The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 25, 1903, Image 1

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    County &lerk's Cjfioc
''v.r'vr-'V.V-V"." ; -:1:5;-.,-'.': ,':;':;t:-',,vli;:,v-- vr-'. .'.-.V' ','; C;:-ir
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Vol. XVI, No, 38.
I . i Added to our Store the past Spring : J !!
j . . ' , , . , Large purchases of , r '
Mee9sBoW, Clothing
i weatqrs; rRubber , Clothing, . and
Other departments contain Underwear
Hats, medium' and fine , Shoes i; Slip
pers, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Watches,
and in fact vevery article to be found in
GalUarid see
:"l:0;m Or UN I FO RMS.
ii) to as 'high a standar(as our desire woulid' promote j
usV bui s,ee that 'Vou make no mistake in ! . 0? i
. ; . v
1m r '--"'A "i'1'?1 ' i standard
; place
t f ? ? p l H 'BUY
.fresh ,eveViing to be , hadf inUjthe iit;Wwft y-
''. $S v-': "S"' 'please Call.andee 7; -' "5 :
5 Wlffi-EEKERSI'- II
(Jl B ;good,bargains' inj stock,
Jiancnes, write tor my special list, or ; come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
.; you over the country. , . ; ; y;;i -1
- " Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, ,
Philomath, Oregon. . v:
Physician. fe Surgepii
' : Office over poatoffice. Eesiden(je Cor.
. Fifth and Jefferson streets Hours 10 to
. 12 a. m., 1 to. 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham &' Wortham's drug store.
Physician urgonj
Philomath,. Oregon. T
,: E. E. WIESON,
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
f-. o
of Grocer- V : '
to .
Fresh UegetabUs
graiayfruit and poultry f
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Qreg
B. A. C ATHE M. D :
x Physician and Surgeon.
t Office, Koom'14,' First- National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Honrs,
o to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. ft r ; .
For Sale. . ' "J .t'
. Grub oak wood. For' particulars in
quire of E. B.' Horning. -( '
.T'l ;
ijjale 'B : iteiaeet 4d See
. .,xiib wiu. iujpioytir ib urauieu
, .Singers' aie also alloweol '"id", -'jj
: Speak to him Wears ., .v
, :D aSmiletothe LasL v;; V ;
Tom Horn died at. 11:08 A. M.
game to the last' and smiling'. His
oeck.was broken by the fall of the
trapv i".The .executioa - passed off
without a hitch or attempt ton the
part. of Horo's friends to , save t'ioj.
, Horn denied he- had .ever confe
eed the murder of ;.Willie' Nickeil,
but tokLhis spiritual ad visera ,h
had been guilt; of crimes, but not
willfully 'so. ' ''
--Xenminutes before be was bound
or .the scaffold he laj" bh" his 1 cot
smoking; a c.igar and looking out at
the sgectatbrsJ,", 'Prahkf and Chaflee
trwin sang. a; sentimental ', bow boy
song and. were al Jo wed -tO' shake
hands ' with' "Horn. ' '-' Horn's lst
words,. were , to .. Joseph CahiltV
county . clerk,; who ' assisted Ohtbe
?caffidr T:;rj;j:3.
, J'Ain'i ltisiog '.your nerve)' are
you J je ?!? aaid Horrl. , v , - ,
..Then the cap , was adjusted and
he etoid with clenched fiats" waiting
for the, drop., ' "'' 'V ' .'"''..
When jtha.v spectaf ors ' bad bees
a limited into the jail tp'e Rev. Geo,
II. Rafter . .climbed up a ladder td
the tier fin which. Horn was confin
ed and opened a piray er book; ' ' The
maesive iron doors ODehed as Und6r
Sheriff .. Proctor, 'Sheriff ''Smalley;
County Clerk JoVeph Cabill and
DepdtV Sheriff Leslie Snow appear
ed. Horn got.up off his' couch and:
and walked out ol the door; He
W HO yUJU .U.U ..VU. .Ug rfVU
finement, but he was game: .'; '
; Charlie Irwih " will-' 'sing' said
Pfo'ctol'as Horn beared 1 the edge' of
the balcony and ldokfed down. ''
' ."Hello; Tdm'said Irwin, with a
pleasant cmile and a wave "ol- his
hand;" ; f-.r" '-- "-y
"Hi, Charlie," answered Horn,
with a smile." : -:-r.
C.harlierj andf , Frqk Irwin , then
saDfertht did cdwbdy railroad-edag.
"Keep Your Hand Upon the Throt
tle, anoi Your Jbiye Upon the Kail,''
; The rich yet uotrained t.wd voices
of the two brothera -rang) through
the corridors arid "brought tears to
the ev6B''&f ffid-Bjetatbrs.
yv well iuo duuk nag uuisuca,
Prpctor said: "Charles and Frank
and come aboy,'; ,-
angjtaeitwgjpptnerfjwera ,on tne
balcony in another moment -
v MTotrj,,s said Challs'didt yon
make a co ti lesion to the murder
Willie Niokell?" ---,
"Well, Tpm. a man's got
to die
only once, ana so be game."
"You bet I will,'.'tf,
"It's as weir 1 first as last.
9 '
Irnnw." ( - - ' ''
Yes; it's all right:" ;J :: v '
J'Well, good-bye, old . man.. S I
wish I could do something for i you,
K fliere anything'you want' meVtb
do?" " ' ,"ir'-,' . -.ii$- ' :
No, 1 4 wrote f- to , Coble this
morning." i i -,i ;rjr,;: v
flGoodibye."i;-.n Q;t :! 4 n "V' '
The two Irwins passed . around
back to the lower floor in the front,
where they were "within five feet of
Proctor began to fasten " the
etrape.v Horn turned and twisted
to suit the executioner. . ; ?
"Well; Joe." said he to Cahill, : "I
hear -you are ' married and doing
well, "that you are county clerk.
Is that so?" -!
"Yee, Tom, it's true,", answered
Cahill. " -,'"
"Well, I'm glad to hear it."
' Horn's bands were then securely
pinioned to bis body and he was al
ready for the final strap On his feet,
Between Sm alley J ' Prdcf 6r? a rid' Ca
hill be walked out on the platform,
with short steps "and looking at the
noose. ;' ; : .'. Z?; n . -
"I'll have to have a hand! . to get
on' that thing," said, Horn . with a
ghastly smile. rV,- , "J: r ; .1 k-in i
"What's the matter, Joe," (to
Cahill, who was rubbing his chin
nervously). : ? Ain't . losing - your
nerve,' are ,y on ?" 2
Proctor picked up the noose at
11:45 o'clock and started to place it
Over Horn's' head:i! The condemned
man coolly ducked ' -bis- head - and
thrust it through the noose.' -j
' Dr.' 'Rafter prayed earnestly for
the- salvation of the 'departing soul.
'" -'Proctor Hook up : the black ' cap
and ''slipped it dver the ' doomed
man' head, additi 'this hef was as
sisted by Horn's movements of ;th
neck; '-'' 'J -.I'li-Mst; ,a y y i
Cahill and Smalley" lifted Horn
to the trap-dodW Instantly water
begWd td run 'from i tbeatik and in
50 seconds the' trap was is prang. ?r;:
f : "He"stire died garnet said'!Char
lie Irwiri,a-' minute later; ' There
was ho ' answer 1 The spectators
passed out; ' each ' shaking hands
with Proctor, 'commending him for
the faultless execution; '
In just 16 minutes after the drop
Horn was pronounceddead by, phy
sicians and his body taken . down.
It was. turned over to Charles Horn
a brttier of the dead- 'man: ' and
taken by him to Bouldefi' Oolo., for
burial.-r Ju?t. before, marching to
the gallows Horn wrote the follow
ing letter: ....u1..
teCheyerioeilVyo., Nov.: 20, ,10:43
A; I.-r-John,C, Coblej: Eaq.,0.ity : I
die in ,ten minutes. I .did not kill
Willie - Nickeil,.; I never, made
an admission to Lafpre, Ohnaus or
330w,;and, all swore to lies, ; includ
ing Ie win, of Laramie. V; .:.'.';
Once, more Caarley Irwin .paine
to tbe jiil this time in answer to a
hurried message.,.,.. .;Hprn, had .sent
for Coble,' Baying be wanted to talk
to him. before he died. V:? Vv- '.'.,' !
t.i"I can't refuse ; him this retjuest,"!
said; Jailer, Pro !tor, ''but any , one
that enters the j il will be searched
and .Coble must talk to Horn, in
my presence."' .. ; ? '
-Irwin waited, patiently for the ar
rival of Coble...; -.j.... '
; ;I will make. John let me go in
his place,!' he. said. "He knows
Tom will tell me , more " than any
other person, - j I must talk toTona
before he .qies.f Kemember, . ! do
not think be isuilty."i , .
.I.WeH. John," said, Horn, "I'm
glad you came." - , - .. X : . '
ud i we snajse nanas pieauea
Horn. to the keepers.;,; v r ; 1 . . J , :
? Sheriff . Smalley hesitated, then
Opened. the door of the cell for Vthe
first time sinca. the death watch was
placed.. : - V?; ;;:,:r:; 't, iiX'r
:. Coblfr and Horn grasped hands
in the cell. ;: -:.r;'i:.Xj
VGoodrbye, John,",,.' Horn broke
tne Bpeu,!-,? ,u ;
-.u Coble murmured a faint
bye'? and. walked away...-.
... Qoble came again to the jail and
was permitted to see Horn. : ) He. re
mained with him, only a moment.
'.: f'Good-bye,- Tom,"r he . said" in a
choked ..yoice,; "Tom. Icah'tstay.
I came to say good-bye.! , T am aor
ry :Tom, but die like .tbe" . man'. I
know jou to be, ; Tom, fate's against
you.-'.You must, die.'.. Good-bye.'
Qod bless. :ydq.- X5dod-bye,,Tdm.'
x-".:':. -': "n ' - ''.'
?" Cheyenne, Wyo.',' NovV .20. In
hi0eUei to John , Coble, ''Horn
details his movements i inv thd Trbn
Mountain country at the time t of
the Nickeil murder, and makes" the'
sensationaradmisaion that two men
tried ip have him kilIWilfi?'NTck
ell,. but 'denies his '.alleged 'confes
sion, of tbeT crime to! ' Joseph Xefors
which led tdhis i arrest' "' .";;' 'J f
The crime for which Tom- Horn
was hanged was the murder of Wil
lie Nickellthe 14-year-old Bon of
Kels P. Nickeil, an Iron Mountain
ranchman. '' The boy was shot and
killedMuly ' 18, ; lOQi: bya riian
whom he discovered in kmbush neat
hts home. Several weeks afterward
Kela Nickeil was shot "three times,
but' war hot killed. ' He was, confi
dent Horn was the man 'who shot
him and bis son. Horn was not ar
rested, however, until January 12,
1902,.two days after he had confess
ed td Deputy United States Marshal
Joseph' Lefors. that he killed Willie
Nickeil. He said he went to the
Iron '; Mountain - country to '. kill
Kels Nickeil, and shot the boy be
cause the' latter discovered him in
hiding.; He admitted 'also 'that he
made an unsuccessful attempt later
to kill the .father l?f:'2.'.
' Horn told farther of the' killing
of four other ranchmen" in 'Wyom
ing and Colorado, and said he .' re
ceived $600 for each of ; these mur
ders.;' This, confession' was taken
down by a stenographer who , bad
been secreted in an adjoining room
for' the purpose , Lefors trapped
Horn into making the confession by
negotiating with -him to enter, the
service of the Montana Cattle Com
pany. . ,
V - , . ' , For Sale. ,
One good 1200 pound team, cheap, En
quire of B- Martin one mile northwest
of College. - . - . ' ' . '
Thirty-Five Unfortunate Laborers.
Are Burned to Deaths-A Score
- v? Who Had-Escaped Eorgoti?.
' Money, Slash . wuthi.- .
',"' ) Knives the:. Strug-. ; ?,
- ' : i gli og Ones. , t-:.;j .
Altoona, T&", "'Ndv. 21. A 'fire
horror seldom equaled occurred 18
miles from here on the line of the
Pennsylvaniarailroad this morning
when thirty-five J iborers were burn
ed to,, deathan a shanty, and 15
o.hers seriously and fatally injured.
" At the time of the fire ' the cries
of the perishing could be heard a
half mile from the sce'he.i "Fierce
and bloody fights matked the aw
ful calamity, and' probably a half
dozen will die from knif wounds.
One hundred and fifty Italians,em
ployed on etctiob work,'; occupied a
frame bunk house beside the tracks.
The building was long and- narrow
and the inhabitants ai night occu
pied every availab'e space.' ) ; ;; '
-"Early' this 'morning --before: the
call for breakfast had sounded, and
while most -of the men' were-Vet a
sleep, fire brcke out in -the ceoter Of
the building, caused by an overheat
ed stove. Then there was a mad
rush for the doors. The means of
egress' were meager and the ' frantic
men in their endeavor- to ' escape
fropr death jammed the - doors and
windows to such an extent that it
was impossible to gain safety '
Those who were - fortunate - in
gaining the outside - found them
8elvt's powerless in their endeavors
to ' extinguish the : fierce - burning
blaze';- ' ' Z'- i l
To add to the horror several from
the" outside attempted to-i return
for their money v which- they bad re
ceived yesterday as wages. These
wretches drew knives- and elashed,
it 'the f rantft mTer Wererjstrr-
med In doors and windows. : r our
men were killed outright in i this
manner. -j: ptitj.
Finally another crowd formed an
attacking )arty,r; led ' by- an : Ameri
can boss, who had arrived on the
scene, and with clubs, fl stones and
knives beat back therscore or more
fiends who, in-'attemptiog td recov
er" their money ,i had caused : their
countrymen- to be burned alive;
The action of the rescuing party
came tdO" late, as the -flames bad al
ready accomplished an almost total
destruction of the shanty ;i ; '
There5 were -but two doors to the
house ahd wedged? in i these were
twenty chafred' bodies of' the -dead
and dying' ..$.
hospital here! The men' who fought
to re-enter the burnings place were
driven to the woods and: vengeance
will overtake them if the remaining
band of Italians; are successful in
finding them... .' . . ,. ' , '
Philadelphia; Nov.v 21.r-Great
surprise was occasioned here; today
over'-'wbat is termed a matter of na
tional importance James J. Hill
presideDt. of the Northern Sacurities
Company, announces that the mer
ger of the Ureat JNortbern ana worm-
em Pacific railroads is dissolved;
These roads will be operated ' in the
near future" by independent pmcers.
The Philadelphia record prints lo following, -compiled from
an interview with Mr. Hill,, who
was in the city yesterday and last
night: ; . .":;- V ", . :
'' "From an. authority close to Mr.
Hill, it was learned that on the ad
vice of council it had ben decided
to surrender every right granted
nnder the New Jersey corporation
law to the Northern Securities Com
pany, excepting that of purchasing
such securities as the management
may see fit to' obtain from an ' in
vestment "view point.' ." - . -"The
right to vpte, the , stock in
the Great Northern the Northern
Pacific and the Chicago,- Burling
ton & Quincy railway.vis to be -'f re
nounced, as is also the right of the
securities concern to those railroads.
The' Securities company . is to de
clare before Federal supreme 'court
that each of those big railroads is to
be continued under separate man
agements, there is to be no. com
munity in interests agreement be
tween them; in fact they ire to be
maintained as separate companies,
and each to have- individual man
agement and officers as- before the
merger under the : oecurities -com
pany's charter, which was obtained
m Ne w J ersey, ' on jn ovem Der n
Editor and Proprietor.
e Whitnev's v
TI 'V:
One of Albany's - Most Prominent.
'Cjtiznr Cured of bjafness - ' .
-,...rv - by P.Darrin.'.,'. . , ; '. ,
' Judge Whitney, so well and fav
orably known-throughout the coon
try and state is another witness to
the workings-pf electricity as' he
has just come out of the "electrical, ,
chair' not electrocuted, but cured
of deafness by Dt'. Darrib,: the spe
cialist, who has cons-Kt-d to remain
in Corvallis until N0veumr 29,. on ; ;
account of so mxh.v fMr'iieci person
al requests frOni ptop!-' drsiring to
avail themselves of iLe J benefits of
his services. He, has refused bom
who has come to bim needing hia
services and he has; been perfectly
frank in telling each one : the trua
condition of his er her case,- and -
just what might be expected as the
result ot treatment, or whether any
treatment would do good. ' ' '
The rooms of Dr. Darrin at tbe?
Hotel Corvallis are often - crowded,
and he is kept constantly busy. -
: ' Albaxy, Or.Aug. 27, 1903.'
P. Darkix Dear Sir: Youi-electrical-and
other treatment , of
my ear has been . entirely Buccess-"
ful. - I have been, for a number of
years past troubled with a roaring
in one of my ears, and I was., grad
ually looting my hearing . irom
some cause. My hearing had. be
come eo impaired that it was -very
difficult for me to hear .any, person
talkii.g .in an ordinary tone ; of
voice. , -A short -time .ago J-I
eommenjed taking treatment from.
you for the roaring in my bead and'
deafness The roaring in my head
has entirely ceased and, my hearing;
has returned so that 1 can bea.r aa
well as X ever could. ;Your are. at ,
liberty to refer any one. to me
publish thlaTetter. f ;?-7" " " '
Ver v. respectfully, ;
.Wi . rrA ; J. J, WHITNEY.. .
'. To: the Editor? : For , the past
six years I hve .been ..deaf. in . one
ar with tinging noises,.' Dr. Dir
rin has cured me to my great sat
isfaction, i Refer to me-at the Ho
tel Corvallis,. Corvallis, .;r.rt ;
: ;..' v ' i MRS.jN. G. SMITH.
.'.- v.'.v ' Summons. " . '
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregaa
'' for Benton county. - ;. , ,
SarahS BaU. PUlntift . ; ' i
'fiyrna Perham-, Ed Perham and Lana
. Chamberlain. Defendants. .
' ToOyrns PerhamBd Perham and Lona
Chamberlain, the above named defendants
- la the naaeof the state of Oregon, 70a -and
each of yon are hereby summoned and required
to appear ami answer the complaint ot (ho
plaintiff In the above entitled suit, la the above
entitled court, now. on file lathe office of too .
slerk of said court, on or before the 21st . day ot
November, 1903, said day being (he last day or .
tha time nrencrlbed in the Order tor publication
ot this summons made by the. county Judge ot
Benton county, uregon, (wnicn aaia oraer is
herelnalterreterred to) towit:, - : '
., On or betiresl weeks from fhe day of Bra
publication hereof - -
and yon are hereby notified that if you fall so
to appear and aoswerthe said ' complaint as
herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will pply to the above entitled court, for the
relief demanded in her said complaint, namely,
for a decree determining all conflicting and ad
verse claims, interests and estates' in and to al,
that part of the northeast quarter of the north,
west quarter of Section 33 Twrp. 10 S. R. 5 W
Will. Mer, which lieu ' north of" the Alfred .
Writsman branch or creek. In Benton county,
Oiegon: that.defendants have no claim, inter
est or estate therein; that plaintiff's title there-.
to Is good and valid; nnd that defendants be
forever barred and enjoined from asserting any .
claim whatever in and to aaid premises adverse
to plaintiff; and for general relief and costs and
disbursements of said suit. : . ? . . . ' ,
, Tnls summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week lor six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oct
tober lOtb, 1903, snd ending wiVi, the Isbus.oI
November 21, IJ03, in pnrna''in of an . order
wade bv the Hju. Vlreil E W tt,.r-. county
judge oi Benton couuty, i-fi m (being tae ,
county n-here toe nnoke .nit is pend
ing in the above entitle r - -i; t. .it.-l October
, 193. Date of first piiblic.iiou: i October 10.
1903. - ' . -
. Attorneys tor Piainuffs
' Notice for Publication, ;
" Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
.. . .. United States Land Office, - .
Oregon City, Oregon.
October 22nd, 1903.
Notice is herebv given that in compliance
witn the provisions of the act of Congress June
3 1878, entitled ,'An act for the sale of - timber
lands In the states of California. , Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of August
4 1S92, Barney I. Carey ol Falls City, county of
Polk, state ot Oregon, has this day flledr in this
office his sworn statement No 6317, for the pur- :
chase of the Lots 1 k 2 of Section No 2 in Town
ship No 13 S, Xange No 7 West," and will offer
proof to snow that the land sought is mare vaV
uable for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to
..m i .1 hAfnn vtitor P Mosea. Clerk of - Ben
ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, ton t&turday
thelOtbday of January, r04. - . . yy -
He names as' witnesses! f.--u ' ; f 4; . V .
'. Jacob L, Henkle . of Philomath, Oregon,
. John W, Hyde - 'r - v - .
Frank Spencer-, ,(,, ',... '' s r . -V .-J V ' ,
i, KiobaelX, Flynn . ': f.'.- .-
Any and all persons elalmlng adversely the
above -described lands are requeatedto file their
claims in this office on or before said 16th day
of January, 1904 :
- .. . . ; Ai.GEKf ON . DREHSeR, ; 1
. Agister. .
S-'t' .'')"'' ,'t :' ,,i -"..-;.';",-'. .: