The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 18, 1903, Image 4

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They Played at Corvallis Some
' Things About the Oregon
Washington Game ; not
Told Betore. '. ' i
The junior elevens of the state
Doiveisity an 1 OAC pUyei a eco-8
1 ea gameot toot ball iu Corvallis
Ba'urday. " S iv fjr three or " four
minuteB afier,tue kitkoff, ail the
first half,' was played in Eugeuee
territory, and ail tne eeoond' half
wae ia the same country except at
tne cloBe of the game, when tne vis
itors took a braceand pounded the
coiiege line with such presidency
thhtthey drove the OAC men, ' into
the tatter's own, territory, and were
. making yardage Bteadily when the
game eljsecL The two teams
were very evenly matched, the
Eugene "men having a line that
teemed slightly stronger. Their
interference was ' also Very good
HowevVrVthe superior puntior- of
Captain Mo re-t of the coiiege team
aa.-wHI 8 his quarterback rurs atid
tbe rashes of Abam3, Shn
uou and Esppy of tte OAC oacks
kept th ball nearly all the time in
Eugene's territory.
Eosene kicked, to E-pey,' who
'was efoppqd on the 25 yard 'jlin'.
Epey bucked five yards and, Ab
rams skirled end for four, and' then
OaC fumbled Eugene buckd--a
jaidj and M jores of Eogene ,'rpoor
ded end for five and four more
yards w t to Eugt ne in the sime
wv. With -. small gains' Eugene
advanced the bill ti OAC's 10 yard
Imeand thoo fumbled. Mwres
pa o ted abd iiugene bucked tight
vard-". OAU held and, M ores got
r away for a 2 1 yard run around end.
Abntms tore off three yards and
irom OAC'd 42 yard line Moores
ponied and Eugene was stopped on
tor , 30 yard line. Eugene tried
I109 r two downs and punted, to
M lores who was stopped on -Euge
lip's 55 vara liue. Moires fkirted
nd fur five yards and ' fumbled.
Eugene punted' to OAc's 4.) yard
Jioeanl Mores returned tbe pout.
Eugene ' retarnd 1 the : punt and
Moore kicked back to Eugene a "do
yard line. The punt was returned
and M'ore3 waes opped on Eugenes
40 jar- Lze. Moores punted over
dsjageo", g"al ' l:.n, . and iV-iseue
took a fre k:ck from her 25 yard
liner to Moores who was stopped oh
Kmenf-s 40 yard 1 ne. ' An ex ch an
sa i pan is left the ball in OAC's
hand on Euients 35y?rd iine when
. linid was called ... .
. ; : . ' SECOND HALF.' '' "' '
i MoortfS klcksd pff and Eazene
'advanced the ball to her ' 25 yard
line. By line bu ks and plays
around tackIe.Eugt.-iis advanced the
ball zj yards end a' fumble gave
"OAC . tbe, ball. , Moores. ; punted
and beginning at her 30 yard line
. Eugene again carried " the ball; 15
jards and fumbled to OAC on the
iormer'n 45 yard line. i After two''
downs Moores. panted andrEugene
was stopped on ber 30 iyard'; line.
- -Eugene bucked five . yards'.' and t.'t'
play around tackle netted - three.
' OAC held,' and a quarterback - run
by Moores netted 10 yards. E-spey
went . through the . , line f for
' -three more yards and Eugene
look; the ball : on ! owns,
from her fifteen yard line, Eugene
punted and Moores returned the
puu-t, Eugene being stopped on her
fifteen yard line.L Eugme , punted
, out of bounds and tne bail wan
broeeh' in on 'cent t. After small
gt.u m; m yj - j 1
Mapres quarter back run netted 10
vardH. bnt an attempt 'at another
lost 11. v' Moores punted and Ea:
gene returned the kick, r tbe ball
stopping on the latters 50 yard line
OAO fumbled and Eug'n? puhtedi
After another .. exchange - of . punts,
Eugene began an assault of the
OAlC iine, and succeeded in buck-'
ing the sphere to OAC's 27 .yord
lins when time was called.
' Tiie line-up of the O. A. C. team
was; - Steiwer. center: Anderson,
right guard; Little, right tackle
Wnblnr. ricrht end : -Hamilton, leit
" cnard: Edaingtoo, left ; taukV; Em
iivi left end;,, E-py, rigbt haifj
Abrams, left hlt M jorcs, Captain
and quarterback and bnannon, tun
- back. 1 r v " '
Wanted. -
To trade stock ranch for property in
Corvallis, .
f .H.A.Bowman,
- . Eddyville, Ore, -
Why not study bookkeeping , in the
nizht school which meets on Monday
mnd Wednesday evenings.
Things About the Pullman Game-
Something as to the Panting Duel.
There were features of the Ore
gon Washington. game last Wed
nesday on OAC held that were ovr
erlooked in the original writ-op of
-he play. In the first half, there
were 22 punta, . el-ven by each
of the tm?. . .The puntingdu"l be
gan about tbe middle of the half
and was sUli in progrsawhen time
was called,' It began on Oregon's
15 yard lin ani-ended witn the
hlf;on Oregon's 35 yard line, show
ing a nt gain for tbe Oregonians.
of 20 yards. Several details aided
in the success ,. of this play. Th
Oregon line as a stone wall
through which tbe Washingtonians
could not breafc- and block the
puntB.' If tbe line bad wavered or
given away under the assaults of
tbe Wasbiogtonianv the tale to
tell would have been different. But
it held, and ...Captain Pi kiogton
had plenty of time for deliberate
and careful puntiDg, and be in
variably sntf the- sphpre spioning
far into Washington teintnry. Inen
the puBts were high, and the Ore
gon ends were swift and fast, bpagle
and Cooper invariably, downed the
Wa-hington man in h's. tracks al
most tbe minute he .caught the
ball. . Of equal value iq aiding the
play was the catchirg ; of. Wash"
ington's puotS; by : ; WilU'iins,, . and
the fine advances m d by the Ore
gon sprinter io running in wi h tbe
hall., He did not fail in a single
catch, and with a flying start and
a fierce rush heTarely failed to adt
vnce the sphere eight or ten yards
and ottenmuch -moie. In the
puntirg in tbe second half, the
same taetioe prevailed, a d he result
ithat' local cf iucs ar- " loud:in tbe.
p-aise of tbe work and the players
Tne'linemeb. who held with : such
ienacity, are Walker, center, von
der Hellen and Bundy. guards,
Abraham .and Bowers, . tackles,
and;Spagle and Cooper, ends. On
the defense Cupper played .left end,
and Cooper was at left half, and in
their dual positions, the two latter
were excellent. ' The cotifistent
biasing of Spagle, who like Bowers
and Root are always in the play
and 8 1 ways fierce whether the gime
be discouraging; or not, is a subject
that local critics 1 talk . about ' with
pleasure. Spagle is : rapidly devel
ppinginto one of the best ends In
the jtforth west.; .It is expected ipf
all the men that hey will have
surprise in- store 1 for ' all v their
friends in the great ame a "J-Eur next Siturday,, The past
means noihiogj tiuce it was in the
Pullman gamevand io that game
only that the ful strength- of the
team was for the first lime availa
ble. It is not tri be" forgotten that
PilkiogtonaidBjndywjjrejot pf
tne J-attle game, ana tnat Aora
ham ooeof the fiercest and strong
est of all tickle was Dot again in a
gatr.e until after the" Albany- meet.
His abspuce from the line forced
C. piala ,Eilkington. Jinlo lackle,
taking from thei bik field the man
who is tb"tacknowltfdged gatest
fulr back in the" North weft. Cork
ing event cast shadows beforej
and the score and the play in the
Pullman game are on the horizon
La Grande, Or., Nov. 15. Jim
Parkef "wa sbot today at nobri in
the Palace saloon by Ed Hughes,
the. ball entering near the heart abd
corning out j-viider " tbetfeboulder
blade in the back. Parker is "still
a'Tive and bdpeare ' entertained for
his recovery.
The men were both in the saloon
and it seems that Parker, who ; was
under the influence; of liquor.,;kept
nagging ht H'ugbes until Hughes
got intra rage and told Parker that
if he did not leave ..him ' alone he
would kill him. This threat seem
ed to have no'effect on Parker. He
only -; increased . his annoying.
Hughes was grabbed by Parker
and his wrist badly twisted. At
that Hughes . pulled his - revolver
and 6hot. ' ' :-. . ; ; ' ' .
Parker, while of good family, has
a bad reputation in the communi
ty. , Ed Hughes is cf a quiet na
ture and has not yet been arrested,
and probably will not be.
For Sale '
Pure bred Poland China hogs.
Here ia an opportunity to. introduce
blue blood into your herds at small cost
Thiststock was imported from Illinois.
by a prominent hog raiser; will sell at
6X c per lb. Enquire of Robert Wyhe,
Lewisburg, 5 miles north of ; Corvallis,
RFD No 1.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estates
Sarah Ann Brown, deceased
KnHm in hnrebv elven that the nndersiened
as administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Sarah Ann Brown, deceased, has filed
his final account rb saca auiumivi.ra.iui, w hu
tbe clerk of the county court of the stateof Ore
eon for Benton county, and the said court has
iPfilav t.hA 11th duv of. .December. 1903. at
the hour of two o'clock in tbe atternoon as the
Mm and tne county court room In the court
house In Oorvallls. Oregon, as the place, for hear
ing any and all objections to the. said, account,
and for settlement thereof, t .,
Dated this Nov 7, 1903.
. WTT.T.TAUrT TTiroaTwR..
i ' Administrator with the willannezed of the es
tate of Sarah Ann Brown, deceased.
Richards Is Said to Have Framed a
New Bill, Which Will Be
Placed B if ore ' the " Next :
, ' f Congresp, to Stop Land '
'. . Frauds. ' ;
, SanFranqisco, Noy.15.- To lend
his personal . aid Jo jie ioyf!ftigion
now going on,, at the . lnd - ffi -tfl
thropebout.: Oregon, r Waahiugton
and CaUfornii-,! W, , A. . RiphardSn
commissioner ot tjbei, general land
office at Wasbjnatin,; bae arrived
in San Fra pifco. an 1 Js at the Oq,
cidental. - bp great nas.become tne.
question and to g oss : have , the
frauds grown to be that . Richard
son 'epiresto make a personal, in
veftiga.tipn. . ;.. ; :y- .
..The main business, pf Jhe : land
office 'o late.: . has been , rpally. con
cerned with .the ;Pacifio states. , To
stop the frauds,,Richards , is said to
have framed a new bill, which , will,
be pljced before the, next congress.;
Ip.ofder.tct make it comprehensive,
he will study i conditions here, in
Oregon and in Washington.. Mr.
Richards tonight: ,: . , , ' , v . ,.
; ..."The inyes'ijtation into. tbe eever
al mnt'ers which bave been brought
to. public. DQtice of late has not been
completed that in, that Abe, report
has, not been; filed.. So l ean pay
nothing as jo these rnatters- My
visit here is largely a private oDe,
owing to the ill health of my daugh
ter, and to. the ' des re -to. se .old
friends. In J 879 II was :rel-ced
county surveyor of Sai.ta Clara,
and. have .' many, friends.,, in. . the
Bfat9tf '' ' . . . !
Mr. Richards went to California .
and went to Wyoming, where.'from
1.894' to 1898, be. occupied .tbe . posi
tion of governor. In ,1899 he was
ap.po.nted: assistant commissioner. of
the general land office, and later
was given the important ' position
be how fi Is.. ,'...-. :' ..; . r.
SS vlem Or., Nov. 14.--Ih county
court today Judge Seott heard; tes
timony, upon, the petition - o Mrs,
Henry Qilschlager for;; the . a ppoin to
mept of a guardian for the estate of
the ipsane husband. Objection was
rnade. by nephew and nieces uppn
the ground that ': the petitioner , ia
not the; wife I pf Qilschlager, though
she has been' living with him as
such for X$ years. "! .,
iXq wjfe i testified she had Rg.
w.'ritte4 evldenoa. of ! marriage, felt,
that, in Philadelphia; 16 yf ars . ago
she and Qilschlager-went -through
a ceremony in English . which i sbej
being 'German, did; not understand;
buVshe .was- told, she,; w,ashaarried.
and had alwava been , leds to belieYfi
soph was the ;case. . Opposing testjf.
thooyj was that ,Henry 1 0ilscp.lagejr
hbd; denied, during the ; las.t ..seyeq
years tba the jwqman was his wife
. These denials were jnade. eiqce h,e
6t,ff?.red;a paralytic stroke, which. is
all,-ged(to have impaired his;mutal
Uu.t Itiea. The case has not been
decided. V 1 Qflyern,or Camberfajwt.
andRj. ,H,; D.'vArcy .appaaredt for, Uft
wj.fe,""wh,ii9 RonJim(& jrliaMap
petre4 for tbe.jnepfcew ? TbS PPPr.
Wf is for the control of property,,
which amounts to several thousand
dollars. , , 1-.
Burns, Or., Nov: 14.-fSheriff' Al
len of this county,' and' Constable
T: M. McCoy, of Elko,' Nev:, arrjy-'
ed here Mi'Dday nigbt with Harry
Egbert; the murderer of John G.
Saxton and Jack Weet. ' McCoy
came from Elfco at tbe special, inr
vitation of Sheriff Allen, as he had
been the chief fa-j'torin the. rucning
down of Egbert: ; ;
" Scon after arriving in Burns, Eg
bert waR arra'gned before Judge
Clifford, of the circuit court, to
whom he denied, the name of John
Frost, asserting that bis true name
was Egbert: Asked if he had means
with which to Drocure counpel, he
replied that he" had not. The court
appointed, A. D. LeedyV of Canyon
City, to defend . Egbert, and he was
remanded to jail. At 1 :30 Tuesday
afternoon the case - was callea up
and the defense,1 .before pleading,
submitted a motion to dismiss the
indictment as defective. Tbe mo
tion was argued and overruled, and
Tuesday,. December "1, at 10 A. M.,
was Bet as the time for bringing the
case to trial. . . ; ,
There has been no demonstration
of any kind against; the prisoner.:
There is general satisfaction that
he is safe within -the grasp of the
authorities and, that his trial at an
early date is assured." ,
At Philomath.
Eggs and "Butter 30 cents at J. K
Henkle's. ' , ,
.' New dress goods just received at No
lan & Callahan's. ,
of Rlob- Men'
Hot' Be Eaten by the '
- Fooif ' - of Parl; ' '
"What is one man's meait is another's
poison" is a. proverb just now born
out in literal fact by the police raid
upon the areigulns of Peris, reports a
London paper. . ... ; ' r ,
The' arelquins are tie keepers ' of
small restaurants a the market, whose
supplies are provided from the broken
remains of'sts at different faeh
ioQ'ablfr.restaupan,tSi -. -:.
The proprietor takes each morning
aitoUrkf the fashioriable' quarters and
by paying' a small amount to different
maitres d'hotel he has tie prlvileg'e'b
selecting a menu for his house from
what is left of a swell dinner the day
before. This lie servWup to His 'cus
tomers1 for two ents and tihe - latter
have the privilege of eating what the
aristocrat hadiset before""' i
The elegance of the courses, how
ever, i& outweighed by their unwhole
some effects; So many, maladies are
laid at the door of these second-hand
fe&sts that the police have undertaken
to protect the public stomach f rom pos
. sible indiscretions. ' The arelquins will
soon be a picturesque feature of the
past, for as their licenses expire they
will fade from existence.
rhe Number of Prraou Who Com
mitted SeIf-Detrnetloit In
i l' V';N:... United States In l&Ol. : '
The number of suicides in the United
States during the year 1901, as com
pared with former years, was as fol
lows';., 1901, ,7 245; 1900, 6,735; ,'1899,'.
5,340;. 1898,. 5.920; 1897 6,600;" 1S96,
5,530; 1895, 5,759; 1894, 4,912. A con
siderable increase is apparent in'-'re-ietxt
years. Of the total number-in 1901,
5-,850 - were males and v 1395 females, "
showing? the. .same proportion: as for, "
several years past. The causes of self j ,
murder were reported as follows: De
spondency, 2,980? irikhowii. i.C43: 'in
sanity,. 674;''- ill-health, 63?: rnestic
infeKcityi 541;, liquor, 439; CCt appoint-"
roent in love, 283j?'busirieM inss'es, 67
The-agencies used in eon:initting sui
;ide,'with the number of persons em
ploying each, were as follows; . Poison,
j,106; shooting, 2,476; hanging, 614;
drowning.' 613; . cutting: throat, 356; .
jumping from" roof s and windows, '58;
;hrowing themselves in front of lo
somotive engines, 27; stabbing, 23;
fire, 23; : dynamite, 11; starvation, 6.
'- I don't think'1 we tsonld keep ' -
- house without -Taedford's Black-.'
Draught. We have used it in the
family for over two years with the
best of results. I have not had s -
- doctor in the boose for that length -'
of time. . It is a doctor in itself and ,
always ready to make a person well .
and happy. AMES HALI Jacte-r . , ... ; , . .
- Because this great medicine
relieves stomach pains , frees the
constipated' bowels and invigor
ates the torpid liver -and weak-
; enedkidneys! hrH
: .. r-i !-',- Sj;!
V is'neccssary in tbe home where i .
Thedford's Black-Draught : is
"':' kept Families living;'' in" the' ' f
5 country miles froui any 'physi
cian, have been kept in health 1
: v for years' with this medici ne as. -;
their only docto' Thedford's1
Black - Draught' ' cures'1 Bilious-- "
- ness, dyspepsia, colds; Chills atid
fever, bad blood, ; headachesj ;
' diarrHoia, ' constipation,' colic. .
an almostf every Other" ' ailment ' 1
because 'fhef ' 'stomach, bowels ''
.. hver and. kidneys so nearly con : i
Time Card Number 22,
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. . .
. . . " Corvallis..
,...12:45 P- n
1:50 p. to
.... 5:35 P-m
arrives Yaquina. . . .
. "D afn 1 n CP
leaves Yaquina .......i... 7:30 a. m
leaves Corvallis., 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves AiDany..,.
Arrives Detroit . -. .
,. 7:00 a. m
..12:20 p. m
. I:0o vp m
. s:si5 P. m
4 from t)etroit:
Leaves uetroii...
ini.t Albanv'..
m TvTrt ' t .4iTM in AlKnnv in ti mf
to connect with S P. south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany oeiore uepariuic ui w 1 wui.
bound train. .- ' .'. t'.. '
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvaltis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit.. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. in.; reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the' Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to . KK
- i Edwin Stonb, .
.'.. Manager
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ,
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. '
A' Gordon-for
,1 M
-. We picture a style of Hat
whieh is very popular at pre
sent. It is called the "Three-in-One,"
as it can be worn in
three different styles it de
pends where the dents and
creases are piaded. ; r .
At the same price, $3. 00 and from 50c
np we have Derbys, in different shapes,
TourisisV Fedoras, Crushers, etcj,s princi
pally in black, but there are a number of
light , 'colors for those who want IJiem.
Sole era-t '
Richest, Pale t lest
The style that carried off the laurels at the ' l-. : ;
These carbon parchments are not mounted on
cards but delivered in neat Folders or at
tached to thin Lixex mounts, making a com
bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam-' ,
1. pies of. these Carbons are now on exhibition at -
0cvT9 (f-d- Al South Main St.
If you ar a' Havins
Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.'
' : E. W;;S. PRATT; ; '
: The Jeveler and Optician.
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company'.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Erchange Issued payable at all finan
cial centers In United States, Canada
and Europe. , . . " "
Principal eorreepondtnts.
PORTLAND London St San Francisco Kank
, Uinited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.
SAX FRANCISCO London St San Fxancla-
co Bunk Limited.
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank..
LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank Limited.
Francisco Bank Limited. -.
All styles aie the same price.. It
is just what a shoe, ought t6 be.
Comfortable, Sensible, ;! Hygienic
and1 Lasting.
Remember the.e is no subsU
tme for '"Ralston Health Shoes."
None are as Scientifically made.
for aox-veJllia.
Trouble with your Eyes
t ...
''-if - i ' - ' - ' - si---
. .. Ilomeopathist 1
Oflloe cor 3rd and Monroe sts.:- Reel
; dence cor 3rd and Harrison . 8t.
Hours 1& to 12 L, M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. , Sundays 9 to 10 A., M,
Phone residence 315. ; -
Physician & Surgeon,'1
Office up stairs back of Graham &.
Wells' , drug store. Residence on the:
corner of. Madison, and Seventh Tele
phone at residence; io4. : .- . -..
All calls attended promptly, '
B. R. Brysbn,
Attorney-At-Law, ;