The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 04, 1903, Image 4

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Fear of a General Uprising on the
Rosebud Ageocj Sheriff kill
ed in Fight Terrible Ex
plosion' of Two Car
' Loads of Dynamite.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Now. 1.. Gov
ernor Chattertoo has been advised
of a fisrce 'battle that was 1 fought
late yesterday aftfirnoon on Liu
Lightning Crek. 50 miles qoctb of
Luck, in. Eastern Wyomicg, be
Iweeu Sheriff W. II. Miller, with a
po4of8ix uieo fratn WcStim ciuu
ty and a hand of C-ow Iudiina on
tha way to the Sioux agency at
Robnd, -
Sh riff M iler i reported to h v.'
beeu killed, ouo of his deputies ta
laHy woan-lcd, while three Indians.
era rejort d killed and several
wounded, Onlv the most meager
details of the affkir hive been re
ceived, but poshes are hurrying to
the seen1) from Lusk, Douglas a d
Newcastle. The Indians who have
lx n slaughtering ante'op, deer
aido'her wild game in violation
f stae laws and in some inptmcea
bave killed uaiile, are hurryipg to
ward the Rsebiiii agency, and an
ffort will oe made to head them
off. .
It i feared that they have sent
Conner on ahead and may arouse
the Indians aj th agency to action'
in case attempt id made to ar
rest the murderers.
Governor Chatierton ha? in-truct
p tb troop at D)U?lae, Buffalo
and Newcastle to be in readiness to
be moved on short ootice and fur
ther details of the affair . are aqx
iooaly awaited.
O-ving to the fact that the In
dian' rations have been cul ff
and t' e ' are said to be in a starv
ioe couaiiion ; iD cooSfquence, a se
rious outbreak h feared.
Philomath Items.
Born Oct 30th to' Mr. and Mrs.
Adaotcoo of Pnilomath, a daughter.
B rn 0 t 31st to Mr and Mrs J.
B. ritarr of Braver . Creek, twins,
boy and a girl. - - .
Cw Huria-n has bought the
banding ou Main street reoeot'y
occupied as a photograph gallery
a-.d is fittirg it up for a .nj8at mar
i.t. Rev Wre presiding elde- of the
Radical -Tjoited Brethern Church
.-cas removed to Oregon City. r
Captain Mhone delivered a lee-"
:tn e Monday Occ. 26th at the Mev
, thoJ'St church in the iotre,-t of
iuo nuirniuuu league, XI c says
the society is expecting to cioae nil
. toe 'saloons in half the counties ia
Oregon inside of two years. Miy
Benton be the first one.
O . nfFf ions of a Pxi ut.
" Rev. Jmo. S. Cox of Wake, Ark.
?wrues "for 12 years .1 surierea
, from Yellow Jaundice. I consult
ied a number of' physicians .-'and
tried all eor's of medicines: but got
;no relief. Tiiea I began the 4 use
of Electric -Bitters and 1 am now
cored of a disease that had me in
ijls gra.-p for twelve years." If you
want a reliable inedicin&' for liver
and kidney trouble-etomach disor
der or general debility, get Eb-ctric
'B ttrs. Its guaranteed by Allen's
Pharmacy, Only 5'i cents-
For Sale.
: Residence property at . the corner of
' Washington & Third. .Will be sold very
i heap. I can be seen for.a few days at
; tie residence from 8 to 10 a. m.
Mrs. H. H. Kreger.
-For Sale. ;
Two wagons at a snap. Twelve months
. time. Call or address Corvallis Car
riage Factory,
Notice for Publication, ;
' Timber Land Act June 3. 1878. ;
United States Land Office,
Oregon City', Oregon.
October 22ud, 1903. ' . v
Notice is Hereby given that In compliance
with the prOTisiona of the act of Congress June
3 1S78, entitled ,'An act for the sale ot timber
lands in the states of California. Oieeon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory," aa extended
toeil the Public L ind States by act' of August
4, ltsae, Barney I. Crey oi Balls City, county of
Polk, state ot Oregon, has this dity- filed in this
office bis sworn statement No 6317, lor the pur
chase ot the Lots 1 &2 ol Section No 2 in Town
Ship NoJ3 8, Sange No 7 West,-" and will offer
- proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable for Its' timber or stone than for agricnl
, toral purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land nelore Victor P- Moses. Clerk ot Ben-'-
ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, ion Saturday,
the lth day ol January. i90t.
He names as witnesses! .
Jacob L, Henkle of Philomath, Oregon,
John W.Hyde " '
Frank Spencer , '
Michael L Flynn ."
Any and all persons elalmlng . adversely the
above-described lands are requestedt o hie their
claims In this office on or before said loth day
of January, 1901 '
. , ' Register,
Halloween Night Special Pol ice were
on Duty No Propsrty Damaged.
Saturday evening was Halloween.
In past yea's the event has been
made the occasion of various pranks
harmless and otherwise The us
ual spirit was not manifest, Satur
day night. Whether the condition
was due to the vigilance of the offi
cers or to a spirit of reform on the
part of prank players, is not known.
In any event the provision made
by thiet Lane lor preventing mis
chief was adequate for all emer
gencies., and in line with the needs
of the hour.
A number of specials were put
on duty, and each was given a dis
trict. Chestek Keady and Norton
Adorns were given charge of Jobs
addition, and made answerable for
depredations committed' there.
Charles Heckart had the territory
from Jackson street north and Fred
Overlander and Mr. Ilartly were
on duty south of Jefferson street.
The rest of the town was covered
by Prof. Holmes, Chief Lane and
Officer Osburn. Beyond the remov
al of a loose gate or two, no damage
whatever was done. All the boys
were sent home after the curfew
rang, and all other persons were
made to leave the streets at mid
night .under penalty of being
thrown in.
The prevailing resul sare tar pref
erable to the damaged sidewalks,
overturned outbuildings and other
conditions manifest in other years.
Dr. Darrin Goin to
Dr. Darrin Shortens H:s Stay in
Albany Two' Weeks Going to
Cjrvallfs November 16th
to December let Only.
Albany Herald.
;The testimonials are coming in
thick and fad for Dr. Darrin and
his marvelous treatment of all dis
eases by electricity and - medicine.
Hu has been crowded with patients
since comir g to Albany, and in
nearly all cases the results have
been satisfactory as the published
testimonials will bear witness.
Among the testimonials is the one
printed btlow:
- Eagl Point, Ore., Sept. 26.
Mr. Editor: I "deire to say to
you, for pub, teat ion, tbat I was
treated fey Dr. 4arririr at Portland,
about 10 years ago for tumor , and
consumption. 1 nad a large tumor
or ab-cees growing under my ribe
and-it had altaiued such a growth
that my Tibs were actually bulged
out, and consumption with corrup
tion and spitting blood was fast les?
senlng my days of life, I was treat
ed by Dr. Darrin and a few months
thereafur I was a perfectly strong
man and able tp do -a good day's
work. Bifore treatmeut I could
scarcely walk one hundred yards. I
want persona afflicted to personally
call uprn me at Eagle Point and
Warn more of r. Darrin and .-his ,
almost wonderful treatment.
- .:x -G. ,B..ilATTHEWS. j
Mr. Editor For 20 years, prior
to going. underDr. ; Darrin'a trjeat
ment io Portland 10 tyears ago, I
had been badly afflicted with ca
tarrh of the stomach and bladder.
I wfc.s 'terribly bloated with dropsy
and dyspepeia.; - I had given up all
hopes of relief, hut thanks to sDr.;
Darrin Lwas cured of ail the above
mentioned dieeaees, and I still en
py the best of health. I reside at
Coos City, fix miles from Marsh
field, and will gladly answer ; any
oueetions by letter or in person. I
heartily recommend D. Dirrin.
... 0. C. Pratt.
, Dr. Darrin gives free examina
tion to all, and, when necessary,
gives medicine' with electricity.
The poor treated free from 10 to 11
daily,, except medicine. Those wil
ling to pay, 10 to 5; evenings 5 to
8; Sundays, 10 to 3. Errors of
youth, blood taint, gleet. ; impoten
cy, varicocele and stricture a spe
cialty. All curable chronic diseas
es treated at hall his former prices.
No case published except by per
mission of the pitient- All bu6t
nesB relations with Dr. Darriji
strictly confidential. .Letters ot in
quiry answered. Circular question
blanks sent free. Dr. Darrin .will
remain at the Revere Hotel, Alba
ny, until November 15th and at
Corvallis, at the New Hotel Corval
lis, November 16th to December
lfct, only.
Ladies wheel. It was taken from tbe
corner of Third & .Adams Thursday or
Friday. Is an Imperial. Reward - for
information or recovery. , Ieave at
Times office.
Occurs at Monroe Parents Meeting
What the Program is.
Arrangements have been com
pieted for a parents meeting at
Monroe, Saturday, November 7,
The regular session will begin at
10:30 a. m. m the Methodist church
with singing. A literary program
will be furnished by the schools of
that part of the county. A basket
dinner wilKoccupy the noon hour.
Mr. Wilhelm has granted permis
sion to use his hall.
. The following program has been
arranged: 'Should Farming be
Taught in Public Schools? E. H.
.Belknap; "Oregon Literature" J. B
Horner; "Why Some Teachers
Fail, Superintendent Denman; ad
dress. Rev. J. M. Drake.
; 'Teachers Duty" a In School
Mrs. E. H.; Belknap. Julia M.
du. Moulin; b On School Ground
Ross Matthews, M. E. Gragg;
(cj In our f Homes Ellen Belle
Dunlap, Rose Horton.
Duty of Directors" fal To
Teacher D. B. Farley, J.. H More
lock, L-A. Peak: b To Pupil and
Parent, Robt. Kyle,. S. Doidge,
M. D. Harpole. '
"Duty of Clerk," W. C. Bel
knap, Melissa Howard. Adam
Wilhelm Jr. ;-
-This being the first meeting of
tnis cnaracter ever held in Monroe,
it is expected to be well at'ead-
ed. ' '
- Stepped Against a Hot Stove.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Bsoson,
when getting his usual Saturday
night bath, stepped back against" a
hot etove whicn burned him severe
ly. The. child was in great agony
and his mother could do nothing "to
pacify him. Rem beting that ahe
had a bottle of CoamberbinV
Pain - Balm in -the houp, she
thought she would try it. In less
than half an hour after applying it
the child was quiet and asleep, and
ia lefs than two weeks was welL
Mrs Banoon is a we 1 1 known resi
dent of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm ; is
an sntlseptio liniment and espe
cially val ua ble for burn s, cu ts br u i
ses and sprains. For Bale by Al
len & Woodward. "
"I was troubled with stom
ach trouble. Thsdford's Black
Draught did me more good'
iff one .week than all the doc-.
; tor's medicine I took In a'
" year." MBS, SARAH E.
8HIBFIELD, EUettsvUte, Ind.
Thedford's Black Draught
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
-cures even chronic cases of
" indigestion. If yon will
. take a small dose of Thed
ford a Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
- stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
More sickness ia caused by :-
. constipation thaA- by 1 -any
.'other' disease. i- Thedford's
.Black-Draught not only jre-.
. lieves constipation, but cures
' 4iarrJhcea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
.- .... . - v
: . All druggists sell
25-cent packages.
"Thedford's Black-
Draught is the best medi
cine to regoiate th$ bowels
I have ever used." -MRS.
- A. Jkl GRANT, : Sneads
" : Ferry, N. C. - . .. .
corvallis & eastern
; ralMad.
Time Card Number 22.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany ..1245 P-
1 - Corvallis...... 1:50 p. m
' arrives Yaquina 5 135 p. tn
r Returning: ' .
Leaves Yaquina... 7:30 a. in
Leaves Corvallis... 11:30 a. m
: Arrives Albany...... 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
leaves AlDany. y.uu a. m
' Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit:
-Leaves Detroit ...i;0o p. m
Arrives Albany. ........... . 5:55 P m
- Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two cr three hoars in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ' v . - y
Train Xo 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice - to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush - and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:06 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
6ame day. : t
For further information apply to
Kdwim Stons,
. ' ' Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. :-
Thos. Cockrell,. Agent Albany. - v
1 ,
Z 'ft
Assessment for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given that tee assessment
made by Ordinance Nj 152 for the construction
of a sewer through Block 2 County Addition and
Block 18 Ola Town of Corvallis, Oregon. In the
manner pr vlded by Ordinance No 132 In which
the following lots and parts of lots was entered
in the City liens of Corvallis oir the 16th day of
Odtober, 1903, and is, dne and payable at the off
fee of the Clly Treasurer of CorvaUis in TJulted
States gold or silver coin and If not paid, on or
before the 2nd dy of Xovember, 19 03, the Com
mon Ciuncil will order warrants to be issued to
the Chief of Police for the collection thereof to
ge'her with interest thereon at the rata of eight
per cent per annum, from that inta and Kmt. nt
collection,- j
Block 2, Lot 1 Mrs Lina S Neu ;ass Is .assessed
at til 97, .
Hlor'k 9. SAntb 1 Tjt o if, t a xr
. - J'a uua o ucuKOH is
assessed at $.0 99
Klock 2, North i4 of Lot2-Mrs Annette Jacobs
is assessed t $10 99.
Rlno.k 3 I lT 11 M inntfta Tuwh. la a... ,1 -
tl 97. , - .
biock: 2 Lot Mrs Annette Jacobs, Is assessed
at $21 97:
Block 2 Lot 5 Hat i let Healy is assessed al $21.-
Block 2 Lot 6 Harriet Healy Is assessed
hi .. ;
Block 2 3-4 of Lot 7 Jas R Sellers is
assessed at 16 48.
Block 2 i-4 of Lot 7 Jacobs & Neugass
is assessed at f 5 49 ,
Block 2 M of lot 8 Jas R Sellers is as
sessed $5 49.
Block2iof Lot 8 Jacobs & Neu
gass is assessed at $5 49. : '
Block 2 Lot 9 Jas K Sellers is asaeas-
ed $2i 97,
Blovk 2 Lot 10 Mrs Annette Jacobs
is assessed at $21 97. -
Block 2 M of Lot il P M Eder ia as
sessed ar $16 48. - :
Block 2 ijf of Lot 11 M Jacobs and S
Neugass is assessed at $5 49.
mock 2 . of Lot 12 F M Eder is as
sessed at $16 48
Block 2 oi Lot 12-rM Jacobs and S
iNewgass is assessed at $0 49.
,. VALLIS. '
Blok 1 8 West 23 feet of Lot 1, . Heirs
of John Burnett is assessed at $5 60.
Block 18 Houth y3 of East of Lot 1
Heirs of J R Bryson is assessed at $8 25.
Block 18 North of East V of Lot 1--
J W Ipgle ia assessed at $8 2o. :
Block 18 Lot 2 & W Ingle is -assessed
at 21 97.
Block 18 South Vt of Lot 3 J W Ingle
is assessed at $1o89. -
Btock 18 North l-2of Lot 3. 8 B Row
ley is assessed at $10 99.
Block 18 Lot 4 a Rowley is assessed
at$2i 97.
iiiock 18 Lot 5 is Ji Moore is assessed
at $2i 97. ,
Block 18 Lot SKIS Moore is assessed
at $21 97.
Block 18 Lot 7 L & M Walker is as
sessed at $2i 97. ; '
Block 18 Lot 8 L & M Walker is as
sessed at $21 97.
Block 18 Lot 9 S B Rowley is assessed
at $21 97:
Block 18 Lot m is d Rowley is assess
ed at $2i 97. V '
Block 18 Lot Jl Mary E Uoshe is as
sessed at $21 97. .
Block 18 Lot 12 Mary Dosbe ia as
sessed at $21 97.
Total assessment $678 51.
By order of the Common Council of
Corvaliis. .
' ' - Police Judge.
: Corvallis, Oregon, October i7, i903.
In the County Court of Bentoa Coun
ty, State of Oregon,
In the Matter ot too Instate 1
of ;- - ' .
Mabel E. Howe, a Minor. J
Now at this time came Frank L Howe
guardian of the estate of Mabel B-tiowe,
a minor,, and presents his petition to this
Court and asks for a license to authorize
him to sell Lots kv n & 12 in Block 22
County Addition to the City of Corvallis
in Benton County, Oregon, belonging
to his ward Mabel E Howe, and it ap
pearing to the Court from aaid petition
that it .would be to the best interest of
said ward, the said Mabel F. Howe, that
said, above mentioned property be sold
and the proceeds thereoi iransmitted
and turned over. to .Frank K.Marsh. the
legal guardian ot t-aid minor, in the State
of Massachusetts where it may be in
vested for and in tae interest ot said
minor, ft ia thereiom hereby ordered
that the next of kin of said ward and all
persons interested in the person and es
tate of said minor, be and they are here
by ordered to appear -' before- the:-: above
named court en Saturday the 2JSt day
of November, 190J, at the 1 hour of jo
o'clock in the forenoon of said date at
the Court House of Benton County, Ore
gon, taen and tnere to snow cause 11 any
they have why. a license should tnot be
granted for . the sale f said- real estate
above mentioned. It is further ordered
that a copy of this order be published at
least once a week 1 for ' three successive
weeks before, the .day of hearing said pei
tition as above set forth in the .Corvallis
Times, a newspaper published " and cir
culating in Corvallis in Benton County,
State of Oregon. '-v; :,'
This October 20. 1903,
, County Judge,
. :; 'Benton Co, Oregon.
The above is a true and correct, copy
of the original order in said matter and
of the whole thereof ;
' . Attest: . Tictor P. Moses,
' ' ' County Clerk,
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallia. Or.
Cabinet flaker
Lounges, ' Conches, . Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular
attention given to speciai orders nd re
pairing; All work guaranteed. ' One'
door south of R, M. Wade's, Main street.
' ;:- Strayed.,; " ',. ,;' ':.'.- -'
On or about Friday, October 16, from
W.-Taylor's pasture, a Jersey heifer calf,
about 7 months old. A liberal' reward
will be given for its return to my resid
ence or for information leading to its re
covery. . . ,' ., , . .. - .
G. V. Skelton,
Two-Tnirils 0
Iii Stioes..
Its worth some 'trouble to
be sure of foot ease all this
time. Style and comfort are
, " . ... --V -
combined in
Ralston Health
Shoes, - - $4.00
They require no breaking in.
Best sole leather inner sole.
Full sheet cork sole. x
Half sole of best sole leather. ' -
Wool, felt and rubber cushions.
5. Our famous bark tanned water proofed outer sole.
All styles and leathers. Sol Agents for Benton County.
We Sell A. A. Gutters Loiter Shoes. . c'
Richest, Datatiest Effects'
-s The style that carried oS the laurels at the
These carbon parchments are not mounted on ,
cards but delivered in jieat Foldebs or at
tached to thin Lisst mounts, making a com
bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam
ples of-these Carbons are now on exhibition at
.Emery's Studio, SX-. I
You are Ha.yips'
Or if you are having tronble with your glasses, and have tried all , the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a ;fit that's guaranteed
and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
.E. W. a PRATT
The Jfaveler and Optician.
Willamette Vallej.
Banking, Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange Issued payable at all finan
cial centers In United ' States, Canada
ami Europe. . ; :; ',
' :; Principal Cdrrscpondents :
PORTLAND Loniloa San Francixoo Bank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce,,
SAN FRANCISCO London. & San I"rancl-
00 Bank Limited. - .
NEW YORK Messrs. J. F. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London St San Francisco
Bank Limited. , , ...v
Francisco Bank Limited.
ui Life is Soenl
eve: pai the Human
l oot. ,
Corns, ia
and let . us
Trouble with your Eyes
Homeopathist ...
Office cor(3rd nod Monroe sts. KesL
dence cor 3rd and Harrison et.
Qr.urs 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 aad7
to 8 P, 51. Sun-lays 9 to 10 A, a,
Phone residence 315. ' v .' '
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stair$ back . of Grahaaj &.
Wells drug store. Residence pvae
corner of Madisaa and Savauth, ,: Tele
phone at residence. 104,
AH calls attended promptly. ' .
E R. Bryson,