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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1903)
County Clerk's Gi Vol. XVI No. 30. CORVAL.LIS, OUEGONl OCTOBER 3, 1903. Si THE Extra Floor Space Added to our Store the past Spring WILL BE TAXED TO ITS FULLEST IN HOLDING OUR Large purchases of Menu's & Boys9 Clothing Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and Men's Heavy High-Cut Shoes. Other departments contain Underwear Hats, medium and fine Shoes, Slip pers, Hosiery, Umbrellas, ' Watches, and in fact every article to be found in an up-to-date Gents', Furnishing Store. Call and see.. O. A. C. UNIFORMS. I to as high a standard as our desire would nro mot o us. but see that you make no mistake in 1 ; th e house that keeps the hig- v rial- oanni. f0 , ran Duuiuoiuui viruuer- , ies that is the i; place to ; buy n , L Fresb Fruits, Fresb Uegetabies, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and our. aim is to keep wha you want and to . . please. Call and see 6. B. doming. ME- 8F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry 1 Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, alsolshowing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Philomath, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office Over postoffice. Residence Cor. Frith and Jefferson streets. ; Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Graham & Worthata's drug store. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. ' E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg B. A. CATHEY, EE. D., Physician and Surgeon. . ' Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours. 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p, m. FIGHTING THE TURKS. HOPE LIES IN SUCCESS OF TROOPS UNDER BULGARI- . AN OFFICERS. , Fighting All Along the Frontier City of Razlog in Flames Turks Repulse Bomb Tbrowars Other . ' , . . . 1 News. E3 t f - cr oona. oepi. zy. a telegram re ceived here from the camp of Gen 1 r7 , 1 ... . . erui Zionncnm, ine commarjder-in-chief of tbn Macedonian insurgents at Kazlog, 00 miles from Sofia, . an uuunces mat a general rising was prcclaimfd September 27, in the districts of Rszlog. Novrokop, De moirhiFsar;. Meluik and Seres, and all the insurgent bands in Eastern Macedonia bad received direct or ders to begin operations. The 'chief hope of the revolution ary organization now centers in the outbreak in Eastern Macedonia, which is expected to assume con siderable proportions, as the leaders there are ail officers of the Bulga rian service. This, the sympathiz ers . with the Macedonian cause, bop, will arouse a war feeling ' in the Bulgarian army, and force the government to espouse the Macedo nian cause, ' A dispatch from R 1 lo says the minister of SanU Paula, is under arr. et, charged by aMrs. Larsen with assault. It is alleged that Alien- assaulted Drusilla Larsen, agea 11. frenminary examination has bten. set for Saturday.: Late last night Allen was also arrested on a wan ant charging attempted aesault on May Richardson, aged 9... iMrs. Fannie Richardson, the child's mother, swore to the com plaint. Upon Allen's arraignment this afternoon Judge Titus dismiss ed tbie charge, but held him on the J-iarsea warrant At midnight last night a mob at tempted to lynch Allen. A rope was secured and the mob marched to the city jail and demanded the prisoner. The determined - stand of tiie officers prevented the mob frbni breaking in the jail door. TTie mob was not dispersed until 4 o'clock this morning. Allen is 60 years old and married. Portland, Or., Sept. 29. Because he found his master forgot to caress him when he ran out as usual to meet him, a setter dog belonging to Willis B jomer, a carpenter of East Portland, deliberately committed suicide under the wheels of a car. I IT f ' T- vvnen jscomer came come one night last week Jack beard the car approaching and ran to meet Boom eti but ne found him babblincr in coherently and unsteady on his feet. Boomer paid no attention to the dog, and the setter returned to the house and for three days would YELLOW FEVER BREAKS OUT IN THE LONE . STAR STATE AND IN MEXICO H.F. IRVTXK Editor and Proprietor. loved home, she remained at her" post of duty. She saw the popula ' ion of the city reduced from" 15, 000 to that of less than 3,000 as a result of death and panic due to the epidemic. While her young woman associates were fleeing ta the mountains to escape the mala dy, Miss Manuela was devising and " carrying out plans for improving the sanitary conditions of the city Nearly Four Thousand Flee from and using her utmost effort , J Yellow Fever in Southern Tex as Shotgun Quarantine Established in Texan Counties and Fugi tivts Are Turned " Back. " 11 1 tsr , , . "rf - I Mr. MR. GLINT0N J. L0YD. Leading Man for the Clement Keefer Co. L,oya win entertain tbe Faculty and Students in Chapel, at Agricultural college, nday morning, with Shakespearean readings. city of Razlog has been in flames since Sunday night. The insurgents are attacking Butchevo, and severe fighting is reported going on be tween the insurgent bands and tbe iurkisb troops. The sound of ar tillery is plainly beard at Rilo.: Another hght is reported to have taken place nearOkhrida, in which 50 Turks were killed and many wounded. It is reported that all the intelligent Bulgarians of the town of Okbrida were recently ar rested on suspicion of communicat ing with the insurgent bands arid weie sent in chains to Monastir. A dispatch from Rilo reports' continuous fighting all along the lines across the Turkish frontier- results of which' 'are at present un known. It is stated that the citv of Razlog has been destroyed by the Turks and the Christian dopu- auon massacrea, r ugltives are arriving m hundreds. -All the wires have been cut. The Turkish troops are flying in disorder from Butchevo. not' eat. Yesterday afternoon he stood by the front gate and watch ed a heavy car swifily approaching, vv nen me car was almost opposite ine nouse jacK . tbrew himself in front of it and was crushed todeath. Mis master says it was suicide. Salonica, Macedonia, Sept. 29. band of insurgents with bombs ttacked the Turkish quarter at, Razlog, September 27, and were re pulsed with loss. , f Orders have been received to stop the military movements, but large quantities of ammunition and 15 guns were sent today to Demirhis sar, 45 miles from Sal;mca. . Ventura, Cal., Sect. SO. -A. F. Allen, a wealthy Free Methodist Seattle,' Wash.; Sept., 28. Coro ner Hoye yesterday stopped the funeral of a ten-months-old child on the way to the cemetery, and held an autopsy over the body at the morgue, which resulted in finding that the child ' died in drinking milk ) containing formaldehyde. The milk was purchased from a lo cal dairy, tbe proprietors of which 1 1 1 . . . . wiu do cnarged witn murder. Pittsburg, Sept. 29. Major Sam uel W, Hay wab killed tonight by falling from the fourth floor of the Arrott building through the eleva tor shaft fo the basement,, making a drop of six stories. J Major Hay was a veteran of the civil and Span ish' American wars. During the latter war he was commissary on the staffs of Major-Generals Young, Davis and Wheeler. New York, Sept. 29. Counsel for George W. Beavers, the ex head of -.the salary end"' allowance division ' in Washington, after a consultation today with Assistant United States District Attorney Wise, announced ' that the hearing in the Beavera' case, scheduled; for tomorrow, has been adjourned until Octobgr 12. - ' Laredo, Tex., Sept. 28 Fullv 4,000 inhabitants of this place have fled in dread of yellow fever, which seems to be on tbe increase in this city. Two deaths and twelve new cases were reported at the close of the day. A shotgun quarantine has been established in some of tbe counties of Texas. Fugitives from the danger zone are turned back without mercy. t Doctor Guiteras, in hishouse-to-bouse canvass today, saw many cases of fever and at the completion of his day's examination made- the announcement that twelve of the caees were genuine yellow fever. The city is now quarantined a gainst it in all directions of the state, and no persons can get beyond the limit of Webb county . Other Texas counties have established a shotgun quarantine and are turn ing back all who are endeavoring to get away in coaches, buggies and carts. " The quarantine applies to all per sons, ireight, baggage, express, mail or other matter originating in the city of Laredo or points south. The only persons having authority to leave the corporate limits are "the health officers of the state of Texas and of the United States. . ' The situation in Vueve Laredo is fijshanged'lae.aushMe oc-r curred as far bs can be learned. Dr. Marino Trevane, a Mexican government yellow fever expert in charge there, believes that within eight days he will have stamped out the fever. ' The Mexican custom house au thorities have been temporarily moved to Lampasas, where all in coming baggage and freight over the National Railway is examined, thus permitting trains to run through to Laredo without stop ping at Neuve Laredo. Linares, Mex., Sept. 27. Tbe he roic action of Miss Manuela Flores, the beautiful 18-year-old daughter of Colonel Mariano Gomez, mayor of this city, has attracted the attention of President Diaz, and the Mexican congress will vote her a medal. , Tbe high honor will be conferred upon Miss Gomez in recognition of her brave and untiring services to the people of the city during tbe yellow fever epidemic. For eeveral weeks she has been tbe acting may or of LiDares. Surrounded by tbe victim of the terrible disease and with her father, the mayor, lying at her home stricken : with the mal ady, she assumed the duties of mayor and hasrdirected tbe affairs of the city in time of greatest dis tress with an ability that has woo for her the praise of the highest authorities of the Mexican government. When death entered her own be- tbe spread of tbe disease. All the city officials were strick en with the yellow fever and died. As they dropped out onB by one, -Miss Manuela, took up their re spective official duties, and she has now performed the work of several other officials as well as that of mayor. She is pretty and full of alertness. She is well educated, and her official acts show that she has splendid executive ability. Monterey, Mex., Sept. 28. Dr. Alvin G. Alderman, a well-known American, founder of the Christian Institute, died at his home from what is said to be yellow fever. The authorities are taking every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease. The school shave been closed. The medical n.t-i'i express the belief that the dicta-e will not spread. lomgbt it is reported, but Lot of ficially, that Monterey has six cases of fever. Tampico, Mex., Sept. 28. Five new cases of yellow fever have ar peared here, though they are of a mild form apparently. Mexico City, Sept. 28. Refugees from Valles, Victoria, Santiago, Li nares and Tampico, fleeing through fear of the yellow fever, are making their appearance at Mexico City, and the capital is the oasis for a throng of visitors. Lacrosse, Wis.. Sept., 28. At the . German Lutheran church at the be ginn j n g ofeex yicea today Heroaan Rosso w shot his wife and himself in, the presence of hundreds of witnes- ees. ; Mrs. Rosso w will die. Rossow, though dangerously wounded may recover. " Rossow, who bad been separated from his wife, lay in wait for ber opposite tbe church, and shot ber tbre times as she was entering the eiructure with her mother. Vienna, Sept. 29. A meeting of 2,000 was held tonight to protest against the visit of the czar of Rus sia. Addresses of the most violent character .were made. . One speaker remarked: "The czar, whose only instru-' ments of cultivation are the gallows,' the prieon of Siberia, comes like a thief, affected by the etigma of hia crimes, between a cordon of troops." Tbe meeting broke up with shouts of "Down with the czar.' Good Lots for Sale Cheap. Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I have eoqae good, well located lota for sale cheap- N.B.Avery, f For Sale. , Vetch, rye and cheat seed at Corvallis Flour Mills. To Sell or Let. One hundred head of good ewes to sell or let on shares. Apply to J. C. Walker, . . Fern P. O, Oregon, . : . : V THE OLD RELIABLE "mm mmmtmm ' WW la, UJU U Ilr3 : , Absolutely Pure