The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 28, 1903, Image 4

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. - -.- - - - ' f tj "
Big Crowd eaw Tnem Play Ore
gou'd Line was Staunch and
her Backs Swift an 1
Hard Eid of
S asou .
With a decisive victory over th-
famous football team of the Uni
versity of Nevida. the OAC elev-.
en pliyed tae great came f burs-
day afternoon mat marks th-s end
me io3iDaii season, i ds score was
fiit-en to naught, and waa the
iruit of three touchdown?, one in
the first and twj in the eecoud half.
Eacn time the sphere was carried
ovt-r tha Nsvada lina by William,
once in a twelve, once in a twenty
live yard, and the last time in a
fifteen yard ran. Once Captaiu
Fiikington also plunge! over Neva
da's goaj line after a five yard
buck, butlbe pass was bad and the
ball dropped for a touchback for
Nevada. - On anqthei occasion.
. . Bowers, after a seven yard buck,
i-arrifd the sphere to Nevada's tivd
yard line, where it was slippfd out
61 his bauds by a Eage brusher, and
.:. putted bhtk into the field, lrotn
. whence howevtT, it was swiftly rush
ed bak fur a touchdown. Wnile
all tnis was happening, the Neva
da men never crossed Oregon V
fifteen yard lin-j and in the second
half iiever got within sight of that
charmed spo' - ..-
A gridinmbattle was never more
c'evarly managed for OAC, not
mjrc fiercely fought. A fabe play.
, afier Pukington'H kieknff let Frie
rell away for a fifty five yardL run,
which carried the sphere but of
Nevada territory and placed it on
Oregou's twwniy yard line.,4 It was
m. : 1 : . i ' -. .
a icrn ia- run wun massive iiiter
. lereucH leading the runner. It was
a cri-is in the gime, but the' Ore
.gon meo promptly met" the next
three pi yi with a front" that gave
htn t!io ball oa downs. For a
," long limeth-n Captain 'Pilking
ton resorted to punting tactics, al
lowing the Nevadaau to wear them
selves out in assaults on Iho nio t
juipnetrabla Oregon line., L'ttle
' by lit'le, the sphere was wjrkid
back torener, and then the Ore-
gon;am with rushes by - William,
R'ioc, ti kiugton. Abraham and
aiowers. were burled against
the sp-jot Xevad ns repeatedly, un
til the sphere was finally carried
over the Nevada line , by Williams
- for the first touchdown. With the
. sama ruahiog tac.ics, the haif end
ed with Oregon on Nevadi's is
yard line, and advancing fast tu
ward theNevada goal.
-, In the second half, the Oregon
men came pa the field fresh and
strong, and at once'renewed the att
ack on tbeNevada line, battering
hn tatter with : resistless energy
-whenever the sage brush goal was
in sight, and punting and waiting
ou ippuuuuuv wnen it was
not. By these tactics, the sphere
was lice pushed over Nevada's line
in the seoud half, and the final
ccore written down as fifteen foe
.Oregon; niught f r Nevada. -J
' ' All played bam.. ; V
Excellent as was the play of the
'Oregon men at Eugene, it was far
belter Thursday afternoon. The
Oregon line was a : barrier ; through
which the NeVaaans could ., not
rjrfeak, With Steckle, the giant
Nevaao tackle called back, and
the heavy Nevadtn back all push
ing," the Oregon lne was some
limes rammed back, but rarely
broken; Tne ply rearly in the
game was a storming of the right
side, but the men there could not
be made to yield and the plan had
to be given up. On the contrary,
the Oregon forwards soon found a
way to open holes, . and manv a
fine formation was stopped before
it reached the point, of attack. This
fine defense for Oregon was a
factor in the victory, and the other
was the offensive play, the best by
far that the .Aggies haye play
ed this season. They moved to
gether and moved swiftly, and went
. with a soeed and momenum that
sometimes shook the Nevadans off
their feet. '-
The detail below tails the story
of the game, play by play. It shows
what men carried the ball, but does
not name the men who put up the
interference, or relate what Oregon
' linemen opened the holes through
the Nevada forwards that made pro
ornBH nossible. It does not tell how
Cupper slipped through the Nevada
line and blocked' or how big
Won, tbnnsh only a center, was
fierce tackier all over the field,
both before and behind the scrim
rnaga line. Nor does it tell of the
fine, heady consistant work of Spa
gle'aod Kumbaugh, around whom
end runs never p6eedfnor of -'toe
formations they -brnke vttp behind
the Nevada line. '- There is no men
tion there of Bower?, Bundvi A bra
ham .Root Dunlaparid Pilkington io
tnefierce defense each interposed a-
gainst the Nevada assaults, let all
ihfse things transpired,, and by
theee factfri ludividual and collec
tive, the Oregon men snatched yio
tory where defeat wus expected, and
laid it hi the feet of OAU, all in a
game that wipesfoutjwhatever there
has been in the season that was ac
cidental and unavoidable,' and gives
to OAC students ajust pride in their
football eleven, - i
There is no doubt that their long
tour and numerous hard games
weakened the Nevada eleven. To
this they ascribe in large part, their
defeat, though they are frank to
say that the men they went against
at OAC were about the best bunch
of players they have met in the
Northwest. With their treatment
at Corvallis they were highly plea
sed, and they left for home yester
day, acknowledging a most cordial
regard tor OAC students and Joot
Dau players. i nursaay evening
they were entertained in the college
armory in a most hospitable fashion
They are a genlemanly, : modest
bunch, and their play .: was clean,
and sportsmanlike. The detail of
Thursdays game is as follows:
Pilkington kicked off and Neva
da advanced the ball to 140 yard
line. Oq the third formation Ne
vada man got clear on a faka, punt
and carried the ball to Oregon's 20
yard line. Oregon held for downs
and Pilkington kicked t ) Oregon's
dU yard line. .Nevada tried line
without gains for . two downs and
tried place kick but failed. Pilk
ington took free kick from Oregon's
25 yard line and Nevada ad vanqed
the ball to, Oregon s 50 yard line.
Nevada tried left end for Iosj and
fumbled but recovered and thVn
punted over Oregon's goal. Puk-
in(?too took free kick from Oregon's
25 yard line, and Nevada was stop
ped on O egoa'd 50 yard line.: Ne
vada bucked 5 and two yards, and
by short bucks advanced to 15 yard
lioe. Nevada was penalized 10
yards for offidei and her attempt
at place kick was bl ocked, but Ne
vada retained the ball on her 22
yard 1 ne. Orefgon held for downs
and Pilkington punted and Nevada
ran in the ball to Oregon's 25 yard
line. . Oiegon held for downs on
her 20 yard" line and Pilkington
punted to Nevada on Oregon's 50
Yard line. Nevada' worked the ball
by t-hort . buck to Oregon's 40
lioe, where an attempt at -a place
kick was blocked by Capper with a
loss of svfln yards. Navada got e
way on a fake punt and carried the
ball to Oregon's 18 yard line. - Or
egon held on her 15 yard line and
Pilkington punted, and Walker fell
on the ball on : Oregon's 45 yard
line. Nevada was : penalized for
tripping: P lkington bucked two
yards and Williams got ! away for
10 yards: " Abraham got through
line for three yards and followed it
up with two more." Williams got
away through line for another -10
yards and Pilkington added three.
Ro)t tore off three yards, and Wil
liams cross bucked for a touchdown.
Pilkington 'kicked off and Neva
da was stopped on her 35 yard line.
Kakopunt gave Nevada hve yards.'
O A. C. held on Nevada's 30 yard
line and Pilkington .punted. - Ne
vada was downed on her 1 15 yard'
line. Nevada punted; and Pilking
ton returned the kick and Nevada
was stoppsd on her five yard line.
Nevada punted and . Oregon was
stopped on Nevada's 25 yard line.
Root Tounded end for three yards
and Pilkington carried the ball to
Ne vada'd 15 yard line when time was
Nevada kicked to Oregon and
Pilkington punted to Nevada's 40
yard line. Nevada made yardage
once and then lost on downs. Pilk
ington punted and Nevada advanc
ed the ball to Oregon a oUyard line.
"Nevada by short line bucks made
yardage once and then lost the ball
on downs.' Pilkington punted and
Nevadarahin the ball to hervown 45
yard line. Nevada started a form-
a ion but Pilkington .broke through
and carried the runner back for five
yard loss and a fake punt was stop
ped for a loss by Rumbaugh. Ne-
. H "I 1TTM1'
vada puated to uoot, ana Williams
at once rounded end for a 45 yard
run to Nevada's 20 yard line.. Root
bucked five yards aod Oregon- was
penalized five yards for off ., side.
Pilkington tried place kick' and Ne
vada took free kick from 25 yard
line. Nevada kicked to Bowers
who was stobDed on Nevada's 45
yard line. Pilkington rounded end
for seven yards, Root straight buck
ed seven yarda and Pilkington
bucked ' seven more. v Williams
straishtbucked for 20 yards to Neva
da'B five yard line. Pilkington
bucked five yards over Nevada's
goal, and ' Nevada made a touch
back. Nevada kicked to . Cupper
on.,50 . yard.. Jioe.-nd . Pi.kng(on
rounded end for three yards. Abra-j
bam ran end for 'three, and Root
bucked five. Wilfiams got away
for a 25 yard runfor a touchdown.
Pdkington kicked off and . Neva
da ran the ball to her 25 yard line.
Nevada made yardage bv . bucks
and short end runs and O. A. C.
took the on downs on Nevada'
35 yard hue. r Wiliiama straight
bucked for 15 yards, and Root and
Pilkington bucked three and ; four
yards respectively Bowers straight
but ked seven yards and Nevada got
the ball on a fumble on her five
yard line. Nevada kicked to Root
who ran the ball into Nevada's 25
yard line. Abraham Went through
for 10 yards and, Williams straight
bucked from Nevada's 15.yard line
for a touchdown.
Pilkington kicked over Nevada's
goal line and-Nevada kicked back
from her 20 yard line, ball going to
O. A. C. on center. Pilkington
punted and ..Nevada was downed
on her 25 yard. line. Nevada
rounded end for 10 yards, and Bun-
dy waa taken out. Nevada worked
be ball by bucks to Oregon's 30
yard line and tried place kick there
Kick failed and Oregon was teady
to take free kick from her 25 yard
line when time was called. " Score
O.. A. C. 15, Nevada, Naught, i
Nevada, " . OAC.
Smith u 1,. E. . Rumbaugh
Steckle - L. T. Bowera
Lawrence r , L. G, Dunlap
Davitt - . C. Walker
Henke R. G. Bundy
Hart - R- T. Abraham
Standerwick R, E. - Spagle
leadbetter ; Q. B. : , Cupper
Hoffman , L,. H. ' . Williams
Frizzell R. II, Root
J. Hart - F. B... Pilkington
Subs OAC: Nash, fUnehart,
von der Hellen, Espey; Hamilton;
Nevada, Knox. f '
Stepped Against a Hot Stove.' :
A child of Mrs. Geo. T.-Banson.
wnen getting his usual Saturday
night bath, stepped back againtt a
hot stove whicn burned him severe
ly. The child waa in great " aeday
aud his mother could do nothing to
pacif, him. Rembering that sbe
had a bottld of Cnaroberlain's
Pain Balm in . the house, she
thought 6he would try it. ;In , lees
than half an hour after applying it
the child was quiet and asleep, and
n less than two weeks was wea.
Mrs Benson is a wel known resi
dent of Kellar, Va. Pain ' Balm is
an antiseptic liniment and e?De-
cially valuable for barns, cuts brui
ses and sprains. For Bale by Gra
ham & Wortham. 1 -
Birred Plymouth Rocks.
I have 30 high-bred Barred Plymouth
Rock chickens yet for sale'' very - cheap,
if parties take thela at once.
J. G. Horning,
. . Corvallis.
- f For Sale l (
111 re bred Poland China bogs.
Here ta an opportunity to introduce
blue blood into your herds at small cost
Tiitock was imported frost . Illinois.
by a prominent hog raiser; will sell at
6 cper lb. Enquire of Eobert ; Wylie,
Lc.Haburg, 5 miles north of Corvallis,
RFJDNo 1. :. '
For Sale.
Several hundred bushels. &S vetch seed.
Order early before it is gone. Also Tim
othy, Spelts, and English ryegrass seed.
Shropshire bucks. One extra good " re
gistered buck from one of the best stocks
in Iowa ' ' Cows and1 heifers- of the beef
breed to see or trade for Jersey cows
L. L. Brooke
Jo trade stock tanch for
property in
H. A. Bowman,
. Eddyville, Ore.
For fine suits and overcoats see Nolan
& Callahan. 1 , . , :
Get your ribs fixed
at the Bicycle
Hospital. . .
Leave your orders for oysters at Zie-
olfs on Tuesday.
Why not study bookkeeping in the
night school which meets on Monday
and Wednesday evenings. ,
Hew dress goods just received at
Ian & Callahan's. - ..
Notice of Final Settlement. "
in the Matter of the Estate!
Sarah Ann Brown, deceased)
Notice la hereby given that tne undersigned
as administrator with the will annexed of the
estate ol Sarah Ann Brown, deceased, has filed
his final account s such administrator, with
the clerk ol the countv court of the state of Ore
eon for Benton county, and the said court has
fixed Friday the 11th day of December 1903. at
the hour of two o'clock in the arternoon as the
time and tne county court room la the court
house In Oorrallls, Oregon, as the place, for hear
ins any and all objections to the said account,
and for settlement thereof.
Dated this Nov 7, 1903. " - ' :
1 Administrator with the will annexed of the es
tate of Sarah Ann Brown, deceased,
" By "virtue of a warrant issued out of
the County -Court. o the State of Oregon'
for the Countv ofk Ban ton', tn 'tho shirifr
of eaid county, directed and delivered,
I commanding the said Sheriff to collect the:
I taxes as shown to be delinquent, on the
I tax roll, for the year 1902, charged to said
! delinquents thereon, and if necessarv to
i sell . th& several articles "of oersonal or
! parcels of real property upon which such
i taxes are levied, as eet forth in said tax
disc. aia aennquent taxpayers, the
amount of taxes and the penalties, and
the several ..parcels of real property -are
described as follows, to wit:
, ... ..- Amount Tax
.: and Penalties.
Aaron. Amanda -C. Southwest of
southwest ft, west of southeast '
14 of northwest 'A, section 35,. town
ship 10 south, range 6 west, 160
acres ; ....$6.72
Buersdorff, Anna East of south
east section 34, township 10 .
south, range 6 west, SO acres.... 6.72
JDedman, 6. R. Southwest 14; south
of northwest except southwest
of southwest Also, west
or souineast 01 northwest
section 35, township 10 south,
range 6 west, 180 acres ,13.47
Godfrey, E. W. Southeast : south
west section 24, township 10 south, -
. range 6 west; east hi section 25,.
township 10 south, range 6 west, "
64U acres
Kramer, J. J. All of section 36, town
ship 10 south, . range 6 west, 640
acres 26.98
Richardson, S. East section 35, ;
township 10 south, range 6 west,'
320 acres ' 13.47
-Warren, E. C Northeast of" north
east south Y2 of northeast
southeast hi. of northwest , see- '
tion 34, township 10 south, range
7 west, 160 acres 10.10
Gaines, Richard Northwest sec-
tion IS. township 11 south, range I
west, 160 acres 6.72
Cook, C. A. Northeast hi section 16,
township 12 south, range 7 west, .
160 acres 6.72
Hawks, R. O. South of southwest
hi, section 28, township 11 south,
'range 7 west, 80 acres 6.72
Paul, Mary E. South of south- ;;
west hi of southeast hi. section 16,
township i 12 south, range 7 west,.
20 acres . .84
Poindexter, R." W. The north 30 .
acres of northwest of southeast ;: ;
hi, section 16, township, 12 south,
range 7 west, 30 acres................. 1.34
Printz, Gilbert -H. North y2 of south
west of southeast hi; south of -
" south hi of northwest hi of south- , .
. east , section 16, township ,12
sonth, range 7 west, 30 acres....... 1.34
Sabin, R. L. Northwest .section 10,, ,
township. 11 south, range 1 west,
160 acres'. .....10.10.
Tullis, Elizabeth East of south- .
- west hi: west hi of southeast hi,
- section 30. townshiD 11 south, ranse
7 west. 160 acres.... ...... .."6.72
Long, W. West section 22,
tnwnshin 10 south, ranse 5 west.
- 320 acres j '.......17.32
Marlay, , P. H. Northeast hi section
6. townshio 11 south. , ranee 5 west.
160 acres . 10.83
Press, William Northwest of
northwest hi, section 2, township
11 south, range 5 west; north hi of
northeast hi; southwest hi of north
. east hi: southeast hi of northwest
hi. section 3. townshiD ' 11 , south.
range 5'west, 200 acres.... 14.51
Rogers, ' M. South hi section 15,
tnwnshin 10 south, ranee a west.
320 acres : 17.30
Muiller, Henery Beginning at a
point which bears south 34 , deg.
I east 14.54 feet from point 81.5ft
1 chains east of northwest, corner ,.
of J. Q. Thornton's claim No. 37,
j townships' 10 and 11 ' south, - ranges
3 and '4 west, Not. 717, run south
34 deg. east 5.91 chains, south 70 :
deg. 26 min. west 22.97 chains, 4
north 9 deg. 34 min. west 5.22 .
chains, north 70 deg. 26 min. east .
22 chains :to- beginning, containing
10 acres .6.72
Lloyd, John; and Clark, M. J. South
east' hi of southwes hi, section 2d, -
" towns-hip 13 south, range 6 west; .
southwest hi of northeast hi, section
. D, township 14 south, range 6 west,.
- 80 acre's '. - ... 4.02
Jackson, Thos. A. South tot 5,
section 3t, township 1 south, range '
4 west 19 acres 3.20
McCullough, Wm. Beginning at
southwest corner ... of section 30, :
township 14 south, range 4 wiest,
thence - east 40 chains north 2.50
chains, west 40 chains, south 2.50 .
chains, containing 10 acres, section
: 30, township 14 soutin rangre 4
west . 1197
Canady, Boyd Lots 75 and 76, in
block 22. City of Philomath.. 4.90
Kisor, Fannfe 30 feet affi of. Vat S8,
in- block 19. City of Philomath...... 4.90
He Lain. J. W. Southeast hi secuan
32, townsman 11 south, range 6. west, '
160 acres ... 6.72
Maher, - E. A. East - section 36. 7
township li south, range-7 west,
320 acres . .- 13.47
"Worthington. W. Sout&west hi- f . .
southeast east hi of southwe '
hi: southeast! of noethwest ,
section 30, tMraship 12 south., ranee
west, 160 acres 6.72
Barkhart, Claca A. Lot 12;. in bloolt ;
Vii, Job's Adfliticn to Corvallis 1.26
Ca.utb.onv J- A. Frac. lofe 5 andi 9.
In frac. blocitS, in original. Town - .
Corvallis 17.80
Bs'-att, Ames L. Lots S and' 9; 5a
Slock 12, Wlikins AdditSen to- Cos-r
vallis - 2.52
Hendeifhot, Mary Lot 5 in block
A. Avery's Addition to Corvallis 5.07
Mulkey, A. tS All of block 9, til
Wells i Addttibn to CorcalUH.s. 8.0T
McGune, Jaa. L. Lot IS, in block
F. Avery's Addition to Corvallis: ..." 2.42
Nelan, J. -M, Lots -3, 4, 11 and 12,". . , -in
block 31, Job's Addition to the '
City of Corvallis.; 3.00
Oregon Agricultural CoJ, Limited: ' ;
Southwest of northwest hi, west
hi of southwest hi, lots 3, 4, 5 and: ,
section 17, containing 178.87 acres; ."
, In township 10 south, range 6 west . -' v
Of the .Willamette MerWiart..
.'; Section 1, containing 645.60 aces;
. south of southwest hi, section 3, ' .
, containing 80 acres; southwest hi of
. southwest hi, lots 4, 5 and 6, sectin t. ;
17, containing 93.03 acres;in town-. :
ship 11 soath, range 61 west of too
Willamette Meridian. - , .'
' East hi, east of northwest hi,
southwest hi of northwest hi, north :
hi of southwest hi, section -17, con- - '
: taining 520 acres; southeast hir :
" southeast hi of northeast hi, south- i
west hi at northeast hi, southeast '
hi of southwest hi, section 21, can- $
taining 279.70 acres; west - hi of . 3. ,
northwest hi. lots 1, 2 and 3, section '
27, containing 176.42 acres; in town- .:
ship 12 south, range 6 west of the
Willamette Meridian. - ? :
- Section 9, containing 640 acres,,- r
south wst hi of the northeast hi, , ,
southeast of northwest hi, south- ; .
west hi, northwest hi of southeast , ;
hi, west hi of northwest hi, of sec
tion 11, containing 360 acres; north- .
east hi of northwest hi, south of ' '
. northwest , southwest hi, south hi :' ,' :
of southeast hi. tots 3, 4 and 5, sec- ,
tion 13, containing 400.95 acres;
northeast hi, northwest hi, north s
of " southeast southeast hi -of .
southeast hi, section 17, containing '-
440 acres; north hi of northwest hi, : .
southwest hi of northwest hi, east
hi of northeast hi, southeast, hi, '
. east hi of southwest hi, southwest
hi of southwest hi, .section 21, 480 ,
acres; section 25, containing 640 ::
acres; south , northeast hi, east
hi of northwest hi, section 31, 585.60
. acres: section 35, 640 acres; all in
township 10 south, range 7 west of v.
the .Willamette Meridian.
Section 3, 627.15 acres; west hi' of
southwest hi, section 5, 80 acres;
east hi of northeast ' hi, northwest '
hi of northeast hi, north of north-; ' - -west
hi, east hi of southeast hi,
lots 1, 2, 3, 4.-5, 6 and 7, section 11, :
. containing 430.39 acres; northeast hi. -northeast
hi of southwest hi, west
fraction hi of southwest hi. section
19, containing 272.87 acres lots 1, 2, : .':'
3 and 4. section 25, containing 94.50 v '
, acres, section 29. 640 acres; north
west hi, southwest hi, southwest hi
of northeast hi; section 35, 360 acres;
all in township 11 south, range 7
west-of the Willamette Meridian.
Section 11, 640 acres, in township .
12 south, range-7 west of the Wil
lamette Meridian 416.56
Snyder, Elizabeth Lots 1 and 2, in .. v
block 15, in Avery's and -Wells'
Addition to Corvallis ................ 1.98
Wilson, "Mrs. M. J. Northeast hi,
section 18, township 12 south, range
7 6 west, 160 acres 6.72
Waggoner, George Lot 8 in block
9; lot 6 in block 11;- lots i and 5 in '
block "12;" all In N. B and P."""""
Avery's Addition to Corvallis .... 5.08
.Whitehead; R R, Southeast hi ; of - . .
, , southeast hi,, section 29, township 12 . -
-south, range ? West, 40 acres ....... 2.67
Crowtherv James Southeast hi, sec-,'' :.
- tion , 19, township 10 south, range
5 west, .160 acres, ...... 11.53
Erickson, John B. Northwest 14 of --northeast
; south -hi of northeast'--
hi; northwest hi, section 29, town- 'i
ship 10 south, range 5 , west, 280
acres ....... .f. 20.20
Aldrich,- Matthew G. Lot 1;' south
. east hi of northeast hi; east of
southeast hi, section 2, township 15
south, range 7 west, 152 acres .. 6.38
Garrison, George E hi of northwest
- hi ; east hi of southwest hi, section .
20, township 14 south,, range 8 west,
160 acres . .. 6.72
Hines, . Zilphia Northeast ' hi of
southwest 44, section 10, township
12 south,-range 7 west, 40 acres .. 1.56
Harrington, John G. Northwest hi, .- .
. section 20, township 14 south, range
6 west, 160 acres 6.72
Olson, J. C, Southwest hi, section 32,
township 10 south, range 5 ' west,
160 acres .j ...,.. 7.21
Parrish, W. H Southeast hi, sec
, tion 20, township 13. south, range 6
west, 160 acres ." 6.72
McWhinnie, Margaret Southwest
. of northwest hi. section 16. town
ship 12 south, range 7 west, . 40 1
acres 1.56
xxaiiiua-, jester west 01 nortn-
west hi', ' section 13, township . 11
south, range 6 west, 80 acres ...... 3.33
Baldwin, Wallace Northeast hi of . ,
northwest 14; southwest 14 of
southeast 14. section 13, township
11 south, range 6 west, 80 acres .... 3.33
Barnard, A. . D. South of dona
tion land claim No. 61, in township
14 south, range 6 west, 160 acres.. 6.72
NO matter what your
choice may be in
. clothing styles you'll find
that all our overcoats and
suits . have a distinction
: of appearance which is
unusual even with the
best custom tailoring. , ;
" The mornings are quite
cold now and a , good
warm overcoat won't go
bad, ; but you want one
that will have ""style"
about it so when you go
out these wintery even
ings before the , holidays
you'll look nice
I have them. Glad to
have you call in and buy
one at . any. time, then
you'll see their merits, t
$5.00 to $20.
Anything goes wrong,
i The
-Richest, Da 5 ntie jt Effects
STYLE UP-TO-DATE . '. , . . .
The style that carried off the laurels at the
... These carbon parchments are not mounted on?r:7-
cards but delivered in neat Foldees or at-,
tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com
J bination that is pleasing and . artistic. Sam
ples of these; Carbons are now on exhibition at '
" Hotneopathist 1 ; ' ' -:
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Real
.; lence cor, 3rd and Harrison sts.
, Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8F.M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone residence 315.
G. 11. FARRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of . Graham &
Wells' drug ' store. Residence on the
corner of Madison, and Seventh. Tele
phone at. residence, 104, .
All calls attended promptly.
. Notice of Final Settlement.
" In the Estate of John Wiles, deceased, notice
is heraby given by the undersigned executors
of said estate, that enid executors have filed
their final account in said estate and that the
Countv Court ol Benton County in protmte has
appointed Monday, the fourth day of January
A, D, 1901, nt at tbe hour of ten o, clock In the
forenoon of said day, at the county Court
Room In the County Court House In the City of
Corvallis in Benton County, State of Oregon,
as the nine and place for the hearing' of objec
tions to said final account, and the final settle
ment thereof!
Dated November 14th, 1903, --
Walter T. Wilss and JEdwabd F, Whes,
Aa Executors of said Estate of John
' ; Wiles, decersed.
KIO iO,ttOTT 1
iuhjiih&ii J
McCalman, A. West hi of southeast .i.
...hi, .section 8, .township ll south,--
raee S west, 80 acres .' 3?60
Burns, ,W. E and wife, and others
One jacr; of land as -heretofore
excepted in deed at page 43, book
.32, of record of deeds for Benton - -County,
Oregon, ' said one acre of"7
land 'lying immediately south of '
and adjoining the tract of land be-
...longing. to the United Evangelical ,
Church, iri'uonation land claim No. '
' 46, township 10 south, range 6 west,
IJ 71 caiH n 11 n rt I .. . .1 1 . r t ,
mediately east of the Corvallis '
...... .."f o , 1 1 1: J maguu 1 u CI. M , aim
lying in donation land, claim No.
43, said township and range, 1 acre ... v57
Goon, T. M. Southwest 14, section
20, township-13 south, range 6 west; -
southeast hi of southeast 14, sec- ."
tion 19, township 13 south, range
6 west '.;...;..,'.... 20.SS
Blodgett, R. B. Northeast 14 of .
southwest 14; northwest 14 of - .
southeast hi; southwest 14 of north-.:
- east hi; lots 2 and 3, section 24,
township 11 south,"- range 7 west;
west hi of donation land claim No.
' 40, township 11 south, - range 7
west; lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ' 9, section
24, township 11 south, range 7 west, -
555 acres 14.45
And on Saturday, the 19th day of De-
cember, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, at the Sheriff's office,
in the Court House in said county and '
state, I will sell the above-described real
property, at public sale to the person or
persons who will bid the amount of taxes
and costs accrued against each piece or
parcel of real property, and take a cer
tificate at the lowest rate of interest, for -cash,
subject to redemption, to satisfy
saiL warrant, costs and accruing costs. .
Sheriff of- Benton County, Oregon.
Dated November 21, 1903.
Copyright 100ft by Uarfc Sekaflnw Ma
your money back. .
Hart Schaffncr
6? Mir J"fl fyH
'S; StudiO, Io,Ms?Or!-
A 8 wv- South Main. St..
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
SschaDga Issued payable at all finan
cial centers ia Uultjtd States, Canada
4Qd Europe. "
Principal eorfependnt.
PORTLAND londoa Sc ten FrmneiMoBaiitf
Limited; Caaadian Bank of Commerce.
SAN FRANCISCO London &San Franc ta '
co Bank bluited.
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- Bank Limited. . '
Francisco Bank Limited.
Wanted. " f
A girl, at Occidental Hotel.