The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 24, 1903, Image 1

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    County Clerk's OfSoc
If M
Vol: XVI. No. 33.
Editor and Proprietor.
- No
4 '1 ' v.. -
Has ever found our Store, in all its
Departments, so well equipped.
The Stock Includes all the
Latest Novelties.
Special attention is called to our
Line of Dress Goods, Jack
ets, Waterproof Wraps,
Skirts, Shoes an d Children's
Clothing. Call and see.
lUe Do not Cioe
to as high a standard as our
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
' . ies that is the
' place to "
o Fresb Fruits,
fresh everything to be :;. had
run our aenvery wagon
to keep whao you
please. .' Call
i good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, , write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
. - -
. Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p, m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
., , Philomath, Oregon. .
desire would promote W
FresD Uegetables,
in the market. . We p
ana our aim is C)
want and. to . v , )
andfeee '
E. Holgate
ATYORNEV at law'
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvailis, Oreg
; Fhysiciaiiand ' Surgeon, .
Ofl3ce, Boom 14," First National Bank
Bnilding, CorvalKs, Or. Office Hours,
o to 12 a, m., a to 4 p. m.
Siuce hia Aiquittil, They Boom
Tilmao for Governor of South -Carolina
Intensity of ' -j
Scene in Court Room ,
After Acquittal. 5
Atlanta, Ga., Oct 20 Attorney
Warren Grice of Pulaska, repre
senting Adq'ib Caruthera, in bis per
tition for tne reward - of $150 ; for
giving his eod, Tnomas Caruthergj,
an escaped murderer, over to the
called on Governor Terrell yester
day to request the reward. The
Caruthers are extremly poor and itf
was learned yesterday tbat the eld
er Uarutbers gave up his 60q in
order to get money enough to pay
tor the defense of his case. (
Tom Caruthers was sentenced to
hang on Ojt 16. and at the time of
bis escape, few of his neighbors'
were sorry, lhe consternation
the neighborhood was great when
old Amos Caruthers came forward
to demand the reward : for- return-
ing his own 6on to the gallows.
Amos Ciruthers sought at . the
time of toe nrat, trial to procure
leal talent of the beet kind for the
defense of his eon but failed. ' Gov.
Terrell would not eay whether the
theory of Amos Caruthers motives
would have any effect on the case.
Lexington, S. C, Oct 20 -James
II. , Tilman was acquitted today by
a jury of the murder of N. G. Gon
zales, editor of the Columbia State.
B a fore be had betn man an
boar he friends and admirers from
Edgefield and
surfou nding co'un-1
ties were booming him for governor
to succeed Gov,- Haywood.
For . nineteen , .hours the jury
wrestled with the problem of Til
man's guilt and iovnocence.. When
the. fjrst ballot was taken by the
jury at 2 o'clock yesterday they
stood ten for acquittal and two for
conviction. , The two oifa were ar
gued with, appealed to and rea
soned with, but to no effect, Until
about five;,, o'clock this- morning,'
when one of them J. B. Jumper,
agreed to vote for acq uittal. -;
This situation Continued until
10 o'clock this morning when Milt
on Sharpe AgreeoLto. vota-with. ..his
comrades for a verdict of "not
guilty." . n V. y.. r-.Zij-riJf)
As Sheriff Caughmaa came out
of the court house the crier- began
calling the lawyers who" represent
ed thestate and defense.. ;. .Thi$ was
the signal for the hundred or : more
friends of Tilman, who' had . spent
air night sitting about- the court
bouse waiting for a verdict, ...Tbey
tramped in taking the seats at the
railing separating the spac reserv
ed for the bar from the rest of the
room.""-'";. '" .- ''' " "v .
Tilman's mostl intimate friends
surged about him . as . he tc?ok his
seat beside the council. '' They all
believed he had been acquitted and
men with pistols, known to be dead
shot, took positions about the court
room to watch alL persona - known
to be unfriendly ,to Tilman, and ev
en those who were' not - personally
kuown to him. . One of the ,tele-'
graph operators brought 'here dur
ing the trial, was in the. court room
as the verdict was - brought, in.
Standingly him. was,' a : relative of
Oilman's who had been stationed
there by Tilman's, request', as, the
man ' Wasjt e unknown. - S; Later ' the
friend of Tilman explained: to . the
operator why he: had - watched him
so clopely. -v. - . is w
'.James H.. Tilman. stand im ."
said the clerk? unfolding ihe ver
dicti" s Tiimah' rbse tohiafeet, pale
but self-possessed: 'Sair.tenseL7;was
the feeling that only the rustling
of the paper in the clerk's hands
could be heard. The clerk read the
verbage until he reached the ver
"We, the jury, find James H.
Tilman, not guilty," cried the clerk:
'WKnAI00nnt" troll ml n n - on 4
Tilman man in the rear of the room
"Hurrah for Jim Tilman," . -
f;" Arrest that man,"-commanded
Judge Gary, . but after, shouting,
the man made a jump for the door
and ran down the stairs and into
the street. -'.".'.-, ;-
Tilman heard . the verdict ap-
pareutly without emotion. He
stooped over and shook hands with
his counsel, but his friends surged
about bim so . closely that he could
not move. His counsel sbook hands
with each juror, thanking them
for their action. While this was in
progrees, Judge Gary offered Til
man back his two pistols, the Lug
er with which the killing was done,
and the Colt which was found in
his pocket after the shooting.
' I don't want them" declared
Tilmao, waving off the sheriff who
was bringing them toward . him.
"I never want te see that pistol
The "guns" as they call them
down here, were handed to a rela
tive of Tilman's. After thanking
personally the jury, Tilman and
hits friends lift tne court room. At
the foot of tne stepss, he ' met "Old
George' Johnson, his bo ly serv
ant Johnson is one of the anti-
bellum negroes . He is in.his 84lh
year and his wool is as whit) as
snow. . . ,, - ' . '
Bles3 do Lo'd, Jim! ' '. the . old'
negro shouted as soon as he caught
sight of Tilman. Tilman showed
the first feeling. Breaking away
from bis friends be rusbed up and
embraced, the negro, whose tears al
most blinded bim. ,
Tilman has made no arrange-
ment for his future. He left: tnis
afternoon for Trenton, 3 C the home
of Senator Ben Tilman whose wife
is dangerously ill, the result , of a
runawayjaccident. , Ha will go to
Edgeheld tomorrow, where a public
reception will be held for him. ;
''If this will end tne matter,", is
the remark; of the most . ., conserva
tive citizens. , .
They do cot believe . it will.
Enough feuds have been started be
caure of the trial to last ; a genera
tion. Neighbors have sworn, that
they would not believe each other
on oath and this ;n . JSdgeneld. and
Saluda counties means a shooting
or cutting scrape. ,
When you want, fresh clover and grass
see(f eoTWZieroirs. A" new ; sapply-of
resu Hueu j ust receivea.
We have added several new pieces to
our Premium dishes. Nolan & Calla
han. y Cheap Rates.-
; Between Portland and Willamette
Y alley points Low round trip rates
have been placed in effect between Port
land and Willamette. Valley points, , in
either direction.;. ,, Tickets will .'. be sold
Saturdays and Sundays, and limited to
return on or before the following " Mon
day Rate to or from Co.vallis 3.00.
; Call on Southern. Pacific . Co's agents
for particulars, ' -
Claims ot Supervisors. ;
Lewis Wenfz Supr. Dist. No 5 $ 8 00
E A Blake . j 6 14 00
J S Miller ; . 7 1000
W M Clark ' i " . : 8 400
A Cadwalader " 9. .12 00
JR,Fehler . " 11 1360
; G T Vernon : " . , 13 . 3900
E N Starr " 14 1500
. John R Crow " . 15 8 00
D E Banton "... 18 ... 2 00
i And notice is hereby given that if no
objections are filed thereto that the sum
will be allowed by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon, at the- regular
November 1903 term of said Courjt.
Published by order of Court.
County Clerk. ,
. Notice to Bidders, :
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty Court of . Beaton , County, Oregon,
wiH'receive sealed bids, up to Wednes
daythe 2-lst da y of October,: , I903. . at 1
o'clock p m, for the construction of a
concrete sidewalk five feet wide, ' along
the North side of the County Court
House Block in Corvailis, Oregon. The
Court reserving the right to reject any
and all bids, and said bids to be filed
with the County Clerk on or before said
date-.j,,.,';' . . ' ,: :', ' '. r V
Dated this 12th day of October, . 1903;
i;Ss b VICTOR P. MOSES, -.
; County Clerk of Benton County, Ore.
Call for Warrants. .
. Notice is hereby given that there
is money. in the treasury fto pay, all
city warrants drawn on the general
fund and endorsed prior to July
12th 1901, also all street fund war
rants indorsed prior to Aug. 25 th
1903. :'-K-p::-iii o.
Interest will stop on same : from
this date. X Dated at Corvailis, Ore.
Oct. 16th 1903. '
Wm, McLagan, City Treas. '
Crew of Twenty Five and Fourteen
Passengers Were Aboard A
Number,S ived but Others
Perished It was in a
Thick Fog.
Marshfield, Or.. Ojt, 21. The
steamer South Portland, which
sailed from Portland, Or., last Sun
day loaded with , grain for San
Francisco, struck on Blanco Reef
last evening at' 5 o'clock during a
heavy fog. The vessel carried a
cre w of 25 and 14 passengers. ; Of
these the following have reached
James Mo Intire, captain; John
Rni"mer, a sailor of San Francisco;
Emanuel Pasomenis, "chief cook;
William L Wilson, Jr., of Balii-
morf't L Baker,'Alameda, Cal., Guy
Bent, a boy of 12 years, of Nova!
Scotia; ,A Bauey rortb Dakots,
passenger; Chsrlts Bruce, first offi-j
cer; James Wasd, chief engineer; j
John McKown, . oiler, J Driscoll,
oiler, VV Hughes, fireman; W Rob
erts, fireman; James Al wood, sea
man; H-Webber, passenger; C
Johnson, seaman, ,
Charles Huson, the first engi
neer, died as they were taking him
off the life .raft from exposure.
Eighteen persons are yet missing
and are probably lost.
The South Portland etruck bow
on going at a speed of about seven
knots. .. As soon as she struck , she
began to settle astern' and io a min
ute or two slid off the reet and " be
gan to sink., '" "
Captain Mclntire seeing that
theie was no bope of saving the
shio ordered the boats lowered.
One of the boats that got away
from the ship's side,, ; loaded with
part of the crew and some of the
passengers, was , capsized as she
cleared the shib'a side ' and when
la t seen was filoating away in the
fog without a li ving eovl aboard.1
The captains boat, with about 18
aboard, succeeded in clearing, but
was also capsized and only seven
were able to get' back to the - boat,
These consisted of Captain James
Mclntire, John Reimer,. Emanuel
Pasomehist, W L Wilson L B iker,
Guy Bent, and Al Bailey., .They
reached Port Orford last night.
. A nieDoat on wmcnine iouowing
embarked reached shore this; after
noou;s ' " v;." ." '' ' ' .';
: Charles Bruce, first officer; James
Ward,, chief engineer; T Pizzotti
second assistant engineer; John
McKown, oiler; J Driscoll, oiler;
W.Roberts, fireman; James Al wood
st-kman; H Webber ' passensrei ; C
Johnson, seaman and Charles Hu
son, tne nrst assissant. 1
The survivors suffered much
from exposure.
There is another raft out yet that
has not been sighted. On this raft
are seven persone. 11, is almost
certaiulthat the loss ot life' will
will figure but 11 all told, provided
that those on the second raft are all
rescued, but the cld chilly nights
and the exposure they have to en
dure makes it almost certain that
some of the weaker ones may per
ish before morning. ;
The Bandon life-saving crew
went overland to Port Orfjrd and
started in search of the lait named
party. They have not yet returned
but an anxious throng ' eagerly
awaits them, with hopes . of good
news;: ," ' ' - ,; :.- '"
Tbe tug Columbia is in the vicin
ity'of the wreck, having left Coos
Bay. at 10 a m as soon as the fog
cleared, but no news has been heard
of her yet. '
v Captain Mclntire, of the wrecked
steamer was disclined to talk for
publication on the matters pretain
ing to the course his boat wsa trav
eling or whether she was off her
course when she run on Blanco
Reef last evening. When ques
tioned tonight he said: -: " ;
"We had been running in a blin
ding fog;1 ever since we left the
ColumbiaRiver and it was so thick
when we strack that you conli not
see any distance.' There were 17
in my boat .when we left the : sink?
ing steamer. - When away , from
the ship's side our ! boat swamped
and went down. - I, with a seaman,
got in again and bailed- her out
and got fiva others in with us. . It
was 4 o'clock when we struck and
we were in the boat till 5:30 this
morning, having to makd shore
with one oar and a piece of mast.
I will make my full and complete)
statement as to. the course of the
accident to the inspectors."
Portland Of., Oct 20. The stea
mer South Portknd struak north
est Blanco sunken reef at 4-40
p m during a thick fog.. Accor
dibg to reports from survivors, it
was 21 minutes to one hour, after
striking the reef until the vessel
sank.' The carried 39 people all
told 14 passengers and a crew of
25 of whom five r passengers and
12 of the crew were savd. ..'
The coroner's jury i'- 1.1 se-sioa
now, and the evde-n- o i-urVivors
of the wreck in rd .ij-jirui h i death
of Charles Husou 11 -1 assistant en
gineer, shows that Ciptaib Mcln
tire left the vessel in the first offi
cer's boat, No. 2 at the request of
First Officer Bruce, 15 minutes be
fore boat No. 1 left tbe vessel, and '
that tbe vessel steamed 15 minutes
from the point of striking the reef
after the captain had left. V
1 In the meantime, the Jcrew con
structed in'promptu rafis from the :.
hatches, etc, for tbe saving of the
remainder of the crew and passen- -gere.
Tbe vessel is presumed to
have struck on tho northwest swash
rock of Cape B.anco reef. In
launching the boat, they evidently
dumped the passengers and crew,'
as No. 1 boat is still adrift without
occupants. No'. 2 boat,' in charge
of - Captnin Mclntyre, landed at '
Port Orford beach at 5:30 a. m., .
with seven persons aboard. Thia
boat manned by two survivors and ,
Port Orford men, put out in search
of the raft, and suoceededin finding
and landing it at Port Orford with
the remaining survivors at 12:30
Chief Engineer Ward, in . charge .
of the little raft, reports having
seen an impromptu raft, containing
six people, after the vessel had gone
down, and it is supposed they- are ,
still adrift,
: Mrs. Bent, and Mrs. Tyrrel, the ,
only ladies on board, are known to
be among, tbe. missing. , - . ,
Fit it Officer Bruce, who' was on .
the bridge at tbe time of th) disas
ter, and Chief Engineer Ward are v
given full credit and praise for their
conduct during the excitement-
At 11 o'clock tonight the Coro
ner's jury had not returned a ver
dict in the case of tbe death of
HuEon. . .
Marshfield Or., Oct, 20 Latest
advisesirom the Port Orford are .'
that the relief parties have retur-
ned to shore, driven in by the. fog -and
darkness. .The tug Columbia
was sighted on her way to tbeecene
of the wreqk and she is expected to
hang around there' till morning, v
1 It is p69tively asserted, that only "
six more of the lives on the wrecked
South Portland can be sived, as all
tbe others have . perished in a
watery grave. These last six were
seen clinging to a raft constructed .
of tbe Bteamer's hatches, and were
being carried in a. southerly direc- ,
tion by the current. Tbe only
hope for their recovery is that the :
wind will drive them near shore.
where they can be seen and ' res
cued. ' . '.; y
' . ; Strayed. ; ' ;' ;
On or about Friday, October 16, from -
W, Taylor's pasture,' a Jersey heifer calf,
about 7 months old. ; A liberal reward
will be given for its return to my . resid
ence or for information leading to its re-
covery. , .' ' .
G, V. Skelton.
Corvailis. .
Absolutely" Purft