The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 25, 1903, Image 4

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Touchdown Made on a 'Fluke After
-'w.iw- it,.'Jhi ; ' V ' lJ!
Within Four Minutes of
the Close t'f-ihe Game:
A score of five to naught against
OAC is. the, record, . written i? , .he
. . - '.. ''iV ' v.' 1 'i' r
crreat trtnthflft cramp of EimAnA
Saturday between the Unver&ify 6f
Oregon and - Oregon Agricultural
O "w - - - fc uujwun. ,J I.
Pnilponc s,n.
flW .teW5u-Wi:;iAi,.urt;il
made,,lhe game from the! stand
P6int of we snort . and football
skilj was as fine perhaps as was ev-
n ; n.rr tu .
were so evenly matched, and their
blockine oi each other's work so
wirier 9nH so. -nnnH K-
r . .I'l-rrr.' i'.t"
throughout the game the ball surg
ea back and iorth oyer the center
of lhe field, with 'neither eleven in
good striking distance of the others
goal until the touchdowxt, made af
ter 51 m,inutes of play, and : within
four minutes of the fclose i of -the
game. Even' the fluke at -never
would pave made' the single:; touch-
uown possi oie, save tor the uu-
lorfuqte error;;of4n official -riosje
aecision gave the ball to a.fjuge
TlflvPr. Whll all alnnir f'h CJ1.
liees, both EugeneJ-and. Coryallis
people knew and said thar'tiP wW
wrong, and that it w'as OAC'i tialt
Thfe djacisioq was? on 0a fumble;,
yard line; from whence-"withttie
ball in their possession " the OAC
men could have Diinted the snhprp
if w-mt' tn a hri; ' . WcV- iJl'l
RiiffptiP mPn or..,iri r,f v.o..-
Tied it over the OAC -i in.-.n
,k ATi. Aiut j :asJvLi.4thB rery -Mstri,in.v.-Abe Northwest-.
however;-when made. is', a record ''ir
that cannot be unwritten, and such
tbines, as well as flukes. W one'oi
the elements of t-lianro in Tr
g'atne of football and 1 "are "to1 be
coudted on as a likely factor always
the advantage; going to Ythe - more
fortunate teani, - , -
A't'act tnt tells of "one-element
of superior streDfjth rf tbe( OAO
ni'en !S In t toe E'igene f jrwards,
in alarst eviry lusfftQGe ibid d j'wla
asoon as they saw &-play; co jq jag
uvcf iiojitioue. xuven jap'ain
Thayer,, Eusne'a cra;kf itsJjkle-' ox'-n -lessed
weainess by. ,re$5rtgio,
these tactics as a meina of'Hf f -nsn
efufitr the fiist twoM6rnhree-rffl,a-t
knv It 'wis ia Liuch a plarihat
; ba was 1 out , for . , ;a j ..tuuinta
- v.v- t ill K, jr u u iai A
down btAjre the formation which
, Cjipaib Pilkioton, R sot and Vii
Itams w;t te'ot to. r sauU bisX Msi-
r rtr txr in f ha frames rrr - - v a iri
non.?, 4n the plunge the men rnade
GV6tiui lia Wis1 trampled fever-ly
and was unable to rs lme .the
play foi1 a minute btf'uibrT'rOd'Xhe
contrary, thjOAC linenxen were
tfo much srorxger that (,1ji?tpad f Toif
lying down before a play, they stood
np and met it fiercely, often stop
ping it for loss; -eAt'one time'Tpm
pl -ton attempted a buck through an
i mgi nary - boh'?, that -r Captai o
aa,.,. tq m&ke. Wb"P bp.
reaebed the line there was no hole
ao'd be attempttd a ,hurdl3. fte.
' the fdo',' the " v'aultr " was hurled
8 backbihfpd...bK own line for ajois .
Why did you try to go over?"
hi?sed , Captain. Thayer. , ;Bcause
I couldboi through"; replied the
plucky and redoubtable jTemejtjOn.
.The game was full of all the
features that go to make football ib
teresting. There ;were freq.uent re-'
sorts to puntingj, and ; m the duels,
Captain Pilkington ' though the
knee of his kicking leg was injur
ed in one of the; 'first , scrimmages,
; fully equalled if he 'did not out punt
Templeton: r. .The interchange oi
: kicks and the desperate ettorts ' On
both sides to run in the ball fed the
onlookers' constantly' with excite
ment,; The; hurdling of ; Williams
and Pilkington in these stunts calj
: ed Out great enthusiasm. Au in
cident that is rarely seen was. the.
recovery of a fumble by , Williams
He ; was t6 make a cross buck
: through the Euarene .line and ias
the ball was passed it was dropped-
Without an ,.apparent checking .. of
speed, Williams picked ' up me
sphere aud plunged through, ;-the
sensational was a play by - Spagle.
Kiieeue interforense.boxsd hiro for
the ball : to 'i bund ; end. ' Spagle
threw himselt on hU baak ; reached
. nut wi th his hand and caught .the
tin uci auu -fc-w - - -
thud.' -The coupe was as fine in
r.triinn and as darins in execu-
iinn as was ever seen on a football
field. Another incident that raised
a veil was ! a - play by ; Abraham.
" He w83 confronted at ' tackle by
bz McKinney. Captain lhayer
Vas bronghtack of McKinney for
' ore of Eagene'e favorite rnaes
"Walked bedl andrKlkirj; at
ine same mom pt catcnig bii ,yy$
matioDS,when the Swede espied
hips, -Aa the ball'pas?edr Abraham
brushed; aside' everj'tbn'g 'inv his
way, brtka up the formation and
Thayer ,was ttr jwtvfr fori loss;
I xsaudy At guard nt against tbe
l jbeavimmap ln.tbft JVagenes team..
vjjc pia ,jp; i.iijvi piuigji uie lu-r
si ion,' "but "ii was the las-t. The-
f irmation went to pieces as soon as
' ft got in stk'n 1 distance 1 oi the
T liu njnw un'
tbe OA0man-Sa.nd ijt'be' experience;
"doubthle Contain '-Thayer, who.
is one ot trie oest ipeu in his posi
tion in in iNorioweet. cowers
proved hiibtf-lt the equal if not the;
llJ er't -arnd. deDt"
1 ill! o Fair! Arniitirtiwnrlr fni t.h' naner-
SV-TSr'!?1-, f
foot.ba11 worId Wl11 kefeP
I a - . 1 i -
t- - o.. u-r: iu-
wuuuj me
an eye on
I ext year.
WYW great tolays , are down to
J!he;ed7toLWa. ' ve. bk.e
"e agenenoe ana got tar enoogn
to.?1own Xfeaft'n ! '
who an vao puni: ne tacsiea ana
blfked Eugene's advances at al
tlu" Wl l"? J1"c- BU'1 1U general
RuVuPf deena.3.-i that of right
H..1iiii i. I.i
b-loags to only a star 'game. Two
players wbo won the admiration of
every DOJyrwere;yupperj and Kum-;
Dauga, , ror ine. jormr s-manage-;
ment, gfil Eh'd eped in blays' lhvrfr!j
is nothing Jbut unstinted pommend-i
ation. dqd.fjr the game that 'Riim ,
baugb, an. Albany, player, " put ud
for an QAC team, there 'should be
uciji-cio iu auu tore vtr a aesistance
from unkind, tbi
'f'l1"1 buried a hun.?
dr4 fathonSs de?p ,':
yb right, iuafdsbn der HeU n;
played a stubborn game in the first;
half and Danlip plaved an eauallv'
l .Wt
lastLh?lf- .From th abo it ia not
"w '""'6'" '' orvaura
ni? n ; were'th'X)nlr players on, ,tbe
firld. The Eugene men were hard
f?l Pjayers and their tearn one : of
b P 'aye.d.a. grea.t game, showr
lu - U,M i?ya oruiianuy ana ag
We, - wf8 a eooes of
l,etw' n aS"ri" . gentlemen and
Gwk a'gaiot Gretk. and a fine ex-
hibitiou and splendid ' spirit- of
friendship was the outcome. d
.1 "
I 1 I 11,,
'"At Philomath.
Ep?s and butter SO cenrs at T
, o o t r , J--r
Henkle's. .,, .r(
Last Friday evening, by , invitation'.
ne r. Li. society met wiin ine zeia-
tbean'isaciety5 ttt their ball And a
lcasant evening. wftspept jpditer,-
ry exerci8e3?'v';:V;'":-; '','-'. '-' '- f
LiS' triday afternoon at the coi-
ae of PailomathiHheaici'Sicstud-
fnta gave a a private; Recital ,bidh
was thoroughly enjoyed by, those
is to be t ongratulated on the a-
mount '"ment, abiovthe eri-
thuciatm elhpwn, by,iBer pppils. i"
Q iite a serious accident occurred
o Sunday v-ping to. the. three-yeHi-.ll
eon of Mr. Pugsley, living
w,st of M )mtbK ftf VwaB play--
ill); uu tuc puruu auu . icit usvej-
wards on a keen edged axe, cutting
a laJige-gash. down to -the ribs, lay
ing open the edge of the blade Bone.
DJNewtrt was celleq . j and byap-
plying ; crciibe" to the edges" of ' the
wbu ud:e wedt'p" wltbut-WBiD,
the little boy taking great interest
in tne operation. , Ifv?. a
Miue it loxence yjeegon , uiarK ..was
mat ried to Mr.' Frank 'Blackerby;
of.Qoo3 county.. .; Misa Clark is tb
well-known .and accbmplishei
daughter of F:P;:C,laiki;the7 Jhilo
math merchant,4 ap4'Mr.- Blacker by
a popular sfadeht bf ;,?piIoniath fcoE
lege. May a iong,-lbappy. and. iisef-
fol life be the lot of the happy cop
ple, wbo have the beft wishes of a
large circle of fiiende. Philomitb.
Carrie A. Nation, in speaking, of
her forthcoming stage debut says:
I am'a natural actress, and when
I go pn the stage I am - going to be
natural and not pose. mat s wnai
makes me a good actress.' If; 1 can
get before an audience the audience
is mine. ; It took a longtime ior
me to make up mmind to go on
the stage, however. Betore l ac
cepted the offer I prayed a whole
day and night. - Then ' suddenly I
knew what to do. j ' :?
For Sale. ,;
Several hundred bushels of vetch seed.
Order early before it Is gone. Also Tim
othy, Spelts, and English iye grass seed.
Shropshire bucks. One extra good : re
gistered buck from one of the hest stocks
in Iowa - Cpws and heifers or suie Oeel
breed to see or trade for Jersey Cows ;
L. L. Brooks-
For fine snils and overcoats see Nolan
& Callahan. " '
Get your ribs fixed at
Hospital.' 1
m 'Mr
Leave yonroruei
for-l's on Tuesday. ,
Leave your orders for oysters at Zier-
't i '
T.TTriTHT. 4 TTTR 1 M7TT T. -'-' ''I nYKTiM
M-A K-i M. - -A M. W. JJ V A - V X
: VEN S PEpEMBE.E;.21. '.
Governor Chamberlain -Issues Hie
; Ftoclamat'un to That Efftct to
rV..w " 7- -
Law Other. News. ,'Vv
if .)'
Salem; Or-lNoy,.,, 21. A -SDecial,
Session, of,- the t Oregon Ipgislature"
will convene rj;Salera at; 10 o'clock
Al,;., Monday, rpeceniberl.. The
eession. was, called .. in proclama:
Hiopjissuedbj Gqynor.yChambar-,
'lain this morning. , The, purpose of
;tbe sessiotj, is to;, correct: .the defect
in, the tax : law arising . frorrif the ai
mendmepts made bv the passaes of
the.phejps, bill is,t wihterv;f.,,The
law as it etaods now. does not au
thorize a, tax levy, in .Japuary,; and
witbout a cbaDge in . the, law. the
etiiffi, 'mpsof the cpuntie?4 .and
aix.ipe 4?u;ieB.f pnq.,, euaopi; qistricis,
woUjld be; without fupds, and. would
be, pa j i ng interest ,6n , war ran ts , for
.several years Jo pme5i, r;The ,inVe.r'.
-eet fXDenpe.from, thisi cause woulil
be;fr'prpOQi(K!0 jo $2pQ,Q0b, iha.
coeji.oj f jspeciaj., session,, rij.D.neij;
will. pot be,m9re!thari;$2o,ooo. ' ..,
c.Govfrnpr phambera'.-aiso ord-j
cy.ause;dlby,tjhe eltct,ioo of, C.'f W,.
t F.altto, ie, JJtytffa Sjiates senate, I
com poped .pf, jprpo, ;ap t, Klama,! b,
and rliaka, countief ,;, to-, till the. ya-
capcy pansediby, the flection .' pf 3f
M. William-FOOi to .congress, , t .The.
sptcial fltjctions Wrii be Jbeld on. .Daw
cember J ST ' isi-i t'j'i' i :,i'i'-i
: -V t'tttt A t -'!! :ii j'Hl a . 3 f o f t . : i.
i 'Newport'. Nov.il6'.-Witb kero-.
sehe selli'iig at tbe highest :pnce-m
nffa'ay ;years and" John Dv Rockefel
ler-declaring" that the nat'isral- 'gnri-
my of the beet grades or oil 18 rap
idly beings exhausted Xie Stand --i
ard O.l Company today - declared a
dividend Qi;3i2 onJtb.e:Stock for the
quarter. , , -
I his Is' the regular quarterly pay
day 'for 'the stockhofders in' the
great lrut. 'It makes a total of $44
in di.viden!dsIpa!id to them on their
shafes thls-'year. Qa February 16th
$20 was paid, on May 15tb $7, and
on Attguat lath I.O.-rliabt.jyea.r.' the
total dividend amounted to $45.
-Dhn' D. Rodke'feiler cOllecitP a
dividdnd oi 65 per, cent of tbe capi
tal, stock of'$J.op,ppoQqp , ,bs will,
make. bts.inceme trpm the oil (trust
$28 600,000 or ; the. past year, t
Oq the curb wnera toe stoctc is
dealt in, the price jumped $5 : per
th ire as soon as tbe dividend, was
an h'bunced , a nil there " was' a sera in-
trading today Standard ,Pu brought
0 i -: .'
$6p5 sbare. jit leaped ot $6$8t 'and
income irom ine-on ousmesBior tne
yen r amounts to $28,6joooo bis as
socitrtes and'etockholdtrBi.. -ill -col-
lei tejitotaV fdrth$ yu,atsM.i48Qin i
ooo. It waaeaid that Bockelellex'9
income from interests . independent
of tne Standard Ql-.Compaoyj tpch,
as railrc3if flpyijjbtp
amounts to far more iban bid in
come from the'oit'bueimeas. .
" 'The-profits paid by .'tbe -Standard
Oil 'Companyv'-howefyeis are, tbe larg
est of any corporation in the world.
In - the past 'five years i Rockefeller
bas reaped as his ha-fveat from tb
business $141,7 00,000. .
v'tt'l ' i:i)h;C-..Y .ts-i f! :'K"r'.- r.i "
Denver, Nv." 20. Jossph SorUi
who was pbot Wednesday night to:!
the desperate.strugglewithy Father
Lapore, succumb to his wounds ear
ly this morning. , Srjci refused to
make any statement", and the secret
Of ithe" tragedy i'ak j -probablyj ,toet
forever-w ben death claimed both
men. FatherivLapjre died last
1 1
,"' jklarshalltowB, la., .Nov." 20
Compelled: to. remain in their homes
under threat of being shot, the resi
dents of the village of Green Moun
tain,' ten miles north of here, heard
three ; explosions before daybreak
this morning, v The " explosion
wrecked the Gresn Mountain Bank
building. Thiee : 8 robbers , ran
through the . streets ehooting - and
warning the people to keep indoors.
The robbers escaped after ..-securing
$1,000. ' ..;'.-
,m For Sale
. Pure bred -Poland China hogs. ,. ..
Here is an opportunity to introduce
blue blood into your herds at small cost
Thisstock was Imported', from! Illinois,
by a prownentlog raiser-, will - eell at
c per lbi Ejnquire1 bf Hobert-- Wylie,
Lewisburg. 5 fi-dlesjiort-h ,of Corvallis,
I ', , . . ...... t .-... ,-,.7 .
RFD No I.:
, ' ' ' ""Wanted. ,'
- To trade stock ranch for
property in
Corvallis, ' '
It. A.- Bowman," -Eddyville,
By ,Vhtu-f"a' waivakt f!u-iwt'v6f
the County .Court-01. the Stat of Oregon
- '1 of said county, : directed and delivered,
cemmanaipg. tne Bard 4nerJtE to. collect ithe
taxes as shojyn tp be 'delinquent on' the
tax? roll! fon the year 1902: cnargod to.aaW
delinquents thereon, . and if necessary tQ
sell ' the ' several' ' artlclcW of ' personal- J6r
parcels of real property upon- w-hichrsuph
taxes are. levied, as set forth In .said tax
list:.'-: -Said delinquent- taxpayers, ,j ti)4
amount ot . taxes and the-penaluesv ana
the several "parcel ' of real prbperfy 'are
fleaorihprl as fillnw-,,trt ... -. r. ....
.... j , ' Amount Tax
!! ) j . -ij i; . o j, and Penalties.
AaroTi:r Amanda C Southwest. of ,
"southwest , wicst of-southeast-:"'
pf ,nqrjhw,est, , section, 35, town-( . i ,
i ship 10 south, range ,'6 west, " 160
"acrs H...ii..--.iU 'iut0.'. :ki. ;iui. .$ S.7Z
Butrsdorff, Annat-East of .south-- ' .
. 'east -Vl: 'section' 34. townsniD ;ie"
south,' range; fi.west; .80 acpes.t..i .6.72.
JJedman, R. Southwest ; south ,
of -northwest exeept soutnwet i-'j:-;
?4,9t soutnwest . Also, west ,..( ,
- of southeast-'1,!' of 'ndrthwest " -,
sectfon 35, j township VM ;;south,j u ij
range,- 6 west, 180; acres...... 13.47.
Godfrey, E: W.Southeast-i-lsofuth- '.'
. west .section 24, township 10 south,-,
: range 6 west; east section 25."
township' 10 south, .'range) .6 west, :'-
; 640,aqres 26.98
Kramer. J. J. All of section '36, towii- '
Ship 10 -south; range 6 w-est, 640 . ;. . ,
' acres r 26.98
Richardson,: S. East ; section : 35,.-,
- township .10.. south,, range 6. - west, ' .' .
320 ' acres ' . . ,.'. .'. ....:..'.;.:.... : '. .-. . :13:4f
Warren, H, C.-r-Northeast 4 of north- '
, east it; south of northeast'; '."
southeast of north-west-t.-seci-'.' :.:i
. tion 34. townshiD. 10: south. . ranse'
. 7 west, 160 acres: :::: .'. . . iiVKKlO' 1
'Gaines, RieharaNqrthweSt.-..2eei ); ,,,,
! ' tion 18. township ai south, range. 1
west, '160 acres-..v.i...,ij...t...;ii -(72
: Cpok' C- A. Isortheast, . section 16,. . ,,
i township ia- south, ' range 7 . west, ' -"
1 - 160 -aisfes .' Ai. t.j.i.i.. , 6,72
f HawHSjf R.r O. South of southwest , . ,
Section Z8.' -toWnshiD-' it -Sduthv:i.r !
range 7 west 80 acres. ..,,.,,.,...,.!..,.. 6.72
Paul. Mary South of south
West . 44 ' o , s6uttaast 3J. v setion-j IS;,
; township. ,12. south, .range.' 7,. west,
- O'-aCTes' '..: vi.1.-..-...-.;.'.'.-:..-. ::..iei::.'
Poi-ndester; R. d -'W.'-fThe north 30
: acres' of northwest ii of southeast
; u;.- seetldn 16, o,'-BEllj:).2'isfuthJi .
range; 7 west, 30-apres ....',.,;..:.. 1.3
PHnts; Gilbert H:-Nbrth--6f teouth-
. jwt pf southeast .-; rsouth .14. of,
south, of northwest ' of .south-- ,
. east section' IS.! towclshipj. '12 j,'','j
. south, range 7 ..west. 30 acres.. .1.34
Sablri, R. L. Northwest 'Section 10, -
: township :U sputh, grange ? west,, -f,,.
160 acres , .:.,.:...-io:io.
Tuliis, - 'Elizabeth East-: ifi'south-i ;: ;
-.weEit west-.l of, southeast .
: -section 30, '.township 11 outh, -range - 1
Jf west..'!160: acres.. ,.,.:..u.;.,;..-;i-.i, 672
Wood, Joseph Northeast V of south--.
"west- 4r southeast & ot'. southwest ; n '
'' west.0f -southeast : ,east) i ......
. '.of ; southeast pection 32, town- '
: Jshlp ilOi SQUth ijange 7 we t, 240
: acres, --. 13. 4
IiOiig.''G. T. West' aectio 22;
township '10, Souta. range 9 west, .... f
320 acres".'...;...' .'.-..'...'.. n:32
Marlayi'-P. H.Northeast 4 : section - j
' 6,. township ,11 south; . range. 5 west, .
'160 acres , . 10 38
Frees,-') Vilfiam Northwest of ....
northwest , : section 2. township -.
li-'soutfv range 5 west : . nottli VSsr of
.northeast! southwest of. north- , .
'ekst soutbebst'-ut of' ndrthwest - - J '
. ;:;sectoni 3T:township 11.. south, . . :
f range 5 west, 200 acres...,-.'.. ..14.51
Rogers. 14. South ' - section ?j 36;i ;(
.towpshtP-'W--south,. :ranse.'5 west,-- -'
20 acres ......:.':., ' li 3
Muilleir.:, Heneryi-?- Begirimng a a--, .-
point, whiqh, bear? south 3 deg. .
east 14-54 '-feet ' frorri ';p0tnt''8lA: ' :-'.'.'
halns east : 9f . norihwest . cor,ner ,
of J Q. Thornton s claim No. '3i. -
j townships f 10' iuil 1 11 sou tils Ta-oges j
rI ana 4 west, JNot. ui( run souui
34 deg. east 5.31' -chains.'-south "10.
iv deg. ;26 ; man. west , .22.97 chains,
' rioTtit -" deg. - 84 mint: -west. S.32
chains,? north. -70 -deg. . 26, mtn., east.
' 22 chains to Deslnnirrg, containing
iaacres "Ci. it -' .- ,...: ; f.
EJovd., John: and Clark. 2k J. South:
east ' Of "southwest- section: 25
townshln- ia south; .' ranee- 6 ..west:-
L southwest ot northeast section
9, township 14'sautn,. range , b west,
, SO n ,-rP.t: i. -j. .
Jackson. -'Thos: 'A.'-Sdnth ' lot fi(
section St ,tswnshtp:14,outh.,ranso s.
- 4. west -19 .acres t-- S-2"
3tcCullbugh, '"-Wm-. Beginning. at-ir.'ii.
:SOutlrwst -corner ..ofi section 30,
township 14 south, range' 4- west; - '
'j thence ' east . -40 chalirsj,, north,, 20; ;
chains, west' 40 chains, south 2.a0
- chains; ' corttaihing 10 'acres. section ,j i
30.: township- 14 .. south, range. .4,. ...
west-..' --- -187
(a.'-ana Bi m
f mock 22, city of pwtomath. 4.90
SlCfsnr - PannSlaO feet ff of-lot- 8i, s i
' in .block) 19., City, of -Philomath....... 4 4.90
aSljcLain; J., W. Southeast Section
160 acres , ........ .7t
'Maher; -E.- A'.-East '" -'section'- 36,
320 acres 18.47
"VKorfhingtoiti - it W3uthwest ,:of;i.i, t
southeast, J. ,eaf.D oi soutnweet
" 14: ."soutlteast -of - rmrthwesi H,'
, .(Hnn 20. tnwnshln E south. rajlELe
6, ,west la acres - .6-72:
fturtchart,lirai-A.-i-Ijt'12,iini Monk I
17. "Job .Adaition. to Clorvaillis.,.:. ..l-:265
eaHithorrf-,' X. a: Frafl; lots 5 andl 6, -
. mif rat. Silock Zt .in iKaglnal-Tto.'wn of,-,, v
. Corvalli -
Hyatt; Amosi-'li.-'-LtB-8- anft'Sij .ltvi.'x
i WbclC-ia,jW-ilkiiis Addition, to. Gor- - : ;
'.Vallls: .'.-.... V...'. 1 3B
Heimei3s4io,!. Mary-JiiOt.' block,
,,A, Aveey'a Addition ,to Corvallis... St-flT
Mdlkey', A:- G.--AlE' of ' block 9, i in ' I
-Weils Addition, 'tv Corvalliaw .' , W.
McCunev Jas. Ii rdt "Of i 'block ' " 1
' ATOrVs ; Adaitaun. to sCowflalliS; -jA421
JJolanv '.J. ,. M.-r-Lots 3, 4. 11 , and 12; . ;
' 'in IMoak ' 31,' i Job's 'Addition t6 the' ' I -'KSlty
-mt iCorvallif., y. ., .r.., . 3.O0
Oregon' Agricultural Co., LEmited- . ,;.
Southwest of orthw,est.; esr;; -; ,
r. 14, o southwest Ai, 'lots. 3,. V 5, ansS, , ;
'6, section' 17, contairiing mST' acres,; :
:i in-wnshio'l& south, range 6-west, ! , 1
J af the Willamette Meridian. , ' ' 4.
south. ,pf southwest , section: 3,. , ... .
containing 80 acres; southwest Of
;'6outlyesL Jots 4 B and' 6, section, .;
. IT. containing. 93.03 acres; in town-? , j
;.-ship 11- south, .range 6 west. jf 'the- - .
j Willamette Meridian..?, . , . :? k . . ' .J '
nast,., east oi norm west.-
'Southwest of northwest 4,. north
. Vi of southwest Yi, - section 17, con-
' tatning 5 acres; ' southeast' .:
southeast p northeast south
west. V4 of northeast .Vi' southeast.,
Yt i of - southwest section 21,- can-;
i .taming , 279.70 : acres ; - -. west. o.
northwesi Yi. lots 1, 2 and 3, section '
.27, containing 176.42 acres; in town
ship 12 south, range 6 west of , the.
Willamette-' Meridian..' .:-"' '; ; r.:,
-Section, 9, containing ; 640 acres,,
southwest 4' of the ' northeast Vi;
southeast' Vi of northweptSi; south
west Vi, northwest V4 of southeast
'Yi, west VV of northwest Vi.' of sec
tion, ll,i containing .360 acres; north- .
t.east Vi of northwest ViJ'soiith .of V
Notice of Pinal Settlement,;:."
In the Ma'ter oT the Estatel '' y'."..'' p'ff-K'y.
- !. . f of ;r j .:';;- v;';J-;"f;;.:' 4
Sarh Ann IJrown, deceased) . t, 4 ; , I
Notice Is hereby given that -the riridarsigned.
as administrator wlth'he-wltl annexed, iof- the
estate oi Sarah Ann Brown, deceased has , liled'
bis final account rs such - admimtrator, - with
tbe clerk o! the couuiy .cotirt'of: the staite- of Ore
fron for Banton county, and tbe paid court has
fixed' Friday -the Uth day of December 1963; at,
the hour of two o'clock iu the alternoon .as tbe
time, and tne' onnly court room In thei- "court
house In Carvallla. Oregon, as tbe place, tor hear
Ing any and all ejections to the said, account,
and for sttllemeni thereof, - : vv r- ?;.-- -
Dated this Kov.7,1903, v;; : ? :
, , . " William I. Hcgqins, .
'' Administrator with the -will annexed of -the es..
tate of Sarah Ann Brown, deceased.- ;,,:,; '.
v Wiry not study - bookkeeping f , in - the
night school which meets on ; Monday
and Wednesday evenipgs. '. ..
New dress goods juBt received at Nolan's-.
Callahan's. ' '
nofthwest , southwest ; south m :
of southeast: ,,aots 3.4.rtd.6, ,sec-;,!j
tion 13, containing 400.85 acres;
! )iw)rthe-ff)t'f!4, . northfsTCsti rioirth-V
i .of southeast southeast V. br'
; southeast Yi, Section 17; 'contkiningf 1 j I" i
r 440 acres; ' north of northwest H...
: southwest'-1 bf hortweSt'J east '
' - !Ot ..northeast ( y,, (southeast ,, -
V east of southwest 'souftiwest ' -'
i Yi of southwsst Vi, section 21, -4SO
acres; section 25, - dontining 640 --
aeres ; -sou th - -feUcfrtbedst ' east'
PPrthwest Hge'ction, 31,, 585.60 . . .
: aeres; section 35 - 640 aces; all in"' '
; township. 10 .-south.' rang 7i west I of . ' i i
.the Willamette Meridian. ......
; ' 'iSectlan 1627.15, merest lwest! bt' -
.southwest Vi,, section .5,, ,80 acres.;', ....
; 'east bf northeast horthwe-sr
: )H of northeafet U.'tiorth of . north"- . u
, west Yi, east of ' southeast . 44. , ,
jweat Vt,, section .5,,,
Yi ot northeast i
hortheafet U.morth
Yi, east of soul
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 1. f
lots 1, Z, 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7. section' 11:
coi1)t?nln8r. 4309 acres; nqrtheast ,,:'
ndrtheast '14 of sohthwest' west"-"
rral.on!?7, Of, (Southwest '4,fsectkm 1 '
19, contalnipg , 272.87 acres lots 1. 2, ''
"3 'and 4. -seetlon 25; -containing 94.-50
acres, section 29, 640 aeres noifthJ f,
. west , southwest , southwest
: ot northeast J4'. section .35, 1360 acres;
all In townsnip-11. 'south, range "7
'west -of the- Willamette Meridian, ' 1 ' 3 ; ;
jj.sjecuon ,l.;840 acres,! in township . ; ,
i 12 south, Tange 7 west, of the' Wif- ' '.
lamette. Meridian. ..-.;:.-..-i..v'..-.-.;:.-.416.'36
Snyder, Elizabeth Lots 1 and 2, in
- block : 15, in - Avery's I and . ,Wells,' -Addition
. to Coryallis iM-4 1.3s
Wilson,' Mrs. M. J. Northeast ' r '
-section, 18,. township 12 south, range " v -
6west,;-,160 acres ,-...,.. i..r. 6.72
Waggoner, George" Lot ' 3 in block '
S; lot 6 in block 11; lots 4,an3 5. in,
j block 12'' all - in 'N.- ' B -and' F.' '
- :Averv,'S :lAddition tn nnvlta 1 TW- 1 . , S na
Whitehea-d,, R. R.-SpuQieapt i4 , of
souineast section,' townsUp-181 ' -
SOUth. Kane&,7..wst. 140: nrirea I ' i 9 B7
Crowther, James Southeast see-. ,
? tion 19, township ' 10 ' south; range'- ''
' 5 west, 160 acres 11.53
SMekson-, ' John B.-KoWh west! i; ofi -northeast'
; (south. tfe ;of northeast ... .
: .Yn; northwest section 29, town. "
: ship' 10 -south range - 5 ' -west, ! 280 S.iV.
; acres--.i.tA,.-,J., .(.,-,,... ;..;...,. 20.20
Aldrich,, Matthew .G.Ixit 1; south- 1 ',
, east of northeast-east: of '
. utbeast Vi,', section. 2. tow.hjptila., .. , ,
south, -range 7 west, 152 acres ,'...'..' 6.38
Garrison, George E Ys of ' hOrthWHisti : ' .
34; east of southwest section
' ,'20i township 14 south; rarige,-8.!west.i'
Hlnes. r Zifphia Northeast'- - oflj
isoutliwesfc 'W,! section ,1Q.; to wnphip, i ; .'!
12 -south, range., 7 west, 40 acres, '.. ,1.56
Harrington,' John G.-North west ';"' -iTl
, sections 20i!townehip,l4!SO,uthj'3range)!:;;. -;
t 6 .west., .160 ..acres... ...... .,....... 6.72-
Olson, J. C Southwest 'J. 'section's?. '
. Vo wasmt 1 '10' south,!, jaage :.5.i west, ' ,
160 aeres 7;21,
A ,3brdon for $3.
We picture a style of Hat
which is- very popular at pre
sent. ,lt ; is,, called, the . "Three-i&'Qne-,"
as! it can be" worn" in
tharee -difierent , stylesH lV Je-.
pends 1 where . the ' dents " and-
creases ape pladed.-; . j -.-; . t ;
f ! .-At the same price, ,$3iOC5 ami from '50c
;'J " ' 'up. we jhare ' Eerbys, in different shapes;
' Tourists, "Fedoras, Crushers, etc. prinpi
; ' n v pally in black, but there are . a number of
' - --y Mght colora ifor those 'who - want 'them.
-1 .'J-I-til ' 4 tit
,im ii i H i ,
). J.'IIK.Vrfi TV -.- '4 WU '
' Sole-g?e:n.t
i. -flvJrt ij.i-.-t J.1' i.
- . ft
:'- ';l -' IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT? ' : : , ' if
' i:i ' :'- ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEVy , , t :.v R
:: v,,' v ' STYLE UP-TO-DATE i ' ... Z--;t ,', R
r,,.r,i- .... :...f j. . - . , - ' '; ; - ,' " ; . -' 9
The'style that carried oS the laurels at the
'. NAT!
l- v!These'rbon jarchmeats, are. not mounted on',
a cards but deiiverea in
tachd vt6, ''thin Linen
rA-'V?;f biriationthat is pleasing - and " artistic. 1 ;Sam
.v'iitt-i.v ' ..', : -w-'- '-.-'': '.." L -''"' 'L ;lii.-t.sxi'i'll' 1.
. 1 ' ' ' ' . 1 ' -W 1 . ..
i pies Qi tnese varDons
Office up stairs .back of "Graham &
Wells' drug store,' 'Residence on the
corner of Madison - and; Seventh. "-'Telephone
at residence, I04. . .:; .,v .; :.,
. . All calls attended, promptly, -.rt v -
.' . 3
j 3 A
Farrish. , W.; H. -Southeast! 4,!.sec
,. tion 20, township 13 south, range 6
; west, 160 acres
McWhinme, Margaret SoutBwest 34
i of horthwest ' V, 'section IS, ;town'
; ship , 12 south, - tange ; 7 ' west, 40
Hallida', Ester West of north-
. west -Yf,, seption , 13f township . 11
South, range 6 west, 80 acres
Baldwin, "W allace Northeat !i of
northwest 34; southwest of
, 80Ktheast::, -section - 13,-i township.
' 11 south, range 6 west,, 80 .acres ....
Barnard, A. D. South ft 'ol 'donai
. ,tion land claim No.. 61, in township..
14 south, range !l6i west,' : 160 at res.'.'- 6.72
McCsvlman, A,-rVest of southeast : s
. section 8, township 11. south,
' range 5 west, 80 acres ..,.'.!.i..'.;ij. 3.60
Burns, W. . E., and wife, and others
One : acre of . land as -Heretofore,' -
excepted in deed at page 43, book.
: 32, of recor'd' f deeds for Benton
; County, Oregon, said . oaei iacre of '
land lying immediately south of ,
.and adjoining :the, tract o land be-' '
..longing to the,. United Evangelical .
-Church, in nonation land -claim No. -46,
township-,10 south, range west,
and said one acre of land lying lm
imeiately, east ot the, j Corvallis-i -''
and Bang's Valley wagon roadand T
lying In donation land claim INn: :(r'-
43, said township and. range, 1 acre
Wygant, M. Beginning 40 feet east
- of southwest corner of .---Dentus
Beach Not. No. 7798, township 10
-south, range: 3 ; Jrest; . jrun, , north
3 degrees 30 minutes easrt. S.74
chains; thence east 8.40 chains;
: thence . south 6.73; chains: thence
' west 8.82 chaiijo, to beginnlDg, 521S
: acres i
.. -6.72
Coon, ,T. M. Southwest. .section
20, township 13 southi ranged west;: .. .
sbuthpast- of southeast . 14, sec- u - ,
, tiop 19, .township' 13 south, , range ' '
8 west-":'.-..'.-....i. ..:,;:.;-....-'.;. 29.35,
Blodgett, R. B. Northeast;, of, : ..
southwest Yi, northwest Yi ' of '
f southeast 44;- southwest J4 of north
east Yi-, lots 2 and 3, sectioni 24,'
township 11- souSh. range 1 west; : ,1
; .west-Y2 ot donation .land claim. No..
: 40,. township 11 ' south, range- 7
'wet? lots' 4.'- 5, -Si 7, 8, ; 9,, I section. -j :
24, township 11 south, range 7 west, .
E55 acres .; , -.14.45
, ,And on Satprday, the 19th day- oX De
cember, 1503', ' at the'-hbur of ' l o'cloek
AsiM, of said, day,j at the. Sheriff's jofficeJ
in the Court House- in, said cpunty and
state.' Twill sell the abovedeiicriloed real'
property,, at public; -sale to the person on'
persons who will bid' the amount of , taxes
and oists accrued against each niece - of
parcel'- of real property, and take a cer
tificate at the lowest rate- ti iriterterti for
c'ht uTJject.-toi, redemption,, io. satisfj!
said warrant, costs tend accruing costs.
''-" M. 'Pi ' BURNETT: .'-. t
; Penff. of, Benton: County, .Oregon. .
Datei November 21 1903. , ' .
.' c, 'A ( : ' ' ., .
- - ,x.wm:. wjm! . - - ' -.--!
All styles are the same price. ., It
-is just what a shoe- ought -to "be,
. Comfortable,: 1 Sepsible,; Hygienic
1 t .'d and r Lasting, i . i
Remember the.e: is i n.oi' substi-
'-tute ior '-Ralstoir Health - Shoes."
i 'None are as' Scientifically -made.
s .id i-i
for ' dJoi-vllibJ
Its , : li i; - I- ii W j'-ViJ-. 11; j
nean- toldeks or aw;.
mount's, making & com-
-"' ' ' 'I.
are now, on. eiuiuitiuu uu ,...-,
9 ? CorvaiIis,i Ore. -rj
-. Hotneopathist.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets, ;",EestJ
dence cor ' 3rd and Harrison sts.
. Hours 10 to 12 A, MTSS to 4 and 7
" t6 8 P.M. Sundays 9 to 10 ( A, rM,
Phone residence 315, . ' '
:.:: .: -:: ;: :..;.-: ) . .. '. . T
' '' " ;' x
I I '.J''. '!' I , .'i