The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 31, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI. No. 34.
Editor and Proprietor.
f Added to our tjtore the past Spring
; i '; .'- Large purchases of ' , : ':
Men's Boys9 Cloth leg1
Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and
Men's H eayy H igh-Cut SHoes.
Other- departments contain Under wea r
Hats, medium and fine Shoes , Slip
pers, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Watches,
-and in fact every article to be found in
an up-to-date Gents' Furnishing Store.
Gall, and see.
Rle Do Hot Etvc
6) to as high a standard as
us. but see that you, make no mistake in
fcb. e house that keeps the hig- r
est standard of Grocer- .
ies that is the
place to r .
Frcsb Fruits,
ubu Bvefyiiumg tu ua uau
It.! T 1
2 "
run our delivery wagon and ''our aim is v
to keep what you
' please. Call
6. B Rorning
m good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list,, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure iu giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country, - '
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
, ' Philomath, Oregon. ,
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Worthata's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.- v
Floor Space
our desire would promote
FresJ) UeflctaWes, 2
J 1 . it . . 1 a : ITT.
iu me marKet. we (0
want and to : v
and see - '
E. Holgate
: Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
B. A. CATHE Y, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,- ' -
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
o to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. tn. .
- ', - . -
Took a Letter Addressed to Another
From Postoffice at The Dalles, f
'.and, it is Alleged did not ,
Driver it He Denies .?
Portland Or.-Ojt.28, The Jour
nal save: Malcom A.' Moody, ex
congressinan for the Second district
of Oregon, was indicted this morn
ing by, the grand jury accused of
opening and destroying letters ad
dressed to Mrs. Margarei L. Conroy
of Tbe DmllrB.' ' Mr. Moody's home.
The letters were from ' the comp
troller of the curreucy to Mrs. Con
roy, in ronnci. ion with affairs of
The Dulles National bank, of which
Mr. Moody was president.
The . indictment of the federal
grand jury alleges J' hat Mr Moody
went to the poetmaeier at 1 be. Dal
les, J. M Paterscn, end repreaen
ted to him that he would,,if it were
delivered to Mm, readdresa a cer
tain letter and forward it to Mrs.
Conroy. The. let' er containing a
receipt for her signatures to the
comptroller of the currency
for her final dividend ot 16 03
per - cent, or $360.60, which
was her ciaim as one of the deposi
tors of the defunct bank then in
the bands pf the receiver; that be
destroyed the letter. ;--
. The indictment does not state" all
of the allStions the. government
will make. Oae of the witnesses
depositor, Mrs. Csnroy,, had - inter
est coming to her on the amount of
her claim, and that 192 was retai
ned by Mr. Mody, which was de
ducted from the total of $360.60,
only the principal being banded to
ber, or $268.60.
The etaiemeit of the witness is
that Mrs. Conroy called at the offi
ce of tbe tec iver and he said to her
that she had a check from tbe
omptrolUr coming to her stating
the amount; that she stated that
she bad already received the money
and when she told him the amount
he informed her that tbe sum was
larger; that the postal inspector
had bid attention called to the mat
ter, and that the grand jury 'a at
tention was called to it through tha
inspector;- . . '
' Tbe following account is devel
oped from other sources.-j -
Tbe 'transaction on w hich tbe
charge arises relates to the final
payment to depositors ot The ' tl
les .National bank at DalltB City
Oregon Of which Mr. Moody was
an officer, tbe department at Wash
ington bad declared the final , divi
dend and sent letter's to the depos
itors,5 addressed to them at 'Tbe
Dalles, notifying them 'that their
final dividend had "been declared.
Numbers of the persons ' to whom
these letters had been ; addressed
did 1.00 reside a The Dallas, "and
the postmaster asked Mr. - Moody
to 8sist him in finding their ad
dresses which he did. There re
mained some letters addressed . to
persons wbose addressee were not
known, among others, a Mrs. Con
roy. . . u poa inq uiry t Mr. ; Moody
found that she liv-d in Albina, and
tbe day ot ths presidential receotion
in Portland, cilled up Mrs Conroy
by telephone andtiDformed her of
the fact thai the final dividend had
declared. (He made an appoint
ment with he . for the following
morning at her residence, but being
at the presidential banquet ' that
night, did not arisain time to see
her before . The Dilles train left,
which hq was to take, , He went
to The Dilles ' the same morning
and" immediately telephoned ' Mrs
Conroy excusing himself for not
calling, and asking her instruc
tions about . - the - i matter
She replied that she would . be in
The Dalles in a few days and ' wan
ted to know of Mr. M ody if she
could get the money there. He
told her "No," that the money was
in Washington. She said she was
disappointed as she was closing up
some, '. businass matters in Tbe
Dalles and wanted th money.' and
asked Mr. Moody if ha , could -procure
it for her. v He answered her
in the negative, bat told her that
the First National bank 'of The
Dalles had formerly - taken up
some of the certificates, but were
not Bt that time doing so.
i Upon her iequ9st, however, Mr.
Moody asked the bank if they
would cash hr certificate, and the
bank agreed to do so. Mrs. Conroy
came to The Dulles and visited Mr.
Moody, and at .her request he cal
culated tbe interest ou her certifi
cates, which she assigned to the
First National bank of The Dallps
and got a written x quest from Mr.
Moody to the bank to pay her tbe
money. She took tbe assigned cer
tificate to tbe bank and received the
money. After she. had received
tbe money and some time during
the same afternoon she saw Mr,
Wilson, who had been tbe receiver
at the bank, and be informed her
that f-be had not received tbe fall
amount due on her certificate.' Mr.
Wilson came to Mr. Moody and
told him that Mrs. Conroy was
diseatified, and Mr Moody told
him that as the bank did not desire
to. ca?h the certificate,; he 'had' no
doobt that it would return her the
cer tificate and take the money back.
That was done the same afternoon.
Mr Moody opened the letter in her
prrsnce which bad been addressed
to Mrs Conroy, and gave her tbe,
receipt which it contained, for herj
,to sign, which she did. She then
took the. receipt and mailed it her- ;
iS?lf to the deparimei t at Washing
ton, and received the money there
fore 10 due course of time.
I The charge h , that Mr Moody
withheld from Mrs Conroy the letter
from tbe department. His coun
cil says, however that be did not
do so, but .acted in the transaction
solely at ber own request and with-
rut any interest whatever in the
ihatter. . The letter was a printed
circular notifying the depository of
the fact that the final dividend was
ready to be made, and contained a
receipt for tbe depositors signature,
for the amount of the payment. -
which . the indictment is drawn,
makes it "an offense for a personto
take a letter from the post-office or
mail-carrier, or tbat has been in
tbe postoffice, with design to ob
struct the correspondence of the
person io whom it is addressed, or
to pry Into the secret or business of
such person, or to destroy or em
bezzle such 1-tter. The indictment
charges all the elements recited in
the statute. . ;
Mr. M iody's counsel say thai
the grand jury put an unfavorable
construction upon these facts; that
it was an entirely innocent transac
tion, and that tbe indictment is the
result of purely malicious and per
sonal enmity against him, and that
Mrs. Cjnro is a mere instrument
iu the hands of others.
Sheridan, Or, Oct: 27. No! defr
n ate- clue has h?en -gained - of . the
desperadoes who successfully" blew
op the Scrogaio taOk here early
yesterday morning. It . has been
ascertained, however, that three
men were seen in the : vicinitv of
the Bilstoo schoolbouse about dawn
yesterday. T hey were in a carriage
and were driving rapidly. It can
not be gained whether these men
were the, ones that did the safe
cracking. -?r It is also, reported that
two men were seen east of Bellview
mounted on. Jijrses. - mere seems
to be a doubt in the minds of the
police whtther .the robbers rode
away in a vehicle or on horseback.
A reward of $1,500 has been rai
sed through the efforts of; Mayor
iiiaxin and today be is in communi
cation with the county commis
sioners for the purpose of getting
them to add $500.
The bank officials are very re
ticent over the affair and state' that
their loss will probably amount to
about tbe sum published yesterday
$700. - r .
.Depositors of tha institution are
not making any demonstration, as
it is known tbat the loss of money
will not in any way effect the stand
ing of the concern. ':..',
The clerk in the Sheridan House
states that a few minutes before the
explosion he looked out upon the
street and saw a man standing on
the opposite.corner from the hotel.
Believing that be was a late travel
er he paid no attention-to the mat
ter, although it, is a very unusual
occurence for people to . be about
town at tbat unseemly hour. : ?
It is now believed by the men
who have scoured the country near
and within many miles of this
place that the robbers have - made
their escape into Portland, and are
at this time hiding in the city
where detection is less likely to oc
cur. ' :,')' .'. :' ' ,.
CAR. -.-,
Five Shots Were Fired at the Car
( by Elias Toscano, Who Has a
Bad Record The Oregon .
Conspirators. -
Guanajato, Mex.; Oct. 27. Great
excitement was caused here today
by what looked like an attempt on
the life of President Diaz, who was
a gufst of the state government
during the festivities here. The
president, his staff and guests were
passing by tbe Oantador Garden in
a s'reet-eir when a man of the low
er class by the name of Elias Tos
cano approached the car shouting
and firtd five shots from a revolver
at the car, fortunately doing no
harm.' -: ';; '! '
Paklo Eacanadoo, of ; the presi
dent's staff, rushed from the car
and caught tbe man, wrenching the
revolver from - bis grasp.' The po
lice took Tascano to prison.
, Toscano is a man of bad record,
end was but recently released from
prison at Granditas, where he bad
served a term for homicide. The
matter will be investigated. One
theory is tbat Toscano was drunk,
and another tbat he- deliberately
planned to shoot the chief magistrate...'-."
;..s '- .
The president-remained perfectly
school, and was acclaimed by the
crowd of citizens showing their joy
at his escape. o f . ' ' -
Toscano's evil record makes ' the
theory of a deliberate attempt at as
sassination more probable.
Thepresident ta- .received ; the
lehoitation ot the citizens and di
plomatic corps here.
Washington, 28 An inter
esting discovery in connection with
the land frauds investigation is the
fact that the records which might,
or might not have thrown light on
the present situation were destroy
ed by Binger Hermann, shortly be'
fore be left tbe General Land office.
Hermann bad in bis private office
a set of some do letter, press copy
books, each of which was marked
"personal" on its face. .These books
he turned over to an employe of the
office with instructions to take them
out, tear the books vertically down
the page, and to throw in the waste
pile tbe outer half pages. -This waB
done and the other half pages were
removed with waste papers. A few
days later , the covers and stubs of
the pages were likewise destroyed.
The contents of these books is un
known, but there is reason to be
lieve that at least a large part of tbe
letters were of a personal nature.
They were all written !y;Mi.Her.
mann, but whether these files would
have bearing On the present inves
tigation, Mr. Hermann alone can
tell. ; V ' .. .
Washington, Oct. 25, Two
weeks - from tomorrow the Fifty
eighth congress will meet in extra
session... Tbe halls of congress are
ready and all : arrangements - have
been made for what promises to be
a mast interesting session. V i
In tbe senate there are 46 vacan
cies to be filled by republicans on
31 committees. Tbe vacant chair
manships are in the places that
were filled by tbe late Senator Mc
Millan and former Senators Mason,
Wellington, Jones of Nevada,
Pritchard, Djboe end Simon. : There
will be fifty-three committee places
to 'be filled by democrats. The
chairmanship vacated by Mr. Vest
on the committee of public health
and national quarantine will be
filled V by a democrat. All other
chairmanships will go to republi
cans. ' ;:.:. . . : ; :.
v In the house the republican plan
is to have very little doing until
the regular session. i , v -
v 1 here will be any number of bills
and resolutions introduced : in the
House and Senate during the first
few days of the session.
It is not at all likely that the
friends of an interoceanic canal by
any route Nicaragua or Panama-
will allow the senate to waste any
time. 1
Lost. -7
Ladies wheel. - It was taken from the
corner of Third & Adams Thursday or
Friday. Is an Imperial. Reward : for
information or recovery. Leave - at
Times office. . ,
Chicago, Oct. 28. Mayor Harri-
son has decided to become a candi
date for the nomination for the
presidency on the democratic ticket
next year, la masing - thin deci
sion, it is said, he is influenced
more by the possibility of being tbe
nominee in 19.8 than he is in 1904.
Democratic leaders are not hopefol
of election their candidate next year,,
but tbe Mayor believes the demo
cratic nominee will be able to make
euch a good showing against Presi
dent Roosevelt that he will be the
logical candidate for renominatioa
in 19j8, the year the democrats ex
pect a political landslide which will
sweep them into power again.
' The mayor will go to the nation
al convention, at the head of the Il
linois delegation. ? I -ut n tally ha
hopes to be mad'-'naroii-iil commit
teeman, if he f iilo 1 i-euure , tbe
nomination for the presidency. His
friends argue he is tbe only demo
crat in tbe West who can unite tha
party, a-they believe if ex-Presi-;
dent Cleveland is able to dictate
the nomination, if be does not take
it himself, there will be a third
ticket in the field, because Mr Bry
an and bis followers are not expect
ed to accept Mr. Cleveland. ,'.
v C lumbus, 0, Oct. 28. A depu
ty United States Marshal today re
ceived from tbe district attorney al
Cincinnati a tequest for the arrest
of Mrs. Samuel Boswell, of tbis city
on the charge of using the mails to
V r 1 1 i 1 -it j. . 1.
ueirauu, uui sue was 100 111 10 oa
taken into custody. 3. ":''L.-- ' '
It is alleged in theaffidavit tbat
Mrs. Boswell sent through the mails
a letter to Z. L'. White, a leading
merchant of Culumbus, demanding
tbat he pay ber $3oo or certain
facts would be exposed. It is al
leged tbat the woman sent a simi
lar letter to Senator Hanna i de- .
manding ' $5ob. : - x . --. - .
r-Tfc.e toae.t?wabasTnn'Jwaa ;;
tigoed to the letter in both instan
ces. Tbe identity of the sender
was ascertained through a decoy
letter. When confronted by a post
office inspector, it is alleged Mrs.
Boswell admitted having sent the
letters, saying she knew nothing
derogatory to the persons to whom
they bad been addressed, and her
act was inspired solely by a desire
to obtain money. '
When the deputy marshal called
at tbev Boswell residence this af
ternoon to serve the warrant, he
found tbe woman suffering from
nervous prostration and unable to
be moved from-the bouse. An a
greement was made by which Mrs.
Bob well will be arraigned before a
United States commissioner as soon
l 1 !- .. A
no cuo lino euiiiutout J ituuvojcu.
Mrs. Boswell is 55 years old. Her
husband is a traveling salesman. .
Marceline, Mo.,". Oct,' 2o.' Mrs.
Booth-Tucker. died at 2:5o o'clock
this morning, just as the trainjtiear
ing her and tbe other wounded
pulled lritothe eta'tion here. r -
Consul Bx)th Tucker bad been
visiting the Salvation Army colony
at Amity, Colo. She . stopped- in
Kansas City to inspect, a large
workingmen's hotel that the army r
was opening here, and departed last
night for New York; She was to have
been mat in Cbiauo - today by.
Commander Booth-Tucker. - ;
The train ran into an open switch
and struck a large steel water tank
with such force as to move it fave
feet from its fjundatiou and throw 1
five cars from tbe track completely
wrecking them. Tbe only cars es
caping were the mail, express and
dav coaches.
. . VVa, I.:.- :
Wood. Iuquird ai TiMiis oflFice.
Absolutely Pure. .