The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 28, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times;
Official Paper of Benton County
OBVAIXI8, OREGON, OCT. 28, 1903.
- One reads with regret the. news
of how timber thieves have robbed
the people out of $15,000,000 to
$20,000,000 worth of valuable tim
ber lands The story that ; gov
ernment servants in high places
Tiavp bartered awav for a. sum - of
gold the information out- of ; which
the timber sharks profited is neith
er unreasonable nor strange. ; It is
only the old habit in a vnew form
in which shrewd and, unprincipled
men enrich . themselves . by the
trick of cheating the common
people through ' avenues opened by
bribery of public servants., r
.Beginning-; with " the colossal
steals by land grants. to railroad
companies, the theft of public . do
main, timbered or otherwise has
continued through many years! and
will probably run on unchecked un
til the last acre is exhausted. ; The
forest reserves, which in conception
are based on a correct theory, will
probably be the ultimate prey , of
the cprruptionist. When the time
comes to throw them open, it will
be strange indeed, if the; big, ultra-"
respectable thieves do not work .a
clause into the law that will enable
them to carry off all that is of val
ue in the reserves, It sounds pes'
sirni-tic to say it, but it is none thei
less, a lac-, that one t reason why it
is so hard for the poor to get along
in .trues world is, . that, . . under one
guise- ot' another, great, i grand
rascals, are stealing the country's
wealth. The postoffice , frauds
show it. The timber, steals prove
it. 4,,iu:- .. ... ,
Governor Chamberlain never did
a wiser, better thing in his life,
than whea he journeyed to Wash
ington in an effort to use the pres
tige, of his office to arrest the whole
sale theft of .public ...lands- and to
save their heritage of acres to the
people. ; ::; ' ';:'L
! A.' Gang at Play.ji Raid, afld a Subse-
-'quent Scene la Court. .si
In -the deep silence of last Satur
day night, the wheels of justice
were grinding in the police court.
As they ground along with- His
Honor at the helm, there ..was. an
accompaniment of ki-yiing and jab
beringihaj always is . incidental
to a court when'the heathen ' Chin
ee is the- defendant: j ; T f ' f M f
In this instance there were six of
themjall up before His Honor on a
charge of gambling. .Among therh,
much crestfallen and . sad of coun
tenance,' was Big- Jim, the Chinese
cook., so many years of the Occi
dental Hotel, but now of Albany.
Jim was in the Chinese wash house
at the corner of Jefferson and Main
when Officer Osburn swooped down
unexpectedly and caught the whole
gang ra the act of gambling with
their implements of war - on the
table before them. Big Jim was in
fact the dealer in the game. When
pulled Jim pleaded hard,' accom
panying his entreaties with offers
of reward, 1 but ' Officer Osburn
marched the whole srane. " six in
number around to Judge ; Greffoz,
where all pleaded guilty, and: paid
a fine of three dollars each.
It is supposed that some of the
celestials are hot after the big money
that a number of their countrymen
in this vicinity made this year on
hops, and that such is the attrac
tion that "brings them from neigh
boring towns . to' ' Corvallis. to
Harter and
gers Then but
Marvin Stran
Wedded now. -
Apostles of temperance, and those
who believe in strict enforcement
of all laws, find a world of material
for argument ir,the killing ; of v In
man urant, at fciletz. - it was . in
violation of law that Grant was fur
nished liquor by" the Toledo saloon'
man. That violation cost Grant
bis life. What is the degree of
punishment that should then fall on
the liquor seller, since his unlaw
fnl act was the beginning of Grant's
end? ,
And Grant himself, in supplying
: the. liquor to his comrades, violated
, the same law, and ..that violation
was anoiner step towards his - own
death- Finally, it was ' the craze
for ;. liquor, that was the chief in
strument in the murder. Had it
been left alone there would . have
been no tragedy; 1 " " :.?c.?:zr?
' tTrue iris only an Indian that
dead, but the manner and reason of
bis going is fruited :. with; eloquent
moral, i , -
Passed Away at the Home of his Broth
. : . , er in Texas. ; l-..
A private letter to T, Wellsher
conveys the news of , Milton. Shan
non's death in Texas, at the t. home
of a brother with whom he went to
reside about fifteen years ago. ' De
ceased was a resident of .Monroe,
this county, where he was .-, engaged
in the : mercantile -business from
. 1867 to 1877, after which he retired
from the active affairs, of life. ' , , .,
Milton Shannon was born in In
aiana.. April 27. 1S23. . When, 13
years of age he went to Illinois with
his parents and in 1851, he came to
, Oregon via the isthmus., settling in
Salem. .,, He was elected the first
county judge .' of ..Marion county
after the admission : of the state into
the Union, t Mr. Shannon also
- served as sheriff of the, county dur
ing the regime of the , territorial
government. ., ' -
Dinner. ,
The "ladies - of the Congregational
church will give a dinner,, Wednesday,
October 28th, from six to ten..,..
Two houses to rent one six and one
seven rooms, with barns. 15 sheep
to let on shares...- S; H. Moore,
A couple of weeks ago they met.
as strangers, H. C. Harter ' of the
Lobster country and, Miss Alta
Marvin; who came to Corvallis
about three weeks ago from Iowa
Miss M arvin came ' with her
mother With ' them was Miss
Marvin's child,' a little girl of four
years, the fruit of a former !; mar
riage, ' in which it turned out that
Miss Marvin was a: second living
and undviorced.wife. and her hus
band a bigamist ' ' A ' ' 1 ' ' ' "'
After their arrival, - Mrs. ' Marvin
and her, daughter applied to- the
connty court for assistance. ' Their
meahs; IheVsaid were slender, and
they were 'strahgers in ' strange
land. ' While the county court de
liberated over the matter I Mr: Har
ter whose home is Sn.L,ane' county
near the Benton ' Cotinty' line, "ap
peared on the "scene 1 and offered
assistance. . A house' ' was ' rented
and within a short time it was
aggreed that there ' should be
wedding, and that Miss Marvin and
her little ;girl should accompany
Harter to his. home: ' The tying' of
the nuptial knot Saturday by ; Rev.
John Reeves, is the climax to ' this
romance whose length is ' that of
only one silver moon. ' 7 " '
Mrs. Marvin the mother has em
ployment in town, but the word is
that she will reside at Portland,
where she has friends; 1,1 . -
Funeral of , Fred Ellsworth Students
? on Mary's Peak Other News. ;
Prof. Haroun of Eugene is spend
ing a short time in f hllomatn. .
Mr. Shrader ha9 sold his nroper-
ty and will go toKansas to engage
in etook raismg. cyi,;, :;A . ;
Victoi Moses, the county clerk.
showed his smiling face in , Philo
math last week.', a : '' ;
Mies Faith Keezel has been ap
pointed 1 teacher of drawing at the
College of Philomath.
Miss Florence Clark, has returned
home after an absence -of several
months in Southern pregon. .. , , .
Mr. Campbell of Albany,' was
here last week and sold several
pianos and organs for the music
house of Mr. Will. - 0 u; ; ; ,
Several wagon loads of students
went to Mary's peak last week and
another large crowd went Monday.
The weather conditions , were not
perfect on "the last ' occasion, ' yet
they could, see that one or another
of the party did ' not wander, too
far in the clouds. " : -C H ' t
A large audience was - present at
the funeral of Fred Ellsworth - at
the Methodist church; last Friday.
Prof. Emerick preached the' ser
mon. ' A delegatioq : 01 Woodmen
met the special train at the depot
and conveyed the remains 'to the
cemetery.' - ' it
' ' - ' ' Philoxite. ' T
Delegates to Good 'Roads Convention
- ; Some Things They Have Heard : w
About, v ' ,
The delegates Jrom Benton who
attended the Good Roads conven
tion at Poatland. have all .returned.
They were. County Judge watters,
Robert Gellatly. John Horris, Hen
ry; Hector and Eli ; Spencer.1 The
account is that the .. proceedings 01
the convention wa lull ot mteres',
and that much of value in the line
of good roads endeavor, was accom
pushed. Conventions 01 the sort
of course have their sphere of ac
tivity limited largely" to creation of
sentiment for better roads, by the
dissemination of information ' and
otherwise. Along this line,-Super
intendent Abbott, one of the om
cials of the'Agriculturardepartment
of the' government was in'- atten
dance, and gave startling figures
that show the loss to' farmers and
others by reasons , of poor roads.
In the facility of transporting pro
ducts to -market with greatest ease.
and at all seasons so that the high
est market may be taken advantage
of, the figures are such that could
they be fully understood by all
people, there would be an im
mediate stampede for better roads,
even if great public indebtedness
had to be incurred to build them
; , Other features of the. convention
were measures taken for: a man in
the field to hold ' local conventions
for creation of a sentiment for best
roads, and the discussion of practi
cal methods for building highways
It was brought out in the conven
tion that some of the Oregon coun
ties spent large sums last year in
road building. In Clackamas over
$35,000 was spent on ' the roads,
in Marion very large sums were
spent and many miles of permanent
road constructed.
Breakfast Foods,
Escaped with Eive Thousand Cal
lfornian Wants Benton Cows
Other News. 7
Three bandits blew open the safe
in the vault of the Sheridan bank
at three o'clock Monday . mornins
and secured $5,000 in cash, with
which . 'they.- escaped! ' With the
mayor of the town shooting at them
witn a nne, tney climbed into a
buggy ,. about three o'clock . and
drove to the southward, disappear
ing in the fog and darkness. The
operations of the gang were; similar
to those of the men who attempted
to blow up the safe 'Tn a" Newberg
bank recently- They .left X ho clue
and their disappearance seems com
plete. The bank was, in a one story
DricK, ;tne interior, ot which .was
wrecked byjhe explosion . ; ;: :t-.
Invitations have been ' issued by
Rev. and Mrs. - Handsaker to a
Halloween party ' Friday ' evening,
They are in verse and
Invite all the spooks to come for
. , some fun. : .
From 730 p. m. until they are
; done; , '
Fun and joy-making will be our
. - intention-?- . - , . i . ;
No- 622, 8th street is the haunt
for convention.
As well as Choicest Delicacies
for, lunch and dinner, can, al
ways be fund . at our store.
We handle !. only first-class
goods and can guarantee qual
ity. Eveythng offered for
sale here is strctly fresh and
just as represented. We car-.
ry a large, stock of selected
Family and Fancy Groceries,
Pure Ceas and gofttcs
, 1 a Specialty.
Low Prices.: i Prompt Service.
James A. Davis, of Taylor Calif
ornia, has read in the times ac
counts of the sale of dairy cows at
prices that have prevailed recently,
and he writes and asks to be put in
communication with dairymen w ho
have good' grade Jersey or Holsteins
for sale.1 "He wants i sixiJ 6r'; eight
head of such cows,j 'accutdmed to
dairy usesi Persons with such cbws f
to sell may write him at ' the above
address. ;'' ; y i : j ::V;-;
Albany Rebekahs to the number
of eighty came to Corvallis by ., spe-
cial train Monday night, and fra
ternized with the local membership
of the order: The goat was exerci
zed on a couple of candidates in
good style, and after that there ; was
a banquet. The Albanians return
ned home by special train at a late
hour, much pleased with theirvisit.
Among the visitors were Mr.', and
Mrs. Weatherford. - r
Immigration statistics for the last
fiscal year are of interest, ' because
of the "great increase in the number
of new arrivals. Of the total of 494
300,' the month '"of May, brought the
most, b2,054';' and in the" past , four
months the arrivals numbered 268,-;
507, or .. considerably 5 'over : one-half.
A.ustria-Hu ary, Italy, Germany and
Russia sent the most immigrants. , ' It
is of -Jntere,t"to note that pnly one
fourth, of the -wjiole number were'
women, and that not the newer parts
of the country, .but New York, Penn
sylvania and New Jersey were the
destinations of the majority of the
incomers. Many went- far west, even
to California." ' ' .'; i:i!
' Summons.' - '
, In thp Circuit Court of tbe Btate of Oregon
for Benton county.
Sarah 8 Ball, Plaintiff
V- V8
Ovru Perham, EdPerham. and Tona
: - : Cnaraberisln, Defendants. ,
To CynJB Perham. Ed Perham and Loaa
Charoberlaiu, the above named defendant! -
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby bumiuoned and required
to appear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff In the Above er"'d nit, in the above
entitled oourt, now on file in the office of tbe
olerk of said court. onor ueiore the21et day of
November. 1908. said day being the-last dav of
the time prescribed In the order for publication
of this surnVnons made by the county Judge of
isenton ronntr. ureson. (wnicn aam oraer
hereinafter referred1 toi towitt-' -' - ' ' 1
On oe bet re six weeks from the day of , firs
publication hereof - f
And you are hereby notified that If you fall to
to appear and answer the said complaints
herein- reauired. for want thereof ' the plaintiff
win acpiy to tne aoove enuuea court ior tne
relief demanded in her said complaint, namely,
ior a aerree aetermminK au connicune ana aa
verse claims, interests and estates In and to all
that part of the northeast quarter of the north
west Quarter o Section 33 Twn. 10 8. K. 5 ; W ,
Will: Mer. which lieu north of the Alfred
Wrltsmad branch or creek. In ; Benton county;
Oregon : that defendants have no claim, inter
est or estate tnereln: that piaintin s Que were'
to is iooa sua vaiia: una mat aeienaants oe'
forever barred and enioined from aaaertlnff anv
claim whatever in and to anld premises adverse
to plaintiff; and for general relief and costs and
aisDursements or said suit.
This summons Is published- In the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, tieelnnlne with the issue of Oet-
tober 10th, 1903, and ending with the issuf of
November 21. 1903. in Bursuance of an order
made by the Hon. Vlreil E. Watters. county
judge of Benton county," Oregon, (beiDg the
county where the above entitled suit Is pend
lng in the above entitled court) dated October
9,1903. Date of first publication la October 10.
v : . - - Attorneys for Plainuffs. .
1 Time Card Number 22.'
For Sale.-
Two wagons at a snap. Twelve months
time. Call or address Corvallis Car
riage Factory, .;..". : '..'
Robert'Strayer, who has been in
the employ of the: Hotel Corvallis
sihfie its opening, left yesterday, for
Portland where he has a position in
the commissary department of the
U. S, army. ' ; ,
The Congregational ladies are to
serve a chicken & dinner from, five
until a late hour, this, - Wednesday
evening! in the.'Zierolf building.
Price 25 cents. ?
. Mr, and Mrs. C. G, - Davis en
tertained with a dinner party at
their countiy home near this city
yesterday. o; The - guests -numbered
fifteen. . i f i
EIAfter a few: day's visit at the
Cathey home, Colonel and Mrs, J.
N. Poorman returned " Monday .to
their Jiome in Woodburn. . ... . -
The new- school building will be
occupied for the first time a j week
from next Monday...
a For Yaquina: - j j . j ;
i " Train leaves Albany ....... . 12 5 p.
. , 1 7-.. n Corvallis...... 1:50 p.
; ' -ft arrives Yaquina. ..... j . 5:35 p.
I Beturningi. - -
) . Leaves Yaquina. 7:30 a.
. Leaves Corvallis. .... . .-. . . .11:30 a.
Arrives Albany.. ...12:15 P
3 For Detroit: .
Xeaves Albany...... 7:00a.
Arrives Detroit. . . . 12:20 p.
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit. ..... v. .....i:0o p. m
; Arrives Albany.. ........... 5:55 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S ir south bound tram,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. .
- 1 Train So 2 con nects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice, to . Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. , Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.' - - , ' '
For further information apply to i , ; .
; , -. Edwin Stonb,
. ... v, ; - Manager.
H. H.Cronise, Agent Corvallis. .
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. ;, !
1 s . Per Inant3 and Children.
fits Kind Jon liava Always Bcsgl
i' Bears the'
This line of Suits and Overcoats is seeond to none in
the United States for .style, fit and workmanship. We
are sole agents for this section. .
ehool of Mia
This department will offer first-class advantages to all who desire to . become
accomplished in pianoforte and violin. In connection with artistic instruction oh
these instruments.-harmony, musical theory, counterpoint musical history, signt
reading and ensemble work will be taught. . .
1 - Everything Artistic 'and High Class. ,
All collegestudents taught at the studios at O. A. C. 6 Down-town pupils may
take at the college or at citv studios, as they may desire. :. All pupils of college
and city are enrolled at the cellege, and all enjoy equal privileges,
tages of an Eastern conservatory at one-third the cost ;
: A r "":!"",';'; C'l Pianist. ' ' ; Violinist.
All the advan-
What You Want
Is to try the' New Goods
. j, .which have just arrived at . -
; ' ' ' - - j - ' ' ' ,
'Crystallized Pineapple
Crystallized Cherries :
' Crystallized Ginger
Fresh Nabiscos '
Fresh Cookies
f iew vv amum .
New Almonds
Fresh Cranberries
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs'and Dates
Olives in Bulk
German Pickles
Swiss Cheese.;:
ENERGY, Health Food.
es' Grocery, Phone 483.
Congregational f
Church. .
Horning .... .11:00
Evening . . . . . ..... ... -.' 7:30
Sunday School . . . ':-... 10:00
Christian Endeavor. ..... . . 6:30
Strangers always welcome.
. Seats free. Come. . . . ,
Good Lots for Sale Cheap. " '
Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I
have some good, well located lota for
sale cheap- -, " T N. B. Avery.
f -1 " Wanted. , s
!. To trade stock ranch for property in
Corvallis,' ' ' '. i . .. -' "
. .,H. A. 'Bowman, '
''"s ' " - WEddyviUe,' Ore.
Ewes and Yearlingsr by Barkis 130841..
Lambs by Freshman 188626. -Well
bred young stock of boch sexes .
-for sale. .'
Corvallis, Oregon..
. Young man, yon
night school in the
should ; attend the '
Corvallis' Business-'
. Cedar shakes, band made shingles and
five carloads of sawed cedar shingles.
- A full stock of shingles at all prices.
If you wish the best shingle made get
our Claskine. . . .. ' '
Corvallis Saw Mill. .
For Sale. J . .
Grub oak wood. For particulars - in
quire of E. B. Horning. . . , .
' If your umbrella'needs covering
it to the Bicycle Hospital.
' Call at the D& T. Store - for free hr
bread and a fine assortment of cheese.