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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1903)
M ) FUGITIVE IS CAUGHT BURKE, A DESPERATE maw " captured near van COUVER. E. P. Beisachc r Tracks Him to Hie Brother's Cabin Shot Twice by the Sheriff While M,k---. ing a Bolt lor Liberty. Portland, Sep. 27. Portland Ormrntfl n .T fT. "Rurlrp t b titan, Derate e scaped prisoner from the w . . fc j Hillehoro jail, was shot twire by 6heriff E.S, Baisacher and captur ed Uet eveniDg, at bis brother's cab in, eix miles n rth of Vancouver. The sheriff got the drop on Burke wbila the fugitive's guns and am munition were laid aside. Despite the fact that he was looking down the vawbing muzzle of tb.8 offhere eix shooter, Burke utteied a curse and b lted for liberty. A ball was eei t ploughing through his left arm and another through his right Vthigh. Even in tnis unhappy plight he etruggled pitifully against catturev - '"- His final di?play of desperation was characterise ; of the man's ae meaoor tiace bit capture for forgery 'd his tubgequent escape from Had he got hold of a gun or t t-f i warned of the sheriff's ap crotch, there is little douiit but (bat a pitched battle would have ersued. i . . Sheriff B isacher learned several days ago that the fugitive's real name 13 P. O. Hamlin, instead of Burke, and that 'ha has a brother I living in the woods, six miles from I Vancouver. Jninking it probable that the man would make for his brother's home for shfclter and fooch the pberiff made bis way to the place yesterday af ernooi, accom- pnipu by deputy Ine two men bid in tbe wools until dark and then sdvancd cautiously to where a Jain! ciudia ngnt snowed tnrougn a window over which a ragged cur- tain was drawn. I Tiptoeing carefully to the window the sheriff could hear men talking. He listened with his ear close a-1 cainet the window and heard the I voice of the . fugitive describing graphically to his" brother bow he bad given the sheriff the blip, and fought, a deputy and takm bis weapons away from him, and had defied all tbe officers of the country he had passed through. 'Tbej aiti't goir g to take me a? loqg ae I tiave got a Caf Irldg Of & bit of fight left in me," came in braggadocio tones from behiud the drawn curtain. -. Justat this moment the sheriff (iiscovered that a pane of glass was out hp window. With a quick jrk lie toro ih curtain down and shov rl his 2m ibro'ngh the opening and brought it ia iiat with the escaped man's acn'.cay. , " j "Xho Upjouf, LanJt? or I'll kill you' he ordered. . 1 ; Burke's recpo'ne was a curse and a lap ior the ueartst duor. -The ebei iff 'shot .. twice. Balh brlls '.o.k tffect," bricging Burfe to iis kites. But the fellow was up agaiu in an instant. He s'aggeiel !to tthe door, and tried i to open "it. The d oor- would not y4e;d at first, and before he coul l get it open tbe sheriff had reached the place. As Burke tottered o ;tside ; the officer pusbed tbe gun utdsr hi3 rose and told him that it he" made another move be wouli be killed on the the spot. " ' . . 1 guess you've got me Li k;eps this time," Burke said. 1 . i He was handcuffed and taken, back, in the house, where: his wounds were examined. They were found to be painful, but in no way dangerous, and the officere then de termed to take the man to jail -as quickly as pofsible. They remem bered that he bad effected three re markable escapes and wished to take no chances with him. Tne drive of eix miles to Vancouver was made in less than an hour.. The wounded man was taken to St. Joseph's hopoital, wher,e bis wounds will be dressed before he is lodged in jail ' Pomona. California,- Sept. 20. "After a fast begun on Aug. 5 and lasting 45 days, during which he suffered agony that nearly drove him insane. Frank Richards, agsd fifty five, foil into a swoon to-aay - and died within an hour. . He was warned a few days ago that a longer continuance of .his fast would probably result in death, but he declared his faith that the Lord was with him and would not let him die in any eveni. About Auerust 1 Richards an ' tiounced that an angel of the Lord . had anneared to him and told him -that he could not have salvation " unless he pureed himself byab : Biflinini? from food for at least 67 At Kings .Valley i The supervisor has been" doiDg soma rcaa wort tne past week ; : . r . r " tea iu ail ttie Kires Va lev vardo Art Mill r haa completed t ia logging cootract up theLtickutnut' Mr. Castle of Dallas was inth Valley last week buying mutton isueen. v Pby Si'npaon haa moved his log ging crew about six mus up the Luciumme. Som- seeding ie being done but a good rain is badly needed to .start farming generally; A fthe' Neiheiham sale Satur day; the stock brought a fair price. leanings went at f is Wallace JFrantz and Wm. Dodl y and their families start for Newport on a camping outing- today, v Sim Kibby's borses ran ' away last Tuesday. The wagon was badly wrecked; and the harness. was aH.gone but the collar and ! names when he caught the horses. Tbe runnaway was caused by a bridlebit breaking. Sam got off with a few slight bruises. Uno. Henry Bruer Gured Another D: montration of Dr. rin's Skill. V D.r- . Mr. Henry Bruer, well known 1o many of our readers, and now an employee in the Reform Schotil, has been cured by Dr. D rrin of deafness and discharging ears of ten years' standing ',; Every day; the doctor performs marvelous cures in his office in Al bany, and many of his patients are men and women of .prominence, with nams well known throughout the state.' Judgee, lawyers, minis ters of the Gospel, prominent effi- ciais and others all bear witness as to his knowledge of nature's great but little understood force, electric ity.r Dr. Dirrin's .many remafka Ible cures fully demonstrate tbe fact that be, has mastered the secrets of electricity in tbe treatment of die ease, end that be' possesses an ex jct - ptional knowledge of the cura live properties of medicines. The fact that he has successfully treated a well-known resident of this section, will influence other ail ing persona hereabouts in tbe doc tor's fa yor, Stay ton Mail, , MRS. M.J. SLATE REJOICES - To the Editor: For years I have been a sufferer with stomach and heart trouble, poor chcalation, cold hands and feet, chills and hot flash es. Tnrougn uc uarrin s treat ment by electricity and medicines, the past three months, I am so far recoven d in health that I feel like my former eelf. Refer to me at Alsea, Or. - Mrs. M. J. Slate. MRS. DCRA IIADLEY'S CARD. To tbe Editor: For 24 years past I have had a constant discbarae ol mv tars. Al o s'omach and heart troubie and cocstipaiin. Dr. Dir rin has cured me, to I am fleshicrg upand now have a good color, much to my satitjacuon. Will answer ail qaesUons at Sodavi!l Or. , Mi;S Dora Hadley. PR DARRTS'S PLACE OF EC.SINES?. Dr. Darrin is located at tbe Re vere Hotel, Albany, until D-c. 1st, andwill give free pxaminations to all from 10 to 5 or 7 to 8 daily. The poor free exespt medicines, 10 to 1J daily, and those able to pay at the rate of 9b a week or in mat, propor tion of time the case may require. All curable chronic diseases ot men and women a specialty. ; : No case published except by permis sion of the patient. All business re lations with Dr. Darrin Btncuy con fidential. Electrical appliance fur nished. One visit is desirable, thouch many cases can be treated by borne treatment oy wnwug symptoms. These wishing to see l)r Darrin will da wen 10 uaji soon as. many require eecond treat mert. : For Duchess & Callahanl trousers, see Nolan Wanted. , Inquire at Times office. Wood. For tale. Several nice Poland China pigs, both sexes, eligible to record. . Inquire of Robert Wylie, Lewisburg, . five . miles north of Corvallis. . - - . - , To Sell or Let. - . ' . One hundred head of good ewes to sell or let on shares. Apply to . J. C. Walker, ..' ' 1 Fern P. O, Oregon. For Sale. New vetch seed. Also a fresh Jer- itey cow. James M. Herron. DYNAMITED A' BUGGY. ONE MAN KILLED . INSTANT LY AND ANOTHER BLOWN ' Ttf O HUNDRED FEIST. : Robbers Pat Dynamite in the Road "Satchel Containing $3,600 ' Missing Electric Battery . Is Used Other News. " Washington!' Sept 25. A ' mur der and robberv occurred this af ternoon on the Middletown road a bour 15 miles from ' here Samiie T. Ferguson, of tbe Ferguson Con structioo Company.' of Pittsbure was lnstntftlymiled and S; Martin of. Cincinnati, fatally injured." The Two men were driving" along1- the road in a buggy, carrying $3600 in cash with which ' to pay fome of their men emp'oyed on construe' tion woik along the line of the Wa bash road when" sudden! v an exnib- sion of dy namite in the roadwav lit erally tore the rig to. pieces, killing r erguson outngbt and threw : Mar tin 200 feet, tearing his left arm al most from the socket." It has been learned 'that two men supposed' to be e. placed the aynamite in tnroad for the'pur pose of killing F-rguson and ': had arranged to explode it bv mans of an electric - battery: The satchel containing the money is ; missing. Two suspects are under arrest. . Cynthiina, Ky., Sept. 25.--Cur-lis Jett was brought 'into court Uo- day,: when Judge Osborn decided that, be be. "hinged, between euarise and f onset, December Is, tor kill ing Jatiit OcksiK , Jjtets?nt Ky. July zl, - ..; ; ' When, Judge Osbeiiie: said, he would send the prisoner to another jail Jett pleaded earnestly not to be returned to Lexington. .- Judge;Blantn filpd papers giv ing his : grounds for a new trial, preparatory lo carrying the case to the court of appeals at Frankfort. . Pr.nama, Colombia, Sept, 20r Senator Obaldia today took over the functions of governor of Panama. The event was tbe occasion for great popular demonstrations by all parties. . ... - . His appointment apparently is part of a general plan the result of which will be the election of Gen, Rejs to the presidency and the ap proval of a canal treaty satisfactory to the United States. t - i - In reply to Dr. Florentine Goena ga, president of the high court , of justice, Governor Obaldia said: i I consider that the interests of the ' world urgently demand the construction of a canal, and they have a right to ask our co-operation. The concessions, the object iof which is to serve these interests, though they may imply a sacrifice of s overeignty, are not against the national dignity. We cannot deny cH- lization what it requires from u to continue its victorious rrn.oh." . . . ., : . , .. ' AH the speeches today, not qoly b? Isthmians but by the natives of tin- rest of tbe republic, demonstrat ed itiat all the inhabitants' of Pan am are in favor of the trea'ty. ' MBS. CECELIA STOWE, ' Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, i Si Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. ' ' For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles.- The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to pet well. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. Mr husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a. sick," Voman is a disconsolate place at best. - A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick- 3 ness and brinsrs health and happt- r, j ness again. Do not go on suifei j ing. Go to your drufrgist-today aim DGViuc a JJ uuiuc VL VV lilts of Cardui. ' ' For Sale. - Good resident lot ; close in at a . bar gain. Inquire at Times office. - 1 1 h DUST' f 0 DUST. Berry Ingram Passes ' Away at ;his Home After. Long Suffeirng.; . Sunday morning September 27th Berry Ingram succumbed to the inroads of an affliction which, se cured a firm hold upon his consti tution many months ago, and which baflled the best medical; skill. v While the physicians were not fully agreed as to the character of the ailment, ' it is generally understood that it ? was cancer of the stomach. ; ; ; Mr. Ingram owned and. resided on a farm located at iheI)usty-Mon roe wagon road crossing of Muddy creek, and there he reared a family 01 six children. He had lived there 22 years which was the . length of time he had been in Benton county At the time of his death ! Mr. Ing ram was 66 years of age He leaves a wife, three sons, Olive, .William and. Charity,5 all residents of. this valley; three daughters, Mrs. T. H. Wellsher of Corvallis, Mrs. Sylves ter Leach pt Hafrisburg and Miss H-thel, who is at home; one sister, three brothers, Wash, Loyd and Green, and mother, who; resides with the last named brother. Berry Ingram was a. man of excellent character. He was re served in manner, but cordial,- and was regarded as one of Benton county's best citizens. In this 6tate he has many relatives and friends who will learn of his death with unfeigned sorrow and regret. A Remarkable Record. -Cbambesiniii's cough remedy has a remarkable record, ; It has been in us3 for over thirty years during which timer many millions bottlts have been notS and used, i It ' has long been-the standard and main reliance u-the. irKtmet of croup n thousands of homes vet during all this time no case has ever' been reported 1 to the '" o. anufacture in which it failed to effect : a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pi easant tosake and many children- like it. It contains ' no opium er other harmful substance and may be giv en as confidently to a baby as to an dult. For sale by Graham & Wortham. To Students. Board by" week or month; wttir. rooms unfurnished or furnished; board' without room $2.50 per week or $12 per month with room. --- ; Good cooking and everything in good t38te. Inquire two doors north' of Bap tist church or at J, W. Inglers harness shop. . . M. G-lason, . Cotswold Bucks- A few yearliag bucks for sale at f5 each Spencer Bicknell. Notice fea Pruoe Growers. Have just received "Red Seal Lye" in 5 pound cans; 60 pounds -to , case. Most convenient and cheapest way -to buy for spraying and dipping. On sale at nodes' Grocery. W.'WHOLGATE Cabinet flaker ' AND .. Upholsterer. Lounges, Conches Desks,'. Folding Beds, Etc., made, to order. Particular attention given to special orders and re pairing. All work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street. CORVALLIS & EASTERN railroad: 7 Time Card Number 22. a - For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- m .' - Corvallis...,.-. 1:50 p. m arrives Yaquina. 5:35 p. m t Returning: - - , . ' leaves Yaquina 7:30 a. m c Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany , .... 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: - - . leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit. .12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: - - leaves Detroit... ...i:0o p. m Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m ' Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to Connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving lwo: or three hours in Albany before departure . of S P north bound train. 5 Train No -a-coaijects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to - Newport and adjacent beaches.. - Train for Detroit. Breitenbush "and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a.m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springe the same day. -.v ...-.: s,. For further information apply to 7 - Edwin Stonb, - . ' - Manager, H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. -, Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. : Swell Swa 1 srgjl Hart Schiffner Marx Hand Tailored Copyright 1W3 by Hart SchaJfME Koix Agents for Rallston Haalth i The st. 1 mm lR5cIiest9 Daiotlest Effects IS PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE . . . v . . . i eARBON If You are HaviDsr Trouble 'with. your Eyes Or if yon are haviua; trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called, traveling opticians without success, coma an l see me, get . a fit that's guaranteed andby one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. TlIK JeVELER AND OPTICIAN. L. G. ALTMAN, M. D Homeopathist Office cor 3rd pnd Monroe sts. Eeel dence cor 3rd and : Harrison sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 aad 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 -A. M. Phone residence 31 5. '. G. 11. FARE, A, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & VVells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence. 104. , All calls attended promptly. ' E. B. Brysoh, x Attomeii-JLb-Law POSTO FFTCE FUILDJKG For Sale,, . : ., . At a bargain; 200 feet oE picket fence. Apply to Mrs. Sarah E. Moore, corner Third. & Jackson. - r ' Good Lots for Sale Cheap. t Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I have -some good, well located lots, for sale cheap; . . , . N. B. Avery. W MId Suits Tor Young Men. . Sizes 32 to 38, . iucsc cuius aiB.iiiauts lur ine young men who like to be' wen aressea. iney are tne Lv finest handsomest clothes you will see this seasoD, ' Elegant line of suit for tbe sto-tman, the slim man, or any kind of man, $5-00 to $25.00 Priestly Gravenette Rain Goats, The most useful coat made, $15, 16.50, 1S,00: Shoep, and Gordon Hats. off the laurels it the HUG CONVENTION. ts are not mounted on beat Folders or. at- ounts, making a com- and artistic.- Sam-' b now on exhibition at . t SoatSi Maim St. 9 Corvallis, Ore. . Y Willamette Valley Banking Company, CUBVAIXIS OKEGOJf. Responsibility, $100,000 A General Bankini Easiness. Exchnticfe Issn.l payable at all flnan cUl ceotera In United States, Cacada nd Europe. - . Principal (Zorreepdtidents. PORTLAND tondon & San FrancIcoBnk Limited; Canadian Bank ot Commerct). SAN FRANCISCO London & San Franc is- W 1MU11 JU1UUIVU. I NEW YORK llessrs. J. P. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO First Ntloal Bonk. . LONDON", ENG. LondoB A S Francisco. Bank Limited. SEATTLE AND TACOMA Loaidoiil A San Francisco liank Limited. . . .' . E. E. WILSONr ATTORNEY AT BAW. ' NOTARY PUBLIC! Office in Zierolf Building, CorVill'S. Or. t z 1 ' days. ? , ' - ' . mm