(3 ) LOCAL LOBE. ( Advertisemerts in this column charged for u raw oxlj cams per line. Born in Salem October 27, to Mr, ana jars, unaries .feigin, a aaugnter. 'Mrs. B. W, Johnson returned Sat '" nrday from a three-weeks visit with friends in Portland. . Born in Baker City, October 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Levioger, nee Miss Ljle Lawrence, a daughter. A marriage license was issued at j the clerk's office Monday to E. P. vySmall and Mies Alva Prior, both of Fairraount. . . : Wayman Mason is in Corvallis on a visit to bis mother. He has been in Portland some time, but thinks of go ing to North Bead, in Coos county. A. J. Meizger hae installed a new upright show case in bis jewelry store. He is crowded for room and the form of the case enables him to economize space. It is six feet high, three wide and two deep, and there is provision lor three glass shelves. " A dead transferring the Onas Brown farm on Soap Creek, by J H. Rulter to L. Q. Marks, of South Dako ta, was placed on record Saturday. Mr. Bulter takes In part pay a 160 acre tract in South Dakota ami will shortly move there. . J. L. Lewis pro moted the trade, Miss Anna Denman has new work this year in tha TJalon public schools She has all the Eagllsh in the high school, and the same work In the eighth grade. ' A new eight roon . Bchool building is about completed, and is soon to beoccupied. Mr. and Mrs. B. M, Davisson who have been for so many years, retldents of Gorvallis, , have their home now in Oregon City. Mrs. Dav isBon left Saturday, and was followed Monday by Ralph. The beet wishes of many friends go with thorn ia their new home. W. T. and Charles Small have purchased the Seckler business prop ' erty on Main street, occupied now by : Spencer's barbr shop and Chipman's restaurant. The prloe paid was $1,800. The lrontafre is twenty feet. A brick is to be built on the site in the spring. ; . William Mackey, former sheriff of Benton county, who has been in the far North the past few years, has re turned to this locality to spend the winter. He arrived iu Gorvallis Thurs-j day and remained until . Saturday - when, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Owens, of Independence, he went to the bay. for a time. Mr. Mackey Is located at Nome, and says that por tion of Alaska is a favorable fild for the man who is industrious and will attend to business. .:- There are to be three games of foot ball on O. A. C. field within- the next ten days. The first happens Friday afternoon and is a first team game between O. A. C. and the Pacific Uni ' verslty team, of Forest -Grove. The next takes place'on Wednesday of next week, and is to be between the O. A. CL first team and the Washington Agricultural College of Pullman. The other is a second team game between the State University and O. A. C. elev ens. ;-V. ,' ..' , :- : ' . A new feature has been added to -... the musical arrangements .. at . the College, that promises to be of much assistance at public functions given there- Rutbyn Turney has organized an orchestra among his pupils in music and there Is practice , every Tuesday evening, ,x The orchestra numbers 12 pieces, and the instru mentation ia as follows: First violins Ruthyn Turney, Verna Kerker, Max Miller: second, violins, Harry Kerker, Mr. Bosenstelo; clarinet, Mr, Proeb et el; cornets, Mr Wetmore. ; Bert - Yates; trombone, Will Wicae; tuba, Glen Goodman; piano, Lillian Banney: . traps, Guy Walker. : . Corvallisites will have " oppor tunity to see an Interesting football game next Friday afternoon. , It hap pens on OAC field nd Is to' be be tween the Forest Grove and OAU elevens. Two years ago, in spite of : the fact that they were very light, the "Forest Grove men defeated the local eleven by a score of 17 to naught. Last year, thetables were reversed and the Collegians administered a. de feat by a large score. In the latter ' game some of the Forest Grove men only weighed 120 pounds, while their center only tipped the beam at - 145. This year, their average weight is nearly as great as that of the OAC lads, and their strength ia much greater than ever before. Among tbem is John Sweefc, a heavy fierce player, who was once a formidable tackle on the local team. The kickoff will be at three o'clock, and the ad- i mission 25 cents. ;; A dispatch In Saturday's Pertland Journal indicates that George F. Etr- lin Is married, at Ashland, although none of bis Corvallla friends bad been apprised of the tact. The news is that George acts as a nlgbtwatchman at Ashland; that he was going home early Thursday morning and as he thought discovered a man following him tor an evil purpose; that George 'commanded him to halt, and upon a failure on the part ot the former to comply, George shot him, and when George went up to him he discovered that be had shot his father-in-law. The wound is not serious. The name of the injured man was not given, but George's prospective father-in-law is known to have been Peter Hoover, an oli resident of this and Lincoln coun ties. Mr. Hoover went south nearly a month ago, and be la probably the person wounded. No other particu lars can ba learned here. ; Local news on Fourth page. ' Mrs. Bidder of Soap Creek, left Monday after a visit with friends. Miss Maud Morrison of Albany, was the guest over Sunday of Gor vallis fiiends and relatives. ' . George Brunk is In Corvallla on a visit of a few days with bis brother H. M., and old time friends. W. H. Holgate has completed Im provements in the basement of the old school bouse, for which he bad the contract. . Rev. Green and family now oc cupy the J. E. Aid rich bouse near Al pha Hell. The supreme court has decided that no tax levy can be levied next January. There is talk of an extra session of the legl&lature. Mrs. C. A. Wellsher took her de parture Tuesday for an indefinite stay with the family of her daughter, Mrs. Sol Richardson, whose home is at Ho- quiatn, Wash. : . Mrs. Mary Stewart Is recovering from her injury received in a recent fall. It was thought possibly her hip might have been fractured but the in jury is not now -believed to have been so serious. C.Clay ton, who farms near Peo- lia, on Monday delivered to J. C. Knupisclj, of this city, several baskets of monster potatoes. One spud of good form selected from the lot, weighed two and a halt pounds with merely Its jacket on. M. L. Adams has sold bis resi dence property in Job's addition' to Mr. Dawson, of Benton, and has pur chased the Ash property in the same part of town. A removal of the fam ilies into their new homes is to follow at once. By sweating to support the con stitution, and forswearing his alleg iance to his majesty, the emperor of Germany, Peter M. Boesen became a citizen of the United States 'Monday. His witnesses as to moral character were Eli Spencer and E. Mulkey. Mr. Boesen Is a resident of Blodgett. Harley Hall, who.' owns a part of the Horning farm, west of town is preparing to engage entensively In strawberry culture. He has purchas ed 20.000 plants, and is preparing four acres of ground on which to plant them. Samuel, Whltesides is al so preparing to engage extensively in the same business. . Of recent years the crop has been adequate to supply the local demand Adam Bamberger, former Corval lla man, who last week in Portland pleaded guilty to burglary, was sen tenced to three years in the. peniten tiary. . This will make Adams second sojourn in the state prison, and unless the reformatory measures there are eff !?,- his ; acquaintances' expect that he will spend much of bis future life behind the bars. ; Mrs. Mart Emrlck was buried at Oakville cemetery : Saturday last, where the remains ot other members of the family repose. Mrs. Emrlck died at Cottage Grove where, with her husband, she was making her home, Tfeey were married in Corvallla less than a year ago and the untimely separation is a severe blow to the bus- feand. Mrs.' IS oa rick was a member of the well-known Pugh family, ' who ere old residents of this locality. ' A new gas .plant for use in : the laboratories of Agricultural Hall is be. log installed at tbe college. The ma chine came from the East, and its val ue, freight added, la about $1,000. It makes gas f rota, gasoline, and for stor ing the latter" a tank ot large dimen sions Is sunk a dozen , feet under ground a short distance west of ; the hall. PlpeR connecting it with the va rious laboratories have been laid, and when a few connecting fixtures have been added, tbe system will tee ready for operation. Tbe gas Is used in the chemical, bacteriological and . other laboratories tor experimental and oth er uses., ,. ; '" ''."'. ,;; "Violin Technic" Is the jnama of a new publicatioB by Ruthyn Turney, teacher of violin at the College. As the title implies, the book is of mu sical character, and comprises a num ber of studies written by Mr. Turn ay for the speedy development ot tech nic for violin pupils... It Is very neat ly printed, and its contents reflect much credit upon Mr. Turney, As the studies are called out by defects he has met in present existing pub lications in his own experience as a teacher, they are likely to be . exact ly what students on the king of in struments require. The publisher is C- A. Gerhard, Gorvallis. The game of football between the Agricultural College team of Pullman, Washington, and the OAC eleven is to take place on OAC field Wednesday aftemocn of next week. 1 The game was declared off by ; the . Washington men 'a few days ago, but a later tele gram from tbem - asked that it be played. Manager . Hay ward agreed and next Wednesday the contest will occur according to the , original con tract. Last Saturday the Seattle team which recently defeated OAC 5 to naught, played the Pullman men a 10 to naught game. Figuring thus, tbe contest should be very close. Their friends say that In the coming games the OAC lads will wipe out any disappointments their partisans may feel on account of the unsatisfactory game at Albany last Saturday. The Pullman men play the U. of O. eleven at Eugene next Saturday, Go to Zierolf's for fresh oysters. - Yaquina Bay FLIGHT OF THE APOSTLES. They Scented Danger, and Hurriedly Deserted Their Band of Local Rollers.. The newest development in the Holy Roller situation ia the flight ol the two aposties, Creffield and Brooks. Their going was hurried, and with more or less secrecy. A fear for their personal safety is sup posed to have been the incentive to depart. The possibility that they received a message from on High for them to go hence is suggested by sinners, but a favorite theory is that warning ; given the men by officers and by their friends had much to do with their flying start and final farewell, Both men were impressed with the fact that callous Corvallisites were laying for them. When Dep uty Henderson led them out of jail after they had established their sanity before the county board, he warned both of the existence of a strong public sentiment against them, and advised them to escape while there was yet time.- They laughed at the idea, and said that the Lord would take care of his own. In fact, Creffield .flared up and told Deputy Henderson not to talk any more to him. ,This happened Fri day night, and both the apostles af ter leaving the jail, returned to the Hurt hou?e. ASKED PROJECTION. - At noon Saturday, Mr. Hurt accompanied by his son appeared at the sheriff s office, and asked for protection. , He said if the coun ty authorities would notf protect him, be would appeal to the gov ernor. Sheriff Burnett replied that he would use every endeavor to af ford ample protection. , He added that if Creffield and Brooks would leave the house, that there would be no further need of fear, or re quirement for protection. ' Sheriff Burnett spent most of the night in the Hurt house. He went over after supper, knocked at the door, and was admitted without question or cavil There was a big crowd outside, but there was not at any time a hostile demonstration. It was Saturday night, and the spirit of Halloween was abroad, but nothing happened inside or outside the place. By midnight the crowd had disappeared, and sometime af ter that the sheriff left the place. The flight of the apostles occur red late the next afternoon. Gen eral report is to the effect that thesf were anxious to get away- early m the day, but that there was always a crowd around the house, and they did not want to hazard an es cape under such environments. The crowd stayed and stayed, increas ing in number until after rnidafter noon. Towards evening people be gan to go supperward, and SOtne time after four, Brooks was seen to leave the house, and walk swiftly. away. He traveled towards Cor vallis and disappeared so far as is known, and has not since ' been seen. There are sugge'stions that he is still in hiding at one of the Holy Roller homes, but this is not generally accepted. One man saye he saw Brooks mount a bi cycle, taking the back streets for iti and pedalling for all his life ; was worth; '. The apostle was probably then quitting Corvallia ; for good and aye. ' "''',.- FI,ET IN A BUGGY. .It was an hour later when the chief apostle,' Creffield fled. A buggy driven by one of the mem bers of the sect, appeared at the door of the house. The door open ed, and Creffield came oat and has tily entered the vehicle. The bug gy with its two occupants drove swiftly away, and - disappeared to the southward. ! It is supposed to have gone to some Eastside town where the apostle took a train for other scenes. Another story is that Creffield's final start did not take place until Monday morning. It is averred that he was takea across the fiver abova the Mills in a row boat, that a buggy subsequently met him beyond the ferry, and thence'proceeded with him to an Eastride railroad. ' : V Various incidents tended to an ger the public towards the apostles. It was known that both had ' for some time subsisted mainly, if not entirely at the Hurt home. It was figured out that- as leaders in the new scheme, they were leading women, girls and others into delus ions and unnatural conditions. There were also reports of , various kinds in circulation, some perhaps true and some untrue, with refer ence to the teachings of the apostles and the effect of these reports was to stimulate public wrath. One of these reports is that Creffield taught that marriage was ; not necessary. Whether he did or not, cannot be declared here. He got the credit for it, and that did as . much as anything else in his system to bring him into public reproach, v A BITTER ALTERNATIVE. .Another feature that the ' public resented was that in . which wives and daughters in the home jo ned the sect aud other members of tbe family did not. The teachings of the apostles is that the members of the sect are withdrawn from the world, and must have nothing to do with those who remain in the world. Brooks declared this in his examination for sanity, if reports be true. . A bitter alternative - was necessarily left to a husband whose wife was in the sect and he was not, She was out of the world, " and he was of the earth earthy, and ' she would have nothing to do with him. Whether or not : any of the Corvallis families involved reached that poiit is not known, The de claratidrjjof Brooks renders it- cer tain thaf to such " an alternative is exactly fvfiere: the teachings of him self andfjXpostle Creffield distinctly trendecUFbat was why the furniture was burned, thecats and dogs killed and burned and; other things des troyed r It was for the removal of all earthly things' from contact with the apostles and their discip les. : ,r f : Another feature that was fruit ful in tricking public wrath was the scene into which the officials enter ed when they took Creffield and Brooks into custody for the exami nation as to their sanity. The girl with tfie cloth over ber face was in an apparent stae of trance. She was receiving a ,socalled message from the Almighty, and others, on mats, xugs and blankets around the room were noting it down. Creffi eld was close beside the girl with his head near hers on the pillow. This incident has been told and re told and always with indignation, in which, true or untrue, Creffield is set down as a moun'ebahk. talked tar and Leathers. All these and other consider ations caused many a reference to tar and feathers, to vigilance com mittees, and to proposals to find means forj sending the apostles away. , It is certain that there was a well defined purpose on the part of a body of determined persons to seek the apostles out, to take them across the Willamette, to tell them to clear out, and then if they hesi tated or neglected to obey orders, to administer tar and'feathers. That something of the kind would have happened if the spectacular in cident at the tiurt bouse ., naa con tinued is entirely!! probable. On both Friday and Saturday nights there were reports current that something was sure to happen ; be fore morning. The flight of the apostles, however prevented trou ble, and the public mind is again at rest. With the other members of the sect, nobody so far as is known, has any quarrel. - A matter that created - general remark, is the personal appearance of some of the members of the sect. "They are haergard of face and hol low of eye. There is a whiteness and wanness of complexion that is unnatural. , That they 'labor at times under great mental and ner vous excitement is undoubted, That the practice of their ' peculiar faith at least in its most violent form is harmful to both mind and body is generally believed, That it may ultimately send some of them into the mad house is freely predicted. That a short cut from heaven tothe bug house by the - Holy Roller route would be a most regrettable end to this season of spiritual eleva tion is a" sentiment that is freely expressed. OTHERS BURNED FURNITURE., At other houses than at Hurts, there has been burning of worldly things like furniture, carpets and clothing. lhere was such a deliverance to the flames at the Starr house, on north Main street. It happened in the early morning, several days ago Neighbofs were awakened by a bright light in the Starr back yard and hurried out of bed in the belief that there was a fire, What met their eyes was a bon fire, with chairs and other things of use and value as the chief item of fuel. Whether in any other of the four or fivehouses in town in which in whole or in part the family are Holy Rol lers there have been sacrificial fires with useful and ornamental things as fuel, is not known. ; For best grade of gasoline, 35 cents a gallon go to Berry and Carl's. We have added several new our Premium dishes. Nolan han. : ' pieces to & Calla- Eggs 30 cents at Turner store. Cor fine suits and overcoats see Nolan & Callahan. V Get your ribs fixed : at tLe B.cycle Hospital. - 1 . Take the short courses in bookkeeping typewriting, or shorthand in the Cor vallis Business College. 5 HT"1 -n n i w ra n m i flUT U'O 1 1 tJ'A ATTTETA 0 1 nm ran mmmai FOR WOMEN, AT S. L. KLINE'S .GpOinews to tell yonr friends well worth telling. 'tfr shoes than ever before. All the new lasts are ina4' in our new complete lines, and leathers pecu liarly;4lpted to the rainy season just ahead, including SEE THAT THIS Fashion's favorite. Our women's dress shoes a 11 tff)u&??P jl IS BRANDED I .' ON EVERY heels and are both in material and workmanship the . very best shoes ever brought to Corvallis. No other place in town where your shoe needs can be so satisfactorily supplied. S. L. KLINE No Hunting. N I hereby warn all hunters to keep off my premises for the purpose of hunting Jas. P. McBee. . For Sale. Several hundred bushels of vetch seed. Order early before it is gone. Also Tim othy, Spelts, and English lye grass seed. Shropshire bucks. One extra good re gistered buck from one of the best stocks ia Iowa. Cows and heifers of the beef breed to see or trade for Jersey cows. ; ' L. L. Brooks. To Sell or Let. One hundred head of good ewes to sell or let on shares. Apply to J. C. Walker, Fern P. O, Oregon, ' .Bucks for Sale. Oxfords and Grade Merinos aU two years old past, Good sheep with. ) .rices reasonable. Call on or address ' T. W. B.Smith, '' . . Corvallis, Phone Surburban 43. Why not study' bookkeeping in the night school which meets . onV Monday and Wednesday evenings. New goods all the time Callahan's. at Nolan & OOPYftlQKT, ttOC, ftp B. KUPPCMHEIMEM CO. F. Lo ililler, Smart Clothing, r 1 " " 1 Wiw n't r "The Vemo Girl" The best shoe on the market at...... ...... $2.50 "Queen Quality" The famous shoe . for women at........ ..$3. OO "Pingre Gloria" Shoes for women $3.50 it have French and Military j Regulator of Low Prices. Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday of each week. Bring your horses and have them examined free of charge. Wanted. A girl, at Occidental Hotel. For Sale, Good gentle driving horse and buggy. J, K. Berry. Bacine feet for men, women aud children, Nolan & Callahan. ,; New line of novelty dress goods just received.' - - - , Another shipment of the Crouse and Brandeger suits and overcoats for young men arrived this week, Nolan & Cajla han, 1 ? Cheap Rates. Between Portland and ; Willamette yalley points Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Port land and Willamette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold Saturdays and Sundays, and - limited to return on or before the following Mon day" Rate to or from Co.valiis $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's agents for particulars, . The Fall and Winter suits and Overcoats of the fa mous KUPEN- HBIMBR Guaanteed Make arejof the character which most of the men, who are particular about their clothes, imagine are to be had from only the high-price tailors. - Cry on a Kupenbeimer Suit Then ask your tailor any where to give you as nob by a pattern, trim it as well, ask his price, and then come back. We will do the rest. . Corvallis, V.