Gorvallis Times. Official Paper of Benton. Comity. ' VOBTAXXJS, OREGON, NOV 28, 1903. ABE LOGAN'S TRIAL. Strong Evidence for Him Tried to - ' . Save U. S. Grant. - rThe trial of Abe Logan., one oi . . . - , . t r 1 "11: ine Indians accused 01 jtiiung In dian Gnn: on the .. Siletz a few .-weeks ago, was taken jp the U. S. court in Portland Tuesday. The -nrosecution - called many.-, of the same witnesses who testified r for r ae-ainst Martin, who , was con victed, of manslaughter as his part an tthe killing,.; . Martin's .de fense tended to place the entire blame upon Logan :andthe same testimony came in handy?; for . the . -prosecution of Lop an. 1 In the trial of -Logan strong eyi 43ence in favor of the innocence of the accused Indian was brought - out. Testimony was introduced to the effect that a consultation be tween Mrs. Albert Martin, wife of 4he convicted Indian, and her two sons, in which she is alleged to iave told' them that they ; would 1 liave to fasten the crime on ,LQgan to save Martin from s paying , the penalty. Other witnesses testified that they heard tie quarrel, be tween the drunken. Indians at the liver and t heard Logan pleading with Martin not to kill Qrant. . This is the strongest testimony 'that has been brought out on the -witness stand. Logan said in part- 'Grant : brought the !. -battles ,jof -whiskey from Toledo. We .did'ait want any one to get more than an-i other, so we marked on on .tne h tlevwith oiir thumbs the place to where we should empty it at ; each jdnuk. ! Hirant : passed ' his bottle around, then I ' passed 'mine and Jtartin passed his. Then we talk ed some and took another drink all round. We talked some -more and drank another round.- Grant began to feel kind of eood and to rock back and forth on his horse. Then Martin said to him. You ac cnsed me of intimacy with your wife, and we better have it out right jjow. I saw that trouble was brew ane and tried to prevent it. Martin Icept after Grant to settle the ; mat ter and 'he tried to get off ihis horse. The 5 animal got - frightened and fcrew him.? I picked him up and Martin began to fight. - - ; - -1 tried to stop them and told Mar- . tin not to hurt Grant, but -they wouldn't listen to me. " I saw there was going to be trouble and bid my '. -whisky bottle in the bushes, because I didn' want to get arrested.. Grant and Martin were , beaming each other, and I-was too.- full to stop them, so I : started - toward the'agencyjtoget help. I couldn't Ifind : "the place to cra wl through, the wire fence for a long , time, .and when I did :I fell in , the jmnd. Then I, had another fence, to iclwnb, tand I .. was ,so . full I . could Aardly get over it, . - Then I was In Jthe roadand. after a while J got .to .Martin' s place. I told Geprg? New Jjerry,, Martin's , step-son that ; his father . was:beating , Grant. , Some of the boys. and ..myself : went, back to, the scene of the rouble. ',Wh,en ) we got ;back, one of the -boys . found piartin ly ing on thebanjc dead ,drun,k Grant jws, gpne, didn't, know jwhat, hadibecome of Grant, arid ?I Went. back tp Martin's use'iraith , She boys.; -,1 was pretty. fuU and I went to sleep there. I didn't . .know where, Grant was until he. was found m ife ,!y',v;W'!!7; : i In substantiation ,of Logan's story : Jhat he hadtried to separate Grant nd Martin,. Tpm .McDonald and his wife, two Indians who had ieen down the river -and -were 're-, turning on the opposite side at the! Jime. the alleged ..fight was: in . pro gress, testified . that they - heard Logan begging Martin not to hurt . Grant. ' - Then Joe Cook, a patriarch of the. tribe, took the stand and swore that oa; the day of the inquest over Grant -s -body, he had .heard Mrs. Martin tell her two boys that they would, have to testify so as-. to throw the crime. pn Logan, to save Martin The case was argued Wednesday -3ut it was;not given to the jury un til Friday morning and : the result of their deliberations was not known when the Times went to press. ' 1 Estray. Cne. small black' hog. No marks Came to my place Get :- 29th, Owner may prove property and pay 1 charges. - W. Leadbetter, We have added several new oar Premium dishes. -- Nolan han. v .... pieces to & Calla- If your umbrella needs covering It to the Bicycle" Hospital. take New coeds all the time at. ' Nolan & Callahan's. - IS A SWINDLER Mail Ronte " Changed to ?CorvaHis4- V.' Adjowrnnenjtpf Circuit Courti"" ""i - "i ' Vc'' Miss Anna Allen of Portland is visiting her parents in this cityv j-VL Miss Maud Brodie of Portland is spending Thanksgividg with her brotberH. C, Brodie. : - ' Miss Alice Wells of Portland ar rived Thursday 'and Jis the guest of her brother Albert Wells at Caur thorn Hall. , Dolph Kerr, bookkeeper of the Fischer Mills at . Silyertori, . is a Thanksgiving guest with the old folks at home. .... ...... . Have Dr. Lowe cure your head arid eye ache ' by .removing the causa with a pair of his superior glassed. -They are the beet. The marriage of ' Miss ' Princess Belt and Ralph Foster" occurred at the home of the groom's parents at Silver Lake, November 17th. . Regular services ,at the M ... ,E cnurcn ioutn . tomorrow morning and evening. Sunday School . at 10 a m. and League at 6:4 p m . The Episcopal church: Rector's class at o a m. ; iMorning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in,; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 , p. m AH are cordially invited. , Rev. MacLean Ph. D. . A basket social wis given at Wells Wednesday night by the Ar tisans of that place. There was short programme, a banquet and dancing. About $70 was netted from the sale of baskets. A fine gray : fox was killed: .the other day t by Jesse Brown after an extended chasein which his . 5 three favorite hounds distinguished themselveSv . Mr. Brown says Path tjark is standing; the ., winter ad? mirably, and that he wiil. be n fie fprm fpr the coming season, ' ' The officials at the football game 1 hursday were E," R, Bryson. ref eree, and Zopnar J harp, umpire. Though both ' are Corvallis men, their deoisions were so fair,, prompt and impartial that the .Nevada men raised neither raised : objection nor criticism,' and after the .- game ex pressed fyllatisfaction at the jud gments rendered during the 0 play The tnoet , notable article , in the Pacific Monthly .for December is by C- E. Si Wpod on the, subjech'The nppresfion Qf .y ice.hy ,Law. 1 In view of .the tremendous fight . which s,now eoipgon, fespecialiy iM, pur larger cities, .between , the. forces of law, and.ihe fo,rces .pf.eyjl, as mani' estedjnlgarobling, ,tne saloon, and the . octal e,vil-r-BO galled this .keen Bnd,yigorou8 dipcussion is of tee greatest Interest. ;r; , T ,; : ) The Dusty mail 1 route that has hitherto been operated from Philo math ;is hereafter tp make 'connec tions- at; 'Corvallis; The changed Service- goe& intd effect 'December 1st The route is by Inavale, and boxes along the route will be -ser ved. The carrier-is! Byrd Rickard. 'He wilt-; leave 'Corvallis at two o'.clock -every day, 1 making Dusty that evening. On the; return -trip he leaves Dusty' in:' the 1 morning, and at'Corvanis at 10:30 a m.Noti ce of the proposed change was recei ved at the Corvallis office Thurs day. J ;p:r-----Ui r-iv'f . .A, swindler,; whose schemeis to raise .the figures j money orders and, ;f then i!IflQash -i(them ;(;, , is pperating , :. rln tkm septipn , ; of the cpjUAtryrt?. ,His plan is, vto : enter store, or .other business house . late in the,evening,vand vafter. (makingva srnall -, purchase . offer, jthe .bogus jnoney .order ip, payment, expecting cash in return. "t "When f -asked- for identification, he displays , Jetters addressed to himself. :, Jnevery in stancethe figures ;in the money .;or der turn out to have; been .raised, but by the time it. , is . presented . at the postoffice, the swindler is . far away. : Business men should be on the lookout for the performer. . . Circuit court adjourned ' at : two o'clock yesterday afternoon, after a session that began Mpuday morn ing. , During the session twq, jury cases were heard that of Lewis versus the Polk county bank, and of tne btate versus Wagner. The j ury was excused at noon yesterday. An adjourned term of court 4s to . con vene December 20th at two o'clock p a, for a hearing of the manda mus proceeding, brought to compel the directors of the - Newton school district to . pay: over apportioned school money, to pupils of the New ton district attending school at Phi lomath. Several of the districts of the county are ; watching the ' case with more or less interest. :v Racine feet for saen, women aiid children, Noli & Callahan. New line of novelty dreea . goods just received. GOIJRT MvTTERS'a; Disposition of the .Case? Wich Have Beta Brought up. Ms: A B Hammond pltf. vs 1 W T Crosby dett,. action., on promissory note;" - Continued for term. - " " .. State Land , Board plff vs Thom as H Cooper et al- deft, suit fore closure. Settled, Dismissed.' ' . A E Laws plff vs Sarah Stewart, et al deft, suit foreclosure confirm ation of sale. Sale confirmed. E A Parker vs W H James et al injunction Settled, dismissed with out cost to either party. : -U B First church of Eugene, a corporation, vs John L Aiken, J Q Rodgers, and J , W Ingle, action. 1 Judgment given. r i-j - ; -; M B Davisson vs John ,L Aikin, j Q Rodgers, and J W Ingle, action.- Judgment given, ; . i , Seth H Childs vs R E Long bottom,; D D -k Longbottom- J J Longbottom et al, suit to . perfect title to real property. Decree granted.- ,.v ' -V . 2 S N Steele, and J V -Pipe, part ners doing business under the firm name of S N Steele & Co vs Lihby G Rothell, action on contrast. Dismissed. , . - , . Sol King vs Scott King, action on promissory note. Dismissed..; Coast Land & Livestock Co, a corporation, vs The Oregon Pacjhc Colonization ' Co, Geo. H Selover and S. F. Cook, suit forecloseure confirmation sale. Sale confirmed TRuth D Thornton vs W F Keady adm et al, suit foreclosure confirm' ation sale. . Sale con firmed H C Davis & L Schryder ,vs ?M P .Burnett, action for damage. : Jury returns verdict for $39 for plaintiff J S Cooper vs E V Spencer act-; ion on promissory: no.e; . Settled and , dismissed. . J S. Cooper, vs Gertrude Spencer, action on promissory note. Settled and dismissed ,V : ; :- - Palmer Ayres vs E W Strong, action. rContinued for; term. G R Farra et al vs A Wilhelm adm of est of Samuel Rickard ded. appeal from county court. Continued Iprjterm.h ..-, n A;M Witham and Agnes Tbpmp son . ,ys Abigail Brown et al, suit to perfect title .real property. ,. Decree granted. s. f,V- - ' Sarah S Ball vs Cyrus Perham et al suit to perfect title, jeal property. jDecree granted. ; ? ; . Mary I Whitby vs . Jphn M.Os burn and William r :JGrpyesr - s.uit foreclosure mortgage. Decree of foreclosure granted. . Gabriel ,'Long vs Ellen Long, suit divorce. : , Dtvorce granted. Fred S Elliott and Ernest El liott vs Ada , EJliotU Emmet W El liott, Seth Elliott: Lilly M Elliott, Annie Elliott, E E Wilson &. M R Elliott, suit partition real property.; ; Continued lor service Monday mov it ne -tito . to , noon oextdayiDr. vLowe.i jt.he optician will, be an CJorvalusi Stick a bat pin in tboae dtes eo you ; wont for get it-: Hs will not send - out amy circulars thw trip announcing . hie arrival- Remember n the days and date?. t u , - . , Notice for Publication, Timber Land Act 'June 3, 1878, United States Land Office, . Oregon City, Oregon, . ueiorjer xiuii, iws. Notice Is hprebv nivea that In comDlianee with the provisions of the act of Congress June 3 1878, entitled t'An act for the sgle- of timber lands in the states of California, Otegon, Ne vada and Washlneton Territory.!' as' extended to-all be Public land States by act of August 1 4..1892, Barney I. Carey ol Falls Citv, county of I .jrQUL,-Bia pi unEvii( uwi huh Hi uiw intQifl. i offcee his sworn statement No 6317. for the rmr- IV cbase oi the Lots 1 & 2 ol Sgetlori No2 in Town- Ship Npa 8, Hange No 7 West,- and will pffer pFUOI W HIOW LUtU HIO 1H11U BUUgUt lS.UOrB V Hl- uaoie tor its romper or-stone wan tor atrncui. tural purposes, and tp establish .his claim to 4on County,, at Corvallis, Oregon, fOa .Saturday, nuu lanu ueiurv viuiur x- alubcb. iterK oi jku '' He names as' witnesses! " "' ' ' " ' ' "" ' Jacob L, Heafele of Philomath, Oregon, ' John W. Hyde " . " , 'rank Spencer :";'::.:';'"; 'y.. Michael It Fly nn ,. : Any and all persons elalmlng adversely the above-described lands are requested t o Hie their claims in tnis omce on or peiore saia letn aay oi January, law , i : l ALGERNON 8.. DRESSER, V . . . . Register, " Sheriff's Sale, -'.v: ' Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 21st day of December, 1903, at the hour of one o'clock: in the afternoon of said day. at the front door of the Court House lu the City of Cor vallis, in Benton County, State of Oregon, I will sell at public auction tothe highest bidder, tor cash in nana, tne loiiowing aeserioea real pro. perty, in Benton county, Oregouf towlt: i Beginning at the northwest corner of the do nation land claim of Jacob Hammer and wife, being claim No 48. and a part of Sections 26. 27. 31 and 35 in Township 14 Houth. Range 6 West of Willamette Juenman in Denton uounty, mate of Oregon, and run thence south 60 chains to the southwest corner of said' claim; thence east 20 chains; thence north 60 chains to the north line ot said claim ; thence West 20 chains Jo the place ot beginning, it being the intention to describe 120 acres off of the west end of said donation land claim and being the same land devised to William Milton Howell, Ollsta Mo Fall and the hei 8 of George. W Howell, decars. ed, by the last will and testament of i William Howell, deceased, which said will is of record la Book O at page 425 therein records of wills for said Benton Oounty, State of Oregon, This sale is maue unaer ana oy virtue or a judgment, order of saleof attached propertyahd execution, now in my bands, Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, state of Oregon, under the seal of said court, dated October 27th, 1903. in an action wherein Adam Wllhelm, Adam Wllbelm Jr, and M. Wilhelm, partnersdolng business under the firm name and style of A. Wilhelm & Sons, were plaintiffs, and Willlavm Milton Howell was de fendant, and in which said action said plain ttlis recovered Judgment against said defendant for the sum of S1463.27.wHh Interest ; thereon at rate of 10 per cent per annum from - Nov. 25, 1902, $95,00 attorneys tees, for the further sum of 163.72 and for their costs and disbursements there in, and the above described real property was ordered sold to satisfy said judgment. Dated this Nov 21, 1903. M. P. BURNETT, Sheriff of Benton Oounty, Oregon, Doo't let selfetyled opticians and eddjers'try lo n.t glasses '' Sto your tyfii. Take1 ro chance witjbtl yoa'r yicion. Coopnlt J,)r;; Lowe. if your eyes need atentiott Me" has beeia coming to Corvallis for ove 13 year8' and has had over , 17, years' ex pertence in his profession. Is the best any too good for your eyes? $ Leave orders for Thanksgiving oysters at the Commercial .Restaurant..'7-. Fresh Yaquina oysters and fresh Gulf of Mex ico oysters every day in the woek. , ' Shropshire Sheep. JiiWes and Yearlings 'by v Barkis 130841 Lambs by Freshman 188626. weii Dreq young stoct ot both sexes for sale. . , ' GEORGE ARMSTRONG, '.-'," Corvallis, Oregon Highest Market Price Paa FOB ' turkeys, eeese, Ducks, Ueal, HorK, tflfls and Butter. Cah or Trade. F.P. CLARK, ; 1 ' - Philohiath; Oregon Congregational S vnurcn, , SERVICES EVERT SABBATS. Horping.,. .......... . . . . ... JkOO J evening , 7.:3 Sunday School ;'. . . .10:00 Christian Endeavor . . . . . -y6:30 r; Strangers always welcome. Seats free. Come. , ; REV. EDWARD GREEN. Pastor. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card tfu toe r 22. For Yaquina: - Train leaves Albany..., . . " Corvallis.. .-, " arrives Yaquina.. . Returning:. . ' Ieaves Yaquina ........ '-Leaves Corvallis...... ... Arrives Albany For Detroit: .13:45 p . 1:50 p. - 5:355. 7:30 a. m 11:30 a. m 12:15 P. m leaves AiDany 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit. ...i....i2:a0 p. to 4 from Detroit: .Aveavtjs ieirou 1:00 p. m Arrives Albany . . ........ . 5 155 p. m Train No. 1 arrives in Albanv in time loconneci wimar soutn Douna train. as well as eiving two or three Jioars in Albany Delore .departure of S P north uunnu iram. 1. . Train No 2 connects. with theSPtroJno at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser ..: . -vt l 1 i . . iw "J ' cwuun uuvl amarent Deacnes. Train 3 or Detroit,' - Breitenbuah and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reacn;nf Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs , the same uay. For further information apply to . . Manager. n. a. oronise, Agent uorvallis, Thos, Coekrell. Agent Albany. V: Summons. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregop ior noil ton county. . Sarah S Ball; Plaintiff .1 : vs . : Cyrus Perham, Ed Perham and loot - iUnamoeriatn, Velendanta. ' To Cyrus Perham. Ed Perham and Ttna Charoberlaiu, the above named delendants In the name or the State of Oregon, you and each, of you are hereby biimmoned and required to appear and answer the complaint ot the plain tin m the aoove entitled suit, 111 the above en titled court, now on flje in the offloe ot tb ole'rk of said court, on or before the 21st day of November,' 1908, said day being the last day of the time prescribed in the Order for nubllcatlon w uus Bummoas maue oy me-county juage or iwiHoawiunf, vrKuii, (wnicn saaa .oraer is I : : On or bet3re.Biz weeks trom the day .of i firs nubllcatlon hereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fan so I to appear ana answer me gala .complaint as herein required, for want thereof ' the plajnt'tr will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in her said complaint, namely. jot n ud.rtsts mswjrmiiiiiig ait -connicEing-ana aa verse claliDB. iu teres ts and estates In and toal. uai pttrt ox tne nortneaRc quarter oi tne nortu. west quarter of Section 3aTwD.10S. : Ki 6 W. Will. Met, which yes north of , the .Alfred wntsman branch or creelr. In Bentn (vmntv. Oregon: that.detendaniB.have .no claim. Inter j et vt estate inerein: mat piaintltrs due there- aj-ut Eiiua arm vaiia: ma cnat aerAnaancs ne forever barred and enkined from Asmrtlnff rtiv claim whatever in and to h 1 i nrnmfiiM iuiTimw to plaintiff; and for general relief and costs and disbursements of said suit. . ' ' This Summons ifi mihlialUMl In thn rnnrnlllti I xxmes once a weeic for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oct- I tober loth, 1903, and ending with the issus of November 21, 1903, in pursuance of an order made DV tne iiOa. V inn 1 E. Wnttnra rwnntv Judge of Benton county, Oregon, (being the county wnere tne above entitled suit is pend- iner in the.above entitled nnnrti Hntpfi -nthr v, iua. jjate oi nrst publication is Oct! bar 10. xtau, . i JS, K. UKi-SON & E. E. WILSON i . Attorneys for Plaintiffs Exfcutor's Notice. notice is hereby erven that lha nnririn. I has been duly appointed by the county court of I .uo awito ui uictuu, nr me county or Benton, Executor of the estate of William f. . wiaBcTu, on uoxouub iiavuiE ciaimH fl7Hlllur A.lri uerepy required to present the same to me, verined as by law required, at mv home one mue Boutn ot Jnuomath, Oregon, within oi iuiiuii.o uviu urn. xiorooi, - sated this 7th day of November, 1903.- - . -- , .... - . xir v . Executor of the last will mil tanVn,an, run . utuu hm, Djror, ueceaseu, .. .. . E. R. Bryson, . JLttomey-At-JLaw POSTOFFtCB BUILDING Bears the lTtia Kind Yoa Have Ahays PongBi Different Types of men need dif. y Mj' ferent type, of Dress. You know how it is : with yourself. Some look, best in double-breasted coat, and others show-off better in a single One man may look real swell in a coat that fits him snugly in the back, and another fellow with the same , V. - coatwould be guyed , as a dude. It all de pends upon the way jl you are built. Crouse & Brande gee, the well-known Copjnicht, Manufacturing Tail ' " . j prs of Utica, New York, build their garments to wit just those little pecufiut ties. Therefore it isi "You may come around here In the blissful anUdpailcMl of not only getting a SUIT your SIZE, Grouse & Brandegee Suits 'or good dressers.-": 1 Your J .i,..L l.u , WHMIIIVJ home, your buying here. We may help you to think' of. something you've' forgotten. . ." ' ' P. ;m Zierolf, If you 9,re Haying Trouble with your Eyes Or if yon are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to E. W. S. PRATT The Jeweler and Ojpticiajv. Bucks for Sale. Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two years old past, . Good sheep with prices reasonable. " Call on.or address , . .. V - ' T. W. B. Smith, " v . Corvallis. Phone Surburban 43. . 7;-?; , 1903. CrouM 4 Biudc(M, Vtka, Hew Yrk. but a SIZE that will SUIT." and Overcoats are correct HI I L L be a thing or b e a ut y if you J c h o o s e handsome China arid ' Glass ware from the beau tiful designs a n d decorations that we' are displaying in our beautiful stock. Baking Day means so .muen in a household where pride . reigns in the culinary de-'J . paruneni nour, sugar,, spices, lard,- eggs, nuts, J.- A 1 -O ' i raisins, currants, citron. flavoring extracts and a lot else to be tought of. Do 'your : hinking at Qroccrf es and 0rockery. make good hie guarantee. ' UpholsteriDg. ' Lounges,. Couches, i' Desks, Folding Beds, Etc,, made to order. ,-:ParticuIar attention given to special orders .and re pairing. . All work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. W. W-Holgate, 0