' r. I -7 ? - " " ' J, ' Vol. XVI.--N0. 39. CORVALLIS, OREGON. DECEMBER 2, 1903. EdJto-n a Toprletar. ; ':- ; (V. A frtA 5r P 7 m HIBi .: Previous 'x:r Season v. ... .... -v . . , . ' Has ever found our Store, in all its Departments, so well equipped. The Stock Includes all the Latest Novelties. 1 I ill' LADIES' Special attention is called to our , Line of Dress Goods, Jack ets, Waterproof Wraps, Skirts, Shoes an N -' Clothine Call -.fJiCTf O. A. C. liNIFOFMS. to as high a standard as our desire wonld promote us. but see that you make no mistake in the hoase that keeps the hig- est standard of Grocer- iea that is the v " place to , BUY ' " ' Fresh Fruits, V fresh everything to be had - - run our delivery wagon and our aim is ' - to keep wha you want and. to i-V ' T " -please;-' Call and gee - v , : z::. '.' : B Borning I F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches. write for my special list, or . come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country, i i ; ; ; -f HENRY AMBLER, . ... . "Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance K ; ' Philomath, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, , Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Beaidence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. : Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. . Orders may be left at Grham & Wortham's drug store. ; DR. C. tejWTH, Physician & Surgeon ; Philomath, Oregon. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT hAV.v ' NOTARY JUBIJ0, Office In Zierolf Building, Qomllis. Or. d Children's and sfift. .VI ; fH Fresb Uegetables, in the market.- We E. Holgate ' ATTORNEY AT I,AW i JUSTICE OF THE PEACE"; Stenography and typewriting done. . Office in Burnett brick. Corvallis, Oreg bJ A. CATHky, M. D., 'Physician and Surgeon, . Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, o to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. .'. For Sale. - Grub oak wood. ' For particulars in- quire of B. Horning O) CO Co ) THREE YOUNG OUTLAWS A LONG FIGHT WITH CHICA GO POLICE.'' i Outlaws Kill Oae Man and Wound Others Captured an Engine to Escape QBScers and Far v, mers Folljw and Track Thprjo in enow and ; . ! Capture Thm. ' ,v 'Chicago, Nov. 27 Chained wrist to wrist, tbeir hair matted with dried blood, thtir clitbiDg1 covered with dust aod dirt, two beardless boys, Peter Neidermyer and Harvey- Vandine, sat tonight . in the presence of Miyor ' Harrison and Chief of Police O'Neil, calmly con-, fesfiog T tbeit,Fhtre. in a three months-' career of crime, which has included eighi npurdern,' the wound ing of live other meo, and a long series of robberies The two y,oune bandit?, neither of whom is over 21 jear8.old. toeetb-r with th',ir qom paLlonj fum'l Rot ski, who is i no old- eri' were captud - neaH Liverpool, Ind., today, after a fight in which" they battled egain-st' pol,cencre',lfrail-i road detectmr Tauroaa tabor- laborers and farmers. Oae man was kill d, another fatally wouDd- ed, and ill three of the young ban dits were wounded, but not serious 1 as thrfe were wanted by the po lice for complicity in the murders at the carbarns of Tbe"Cbicago City Railwfej- Uompany, (n-Auguet 30, when two men were kMed, a third badly wounded, and $2250 ttafen trrm the cmpany. ... ... Gustav Marx, who, lsf Saturday night murdfred officer John ,Q.uin,n when the policeman'.'tndeavured to place him under arrtsf, confessed that he, in company with the three suspecie. had committed the crimes at the carbarnp. The hunt' for 'Vah- dine, Neidermytr and Rpetki . has bf.en hot, ever since. . t ",f.!M : Although they knew t ha. entire police force - was txk;ng for them, they t ttfaioed in ithe : 'c y - ODttl Wednesday morning." " On WedneB' day tbey Utt Cbicago, gomi to a dugout ..made bv. railroad laborer! near the tracks ; of the-. Michigan Central Rruroad, 1 ear Miller, Ind Lastsight t-e- epent in another dugout near. Millers Station, Ind and there tley were surprised by eight Chicago policemen this morn-, in. " - -; ' .' !-.-':.r : I As soon as they were in eight of the place; the "policemen advanced in a circle upon , tne dugout where the three robber were supposed to be co icealed. Driacoll picked up a ctunk of wood wl hurl-d it aUbe dugout. Instantly there was a nab, al report and Driatoll ' fell, shot through -the abdomen. ' The police men.opened fire on, the dugout from which shots were tomlng thick and fast. While the hre was at its hot testj Va, d ;ne .and, HoeekjU rushed ou', followed a few minutes later by uOQUGLASSH0EC0P union 4nnlpfc5 It will pay yon to examine the W. L. Douglas shoes.! and see for . yourself that they are just as good in every way as those for which you have been paying , S to $7 For style, com fort, and service, they , cannot be surpassed by custom-made shoes. FOR SALB BY Neidermyer. The latter ran to the tracks of the Michigan Central Rail road, and, throwing himself flat on the road, steadied his arm on the fail as he kept up a rapid fire with three revolvers. Roeski ran for the brush, but VandiDe re treated slow ly, although the air around him was filled with bullets and the snow at b is feet .was t 'cked up by , them. Catching eight of Detective Zimmer wbo was ; bf hind a Iree, he fired. Zimmer went 'down with a bullet in bis head. "As be fell, Vandine fired agaihy-'arid the' second . bullet went throflrtf ZrrnmeT's arm. vjRo96kKba'dythis lime dipap- tared,' ahd'Vandine and Neider- fc- I ""I:!.'!. .1 " 1 I layer, . placing ineir revolvers-in their pocket?, made a run for free dom. The detectives fired constant ly, but tber bandits escaped. (-After running about a mile across ; coon try they came to the tracks of. the' Pencsjlvania railroad. A switch -engine ? with tf train, of cars was close at hand and hurrying op to it the.men ordered Brakeman So ' vea to uncouple the train from the locomotive. Hs refused, ' ' and at empted t,o. take N!def myer's re volver fr?fairkri. . Jfhe latter in ttanllytsi?b4g?lie through the ' brakesi'rji&,-''$r.lead in the Bnowf, "'SprirJgibg'pas Sovea's body,. tbbaadits mounted ' th4 lo comotive withtrt froiver"f in 'haDd and ordered the ergintef - to ltaove out in a hurry, which he did-,-going in the direct'on of La Porfe.'Ind.---After two miles bad been Covered the men ordered, tbe , engineer 4o slow u,p,,snd leaping to. the ground, disappeared in the woods. The-newa of , the fight ,;trlb! dugpot , h,a,d spread with great, rapidity, through-, the country, and J)yr the time . the two pabtyjg.men rushed up to Jthe locomoti ve, a hundred " farmers, and raihoad laborers were after . them. These were left bebiod with the Chicago detectives, although one fafmtr with a,sbotguri got in his work as. the train- -started- away. Ca'ching sight of .Varjd;loej: jae,-,-b$ poked bis.face through the cab win-' dowy bJturaed loose with .both bar rels. A number of shot struck Van d ne in tfce head and facej and one hit him in the throat, causing him trouble. When they le!t the train both men were exhausted and -unable to travel. The country at (bat place is rough, sandy and cut up by gravel pits. The farmers, railroad laborers and officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad were coming up fact, and soon were close on the fugitives' heels, trackiag them in the newly fallen snow; The men were seen as they -dodged about in the sand, and tbe farmers, most of whem were armed with jouble-barreled shot guns, opened fire on them. Neider myer received a charge fall in the bead, aod the blood streamed down his face and into his eyes, blinding him so he could,, hardly rise.. A shot grazed Yandine'a head, carry ing off sorne ,of. his. hair,.- -and his, wounded leg was; .weakened. s The posse was closing in on all sides, ard the murderers surrendered. IThe men were at once handcuffed placed upon a train and hurried to Chicago. Tbey : were, , taken fromi the : train, and in a patrol wagon were hurried to tbe City Hall. They were taken into" the office of the chief of police, and there, in the presence of Mayor Harrison and 'a throng of officers, they discussed tbe events 01 the day as. calmly, as though it had been nothing unusu al for them. ; ' .' ' Following fresh prints in the snow from the scene of the capture of Neidermyer and Vandine, five resi dents of East Toilet ton, Ind., cap tured Emil Roeskij sitting on a bench in the Wabaeh s'ation at Etna, Ind., a town four miles north east of Liverpool, Ind. He was un armed."-- - - - In addition to the men killed by the outlaws, as heretofore stated, they wounded the following persons: T. W. Lathrop,, agent Chicago & Northwestern Railroad 1 shot . dur ing attack on Cliburn Junction eta- Uon, oh July 3. ,' . ':, Peter Goreki, shot during an at tack by the' four men 5n his saloon, on July 20. ; . ::,;:;'.1": :. 'Z::. . Henry ;Biehlr clerk injured: in robbery of carbarns, on August 30. William B. Edmund, clerk, shot and ' seriously injured during same robbery. -.-"' .. Matthew Zimmer, detective, wounded in fight today. , These crimes , netted the high waymen $2240. V - Lately they bad planned to hold up railroad trains in Chicago, and had made a trip to Cripple Creek. Colo., to obtain dynamite for use io he hold up?. ACQUITTED LOCAN, OE THE MURDER OF GRANT, THE SILETZ. INpiAN.f jurv ocorea dv ma judci t n . 1 the.; Judt . v Tl.'. "Verdict CharacteriiedtSy Him. as a "Defeat, of theEnd8. ,vii ; Justices-Court Scenes. , Portland! Nov. 59, The : Ore'go man says: ' Tbe juy in the case of Abe logan, the ltMlian -accused o murdering U. S. Grnt, upon . the Siletz reservation, dumbfounded the court and evey one, who bfard the evidence in the case by returning a verdict or cot " guiltjT--yesterday morning... Judge Bellinger lopk per casion to express his surprise at the outcome, and; aiQ, to .administer a gentle ecoriDg to the r,jury"for- .ri turniog eueh a decision,,, -.He (then tcored tbe Indiap,;, ajjd told- him that be was guilty of implication in the crime, even though he had been declared inntcent by tbe jury. The judge declared that tbe jury was in fluenced 10 coming to the decision it did by pity for the wife and chil dren of the defendant. , - . -When the verdict was announced in the courtroom an audible expres sion of disapproval of the result went over the-en tire audience. " To those Wbo bad listened, to t the evidence against both nien. accused "gf . the cripoe, " it seemed a travesty u pen j uf tice that Login should ' be , Eet lree and 'Martip against whom there was less substantial evidence, should bave to serve time lor man slaughter. After listening '-to the verdict the judge turned to the jury and r8aV "This bias been a failure' of jus tice.'. Out of reepect'and feeling For the wife and little ones Of this de fendant", you. have Wn lerj. . to ac quit. Such a verdict as this must xf sul t d isaBtrogly ,tP al reeidep ts of the Silet z reservation.' ; Z' " ' '". Tathe acquitted -prisoner he "ad dressed these "words: : ','' t ; "Logan, you are acquitted ; but'I think you are a bad man and that you killed Grant. The jury gave you the becefit ' of 'a reasonable doubt, but had I been on the jury ,1 would at least ' baye brought in a verdict of manslaughterThe blood of Grant is on your hands, and I give you. fair warning that your es cape from the punishment that you no doubt deserve does. not. argue that 3 O J would gq , free a B col d timet'.and I advise jou to keep, out of this court," . How the jury could have found Logan not guilty, after listening to the (testimony introduced against him, is more.tbari.hose! r bo,, list ened to the case can figure out, The strange verdict was the all-absorbing topic of conversation around the courthouse all day, and there were a great many adverse Criti cisms made about the verdict. On the first ballot in the jury room, there were seven for convic tion and five for -acquittal. ," That this was the case was the statement of officials who are in a position to know. The minority held out for an acquittal because, it is said, of the feeling for the wifeand children of the accused man. The fight was a long one. but the majority finally sacrificed their convictions and cast their votes with the five,-; The displeasure of the Indiana at the result of Martin's trial was in creased by the-' result of Logan's. They did not hesitate to express it as their opinion thattbefe had been j a slip in justice somewhere, and that it was the - height . of injustice to convict Martin upon the .weak testimony against him, and allow a man against whom ..the strangest evidence was introduced to go free. Mr. Hall severely .arraigned Lo gan in his closing argument and the Indian was visibly affected; He shifted about uneasily. While Judge Bellinger was charging the jury Logan's eyes never left die face of thecourt, and when His flfconor stat- ed'that, while there was a prepondt erance of evidence, which - went to prove thatmurderhad been commit ted, there was a doubt in his mind, as to whether there was malice and that he believed that tbe ' killing was the result of a drinking bout. Logan seemed to take heart. While tbe jury was still listening to the instructions, Logan's two little boys, twins, tiptoed across the courtroom to the bench upon which he fias seated and took seats upon either side of their fath r. Lgan placed an arm around each' little tot and , T ' drewthem floss to him in a tight; enbraci'. ," His, wife a few moments later followed the children and aa .' the joy filed out of the roombus -bantan'd wife were in earnest con versation. ' ; ' r. .- - , Albeit Martin, who was jointly r charged with Logan Vitbi the, 'mur der of Grant, add who is' awaiting: sentence for manslaughter.' also fol- ' lowed the shifting scene of the afV te.rnoon with interest. - His wife, who ever since the trial, has always -remained close to him with her ba- ' by in her arms; whippered a few -words of encouragement, said, good ' bye to him for the night, and af fectionately kissed him before leav ing' tbev courtroom: '" When tbe court adjourned aftr "the" -jury in ' the Olsen case had' riijdfed its ver c diet, both1 Logs n and M .Tti eh were i taken to the United . States'- mar . shal's office4. They remained tere 1 -until it became '.a parent that the -Logan jury' would -nbtf? reach a Ver- diet early, eating apples and Watch log -the action going on in tbestreai bejo w. Later,- they were handcuffed, , and as they started for the city jailj op"e of Logah's little boyi "raced a- " cross' the r6om to his father and bs " gan tugging madly at the bright steel handcuffs io" a vain tffjrt to pull them off. Logan smiled at the fruitless. efforts '.of the child and " shook his 1 "head and isaid: " "No use, " baby, frapa can't 'gtt them 6ff yet a while.-' ';; f11 . . ! --'-! - Logati' aod! Mart in were' Accused " of killing U; S.s Grant, an' Ihdiaa justice of the peace,1 at the Siletz In dian refer vation on June '20- last.' Tbere'was'a Vague h" '. ! ,:i ' ' ; -i r feud existing between the! tribes ''of the' Joshuas and ths AIceahs', .which ' dated back to the"m'tt;rder of Indian : Tom, Joshua. J Grant was ' an Al-'5 cean and it was said that he waa ' blanred becaiise1 he had nbt been ac tive in the" prb8ecotior of f the Alce an'who bad t killed Indian Tomr and for that reason the Joehuaa had . -sworn vengeacce upon him. Up to : the time of tbe killing, however, it ' was proved -that Gran t, Logia'h and Martin bad been good friends. Grant, because be' was "an Indian ' official, eould get whisky at the sa loooa at Toledo. ' - On the day pre ceding the murder. Grant hatforom - ised to buy whieky for Martin and Logan. He bought the 'liauor and T'l met at the ford by Logan and If .L.! t. .... .. martin;- a mg annsmg bout waa indulged in and it was during this orgie that Grant lost his life. Mar tin was tried first. W tnesBes testi fied thauLogan had called 'at Mar- tin's home and told Mrs. Mania and her two sons, that Martin ' had killed Grant and that Martin was lying on the river bark dead drunk.' The family found Martin inthe- condition that Logan said be was and he did not recover from tbe ef fects of the whisky until late next morning. Martin's plea was that he was too drank to have taken a partio'tbe killing of Grant and thatlgan must havecommitted the deed after Martin had fallen a sreep from the effects of a pint of whisky wbicU he had drunk at one' gulp.-; .. - After Martin bad been tried and convicted of manslaughter, the wit nesses for the - defense in. his case became witnesses for the govern- 1 ment in the caee gainst Logan. The. case has attracted a great deal of interest in and about the reserva tion, and it was brought out at the trial that almost any kind of an In- dian could get all tbe whisky he . wanted at Toledo. From witnesses testifying during the trial, it was brought out that couriers were fre- . qutntly sent to Toledo f. r the pur- - pose of buying wi i-k . "J'his was brought t tbe rei-- -1 u, in great quantities and the lu i...us indulg ed in right mer ry . tiuies on these occasions. Boasting was a part of these orgies, and when an Indian became druck easily he was accus ed of "drinking whisky like a white man" and to be branded thus was a disgrace, eo in order to be known as a good whisky drinker it was necessary to drink a whole quart of fiery whisky at a breath. Martin was known as a quart drinking In dian, an honor of which he was un usually proud. Judge Bellinger, during tbe trial, inquired into the liquor selling at Toledo very close ly and some of the lax saloon-keep-era are apt , to get into trouble shortly. y For Sale. " One good 1200 pound team, cheap. En quire of B- Martin one mile northwest of College. V . .. ' For Sale, Good gentle driving lio'sa and buggy. V : ( J, K. Berry.