The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 28, 1903, Image 1

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    County klerk's &i&c
! l! H-fflf iff
- I.
Vol. XVI.--No. 34.
Editor and Proprietor.
Has ever found our Store, in all its
Departments, so weir equipped. .
The Stock Includes all the
Latest Novelties.
Special attention is called to our
Line of Dress Goods, Jack
. ets, -y Waterproof Wraps,, , V
Skirts, Shoes and Children's y
, Clothiner. Call
Ole Do not Efue
to as high a standard as our
0),.,v.,t1s. but see that vou
w - -" the house that keeps the hig- - -
est standard of Grocer- :
v . ies that is the Z
" - - ' 'place to -
p Fresh Fruits,
q) iresn every inmg to De naa
) ; run our delivery wagon and our aim is ;
' j to keen what vou
, . a ,
: f r Tlftaspr Call
B. Homing. .
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches write for my special list, 'or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure "in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also shqwing
you over the country. ,' . -
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
. Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office evr pcratoffic. Itesidence Cor.
Ftfth nd jfferwa streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
DR. C. H. NEWTH, -Physician
& Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
and see.
desire would promote
make no mistake in-ww-
Fresh Uegefablcs,
in trie maricet. we
want and to . - . :
, r
nnH ? ' ; v -
- E. Holgate ,
Stenography and . typewriting done
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon, ' '
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
o Jo 12 a, m 2 to 4 P. m. -
' ' : ! i '! 1 t
Got Ioside loformition From PcT-
auna High in Government Ser
vice Then H a rried Off t o
gtt Timber Mother
. -Murders Three
, Cbillrea.
Waahinston Oet. 24. Persistent
inquiry develops that tbe present
land fraud investigation, has been
going on for montoa and covers the
ttdmioistrBtion of Binger Hermann.
Tbe method of tbe graft cor.eiettd
in giving advance information re
garding forest reserves. Those in
tbe ring are aaid to have rea ized
between $ 15,000,000 and $20,000,000
from the ecbemes. Rumors point
ing to tbe implication' of , Weetirn
seuatora and representatives are
goit.g around. Tee situation looks
suspiciou?, but tbe interior .depart
ment are not getreadjr 10 give any
An iaetance is cited illustratiog
the mtttods employed'. Whtn the
Blue mouutaiiijorest ' restrve was
set asid-j temporarily last spring,
repretentativts of certain ' corp3ra-
lions bad Iccated practically all of
tbe timber land prior to tne an
nouncement of tbe withdrawal. For
two or three weeks btfore ihe re
serve was created ..cruisers hurried
through the woods and it was ap
parent that they were actiog : with
a definite object and under the im
petus of specific information. .
It was alleged at that time that
tbe advance information was given
outbyomeono hig h-iiiHhesetvioe
of the government, and allegations
came to Washington- from Oregon
that the information was 'Isold, for
money. - It is hinted that wi misses
are in existence who can swear that
know of the offers of information
for a consideration, and that a large
sum of money was realized by some
one or 'more persona from its sale.
The scandal came at a time when
an election was about to be held . to
choos a successor to the late Thom
as Tongue, congressman for Oregon
and there was a disposition to re
frain lrooi permittiug theioevitable
denouement that must follow an
expose of the questionable trans
action. '
Latar Binger Hermann was nom
inated for Mr. Tongue's seat, and
pressure was brought to .bear to
keep the matter from the public,
lest it injure his cbances of election.
The interior department was not
anxious t ) protect Mr. - Hermann,
and -if there was any deferring of
the investigation, it was beCause of
of tbe general considerations, of , the
candidacy, tqfi a;; Republican for
office end the doubtful, wisdom from
a party standpoint of causing a dec
laration that would ha vv deferred
him" without doubt. V ; " V " ' '
: Another phase of the fituation
has .owerful influence upon the
yiews of members of congress " and
senators rtlative to proposed aitsr
ation in land laws. . It is claimed
that agents of the interior; depart
ment have yielded to temptations
and have lent themselves to the
use of corporations and were se
curing large bodies of timber, -The
method was to cause the suspen
sion of tbe immense number of en
tries by settlers, the subsequent
cancellation of the entries and ' the
immediate laying thereon of scrip
held in enormous lots by the corpo
rations. ' . " s ' ..-f-
Huodreds of thousands of acres
of Ihe public lands have been se
cured by the corporations, and the'
suspicions that some of the interior
department's agents have been par
ties to the scheme . adda flavor to
the scandal. If pushed to itslogi
calfjconclusion, it will bring an ex
pose that wiil -startle the world,
and' elicit a demand, from the
people to have a clearing up all
Monterey, Cal., Oct. 25 While
temporarily deranged, Mrs Louis
Iverson,- wife of a Salinas machinist
murdered three of her four children
at Pacific Grove; at the dictation,
she said, of a, "supreme power." :
r She "first strangled ; her - eldest
daughter, Louisa, aged 12 years.
Sb? then attempted the life of her
eldest eon, aged 11, who had just
come into the house, but the boy
broke away from her and took a
train for his home in Salinas.
Sbf then strangled her son Hirold
aged 6, acd then went out of -the
bouse and got an ax, with - which
she struck him a blow on the head.
Later in the evening she ki led her
7-month.old-baby, Maria, by stran
gling.) : : ; ;.. ...
Tbe murder of her children waa
related by Mrs Iversen to Sheriff
Nesbitt'this morning. She added
that during the night she had wal
ked about the house, lying down
for a sb on time on the-floor, She
said that she realized now that she
bad done wrong, but believed . that
she was doing right at. thetime she
committed the deed. She persisted,
however, in stating that tbe chil
dren were not dead. : ' .
The boy wbo escaped went to
his home in Stlina. and reported
to his father that the eldest girl
was ill and had been lying on tbe'
bed, but said nothing of his mothers
attack upon bim.
The father telegraphed to a Paci
fic Grove physician, asking him to
call at tbe hou?e and see the child.
The doctor did so and was met at
the door by Mrs. Iverson, who said
there was no one sick in the house
and tbat some mistake bad,, bsen
made. ' . v."
Erly tbis morning Mr. Iverson
drove; to Pacific Grove, ' He
knocked at ttie front door and was
told to go around to the back doo'.
He did eo, and : entering the house
was about to kiss his wife;, when
she -said: . . .
Don't touch me; don't put your
hands on ,me. Go , look at your
cbildren," .
With that he opened the door of an
adjoining - roomt , where . lay the
bodies of the three children. ' the
boy on oner' bed and the two girls on
another. ' y.;;'-''' :''- :
, . Mrs. Iverson -had been ill ". or
several months, and had 'shown
signs of mental derangement, ; her
manriatwiuenf a
' ? : " D Good It Pays. ,
' A Chicago man has obser ved that
"Good deeds 'are better than real
estate deeds soma of the latter are
worthless. ' Act kindly and gently,
show sympathy and lend a helping
band, xou cannot possibly .lose
by, it.". Most; men appreciate a
kind' word and : encourage ent
more than substantial help. There
are persons in this community who
might truthfully say: ; My good
friend cheer up. A few doses' of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will
rid you. of your cold, and - there is
no danger whatever from pneumo
nia when you use that medicine.
It always cures.' J I know it for it
has helped me out many a , time."
Sold by Graham &. Wortham.
. Cheap Rates. .. :t. ,,'.,
Between Portland, and .Willamette
Valley, points Low round trip-,, rates
have been placed in effect; between Port
land and Willamette Valley points,,
either direction. .Tickets will , be ; sold
Saturdays and Sundays, and limited ' to
return on or before the following Mon
dayj "- Rate to or from Co.vallis $$.o.
Gall on Southern Pacific Go's agents
for particulars, . ' ' .
; Claims ot Supervisors. ,.
Lewis Wentz Supr. Dist. No 5 8 00
E A Blake ' . - 6 14 00
J S Miller ' 7 10 00
WM Clark " 8 4 00
A Cadwalader v " . , 9 12 00
J R Fehler " it s 13 5o
G T Vernon . ". 13 3900
E N Starr ' " , 14 1500
John R Crow ' . t 15 . 8 00
D E Baoton " . 18 4 00
. And notice is hereby given that if no
objections are filed thereto that the sum
will be allowed by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon,: at the regular
November 1903 term of said Court. ?; . t
Published by order of Court. ,.'v.
. , County Clerk.
. Call for Warrants;
, Notice is hereby given that there
is money inthe treasury to pay all
city warrants drawn on the general
fund and endorsed prior to July
1 2th 1 90 1, also all street fund war
rants indorsed prior to Aug. 25th
1903. '
- Interest will stop on same from
this date. Dated at Corvallis, Ore,
Oct. 16th 1903- - ' r
Wm. McLagan, City Treas.
And Explains Why Big Figures
. 'for Writing Books What Some
of the Authors Hive Re- v
ceived Fifty Thous
. and for One Book.
Chicago, ' O jt. 19 . Mrs. Stuve
sant Fish, wbo is here , with Mr.
Fieh, asserts that naughty reporters
have misquoted her when : they put
her down recently as ridiculing so-,
cjety. ': :.
"I siid," explained Mrs. Fish,
"that society in America was not
sumcientiy ldentined with tne po
litical life of the country to lift it
above a, frivolous plane. I said tbat
society in this country was narrow
because of this lack.. It hasn't e
nough of solid interes's to make it
anything but J frivolous in the
sense I mean. . Mind you, I am not
attacking it when I say this. I am
simply stating tne actual conaiuon
in which, American 8 jciety finds it
self. ,! :
"You think that society. ,women
should devote themselves, to poli-"
tiCS?" . .
r,Certainly," replied,' Mrs. Fish
promptly. ."Not" in the sense of go
ing to tbe polls ot anything of that
sort, but they should interest tbem
eelves in political matters so ; tbat
they might , help ' their , husbands.
Women abroad do this, and they
are consequently broader minded
and better.". ... . ;
"And now, Mrs. Fish, your asser
tions in regard 'to the Four Hun
dred.". ' .-.:-;i:..;..;:-v;v
"Oh, the. Four. Hundred," she ex
claimed -with another .shrug.
D ,esn't it sound ridiculous?,' Just
great ; country there
could be just lour nundred persons
and no more, worthy, to ibe, called
the elect. Isn't it absurd?, Amer
ica is too big and too new for that
sort of narrowness. It isn't . typi
cal of American principles it does
not do justice ; to the American
idea.". . ,.. , ,
. "You think , American society
aims to be too exclusive? ,?
"I certainly do. and it, simply
makes this country tbe .'object of
ridicule abroad. Just think for in
stance, how nany worthy people,
artiste, writer?, thinkers and the
like, are excluded from, 'society' or
the 'Four Hundred,' aa it is! called
in this country, whereas in foreign
society such congenial souls are
welcomed with open arms. Tbat
is what I dislike about America.
"You believe then that talent and
intellect should onen tbe portals of
society?', ' " ":
-"Most certainly. ; That is where
other9 countries, show understand
ing and where America betrays a
deplorabla snobbishness,
New York, Oct- 24. The World
says: According to the cable news
John .Moreley received from the
publishers a fee of $50,000 for bis
"Life of Giadstone,'' just issued.
This is tbe largest sum ever paid
for a copyright biography in EDg
land. It is not large recompense
for three years . of time . and
involving the reading of over 3oo,-
000 documents. For purposes of
comparison there is the American
inetinoe of John G.v Nicolay and
John Hay, who are credited with
receiving the same eum, $5o,ooo,
from the publishers for . their , work
on "The Life of Abraham ., Lin
coln," published in 1890. From his
biograpy of Lincoln, issued soon af
ter the war, Dr. ' Holland . realized
about $25,000, V James G: Blaine's
"Twenty " Years ' in Congress"
brought its author $5j,ooo. Gen.
Grant's family received something
like $3oo,oou from his Memoirs. ;
It is told that of the late Joseph
Harper that he wrote to Blaine
while the. book of the man from
Maine was in - preparation that to
the historian the publisher came to
the door and took off his hat. A
later writer has remarked that the
favor of obsequiousness is now
yielded by the publisher to the pop
ular novelist. .Five fiction succes
ses of the season 19oo-19ol were re
puted as bringing their authors $75,
000, $45,ooo, $39,ooo, $34,ooo and
3o,ooo respectively. Probably some
of these figures have: since been
beatsn. Contrast the $l,8oo which,
as a first return irom "The
Scarlet Letter, made ' Hawthorne
richer than he ever had been before.7
The Deaf Gured.
(Portland Freie Press.)
The lack or loss of one of the fiva ' 7
human senses isolates the patient :
tbrus afficted as entirely from the
world as if he was : banished to a isle. What gratification caa
bring us the society of our best
friends and acquaintances if their ,
voices do not reach our ear or if.
instead of it, we ere only conscious J
of an indistinct murmur? With
the loss of hearing ; all pleasures
dies within us, m vn s in domestic
relations and lam Iv . lire. Tbe '
songs of our ch 1 lr- .vuda from
their lips, but doa- n v. riach our
hearts, their thana and prayers
are an empty eound. No birds
sing in-the branches for us; no
sound of the whole nature reaches
us a feeling of sorrow and despair
fills our heart. It makes uo differ-.
ence it our sulleriog is due to aa
obstinate cold or to other causes. ,
To give our readers a case, tha
most convincing because taken -from
the circle of our nearest ac-
quaintnces' we refer to Mr. J. J.,i
Kern who suffered, five years ago -from
a deafness so. obstinate that .
his mind began to ' suffer. Mr.
Kern was at that time editor of
the "Nechrichten and Freie Press,"
and the loss of hearing and the -coo-,
efant noise in his ears proved ..a,
great obstacle in his business. .. .
Dr. Darrin cured him ten ' years
ago by clever treatment, and - the
evil has never returned. ' .Jr
To the Editor: For about six,
years I have had. a chronic inflam
mation in my eyes and catarrhal
conjunctivitis of the lids. Dr. .
Darrin has to far restored me that
I am confident a few days longer
will perfect a cure. I reside in
Jefferson end can be . seen- at any
time. " " ' ! ,
A. G. Porter.
.- . :. . ' '. v y. ' '
CURED. ' " ' 'C
Mrs. James Pugh of -Shedd, Ore-'
goo, writes as follows:' "You cured
our boy 13 years ago in Portland
of facial paralysis and epileptic
fits. H9 is now a strcng man, He
never bad only one fit two weeks
after you commenced his treat
ment." - ' '
Mr. G. ?W. Dunlap of Halsey,
Oregon, says: i "For over 20 years -my
wife has had. inflammed eyes
and granulated" lids. Dr. Darrin
has cured her."
- Hundreds of others might be
mentioned who do not wish their'
names'published. . -
In most cases only ore visit 13,
requfred. :, Owing , to the crowds
rushing to see the Dr. he will re- :
ceive patients from 9 a. m. to 8 p.
Dr. Darrin remains at the Revere
House, Albany until Dec J, only. '
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, III., Oct,, 2, 1902.
L I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb,. with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try I knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. . New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for ' menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to, bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
V For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address; giving
symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga,' Tenn.