The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 14, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Taper ol Beaton County.
eOKVAXXJS, OREGON, NOV 14, 1903. !
If a special legislative .session
-should be called, it would scarcely
be worth the while of Benton coun
ty to hold a special election to name
a successor to Senator Daly, If
there is to be alspecial session, it is
pretty certain that it will be of but
few days duration, and that the
work will be confined solely to the
correction oFthe tax bungle. Under
such conditions, it will be a mat
ter of small concern as to whether
or not there is a man from Benton
In the senate. The tax law can be
corrected as well without his aid as
"-with it. The session can meet, or
ganize, do its business and adjourn
qtrite'as successfully, with the seat
from Benton vacant as it could with
two or half a dozen men in it.
To hold a special election for the
Dnroose of naming: a senator would
cost Benton County $700 in gold.
To call such an election, file neces
sary notice, bring judges and clerks
Into service, require people to go to
the polls and to go through all the
evolutions of a county election for
the mere tmroose of havine a man
to sit three or four days in the sen
ate at a special session would . ap
. -near to be a useless and senseless
proceeding. In so brief a time,
and on so small a job, the man elec
ted could do no good, and since he
would cost $700 and might do harm
"it wonM seem better to let the ses
sion come and go, if one be called,
without an election in Benton.
The responsibility is theirs, if
legislators refuse to accept the con
ditions upon which Governor
Chamberlain offers to convene a
special session. The governor in-
" sists that legislation shall be con
fined to a correction of - the tax
- laws, and that a pledge to that ef
fect shall be made by ; representa
tive legislators, or the call for the
.session will not be issued. His
position is absolutely sound, and
his attitude . most; sensible, The
last session is but a few months ex
pired, and there is neither occasion
nor use for an extended season of
lawmaking at Salem. " A session is
.not needed to enact new laws, but
to correct a bungle that the" late ses
sion made in a new law it attempt
cd to enact. ' : :".
When once convened, the tempt
ation to the members to plunge in ;
to all manner of new schemes I will
.-"be great.- To make new - laws for
one's neighbors to obey is both a
pleasant diversion and comfortable
job for wet winter weeks, It gives
men who think they are , statesmen
-opportunity to spellbind, and gives
men who are never heard of other
wise chanceto have the eyes of allthe
state focused on them for a brief, time
-The opportunity . to be . the main
guys in the state house and - have a
lobby of hangers-on at their coat
tails is unction" to the souls of vain
members and profitable employ
- ment for the mercenary.
All these kinds of people are in
... the legislature, . and. possibly
"enough to make a majority, and if
so, and they go there unpledged to
-speedy adjournment, they "will
Tiang on to the last minute of the
,50 days allowed by law for a spec
ial session, The member who bobs
tip now and smites himself on the
breast and refuses because his dig
" nity is offended in assent to the
, governor's conditions is not
Ing the good of his state and
peO- i
pie, but a 20 days snap at balem.
He is one of the class mentioned
above and if there is enough of his
kind among the membership to
. prevent the governor's conditions
from being accepted, then," by all
means let there be no extra ses
sion. The assembling of that kind
of a crowd would only be the be
ginning of folly, and if their an
swers to the governor's offer show
; enough of the present membership
to be of such character, it were far
better to bear the ills we have in
lack of revenue than fly to others
that we know not of.
Governor Chamberlain is sound
; in his position, and he will serve
the people well if he refuses to
swerve from the policy he has
- adopted. Nobody wants a flood of
new laws to confuse and confound
the public and make business for
: the courts.
William Groves Funeral From the
Methodist Church Last Tuesday.
"The funeral of the late William
Groves, whose death : occurred last
week, took place Tuesday after
noon. The service was at the
Methodist church at two o'clock,
and was conducted by Rev. "" Weir
of Albany, who is an old friend of
the family, assisted by Rev. F. L.
Moore-; The casket occupied a
place in front of the altar, and was
buried beneath a lavish offering of
beautiful floral pieces. Tables about
the altar were also laden with flow
ers and floral emblems in great pro
fusion. A number ot the front 1
seats were held in reserve while the
audience was assembling, and were
occupied when the service opened
by masonio orders, the family and
others who en'ered in the follow'
ing order: Rev. Weir and Rev
Moore, members 01 . ; the masonic
fraternities in a bcdy, the casket,
the bereaved family and relatives,
the members of the Eastern Star,
in a body.. During the service the
choir sang three numbers, v and
these with tne prayer ana a
brief sermon constituted the solemn
ceremony. At the close of the
service, Corvallis lodge A. F & A.
M. took charge gf the body, and the
interment at (Jrys'al L,axe was un
der the beautiful burial rites of the
order, an order by the way. to
which the deceased was intensely
i The passing of Mr. - Groves . is a
source of keenest grief to a wide
circle of friends'. , Until the day; he
was stricken with paralysis, he was
to all appearance hale and strong,
and none guessed how soon he was
to be taken. He was about town as
usual, a familiar figure, whom
many a friend was pleased to meet
and greetv In all the essentials of
good ' citzenship' he was particu -larly
strong, and in those fine quali
ties that make men "prized in the
home and among friends, he was
richly endowed, . '
William Groves was born in Ber
keley. County, West Virginia, Jan
uary 13, 1832. He came with his
father to Ohio at the age of six' years
ana settled in Clearmont County,
nearBatavia. In 1853 he came across
tne isthmus 01 camornia, and in
1864 he settled in Oregon. Septem
ber 24, 1865 he was united in mar
riage to Miss Emma Horning, who
survives him. 1 he surviving chiL
drem in the family are Frank Gro'
ves, a son, Misses I,illy and Edna
Groves of Corvallis, and Mrs. Jes
sie Groves Kittredge of California
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. Seckler and wife to W. T.
Small et al N, 1-2 lot 3 blk 11, $1,
800. . W, ,r . , ... ,,v --. ;,,
Cynthia Johnson to C- T-' Har
ris, part 01 lot in Philomath, J 150.
T R Chandler and wife to L B
Baldwin 2 lots in Pnilomath, $700.
uavia Asn to M. L,. Adams, one
dwelling house in Wilkins addi
tion $250. - '- .
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Benton county. '. ...
SarahS Ball, Plaintiff ...
va ""-,
Oyrus Perham Ed and Lona
Chamberlain, Defendants.
To Cyrus Perham. Ed Perham and Lona
Chamberlain, the above named defendants
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of yon are hereby summoned and required
to appear ana answer, tne complaint 01 - cne
Dlaintlff in the above entitled suit, fn the above
entitled court, now on file in the office ot the
olerk of said court, on or before the 21st day of
November. 1903. said day belli? the last dav of
the time prescribed in the order for publication
of this summons made by the county judge of
Benton county, Oregon, (wmcn said order is
hereinafter referred to) towit: .
On or before six weeks from the day ot firs
publication nereoi - -And
you are hereby notified that It you fail so
to appear and answer the . said - complaint m
herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled court for the
relief demanded in her said complaint, namely,
for a decree determining all conflicting and ad
verse claims, interests and estates In and to al,
that part of the northeast quarter of the north
west quarter of Section 33 Twp. 10 8. K. 6 W
Will. Mer, which lies . north, of the Alfred
Wrltsman branch or creek, in Benton county,
Oregon: that defendants have no claim. Inter
est or estate therein; that plaintiff's title there
to Is good nd valid; nd that defendants be
forever barred and enjoined from asserting any
claim whatever in and to said premises adverse
to plaintiff; and for general relief and costs and
disbursements of said suit. -
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oct
tober 10th, 1903, and ending with the - issus of
November 21, 1903, in pursuance of an order
made by the Hon. Virgil E. Waiters, eounty
judge of Benton county, Oregon, (being the
ootuitv where the above entitled suit is pend-
lng in the above entitled court) dated October
v, ivua. . uaie oi nrst puouuHuuii m uuiwimi au.
1 Attorneys lor FlaintiSs.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been d uly appointed by the county court of
the State ot Oregon, for thu county of Benton,
Executor ot the estate of William F, Byer, de
ceased, All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same
to me, verified as by law required, at my home
one mile south of Philomath,; Oregon, within
six months from date hereof, -
Sated this 7th day of November, 1903.
. w N. Ai.Konn,
Executor of the last will and testament of Wil
liam E, Byer, deceased, - '
i - '
Leaveyour orders for oysters at Zier
olf's on Tuesday.
Highest Market Price Paid
FOB . '.':'':,
Curkeys,- Geese, Ducks, Ileal,
Pork, aas and Butter
Cah o r Trade. F. P. CLARK,
: Philomath, Oregon
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is ' responsible for
many a railway ;.; wreck &nd the
same.cauaes are making human
wrecks of euffsrers from throat and
long troubles. But since the ad
vent of Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption, coughs aDd colds,
even the worst cases can be cured
and hopeless resignation is' ' no
longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg
of Dorchester, Mass. is one of many
whose life was saved by Dr. Kings
New Discovery. Tbi grat reme
dy is guaranteed for all throat and
lung troubles by Alien's Pharmacy.
Price 5oc, and $1. Trial bottles
free. - V'1.- " '- '
V'.. Lost.
November 1st,' between Thos. Cooper
and Henry Dunn's, a child's gray eider
down coat. Please leave at S, L. Kline's
for .... , - :
Albert Shriber. .
Ho W wut Hewly Wed, Bat the. Oracml
Wm Too Blmeh or HU .'
. .. " Patience. .'?
"Tom, dear," said Mrs. Newly wed
the other evening, just as they were
about to leave the house for the the
ater, "I've left my fan on the dress
ing case in my room, and I can't go
without it. .Won't you run op and
get it, that's a dear?"
Tom went up three steps at a time,
, says the Philadelphia Ledger. . A mo
ment later his voice was heard, awfully
sharp for a man who had been married
but three months.
"It isn't on the dresser." , -
"Why, yes, it must be, dear. Iiook
in the upper drawer in that long blue
box in the left-hand corner. Don't
muss things all up. , Is it there?" -
"No, it isn't."
"Oh, it must be. ' Look good. Found
it?" ' : :, . ;
"No, I haven't." :
... "Well, don't get cross about it. May
be I left it on the bed. Is it there ?"
"No. I'll be"
"Tom! If you.can't do a little favor
for your wife without swearing about
4t, you needn't do it at all. . Look in
the second drawer of the dresser in
that pink box. Is it there?"
"No, it isn't, and I knew it wasn't be
fore I looked!" . ;
"You didn't know: anything of the
sort! Do find it some place. ;. We're
late now. Maybe it's on the manteL
I know I laid it down some place
while . I tied mjr bonnet. Is it on the
mantel?" .... , .
"No, it is not on the mantel. I'll
be eternally " .' ..:.. -..y :
"Tom! If you don't stop IH take off
my things and stay at home ! If you'd
look for the' fan instead of prancing
around you'd find it. . See if it lain my
bonnet box. Sometimes I drip it in
there. Found it?"
"Found it ?" snarled Ton, jeeringly.
"Talk about a needle 5n a haystack!
It's nothing compared to a-' .
"Tom Newlywed! : Just br snre ai
you speak that way "again I'll stay at
home. Look on the chairs and the
table and what are you doing up
there, anyhow? Upsetting chairs and
kicking over things and growling like
some wild animal. I'd be ashamed.
I suppose I shMl have to come up and i
hunt for the fan myself, tired as I am.
Can't you find it?" v ' . ; - i- ;
"Find nothing! - A man might as
well hunt for the nerth pole or Capt.
Kidd's treasure or some particular
grain of Fand in the bottom of the sea
as to look for"' '. ' . ;
"There, there! ' Stop making such a
pitiful spectacle of yourself. If I were
a man, I'd be a man! Look in the
closet oh, here's the fan. I declare
if it hasn't been lying here On the hall
rack all the -time. I remember now
that I laid it down when Tom Newly
wed! I'd be serving you right if I
didn't go a step with you; Using such
language! Come on. I suppose you'll
Bnarl and sulk all the way down town! "
. And he did. "
- v " .-' ' ' . ' ..' ' ; t ' . v ' '
" We wish to acnouEce to onr friends that welave perfected arrapge
ments with one of the largest and beet known potteries in the United
States to furnish us with High Grade Hand Painted China, which we
absolutely gurantee and which we i will give away N
v-'Jtoisoily' Free.
Being desirous of increasing our business and acknowledging favors
extended to ua by our present customers, we could think of no belter
way of showing our appreciation than offering something which we are
sure every. one will appreciate. A set of these beaotiful dishes is within
the reach of everyone of our customers, and we feel that all will avail
themselves of the opportunity .
. We futhermore want our friends to distinctly- understand that our
prices for goods will not be increased to enable us to do this. On the
contrary, our prices will be as low, or we may say lower, to give this op
to-date way of advertising the endorsement it deserves. And in addi
tionrwe will give with each purchase coupons, irrespective of the ex
tremely low prices, which entitle the holder to the china ware absolute
ly free of charge, : '',"'. . "; .. vs .'.;'" . , .'
You will be surprised to find how soon you will have sufficient cdu
pons to entitle you to the entire dinner set. But yon don't have to
wait (or that. You can get the different articles as yon want them and
the first thing you know you will have a complete dinner eet.
We have contracted foV a large quantity of goods and we want : the
loyal support of our friends. We shall rely upon our old customers and
feel that our most generous offer will be taken advantage of by those
who have-hitherto not given us their business.
In conclusion, we most cordially invite you to call and look over the
most complete and select line of . china ware in town. .
Yours very truly - - -
-v. J. E. HENKLF, Philomath, Oregon,
- . For Sale ?
Purebred Poland China hogs. .
Here is an opportunity to . introduce
blue blood into your herds at small .cost
Thisjstock was imported , from - Illinois,
by a prominent hog raiser; will sell at
6 c per lb. Enquire of Robert Wy lie,
Lewisburg, 5 miles north of Corvallis,
RFDNo 1.. . ..." -
For Sale. - ' - J
One good 1200 pound team, cheap. En
quire of B- Martin one mile northwest
of College. . - 3
Breakfast Foods,
As well as Choicest Delicacies
for lunch and dinner, can al
ways be found at our store,
We handle only . first-class
goods and can guarantee qual
ity. Eve-ythng offered for
sale here is strctly fresh and
just as represented. We car
ry a large stock of selected
Family and Fancy Groceries,
Pure Ceas and Coffees
a Specialty
Low Prices. Prompt Service.
- In the County Court of Benton Coun
ty, State of Ortgon,
In the Matter of tho Estate V
Mabel E. Howfe, a Minor, j
Now at this time came Frank L, Howe
guardian of the estate of Mabel EHowe,
a minor, and presents his petition to this
Court and asks for a license to authorize
him to sell Lots 10, 11 & 12 in Block 22,
County Addition to the City, of Corvallis
in Benton "County, Oregon, belonging
to his ward Mabel E. Howe, and it ap
pearing to the Court from said petition
that it would be to the best interest of
aid ward, the said Mabel F. Howe, that
said above mentioned property be sold
and the proceeds thereot ; transmitted
nd turned over to Frank K. Marsh, the
legal guardian of said minor in the State
of Massachusetts where it may be in
vested for and in the . interest of said
miDor. It is therefore' hereby ordered
:hat the, next of kin of said ' ward and all
persons interested in the person. and es
cate of said minor, be and they are here
-y ordered to appear before the above
tamed court en Saturday the 21st dav
or .November, 1903, at the nour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said date at
the Court House of Benton County, Ore
gon, then and there to show cause if any
they have why a license should not be
granted for the sale of said real estate
above mentioned. It is further ordered
that a copy of this order be published at
least once a week for three successive
weeks before the day of hearing, said pe
tition as above set forth in the Corvallis
Times, a newspaper published and ' cir
culating in Corvallis in Benton : County,
omieui uregon. .
This October 20. 1903,
v County Judge,
- ' Benton Co, Oregon.
ine aoove is a true and correct coov
01 me original order in said matter and
ot tne wnole thereof ;
Attest: ' . Victor P. Moses,
, , '.: County Clerk,
. -1 'mm0&m
w . .
list Have Room.
In order to make room for
iday Goods,
Ginghams, Calicoes, Outing Flannels, Flarmelettes, J ,
-: .Percales, Table Linen, Ribbons, Hosiery, Men's, ;
Boys', Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Tin and '
Granite Ware. -
Special Discounts will be Given Until Nov. 15.
, ' ; We M ust Have Room .
" Grouse & Brandegee Suits
for jrood dresseis.
What You Want
- . ' Is to try the New Goods
V which have just arrived at
Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries
Crystallized Ginger
Fresh Nabiscos 1
Fresh Cookies ' -New
Walnuts :
New Almonds
We O XT DaT V Tbe Great
Sell Cll CKvi I 9 Health Food.
Hopes' Grocery, Phone 483.
3 Congregational C
2 ' Church. K
Morning. . ... .............. .11:00
Evening .......;.......... 7:30
Sunday School 10:00
Christian Endeavor. 6:30
. Strangers always welcome. '
Seats free. Come.
If your umbrella needs covering
it to the Bicycle Hospital. v
our immense line of Hol
-vve -will have a
e Sale
and Overcoats are correct
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olives in Bulk .
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese.
Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 130841.
- Lambs by Freshman 188626.
Well bred young stock of both 6exe
for sale. . '
Corvallis, Oregoii.V
- Young man, y9U ' should attend the
nigbt school in the Corvallis Business
College. -
. - . . For Sale.
Two wattons at a snap. Twelve moikhs .
time. Call or address CorvalliB Car
riage Factory,