Corvallis Times. Official Paper of Benton County. SOBVALLIS, OREGON, NOV 18, 1903. BILLS ALLOWED. rJList of Warrants Ordered Drawn . .. the November Term of Court. at The following bills were allowed by the Counly Conrt at its regular; Novem fcerterm I903. towit. Victor P Moses work delinqt tax . .roll $ 10 5o - J D Wells janitor ; . 4o 00 - Corvallis Times printing ' 35 75 : Glass fe Prndhomme stationery 3 I4 ' PST&TCo telephones ,. 3 55 A Wilbphn & Sons mdse co'doot 6 50 MroJD Hnggins care 95 4o ;,E Bennett med atten - " 8, 75 C C Chipman meals prisoners - 50 ,.JE Michael ferry roan , 46 70 W E Turrel pravel . 12 20 " Mrs A Gellatly 500 iTice & McUallum repairs road ' . tools . G Hodes powder M M Long road work 4 35 11 4o 5 4-5 8 00 14 00 I300 400 12 00 13 5o 3900 15 00 800 2 00 842 1 5o 6 00 4650 Lewis Wentz eal supr No 5 E A Blake 6 JSMiller " W M Clark A Gadwalader" J R Fehler " CT Vernon " KNSaarr " - Totm R Crow " .OEBanton " " 7 "8 "9 " 11 "13 14 ' 16 18 . J S Oovier lumbrr Ed Kisor wit pros attv : Tbos Casey road tools - I Stewart road work -RW Jones hauling bridge . lumber . I V Baker ' road work V' Bert Peters " - - R M Gilbert " Ti Blnkeelpe ' , M P Burnett, constable fees , : R McfVnnpll gravel Jt M Youn road w ork K T Ne-'on ,'. T H Cooper ' " 'M M Tw " 'o-T'l!a Gazette printing ' F L Miller mdse co poor Joe l5ay wit pros atty R S Irwin com sal . W A Jolly com pal . H L Bush attend Board eqnal -' Virgil E Watrers stamps W Denman " 10 50 17 00 16 00 72 00 45oo . 1 00 6 00 38 5o 10 5o 67 75 3 00 16 5o 860 1 50 11 60 11 80 18 00 3 OO 2 OO -ATTEST- Victor P. Moses, Co, Clerk. "Nov. 7, 1903. 1 IN CORVALLIS, Dairy Association of Oregon to Meet What the Program will be. '.. The next meeting of the Dairy s Association of Oregon is to occur in Corvallis. An interesting program for the occasion has been prepared. -One of the features of the session will be a banquet given the dele gates by . the . Ladies Coffee Club whose reputation as entertainers is state wide. Tbef meetings ,of the association are always replete with interest, and a -Jarge attendance , both locally and otherwise is ex pected. The program is: . .-Tuesday. Dec. 15, 2:oolp. m. Address of welcome. , Response annual address Pres.' Wm. Schulmerick, Farmington, The Economy of Soiling, y Dr, Jas. Witbycombe, Corvallis. Points on Hand Separator Cream Geo. D. Goodhuef Salem, -j- -. TtrSDAY, . Dec. 15, 7:30 p. m. .'. "How Dairying has Revolutioniz ed the Agricultural Industry in "Western Oregon, H. E. Xounsbur ry. S, P. Co., Portland. Changes of the Decade in Oregon Dairying, H. M. Williamson, Port land. . .' , ' ' ' Z Behavior of some Chemical .Elements, Prof. A. L, Knisely, Corvallis. . 7 ' r Wednesday, Dec 16, 10:00 a, m, Some Dairy Statistics. Geo. W. Weeks, Salem. ' " Winter vs Summer Dairying, A. TP. Buxton," Forest Grove. V Preparation and Cost of Silage, -J. M. Atkinson, Newberg, , - . . ... ..-'.- Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1:30 p.'m, Report of secretary, treasury. Election of officers. Construction and Care of Separators, W. A. Hudelson. Farm Port- . land. , Dairying on a Fruit Farm, W. JL Newall, Dilley. Wednesday, Dec 16, 1:30 p, m. The Butter Trade of a Commis sion Man, W. H, Chapin Portland. Dairying at the Lewis & Clark Banquet to members of the as sociation: Wednesday. Dec 16, 9:30 p. m. under the auspices of the Ladies Coffee Club. v : V Bucks for Sale. . Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two years old past, . Good sheep with j .rices reasonable. Call on or address ' T. W. B. Smith", Coryallis, Phone Sarbnrban 43. PORTLAND PIANO BUSINESS. To a Coryallis Lady "it Showed Awfully Lively. . UP A Corvallis ; lady who went to Portland last week to purchase a piano and returned without an in strument tells how she was struck with the difference in the piano house's methods of doing business. The ladv was warmly received at one of the leading establishments.- She had looked about for only a short time when after a good deal of demonstration at the phone, an attache of the house came in with a large card and hung it on the piano. The inscription on the card was "Sold." The gentleman attending the Corvallis lady inform ed ber that the instrument had been sold by telephone. Presenly another was sold in the same man ner, and then another. . Apparent ly a man. was kept busy selling pianos by wire and placing : sold" cards on the instruments. "This seems to be your busy time of day," remarked the lady who was the only customer present. "Oh, no, indeed, we have sold five hundred pianos "and organs al ready today. The instruments are going very fast and I would advise you to make up your mind at once, to take this piano you seem to like it, and it is a very popular in strument." "Do you sell many of them?" "More than any other style," re plied the clerk. Just then there was another tele phone call, and it proved to be an order for the last one of the lady's favorite instrument. As the card was hung upon it the clerk observ- j ed the effect upon the customer She feigned intense disappointment. The clerk undertook to console her by stating that he had others in the warerooms exactly like it, but she refused to be comforted. She would not even take the piano she had set her heart on because the real purchaser would doubtless be greatly disoppointed upon not re ceiviner that identical instrument: if she hadn't wanted that one she wouldn't have phoned for it. The Corvallis lady finally permitted her selfto be led to the door in a hysteri cal mood. ' ' It is needless to say that the lady became braced up by the time she arrived at " the next piano house. At the time she ' enter red there - didn't seem to be much doing, but. as soon as she in troduced herself, business began to improve. It became almost as live ly as it was at the other place. The difference nsted by the lady was, at the latter place people came in per son to buy pianos and planked aown the twenty-dollar pieces in payment, This firm also nearly sold out while she was " there. - I notice, said the prospective buyer," that you do busidess on a basis different from your competit ors across the way. The'-sell al most entirely by telephone," while yott sell, seemingly, for cash only:" "Yes," responded the attendant, Here the lady broke in with this information: '"I had hoped to se cure an instrument on the install ment plan, but since it appears to be your rule to sell for cash I shall go elsewhere " She would not al low the house io vary fro to its rule to accommodate her; -. 7 The Corvallis lady was thorough ly out of patience with the designs of the Portland dealers. She dis covered that pianos were consider ably, higher there . than at home, and will order through a local agent. ' . The lady would be glad to supple ment the Portland board of trade's inquiry as ro inerscarcuy 01 ireigm cars. If the Portland piano dealers . . , j r r. 1 each ship in 500 pianos per day, as their alleged sales indicate, what becomes of the empty cars? New goods all the time Callahan's. at Nolan & Racine feet for men, - women, children, Nolan & Callahan. : and New line of novelty received. dress goods just " Another shipment of the Crouse and Brandeger suits and overcoats for young men arrived this week, Nolan & Call a han, .. Vetch seed for sale at Benton County Flonring Mills. : - Take the short courses in bookkeeping typewriting, or shorthand in the ' .Cor vallis Business College. ' Take a look at the rust and wind proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. New goods all the time Callahans, at , Nolan - The genuine wind proof umbrellas the Bicycle Hospital. - at THESE ARE LITIGANTS. Circuit ICburt Next Week List of Cases on the Docket, A B Hammond, plff, .vs ''WVT Crosby deft, action note. on promissory State Land Board plff vs Thom as H Cooper et al deft, suit fore closure. - ; ; , '-:'-;.v;'-:' A E Laws plff vs Sarah Stewart, et al deft, suit foreclosure confirm ation of sale. ' Wm Groves vs John M Osburn suit. E A Parker vs W H James et al injunction George H Burch et al vs Jennie Churehill et ol;. suit. ' : U B First church of Eugene, a corporation, vs'John L Aen J Q Rodgers, and J W Ingle, action; MB Davisson vs John L'Aikin, J Q Rodgers, and J W, Ingle, act ion. ' ' . ' Bertha Herron and Archie Her- ron vs J E Henkle' Sam McLain, and J M McLain, suit to annul deed to real property.- - ; Seth, H Childs vs , R E Long bottom, D D ' Lpngbottom. " J J Longbottom et al, suit to perfect title to real property. S N Steele, and J V Pipe, part-. ners doing business under the " firm name of S N Steele & Co vs Libby G Rothell, action on contract. Sol King vs Scott King, '. action on promissory note. ' Coast Land & Livestock Co, t corporation, vs The Oregon Pacific Colonization Co. Geo . H Selover and S. F, Cook, suit foreclose conr firmation sale. James L Lewis vs John McGee, action. Ruth D Thornton Vs W F Keady adm et al, suit foreclosure confirm ation sale. H C Davis & L Sehryder vs M P Burnett, action for damage. , ' J S Cooper vs E V Spencer act ion on promissory note.- V: J S Cooper vs Gertrude Spencer action on promissory note, " , ' Palmer Ayres vs E W Strong, action ' - - ' .: G R Farra et al vs A Wilhelm adm of est of Samuel Rickard dcd, appeal from co court. ' ; " ir A M . Witham and Agnes Thomp son vs Abigail Brown et al, suit to perfect title real property, Sarah S Ball vs Cyrus Perham et al suit to perfect title real property. City "of Corvallis vs Mary Smith", appeal from police court citv of Corvallis. Mary H Whitby vS John M Os burn anp William Groves, ' suit foreclosure mortgage. G M Missal & A G Knapp, vs W Lair Hill et al suit to perfect real property. Gabriel Long "vs Ellen Long, suit divorce. . : Slate of Oregon vs William H Wagner, recog. ' J L Lewis vs H J Ruiter, action. Fred S Elliott and Ernest El liott vs Ada Elliott; Emmet W El liott, Seth Elliott, Lilly M Elliott, Annie Elliott, E E Wilson & M R Elliott, suit petition real property. J R Fehler and E T Wertzbau- gher vs School Dist No 13, Benton county, State of Oregon & J E Wyatt, Geo Cooper, J A ' Parks, as directors of said dist and E J Newton clerk, alternation mandam us. - v--.-' .' -'r"r.: The City of Corvallis vs 1 Jake Blumberg appeal from police court City 01. Corvallis, Crouse & Brandegee on the label of a coat stands for all that is good in clothes making. Nolan & Callahan. See thenr Kings Valley Items. Castle was buying, Mr. mutton ah hefe lafjt ffeek Mr. Burg and wife have moved onto ihe Alcorn farm. i , Homer Lilly took a few head of beef cattle out of the valley last week. 1 " 's : ... . -. . Spauldirjg'a loggers took a large amount of logs through the Frantz boom last week and have gone on down the Luckiamute with them. " The windstorm last week did some damage. It demolished the phed over the stock scalps at Perry Eddy's and unroofed Mr. McCon nell's barn. It also started . the roof on W. L. Price's barn. A good deal of lumber was scattered for Frantz Bros. -.- A good portion of the rail fence . in the valley was blown down and several email buildings were upset. , Uno. j : Notice of Final Settlement. - . In the Estate of John WUes, deceased, notice is hereby given by the undersigned executors of satd estate, that said executors have filed their final account in said estate and that the County Court of Benton County In probate has appointed Monday, the fourth day of January A, D, 1901, nt at the hour of ten o.clock In the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Room In the County Court House In the City of Corvallis In Benton County, State of Oregon, as the ttme and place for the hearing! of objec tions to said final account, and the final settle ment thereofl . , , . . , a. Dated November 14th, 1903, Walter T. Wilsb and Edwabd V, Wiles, ' . - As Executors of said Estate of . John .". Wiles, decersed. . FATHER AND DAUGHTER. Died on the Same day Bnried Togeth er at Independence A Tragedy Recalled. " Robert L. Feagles well known Benton County, died in Indepen ' ence on Saturday of heart failu A strange and sad- coincidence connected 5 with ; his death . daughter Clara who a few ye ago married a Mr, White , and w resided in Portland died the sa day; the daughter dying at 7 o'clo in the morning.and the father at . 1 o'clock in the afternoon. . The age of Mr. Feagleswas63 and that of his daughter 26. Her body was brou ght to Independence and a double tuneral was held there conducted by Dr. Thompson The burial oc curred Monday afternoon at the Odd Fellows cemetery of that place. Mr. Feagles came to Benton County from California in 1868, and for a long time resided in the Big Elk country. There he was married to Miss Lillard a daughter of the lae Morgan Lillard. The wife died many years ago,x leaving three children, Clara, Florence and John. Florence is now the wife of a man named Weafherford arid re- employed on . the farm of . Joseph f omna in iuc norm enu ui uenion Mr. Feagles spent last winter in Corvallis, and during the summer was out prospecting. Many years ago he discovered a cinnabar ledge in the Cascades, and since the me tal became more valuable Mr Fea gles has spent : much ' time in 1 search for the lost ledge. The hope of finding it and the wealth that he expected to result was the fond dream of his declining years. inuring tne nop season ne was a picker at the Independence yards. and after that was at the home of Joseph Smith. Two or three weeks ago he went to Independence, where death overtook him. . He was born in Ohio, in 1835, and emigrated from that state to California in 1857 His death recalls a Benton county tragedy, in which Morgan Lillard. the, father-in -law met death at the hands of Mr. Feagles. - The trouble occurred in the Big ; Elk country. and was over the question' of where a certain county road should pass. Both principals resorted to firearms and a jury found that Mr. Feagles acted in sen defense. Horses for Sale or Trade. I have a number of horses broken and unbroken which I will sell cheap or trade for cattle, hogs and sheep. ', .Grank Dinges, ' ' Bruce, Ore.' . At Philomath. The cHy election occurs on Mon day, Dec. 7lh. ; Born, Nov, 13th, to Mr. and Mr?. Alfred Clemens, a son. . Mr. J. L. Vanblaricom has sold his business at Rainier and return ed to Philomath, with his family. Mr. Vidito, the mail carrier from Alsea, bad to leave his horse in the mountains on account of fallen tim ber the. morning after the wind Storm last week. He carried the mail on his back for half a mile to the mill where he obtained another horse and got through nearly on time. " ' ''' Philomite Reduced Rales on Day. Thanksgiving The Southern Pacific Company will sell tickets at one and one-third fare for the roudd trip between all points on its Oregon lines, account Thanksgiving Day.- Tickets will be sold on November 25th and 26tn and to take advantage oj this reduction you can secure v tickets from neatest Southern Pacific agent on dates mentioned. -, For a Bad Cold. - If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Cham berlain's dugb remedy cto loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irri tation an inflammation of the throat and lungs- Vor sile by Graham & Wortham. - - Get your ribs fixed Hospital. . at the Bicy cle Congregational t Church, SERVICES EVERT SABBATH. - Morning ..11:00 Evening . . ; 7:30 Sunday School . . . . .... .10:00 Christian Endeavor. .. ..... 6:30 Strangers always welcome. : -Seats free. Come. REV. EDWARD GREEN, Pastor. Orouf e & Bran Vgee Snits and Overcoat are correct ..A l ; : 1W UUU Ul BSSti , CbasiR$ai0itig Cable home, your buying here. "We may help you to think of something you've forgotten. . 3 Highest Market Price Paid - FOB Curkcys, eecsc, Ducks Ueal, Pork, Gaas and Butter. Cab. or Trade. F. P. CLARK, Philomath, Oregon Notice for Publication, Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. United States Kind Office, . Oretron Citv. Oregon. October 22nd, 1903. . Notice Is herebv given that In compliance witli the nroviaions of th act of Coneress Jane 3 1S78. entitled .'An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California,. Orenon, Ie vada and Washington extended to ell the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Barney I. Carey oi Falls Citv, county of Polk, state of Oregon, has this day 'flled in this office his sworn statement No 6317, for the pur chase of the Lots 1 & 2 ol Section No 2 in Town ship No 13 S, Range No 7 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for Its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P- Moses. Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, .on Saturday, the 16th day of January. i90i. He names as witnesses! Jacob L, Henkle ; of Philomath, Oregon, John W.Hyde ," ; Frank Spencer : , n' " . Michael L Flynn ..' ' : " Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested!; o file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of January, 1901 . .; ALGERNON S. DRESSER, . . . , ..' . . Register, ' - Executor's Notice. Notice is herebv elven that the nndersigned has been duly aDDointed by the county court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, Executor of the estate of William F. Byer, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, verified as by law required, at my home one - mile soutn oi rnuomaia, ureguii, wiuiiu six montns from date hereof, Dated this 7tn aay oi govern Der, iws. W.N. ALKORD, Executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam E, Byer, deceased, wwwMmm&BmiiBtLimu.itC; I ILL be a thinsr beauty if vou choose handsome China and Glass ware from the beau tiful designs and decorations that we are displaying in our beautiful stock. . Baking Day ' Means so : much in .a household where . pride 1 reigns in the culinary de partment flour,; sugar, spices, lard, ..eggs, nuts, raisins, currants, citron, flavoring extracts and a lot else to . be tought of. Do your Linking at P.TO. Zieroif, Groceries and Crockery? 'V Summons. . In tbe Clrcnlt Court of the Stat of Oregon- lor Benton county. . . SarahS Ball, Plaintiff " . '.' ' , vs Cyras Perham, Ed Perham and Lons . Chamberlain, Defendants. To Cyrus Perham, Ed Perham and Lona, Chamberlain, tbe above named defendants In the naaeot the 8tate of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby unmmoned and required ' to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled court, now on file in the office of the olerk of said court, on or before the 21st day of November, 1903, said day being the last day of the time prescribed in the Order for publication of this summons made by the county judge of Benton county. Oregon, (which said order . to-., hereinafter referred to-towit: On or bef :re six weeks from the day of firs publication hereof And you are hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will aoply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in her said complaint, namely, for a decree determining all conflicting and ad verse claims, interests and estates In and to al, that part of the northeast quarter of the north west quarter of Section 33 Twp. 10 S. R. 6 W. . Will. Mer, which lies north of the Alfred Writsman branch or creek, in Benton county, -Oregon: that defendants have no claim. Inter est or estate therein: that plaintiff's title there to Is good and valid; vnd that defendants be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim whatever in and to said premises adverse to plaintiff; and for .general relief and costs and disbursements of said suit. - This summons Is published In the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and con- , secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Oct tober lOtb, 1903, and ending with the issus of November 21, 1903, in pursuance of an order made bv the Hon. Virgil E. Watte rs. county , judge of Benton county, Oregon, (Being tne- county wnere iuo nuuve ou.imou w ing in the above entitled court) dated October ; 9,1903. Date of first publication is October 10. 1903 E. R. BRYSON 4 E. E. WILSON. . Attorneys for Plaintiffs Shropshire Sheep. Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 130841. i- Iambs by Freshman 188626. Well bred, young stock of both sexes for sale. . ' OEOROE ARMSTRONG, CorvallU, Oregon..'