The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 18, 1903, Image 1

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    County Work's frflioa
" "
Vol. XVL No. 37.
T T-'S "
Editor and Proprietor.
. - No
. Season
Has ever found our Store, in all its
Departments, so well equipped.
The Stock Includes all the
Latest Novelties.
Special attention is called to our
Line of Dress Goods, Jack
, ets, Waterproof Wraps,
Skirts, Shoes and Children's
Clothing:. Call and see.
We Do not Ciue
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
, th. e house that keeps the hig-
est standard of Grocer- .
' - ies that is the
place to
Frcsb Fruits, Fresb Utgctables,
' .'., .... r -.
. . -. .. .. . : . -ViV.. -si '. i
J? t Jl .. : . 1. 1. .1 .', ?.'.'. "4 i. Mir- .
lresu everymmg xo dq naa
run our delivery wagon
to keep what you
please. Call
I1, good bargains in stock,
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and"
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all .
the' reliable' information you wish, also showing
you over the country. $
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, 5
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician 1 & Siirgeon
"Oflice over postoffice. Residence Cor.,
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician" & Surgeon
, v - Philomath, Oregon. '
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
in - ine marKeu we'M
and our aim is
want and to
and see -
grain, fruit and poultry
E; Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
B, A. CATHEY, M. D .
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
o to 12 a, m., a to 4 p. m.
For Sale'.
Grub oak wood. , For particulars in
quire oi E.' B. Horning. . ..
VICTIM." v .
Woman Mixed .. Up in the Case
Labors Upder, the Dalueion He'
Haa Been Slandered
Waits for Him on the
New York, Nov. 13. Andrew H.
Green, the "Father of Greater New
York," and one of the city's oldest
and most -remarkable citizens was
shot and inetantly' killed " on the
steps of bis home ,on patk avenue
today by Cornelius M, .Williams, a
ceero, who is believed', insane.
,The shpoting was evidently " th
outcome of a delusion on the part
of the negro t that ' Mr.' Green - had
slandered him, for when he . was
asked why be had committed . the
mtifder, he replied : "I;. did it. (0
gave my character."; ; r: ,
: There were three witnesses of the
tragedy, Mrs,' Anna Bray, a domes
tic, in Mf. Green's family; Emil
Michelien, an errandl'boy, and Pat
rick Dyer, a cabmen.. According
to ttiete witneetes, the negro must
have been waiting for Mr. Green tcr
come home from bis , i ffice. The
negro'vpas stanaiog in the vesibule
of the boose, and ' as 1 Mr.. Green
etarted to ascend the three steps to
the balL door, Williams advanced
toward him. ; There Was a brief in
terchange of .word a and. then, the
negro drew a revolver and firgd five
shots in rapid' sacceEs'on. . ; ' . .
' Mr. Green ank to; the s'one pave
men?, blood streaming' from -his
head whi1e.hi8 mnrderti, returriing
the revolver to his pocket' , leaned
against the railing of the stoop,' as
if "waiting arrest. : William , H,
Burn'carriag STffttcff for the Mur
ray H 11 hotel,, was oue of . the-first
to reach the; negro, wbom, he seiz
ed as he was about to walk- away
and turned him over to a policeman
who arrived a momeht later. -
, A-phyeician.was on the-epot-al-most
immediately and pronounced
Mr. Green dead1: 'As 'the negro's
aged': victimo fell, a young,5 woman
rushed out of the house and ('took
the dead or dying man's bead in
her lap, af the same time . balling
upon him, in piteous tones, to speak
to her.- - As B tried in vain!-to get
a response, Williama Jturnd;i)Uponi
his. victim an dshooted : "D tmn you
I told you I wpuld . get . even, with
4 One of the negro's bullets imbed
ded itself in .the ceilibg of the Vesti
bule. ; It n.believed aU pr.the.othr'
er8 took eff.ct. A curswry examin
ation. by a physician and -the .coro
ner r.evt-aled pne wound in. the left'
fide of the head, one in the left,
(t -mpl?, and another at the base of
the biain. Any one was sufficient
to- cause nf.ant deaib-
Mre. Bfayrtold, ;, the police that'
she was about to enter the house
when she saw Mr. Green accosted
by-Willlams;and heard- rthe; former
sy, ia answer-to earns . words i ad-;
drt s-i- 4 to.bim .by tha negro;, - Go
away I don' t know,-you.V
.Theri: Williams drew-his revolver;
and -shot the old. man. The - negro
was hurried to the station housed
where, he was subjected to a search
ing examination, tbe result of which
left little doubt of the negro's insan
ity. B.-sides the revolver,- the po
life found in WiU'ams possession a
razor and a purse containing $10.
Williams appeared to be perfect
ly self-posseEsed. He said be was
single, 43 ytarB old , and lived " 'at
No. 156 West Twenty-sixth street,
aV which place, however, he is not
known. . -: , V ':,',; -i"' ;
The prisoner told a rambling
story about a colored woman, Mrs.
Bessie Davis, who until about four
months ago kept a lodging'1 house
for negroes in West Fifty-third
street, who, he said, had circulated
statements derogatory to " his char
acter, and against'- whom--Tier1 bad
been trying o. bring suit for , $20
000 for slander. The trouble he
said, dated back to the year : 1895,
when he was oi.e of her lodgers..
Her stories reached tbecongregation
of the Mount Olivet church, of
which' he was an attendant, and he
was forced to give up his rnenober
ehip there because his -fellowx.wor-Bhippers
pointed, the finger of scorn
at himniirr-7.)f:ip:3yA-ii I
-Continuing,-he said he bad ' not
been able to find the woman, who
bad been spirited away by powerful
friends He blamed Mr- Green for
befriending the woman and ena
bling her to continue her. slander
ous stories. He said be . had
asked Mr, Greeu to J'getrafter ber,"
but be had failed to . do so.;ti . .
' "l am notorry I shot him,'' ex
claimed the prisoner; 'he got what
be deserved.. ' I. my not be justified
by "soojety, but l am justified in the
eyes of Godi I am willing to go to
the electric chair if necessary to
vindicate my character.''.
Mr. Green who was a bachelor,
lived with his nephew, Timothy R.
Green, and bis three nieces.'
' No trace of tbe woman could be
fpund. The police are disposed to
believe that the Davis woman was
merely the figment of an Insane im
agination, rf. ... - . !
When Mayor Low heard of Mr.
Green's death, be ordered the . flag
cb the city hall to be put at half
toasf, arid said: ; ' r'-'-'i
"The killing of Mr. Green is a
pubi c calamity.- He was ' one of
the most useful of our citizens, and
his services to New York will long
le remembered." , . v .i . ..
.f Ha originated in 1868 the , plan
tarried put in 1897 for the creation
of Greater New York. ' -y
Founder and president , of New
ork Zoological. Society. ' "s -5'tTrustee
and execut r S. J, Til
deb, William B.. Ogden and other
large ettatee'"- ' ; . -'
Comptroller of Ne w York, 1871-
,6. :-V--"' - ; ' : ' : .
T Bom io Massacbosetts October
7 1820. - - , . -i i,
. Educated in native state and
rad law there and went to New
York; to practice and soon became
prominent. ' ' ' . - '":
President of the Educational
CbmmisEion, 1856. . ' 1
President and executive officer
Central Park Board, 1857-1870. ':
New, Orleans,- Lai, Nov. 14 A
reai end collision , on the Illinois
Cqtral Railroad neir Kent wood,
La., 85 miles from New Orleans,:
4euit&d in th-k.ilLingo 39 negroes.
Teh I other cegroes - -and .three
white nien were ipjured, . some of
tbem fatallv. the collision Was be
tween tbe JL. Comb" City acoommo
dation 'train and the' Northern Ex
pref s bound for Chicago.' ; 1 v 7. ' " "
. ' Thf" McComb City trafa left; here
at 5:30 P.; M. . It should have side'
tfacked to let the express pa6S; but
got behind before it reached' ' Kent
wood: Near that station f the ex
press ran thejicdom'modation train
ddWnl'TbVrear coach of the acV
commodatioo 'filled with , negroes,
many of them1 section hands, ; whb
bad beeri! pickedj up on , the "' way J
wbe. completely, 'wrecked. ,' Tbe eh-
giDe -of the fexpreBS ; d id; p ifl v lea ve
thatrarik, and: after'ati hour'sds-
laytue tnrongn train" proceeaea on
its Way!;"; The bodies of 14 dead ne-.
groes have berl1' identified' "up ' to'
midnight. - ;: ':J'"
ilTnere' are at leasf 10 more dead;
negroes besides a large number Who
are jammed'and wedged'id bet ween'
the engine and the. express and
passenger coach of) the accommoda
tion. 1 Ohly heads' and ' feet can" be
ieeet im6itij!'6f ithei bodits ; having
been bufned" to a crisp.1 ;; ' Some of
the. wreckage-caught fire eoon after
the collision. , The latest , advices
from the railroad wreck were to the
effect that the- total number of dead
is 40 and the injured 23. Thirty
nice of tbe dead and 20 of the in
jured are negroes.. . , ..
The Best Remedy for Croup. . ,
(From the Atchison Kan. Globe.)
This' is the season - when the
women who know the' best remedy
for croup are' in demand in every
neighborhoods ; One of the most
terrible things in the world is to
be awakened in the middle of the
night by a whoop by one of the
children. The croup remedies are
almost as 6ure to be lost, in case of
croup,' as a revolver is sure to 1 be
lost in f case" ot burglars. ' . There'
used to be an old fashioned remedy '
for croup, known as hive syrup and'
tulu,' but some modern mothers say
that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is better, and does not cost so much
It causes the patient to"throw- up
the phlegm" quicker, and gives re
lief in a shorter time. Give "this
remedy as soon as the croupy cough
appears and it will, prevent the at
tack.' It never fails and is pleasant
and eaft to take;1;; For sale by, Gra
ham & Wortham . - - m . u rt ;
. - , For Sale. ; 7; X":-
Ooe good 1200 pound team, cheap. En
quire of B- Martin one mile : northwest
of College.
Democratic Onslaughts, Even if the
' Reciprocity Treaty Is Defeated
; Inaction Is the Slogan of , '
" Administration Party
If Country's Welfare
Is Sacrificed by
the Plan. ;
Wahsington, Nov. . 11. Protec
tion to the sugar trut against dem
ocratic onslaughts, even if the Cu
ban reciprocity measures go down
to defeat,, is the cry of the Republi
cans jn the House. . ; .- V
How to protect the sugar, trust is
the- question of most concern to the
republicans, and if" does.' not , give
prefereDce to the "national honor"
declaration of the president on Cu
ban reciprocity. , i ; ,
Fearful of jeopardizibg its power
to protect the trust the House was
in t-essiononly five minutes today,
Inaction, the.repijblicah cry when
the session opened, hasten empha
sized daily and it will be the. key
note to the republican procedure
until every-poesible ttap has been
taken' to stand off the democratic
determination to knockout the sugar
trust when the reciprocity measure
comes np for consideration by tak
ing off the 1.95 per cent differential
on refined sugar, the trust's source
of greatest revenue. . . . J , ;
The republican plan of procedure
was made known today. A rule
will be brought forward by the re
publican leaders that an amend
ment . to the reciprocity measure
will not he in order.. Jn, the adop
tion of tbis rule will center the firsi
great fight of the fifty-eighth' con
gress., With the Michigan and Cal
ifornia republicans. Bixteea strong',
the democrats will be able to defeat
tbe rule. i'-J- T. a '-.r ":'iJ''7:
Tne .. republican leaders,' fully
alive to' the. situation,; .are tonight
attempting to buy the most dtterm-
ined'.of the-possible .republican . in
surgents who iat committee assign
ments. ' ' ' -. c . : .,
"The weaker ones they, hope" to
frighten; with the dire vengeance of
cuttirjg" off their patronage. ' V KPr
resenfative" -William ;Alden Smith
ofjMichigaDjj .OBe of tbe'Jt'or'emoet' ivi
eurgerits oh the redprocity' fight' of
the last congress, is being tempted
with p jBitiph oh the ':. Ways;; and
Means committee. He must pldge
himself to. support t;he. ring. ; before
the place will beT given him, ; bow
ever, and his hesitancy is 6ne of tbe
reasons why there is a delay jn' an
nouncing the person hel of this com
mittee. " .'i. ''.;.'".'.; " '.".''' - "V'
; The i republican' 'memb6rs',"of; tbe
California 'delegation', fi'Ve strong;
will caucus during 'the 'week off the
staod'they; will take- Tttesr mem
bers' were all' iheurgente ;n tbe'-last
cbngresS' and they are" all classed as
acrti-reciprobity:' men'.- Representa
tive Metcalf 'said today'that'he bad
yote'd against the propbsitibrr in the
last congress; that he was not a free
trader; ana inai do was opposea 10
the measure,1' Knowing"' that 'the
bill' will pass the- Hbose .. in some
form; it is evident thai he : will ; be
cmly-too eager? to; gtasp the oppor
tunity. to strike a blow at the sugar
trust that threatens ihe beet Sugar
industry of his state.
The republican leaders were run
ning around the house all day hold
ing conferences as to what they
should do and button-holing doubt
ful members, all with 'the purpose
of trying to get a line oh the. situa-.
tion, wbicb,- through democratic
manipulation, is so . perplexing to
them and is causing them such
great alarm.
Another source of alrm is tbe
fact that many republican members
from nearby Btates nave gone' home
for a few days, while" a ' solid minorA
ity waits to fight the slightest move.
Dr, Darrin at Work
in Gorvallis.
The Celebrated: Specialist From
' . Albany at the Hotel
. , , Corvallis.. ,
Dr.r Darrin, the celebrated spe
cialist, and wife, arrived . in this
place yesterday and ' have offices at
the Hotel Corvallis, where the doc
tor will administer treatment to tha
afflicted.. Dr. Darrin needs no re-i
commendation, for tbe. wonderfat
cures effected - by ; him throaghoufe
the state during his many years, of
practice in Portland speak for them
selves and are 'living testimonials
of hU superior skill ; and success fa
tbe treatment and cure of the mot
stubborn 'and aggravated cases and
chronic diseases.- - We have known
tbe doctor personally - for? years ia'
Portland, and have 1 'cbnle' face to
face with many of ; bis patients ; af
ter being successfully treated by '
bim. In our business relatidns we
have alwaya found him to be strict
ly ' reliable and1 a ; genthman of
prompt and - practical ' business
methods. His treatment by 'elec
tricity and medici 0- h - vbeconre so
popular with tbe ffl - t-d that his.
patients do nbt eecK i.. vain for re
lief from the ills w-at rl-ib is beir
to, which is positive proof of tbe su
periority of his electrical treatment,
dver all other methods of cure., Be--low,
we give a number,., of those 1
cured and benefitted. They are peo
ple well known to all.
' TL Dagger, Albany, writes.' his
wife is cured of discharging ears,,
and rapidly recovering her hearing.
Judge J J Whitney, -Albany,. .
deafness and ringing noises in tha
ear... ;; , ..; ; :-.;,, -.. '
L W Moencb, corner 4th and
Main streets, Albany, rheumatism,
stomach and liver trouble. -
Mrs. NeUie .Dsmpsey, Waterloo,
Or., catarrh and ulcers of the nose.
W W Parrish, :i Sodavillej ;Of.
deafness and heart trouble. k :,
J L Oxford,; Brownsville,' Or. ,
deafness. . .- - ' ..; :..; ;t :'
Mrs. Pet Crabtree, residing at
Crabtree, Or., rheumatism and ca
tarrh. Mrs. NEOlin, 508 ' 1st streef,
Albany, deafuese, kidney and blad-.
der-troubles..' : v'j i
P A Racey, Jefferson, Or., deaf
ness cured 10 -years ago. No re- '
turn of it. . t . ;
H J Downing, Lebanon, Or, ca
tarrb, headache, etc ' '
... ,H g.?ifert, King's Yallev, Or.,; ,
Dyspepsia, liver and kidney com-,
plaints,-pain in side and ;eye rfroa'-v
blei-! : , '-'
; D F West Plain view,1 Or.; chron
ic catarrh,' stomach ' and Kidney-.
ti6tibles'bf 15 years stabding. -:
- Henry Bruer,' Turner,' Qr.," deaf- .
ness and discharging ears -
' Miss D.G RieddickVLeba'rior Qtli'
disdbargi ng ears'. ' " n ' 1
; -MrsJWm Slate, Alsea, Or, stom- r
ach nd heatt trouble,' poor circula-r '
tion, etc. '-' ' ' :
- Mrs Dora Hadley, Sodaville, Or, ,
discharging ears, constipation and
dyspepsia. r:: ' ;; '
G W Benighti- 105 Pine street, ,
Alba'bydeafnese. ''-'-- ;
': -. T Cochran,- Brownsville, Or.,
constipation; ' stomach''.: and liver -trbtifeles"
'. ; ri ' u S::
Mayor S. Tomlinsontof Woodbura-'
rheumatism and generally rundown
cnred;lll years-agoi:; uv -r.
' Miss Irene ' Ashford, of . Salemr
discharging ear,- cured. ;
Mrs Wood, -of Woodburn, goitre '
of the neck' and catarrh of the inner,
ear.-. ,- - .
Mrs R Ringo, Gervais, asttim'a
and bronchitis. Her son, B
Ringo, was also cored of , discharge
ing ear, and deafness. . ... .
Hundreds " of 'others might, bej
mentioned who do not wish their
names published. - ' 1 '' ' '-'
In most esses only one. , visit is
required.. Owing to tbe . crowds ,
rushing to see the doctor he will re
ceive patients from 9 A. M. to 8 P.
M. :;v ':
Dr. Darrin's Place of Business. r r
, . ' - ' . ...... B '
Dr. Darrin giv s fre xamina
tion to a.Mt and, . .ii-cessary,
gives medicine in en tt-ution with
electricity; Tbe pool treated; free
from 10 to 11 daily, except' medi- :
cine. Those willing to pay, 10' to
5; evening8,' 5 to 8; Sundays, 10 to
3. Errors of youth, blood taint,,'
gleet,, impotency, v varicocler. and
stricture a specialty. , All curableC
chronic diseases treated at half hia.
former prices.'' No case ' published
except by permission of the patient.
All business relations with Dr. Dar-
rin strictly, confidential. , Letters
of inquiry," ,; answered.- ,-Circular;
question blanks sent free. Dr. Dar
rin will remain at Corvallis;' at the
new Hotel Corvallid until December
1st, only; '' ' ' J ; -
: . 1 Upholstering.
Lounges, Couches, Desks, Folding
Beds, - Etc., made to order? Particular
attention given to special orders and 're-.
pairing. " All ' work guaranteea. - one
door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street.
. W- Holgate,