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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1903)
Corvallis Times. Official Paper of Benton County. OBOBTAIXIS, OREGON, NOV -85, 1903. THE DERELICT BOAT. jAnd Gun John Goos Built and Sailed it, a Hunting Geese-The Seqnel. The' mystery of the derelict boat raptured by R. C Kiger with a gun in it has been . explained, and connected with it, there is a tale of distress, hardship and a narrow escape from death. The boat and gan are the property of John Goos, who resides along Boone's slough, on a farm owned by Mrs. Ann fcSmitb. The owner fell out of the Jjoat while attempting to cross the .swollen waters of the - slough, and ibr half an hour at imminent peril of his life he wa&in the stream, es caping finally under circumstances approaching the remarkable; The accident happened Friday morning, a few hours before the -derelict boat was captured by Mr. Xiger. Bands of geese feeding on the island across the slough from liis home, attracted the attention of Mr. Goos. He had no boat, and he determined to build one. Within a short time, he completed a crude box -like affair, about five feet long, not counting the curious bow that lie subsequently added. 'He had no - oars, and decided that he could vjiavigate with the aid of a long handled shovel., Thus equipped, ie attempted the dangerous pas sage and all went ' well until he Struck the heavy current. There, the boat became unmanageable. 3n his struggles, Goos thrust -bis Ahovel deep iu'-o the water, expect ing to touch bottom and push his craft ahead. But there was no bottom.- and under the violence of effort, he lost his balance and fell overboard. ' Then began an experience that aao rr-i 1 1 rtsf- fnrtrf in a lifetime His limbs were encumbered with a lieavy pair of gum boots. He - knew something about swimming but. not very much. He was in thej middle of the deep stream. His clothing soon became heavy with soaking. By a superhuman effort lie relieved himself of one - of the lieavy boots. That only tendeckto i - complicate matters, ' .for . with one leg heavy with ' boot, the other be came so light that swimming was impossible. It looked very much like John was a cone Goos. . . o : 1 - It was according to his statement in town Saturday morning-, fully lalf an hour before Mr. Goos, more dead that alive, finally rear ched shore. - ' When he found he . couldn't swim, he had presence of mind enough to throw his head back and keep his nose and mouth ( upward, so that so long as any part of his person could be above water he could breathe.In this attitude, "be began to float, as he described it, like a doll in a- tub of waterl sometimes above surface, sometimes beneath. He had swallowed a great amount of water, and this with the -violent cold and the terrible charac ter of his situation, soon rendered liim.part unconscious. He thou- ght of his wife and his children, and rembered thankfully that he. held a - nnA ificnftinv ftnliMr in ; nna rf the beneficiary -orders He had, no lope of rescue, but adhering man fully, and heroically to his plan of keeping his head back, he contin . tied to be able to breathey floating on and on; down the river and ap parently out of the world, J In "; this way ; several hundred '-yards and a quarter of an ' hour of time passed. Suddenly he saw a r. slender limb above him. It was only as big as his smaller finger. , but he grasped it. But it was a , dead limb, and it napped. That looked like the last chance, and he settled ; himself again into his old, half conscious, attitude, with his nose elevated for air. Then '- after more and more yards had been drif . 3 i i . i.Lj , : i. ' ? irn. ii- Kit w HTin ne-r iit-nii-r limn X.ike the other, it was but as large . as a small finger, but it was within reach. And it ' was green. -.. He seized it. it neid. tie pulled a little harder on it, and raised all his head out of the water. ; Should lie null ntiv VinrHfr c t!i niiftion The limb to which the slender branch was attached was far above : TC1.A 11 J 1 1 iL. I, T- would again break, and he must , drift again . A . little harder and a little harder he pulled,; advancing r his hold until head and shoulders were entirely out of the water. Then he thought to make an out- cry. He had no hope of an answer but he tried it. - It must have been a pitiful, pathetic shout that he rai sed, cold, numb and chilled, but he " tried it over and Over again. ' But ;.'and then after, much delay gave up i i 1 1 t . . a it i i Along time thus, a time that prob ably seemed ages, and - then ; there Jttas a rustle in the bushes on the cant, titty teet away, iiis- wite appeared. At first sight of the situa tion she was stricken speechless and helpless; but presently she revived. John sent her home for a sixteen foot board with- which he thought she might be able to help him. He was so near gone that he had but little comprehension of distance, for when after. many minutes the board was brought it would not reach half way . The-n two ' more boards like it were j brought in fev erish haste; by the wife,'"" and after many efforts, the three put end to end, were'shoved out atad John seized the end of one of them. The rest of the attempt was successful, and John was finally hauled ashore He was so near death's door, when he ultimately' reached home, that it was with much difficulty and a ceaseless exertion that the chill was dispelled, the water that he had swallowed removed, and a return to normal condition brought about. But he is well; now, ... and made wise by the experience, it is ' the last time that Jdhn '. Goos will ever go goose hunting in a boat built by a Goos and paddled with a shovel. Special Council Meeting, At the lequest of councilmen,a epecial meeting of the Common Council of the city of Corvallis is hereby called to convene in the Council chamber at 7:30 p. m. Fri day, November 27th, 19 -3. for the purpose of amending an ordinance contracting for street lighting, pas sed by the Council over a veto, November 20, 1903, or for the re peal of eaid ordinance and the adop tion of a new ordinance with ref erence to said contract 'for street lightiog. Dated at Corvallia this Novern ber 24, 1903. ' B. F. Irvine; '-. Mayor. Lafe Y. VVilson arrived Sunday from Alaska, where he spent the summer prospecting in the vicinitv of Cook's Inlet. He left Corvallis last May. During his absence he saw several old Corvallisites, among them Nick Baeson, who - is, a long shoreman and occasionally - butch ering at Juneau. William Alexand er, second son of Charles Alexand er, conducts a drug store at Valdez, A man named McGee, who was a stock buyer twenty odd years " ago came ,down on the steamer ; bring ing $40,000 as the net proceeds of his claim - for i the ;- season. The claim is on Slate Creek, . and ' was discovered by McGee last year. Mc Gee has been a poor man all his life, but is now comfortably located with his family in Seattle. ; Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely 6ick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of mediclnes,-none of which relieved me, One day I saw anjad of . your Electric Bitters and - determined to tryjthat. Af ter taking a few doees I felt relieved,-and soon , thereafter was entirely cured, and have, not been iek a day : since. ; Neighbors of mine have been cured ' of Kheu-, matism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kid ney troubles, and General Debility. This is ? what B. F. Bass of- Fre mont writes. Only 50 c at. Allen's Pharmacy. s Estray. Cue small black . hoj. No ' marks' Came to my place . Oct ; 29th, Owner may prove property and' pay-, charges, ' V ' VV. Leadbetter, We have adcled several new pieces " to our Premium dishes. Nolan & Calla han.. . ' ' If your umbrella needs covering , take it to the Bicycle Hospital. ::; : , - New goods all the time . at Nolan & Callahan's. - . Bacine feet for men, women' aud children, Nolan & Callahan , New line of novelty dress goods just received. - - Another shipment of the Crouse and Brandeger suits and overcoats for young men arrived this week, Nolan & Call a lian, . . ' ' -. . ' Vetch seed for sale at Benton . County Flooring Mills. . . , Take the short courses in bookkeeping typewriting, or shorthand in the Cor vallis Business College. . - ' . Take a look at the rust and wind proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. New goods all the time t v Nolan Callahans. The genuine wind proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. , , .. ' Dr. "Wells', the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday .- oi each week. Bring your : horses and have them examined free of charge. TH E LAST GAME And . the .'Greatest Nevada Against Oregon Nevada Men Here. . The last and greatest game of (he season on OAC field occurs tomor row, Thanksgivings, afternoon. It will be between the OAC and . Uni versity of Nevada elevens, and will be thrice interesting from the " fact that the Nevada men have this sea son played Stanford a naught to naught game and Dave defeated Ber keley eleven in a score of six to two. The members of the Nevada eleven arrived yesterday nooa and have headquarters at Hotel Corvallis. Last Friday they sustained a defeat by the Seattle teom in a Fcore of 2 to naught, and Monday last a game to the Puget Sound University el even irT a score of tpn : to naught The great game put up by the OAC men at Jiugene Saturday . would seem by comparison of scores to indicate a fairly close contest. The kiikoff will be at 2-30, and will un doubtedly be witnetsed by the larg est crowd seen on OAC field this year. The admission is fifty cents. BIG GRANGE RALLY. Occurred at Bellfountain A Regular ! , ousewarming Time . . , The grange rally at Bellfountain last Saturday was a season, of old time house warming and grange re juvenation Bellfountain, Corval lis and Willamette granges were represented: - and tner day was busily spent in neighborly hand shaking, enthusiastic addresses, spirited singing and enjoyable ban queting at a plain but "richly laden tible over which the daughters of Ceres, Pomona and Flora presided Nothing could have added to the enjoyment of the occasion except possibly Eugene with the football game. Samp Henderson with ' his brood of decoy ducks, or the Pana-J ma insurrection chaperoned by an American man-of-war. Such enter tainments and such occasions re mind the visitor that the old name "Dusty," which has served i's pur pose, is no more, but 'Bellfountain the beautiful fountainjremains and reigns instead. ; Deputy Master ' Den man placed before the granges represented, : the importance of making ample pre paration ' for receiving" .the. state grange which will meet in Corval lis next May. The speaker insisted that the grange had been a" factor in directing legislation and financial policies for mote than a quarter of a century: and today the grange is one of the main stays in the Oregon Agricultural College; and that com ing here at this time the tendency will be to inspire every grange of the countjt with the . determination to uphold the organization and ex tend the influence of the state's grea test educational institution.- Vari ous representatives or Willamette grange expressed the determination to request :- the 'members -of that grange to take f a holiday at that time for the purpose of attending the state grange Several mem bers of Bellfountain grange, inclu ding ex-representative Belknap, George Hall.' A: Tharp, -John Porter, and W. H. Rickard, signi fied their intention of attending the state grange throughout the "' entire session, ' Deputy Master.' Den man expressed his purpose to place the matter before all the other grangers in this jurisdiction, so that Good Old Benton mighty receive, the Ore gon state .grange - right; royally within the agricultural nails and classic shades of the OAC. " : For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad oold you need a good reliable medicine like Cham berlain'a Cough remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irri tation an-inflammation of the throat and lungs- : For sale by ' Graham & Wortham. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that on Monda y tbe 21st day of December, 1903, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at tbe front door of the Court House la the City of Cor vallis, in Benton Courjty, State of Oregon, I will sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder, for cash in band, the following described real pro. perty, in Benton county, Oregon, towlt: Beginning at the northwest corner of the do-' nation land claim of Jacob Hammer and wife, being claim Ho 48, and a part of Sections 26, 27. 31 and 35 in Township 14 South. Bange 6 West of Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State of Oregon, and run theuce south 60 chains to the southwest corner of said' claim; thence east 20 chains ; thence north 60 chains to the north line of said claim ; thence West 20 chains to the place of beginning, it being the intention to describe 120 acres off of tbe west end of said donation land claim and being the same land devised to William Milton Howell, Ollst a Mc Fall and the net's of George W Howell, decars ed, by the last will and tebtament of William Howell, deceased, which said will is of record In Book O at page 425 therein records of wills for said Benton Uounty, State of Oregon, ThlM snlA In mnrla imrifF jinH riv viptna rt a judgment, order of saleof attached propertyand execution, now in my hands, Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, state of Oregon, under the seal of said court, date i October 27th, 1903. in an action wherein Adam Wilhelm, Adam W lib elm Jr, and Mi Wilhelm, partners doing business under tho Arm name and style of A. Wilhelm & Sons, were plaintiffs, and Will lain Milton Howell was de fendant, and in which said action said plain tiffs recovered judgment against said defendant for tbe sum of $1463.27 with interest . thereon at rate of 10 per cent per annum from ' Nov. 25, 1902, $96,00 attorneys tees, for the further sum of 163.72 and for their costs and . disbursements there in, and the above described real property was ordered sold to satisfy said judgment. , Dated tins Nov 21, 1903. n - . - - M. P. BURNETT, Sheriff of Benton Oounly, Oregon, . ' " . ; STRICTURE CURED. How Urinary Diseases are Success fully Treated by Dr. Darrin. . - - . ;.. y - . To the Public: In appreciation of Dr. Darrin s wonderful skill as a specialist, I take great pleasure in extending him throngh he pa per my sincere gratification ; for what he has done for me, with the hope that' suffering humanity will avail themselves of his V power, should any be afflicted as 4 .'I, was. For ten years, i was a- -great and constant sufferer from stricture and bladder trouble which finally complicated my kidneys, ' produc ing general debility and other ag onizing difficulties that made me an invalid for 3'ears. ' Eight phy sicians treated me throughout this time, but to no avail. So I con cluded to try Dr. Darrin and the re sult I wish to give .-to ;. the public with the advice not to. go . to any but a specialist, as I did, whose skill is undisputed. 1 I am now' a well man, and can-be referred to at any time in Pendleton, Or, . . . v J, E. Taylor, ELECTRICITY CURES TUMORS. George Ahusige, ' of Harrison street, Portland, says: "I have been cured of tumor on my neck of eight year's standing, ? without medicine, or the knne, but simply by electricity, administered by Dr, Darrin.;."; '. . . A; ';. ,.v't DR. DARRIN'S PLACE OP 'BUSINESS - Dr. Darrin gives free examina tion to all. and when necessary gives medicines in connection with electricity. . The poor treated free io to 11, except medicines. Those willing to pay, 10 to 5; evening, 7 to 8, ' Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose, ond throat, heart, liver, stomach, lung troubles, errors of 'youth, blood taints, gleet, impotency, var icocele, hydrcOocele, and stricture a specialty. . All chronic male and female and private diseases treated at reasonable rates No cases cub Jished except by permission of the patient. All business relations wi h Dr. Darrin strictly confiden tial, and only one visit required, Home treatment to follow. Dr, Darrin will close Nov. 29 "., Reduced Bates on Thanksgiving Day. " The Southern Pacific Company will sell tickets at one and one-third - fare for tbe roudd trip between all points, on its Oregon lines,;v. account , Thanksgiving Day. . Tickets will be sold on November 25th and 26th and to taker advantage oj this reduction vou can tecure tickets from neatest Southern Pacific agent on dates mentioned. - t Shropshire Sheep. Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 130841. Lambs by Freshman 188626. Well red : young stock of both sexes .- - lor sale. . - GEORGE ARMSTRONG, Corvallis, Oregon. Highest Market Price Paa FOB- Curkeys, 0eese, Ducks, Ueal, ' Pork, flgs and Butter Cah or Trade. . F. P. CLARK. ... ., ,,. . , . Philomath, Oregon Congregational ; Church. . ' SERVICES EVERT SABBATH. Horning. . . . . .,'.'.'. .11:00 Evening . . ;i . .i .:. . j-. ... .1 . . 7:30 Sunday School . . . ..... .10:00 Christian Endeavor . . . . . 6:30 Strangers always welcome. Seats free. Come. ; ft REV. EDWARD GREEN, Pastor, b . Notice of Final Settlement.' ' In the Estateof JohD Wiles deceased, notice 1b lieraby given by the undersigned executors of gaia estate, inai said execucors have liled their final aocount In said estate and that the County Ooiirt of Benton County In probate has appointed Monday, the fourth day of Januury A, D, 1901, nt at tile hour ol ten o.ulock in the forenoon of said dav, at' the Uunty Court Koom In the County Court House In the Cltv of uorvaius ui Kentou l ounry, state oi ureeou, as the ttme and place for toe hearkig'. of objec tions io sain nnai account, aim tne nnai settle ment thereuti . . Dated November 14th, 1503, . Walter T. Wit.38 and Kdwaed F. Wiles, As Executors ol said Estate of John . Wiles, decersed. , , Execut.or'8 Notice. ' notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state oi urogon, tor tne county ot Benton, Executor Of the estate of William F, Byer, de ceased. All persons having claims against said pRtAta are herebv reaulred to nrenent the same to me, verified as by law required, at my home one mue soutn ot rniiomam, -uregon, witnin six months from date hereof, . Sated this 7th day of November, 1903.' - ' W.N. ALKonn, Executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam JS, Byer, deceased, , y.? E. H. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, POSTOFFICE BUILDING Different Types .. . sr of men need dif ferent types of -Dress. You know how it is, with yourself. Some '- look best in a : double-breasted coat, and others C show-off better in i .i - a Single, une uioiii : may look real swell in a coat that fib him snugly in the' back, and! another ; fellow with the same ' coatwbuld be guyed as a dude. It all de pends upon the way You are built. Crouse & gee, the well-known Coprrluht, Unufacturing Tail- . ' ; - -'' . .'. , i ors of Utica, New York, build . their garments to suit just those little peculiar) K ties. Therefore it isi "Vou may come around here in the blissful anticipation of not only getting a SUIT your SIZE, but a SIZE that will $UIT."' " - : ' ; ; :: " ' Crouse & Brandegee Suits and Overcoats are correct for good dressers. , ; : ; UiarAmmnq Cable home," your buying, here. . We may help you to think of sorriethirig you've forgotten. . . . . ( f. m. Zierolf, Groceries and Crockery. If you are Having Trouble with your Eyes - -.- tin -i -i" 'I I T Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will on hand Bucks for Sale. :.. Oxfords and Grade 'Merinos all two years old past, Good sheep with j .rices reasonable. - Gall on-or address .- ' ' , " T. W. B. Smith, -' Corvallis, Phone Surbnrban 43. nw. xwmr'n war-:- NW - HSR Af ' .;, i , .,, , . p . , , j i9j. CrouM & BrandcgM, VOm, Now York. UJILL be a thing of beau t y i i you choose handsome ' China and Glass- ware irom tne, oeau- tiful designs a n d ! decorations that we are displaying in our beautiful , stock.; Biakfng Day a Means so much in a household where pride reigns in the culinary de-J partment flour, sugar spices, lard, eggs, nuts,, raisins, currants, citron, flavoring extracts and. a co ta Via nn rrVi f r4" i . f Do your,. thinking, at - ----- - ? g II h s' V- I'd to make good his guarantee. v- E. W. S. PRATT The Jeweler and Optician. UphoUtering. ,. Lounges, , Couches, . Desks, -Folding; Beds, Etc., made to order.; Particular attentiorr'given to special orders and re pairing. All work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. W-"W Holgate,