The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 25, 1903, Image 3

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( Advertisements in this column charged for
at the rate oil 5 cents per line.
Mrs. E, R. Bryson is visiting
Eugene relatives.
Mrs. Bowersox of Salem is vis
iting ner parents ta iui my. . , y
Ivan Brown returned Sunday to
Portland after a lAt with - old Cor
vaiiis friends. .
Wilbur. Weeks arrives ' from Sa.
lem today, for a visit with friends ov
er Thanksgiving: .
Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. McDonald,
nee Esther Held, of Seattle, spent
Sunday with Ooivallis relatives.
Mrs A. J. Hall, who his been via
Ulnar at the home of her son Harley
Hall, has returned to her noma at
Bueaa Vis' a. " r
Mr. an-1 Mrs. Robert McCaust
land. accompanied by theit son James
left Monday for Wilbur, Washington,
their future home, . '"'
Miss Edna Burnett of Independ
ence, arrived Sunday,1 and is the
guest of relatives and friends. She
will remain a week. ; ,
John Lenger has placed a new
fence about his premises and other
wise improved his place. The .fence
replaced it Is said, had stood thirty
years. : '
- Mrs. Neil Newhouse and daughter
Lulu have returned from a six weeks
visit la various parts of California,
They went by water and returned
. overland. , ; - ' .. .:
-George F. Eglln arrived from
Ashland Sunday evening. He had
been summoned as a witness in the
case of Davis and Scryder against M.
P. Burnett. . . : v . . . , . .
. 4-Ah ordinance recently passed the
council maklog it an offense to ride
bicycles on the sidewalaa abutting the
school bouse block. The penalty, fer
violation Is a fine of $3 to $10.
Arthur Buchanan, sa Barclay,
Miss Gertie Barclay and Miss Ada
FInley drove from, Ling Tom to Ei
gene to Witness tbe football game be
tween O AO and the State University.
J.'E. Fowells, the shoemaker, re
cantly rented the room on South
Main strpt formerly occupied by the
express office. It has been recently
refitted and makes an attractive place
of business. v
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Herron whi
were recently married at Everett, are
expected home today.' It is under
stood that Clayton will have charge
of tbe farm for a ime In . future, bis
parents having decided to : move to
Corvallis.. ... f ;
. The last and biggest of . all this
year's football games occurs on OAC
field tomorrow, Thanksgiving after
noon. The OAO players are now in
condition to but ud the best camai of
) their Uvea, and a victory Is not bey
. on J their reach, pi r.' 4 , ):.
-Dall Marks of kings Valley, re
turned heme last Thursday where he
and his wife were called about ten
days ago to the beddle of their
daughter, who is dangerously ill with
typhoid fever. Mrs. Marks remain
ed at the bedeide. ...... - ,! i
''The union Thanksglviag service
will be held at the United Evangel
j leal church on Thursday at 10.30 p.
.' m. Rev". Green of tha ' Vvnniyporf
church will deliver the sermon. An
' ofleiiog will be taken. A ' cordial
Invitation Is extended to all.' .
W. H. Hammerslsy has opened
up a candy kitchen and confectionary
store inythe Klioe building near, the
Burnett brick,- Mr. Uammersley bas
been in the business several . years in
ooutaera ucegou ana a sampie or ms
goods will convince anyone that he Is
ft firaf. plana nrnflv.malrnr- . v ' . 1'i
G. W. Smith's" restaurant start
led up Saturday with a , turkey dln
i ner and a big rush. . An elegant dis-
- play, appropriate for ' a ; restaurant,
rwas made in the front windows and
! doubtless attracted a share of the
- business done. that:' day. Tbe res
taurant Is well fitted up with booths
'and other appointments to seat forty
people at one time. "
Marshall Miller is about ready
to begin business in the ' building he
recently erected on the corner of
-; Third & Monroe streets. It is to be
used asa skating rink." Mr, Miller
'has a laTge number of skates and he
hopes, but perhaps vainly so, that
, rolling on skates will attract thesame
measure of Interest that holy rolling
' did. ';-.-' "1 -
A sewing machine considerably
: out of. the ordinary was taken to
. Dilly a few, days ago for repairs.
' A motor attachment is the thing
which is new here.Power for operating
the sewing -machine is provided by a
heavy clock spring which is wound up
by means of a " lever." A friction
: brake, adjusted by a screw regulated
the speed of the machine or stops it
entirely. A temporary stoppage of
the machine to shift the work In
band or other purpose, Is effected by
pressing a pedal with the foot. Many
- people have with much interest,
watched the machine in operation
and it would seem to be just : the
, thing. It was brought to Oregon
: from Nebraska a short time ago by
a family . named Robinson, - who
bought land not far from Philomath.
In transit the legs of the machine
.were broken eff and it was , brought
ln to Dilly for repairs.
Nov 3oth till noon the next day
Dr Lowe, the well known eye spec
ialist will be iD Corvallis.-
M. L. Adams is building a new
residence In Job's addition.
Admission to the football game
tomorrow is to be fifty cents.
Mrs. Fred Mulkey Is to leave to
day to join her husband In Washing
ton. . '.. .: :; .
Mrs. Wade Malone of Alsea, pass
ed through this city yesterdiyenroute
to Portland for a week's visit.
Miss Dorothea Nash Is . expecteti
to arrive tomorrow to be the guett
Tor a few days of Mrs. Hay ward at
Alpha Hall. ;..- -: ;.v c.-;vv; ;-
W. A. Wells Is slowly recovering
from a severe Illness;. - He is not, how
ever, yet able to leave his home to at
tend to business, .-- r' '
Misses Pearl and Nfllle Baker,
sisters, arilved from Eugene Saturday
to accept places In the dining room of
the Hotel Corvallis. ' ;;. "
Mrs. Lizzie Rrchardson who has
been 111 for the past six months, Is re
covering from an operation In a Hos
pital at Hoqulam, Washington. ;
Indian Mose, of the Slletz, went
to Portland Monday as a witness In
the tiial of Abe Logan, who was with
Harvey Martin jointly accused of the
murder of N. S. Grant.
Punderson Avery arrived Sunday
from. Gazelle. California, where he
went two weeks ago. , While there be
disposed of a large herd of cattle, pur
chased last year in Benton and since
maintained by Chester Avery in South
eastern Oregon. . .
The Local lodge of Lions had a
big time In their hall Saturday night.
Twenty candidates were initiated, and
tbe occasion was celebrated with be
coming ceremonies and a' spread.
Though only a few months fn exist
ence, the lodge has a membership of
115. - r; .r;
Preparations are being made for
extending the local lighting system to
the residences on College bill. Almost
all the new residences built in that lo
cality In the past year were wired at
the time of construction and arrange
menta'bave been made for connection
with the city electric pi int.
--News from Walter Taylor's mother,
who underwent an operation in a Port
land hospi al several weeks ago, Is
much more assuring. - For a time af
ter the operation the prospect of re
covery was quite gioomy. . It seems
now that Mrs. Taylor is in a fair way
t of recovery and that she will soon be
able to return home. ' - ;( ,
. One of the most successful func
tions of the season occurred last Sat
urday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
F. L. Miller. The spacious rooms
were prettily decorated with autumn
leaves and pumpkins; suggestive of
Thanksgiving. Each guest's attire
represented the thl tf -a book, -and
prizes were given to those guessing
the greatest number correctly. First
prize was awarded Mrs. R. H. Huston.
The guests numbered twenty. ;" ;
A very enjoyable evening with
authors was given on Friday evening
by the Christian Endeavor'eoclety of
the Presbyterian cbutch at the bome
of Rev.- Carrlck. Scenes from : popu
lar , books were represented, Miss
Ke'rnsxarryiog eff the priza for , tbe
largest number of - authors correctly
guessed.- While light refreshments
Ing programme was-rendered, consist
ing or a vocal 8 1 J by Miss uameis,
Instrumental solo by Miss Rosendorf,
vocal sold by Miss Kyle and vocal
solo by Mr. Kilpack. , . -
Charley Ewart started on his way
to British Columbia to join bis family,
after spending several .months in Ben
ton county, r He was compelled, 'to,
leave the North on account of his
health, for a time sojaurolng In South
ern California to secure relief from
asthma. Not receiving the .'benefits
there which ha hoped for he came to
Corvallis'', his tormer home. " Here- he
become much baitef, and it la his In
tention to come hack to Oregon and
locate some where" in the "Willamette
Valley. It is his desire to live at some
point from which Sulphur Springs is
accessible. His stay there last sum
mer, he feels certain benefitted .him
-very much. Mr. Ewan's qualifications
as an architect will attract, business
wherever be V may locate, and thre
fore a climate beneficial to his health
Is what be seeks. i ;. .'
During trie ; latter part of last
week, Harvey Martin was on trial .In
the U. S. court, Portland, for the mur
der, of U. S. Grant a short time ago at
the old government ford on the Silerz
river. Riley Logan Is jointly accused
with Martin. Both accused as
well as the murdered man, as Is gen
erally known, are Indians, and other
circumstances of the tragedy have al
ready been given in "Tbe Times." The
first news of the affiir indicated that
Martin was the principal, but the evi
dence brought out at tbe trial showed
that Martin took a smaller part In tbe
killing than was supposed. The jury
before which he was tried came to an
agreement and on Monday last re
turned a verdict of manslaughter a
gainst Martin. W. S. McFadden, of
Oorvalli", defended Martin and many
who followed the evidence believed
tbe Indian would be cleared. It is un
derstood that an effort will be made
for a new trial. Logan's case was to
have been called when Mai tin's trial
was completed; ' . ) .
Leave orders for Thanksgiving'oyBters
at the Commercial- Restaurant. Fresh
Yaquina oysters and fresh Gulf of Mex
ico oysters every day in the woek. . : -
Berry & Carl have introduced the fa
mous anti rust and wind proof umbrellas
examine them . : ' -
How Matters : Stand Another Coun
cil Meeting to be Held.
The city council at a meeting
Friday night passed the Porter
street lighting ordinance - over - the
mayor's veto. The vote was, ayes,
Rose, Porter, Cameron. Taylor,
Hodes,1 Henkle; nays, ' Crees; ab
sent, Avery, Colbert- The ordin
ance as passed over the Ve'o pro
vides for the city to pay the Elec
tric Light Company $ 6 for arcs and
$1.41 for incandescents for a per
iod of 10 years. The Jones bid
proposed for the city to pay $5 for
arcs and $ 1.35 - for incandescents.
It has since turned out, however,
that the councilmen,- at the time
they turned down the veto, had a
private agreement with Mr. Porter's
light company to the effect that .the
latter was to come down to ' the
Jones bid of - $5 4 for V arcs and
$1.35 for incandescents. It seems
that shortly . before the - meeting.
Mr. Porter, went to the councilmen
and proposed to meet the Jones
figures, provided ; the councilmen
would assure him that he should
have the contract.This a number of
the councilmen pledged themselves
to do, and Mr. Porter in turn pledg
ed them that he would supply lights
at the Jones prices. After advis
ing with City Attorney Ya' es as to
the legal status of things, the coun
cilmen say they believed that by
passing the $6 ordinance over the
veto, a contract could be signed
providing for $5 arcs. With that
understanding, they passed the
Porter ordinance over the veto.
and shortly thereafter adjourned.
After adjournment. . however, a
number of'the councilmen. learning
that only a contract providing for
$6 arcs and $1.41 . incandescents
would be legally signed by the po ;
lice judge in short having learned
that under the ordinance passed,
they could not without further
legislation legally make a contract
for the lights at the lower figures,"
they privately instructed the1 police
judge not to . sign the contract.
Accordingly, at the, request or the
council a special council meeting
has been called for next Friday
night, at which time action is to be
taken by which " the ordinance
passed over the veto can be chang
ed to conform to the objections of
the veto, and also to straighten out
the tangle, as it novAexists.
- There is a further explanation of
the action of the council in turning
down the veto'.. Wheu the agree
ment was reached between the
councilmenand Mr. Porter that tbe
latter was to have the contract if he
would meet the Jones figures, some
of the councilmen wanted'to atonce
amend he ordinance so as to incorpo
rate the Jo -es figures, but Mr .Porter
made objection to this plan, because
it might give a chance for another
opening of matters, a possible
chance for another bid and possibly
another veto. On being; assured
that the thing . could : be legalized
afterward,' they all - voted for the
ordinance to pass over the veto. ex-,
cept Councilman Crees, who insis
that the Jones figures should be in-,
serted - before the ordinance be
passed. -
- There is another element in the
situation that is not uninteresting .
Some of the councilmen say . the
Jones! people want to, make a lower
bid. But the situation is such that
the consideration of a lower bid is
almost impossible. . Some, of the
councilmen are pledged to accep
tance of the Porter contract at the
former Jones figures, and are not in
position to consider another bid.
Furthermore, the action taken . has
been such thstven a veto could
not provide for the admission of a
lower bid. This is why: As the
! matter now stands the only , con
tract that the police judge is author
ized to sign provides that - the city
shall pay six dollars for arcs' and
$1.41 for incandescents. The only
wny to change" the. present ordinan
ce is by the adoption of another or
dinance, either amending the pres
ent one by substitution of $5 arcs
and $1.35 incandescents, or- by
repealing the present ordinance and
passage ofanothef one providing for
the lower rates, li the plan of ad
opting an amendment merely chan
ging the figures should be followed,
and it should be) desired to veto the
new act for the admission of a lower
bid, the effort of the veto would be
merely to cut out the amendment
and leave the present $6 ordinance
in effect. That is to , say, a " veto
would merely kill . the- amendment
and leave - matters as they now
stand, which would be exactly con
trary in ; effect to- that which
would : be desired. If, on : the
other hand , the course of
repealing the present ordinance
and enactment of" a new one were
resorted to the effect of a veto would
be exactly the same. A veto, made
for the purpose of admitting a low
er bid would not only kill ; the new
$5 ordinance, but would also . kill
the repealing clause, and leave the
present 6 ordinance in full force
and effect. The situation Is a cur
j iousone,-in that it shows the fine
strategy that ' was employed, and
for what reason it was desired that
the councilmen should be induced
to pass the $6 ordinance over the
This Time for Good Brooks and Cref
field Told to Depart. -
Creffield and Brooks, prophets of
what las come to , be called : the
Holy Roller sect, have gone from
CorvallK Their departure this
time is for good and aye. It tran
spired as a result of the notice giv?
en the men by Mr Hurt that it
was best for them to go away. The
notice was not of sensational char-
acter, nor was the going fruited
with spectacular incidents as has
been repirted. While on ? a late
vjsit to Portland. Mr. Hurt wrote
home, saying that on account of
the feeliog that had 'been incited
as a result of the unusual things
done in the late upheaval, it was
better that there should be a part
ing of the ways. Mr. Hurt arrived
home last Thursday, the day after
the letter reached Corvauie, Ha
found Brooks and Creffield ready to
leave, and about two ' o'clock that
afternoon, the start of the prophets
into new fields was made. One of
the men was taken away in a bug
gy, and the other traveled alone.
Neither will return . to abide at the
Hurt home, that alternative being
fully understood by both men.
Besides the departure of Creffield
and Brooks, all tbe other followers
of the sect save ordinary visitors at
the home have taken their depar
ture. ; The incident seems to indi
cate a return in general of all inter
ested td normal conditions, and to
mark the end of ,whaty furnished a
theme of general interest for several
days in the late past. The friends
of Mr. Hnrt and of the family are
glad that Creffield and Brooks are
gone, for to the latter and their
power to influence others was due
whatever there was in the late mat
ter that supplied the public with
thiDgs to talk about.
- . Barred Plymouth Rocks.
I have 30 high-bred Barred Plymouth
Rock chickens yet for sale very cheap,
if parties take them atonce. " , .
" r '.. ' J. G. Horning...
. : . , . ' - Corvallis., ;
OAC Cleaning & Pressing Co.
C. C- Cate. : . Tel. igr . R. H. Cate.
We call for, clean, press and deliver
one suit or your clothes each week for
one dollar per month. Ladies " skirts
cleaned-- Five-doors south of P. O,
- ' For Sale,
Good gentle driving horse and bnggy.
; . J, K. Berry. s
Crouse & Brandeeee on the label-of a
coat stands for all that is good in clothes
making. Nolan & Callahan. See them
- Young man, you . should attend the
night school in the Corvallis . Business
College, , - 1
. For best grade of gasoline, 35 cents a
gallon go to Berry and Carl's. - . f . - '
- Big stock of cloaks, wraps, jackets and
rain garments at Nolan &v Callahan's.
Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters received at
ZierolPseveir Saturday -f:. .,.-:-.
Go to Zierolf's for fresh Yaquina Bay
oysters- ' . .- '
Eggs 30 cents at Turner store., ;
t Vetch seed at Corvallis Floor Hills
-.- . .-. Strayed, r . -
On or about Friday, October 16, from
W Taylor's pasture, a Jersey heifer calf,
about 7 months old. A liberal reward
will be given for its return to my ; resid
ence or for information leading to its re
covery, . G. V. Skelton.
. . . . , . Corvallis.
-.. ? Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby notified not to
trespass on the premises of the : under
signed for the purpose of buntin Dont
ask permission. ;
' . . . Dick Kiger,
Elmer Raber.
t G. Harding,
Office at Huston's Hardware "Store. P.
; v O. Address, Box ir. . J
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. ' , . - :
Special Sale
Table Linen.
AT S. L.
. An annual event looked, forward to by the prudent
2 housewives of Corvallis.
' : " e ; have placed on sale this season a larger, better
I and more beautiful line of Table Linens and Napkins
than ever before. ' ' $
A Few Mints of Prices:
58 in 502 TiM e Linens at 41c.
66-in 60c " ' 47c
70 in 752 . " " 65c
72-in $1 - - , - 87c
74-in 1.50 " "$i.27
60 in 30c . : Cotton Damssk 24c.
Buy your Linens here, now, during this sale and save
, ; money for your purse, at 1 '
y " Regulator of Low Prices.
What You Want
Is to try the New. Goods
which have just arrived 'at
Crystallized Pineapple
.Crystallized Cherries,. .
Crystallized Ginger
Fresh Nabiscos
Fresh Cookies
New Walnuts
New Almonds ,
We rJMCnn Tbe Great
Sell 1
Hodes' Grocery, Phone 483.
t.1 '.jr--M- A-iV.-:X'
a. ca .
-F. L. fliller, '
&r9r i'-' Mi- 1',
I7xi7-in $1.00 Napkins at 85c
18x1 8-in 1.25 "$1.00
20x20-in 1,50 " 1.30
22x22. in . 2 50 " .' " 2.00
22X22-in 3.00 " ' 2.65
24x24 in 3.50
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olives in Bulk
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese. N
I f Health
The Fall and Winter suits'
and Overcoats of the fa
mous KUPEN
HCJMER Guaanteed Make
are'of the character which
most of the "men, who
are particular about their
clothes, imagine are to
be had from only the
high-price tailors.
Cry on a .
KupenlKimgr Suit.
Then ask your tailor any
where to give you as nob
by a pattern, trim it as
well, ask . his price, and
then come back. We
will do the rest. ,