The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 17, 1903, Image 2

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    CSorvalHs Times!
Official Paper of Benton UonntT.
BTAT,T.IS. OBEOOK, OCT. 17, 1803.
Tanner to Professor and the Answer -
Chittim Pest.
Editor Times:
A few days ago we found a young
chittim tree on our farm covered
with a peculiar white scale.
sent a piece of bark to OAC. En
closed is Prof. Cordleys reply: '
If it is any thine like as bad as
it's name it must be a holy terror.
Should your stray printer meet it
in a dark and lonely canyon behind
Alsea it may so hard with him.
George Armstrong. '
1 . Cprvallis, Oct., 9. 1903.
- Prof. Cordley's letter is as
follows: . -
Mr. George Armstrong,
The insect pest on Chittim
bark, which you sent, proves it to
be one of the scale insects known
as Chianaspis Salicis-lNigre. It is
v a somewhat common species of
scale insect, widely distributed in
the United States and Southern
Europe and occurs, as the name in
dicates, most abundantly upon wil
lows . It has also been reported on
poplars, dogwood, service berry and
several other species of trees; never
however upon Chittem bark until
last summer when. Prof. Lake found
it noon a single specimen in his
' journeys in the Cascades mountains.
Probably the only practical thing
to do to prevent the spread of this
pest, now that Chittem is becoming
so valuable, is to cut down and
burn such trees as are found to be
badly infested Of course it would
be possible to destroy the scale by
spraying the treeswith kerosene
emulsion or whale oil soap solution
but under present conditions this
probably would not be pracical.
' A. B. Cordley.
For Ten Thousand Dollars Damages
. I- What a bad Sidewalk did for
. - ' Albany. .
The importance of keeping side
-walks in. good repair is frequently
emphasized, when walks are Wi
n-lapidated,- pedestrian-may afajay
time DreaK a 11m d, or sustain otoer
injuries. The result always makes
a good, case for damages against
the city. ' Albany is up against it in
such a suit now. E. A: Truelove,
a Southern Pacific bridge carpenter
injured himself on a bad walk in
Albany, March 29th, and he has
sued the city for $10,000 damages.
His complaint alleges that the
city of Albany "willfully, wrong-
iuny, uniawiuny, carelessly and
knowingly neglected to keep that
portion of the sidewalk on the east
side of Lyon street between Second
and Third streets in said city in re
- pair and allowed dangerous holes
to remain open in tbe-walk without
guards, barricades or lights,' It al
leges that on the night of March
29th, the plaintiff without fault or
negligence oh his part stepped into
a hole in the sidewalk mentioned
above and was ' forcibly thrown
down. That he thus received great
bodily injury. The complaint
states that because of . his accident
the plaintiff is incapacitated to do
manual labor, that he has been to
great expensejfor medical treat
ment, that he has suffered and still
suffers great pain and distress of
mind and body "all of which is. to
bis great damage in the sum of
$10,000." ' T . ,
The'case will come up for trial
at the fall term of the Linn county
circuit court.
To Close Today.
From three to four o'clock this,
Saturday afternoon, all Corvallis
business houses will close on ac
count of the game of football be
tween the OAC and the University
of Washington elevens to take
place on JOAC field. The determi
nation to do so is the result of an
agreement reached to that effect
yesterday morning. The business
men took the action at the request
of the student body at the college,
whose committee circulated an ar
ticle of agreement which no honse
refused to sign. The student body
requested publication of this notice
so that all who desire to make pnr
cnases or transact business ma y
have ample notification of business
places to close.
College Students Stormed the Town,
Music, Noise and Speeches.
Assessment for Sewer. .,
Notice Is hereby given that the asei5inent
made by Ordinance Hi IS! for the conntruetion
of a sewer through Blonk 2 County Addition and
Block 18 Old Town of Corvallis, Oregon, in the
manner provided by Ordinance No 132 In which
tne following lots end pnrts 01 lots wis entered
jncneuitv liens oicjorvanw on me lbtn aay or
October. 1903. and is due and payable attneoff-
fee of the City Treasurer of Ooivallis in United
Statea gold rr f liver coin and if not- paid on or
before the 2nd day of November. 19 03. the Com
mon Council will order warrants to be issued to
the Chief of Police for the collection thereof to
gether with interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, from that date and costs of
collection, ...i,.
Block 2. Lot 1 Mrs Lina S Neujass is assessed
at $21 97.
Block 2. South 4 Lot 2 Mrs Lina S Neugass is
assessed at SiO 99
Block 2, North 14 of Lot 2 Mrs Annette Jacobs
is assessed at $10 99. -
Block 2 Lot 3 Mrs Annette Jacobs is assessed at
Block 2 Lot 4 Mrs Annette Jacobs, is assessed
at S'Jl 97. v
Block 2 Lot 5 Harriet Healy Is assessed ai $21,
Block 2 Lot. 6 Harriet Healy Is assessed at
$2197. :
Block 2 3.4 of Lot 7 Jas R Sellers is
assessed at 16 48. .
Block 2 1-4 of Lot 7 Jacobs & Neugass
is assessed at 5 49. .
' Block- 2 K of lot 8 Jas K Sellers is as
sessed $5 49. . t
Block 2 of Lot 8 Jacobs & Neu
gass is assessed at $5 49. .
Block 2 Lot 9 Jas R Sellers is assess
ed $2i 97.
Block 2 Lot 10 Mrs Annette Jacobs
is assessed af $21 97. --.
Block Z of Lot il if M. Jider is as
sessed at $16 48. . - : " -;:r
Block 2 M of Lot 11 M Jacobs and S
engass is assessed at $5 . 49." .
Block 2 of- Lot i2 if M JSder is as
sessed at $16 48 ' -.
Block 2 XA of Lot 12 M Jacobs and S
Newgass is assessed at $5 49. i '
Block 18 West 25 feet of Lot i, Heirs
of John Burnett is assessed at $5 5o. .
Block 18 South of East of . Lot I
Heirs of J R Bryson is assessed at $8 25.
Block 18 JSorth ht, of East of Lot 1
J W Ingle is assessed at $8 io.
Block 18 Lot 2 J W ingle is assessed
at $21 97.
Block 18 South J4 ot L,ot 3 J W inele
is assessed at $lo 99. ; - ' - r
Block 18 North 1-2 of Lot 3. 8 B Row
ley is assessed at $io 91. -
Block 18 Lot 4 o a Kowley is assessed
at$2i 97. ,
Block 18 Lot 5 b js- Moore is assessed
at $2i 97. ' . .
Block 18 Lot 6 S E Moore is assessed
at $21 97. . - '
Block 18 Lot 7 Lt & M Walker is as
sessed at $2i 97. -
Block 18 Lot 8 Ij & M r alker is as
sessed at $21 97.- .
Block 18 Lot 9 S B Kowley is assessed
at $21 97. ' -'
Block 18 Lot 10 S B Rowley is assess
ed at$2i 97. ,
Block 18 Lot U Mary JbJ Lostie is as
sessed at $21 97.
Block 18 Lot 12 Mary E Doshe Is as
sessed at $ 21 97. ,
Total assessment $678 51.
' By order of the 1 Common Council of
Corvallis. " '
Police Judge.
Corvallis, Oregon, October i7, i9u3
A football rally, the like pt
which was never before seen in Cor
vallis, occurred Thursday night. A
display of enthusiasm and , college
Spirit that bodes all manner of good
things for OAC was manifested in
a way that left no room for doubt
that it was genuine. Speaking of
the demonstration, Coach McFad
den said he had seen no display of
the kind to equal it since he .left
Stanford after a victorious athletic
season three years ago. .
The. demonstration was a faithful
duplication pf the usual political
outbursts in times of presidential
elections. , The student body at the
college convened in the Armory at
seven o'clock, and headed - by the
college band marched - down town
parading Main and other, streets,
assembling finally at the court
house. A vast number of towns
people followed them, and when
they all got there, the circuit court
room was far too small . to accomr
modate the crowd. All the seats
were occuored. the people stood in
the aisles, corridors and vestibules,
and the overflow of the huge crowd
extended into" the halls below and
out into the court house yard. It
has been a long time since so large
a crowd was in ; the . court house,
and none ever, there was more
noisy. Compared with the demon
stration, a similar rally of last year
was as a pigmy to a giant.
The exercises . comprised music
by the colleere band and addresses
by several citizens. - students - and
others. B. W. Johnson - was i
graceful and accomplished presid
ing othcer. .w. h,.- Yates made an
enthusiastic speech, that provoked
frequent rounds of applause.
and in a brief address, . Dr. Withy
combe inspired the young folks' to
explosions of enthusiasm. Coach
McFadden was another ot the
speakers and his remarks added
much to his deserved popularity,
A brief address was also made by
W. G Emery. After ; the regular
program was over, tnere were cans
for Captain Bert Pilkineton. Three
cheers and a tiger for him finally
brought the young man to the plat
form where he made a , brief - ad
dress. Roderic Nash was : also
called out, and he made a graceful
response. There were similar calls
for Root, Williams, Abraham,.: ;aS9
other inembers of thefojatball team,
but most of them, as they boys say,
took a, sneak." and escaped the or
deal. If the success of the rally
means anything, the OAC football
men have a fair wind and a smooth
sea before them. . No such college
spirit was ever , manifest before at
old OAC.
At Philoma'h.
Eggs and butter 25 cents at J. E.
-You can easily find Henkle's new
store now by the signs that are be
,hig placed on tbe building by S.
P. Hunt the sign painter. . -
Miss Beula Henkle arrived yes
terday from a visit at Dayton . and
Eastern- Washington." . ; .
The new water proof shoes have
found ready sale at J. E. Henkle's.
Fall and Winter, 1903-4.
Special Council Meeting, y.
A special meeting of - ; the J common
council of the City of. Corvallis is here
by called lo convene in the , council
chamber Monday, October 19, 1903, ' at
7-30 o'clock p. m. to."consider the adop
tion of an ordinance making a. contract
with the Electric Light Company for
street lighting and other city ' purposes,
and to consider and , take action with
reference to a supply of water for fire
protection, stieet sprinkling and other
citv usee. - -
Dated at Corvallis, this October 15, 1908
' . B ,F. Irvine,
Mayor.- .
For best grade of gasoline, 35
1 gallon go to Berry and Carl's. .
- Cedar shake?, hand made shingles and
five carloads of sawed cedar shingles.
. - A full stock of shingles at all prices.
If you wish the best shingle made get
Corvallis Saw Mill.
If your umbrella needs covering
it to the Bicycle Hospital.
Get your ribs fixed
Hospital.. ' i
at the Bicycle
When you want fresh lover and grass
seed go to ZierolPs. A new supply of
resit seed just received.
New Today.
n Fresh corn meal.
. " ' . oat meal.
" buckwheat flour,
t . " hard wheat flour. .
" sweet potatoes.' ,..
' - errafn nanripra.
v- , 1 " - celery. : .
V - roasted coffee.
All kinds of breakfast foods ready
use every week, at Turner store,
For Sale.
Good resident lot ; close in at a bar
gain.. Inquire at Times - office
' To Sell or Let. - -
: One hundred head of good ewes to sell
or let On shares. Apply to ,
' J. C. Walker,
Fern P. O, Oregon,
Fresh Portland Baked Bread
Will arrive at the D. & T. Store today
Wednesday, Oct 14th, at ' noon made
from Valley ,'Eastern Oregon and Minne
sota flour, and will be kept in stock
thereafter. : - -
m t . 1. - . . ji
even rooms, with vsr:i' T5 .. , fbep
to let on shares. '. t; H. Mi ore. 1
No Hunting.
I hereby warn all hunters to keep off
my premises for the purpose of hunting
Jas. P. McBee.
For Sale.
Grub oak wood. For particulars In.
uire of E. B. Horning. -
Tall at the D.'& T. Store for fresh
bread and a fine nfoi tmeat of ehc-ese.
- For fine suits and overcoats see Nolan
& Callahan. ;
' A new line of OAC souvenir
just received at P, M. ZisroH's.
We. are now thoroughly equipped for the Fall , and Winter
Campaign with a mammoth stock of Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, embracing .Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Velve
teens, ? Trimmings. Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Walking and
Dress Skirts, Ladies Fine Shoes, Lace Curtains, Portiers.' Art
About' 30 or 40 students, leave Square's, Rugs, Cretons. Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves,
Philomath to day for Mary's Peak. Table Linens, Napkins, etc.
Chas. Allen and Dell Henkle went v
ahead as advance guards to clear .Complete stock of Mens Boy s and Children's Suits and Over
the road from bear and supply them coats, Dutchess Trousers, Furnishings for Men and Boys Rain
with camp meat. v : Garments Rubber Goods,-Dress-Suit Cases, Trunks, Umbrel-
, . las, W. L. Douglas. Walk-over and Hamilton Browns' Cele-
Call for Warrants. brated ghoes for Men an(j Boys Boy.g and ChiWren.a
Notice is hereby given that there Hats, and Ca ps, including' 'Hawes" renowned $3 Hats for Men
is money in the treasury to pay all . ... . " -A .
city warrants drawn on the general An inspection of our bright New Stock respectfully solicited,
fund and endorsed prior to July Four exDerienced saiesmftn an t,wr PTnoriunnnfl'cnlm,!.,
war- . x , , r----- . ;
- lo snow you inrougn, ouy or no buy.
25 th
12th 1901, also all street fund
rants indorsed prior to Aug.
1903- : -
Interest will stop on ., same from
this date. Dated at Corvallis, Or e.
Oct. 1 6th 1903 .
Wm. McLagan, City Treas
v D Good It Pays.
A Chicago man hap obsorvpd that
"Go d deeds are better than real
estate deed om of the latter are
worthies'. Act kindly and genlly,
sqow syrnpathy aqd lnd a hflpfng
hand. Yrm cannot possibly lose
by if. M -st men appreciate a
kind word and pnconrsgeT ent
more than sub'tantisl help. There
are persons in this community who
might truthfully pay: My good
friend cbpernp. A ffw doses of
Chamberlain' C uh Rmpdy will
rid you of your c;olti, and there is
no danger whatever from pneumo
nia when von u?e that medicine.
It always cure3. I know it for it
has bflppd roe out many a time."
Sold by Graham & W.irthaoi.
' Eggs 25 cents at Turner store.
, Next week I will have a 25 - cent per
pound can prize baking powder your
choice of any piece of glassware - with
each can at Tu mer's store. 1
Q ,,-:f. Notice to Bidders.
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty Court of Benton County, Oregon,
-receive sealed bids,' up to : Wednes
day the 2lst day of October. 1903. at 1
O'clock p m, for the construction of a
concrete sidewalk five feet wi de, along
the Nor'h si de of the County Court
House Block in Corvallis, Oregon. The
Court reserving the right to reject any
and all bids, and sjid bids to be filed
with the County Clerk on or before said
date- : -" , 1
Dated this 1 2th day of October, 1903.
County Clerk of Benton County, Ore.
This department will offer first-class advantages to all who desire to become
OrWnmllcllArl tti ni.Hnrn. " - et T AnM..nnt;nH III. . (-1 n . J 1 . . T
wUjwiit.u iu iwuuiuik .UU' 11U1IU. AU UUOUC1.11UU WlkU ttl LIB LiV 1UEU UUUUU UK
these instruments, harmony, musical theory, counterpoint, musical history,' sight
reading and ensemble work will be taught.
EveryOsioo; Artistic and High Class J :
All collegestudents taught at the studios at O. A. C. Down-town pupils may
take at the college or at city studios, as they may desire. All pupils of college
and city are enrolled at the cellege, and all enjoy equal privileges. All the advan
tages of an Eastern conservatory at one-third the cost
Pianist. . Violinist.
i What You Want
Is to' try the New Goods x
4 which have just . arrived at
HODES' grocery;
. Wanted. - .
To trade stock ranch for , property in
Corvallis, - , . ,
H. A. Bowman, .
' Eddyville, Ore.
Crystallized .Pineapple
: Crystallized Cherries
Crystallized Ginger
Fr6sh Nabiscos ' 4
Fresh Cookies
New Walnuts
New Almonds
Fresh Cranberries'
Fesh Huckleberries
New Honey
New Figs and Dates
Olive? in Bulk u V
German Pickles
Swiss "Cheese.
Our crockery department is the most
complete stock this side.' of Portland.
Just received fine, new, sp'to-date pat
terns making in all ten to choose' from.
- p. M. Zierolf.
ENERGY 9 Health Food.
- Buy your white and red clover ;
tor .
Breakfast Foods,
Modes' Grocery, Phone 483.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Benton county.
Sarah 8. Ball, Plaintiff . -
va -
Cyrns Perham, Ed Perham and Lona
Chamberlain, Defendants.
To Cyras Perham, Ed Perham and Lona
Chamberlain, the above named defendants
In the naise of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby summoned and required
to appear and answer the complaint ot tbe
plaintiff in the above entitled suit, in the above
entitled court, now on file in the office of the
clerk of said court, on or before the 21st day of
November, 1903, said day being the last day of time nrascrlbed in the Order for mibllcatlon
of this summons made ly the county judge of
Benton eounty. Oregon, (which said order . Is
hereinafter referred toj towit: ... v
On or before six weeks from the day ' of first
publication hereof , ;
And you are hereby notified that if you fail to
to appear and answer the said complaint as
herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff
will aoDly to the above entitled court for tbe
relief demanded in her said complaint, namely
lor a decree determining an conmenng ana ad
verse claims, interests and estates In and to all
that part of the northeast quarter of the north
west Quarter or Section 33 Twd; 10 8. K. S W..
Will. Mer, which lies north of the Alfrea
Writsman branch or creek, in Benton county, i
Oregon: that defendants have no claim, Inter
est or estate therein; that plaintiff's title there
to is good and valid; Bnd that defendants . be
forever, barred and enjoined from asserting any
claim whatever in and to said premises adverse
to plaintiff; and for general relief and costs and
disbursements of said suit.
This summons is published In the Corvallis
Times once a week lor six I successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oct
tober 10th, 1903, and ending with , the issus of
November 21, 1903, in pursuance of an order
maae Dy tne lion, virgii vvauers, - uuuniy
Indee of Benton county. Oregon, (being, the
county where the above entitled suit ,1b pend
ing in the above entitled court) dated October
9, 1903. Date of first publication la October 10.
1903, ... . ..
,- - Attorneys for Flaintifis.
v Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate! .
- OI - - i J . . .
John Mitchell, deceased. -
Kntinn ta YlArphv ffiven tO all DerSOnS COU-
cerned that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed executrix of the last will and testa
ment of said John Mitchell, deceased, by the
county court of Benton county, state or Oregon,
All persons having claims agalnit said estate
of John Mitchell, deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same with the proper
vouchers duly verified as by law requirea,
within six months from the date nereof to the
ntiorRfiTiArl At hnr residence at Inavale post-
nffiw. Renton countv. Oregon, or at . the low
office of E & Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon,
Dated this Aug ia, ivwa, m
i Marv Mitchell.
Executrix of the last 'will and testament of
John Mitchell deceased,
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estate ,
Charles Band, deceased -
Wntira la hflrehv elven that the undersigned
a a ariminfatrn.ti r of Raid estate of Charles Band.
deceased, has tiled his final account as suchad
minihtrator, "with the clerk of vthe county court
of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and
the said court has fixed Saturday October
lo lanx- t the hour of two o'clock In the at-
tArnnrtn rtf AAlii dav m the time, and the county
court room in the court house In Corvallis. Ore-
iron, aa tha-Blaee for hearing any and all objec
tions to the said account, and tor settlement
Dated this September 12, 1003.
Administrator ol the estate of Charles Band,
As well as Choicest'Delicacies
for lunch and dinner, can al
ways ' be found at our store,
We handle only first-class
goods and can guarantee qual- deceased,
sale here is strictlv fresh and ,
lUSt aS represented We Car- Ihaa b eenaoDODlntedby the county .court .
ry a large stock of selected artnaj, Butler, deceased , and all - persons
Family and Fancy GrOCeneS, quired to preseHt the same duly verified as by
Pure Ceas and eotts&?'ons'"imn'lmBn' A omt
w ', :m mmwm 'VW ,.. . . (V,,..11U Orm. thin 12th day Of
Ptemoer ; , j. F. IBWIK
ijyw rriues. . xrruuiuu toei vive. 'deceased-
Cabinet Haker
, ; AND v
Lounges, Coaches, : Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc.; made to order. Particular
attention given to special' orders and re
pairing. All work guaranteed. Oae
door south cf R. M. Wade's, Main street.
Ewes and Yearlings by Barkis 13041.
Lambs by Freshman 188626.
Well bred young stock of both scms
... ' for sale. ' v. v
' ;'' Corvallis,-Oregon.
Notice tp Oredltore'.
seed, I
In the Matter of the
William D, Armstrong, deceased,
wnttns tierehv erven to all persons eon-
cerned that the undersigned has been duly
pointed executrix of the last will and testa
of said William D. Armstrong, deceased, by
(ountv court 01 Benton county, state ot
fn'tri All neraons havlmc claims asainst
tete of said William D, Armstrong, deSkSIM, '
are horeby required to present the same wish
the proper vouchers duly verified as by law re
quired within six months from tbe date hereof
to the undersigned at her residence about four
j ,J,i,,KAri fmm Phtlnmjuh. Kenton coun
ty, oreeon, or at the law office of S S Wilson, ta
Corvallis, Oregon. ., ,
Dnteu tnis August zu, iwj, ,
Executrix of the last will and testament
'of William D. Armstrong, deceased, ;