson, Miss E. Millinery. 775 Knisely, A. L. 673 Wellsher, T. H. -v' DISCONNECTS. Main 333 Chipman, C. C. Grocer. 174 Hurt. O. V. ' 296 Keeter, C. L. 44 1 White, E. Furniture. BACK FROM WASHINGTON. Maby remarkable feats in mind raading and hypnotism are being perfomed nightly at the opera house this wek. lhe artist is Koaco who is famous in bis' line, being surpassed by no other man in the feas he attempts. Accompanying hn work, there is a go d Vaude villa entertainment each evening. - ... At the Opera House. --; ; The Roscp and Roy Vaudeville Co. all this week, in new and op to date yaudivelle novelties supporting such well known .artists , as Rosco the world'S greatest 4 mind : reader and self hypnotist . Mr. Harry Logrenia in new and - fap to date songs. Rooney & Forrester sketch team, singing and dancing ( special ties. Mr Sid Stewart musical ar tist, and a company'of refined artis ts of, ladies and geutlenien. Admis sion, 10 20 and 30 cents. : -.i-:V ;.i Philomath Items.-;- ; The Citizens' League held a mass convention la-t Saturday and nom inated the following o be voted, for at the city flection next' Monday r1'; For Mayor Hon. Jpdpon Weed. ' Recorder G.W. WHght.' ' . " Maishalj--O 'Ai Scott." i ! .'. ... TreaRurer'-p-JessrMses, " ,' Ccuncil menTipt waicd,' Mr. Hum , xnef and MI Craifle; "2U ' .ward, ' O. ST. White and Mr. ; Wallace: 3d ward, G. Bsntiett and Si Q. Wat- ':kinB. ' ' ' " ' : ::.-, . . ' Duririg the past wet k, Elder Ben nett has been very lot? with a se vere, attack, of Pneumonia. His family were '; all suminoned home and his son, Dr. Bennett of Bell fountain, spent nearly all the wetk St hja bedside. : He ia slowly im sprofing aod hopeu are now enter tained of big recovery, 7 'City election will be nextAlonday andi there promises - to. be r ejaite fight. The Citizens' League is pit ted against ths taxpayers and it is hoped the beet may win. Mr. Hayhuret of Nebraska, is Visiting at the home of hia daughter Mrs, G. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Deatori of Illinois, are yisitiDg wiih Mr. Hillr. . Born, Nov. 25th,' to Mr. and ;: Mrs' OttoPatersoo, a son. s ' ; : Philomite. We have added several new our Premium dishes. Nolan han.' pieces to & Calla- If your umbreHa needs covering take it to the Bicycle Hospitals New goods all the time Callahan's. at Nolan & Barred Plymouth Rocks. v I have30 high-bred Barred Plymcntb, Rock chickens ye for sale jery;. cheap, if parties take them at once. . . . " J. G. Horning. ' S '"' '. ' . . ''"""' Corvallis. 'iJeh.'ver, Nov., 28" -What ia Dro- nounced by physicians a cape of iiouDie .. conpciousness , has been brought to' public notice through a euit filed by D ivid Charters against the" city 'of?. Denver, for $150,000 damages for'jajuries jtp bis (ihead sustained by, falling on a defective sidewalk After the accident,' whi6H, occurred on D member 30, ' J 901, Darters prociaimea nimeeu iJan iel the Prophet," and 'i wrote ,' books entitled "Daniel' . Vision and . Mis Mor.;" '4,l9 Heaven Real?". .-s Hell Real?" T: He preached po the streets and established a prosperous' mis sion.! He also traveled abotijt the country as an eVangeliet.'-, -.. Charters a few weeks f ago,' fully recovered from his injury, and . ha then- declared that the intervWl since the accident happened .was a blank to him. . He had no knowl dge of having written a book. After reading the book, be pronounced it's contents jdiotlo, r Brady Burnett A Marriage Expected A Social Eent. ; Miss Agnes Wilson has retired from the telephone office, and Mon day began her duties in a new po sition in E. B." Homing's grocery store, made vacant by the resigna tion of Miss Abbie Groshong.' The latter left yesterday .morning for Enterprise, Oregon,- where, if all reports be true, she will nextTues day or Wednesday, become Mrs Louis Burnbugh.. Mr. ' Bumough is well remembered at OAC, from winch he was graduated last June, and where he was always a strong, student and leading athlete: In ad vance, the Times extends con gratulations and good wishes . Miss Wilson's place in the local telephone ofSce has been' accepted by t Miss Bessie Irvine. " ' 1 , Brady Burnett arrived Monday irom Washington, and is to i is r- . r- . 1 ' corvanis ior tne greater part 01 ine 3o days, for which he leave of ab sence. His trip West is,. ; for the benefit of his health, and . for a vis it with Corvallis relatives and friends. Any statement that Cupid has anything to do with it . is de clared by his friends to 1 be false Mr. Burnett is in the manufactur ing division Of the ceusus depart ment, and much time has been spent by Jjim in recent months iif collecting statistics in the cities and towns in the New England states, SOME AFTERMATH. Past Football . Games Played- Over Again After the Season is Ended. Concluded from Fourth Page. men would have ien de'iahted to have defeated Nevada themselvep, they are enthusiastic over the show ing marie by lhe students of-their sister institution ct Corvallis. Of course, the ling trip ard numerous accHentp crippled the Nevada eleven, but the "sage brush" boys were outclassed by the Oregon 'far mers.' 'v:- ' " ; " ' " J- ." ; 1 " Plain Sewing, Wanted at wy residence in Wilkin's Addition. Terms reasonable". .'":". Mrs. Minnie Trussell. ' Bucks for Sale.' ;' Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two years old past, Good sheep with j .rices reasonable. Call on or address. T. W. B. Smith, f Corvallis, . Phone Snrburban 43. Dutches Trousers Dutchess are always fine and dandy, Up-to-date and spick and spandy. So buy the Dutchess when 3-ou need pants; One thing is sure, you're not taking a 'chance. - 1 , We take all the chances, backed by the makers' fa mous warrarityr 10 Cents a Button; " $L00 a Rip. The, following is a copy of an invitation that, has been received by Corvallisites to the number of 200 or 300: "Mr. and Mrs. . J. B, Horner, Mr. and Mrs. G. B, Keady and Mr- and Mrs. R, ; L. , White head, request the pleasure of your company for the evening of , Tues day, . December ,8, 1 903. from eight to ten o'clock at, Cauthorn Hall The evening is to be of musical character, and lor it au interesting program has been prepared- . V Corvallis Grange had decided not to celebrate the 36th anntversary Of the National Grange as has been understood by the Granges outside of Corvallis, Too much work is the cause. ; At a later date a-ro gram will be prepared,' and the neighboring gratges will -be noti fied by programs. " ' ' " Don't fail ,to see the '500, pound rock to ' be ..broken , on ? Jlosco's chest at Opera House.. . . Seats on sale at ' the usual ' place for Rosco & Roy Vaudeville Co. at Opera House, - ; . 1. Social at Oak Ridges A Shadow social and entertainment will be given by the Oak Ridge.. Sunday School at the school house on Saturday evening, Dec.5,.for the purpose o- rajs ing money for Christmas tree.. Ladies please bring supper. - . jf ----- Oak Ridge S. S.' T "You can afford a "business education whenijio pavs fcr ten weeks instructions in the Corvallis Business College. Next term opens Dec 14. Get your ribs fixed Hospital. at ,-the Bicycle .. Racine feet for men, women children, Nolan & Callahan.' abd Not a Sick Day Since. "I-was taken severely srck with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me, One day I saw antad of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that:. Aftjer taking a few-doses I felj relieved and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and; have not been eiek alay since. . Neighbors of mine have been cured of Ebeu- inatism, NeuralgiaLiver and Kid ney troubles, and General Debility." This is ; what B. F. Bass - Of Fre monijyrites. Only 50 c at Allon'a Pharmacy.'- ;...v. ,.v , .. : ' 1 :, ,.f Cheaper , Rates. ;. ' . .-x . Commencing Jan 1, 1904, we will sjyl lights per metrS"in residences-at xoc- per 1000 watt hours with .a minimum of 75 cents per month, f Should ;you use 7,50a we wiU'chargd yoa1 75 cents, In Albany or Portland the "same -amount would cost you 1. ; J3honld you use 15.000 we will chtpee vou 4i.ab.r 'The same amount in Albany would cost $22o;: in Portlands j2.7o."rShould you use 0,000 your Ijill willbe 2. J In .Albany yori -would " have pay $2 and in Portland $1 6a. , Hereafter you will have: . t9 furnish your own Jam arenewals, i : .. ; ' Corvallis Electric Light &. Power Co. , i : Leave yaur orders for oysters at olf's on Tuesday v' v Zier- ' Upholstering". n . Lounges, Couches, , Desks," Folding Beds; "Etc.', madeto order. Particular attention given to special orders and re pairing. All work guaranteed"''One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. W.- W.' Holgate;i. ' OAC Cleaning & Pressing Co. C. C. Cate. Tel.; 791 'R. H.Cate, We call for, clean , press and deliver one suit or your clothes each week for one dollar per month. Ladies . .skirts cleaned. Five doors south, of P. O, . New goods all the time Callahans. t Nolan ; ' The genuine winri proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. Go to Zierolf's for fresh Yaquina Bay ovsters- For best grade of nasoline, 35 cents a gallon go to Berry-and Carl's. x Big stock of cloaks wrap jackets and ain garments at Nolan ,& Callahan's. Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters received at Zierolf's eveiv Saturday . ' ,: Berry & Carl have introduced the fa nous anti rust and wind proof umbrellas -examine them , -, - ;. Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday of eac'n week.V : Bring your - horses and have-them examined free of charge. ' Eggs 35 cents at Turner store. ,, J That means more to you r than any other clothing proposition ever offered: Fur Sale by twenty Patterns Iron and ' To choose from. $350 to $17.50 Finest Elastic felt mattresses $9.50 to $12 And full-sized Mattresses Us cheap as $2.00. Our ztecK of P- A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER . . (JUKVALLIS, OR..,,. , ?fiK-lnf 9.;-'' " . Ty at' . Huston's Hardware Store:" P O. Address, Box II. . ' Pays highest prices for all kinds of lAve ; istocK., r bauslacuon r guaranteed. Twen'ljr year? experience.' ' . IP 9 jVtc UIBM IVVVC Was never so complete and full of genuine bar gains as now. Call and look us over. No" trouble to show goods. If you are Having Trouble with your Eyes i " shire Sheep. Ewes ' and". Yflings by Barkis ' 130841. - : TtEZiiftk bv Freshman 188626. .. Well - bred -joung stock of both sexes ior saie. . .. . QEORQE. ARMSTRONG. '. '- Corvallis.' Oreeon. I-' ... "Tit : V W . Why not study bookkeeping ia . the night school which meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings.. . For a Bad Cold. -. . If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Cham beilain'ri Cough remedy- to loosen and relieve it, and to allay tbe irri tation an inflammation of tbe throaj and lunge- Forsale , by Graham & Wortham-!, ; , Notice for Publication, Timber Land Act June 3, 187S. United States. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, October 2'2ud, 1903. 3 jSu 13 s? & xS, iz.Ss. . : : m Ksna You rait kim Bourfi! . 'I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions oi the act of Congress Jane 3 1878, entitled ,'An act for the sale ot timber lands in the states ol California, Oregon, Ne vada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 3892, Barney I. Carey oi Falls Cltv, county of Polk, state ot Oregon, has this day filed in this otlce his sworn statement No 6317, for the pur chnse ot the Lots 1 & 2 oi Section No 2 in Town ship No 13 S, Sange No 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for Its timber or stone than for agricul' turai purposes, and to establish: his claim to . L-said land before Victor P- J(oses. Clerk of Ben- the 16th day of January. 1904. r ' He names as witnesses! . --v". Jacob L, Henkle of Philomath, Oregon, .lotlu W'.IIyuo . . . " . Frank Speticer " . ' jaicnae) I. Jnyai . V- T" ' ' " , j Any and all persou elalmlDg ' adversely the above-described lands-are re)uestedt o rile their. claims in this office on or before said 16th da; of January,. 1.904 k . . -r : i . ALGEENON & DEESSKR, . ' . Kegtster, Highest 'Market Price Paa . ... -.- f j I . I 1 I . X X -fc. . -PO- Curkeys, 4rleesc, Ducks, Ucal, iforn,' fcflfls ana Butter. F.P.CLARK, t;,.Vwv- Philomath, Oregon 1'. Cah or Trade. . 1 Or it you re having trouble with yonr plasses; and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed andby one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. The Tkveler and Okticiax. Congregational Church, SERVICES EVERY SABBATH. Morning. ... V. 11:00. Ev0ni4 . . .... .,. . . . . . . 7:30 Sunday School ........ v. . . .10:00 Christian Endeavor . ..... . . 6:30 r 'v. - JStrangers always welcome . .Seats free. Come. - ' ; RSV. EDWARD GREEN, Pastor. s wotjce. Notice liHier.eby.g!van that . lhe undersigned ceabed.- All uraaAa havinsr diimH nsrAlttsuatd estate are;her'by required to present the same to rae, verified islPJw required, at my home oneiTnilesoutrVoTphilomath. Oregon, within six months fronf9il6-eTeof,- 1 'v -" Bated this ,7th (9Nyjaf November, 1903. J :!vJ?tL ' W . N. ALFOSD, Exerator.ot; the laKLvJlll and testament ol Wll- uHui ... jjyaruecef.aea. -PO&Q&VJX EUILblNG - 4 SherifFs Sale. : Notice Is hereby slven that on Monday the 21st day of December, 1903, at tbe hour ol one o'clock in the aiternooo ot sma aay, at tne front door of the Court House In the City of Cor vallis, in Benton County, State of Oregon, I will sell at publlo auction to tne n.gnesc oiaaer, ior cash in hand, the following described real pro. perty, in Bentpn county, Oregon, towlt: Beginning at the northwest edrner of the do nation land claim of Jacob Hammer and wife, being claim No 48, and a part of Sections 26, 27. 31 and 35Jn Township, 1 South. -Range 6 West of Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State of Oregon, and run thence south 60 chains to the southwest corner of said claim; thence easf20 chainrfbehce north 60 cbains to the north line of said claim ; thence West 20 chains to the place of beginning, it being the intention to defcribe 120 acres off of th west end of said donation land claim and being the sm'e land deViped to William -Milton Howell, Cllsta Mo Fall and the hei'sof Beorge W Howell, decars- ed,;ty the last will and testament ol William Howeil, aeceaoea. wmcn sbiu win is oi record iu Kor.k c at case 426 therein records ot wills for said Benton bounty. State of Oregon, This sale Is made under and by virtue ol a Judgment, order of saleof attached propertyjand execution, now in my hands, issued -out ol tUe circuit court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, state of Oregon, under the seal of said court, oatea uctooer zm, snu, m an action wherein Adam Wilhtlm. Adam WUhelm Jr, and M. Wilhelm. cartnersdoing business under the firm name and style of A. Wilheloi & Sons, 'were plaintiffs, and William Milton . Howell was de fendant,' and inwhich said action said plain. tlff'fecovered Judgment against said defendant for trie sum of $1463.27 with Interest thereon at ratSifoMfrrjer-eent neit ann"Tro ' from Nov. 2n. 190495,00 attorneys fees, fori the further sum of. $5if.snd for their costs-- and . disbursements tnerein,- ana ine aoove aescriDea real property was ufrtered sold to satisfy 84id judgment. - Dated this Nov 21, 1903. . . - - - ,- : M. P. BTJEVECT,''' : Sheriff ol Berrtba County, Oregon, ; CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Num er 22. For Yaauirfa: 5. Train leaves Albany. .". . .. .12:45 P- m'- 1:50 p. m 5:35 P- m .. 7:30 a. m ..11:30 a. m .-.12:15 pt m ... 7:00 a. m ..12:20 p. m . Corvallis . " arrives Yaquina r Returning: Leaves Yaquina. ... ..... .. Ieaves Corvallis. . - Arrives AlJSany 3 For Detroit: . Leaves Albany .... Arrives Detroit. .... .... 4 from Detroit:' ' h- Leaves Detroit.., .......... r:0o p. m Arrives Aljiarfy... .!....... 5:55 p. m . Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in .'.. Albany before departure- of S . P. north bound train. " , i Train No 2connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany givipg direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. ; Train 3 for Detriit.'Breitenbush and other mountain resorts-J eaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reach'ing'Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day.'- '.-. -f Forfu'rflier lrjlornfatiori'apply to ' -I ' ' V 'arlag'er. . 'Hike a look at the -fast and wind proof TI.- ?AASM .... wiiweJlas at the Bicycle Hospital. , Lln?a- -CocfureuAgentAiDany, , i ;'".-Jt-:':t:.'-1'.' V Hi